blob: a33f624854e0fe39c81877d7f46f9ae4095c0ead [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// File, socket, HTTP, and other I/O support for non-web applications.
/// **Important:** Browser-based apps can't use this library.
/// Only the following can import and use the dart:io library:
/// - Servers
/// - Command-line scripts
/// - Flutter mobile apps
/// - Flutter desktop apps
/// This library allows you to work with files, directories,
/// sockets, processes, HTTP servers and clients, and more.
/// Many operations related to input and output are asynchronous
/// and are handled using [Future]s or [Stream]s, both of which
/// are defined in the [dart:async
/// library](../dart-async/dart-async-library.html).
/// To use the dart:io library in your code:
/// ```dart
/// import 'dart:io';
/// ```
/// For an introduction to I/O in Dart, see the [dart:io library
/// tour](
/// ## File, Directory, and Link
/// An instance of [File], [Directory], or [Link] represents a file,
/// directory, or link, respectively, in the native file system.
/// You can manipulate the file system through objects of these types.
/// For example, you can rename a file or directory:
/// ```dart
/// File myFile = File('myFile.txt');
/// myFile.rename('yourFile.txt').then((_) => print('file renamed'));
/// ```
/// Many methods provided by the [File], [Directory], and [Link] classes
/// run asynchronously and return a [Future].
/// ## FileSystemEntity
/// [File], [Directory], and [Link] all extend [FileSystemEntity].
/// In addition to being the superclass for these classes,
/// FileSystemEntity has a number of static methods for working with paths.
/// To get information about a path,
/// you can use the [FileSystemEntity] static methods
/// such as [FileSystemEntity.isDirectory], [FileSystemEntity.isFile],
/// and [FileSystemEntity.exists].
/// Because file system access involves I/O, these methods
/// are asynchronous and return a [Future].
/// ```dart
/// FileSystemEntity.isDirectory(myPath).then((isDir) {
/// if (isDir) {
/// print('$myPath is a directory');
/// } else {
/// print('$myPath is not a directory');
/// }
/// });
/// ```
/// ## HttpServer and HttpClient
/// The classes [HttpClient] and [HttpServer] provide low-level HTTP
/// functionality.
/// Instead of using these classes directly, consider using more
/// developer-friendly and composable APIs found in packages.
/// For HTTP clients, look at [`package:http`](
/// For HTTP servers, look at
/// [Write HTTP servers]( on
/// [](
/// ## Process
/// The [Process] class provides a way to run a process on
/// the native machine.
/// For example, the following code spawns a process that recursively lists
/// the files under `web`.
/// ```dart
/// Process.start('ls', ['-R', 'web']).then((process) {
/// stdout.addStream(process.stdout);
/// stderr.addStream(process.stderr);
/// process.exitCode.then(print);
/// });
/// ```
/// Using [Process.start] returns a [Future],
/// which completes with a [Process] object when the process has started.
/// This [Process] object allows you to interact
/// with the process while it is running.
/// Using [] returns a [Future],
/// which completes with a [ProcessResult] object when the spawned process has
/// terminated. This [ProcessResult] object collects the output and exit code
/// from the process.
/// When using [Process.start],
/// you need to read all data coming on the [Process.stdout] and [Process.stderr]
/// streams, otherwise the system resources will not be freed.
/// ## WebSocket
/// The [WebSocket] class provides support for the web socket protocol. This
/// allows full-duplex communications between client and server applications.
/// A web socket server uses a normal HTTP server for accepting web socket
/// connections. The initial handshake is a HTTP request which is then upgraded to a
/// web socket connection.
/// The server upgrades the request using [WebSocketTransformer]
/// and listens for the data on the returned web socket.
/// For example, here's a mini server that listens for 'ws' data
/// on a WebSocket:
/// ```dart import:async
/// runZoned(() async {
/// var server = await HttpServer.bind('', 4040);
/// server.listen((HttpRequest req) async {
/// if (req.uri.path == '/ws') {
/// var socket = await WebSocketTransformer.upgrade(req);
/// socket.listen(handleMsg);
/// }
/// });
/// }, onError: (e) => print("An error occurred."));
/// ```
/// The client connects to the [WebSocket] using the [WebSocket.connect] method
/// and a URI that uses the Web Socket protocol.
/// The client can write to the [WebSocket] with the [WebSocket.add] method.
/// For example,
/// ```dart
/// var socket = await WebSocket.connect('ws://');
/// socket.add('Hello, World!');
/// ```
/// Check out the
/// [websocket_sample](
/// app, which uses [WebSocket]s to communicate with a server.
/// ## Socket and ServerSocket
/// Clients and servers use [Socket]s to communicate using the TCP protocol.
/// Use [ServerSocket] on the server side and [Socket] on the client.
/// The server creates a listening socket using the `bind()` method and
/// then listens for incoming connections on the socket. For example:
/// ```dart import:convert
/// ServerSocket.bind('', 4041)
/// .then((serverSocket) {
/// serverSocket.listen((socket) {
/// socket.transform(utf8.decoder).listen(print);
/// });
/// });
/// ```
/// A client connects a [Socket] using the `connect()` method,
/// which returns a [Future].
/// Using `write()`, `writeln()`, or `writeAll()` are the easiest ways to
/// send data over the socket.
/// For example:
/// ```dart
/// Socket.connect('', 4041).then((socket) {
/// socket.write('Hello, World!');
/// });
/// ```
/// Besides [Socket] and [ServerSocket], the [RawSocket] and
/// [RawServerSocket] classes are available for lower-level access
/// to async socket IO.
/// ## Standard output, error, and input streams
/// This library provides the standard output, error, and input
/// streams, named [stdout], [stderr], and [stdin], respectively.
/// The [stdout] and [stderr] streams are both [IOSink]s and have the same set
/// of methods and properties.
/// To write a string to [stdout]:
/// ```dart
/// stdout.writeln('Hello, World!');
/// ```
/// To write a list of objects to [stderr]:
/// ```dart
/// stderr.writeAll([ 'That ', 'is ', 'an ', 'error.', '\n']);
/// ```
/// The standard input stream is a true [Stream], so it inherits
/// properties and methods from the [Stream] class.
/// To read text synchronously from the command line
/// (the program blocks waiting for user to type information):
/// ```dart
/// String? inputText = stdin.readLineSync();
/// ```
/// {@category VM}
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:_internal' hide Symbol;
import 'dart:collection'
show HashMap, HashSet, Queue, ListQueue, MapBase, UnmodifiableMapView;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:developer' hide log;
import 'dart:_http' show HttpClient, HttpProfiler, ServerSocketBase;
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:typed_data';
export 'dart:_http'
@Deprecated("Import BytesBuilder from dart:typed_data instead")
export 'dart:_internal' show BytesBuilder;
export 'dart:_internal' show HttpStatus;
part 'common.dart';
part 'data_transformer.dart';
part 'directory.dart';
part 'directory_impl.dart';
part 'embedder_config.dart';
part 'eventhandler.dart';
part 'file.dart';
part 'file_impl.dart';
part 'file_system_entity.dart';
part 'io_resource_info.dart';
part 'io_sink.dart';
part 'io_service.dart';
part 'link.dart';
part 'namespace_impl.dart';
part 'network_profiling.dart';
part 'overrides.dart';
part 'platform.dart';
part 'platform_impl.dart';
part 'process.dart';
part 'secure_server_socket.dart';
part 'secure_socket.dart';
part 'security_context.dart';
part 'service_object.dart';
part 'socket.dart';
part 'stdio.dart';
part 'string_transformer.dart';
part 'sync_socket.dart';