blob: 69e09befb49926d751f423d30fe01757d78a9685 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Classes and methods for enumerating and preparing tests.
/// This library includes:
/// - Creating tests by listing all the Dart files in certain directories,
/// and creating [TestCase]s for those files that meet the relevant criteria.
/// - Preparing tests, including copying files and frameworks to temporary
/// directories, and computing the command line and arguments to be run.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
import "package:status_file/expectation.dart";
import 'browser.dart';
import 'command.dart';
import 'configuration.dart';
import 'expectation_set.dart';
import 'multitest.dart';
import 'path.dart';
import 'repository.dart';
import 'summary_report.dart';
import 'test_case.dart';
import 'test_configurations.dart';
import 'testing_servers.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
RegExp _multiHtmlTestGroupRegExp = RegExp(r"\s*[^/]\s*group\('[^,']*");
RegExp _multiHtmlTestRegExp = RegExp(r"useHtmlIndividualConfiguration\(\)");
/// Require at least one non-space character before '//[/#]'.
RegExp _multiTestRegExp = RegExp(r"\S *//[#/] \w+:(.*)");
typedef TestCaseEvent = void Function(TestCase testCase);
/// A simple function that tests [arg] and returns `true` or `false`.
typedef Predicate<T> = bool Function(T arg);
typedef CreateTest = void Function(Path filePath, Path originTestPath,
{bool hasSyntaxError,
bool hasCompileError,
bool hasRuntimeError,
bool hasStaticWarning,
String multitestKey});
typedef VoidFunction = void Function();
/// Calls [function] asynchronously. Returns a future that completes with the
/// result of the function. If the function is `null`, returns a future that
/// completes immediately with `null`.
Future asynchronously<T>(T function()) {
if (function == null) return Future<T>.value(null);
var completer = Completer<T>(); => completer.complete(function()));
return completer.future;
/// A completer that waits until all added [Future]s complete.
// TODO(rnystrom): Copied from web_components. Remove from here when it gets
// added to dart:core. (See #6626.)
class FutureGroup {
static const _finished = -1;
int _pending = 0;
Completer<List> _completer = Completer();
final List<Future> futures = [];
bool wasCompleted = false;
/// Wait for [task] to complete (assuming this barrier has not already been
/// marked as completed, otherwise you'll get an exception indicating that a
/// future has already been completed).
void add(Future task) {
if (_pending == _finished) {
throw Exception("FutureFutureAlreadyCompleteException");
var handledTaskFuture = task.catchError((e, StackTrace s) {
if (!wasCompleted) {
_completer.completeError(e, s);
wasCompleted = true;
}).then((_) {
if (_pending == 0) {
_pending = _finished;
if (!wasCompleted) {
wasCompleted = true;
Future<List> get future => _completer.future;
/// A TestSuite represents a collection of tests. It creates a [TestCase]
/// object for each test to be run, and passes the test cases to a callback.
/// Most TestSuites represent a directory or directory tree containing tests,
/// and a status file containing the expected results when these tests are run.
abstract class TestSuite {
final TestConfiguration configuration;
final String suiteName;
final List<String> statusFilePaths;
/// This function is set by subclasses before enqueueing starts.
Function doTest;
Map<String, String> _environmentOverrides;
TestSuite(this.configuration, this.suiteName, this.statusFilePaths) {
_environmentOverrides = {
'DART_CONFIGURATION': configuration.configurationDirectory,
if (Platform.isWindows) {
_environmentOverrides['DART_SUPPRESS_WER'] = '1';
if (configuration.copyCoreDumps) {
_environmentOverrides['DART_CRASHPAD_HANDLER'] =
Path(buildDir + '/crashpad_handler.exe').absolute.toNativePath();
Map<String, String> get environmentOverrides => _environmentOverrides;
/// The output directory for this suite's configuration.
String get buildDir => configuration.buildDirectory;
/// The path to the compiler for this suite's configuration. Returns `null` if
/// no compiler should be used.
String get compilerPath {
var compilerConfiguration = configuration.compilerConfiguration;
if (!compilerConfiguration.hasCompiler) return null;
var name = compilerConfiguration.computeCompilerPath();
// TODO(ahe): Only validate this once, in test_options.dart.
TestUtils.ensureExists(name, configuration);
return name;
/// Call the callback function onTest with a [TestCase] argument for each
/// test in the suite. When all tests have been processed, call [onDone].
/// The [testCache] argument provides a persistent store that can be used to
/// cache information about the test suite, so that directories do not need
/// to be listed each time.
Future forEachTest(
TestCaseEvent onTest, Map<String, List<TestInformation>> testCache,
[VoidFunction onDone]);
/// This function will be called for every TestCase of this test suite.
/// It will:
/// - handle sharding
/// - update SummaryReport
/// - handle SKIP/SKIP_BY_DESIGN markers
/// - test if the selector matches
/// and will enqueue the test (if necessary).
void enqueueNewTestCase(
String testName, List<Command> commands, Set<Expectation> expectations,
[TestInformation info]) {
var displayName = '$suiteName/$testName';
// If the test is not going to be run at all, then a RuntimeError,
// MissingRuntimeError or Timeout will never occur.
