blob: aeaea772007fecab52d5f5336743aae5c8623720 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Defines the VM-specific translation of Dart source code to kernel binaries.
library vm.kernel_front_end;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' show File, IOSink, IOException;
import 'package:args/args.dart' show ArgParser, ArgResults;
import 'package:build_integration/file_system/multi_root.dart'
show MultiRootFileSystem, MultiRootFileSystemEntity;
// TODO(askesc): We should not need to call the constant evaluator
// explicitly once constant-update-2018 is shipped.
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/constant_evaluator.dart'
as constants;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_unstable/vm.dart'
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart' show ClassHierarchy;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart'
show Component, Field, Library, Reference, StaticGet;
import 'package:kernel/binary/ast_to_binary.dart' show BinaryPrinter;
import 'package:kernel/binary/limited_ast_to_binary.dart'
show LimitedBinaryPrinter;
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart' show CoreTypes;
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart' show Target, TargetFlags, getTarget;
import 'package:kernel/vm/constants_native_effects.dart' as vm_constants;
import 'bytecode/ast_remover.dart' show ASTRemover;
import 'bytecode/bytecode_serialization.dart' show BytecodeSizeStatistics;
import 'bytecode/gen_bytecode.dart' show generateBytecode;
import 'constants_error_reporter.dart' show ForwardConstantEvaluationErrors;
import 'target/install.dart' show installAdditionalTargets;
import 'transformations/devirtualization.dart' as devirtualization
show transformComponent;
import 'transformations/mixin_deduplication.dart' as mixin_deduplication
show transformComponent;
import 'transformations/no_dynamic_invocations_annotator.dart'
as no_dynamic_invocations_annotator show transformComponent;
import 'transformations/protobuf_aware_treeshaker/transformer.dart'
as protobuf_tree_shaker;
import 'transformations/type_flow/transformer.dart' as globalTypeFlow
show transformComponent;
import 'transformations/obfuscation_prohibitions_annotator.dart'
as obfuscationProhibitions;
import 'transformations/call_site_annotator.dart' as call_site_annotator;
/// Declare options consumed by [runCompiler].
void declareCompilerOptions(ArgParser args) {
help: 'Path to vm_platform_strong.dill file', defaultsTo: null);
args.addOption('packages', help: 'Path to .packages file', defaultsTo: null);
abbr: 'o', help: 'Path to resulting dill file', defaultsTo: null);
'Produce kernel file for AOT compilation (enables global transformations).',
defaultsTo: false);
args.addOption('depfile', help: 'Path to output Ninja depfile');
help: 'Include platform into resulting kernel file.', defaultsTo: true);
help: 'Embed source files in the generated kernel component',
defaultsTo: true);
help: 'A base path for the multi-root virtual file system.'
' If multi-root file system is used, the input script and .packages file should be specified using URI.');
help: 'The URI scheme for the multi-root virtual filesystem.');
help: 'Target model that determines what core libraries are available',
allowed: <String>['vm', 'flutter', 'flutter_runner', 'dart_runner'],
defaultsTo: 'vm');
'Enable global type flow analysis and related transformations in AOT mode.',
defaultsTo: true);
help: 'Enable protobuf tree shaker transformation in AOT mode.',
defaultsTo: false);
abbr: 'D',
help: 'The values for the environment constants (e.g. -Dkey=value).');
help: 'Whether asserts will be enabled.', defaultsTo: false);
help: 'Whether kernel constant evaluation will be enabled.',
defaultsTo: true);
'Split resulting kernel file into multiple files (one per package).',
defaultsTo: false);
args.addFlag('gen-bytecode', help: 'Generate bytecode', defaultsTo: false);
help: 'Emit source positions in bytecode', defaultsTo: false);
help: 'Emit Dart annotations in bytecode', defaultsTo: false);
help: 'Drop AST for members with bytecode', defaultsTo: false);
help: 'Show bytecode size breakdown.', defaultsTo: false);
help: 'Generate bytecode in the bleeding edge format', defaultsTo: false);
help: 'Comma separated list of experimental features to enable.');
abbr: 'h', negatable: false, help: 'Print this help message.');
/// Create ArgParser and populate it with options consumed by [runCompiler].
