blob: 58f7e1d74c10e02f499c11e4fbb48c3bb788dbad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:compiler/src/colors.dart' as colors;
import 'package:compiler/src/common.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/common_elements.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/elements/entities.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/world.dart';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:sourcemap_testing/src/annotated_code_helper.dart';
import '../memory_compiler.dart';
import '../equivalence/id_equivalence.dart';
/// `true` if ANSI colors are supported by stdout.
bool useColors = stdout.supportsAnsiEscapes;
/// Colorize a matching annotation [text], if ANSI colors are supported.
String colorizeMatch(String text) {
if (useColors) {
return '${}';
} else {
return text;
/// Colorize a single annotation [text], if ANSI colors are supported.
String colorizeSingle(String text) {
if (useColors) {
return '${}';
} else {
return text;
/// Colorize the actual annotation [text], if ANSI colors are supported.
String colorizeActual(String text) {
if (useColors) {
return '${}';
} else {
return text;
/// Colorize an expected annotation [text], if ANSI colors are supported.
String colorizeExpected(String text) {
if (useColors) {
return '${}';
} else {
return text;
/// Colorize delimiter [text], if ANSI colors are supported.
String colorizeDelimiter(String text) {
if (useColors) {
return '${colors.yellow(text)}';
} else {
return text;
/// Colorize diffs [expected] and [actual] and [delimiter], if ANSI colors are
/// supported.
String colorizeDiff(String expected, String delimiter, String actual) {
return '${colorizeExpected(expected)}'
/// Colorize annotation delimiters [start] and [end] surrounding [text], if
/// ANSI colors are supported.
String colorizeAnnotation(String start, String text, String end) {
return '${colorizeDelimiter(start)}$text${colorizeDelimiter(end)}';
/// Function that computes a data mapping for [member].
/// Fills [actualMap] with the data and [sourceSpanMap] with the source spans
/// for the data origin.
typedef void ComputeMemberDataFunction(
Compiler compiler, MemberEntity member, Map<Id, ActualData> actualMap,
{bool verbose});
/// Function that computes a data mapping for [cls].
/// Fills [actualMap] with the data and [sourceSpanMap] with the source spans
/// for the data origin.
typedef void ComputeClassDataFunction(
Compiler compiler, ClassEntity cls, Map<Id, ActualData> actualMap,
{bool verbose});
abstract class DataComputer {
void setup();
/// Function that computes a data mapping for [member].
/// Fills [actualMap] with the data and [sourceSpanMap] with the source spans
/// for the data origin.
void computeMemberData(
Compiler compiler, MemberEntity member, Map<Id, ActualData> actualMap,
{bool verbose});
/// Function that computes a data mapping for [cls].
/// Fills [actualMap] with the data and [sourceSpanMap] with the source spans
/// for the data origin.
void computeClassData(
Compiler compiler, ClassEntity cls, Map<Id, ActualData> actualMap,
{bool verbose});
const String stopAfterTypeInference = 'stopAfterTypeInference';
/// Reports [message] as an error using [spannable] as error location.
void reportError(
DiagnosticReporter reporter, Spannable spannable, String message) {
.reportErrorMessage(spannable, MessageKind.GENERIC, {'text': message});
/// Display name used for compilation using the new common frontend.
const String kernelName = 'kernel';
/// Display name used for strong mode compilation using the new common frontend.
const String strongName = 'strong mode';
/// Display name used for strong mode compilation without implicit checks using
/// the new common frontend.
const String trustName = 'strong mode without implicit checks';
/// Compute actual data for all members defined in the program with the
/// [entryPoint] and [memorySourceFiles].
/// Actual data is computed using [computeMemberData].