// Instead, treat that as Pass.
if (configuration.runtime == Runtime.none) {
expectations = expectations.toSet();
if (expectations.isEmpty) expectations.add(Expectation.pass);
var negative = info != null ? isNegative(info) : false;
var testCase = TestCase(displayName, commands, configuration, expectations,
info: info);
if (negative &&
configuration.runtimeConfiguration.shouldSkipNegativeTests) {
// Handle sharding based on the original test path (i.e. all multitests
// of a given original test belong to the same shard)
if (configuration.shardCount > 1 &&
testCase.hash % configuration.shardCount != configuration.shard - 1) {
// Test if the selector includes this test.
var pattern = configuration.selectors[suiteName];
if (!pattern.hasMatch(displayName)) {
if (configuration.testList != null &&
!configuration.testList.contains(displayName)) {
if (configuration.hotReload || configuration.hotReloadRollback) {
// Handle reload special cases.
if (expectations.contains(Expectation.compileTimeError) ||
testCase.hasCompileError) {
// Running a test that expects a compilation error with hot reloading
// is redundant with a regular run of the test.
// Update Summary report
if (configuration.printReport) {
// Handle skipped tests
if (expectations.contains(Expectation.skip) ||
expectations.contains(Expectation.skipByDesign) ||
expectations.contains(Expectation.skipSlow)) {
if (configuration.fastTestsOnly &&
(expectations.contains(Expectation.slow) ||
expectations.contains(Expectation.skipSlow) ||
expectations.contains(Expectation.timeout) ||
expectations.contains(Expectation.dartkTimeout))) {
bool isNegative(TestInformation info) =>
info.hasCompileError ||
info.hasRuntimeError && configuration.runtime != Runtime.none;
String createGeneratedTestDirectoryHelper(
String name, String dirname, Path testPath) {
Path relative = testPath.relativeTo(Repository.dir);
relative = relative.directoryPath.append(relative.filenameWithoutExtension);
String testUniqueName = TestUtils.getShortName(relative.toString());
Path generatedTestPath = Path(buildDir)
TestUtils.mkdirRecursive(Path('.'), generatedTestPath);
return File(generatedTestPath.toNativePath())
.replaceAll('\\', '/');
String buildTestCaseDisplayName(Path suiteDir, Path originTestPath,
{String multitestName = ""}) {
Path testNamePath = originTestPath.relativeTo(suiteDir);
var directory = testNamePath.directoryPath;
var filenameWithoutExt = testNamePath.filenameWithoutExtension;
String concat(String base, String part) {
if (base == "") return part;
if (part == "") return base;
return "$base/$part";
var testName = "$directory";
testName = concat(testName, "$filenameWithoutExt");
testName = concat(testName, multitestName);
return testName;
/// Create a directories for generated assets (tests, html files,
/// pubspec checkouts ...).
String createOutputDirectory(Path testPath) {
var checked = configuration.isChecked ? '-checked' : '';
var legacy = configuration.noPreviewDart2 ? '-legacy' : '';
var minified = configuration.isMinified ? '-minified' : '';
var sdk = configuration.useSdk ? '-sdk' : '';
var dirName = "${}-${}"
return createGeneratedTestDirectoryHelper("tests", dirName, testPath);
String createCompilationOutputDirectory(Path testPath) {
var checked = configuration.isChecked ? '-checked' : '';
var legacy = configuration.noPreviewDart2 ? '-legacy' : '';
var minified = configuration.isMinified ? '-minified' : '';
var csp = configuration.isCsp ? '-csp' : '';
var sdk = configuration.useSdk ? '-sdk' : '';
var dirName = "${}"
return createGeneratedTestDirectoryHelper(
"compilations", dirName, testPath);
String createPubspecCheckoutDirectory(Path directoryOfPubspecYaml) {
var sdk = configuration.useSdk ? 'sdk' : '';
return createGeneratedTestDirectoryHelper(
"pubspec_checkouts", sdk, directoryOfPubspecYaml);
String createPubPackageBuildsDirectory(Path directoryOfPubspecYaml) {
return createGeneratedTestDirectoryHelper(
"pub_package_builds", 'public_packages', directoryOfPubspecYaml);
/// A specialized [TestSuite] that runs tests written in C to unit test
/// the Dart virtual machine and its API.
/// The tests are compiled into a monolithic executable by the build step.
/// The executable lists its tests when run with the --list command line flag.
/// Individual tests are run by specifying them on the command line.
class VMTestSuite extends TestSuite {
String targetRunnerPath;
String hostRunnerPath;
final String dartDir;
VMTestSuite(TestConfiguration configuration)
: dartDir = Repository.dir.toNativePath(),
super(configuration, "vm", ["runtime/tests/vm/vm.status"]) {
var binarySuffix = Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows' ? '.exe' : '';
// For running the tests we use the given '$runnerName' binary
targetRunnerPath = '$buildDir/run_vm_tests$binarySuffix';
// For listing the tests we use the '$' binary if it exists
// and use '$runnerName' if it doesn't.