ArgParser createCompilerArgParser() {
final ArgParser argParser = new ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: true);
return argParser;
const int successExitCode = 0;
const int badUsageExitCode = 1;
const int compileTimeErrorExitCode = 254;
/// Run kernel compiler tool with given [options] and [usage]
/// and return exit code.
Future<int> runCompiler(ArgResults options, String usage) async {
final String platformKernel = options['platform'];
if (options['help']) {
return successExitCode;
if (( != 1) || (platformKernel == null)) {
return badUsageExitCode;
final String input =;
final String outputFileName = options['output'] ?? "$input.dill";
final String packages = options['packages'];
final String targetName = options['target'];
final String fileSystemScheme = options['filesystem-scheme'];
final String depfile = options['depfile'];
final List<String> fileSystemRoots = options['filesystem-root'];
final bool aot = options['aot'];
final bool tfa = options['tfa'];
final bool linkPlatform = options['link-platform'];
final bool genBytecode = options['gen-bytecode'];
final bool emitBytecodeSourcePositions =
final bool emitBytecodeAnnotations = options['emit-bytecode-annotations'];
final bool dropAST = options['drop-ast'];
final bool useFutureBytecodeFormat = options['use-future-bytecode-format'];
final bool enableAsserts = options['enable-asserts'];
final bool enableConstantEvaluation = options['enable-constant-evaluation'];
final bool useProtobufTreeShaker = options['protobuf-tree-shaker'];
final bool splitOutputByPackages = options['split-output-by-packages'];
final bool showBytecodeSizeStat = options['show-bytecode-size-stat'];
final List<String> experimentalFlags = options['enable-experiment'];
final Map<String, String> environmentDefines = {};
if (!parseCommandLineDefines(options['define'], environmentDefines, usage)) {
return badUsageExitCode;
final target = createFrontEndTarget(targetName);
if (target == null) {
print('Failed to create front-end target $targetName.');
return badUsageExitCode;
final fileSystem =
createFrontEndFileSystem(fileSystemScheme, fileSystemRoots);
final Uri packagesUri = packages != null
? convertFileOrUriArgumentToUri(fileSystem, packages)
: null;
final platformKernelUri = Uri.base.resolveUri(new Uri.file(platformKernel));
final List<Uri> linkedDependencies = <Uri>[];
if (aot || linkPlatform) {
Uri mainUri = convertFileOrUriArgumentToUri(fileSystem, input);
if (packagesUri != null) {
mainUri = await convertToPackageUri(fileSystem, mainUri, packagesUri);
final errorPrinter = new ErrorPrinter();
final errorDetector = new ErrorDetector(previousErrorHandler: errorPrinter);
final CompilerOptions compilerOptions = new CompilerOptions()
..sdkSummary = platformKernelUri = target
..fileSystem = fileSystem
..linkedDependencies = linkedDependencies
..packagesFileUri = packagesUri
..experimentalFlags = parseExperimentalFlags(experimentalFlags, print)
..onDiagnostic = (DiagnosticMessage m) {
..embedSourceText = options['embed-sources'];
final component = await compileToKernel(mainUri, compilerOptions,
aot: aot,
useGlobalTypeFlowAnalysis: tfa,
environmentDefines: environmentDefines,
genBytecode: genBytecode,
emitBytecodeSourcePositions: emitBytecodeSourcePositions,
emitBytecodeAnnotations: emitBytecodeAnnotations,
dropAST: dropAST && !splitOutputByPackages,
useFutureBytecodeFormat: useFutureBytecodeFormat,
enableAsserts: enableAsserts,
enableConstantEvaluation: enableConstantEvaluation,
useProtobufTreeShaker: useProtobufTreeShaker);
if (errorDetector.hasCompilationErrors || (component == null)) {
return compileTimeErrorExitCode;
if (showBytecodeSizeStat && !splitOutputByPackages) {
final IOSink sink = new File(outputFileName).openWrite();
final BinaryPrinter printer = new BinaryPrinter(sink);
await sink.close();
if (showBytecodeSizeStat && !splitOutputByPackages) {
if (depfile != null) {
await writeDepfile(fileSystem, component, outputFileName, depfile);
if (splitOutputByPackages) {
await writeOutputSplitByPackages(
environmentDefines: environmentDefines,
genBytecode: genBytecode,
enableAsserts: enableAsserts,
emitBytecodeSourcePositions: emitBytecodeSourcePositions,
emitBytecodeAnnotations: emitBytecodeAnnotations,
dropAST: dropAST,
showBytecodeSizeStat: showBytecodeSizeStat,
useFutureBytecodeFormat: useFutureBytecodeFormat,
return successExitCode;
/// Generates a kernel representation of the program whose main library is in
/// the given [source]. Intended for whole program (non-modular) compilation.