Future<CompiledData> computeData(
Uri entryPoint,
Map<String, String> memorySourceFiles,
ComputeMemberDataFunction computeMemberData,
{List<String> options: const <String>[],
bool verbose: false,
bool testFrontend: false,
bool forUserLibrariesOnly: true,
bool skipUnprocessedMembers: false,
bool skipFailedCompilations: false,
ComputeClassDataFunction computeClassData,
Iterable<Id> globalIds: const <Id>[]}) async {
CompilationResult result = await runCompiler(
entryPoint: entryPoint,
memorySourceFiles: memorySourceFiles,
options: options,
beforeRun: (compiler) {
compiler.stopAfterTypeInference =
if (!result.isSuccess) {
if (skipFailedCompilations) return null;
Expect.isTrue(result.isSuccess, "Unexpected compilation error.");
Compiler compiler = result.compiler;
ClosedWorld closedWorld = testFrontend
? compiler.resolutionWorldBuilder.closedWorldForTesting
: compiler.backendClosedWorldForTesting;
ElementEnvironment elementEnvironment = closedWorld.elementEnvironment;
CommonElements commonElements = closedWorld.commonElements;
Map<Uri, Map<Id, ActualData>> actualMaps = <Uri, Map<Id, ActualData>>{};
Map<Id, ActualData> globalData = <Id, ActualData>{};
Map<Id, ActualData> actualMapFor(Entity entity) {
SourceSpan span =
compiler.backendStrategy.spanFromSpannable(entity, entity);
Uri uri = span.uri;
return actualMaps.putIfAbsent(uri, () => <Id, ActualData>{});
void processMember(MemberEntity member, Map<Id, ActualData> actualMap) {
if (member.isAbstract) {
if (skipUnprocessedMembers &&
!closedWorld.processedMembers.contains(member)) {
if (member.enclosingClass != null) {
if (elementEnvironment.isEnumClass(member.enclosingClass)) {
if (member.isConstructor ||
member.isInstanceMember || == 'values') {
if (member.isConstructor &&
elementEnvironment.isMixinApplication(member.enclosingClass)) {
computeMemberData(compiler, member, actualMap, verbose: verbose);
void processClass(ClassEntity cls, Map<Id, ActualData> actualMap) {
if (skipUnprocessedMembers && !closedWorld.isImplemented(cls)) {
computeClassData(compiler, cls, actualMap, verbose: verbose);
bool excludeLibrary(LibraryEntity library) {
return forUserLibrariesOnly &&
(library.canonicalUri.scheme == 'dart' ||
library.canonicalUri.scheme == 'package');
if (computeClassData != null) {
for (LibraryEntity library in elementEnvironment.libraries) {
if (excludeLibrary(library)) continue;
elementEnvironment.forEachClass(library, (ClassEntity cls) {
processClass(cls, actualMapFor(cls));
for (MemberEntity member in closedWorld.processedMembers) {
if (excludeLibrary(member.library)) continue;
processMember(member, actualMapFor(member));
List<LibraryEntity> globalLibraries = <LibraryEntity>[
ClassEntity getGlobalClass(String className) {
ClassEntity cls;
for (LibraryEntity library in globalLibraries) {
cls ??= elementEnvironment.lookupClass(library, className);
"Global class '$className' not found in the global "
"libraries: ${ => l.canonicalUri).join(', ')}");
return cls;
MemberEntity getGlobalMember(String memberName) {
MemberEntity member;
for (LibraryEntity library in globalLibraries) {
member ??= elementEnvironment.lookupLibraryMember(library, memberName);
"Global member '$memberName' not found in the global "
"libraries: ${ => l.canonicalUri).join(', ')}");
return member;
for (Id id in globalIds) {
if (id is ElementId) {
MemberEntity member;
if (id.className != null) {
ClassEntity cls = getGlobalClass(id.className);
member = elementEnvironment.lookupClassMember(cls, id.memberName);
member ??= elementEnvironment.lookupConstructor(cls, id.memberName);
member, "Global member '$member' not found in class $cls.");
} else {
member = getGlobalMember(id.memberName);
processMember(member, globalData);
} else if (id is ClassId) {
if (computeClassData != null) {
ClassEntity cls = getGlobalClass(id.className);
processClass(cls, globalData);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedError("Unexpected global id: $id");