var hostBinary = '$$binarySuffix';
if (File(hostBinary).existsSync()) {
hostRunnerPath = hostBinary;
} else {
hostRunnerPath = targetRunnerPath;
Future<Null> forEachTest(Function onTest, Map testCache,
[VoidFunction onDone]) async {
doTest = onTest;
var statusFiles = => "$dartDir/$statusFile").toList();
var expectations =, configuration);
try {
for (VMUnitTest test in await _listTests(hostRunnerPath)) {
_addTest(expectations, test);
doTest = null;
if (onDone != null) onDone();
} catch (error, s) {
print("Fatal error occured: $error");
void _addTest(ExpectationSet testExpectations, VMUnitTest test) {
final fullName = 'cc/${}';
var expectations = testExpectations.expectations(fullName);
// Get the expectation from the cc/ test itself.
final Expectation testExpectation = Expectation.find(test.expectation);
// Update the legacy status-file based expectations to include
// [testExpectation].
if (testExpectation != Expectation.pass) {
expectations = Set<Expectation>.from(expectations)..add(testExpectation);
expectations.removeWhere((e) => e == Expectation.pass);
// Update the new workflow based expectations to include [testExpectation].
final Path filePath = null;
final Path originTestPath = null;
final hasSyntaxError = false;
final hasStaticWarning = false;
final hasCompileTimeError = testExpectation == Expectation.compileTimeError;
final hasRuntimeError = testExpectation == Expectation.runtimeError;
final hasCrash = testExpectation == Expectation.crash;
final optionsFromFile = const <String, dynamic>{};
final testInfo = TestInformation(filePath, originTestPath, optionsFromFile,
hasSyntaxError, hasCompileTimeError, hasRuntimeError, hasStaticWarning,
hasCrash: hasCrash);
var args = configuration.standardOptions.toList();
if (configuration.compilerConfiguration.previewDart2) {
final filename = configuration.architecture == Architecture.x64
? '$buildDir/gen/kernel-service.dart.snapshot'
: '$buildDir/gen/kernel_service.dill';
final dfePath = Path(filename).absolute.toNativePath();
// '--dfe' has to be the first argument for run_vm_test to pick it up.
args.insert(0, '--dfe=$dfePath');
if (expectations.contains(Expectation.crash)) {
args.insert(0, '--suppress-core-dump');
final command = Command.process(
'run_vm_unittest', targetRunnerPath, args, environmentOverrides);
enqueueNewTestCase(fullName, [command], expectations, testInfo);
Future<Iterable<VMUnitTest>> _listTests(String runnerPath) async {
var result = await, ["--list"]);
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
throw "Failed to list tests: '$runnerPath --list'. "
"Process exited with ${result.exitCode}";
return (result.stdout as String)
.map((line) => line.trim())
.where((name) => name.isNotEmpty)
.map((String line) {
final parts = line.split(' ');
return VMUnitTest(parts[0].trim(), parts.skip(1).single);
class VMUnitTest {
final String name;
final String expectation;
VMUnitTest(, this.expectation);
class TestInformation {
Path filePath;
Path originTestPath;
Map<String, dynamic> optionsFromFile;
bool hasSyntaxError;
bool hasCompileError;
bool hasRuntimeError;
bool hasStaticWarning;
bool hasCrash;
String multitestKey;
{this.multitestKey = '',
this.hasCrash = false}) {
/// A standard [TestSuite] implementation that searches for tests in a
/// directory, and creates [TestCase]s that compile and/or run them.
class StandardTestSuite extends TestSuite {
final Path suiteDir;
ExpectationSet testExpectations;
List<TestInformation> cachedTests;
final Path dartDir;
final bool listRecursively;
final List<String> extraVmOptions;
List<Uri> _dart2JsBootstrapDependencies;
Set<String> _testListPossibleFilenames;
RegExp _selectorFilenameRegExp;
StandardTestSuite(TestConfiguration configuration, String suiteName,
Path suiteDirectory, List<String> statusFilePaths,
{bool recursive = false})
: dartDir = Repository.dir,
listRecursively = recursive,
suiteDir = Repository.dir.join(suiteDirectory),
extraVmOptions = configuration.vmOptions,
super(configuration, suiteName, statusFilePaths) {
// Initialize _dart2JsBootstrapDependencies.
if (!configuration.useSdk) {
_dart2JsBootstrapDependencies = [];
} else {
_dart2JsBootstrapDependencies = [
// Initialize _testListPossibleFilenames.
if (configuration.testList != null) {
_testListPossibleFilenames = <String>{};
for (String s in configuration.testList) {
if (s.startsWith("$suiteName/")) {
s = s.substring(s.indexOf('/') + 1);
// If the test is a multitest, the filename doesn't include the label.
// Also if it has multiple VMOptions. If both, remove two labels.
for (var i in [1, 2]) {
// Twice
if (s.lastIndexOf('/') != -1) {
s = s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf('/'));
// Initialize _selectorFilenameRegExp.
var pattern = configuration.selectors[suiteName].pattern;
if (pattern.contains("/")) {
var lastPart = pattern.substring(pattern.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
// If the selector is a multitest name ending in a number or 'none'
// we also accept test file names that don't contain that last part.
if (int.tryParse(lastPart) != null || lastPart == "none") {
pattern = pattern.substring(0, pattern.lastIndexOf("/"));
_selectorFilenameRegExp = RegExp(pattern);
/// Creates a test suite whose file organization matches an expected structure.