/// VM-specific replacement of [kernelForProgram].
Future<Component> compileToKernel(Uri source, CompilerOptions options,
{bool aot: false,
bool useGlobalTypeFlowAnalysis: false,
Map<String, String> environmentDefines,
bool genBytecode: false,
bool emitBytecodeSourcePositions: false,
bool emitBytecodeAnnotations: false,
bool dropAST: false,
bool useFutureBytecodeFormat: false,
bool enableAsserts: false,
bool enableConstantEvaluation: true,
bool useProtobufTreeShaker: false}) async {
// Replace error handler to detect if there are compilation errors.
final errorDetector =
new ErrorDetector(previousErrorHandler: options.onDiagnostic);
options.onDiagnostic = errorDetector;
setVMEnvironmentDefines(environmentDefines, options);
final component = await kernelForProgram(source, options);
// Run global transformations only if component is correct.
if (aot && component != null) {
await _runGlobalTransformations(
if (genBytecode && !errorDetector.hasCompilationErrors && component != null) {
await runWithFrontEndCompilerContext(source, options, component, () {
enableAsserts: enableAsserts,
emitSourcePositions: emitBytecodeSourcePositions,
emitAnnotations: emitBytecodeAnnotations,
useFutureBytecodeFormat: useFutureBytecodeFormat,
environmentDefines: environmentDefines);
if (dropAST) {
new ASTRemover(component).visitComponent(component);
// Restore error handler (in case 'options' are reused).
options.onDiagnostic = errorDetector.previousErrorHandler;
return component;
void setVMEnvironmentDefines(
Map<String, dynamic> environmentDefines, CompilerOptions options) {
// TODO(alexmarkov): move this logic into VmTarget and call from front-end
// in order to have the same defines when compiling platform.
assert(environmentDefines != null);
if (environmentDefines['dart.vm.product'] == 'true') {
environmentDefines['dart.developer.causal_async_stacks'] = 'false';
environmentDefines['dart.isVM'] = 'true';
// TODO( Derive dart.library.* definitions from platform.
for (String library in {
Uri libraryUri = Uri.parse(library);
if (libraryUri.scheme == 'dart') {
final path = libraryUri.path;
if (!path.startsWith('_')) {
environmentDefines['dart.library.${path}'] = 'true';
// dart:core is not mentioned in Target.extraRequiredLibraries.
environmentDefines['dart.library.core'] = 'true';
options.environmentDefines = environmentDefines;
Future _runGlobalTransformations(
Uri source,
CompilerOptions compilerOptions,
Component component,
bool useGlobalTypeFlowAnalysis,
Map<String, String> environmentDefines,
bool enableAsserts,
bool enableConstantEvaluation,
bool useProtobufTreeShaker,
ErrorDetector errorDetector) async {
if (errorDetector.hasCompilationErrors) return;
final coreTypes = new CoreTypes(component);
// TODO(alexmarkov, dmitryas): Consider doing canonicalization of identical
// mixin applications when creating mixin applications in frontend,
// so all backends (and all transformation passes from the very beginning)
// can benefit from mixin de-duplication.