return new CompiledData(
compiler, elementEnvironment, entryPoint, actualMaps, globalData);
class CompiledData {
final Compiler compiler;
final ElementEnvironment elementEnvironment;
final Uri mainUri;
final Map<Uri, Map<Id, ActualData>> actualMaps;
final Map<Id, ActualData> globalData;
CompiledData(this.compiler, this.elementEnvironment, this.mainUri,
this.actualMaps, this.globalData);
Map<int, List<String>> computeAnnotations(Uri uri) {
Map<Id, ActualData> thisMap = actualMaps[uri];
Map<int, List<String>> annotations = <int, List<String>>{};
thisMap.forEach((Id id, ActualData data1) {
String value1 = '${data1.value}';
.putIfAbsent(data1.offset, () => [])
return annotations;
Map<int, List<String>> computeDiffAnnotationsAgainst(
Map<Id, ActualData> thisMap, Map<Id, ActualData> otherMap, Uri uri,
{bool includeMatches: false}) {
Map<int, List<String>> annotations = <int, List<String>>{};
thisMap.forEach((Id id, ActualData data1) {
ActualData data2 = otherMap[id];
String value1 = '${data1.value}';
if (data1.value != data2?.value) {
String value2 = '${data2?.value ?? '---'}';
.putIfAbsent(data1.offset, () => [])
.add(colorizeDiff(value1, ' | ', value2));
} else if (includeMatches) {
.putIfAbsent(data1.offset, () => [])
otherMap.forEach((Id id, ActualData data2) {
if (!thisMap.containsKey(id)) {
String value1 = '---';
String value2 = '${data2.value}';
.putIfAbsent(data2.offset, () => [])
.add(colorizeDiff(value1, ' | ', value2));
return annotations;
String withAnnotations(String sourceCode, Map<int, List<String>> annotations) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int end = 0;
for (int offset in annotations.keys.toList()..sort()) {
if (offset >= sourceCode.length) {
return sb.toString();
if (offset > end) {
sb.write(sourceCode.substring(end, offset));
for (String annotation in annotations[offset]) {
sb.write(colorizeAnnotation('/*', annotation, '*/'));
end = offset;
if (end < sourceCode.length) {
return sb.toString();
/// Data collected by [computeData].
class IdData {
final Map<Uri, AnnotatedCode> code;
final MemberAnnotations<IdValue> expectedMaps;
final CompiledData _compiledData;
final MemberAnnotations<ActualData> _actualMaps = new MemberAnnotations();
IdData(this.code, this.expectedMaps, this._compiledData) {
for (Uri uri in code.keys) {
_actualMaps[uri] = _compiledData.actualMaps[uri] ?? <Id, ActualData>{};
Compiler get compiler => _compiledData.compiler;
ElementEnvironment get elementEnvironment => _compiledData.elementEnvironment;
Uri get mainUri => _compiledData.mainUri;
MemberAnnotations<ActualData> get actualMaps => _actualMaps;
String actualCode(Uri uri) {
Map<int, List<String>> annotations = <int, List<String>>{};
actualMaps[uri].forEach((Id id, ActualData data) {
.putIfAbsent(data.sourceSpan.begin, () => [])
return withAnnotations(code[uri].sourceCode, annotations);
String diffCode(Uri uri) {
Map<int, List<String>> annotations = <int, List<String>>{};
actualMaps[uri].forEach((Id id, ActualData data) {
IdValue value = expectedMaps[uri][id];
if (data.value != value || value == null && data.value.value != '') {
String expected = value?.toString() ?? '';
int offset = getOffsetFromId(id, uri);
String value1 = '${expected}';
String value2 = '${data.value}';
.putIfAbsent(offset, () => [])
.add(colorizeDiff(value1, ' | ', value2));
expectedMaps[uri].forEach((Id id, IdValue expected) {
if (!actualMaps[uri].containsKey(id)) {
int offset = getOffsetFromId(id, uri);
String value1 = '${expected}';
String value2 = '---';
.putIfAbsent(offset, () => [])
.add(colorizeDiff(value1, ' | ', value2));
return withAnnotations(code[uri].sourceCode, annotations);
int getOffsetFromId(Id id, Uri uri) {
return compiler.reporter
.spanFromSpannable(computeSpannable(elementEnvironment, uri, id))
/// Encapsulates the member data computed for each source file of interest.