/// To use this, your suite should look like:
/// dart/
/// path/
/// to/
/// mytestsuite/
/// mytestsuite.status
/// example1_test.dart
/// example2_test.dart
/// example3_test.dart
/// The important parts:
/// * The leaf directory name is the name of your test suite.
/// * The status file uses the same name.
/// * Test files are directly in that directory and end in "_test.dart".
/// If you follow that convention, then you can construct one of these like:
/// new StandardTestSuite.forDirectory(configuration, 'path/to/mytestsuite');
/// instead of having to create a custom [StandardTestSuite] subclass. In
/// particular, if you add 'path/to/mytestsuite' to [TEST_SUITE_DIRECTORIES]
/// in test.dart, this will all be set up for you.
factory StandardTestSuite.forDirectory(
TestConfiguration configuration, Path directory) {
var name = directory.filename;
var status_paths = [
return StandardTestSuite(configuration, name, directory, status_paths,
recursive: true);
List<Uri> get dart2JsBootstrapDependencies => _dart2JsBootstrapDependencies;
/// The default implementation assumes a file is a test if
/// it ends in "_test.dart".
bool isTestFile(String filename) => filename.endsWith("_test.dart");
List<String> additionalOptions(Path filePath) => [];
Future forEachTest(
Function onTest, Map<String, List<TestInformation>> testCache,
[VoidFunction onDone]) async {
doTest = onTest;
testExpectations = readExpectations();
// Check if we have already found and generated the tests for this suite.
if (!testCache.containsKey(suiteName)) {
cachedTests = testCache[suiteName] = <TestInformation>[];
await enqueueTests();
} else {
for (var info in testCache[suiteName]) {
testExpectations = null;
cachedTests = null;
doTest = null;
if (onDone != null) onDone();
/// Reads the status files and completes with the parsed expectations.
ExpectationSet readExpectations() {
var statusFiles = statusFilePaths.where((String statusFilePath) {
var file = File(dartDir.append(statusFilePath).toNativePath());
return file.existsSync();
}).map((statusFilePath) {
return dartDir.append(statusFilePath).toNativePath();
return, configuration);
Future enqueueTests() {
Directory dir = Directory(suiteDir.toNativePath());
return dir.exists().then((exists) {
if (!exists) {
print('Directory containing tests missing: ${suiteDir.toNativePath()}');
return Future.value(null);
} else {
var group = FutureGroup();
enqueueDirectory(dir, group);
return group.future;
void enqueueDirectory(Directory dir, FutureGroup group) {
var lister = dir
.list(recursive: listRecursively)
.where((fse) => fse is File)
.forEach((FileSystemEntity entity) {
enqueueFile((entity as File).path, group);
void enqueueFile(String filename, FutureGroup group) {
// This is an optimization to avoid scanning and generating extra tests.
// The definitive check against configuration.testList is performed in
// TestSuite.enqueueNewTestCase().
if (_testListPossibleFilenames?.contains(filename) == false) return;
// Note: have to use Path instead of a filename for matching because
// on Windows we need to convert backward slashes to forward slashes.
// Our display test names (and filters) are given using forward slashes
// while filenames on Windows use backwards slashes.
final Path filePath = Path(filename);
if (!_selectorFilenameRegExp.hasMatch(filePath.toString())) return;
if (!isTestFile(filename)) return;
var optionsFromFile = readOptionsFromFile(Uri.file(filename));
CreateTest createTestCase = makeTestCaseCreator(optionsFromFile);
if (optionsFromFile['isMultitest'] as bool) {
group.add(doMultitest(filePath, buildDir, suiteDir, createTestCase,
configuration.hotReload || configuration.hotReloadRollback));
} else {
createTestCase(filePath, filePath,
hasSyntaxError: optionsFromFile['hasSyntaxError'] as bool,
hasCompileError: optionsFromFile['hasCompileError'] as bool,
hasRuntimeError: optionsFromFile['hasRuntimeError'] as bool,
hasStaticWarning: optionsFromFile['hasStaticWarning'] as bool);
void enqueueTestCaseFromTestInformation(TestInformation info) {
String testName = buildTestCaseDisplayName(suiteDir, info.originTestPath,
multitestName: info.optionsFromFile['isMultitest'] as bool
? info.multitestKey
: "");
var optionsFromFile = info.optionsFromFile;
// If this test is inside a package, we will check if there is a
// pubspec.yaml file and if so, create a custom package root for it.
Path packageRoot;
Path packages;
if (optionsFromFile['packageRoot'] == null &&
optionsFromFile['packages'] == null) {
if (configuration.packageRoot != null) {
packageRoot = Path(configuration.packageRoot);
optionsFromFile['packageRoot'] = packageRoot.toNativePath();
if (configuration.packages != null) {
Path packages = Path(configuration.packages);
optionsFromFile['packages'] = packages.toNativePath();
if (configuration.compilerConfiguration.hasCompiler &&
info.hasCompileError) {
// If a compile-time error is expected, and we're testing a
// compiler, we never need to attempt to run the program (in a
// browser or otherwise).
enqueueStandardTest(info, testName);
} else if (configuration.runtime.isBrowser) {
var expectationsMap = <String, Set<Expectation>>{};
if (info.optionsFromFile['isMultiHtmlTest'] as bool) {
// A browser multi-test has multiple expectations for one test file.
