blob: c8ed9dfb14fa3a9075505b7f8e6e90fcd9d1e743 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of;
class _Directory extends FileSystemEntity implements Directory {
final String _path;
final Uint8List _rawPath;
_Directory(String path)
: _path = _checkNotNull(path, "path"),
_rawPath = FileSystemEntity._toUtf8Array(path);
_Directory.fromRawPath(Uint8List rawPath)
: _rawPath = FileSystemEntity._toNullTerminatedUtf8Array(
_checkNotNull(rawPath, "rawPath")),
_path = FileSystemEntity._toStringFromUtf8Array(rawPath);
String get path => _path;
external static _current(_Namespace namespace);
external static _setCurrent(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath);
external static _createTemp(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath);
external static String _systemTemp(_Namespace namespace);
external static _exists(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath);
external static _create(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath);
external static _deleteNative(
_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath, bool recursive);
external static _rename(
_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath, String newPath);
external static void _fillWithDirectoryListing(
_Namespace namespace,
List<FileSystemEntity> list,
Uint8List rawPath,
bool recursive,
bool followLinks);
static Directory get current {
var result = _current(_Namespace._namespace);
if (result is OSError) {
throw FileSystemException._fromOSError(
result, "Getting current working directory failed", "");
return new _Directory(result);
static void set current(path) {
late Uint8List _rawPath;
if (path is _Directory) {
// For our internal Directory implementation, go ahead and use the raw
// path.
_rawPath = path._rawPath;
} else if (path is Directory) {
// FIXME(bkonyi): package:file passes in instances of classes which do
// not have _path defined, so we will fallback to using the existing
// path String for now.
_rawPath = FileSystemEntity._toUtf8Array(path.path);
} else if (path is String) {
_rawPath = FileSystemEntity._toUtf8Array(path);
} else {
throw new ArgumentError('${Error.safeToString(path)} is not a String or'
' Directory');
if (!_EmbedderConfig._mayChdir) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"This embedder disallows setting Directory.current");
var result = _setCurrent(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath);
if (result is ArgumentError) throw result;
if (result is OSError) {
throw FileSystemException._fromOSError(
result, "Setting current working directory failed", path.toString());
Uri get uri {
return new;
Future<bool> exists() {
return _File._dispatchWithNamespace(
_IOService.directoryExists, [null, _rawPath]).then((response) {
_checkForErrorResponse(response, "Exists failed", path);
return response == 1;
bool existsSync() {
var result = _exists(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileSystemException("Exists failed", path, result);
return (result == 1);
Directory get absolute => new Directory(_absolutePath);
Future<Directory> create({bool recursive = false}) {
if (recursive) {
return exists().then((exists) {
if (exists) return this;
if (path != parent.path) {
return parent.create(recursive: true).then((_) {
return create();
} else {
return create();
} else {
return _File._dispatchWithNamespace(
_IOService.directoryCreate, [null, _rawPath]).then((response) {
_checkForErrorResponse(response, "Creation failed", path);
return this;
void createSync({bool recursive = false}) {
if (recursive) {
if (existsSync()) return;
if (path != parent.path) {
parent.createSync(recursive: true);
var result = _create(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath);
if (result is OSError) {
throw FileSystemException._fromOSError(result, "Creation failed", path);
static Directory get systemTemp =>
new Directory(_systemTemp(_Namespace._namespace));
Future<Directory> createTemp([String? prefix]) {
prefix ??= '';
if (path == '') {
throw new ArgumentError("Directory.createTemp called with an empty path. "
"To use the system temp directory, use Directory.systemTemp");
String fullPrefix;
// FIXME(bkonyi): here we're using `path` directly, which might cause
// issues if it is not UTF-8 encoded.
if (path.endsWith('/') || (Platform.isWindows && path.endsWith('\\'))) {
fullPrefix = "$path$prefix";
} else {
fullPrefix = "$path${Platform.pathSeparator}$prefix";
return _File._dispatchWithNamespace(_IOService.directoryCreateTemp,
[null, FileSystemEntity._toUtf8Array(fullPrefix)]).then((response) {
response, "Creation of temporary directory failed", path);
return Directory(response as String);
Directory createTempSync([String? prefix]) {
prefix ??= '';
if (path == '') {
throw new ArgumentError("Directory.createTemp called with an empty path. "
"To use the system temp directory, use Directory.systemTemp");
String fullPrefix;
// FIXME(bkonyi): here we're using `path` directly, which might cause
// issues if it is not UTF-8 encoded.
if (path.endsWith('/') || (Platform.isWindows && path.endsWith('\\'))) {
fullPrefix = "$path$prefix";
} else {
fullPrefix = "$path${Platform.pathSeparator}$prefix";
var result = _createTemp(
_Namespace._namespace, FileSystemEntity._toUtf8Array(fullPrefix));
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileSystemException._fromOSError(
result, "Creation of temporary directory failed", fullPrefix);
return new Directory(result);
Future<Directory> _delete({bool recursive = false}) {
return _File._dispatchWithNamespace(
_IOService.directoryDelete, [null, _rawPath, recursive])
.then((response) {
_checkForErrorResponse(response, "Deletion failed", path);
return this;
void _deleteSync({bool recursive = false}) {
var result = _deleteNative(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath, recursive);
if (result is OSError) {
throw FileSystemException._fromOSError(result, "Deletion failed", path);
Future<Directory> rename(String newPath) {
return _File._dispatchWithNamespace(
_IOService.directoryRename, [null, _rawPath, newPath]).then((response) {
_checkForErrorResponse(response, "Rename failed", path);
return new Directory(newPath);
Directory renameSync(String newPath) {
// TODO(40614): Remove once non-nullability is sound.