/// It's a glorified wrapper around a map of maps, but written this way to
/// provide a little more information about what it's doing. [DataType] refers
/// to the type this map is holding -- it is either [IdValue] or [ActualData].
class MemberAnnotations<DataType> {
/// For each Uri, we create a map associating an element id with its
/// corresponding annotations.
final Map<Uri, Map<Id, DataType>> _computedDataForEachFile =
new Map<Uri, Map<Id, DataType>>();
/// Member or class annotations that don't refer to any of the user files.
final Map<Id, DataType> globalData = <Id, DataType>{};
void operator []=(Uri file, Map<Id, DataType> computedData) {
_computedDataForEachFile[file] = computedData;
void forEach(void f(Uri file, Map<Id, DataType> computedData)) {
Map<Id, DataType> operator [](Uri file) {
if (!_computedDataForEachFile.containsKey(file)) {
_computedDataForEachFile[file] = <Id, DataType>{};
return _computedDataForEachFile[file];
typedef void Callback();
/// Check code for all test files int [data] using [computeFromAst] and
/// [computeFromKernel] from the respective front ends. If [skipForKernel]
/// contains the name of the test file it isn't tested for kernel.
/// [libDirectory] contains the directory for any supporting libraries that need
/// to be loaded. We expect supporting libraries to have the same prefix as the
/// original test in [dataDir]. So, for example, if testing `foo.dart` in
/// [dataDir], then this function will consider any files named `foo.*\.dart`,
/// such as `foo2.dart`, `foo_2.dart`, and `foo_blah_blah_blah.dart` in
/// [libDirectory] to be supporting library files for `foo.dart`.
/// [setUpFunction] is called once for every test that is executed.
/// If [forUserSourceFilesOnly] is true, we examine the elements in the main
/// file and any supporting libraries.
Future checkTests(
Directory dataDir, ComputeMemberDataFunction computeFromKernel,
{bool testStrongMode: true,
List<String> skipForKernel: const <String>[],
List<String> skipForStrong: const <String>[],
bool filterActualData(IdValue idValue, ActualData actualData),
List<String> options: const <String>[],
List<String> args: const <String>[],
Directory libDirectory: null,
bool testFrontend: false,
bool forUserLibrariesOnly: true,
Callback setUpFunction,
ComputeClassDataFunction computeClassDataFromKernel,
int shards: 1,
int shardIndex: 0,
bool testOmit: false}) async {
args = args.toList();
bool verbose = args.remove('-v');
bool shouldContinue = args.remove('-c');
bool testAfterFailures = args.remove('-a');
bool continued = false;
bool hasFailures = false;
var relativeDir = dataDir.uri.path.replaceAll(Uri.base.path, '');
print('Data dir: ${relativeDir}');
List<FileSystemEntity> entities = dataDir.listSync();
if (shards > 1) {
int start = entities.length * shardIndex ~/ shards;
int end = entities.length * (shardIndex + 1) ~/ shards;
entities = entities.sublist(start, end);
for (FileSystemEntity entity in entities) {
String name = entity.uri.pathSegments.last;
if (args.isNotEmpty && !args.contains(name) && !continued) continue;
if (shouldContinue) continued = true;
List<String> testOptions = options.toList();
bool strongModeOnlyTest = false;
bool trustTypeAnnotations = false;
if (name.endsWith('_ea.dart')) {
if (name.contains('_strong')) {
strongModeOnlyTest = true;
if (!testStrongMode) {
if (name.endsWith('_checked.dart')) {
if (name.contains('_trust')) {
trustTypeAnnotations = true;
print('Test file: ${entity.uri}');
// Pretend this is a dart2js_native test to allow use of 'native' keyword
// and import of private libraries.