// Find all the different sub-test expectations for one entire test
// file.
var subtestNames = info.optionsFromFile['subtestNames'] as List<String>;
expectationsMap = <String, Set<Expectation>>{};
for (var subtest in subtestNames) {
expectationsMap[subtest] =
} else {
expectationsMap[testName] = testExpectations.expectations(testName);
packageRoot, packages, info, testName, expectationsMap);
} else {
enqueueStandardTest(info, testName);
void enqueueStandardTest(TestInformation info, String testName) {
var commonArguments =
commonArgumentsFromFile(info.filePath, info.optionsFromFile);
var vmOptionsList = getVmOptions(info.optionsFromFile);
for (var vmOptionsVariant = 0;
vmOptionsVariant < vmOptionsList.length;
vmOptionsVariant++) {
var vmOptions = vmOptionsList[vmOptionsVariant];
var allVmOptions = vmOptions;
if (!extraVmOptions.isEmpty) {
allVmOptions = vmOptions.toList()..addAll(extraVmOptions);
var expectations = testExpectations.expectations(testName);
var isCrashExpected = expectations.contains(Expectation.crash);
var commands = makeCommands(info, vmOptionsVariant, allVmOptions,
commonArguments, isCrashExpected);
var variantTestName = testName;
if (vmOptionsList.length > 1) {
variantTestName = "$testName/$vmOptionsVariant";
enqueueNewTestCase(variantTestName, commands, expectations, info);
List<Command> makeCommands(TestInformation info, int vmOptionsVariant,
List<String> vmOptions, List<String> args, bool isCrashExpected) {
var commands = <Command>[];
var compilerConfiguration = configuration.compilerConfiguration;
var sharedOptions = info.optionsFromFile['sharedOptions'] as List<String>;
var dartOptions = info.optionsFromFile['dartOptions'] as List<String>;
var dart2jsOptions = info.optionsFromFile['dart2jsOptions'] as List<String>;
var ddcOptions = info.optionsFromFile['ddcOptions'] as List<String>;
var isMultitest = info.optionsFromFile["isMultitest"] as bool;
assert(!isMultitest || dartOptions.isEmpty);
var compileTimeArguments = <String>[];
String tempDir;
if (compilerConfiguration.hasCompiler) {
compileTimeArguments = compilerConfiguration.computeCompilerArguments(
// Avoid doing this for analyzer.
var path = info.filePath;
if (vmOptionsVariant != 0) {
// Ensure a unique directory for each test case.
path = path.join(Path(vmOptionsVariant.toString()));
tempDir = createCompilationOutputDirectory(path);
var otherResources =
info.optionsFromFile['otherResources'] as List<String>;
for (var name in otherResources) {
var namePath = Path(name);
var fromPath = info.filePath.directoryPath.join(namePath);
File('$tempDir/$name').parent.createSync(recursive: true);
var compilationArtifact = compilerConfiguration.computeCompilationArtifact(
tempDir, compileTimeArguments, environmentOverrides);
if (!configuration.skipCompilation) {
if (info.hasCompileError &&
compilerConfiguration.hasCompiler &&
!compilerConfiguration.runRuntimeDespiteMissingCompileTimeError) {
// Do not attempt to run the compiled result. A compilation
// error should be reported by the compilation command.
return commands;
vmOptions = vmOptions
.map((s) =>
s.replaceAll("__RANDOM__", "${Random().nextInt(0x7fffffff)}"))
var runtimeArguments = compilerConfiguration.computeRuntimeArguments(
var environment = environmentOverrides;
var extraEnv = info.optionsFromFile['environment'] as Map<String, String>;
if (extraEnv != null) {
environment = {...environment, ...extraEnv};
return commands
info.optionsFromFile["sharedObjects"] as List<String>,
CreateTest makeTestCaseCreator(Map<String, dynamic> optionsFromFile) {
return (Path filePath, Path originTestPath,
{bool hasSyntaxError,
bool hasCompileError,
bool hasRuntimeError,
bool hasStaticWarning = false,
String multitestKey}) {
// Cache the test information for each test case.
var info = TestInformation(filePath, originTestPath, optionsFromFile,
hasSyntaxError, hasCompileError, hasRuntimeError, hasStaticWarning,
multitestKey: multitestKey);
/// Takes a [file], which is either located in the dart or in the build
/// directory, and returns a String representing the relative path to either
/// the dart or the build directory.
/// Thus, the returned [String] will be the path component of the URL
/// corresponding to [file] (the HTTP server serves files relative to the
/// dart/build directories).
