blob: 8d109439c07128d04947778db3a64f2123b1929d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
window_open_test: Skip #
async_window_test: Skip #TODO(gram): investigating
event_test: Skip # Issue 1996
custom_elements_test: Skip # Not yet implemented.
interactive_test: Skip # Must be run manually.
[ $compiler == none && ($runtime == drt || $runtime == dartium) ]
# postMessage in dartium always transfers the typed array buffer, never a view
postmessage_structured_test/typed_arrays: Fail
async_test: Timeout #
dom_isolates_test: Timeout #
[ $compiler == none && $runtime == drt && $system == windows ]
worker_test/functional: Pass, Crash # Issue 9929.
[ $compiler == dart2js && ($runtime == ie9 || $runtime == ie10 || $runtime == safari || $runtime == ff || $runtime == chrome || $runtime == opera || $runtime == drt || $runtime == dartium)]
dom_isolates_test: Skip # Need to migrate to new spawnDomFunction.
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == ie10 ]
indexeddb_3_test: Pass, Timeout, Slow # Issue:
indexeddb_4_test: Pass, Timeout, Slow # Issue:
async_test: Pass, Fail # timers test fails on ie10.
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == safari ]
url_test: Fail # Issue 10096
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == drt && $checked ]
postmessage_structured_test/typed_arrays: Fail # Issue 10097
postmessage_structured_test/primitives: Fail # Issue 10097
# Layout tests are only supported on DRT.
[ $runtime == ie9 || $runtime == ie10 || $runtime == safari || $runtime == ff || $runtime == chrome || $runtime == opera ]
*layout_test: Skip
[ $runtime == chrome ]
touchevent_test/supported: Fail
[ $runtime == chrome && ($system == windows || $system == macos)]
audiocontext_test: Skip # Issue 9566
[$runtime == drt || $runtime == dartium || $runtime == chrome]
webgl_1_test: Pass, Fail # Issue 8219
[ $runtime == drt ]
audiocontext_test: Skip # Issue 9322
[ $compiler == none && ($runtime == drt || $runtime == dartium) ]
request_animation_frame_test: Skip # drt hangs; requestAnimationFrame not implemented
[ $compiler == none && ($runtime == drt || $runtime == dartium) && $system == windows]
websql_test: Skip # Issue 4941: stderr contains a backtrace.
[ $compiler == none && ($runtime == drt || $runtime == dartium) && $mode == debug]
websql_test: Fail, Pass # Issue 4941: stderr contains a backtrace.
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == drt && $system == macos]
audiobuffersourcenode_test: Pass, Fail
[$runtime == ie10 ]
dromaeo_smoke_test: Skip #TODO(efortuna): investigating.
element_test/click: Fail # IE does not support firing this event.
history_test/history: Pass, Fail # issue 8183
indexeddb_1_test/functional: Pass, Timeout #
isolates_test: Skip
microtask_test: Fail, Pass # Appears to be flaky
native_gc_test: Fail, Pass # BUG(7774): Untriaged.
serialized_script_value_test: Fail
storage_test: Fail, Pass
transferables_test: Fail # Issue 9846
websocket_test/websocket: Fail # TODO(efortuna): Issue 7875.
window_open_test: Skip
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element: Fail # IE does not support drawImage w/ video element
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element_dataUrl: Fail # IE does not support drawImage w/ video element
worker_test/functional: Fail # IE uses incorrect security context for Blob URIs.
# IE10 Feature support statuses-
# All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
audiobuffersourcenode_test/supported: Fail
audiocontext_test/supported: Fail
crypto_test/supported: Fail
css_test/supportsPointConversions: Fail
document_test/supports_cssCanvasContext: Fail
element_types_test/supported_content: Fail
element_types_test/supported_details: Fail
element_types_test/supported_keygen: Fail
element_types_test/supported_meter: Fail
element_types_test/supported_output: Fail
element_types_test/supported_shadow: Fail
fileapi_test/supported: Fail
history_test/supported_HashChangeEvent: Fail
indexeddb_1_test/supportsDatabaseNames: Fail
input_element_test/supported_date: Fail
input_element_test/supported_datetime-local: Fail
input_element_test/supported_month: Fail
input_element_test/supported_time: Fail
input_element_test/supported_week: Fail
media_stream_test/supported_MediaStreamEvent: Fail
media_stream_test/supported_MediaStreamTrackEvent: Fail
media_stream_test/supported_media: Fail
mutationobserver_test/supported: Fail
notifications_test/supported: Fail
rtc_test/supported: Fail
shadow_dom_test/supported: Fail
speechrecognition_test/supported: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_altGlyph: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_animate: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_animateMotion: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_animateTransform: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_foreignObject: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_set: Fail
touchevent_test/supported: Fail
webgl_1_test/supported: Fail
websql_test/supported: Fail
xhr_test/supported_HttpRequestProgressEvent: Fail
xsltprocessor_test/supported: Fail
[ $runtime == ie9 ]
blob_constructor_test: Fail
document_test/document: Pass, Fail # BUG(9654) need per-instance patching
dom_constructors_test: Fail
dromaeo_smoke_test: Skip #TODO(efortuna): investigating.