String commonTestPath = 'sdk/tests/compiler';
Uri entryPoint =
String annotatedCode = await new File.fromUri(entity.uri).readAsString();
Map<Uri, AnnotatedCode> code = {
new AnnotatedCode.fromText(annotatedCode, commentStart, commentEnd)
Map<String, MemberAnnotations<IdValue>> expectedMaps = {
kernelMarker: new MemberAnnotations<IdValue>(),
strongMarker: new MemberAnnotations<IdValue>(),
omitMarker: new MemberAnnotations<IdValue>(),
computeExpectedMap(entryPoint, code[entryPoint], expectedMaps);
Map<String, String> memorySourceFiles = {
entryPoint.path: code[entryPoint].sourceCode
if (libDirectory != null) {
print('Supporting libraries:');
String filePrefix = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.'));
await for (FileSystemEntity libEntity in libDirectory.list()) {
String libFileName = libEntity.uri.pathSegments.last;
if (libFileName.startsWith(filePrefix)) {
print(' - libs/$libFileName');
Uri libFileUri =
String libCode = await new File.fromUri(libEntity.uri).readAsString();
AnnotatedCode annotatedLibCode =
new AnnotatedCode.fromText(libCode, commentStart, commentEnd);
memorySourceFiles[libFileUri.path] = annotatedLibCode.sourceCode;
code[libFileUri] = annotatedLibCode;
computeExpectedMap(libFileUri, annotatedLibCode, expectedMaps);
if (setUpFunction != null) setUpFunction();
if (skipForKernel.contains(name) ||
(testStrongMode && strongModeOnlyTest)) {
print('--skipped for kernel--------------------------------------------');
} else {
print('--from kernel---------------------------------------------------');
List<String> options = []..addAll(testOptions);
if (trustTypeAnnotations) {
MemberAnnotations<IdValue> annotations = expectedMaps[kernelMarker];
CompiledData compiledData2 = await computeData(
entryPoint, memorySourceFiles, computeFromKernel,
computeClassData: computeClassDataFromKernel,
options: options,
verbose: verbose,
testFrontend: testFrontend,
forUserLibrariesOnly: forUserLibrariesOnly,
globalIds: annotations.globalData.keys);
if (await checkCode(
kernelName, entity.uri, code, annotations, compiledData2,
filterActualData: filterActualData,
fatalErrors: !testAfterFailures)) {
hasFailures = true;
if (testStrongMode) {
if (skipForStrong.contains(name)) {
print('--skipped for kernel (strong mode)----------------------------');
} else {
print('--from kernel (strong mode)-----------------------------------');
List<String> options = [Flags.strongMode]..addAll(testOptions);
if (trustTypeAnnotations && !testOmit) {
MemberAnnotations<IdValue> annotations = expectedMaps[strongMarker];
CompiledData compiledData2 = await computeData(
entryPoint, memorySourceFiles, computeFromKernel,
computeClassData: computeClassDataFromKernel,
options: options,
verbose: verbose,
testFrontend: testFrontend,
forUserLibrariesOnly: forUserLibrariesOnly,
globalIds: annotations.globalData.keys);
if (await checkCode(
strongName, entity.uri, code, annotations, compiledData2,
filterActualData: filterActualData,
fatalErrors: !testAfterFailures)) {
hasFailures = true;
if (testOmit) {
if (skipForStrong.contains(name)) {
print('--skipped for kernel (strong mode, omit-implicit-checks)------');
} else {
print('--from kernel (strong mode, omit-implicit-checks)-------------');
List<String> options = [Flags.strongMode, Flags.omitImplicitChecks]
MemberAnnotations<IdValue> annotations = expectedMaps[omitMarker];
CompiledData compiledData2 = await computeData(
entryPoint, memorySourceFiles, computeFromKernel,
computeClassData: computeClassDataFromKernel,
options: options,
verbose: verbose,
testFrontend: testFrontend,
forUserLibrariesOnly: forUserLibrariesOnly,
globalIds: annotations.globalData.keys);
if (await checkCode(
trustName, entity.uri, code, annotations, compiledData2,
filterActualData: filterActualData,
fatalErrors: !testAfterFailures)) {
hasFailures = true;
Expect.isFalse(hasFailures, 'Errors found.');
final Set<String> userFiles = new Set<String>();
/// Checks [compiledData] against the expected data in [expectedMap] derived
/// from [code].