String _createUrlPathFromFile(Path file) {
file = file.absolute;
var relativeBuildDir = Path(configuration.buildDirectory);
var buildDir = relativeBuildDir.absolute;
var dartDir = Repository.dir.absolute;
var fileString = file.toString();
if (fileString.startsWith(buildDir.toString())) {
var fileRelativeToBuildDir = file.relativeTo(buildDir);
return "/$prefixBuildDir/$fileRelativeToBuildDir";
} else if (fileString.startsWith(dartDir.toString())) {
var fileRelativeToDartDir = file.relativeTo(dartDir);
return "/$prefixDartDir/$fileRelativeToDartDir";
// Unreachable.
print("Cannot create URL for path $file. Not in build or dart directory.");
return null;
String _uriForBrowserTest(String pathComponent, [String subtestName]) {
// Note: If we run with the "--list" option, no http servers
// will be started. So we return a dummy url instead.
if (configuration.listTests) {
return Uri.parse('http://listing_the_tests_only').toString();
var serverPort = configuration.servers.port;
var crossOriginPort = configuration.servers.crossOriginPort;
var parameters = {'crossOriginPort': crossOriginPort.toString()};
if (subtestName != null) {
parameters['group'] = subtestName;
return Uri(
scheme: 'http',
host: configuration.localIP,
port: serverPort,
path: pathComponent,
queryParameters: parameters)
/// Enqueues a test that runs in a browser.
/// Creates a [Command] that compiles the test to JavaScript and writes that
/// in a generated output directory. Any additional framework and HTML files
/// are put there too. Then adds another [Command] the spawn the browser and
/// run the test.
/// In order to handle browser multitests, [expectations] is a map of subtest
/// names to expectation sets. If the test is not a multitest, the map has
/// a single key, [testName].
void _enqueueBrowserTest(
Path packageRoot,
Path packages,
TestInformation info,
String testName,
Map<String, Set<Expectation>> expectations) {
var tempDir = createOutputDirectory(info.filePath);
var fileName = info.filePath.toNativePath();
var optionsFromFile = info.optionsFromFile;
var compilationTempDir = createCompilationOutputDirectory(info.filePath);
var nameNoExt = info.filePath.filenameWithoutExtension;
var outputDir = compilationTempDir;
var commonArguments =
commonArgumentsFromFile(info.filePath, optionsFromFile);
// Use existing HTML document if available.
String content;
var customHtml = File(
if (customHtml.existsSync()) {
outputDir = tempDir;
content = customHtml.readAsStringSync().replaceAll(
'%TEST_SCRIPTS%', '<script src="$nameNoExt.js"></script>');
} else {
// Synthesize an HTML file for the test.
if (configuration.compiler == Compiler.dart2js) {
var scriptPath =
content = dart2jsHtml(fileName, scriptPath);
} else {
var jsDir =
content = dartdevcHtml(nameNoExt, jsDir, configuration.compiler);
var htmlPath = '$tempDir/test.html';
// Construct the command(s) that compile all the inputs needed by the
// browser test.
var commands = <Command>[];
const supportedCompilers = {
var sharedOptions = optionsFromFile["sharedOptions"] as List<String>;
var dart2jsOptions = optionsFromFile["dart2jsOptions"] as List<String>;
var ddcOptions = optionsFromFile["ddcOptions"] as List<String>;
var args = configuration.compilerConfiguration.computeCompilerArguments(
null, sharedOptions, null, dart2jsOptions, ddcOptions, commonArguments);
var compilation = configuration.compilerConfiguration
.computeCompilationArtifact(outputDir, args, environmentOverrides);
if (info.optionsFromFile['isMultiHtmlTest'] as bool) {
// Variables for browser multi-tests.
var subtestNames = info.optionsFromFile['subtestNames'] as List<String>;
for (var subtestName in subtestNames) {
_enqueueSingleBrowserTest(commands, info, '$testName/$subtestName',
subtestName, expectations[subtestName], htmlPath);
} else {
commands, info, testName, null, expectations[testName], htmlPath);
/// Enqueues a single browser test, or a single subtest of an HTML multitest.
void _enqueueSingleBrowserTest(
List<Command> commands,
TestInformation info,
String testName,
String subtestName,
Set<Expectation> expectations,
String htmlPath) {
// Construct the command that executes the browser test.
commands = commands.toList();
var htmlPathSubtest = _createUrlPathFromFile(Path(htmlPath));
var fullHtmlPath = _uriForBrowserTest(htmlPathSubtest, subtestName);
commands.add(Command.browserTest(fullHtmlPath, configuration,
retry: !isNegative(info)));
var fullName = testName;
if (subtestName != null) fullName += "/$subtestName";
enqueueNewTestCase(fullName, commands, expectations, info);
List<String> commonArgumentsFromFile(
Path filePath, Map<String, dynamic> optionsFromFile) {
var args = configuration.standardOptions.toList();
var packages = packagesArgument(optionsFromFile['packageRoot'] as String,
optionsFromFile['packages'] as String);
if (packages != null) {
if (configuration.compiler == Compiler.dart2analyzer) {
if (filePath.filename.contains("dart2js") ||
filePath.directoryPath.segments().last.contains('html_common')) {
return args;
String packagesArgument(String packageRootFromFile, String packagesFromFile) {
if (packageRootFromFile == 'none' || packagesFromFile == 'none') {
return null;
} else if (packagesFromFile != null) {
return '--packages=$packagesFromFile';
} else if (packageRootFromFile != null) {
return '--package-root=$packageRootFromFile';
} else {
return null;
/// Special options for individual tests are currently specified in various
/// ways: with comments directly in test files, by using certain imports, or
/// by creating additional files in the test directories.