element_test/click: Fail # IE does not support firing this event.
element_test/matches: Fail # IE9 does not support matches
form_element_test: Fail # Issue 4793.
isolates_test: Skip # BUG(4016)
localstorage_test: Fail
microtask_test: Pass, Fail #
postmessage_structured_test: Skip # BUG(5685): times out.
serialized_script_value_test: Fail
url_test: Fail # IE9 does not support createObjectURL (it is supported in IE10)
window_open_test: Skip # BUG(4016)
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element: Fail # IE does not support drawImage w/ video element
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element_dataUrl: Fail # IE does not support drawImage w/ video element
input_element_test/attributes: Fail # IE returns null while others ''
# IE9 Feature support statuses-
# All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
audiobuffersourcenode_test/supported: Fail
audiocontext_test/supported: Fail
cache_test/supported: Fail
crypto_test/supported: Fail
css_test/supportsPointConversions: Fail
document_test/supports_cssCanvasContext: Fail
element_types_test/supported_content: Fail
element_types_test/supported_datalist: Fail
element_types_test/supported_details: Fail
element_types_test/supported_keygen: Fail
element_types_test/supported_meter: Fail
element_types_test/supported_output: Fail
element_types_test/supported_progress: Fail
element_types_test/supported_shadow: Fail
element_types_test/supported_track: Fail
fileapi_test/supported: Fail
form_data_test/supported: Fail
history_test/supported_HashChangeEvent: Fail
history_test/supported_state: Fail
indexeddb_1_test/supported: Fail
indexeddb_1_test/supportsDatabaseNames: Fail
input_element_test/supported_date: Fail
input_element_test/supported_datetime-local: Fail
input_element_test/supported_email: Fail
input_element_test/supported_month: Fail
input_element_test/supported_number: Fail
input_element_test/supported_range: Fail
input_element_test/supported_search: Fail
input_element_test/supported_tel: Fail
input_element_test/supported_time: Fail
input_element_test/supported_url: Fail
input_element_test/supported_week: Fail
media_stream_test/supported_MediaStreamEvent: Fail
media_stream_test/supported_MediaStreamTrackEvent: Fail
media_stream_test/supported_media: Fail
mutationobserver_test/supported: Fail
notifications_test/supported: Fail
range_test/supported: Fail
rtc_test/supported: Fail
shadow_dom_test/supported: Fail
speechrecognition_test/supported: Fail
svg_test/supported_externalResourcesRequired: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_altGlyph: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_animate: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_animateMotion: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_animateTransform: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feBlend: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feColorMatrix: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feComponentTransfer: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feConvolveMatrix: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feDiffuseLighting: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feDisplacementMap: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feDistantLight: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feFlood: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feFuncA: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feFuncB: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feFuncG: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feFuncR: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feGaussianBlur: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feImage: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feMerge: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feMergeNode: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feOffset: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_fePointLight: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feSpecularLighting: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feSpotLight: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feTile: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_feTurbulence: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_filter: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_foreignObject: Fail
svgelement_test/supported_set: Fail
touchevent_test/supported: Fail
transition_event_test/supported: Fail
typed_arrays_1_test/supported: Fail
webgl_1_test/supported: Fail
websocket_test/supported: Fail
websql_test/supported: Fail
worker_test/supported: Fail
xhr_cross_origin_test/supported: Fail
xhr_test/supported_HttpRequestProgressEvent: Fail
xhr_test/supported_onLoadEnd: Fail
xhr_test/supported_onProgress: Fail
xsltprocessor_test/supported: Fail
[ $runtime == safari ]
datalistelement_test: Fail # Issue: 7414
element_test/elements: Crash, Fail # Issue: 7414
element_types_test/supported_track: Pass, Fail
input_element_test/supported_month: Fail, Crash
input_element_test/supported_time: Fail, Crash
input_element_test/supported_week: Fail, Crash
webgl_1_test: Pass, Fail # Issue 8219
wheelevent_test: Fail # Issue: 7414
xhr_test/xhr_requestBlob: Fail # Issue: 9178 Safari doesn't support Blob responses.