Future<bool> checkCode(
String mode,
Uri mainFileUri,
Map<Uri, AnnotatedCode> code,
MemberAnnotations<IdValue> expectedMaps,
CompiledData compiledData,
{bool filterActualData(IdValue expected, ActualData actualData),
bool fatalErrors: true}) async {
IdData data = new IdData(code, expectedMaps, compiledData);
bool hasFailure = false;
Set<Uri> neededDiffs = new Set<Uri>();
void checkActualMap(
Map<Id, ActualData> actualMap, Map<Id, IdValue> expectedMap,
[Uri uri]) {
bool hasLocalFailure = false;
actualMap.forEach((Id id, ActualData actualData) {
IdValue actual = actualData.value;
if (!expectedMap.containsKey(id)) {
if (actual.value != '') {
'EXTRA $mode DATA for ${id.descriptor} = '
'${colorizeActual('$actual')} for ${actualData.objectText}. '
'Data was expected for these ids: ${expectedMap.keys}');
if (filterActualData == null || filterActualData(null, actualData)) {
hasLocalFailure = true;
} else {
IdValue expected = expectedMap[id];
if (actual != expected) {
'UNEXPECTED $mode DATA for ${id.descriptor}: '
'Object: ${actualData.objectText}\n '
'expected: ${colorizeExpected('$expected')}\n '
'actual: ${colorizeActual('$actual')}');
if (filterActualData == null ||
filterActualData(expected, actualData)) {
hasLocalFailure = true;
if (hasLocalFailure) {
hasFailure = true;
if (uri != null) {
data.actualMaps.forEach((Uri uri, Map<Id, ActualData> actualMap) {
checkActualMap(actualMap, data.expectedMaps[uri], uri);
checkActualMap(data.actualMaps.globalData, data.expectedMaps.globalData);
Set<Id> missingIds = new Set<Id>();
void checkMissing(Map<Id, IdValue> expectedMap, Map<Id, ActualData> actualMap,
[Uri uri]) {
expectedMap.forEach((Id id, IdValue expected) {
if (!actualMap.containsKey(id)) {
String message = 'MISSING $mode DATA for ${id.descriptor}: '
'Expected ${'$expected')}';
if (uri != null) {
computeSpannable(data.elementEnvironment, uri, id), message);
} else {
if (missingIds.isNotEmpty && uri != null) {
data.expectedMaps.forEach((Uri uri, Map<Id, IdValue> expectedMap) {
checkMissing(expectedMap, data.actualMaps[uri], uri);
checkMissing(data.expectedMaps.globalData, data.actualMaps.globalData);
for (Uri uri in neededDiffs) {
print('--annotations diff [${uri.pathSegments.last}]-------------');
if (missingIds.isNotEmpty) {
print("MISSING ids: ${missingIds}.");
hasFailure = true;
if (hasFailure && fatalErrors) {'Errors found.');
return hasFailure;
/// Compute a [Spannable] from an [id] in the library [mainUri].