/// Here is a list of options that are used by 'test.dart' today:
/// - Flags can be passed to the vm process that runs the test by adding a
/// comment to the test file:
/// // VMOptions=--flag1 --flag2
/// - Flags can be passed to dart2js, vm or dartdevc by adding a comment to
/// the test file:
/// // SharedOptions=--flag1 --flag2
/// - Flags can be passed to dart2js by adding a comment to the test file:
/// // dart2jsOptions=--flag1 --flag2
/// - Flags can be passed to the dart script that contains the test also
/// using comments, as follows:
/// // DartOptions=--flag1 --flag2
/// - Extra environment variables can be passed to the process that runs
/// the test by adding comment(s) to the test file:
/// // Environment=ENV_VAR1=foo bar
/// // Environment=ENV_VAR2=bazz
/// - Most tests are not web tests, but can (and will be) wrapped within
/// an HTML file and another script file to test them also on browser
/// environments (e.g. language and corelib tests are run this way).
/// We deduce that if a file with the same name as the test, but ending in
/// .html instead of .dart exists, the test was intended to be a web test
/// and no wrapping is necessary.
/// // SharedObjects=foobar
/// - This test requires, libfoobar.dylib or foobar.dll to be
/// in the system linker path of the VM.
/// - 'test.dart' assumes tests fail if
/// the process returns a non-zero exit code (in the case of web tests, we
/// check for PASS/FAIL indications in the test output).
/// This method is static as the map is cached and shared amongst
/// configurations, so it may not use [configuration].
Map<String, dynamic> readOptionsFromFile(Uri uri) {
if (uri.path.endsWith('.dill')) {
return optionsFromKernelFile();
var testOptionsRegExp = RegExp(r"// VMOptions=(.*)");
var environmentRegExp = RegExp(r"// Environment=(.*)");
var otherResourcesRegExp = RegExp(r"// OtherResources=(.*)");
var sharedObjectsRegExp = RegExp(r"// SharedObjects=(.*)");
var packageRootRegExp = RegExp(r"// PackageRoot=(.*)");
var packagesRegExp = RegExp(r"// Packages=(.*)");
var isolateStubsRegExp = RegExp(r"// IsolateStubs=(.*)");
// TODO(gram) Clean these up once the old directives are not supported.
var domImportRegExp = RegExp(
multiLine: true);
var bytes = File.fromUri(uri).readAsBytesSync();
var contents = decodeUtf8(bytes);
bytes = null;
// Find the options in the file.
var result = <List<String>>[];
List<String> dartOptions;
List<String> sharedOptions;
List<String> dart2jsOptions;
List<String> ddcOptions;
Map<String, String> environment;
String packageRoot;
String packages;
List<String> wordSplit(String s) =>
s.split(' ').where((e) => e != '').toList();
List<String> singleListOfOptions(String name) {
var matches = RegExp('// $name=(.*)').allMatches(contents);
List<String> options;
for (var match in matches) {
if (options != null) {
throw Exception(
'More than one "// $name=" line in test ${uri.toFilePath()}');
options = wordSplit(match[1]);
return options;
var matches = testOptionsRegExp.allMatches(contents);
for (var match in matches) {
if (result.isEmpty) result.add(<String>[]);
dartOptions = singleListOfOptions('DartOptions');
sharedOptions = singleListOfOptions('SharedOptions');
dart2jsOptions = singleListOfOptions('dart2jsOptions');
ddcOptions = singleListOfOptions('dartdevcOptions');
matches = environmentRegExp.allMatches(contents);
for (var match in matches) {
var envDef = match[1];
var pos = envDef.indexOf('=');
var name = (pos < 0) ? envDef : envDef.substring(0, pos);
var value = (pos < 0) ? '' : envDef.substring(pos + 1);
environment ??= <String, String>{};
environment[name] = value;
matches = packageRootRegExp.allMatches(contents);
for (var match in matches) {
if (packageRoot != null || packages != null) {
throw Exception(
'More than one "// Package... line in test ${uri.toFilePath()}');
packageRoot = match[1];
if (packageRoot != 'none') {
// PackageRoot=none means that no packages or package-root option
// should be given. Any other value overrides package-root and
// removes any packages option. Don't use with // Packages=.
packageRoot = uri.resolveUri(;
matches = packagesRegExp.allMatches(contents);
for (var match in matches) {
if (packages != null || packageRoot != null) {
throw Exception(
'More than one "// Package..." line in test ${uri.toFilePath()}');
packages = match[1];
if (packages != 'none') {
// Packages=none means that no packages or package-root option
// should be given. Any other value overrides packages and removes
// any package-root option. Don't use with // PackageRoot=.
packages = uri.resolveUri(Uri.file(packages)).toFilePath();
var otherResources = <String>[];
matches = otherResourcesRegExp.allMatches(contents);
for (var match in matches) {
var sharedObjects = <String>[];
matches = sharedObjectsRegExp.allMatches(contents);
for (var match in matches) {
var isMultitest = _multiTestRegExp.hasMatch(contents);
var isMultiHtmlTest = _multiHtmlTestRegExp.hasMatch(contents);
var isolateMatch = isolateStubsRegExp.firstMatch(contents);
var isolateStubs = isolateMatch != null ? isolateMatch[1] : '';
var containsDomImport = domImportRegExp.hasMatch(contents);
var subtestNames = <String>[];
var matchesIter = _multiHtmlTestGroupRegExp.allMatches(contents).iterator;
while (matchesIter.moveNext() && isMultiHtmlTest) {
var fullMatch =;
subtestNames.add(fullMatch.substring(fullMatch.indexOf("'") + 1));
// TODO(rnystrom): During the migration of the existing tests to Dart 2.0,
// we have a number of tests that used to both generate static type warnings
// and also validate some runtime behavior in an implementation that
// ignores those warnings. Those warnings are now errors. The test code
// validates the runtime behavior can and should be removed, but the code
// that causes the static warning should still be preserved since that is
// part of our coverage of the static type system.