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element: Fail # Safari does not support drawImage w/ video element
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element_dataUrl: Fail # Safari does not support drawImage w/ video element
# Safari Feature support statuses-
# All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
element_types_test/supported_content: Fail
element_types_test/supported_datalist: Fail
element_types_test/supported_shadow: Fail
fileapi_test/supported: Fail
indexeddb_1_test/supported: Fail
indexeddb_1_test/supportsDatabaseNames: Fail
input_element_test/supported_date: Fail
input_element_test/supported_datetime-local: Fail
media_stream_test/supported_MediaStreamEvent: Fail
media_stream_test/supported_MediaStreamTrackEvent: Fail
media_stream_test/supported_media: Fail
notifications_test/supported: Fail
performance_api_test/supported: Fail
rtc_test/supported: Fail
shadow_dom_test/supported: Fail
speechrecognition_test/supported: Fail
touchevent_test/supported: Fail
[ $runtime == opera ]
blob_constructor_test: Fail
canvas_test: Fail
canvas_test: Pass,Fail
canvas_using_html_test: Fail
cssstyledeclaration_test: Fail
document_test/document: Fail # Issue: 7413
element_add_test: Fail
element_constructor_1_test: Fail
element_test/children: Fail # Issue: 7413
element_test/constructors: Fail
element_test/elements: Fail
element_test/eventListening: Crash
element_test/eventListening: Fail # Issue: 7413
element_test/queryAll: Fail
element_webkit_test: Fail
fileapi_test: Skip # Timeout.
form_data_test: Fail # Issue: 7413
htmlelement_test: Fail
isolates_test: Skip # Timeout.
js_interop_3_test: Skip # Timeout.
js_interop_4_test: Skip # Timeout.
keyboard_event_test: Fail # Issue: 7413
serialized_script_value_test: Fail
typed_arrays_arraybuffer_test: Fail
url_test: Fail
# Opera Feature support statuses-
# All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
audiobuffersourcenode_test/supported: Fail
audiocontext_test/supported: Fail
crypto_test/supported: Fail
css_test/supportsPointConversions: Fail
document_test/supports_cssCanvasContext: Fail
indexeddb_1_test/supported: Fail
indexeddb_1_test/supportsDatabaseNames: Fail
mutationobserver_test/supported: Fail
notifications_test/supported: Fail
performance_api_test/supported: Fail
speechrecognition_test/supported: Fail
svg_test/supported_externalResourcesRequired: Fail
svg_test/supported_langSpace: Fail
websql_test/supported: Fail
[ $runtime == ff ]
dart_object_local_storage_test: Skip # sessionStorage NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR
dromaeo_smoke_test: Pass, Fail # Issue: 8257
webgl_1_test: Pass, Fail # Issue 8219
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element_dataUrl: Fail # Firefox does not like dataUrl videos for drawImage
# FireFox Feature support statuses-
# All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
audiobuffersourcenode_test/supported: Fail
audiocontext_test/supported: Fail
crypto_test/supported: Fail
css_test/supportsPointConversions: Fail
document_test/supports_cssCanvasContext: Fail
element_types_test/supported_content: Fail
element_types_test/supported_details: Fail
element_types_test/supported_embed: Fail
element_types_test/supported_keygen: Fail
element_types_test/supported_object: Fail
element_types_test/supported_shadow: Fail
element_types_test/supported_track: Fail
fileapi_test/supported: Fail
indexeddb_1_test/supportsDatabaseNames: Fail
input_element_test/supported_date: Fail
input_element_test/supported_datetime-local: Fail
input_element_test/supported_month: Fail
input_element_test/supported_number: Fail
input_element_test/supported_range: Fail
input_element_test/supported_time: Fail
input_element_test/supported_week: Fail
media_stream_test/supported_MediaStreamEvent: Fail
media_stream_test/supported_MediaStreamTrackEvent: Fail
notifications_test/supported: Fail
rtc_test/supported: Fail # Release build does not enable by default.
shadow_dom_test/supported: Fail
speechrecognition_test/supported: Fail
svg_test/supported_externalResourcesRequired: Fail
svg_test/supported_langSpace: Fail
touchevent_test/supported: Fail
websql_test/supported: Fail
xhr_test/supported_HttpRequestProgressEvent: Fail
[ $runtime == ie9 && ($system == linux || $system == macos) ]
*: Skip
[ $runtime == safari && ($system == linux || $system == windows) ]
*: Skip
# 'html' tests import the HTML library, so they only make sense in
# a browser environment.
[ $runtime == vm ]
*: Skip
[ $compiler == dart2js && ($runtime == drt || $runtime == ff) ]
request_animation_frame_test: Skip # Async test hangs.
[ $compiler == dart2js && ($runtime == drt || $runtime == chrome || $runtime == ff || $runtime == safari) ]
isolates_test: Skip # Timeout because leg does not support web workers.
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == drt && $unchecked ]
#indexeddb_5_test/functional: Fail, Pass #
[ $compiler == dart2js && $csp && ($runtime == drt || $runtime == safari || $runtime == ff || $runtime == chrome) ]
js_interop_1_test: Skip # Test cannot run under CSP restrictions (times out).
js_interop_2_test: Fail, OK # Test cannot run under CSP restrictions.
js_interop_3_test: Skip # Test cannot run under CSP restrictions (times out).
postmessage_structured_test: Skip # Test cannot run under CSP restrictions (times out).
safe_dom_test: Skip # Test cannot run under CSP restrictions (times out).
shadow_dom_layout_test: Fail, OK # Test cannot run under CSP restrictions.