// At least, in addition to VM/AOT case we should run this transformation
// when building a platform dill file for VM/JIT case.
if (enableConstantEvaluation) {
await _performConstantEvaluation(source, compilerOptions, component,
coreTypes, environmentDefines, enableAsserts);
if (errorDetector.hasCompilationErrors) return;
if (useGlobalTypeFlowAnalysis) {
globalTypeFlow.transformComponent(, coreTypes, component);
} else {
devirtualization.transformComponent(coreTypes, component);
if (useProtobufTreeShaker) {
if (!useGlobalTypeFlowAnalysis) {
throw 'Protobuf tree shaker requires type flow analysis (--tfa)';
component, coreTypes, null);
globalTypeFlow.transformComponent(, coreTypes, component);
// TODO(35069): avoid recomputing CSA by reading it from the platform files.
void ignoreAmbiguousSupertypes(cls, a, b) {}
final hierarchy = new ClassHierarchy(component,
onAmbiguousSupertypes: ignoreAmbiguousSupertypes);
component, component.libraries, coreTypes, hierarchy);
// We don't know yet whether gen_snapshot will want to do obfuscation, but if
// it does it will need the obfuscation prohibitions.
obfuscationProhibitions.transformComponent(component, coreTypes);
/// Runs given [action] with [CompilerContext]. This is needed to
/// be able to report compile-time errors.
Future<T> runWithFrontEndCompilerContext<T>(Uri source,
CompilerOptions compilerOptions, Component component, T action()) async {
final processedOptions =
new ProcessedOptions(options: compilerOptions, inputs: [source]);
// Run within the context, so we have uri source tokens...
return await CompilerContext.runWithOptions(processedOptions,
(CompilerContext context) async {
// To make the fileUri/fileOffset -> line/column mapping, we need to
// pre-fill the map.
return action();
Future _performConstantEvaluation(
Uri source,
CompilerOptions compilerOptions,
Component component,
CoreTypes coreTypes,
Map<String, String> environmentDefines,
bool enableAsserts) async {
final vmConstants = new vm_constants.VmConstantsBackend(coreTypes);
await runWithFrontEndCompilerContext(source, compilerOptions, component, () {
// TFA will remove constants fields which are unused (and respects the
// vm/embedder entrypoints).
constants.transformComponent(component, vmConstants, environmentDefines,
new ForwardConstantEvaluationErrors(),
keepFields: true,
evaluateAnnotations: true,
enableAsserts: enableAsserts,
desugarSets: !;
void _patchVmConstants(CoreTypes coreTypes) {
// Fix to be a const field equal to Endial.little instead of
// a final field. VM does not support big-endian architectures at the
// moment.
// Can't use normal patching process for this because CFE does not
// support patching fields.
// See for the background.
final Field host =
coreTypes.index.getMember('dart:typed_data', 'Endian', 'host');
host.isConst = true;
host.initializer = new StaticGet(
coreTypes.index.getMember('dart:typed_data', 'Endian', 'little'))
..parent = host;
class ErrorDetector {
final DiagnosticMessageHandler previousErrorHandler;
bool hasCompilationErrors = false;
void call(DiagnosticMessage message) {
if (message.severity == Severity.error) {
hasCompilationErrors = true;
class ErrorPrinter {
final DiagnosticMessageHandler previousErrorHandler;
final compilationMessages = <Uri, List<DiagnosticMessage>>{};
void call(DiagnosticMessage message) {
final sourceUri = getMessageUri(message);
(compilationMessages[sourceUri] ??= <DiagnosticMessage>[]).add(message);
void printCompilationMessages() {
final sortedUris = compilationMessages.keys.toList()
..sort((a, b) => '$a'.compareTo('$b'));
for (final Uri sourceUri in sortedUris) {
for (final DiagnosticMessage message in compilationMessages[sourceUri]) {
printDiagnosticMessage(message, print);
bool parseCommandLineDefines(
List<String> dFlags, Map<String, String> environmentDefines, String usage) {
for (final String dflag in dFlags) {
final equalsSignIndex = dflag.indexOf('=');
if (equalsSignIndex < 0) {
// Ignored.