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(newPath, "newPath");
var result = _rename(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath, newPath);
if (result is OSError) {
throw FileSystemException._fromOSError(result, "Rename failed", path);
return new Directory(newPath);
Stream<FileSystemEntity> list(
{bool recursive = false, bool followLinks = true}) {
return new _AsyncDirectoryLister(
// FIXME(bkonyi): here we're using `path` directly, which might cause issues
// if it is not UTF-8 encoded.
List<FileSystemEntity> listSync(
{bool recursive = false, bool followLinks = true}) {
// TODO(40614): Remove once non-nullability is sound.
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(recursive, "recursive");
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(followLinks, "followLinks");
var result = <FileSystemEntity>[];
// FIXME(bkonyi): here we're using `path` directly, which might cause issues
// if it is not UTF-8 encoded.
return result;
String toString() => "Directory: '$path'";
// TODO(40614): Remove once non-nullability is sound.
static T _checkNotNull<T>(T t, String name) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(t, name);
return t;
abstract class _AsyncDirectoryListerOps {
external factory _AsyncDirectoryListerOps(int pointer);
int? getPointer();
class _AsyncDirectoryLister {
static const int listFile = 0;
static const int listDirectory = 1;
static const int listLink = 2;
static const int listError = 3;
static const int listDone = 4;
static const int responseType = 0;
static const int responsePath = 1;
static const int responseComplete = 1;
static const int responseError = 2;
final Uint8List rawPath;
final bool recursive;
final bool followLinks;
final controller = new StreamController<FileSystemEntity>(sync: true);
bool canceled = false;
bool nextRunning = false;
bool closed = false;
_AsyncDirectoryListerOps? _ops;
Completer closeCompleter = new Completer();
_AsyncDirectoryLister(this.rawPath, this.recursive, this.followLinks) {
..onListen = onListen
..onResume = onResume
..onCancel = onCancel;
// Calling this function will increase the reference count on the native
// object that implements the async directory lister operations. It should
// only be called to pass the pointer to the IO Service, which will decrement
// the reference count when it is finished with it.
int? _pointer() {
return _ops?.getPointer();
Stream<FileSystemEntity> get stream =>;
void onListen() {
[null, rawPath, recursive, followLinks]).then((response) {
if (response is int) {
_ops = new _AsyncDirectoryListerOps(response);
} else if (response is Error) {
controller.addError(response, response.stackTrace);
} else {
error(response as List<Object?>);
void onResume() {
if (!nextRunning) {
Future onCancel() {
canceled = true;
// If we are active, but not requesting, close.
if (!nextRunning) {
return closeCompleter.future;
void next() {
if (canceled) {
if (controller.isPaused || nextRunning) {
var pointer = _pointer();
if (pointer == null) {
nextRunning = true;
_IOService._dispatch(_IOService.directoryListNext, [pointer])
.then((result) {
nextRunning = false;
if (result is List) {
assert(result.length % 2 == 0);
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
assert(i % 2 == 0);
switch (result[i++]) {
case listFile:
controller.add(new File.fromRawPath(result[i]));
case listDirectory:
controller.add(new Directory.fromRawPath(result[i]));
case listLink:
controller.add(new Link.fromRawPath(result[i]));
case listError:
case listDone:
canceled = true;
} else {
controller.addError(new FileSystemException("Internal error"));
void _cleanup() {
_ops = null;
void close() {
if (closed) {
if (nextRunning) {
closed = true;
var pointer = _pointer();
if (pointer == null) {
} else {
_IOService._dispatch(_IOService.directoryListStop, [pointer])
void error(List<Object?> message) {
var errorResponseInfo = message[responseError]! as List<Object?>;
var errorType = errorResponseInfo[_errorResponseErrorType];
if (errorType == _illegalArgumentResponse) {
controller.addError(new ArgumentError());
} else if (errorType == _osErrorResponse) {
var err = new OSError(
errorResponseInfo[_osErrorResponseMessage] as String,
errorResponseInfo[_osErrorResponseErrorCode] as int);
var errorPath = message[responsePath];
if (errorPath == null) {
errorPath = utf8.decode(rawPath, allowMalformed: true);
} else if (errorPath is Uint8List) {
errorPath = utf8.decode(errorPath, allowMalformed: true);
err, "Directory listing failed", errorPath as String));
} else {
controller.addError(new FileSystemException("Internal error"));