// The test needs to indicate that it should have a static error. We could
// put that in the status file, but that makes it confusing because it
// would look like implementations that *don't* report the error are more
// correct. Eventually, we want to have a notation similar to what front_end
// is using for the inference tests where we can put a comment inside the
// test that says "This specific static error should be reported right by
// this token."
// That system isn't in place yet, so we do a crude approximation here in
// test.dart. If a test contains `/*@compile-error=`, which matches the
// beginning of the tag syntax that front_end uses, then we assume that
// this test must have a static error somewhere in it.
// Redo this code once we have a more precise test framework for detecting
// and locating these errors.
final hasSyntaxError = contents.contains("@syntax-error");
final hasCompileError =
hasSyntaxError || contents.contains("@compile-error");
final hasRuntimeError = contents.contains("@runtime-error");
final hasStaticWarning = contents.contains("@static-warning");
return {
"vmOptions": result,
"sharedOptions": sharedOptions ?? <String>[],
"dart2jsOptions": dart2jsOptions ?? <String>[],
"ddcOptions": ddcOptions ?? <String>[],
"dartOptions": dartOptions ?? <String>[],
"environment": environment,
"packageRoot": packageRoot,
"packages": packages,
"hasSyntaxError": hasSyntaxError,
"hasCompileError": hasCompileError,
"hasRuntimeError": hasRuntimeError,
"hasStaticWarning": hasStaticWarning,
"otherResources": otherResources,
"sharedObjects": sharedObjects,
"isMultitest": isMultitest,
"isMultiHtmlTest": isMultiHtmlTest,
"subtestNames": subtestNames,
"isolateStubs": isolateStubs,
"containsDomImport": containsDomImport
Map<String, dynamic> optionsFromKernelFile() {
return const {
"vmOptions": [<String>[]],
"sharedOptions": <String>[],
"dart2jsOptions": <String>[],
"dartOptions": <String>[],
"packageRoot": null,
"packages": null,
"hasSyntaxError": false,
"hasCompileError": false,
"hasRuntimeError": false,
"hasStaticWarning": false,
"isMultitest": false,
"isMultiHtmlTest": false,
"subtestNames": [],
"isolateStubs": '',
"containsDomImport": false,
List<List<String>> getVmOptions(Map<String, dynamic> optionsFromFile) {
const compilers = [
const runtimes = [Runtime.none, Runtime.dartPrecompiled, Runtime.vm];
var needsVmOptions = compilers.contains(configuration.compiler) &&
if (!needsVmOptions) return [[]];
return optionsFromFile['vmOptions'] as List<List<String>>;
/// Used for testing packages in one-off settings, i.e., we pass in the actual
/// directory that we want to test.
class PKGTestSuite extends StandardTestSuite {
PKGTestSuite(TestConfiguration configuration, Path directoryPath)
: super(configuration, directoryPath.filename, directoryPath,
recursive: true);
void _enqueueBrowserTest(Path packageRoot, packages, TestInformation info,
String testName, Map<String, Set<Expectation>> expectations) {
var filePath = info.filePath;
var dir = filePath.directoryPath;
var nameNoExt = filePath.filenameWithoutExtension;
var customHtmlPath = dir.append('$nameNoExt.html');
var customHtml = File(customHtmlPath.toNativePath());
if (!customHtml.existsSync()) {
packageRoot, packages, info, testName, expectations);
} else {
var fullPath = _createUrlPathFromFile(customHtmlPath);
var command = Command.browserTest(fullPath, configuration,
retry: !isNegative(info));
enqueueNewTestCase(testName, [command], expectations[testName], info);
class AnalyzeLibraryTestSuite extends StandardTestSuite {
static Path _libraryPath(TestConfiguration configuration) =>
? '${configuration.buildDirectory}/dart-sdk'
: 'sdk');
bool get listRecursively => true;
AnalyzeLibraryTestSuite(TestConfiguration configuration)
: super(configuration, 'analyze_library', _libraryPath(configuration),
List<String> additionalOptions(Path filePath, {bool showSdkWarnings}) =>
const ['--fatal-warnings', '--fatal-type-errors', '--sdk-warnings'];
Future enqueueTests() {
var group = FutureGroup();
var dir = Directory(suiteDir.append('lib').toNativePath());
if (dir.existsSync()) {
enqueueDirectory(dir, group);
return group.future;
bool isTestFile(String filename) {
// NOTE: We exclude tests and patch files for now.
return filename.endsWith(".dart") &&
!filename.endsWith("_test.dart") &&