Spannable computeSpannable(
ElementEnvironment elementEnvironment, Uri mainUri, Id id) {
if (id is NodeId) {
return new SourceSpan(mainUri, id.value, id.value + 1);
} else if (id is ElementId) {
String memberName = id.memberName;
bool isSetter = false;
if (memberName != '[]=' && memberName != '==' && memberName.endsWith('=')) {
isSetter = true;
memberName = memberName.substring(0, memberName.length - 1);
LibraryEntity library = elementEnvironment.lookupLibrary(mainUri);
if (id.className != null) {
ClassEntity cls =
elementEnvironment.lookupClass(library, id.className, required: true);
if (cls == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("No class '${id.className}' in $mainUri.");
MemberEntity member = elementEnvironment
.lookupClassMember(cls, memberName, setter: isSetter);
if (member == null) {
ConstructorEntity constructor =
elementEnvironment.lookupConstructor(cls, memberName);
if (constructor == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("No class member '${memberName}' in $cls.");
return constructor;
return member;
} else {
MemberEntity member = elementEnvironment
.lookupLibraryMember(library, memberName, setter: isSetter);
if (member == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("No member '${memberName}' in $mainUri.");
return member;
} else if (id is ClassId) {
LibraryEntity library = elementEnvironment.lookupLibrary(mainUri);
ClassEntity cls =
elementEnvironment.lookupClass(library, id.className, required: true);
if (cls == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("No class '${id.className}' in $mainUri.");
return cls;
throw new UnsupportedError('Unsupported id $id.');
const String kernelMarker = 'kernel.';
const String strongMarker = 'strong.';
const String omitMarker = 'omit.';
/// Compute three [MemberAnnotations] objects from [code] specifying the
/// expected annotations we anticipate encountering; one corresponding to the
/// old implementation, one for the new implementation, and one for the new
/// implementation using strong mode.
/// If an annotation starts with 'ast.' it is only expected for the old
/// implementation, if it starts with 'kernel.' it is only expected for the
/// new implementation, and if it starts with 'strong.' it is only expected for
/// strong mode (using the common frontend). Otherwise it is expected for all
/// implementations.
/// Most nodes have the same and expectations should match this by using
/// annotations without prefixes.
void computeExpectedMap(Uri sourceUri, AnnotatedCode code,
Map<String, MemberAnnotations<IdValue>> maps) {
List<String> mapKeys = [kernelMarker, strongMarker, omitMarker];
Map<String, AnnotatedCode> split = splitByPrefixes(code, mapKeys);
split.forEach((String marker, AnnotatedCode code) {
MemberAnnotations<IdValue> fileAnnotations = maps[marker];
assert(fileAnnotations != null, "No annotations for $marker in $maps");
Map<Id, IdValue> expectedValues = fileAnnotations[sourceUri];
for (Annotation annotation in code.annotations) {
String text = annotation.text;
IdValue idValue = IdValue.decode(annotation.offset, text);
if ( {
"Duplicate annotations for ${} in $marker: "
"${idValue} and ${fileAnnotations.globalData[]}.");
fileAnnotations.globalData[] = idValue;
} else {
"Duplicate annotations for ${} in $marker: "
"${idValue} and ${expectedValues[]}.");
expectedValues[] = idValue;
/// Set of features used in annotations.
class Features {
Map<String, Object> _features = <String, Object>{};
void add(String key, {var value: ''}) {
_features[key] = value.toString();
void addElement(String key, [var value]) {
List<String> list = _features.putIfAbsent(key, () => <String>[]);
if (value != null) {
bool containsKey(String key) {
return _features.containsKey(key);
void operator []=(String key, String value) {
_features[key] = value;
String operator [](String key) => _features[key];
String remove(String key) => _features.remove(key);
/// Returns a string containing all features in a comma-separated list sorted
/// by feature names.
String getText() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
bool needsComma = false;
for (String name in _features.keys.toList()..sort()) {
dynamic value = _features[name];
if (value != null) {
if (needsComma) {
if (value is List<String>) {
value = '[${(value..sort()).join(',')}]';
if (value != '') {
needsComma = true;
return sb.toString();