} else if (equalsSignIndex > 0) {
final key = dflag.substring(0, equalsSignIndex);
final value = dflag.substring(equalsSignIndex + 1);
environmentDefines[key] = value;
} else {
print('The environment constant options must have a key (was: "$dflag")');
return false;
return true;
/// Create front-end target with given name.
Target createFrontEndTarget(String targetName) {
// Make sure VM-specific targets are available.
final TargetFlags targetFlags = new TargetFlags();
return getTarget(targetName, targetFlags);
/// Create a front-end file system.
/// If requested, create a virtual mutli-root file system.
FileSystem createFrontEndFileSystem(
String multiRootFileSystemScheme, List<String> multiRootFileSystemRoots) {
FileSystem fileSystem = StandardFileSystem.instance;
if (multiRootFileSystemRoots != null &&
multiRootFileSystemRoots.isNotEmpty &&
multiRootFileSystemScheme != null) {
final rootUris = <Uri>[];
for (String root in multiRootFileSystemRoots) {
rootUris.add(Uri.base.resolveUri(new Uri.file(root)));
fileSystem = new MultiRootFileSystem(
multiRootFileSystemScheme, rootUris, fileSystem);
return fileSystem;
/// Convert command line argument [input] which is a file or URI to an
/// absolute URI.
/// If virtual multi-root file system is used, or [input] can be parsed to a
/// URI with 'package' or 'file' scheme, then [input] is interpreted as URI.
/// Otherwise [input] is interpreted as a file path.
Uri convertFileOrUriArgumentToUri(FileSystem fileSystem, String input) {
if (input == null) {
return null;
// If using virtual multi-root file system, input source argument should be
// specified as URI.
if (fileSystem is MultiRootFileSystem) {
return Uri.base.resolve(input);
try {
Uri uri = Uri.parse(input);
if (uri.scheme == 'package' || uri.scheme == 'file') {
return uri;
} on FormatException {
// Ignore, treat input argument as file path.
return Uri.base.resolveUri(new Uri.file(input));
/// Convert a URI which may use virtual file system schema to a real file URI.
Future<Uri> asFileUri(FileSystem fileSystem, Uri uri) async {
FileSystemEntity fse = fileSystem.entityForUri(uri);
if (fse is MultiRootFileSystemEntity) {
fse = await (fse as MultiRootFileSystemEntity).delegate;
return fse.uri;
/// Convert URI to a package URI if it is inside one of the packages.
Future<Uri> convertToPackageUri(
FileSystem fileSystem, Uri uri, Uri packagesUri) async {
if (uri.scheme == 'package') {
return uri;
// Convert virtual URI to a real file URI.
String uriString = (await asFileUri(fileSystem, uri)).toString();
List<String> packages;
try {
packages =
await new File((await asFileUri(fileSystem, packagesUri)).toFilePath())
} on IOException {
// Can't read packages file - silently give up.
return uri;
// file:///a/b/x/y/main.dart -> package:x.y/main.dart
for (var line in packages) {
final colon = line.indexOf(':');
if (colon == -1) {
final packageName = line.substring(0, colon);
String packagePath;
try {
packagePath = (await asFileUri(
fileSystem, packagesUri.resolve(line.substring(colon + 1))))
} on FileSystemException {
// Can't resolve package path.
if (uriString.startsWith(packagePath)) {
return Uri.parse(
return uri;
/// Write a separate kernel binary for each package. The name of the
/// output kernel binary is '[outputFileName]-$package.dilp'.
/// The list of package names is written into a file '[outputFileName]-packages'.
/// Generates bytecode for each package if requested.
Future writeOutputSplitByPackages(
Uri source,
CompilerOptions compilerOptions,
Component component,
String outputFileName, {
Map<String, String> environmentDefines,
bool genBytecode: false,
bool enableAsserts: true,
bool emitBytecodeSourcePositions: false,
bool emitBytecodeAnnotations: false,
bool dropAST: false,
bool showBytecodeSizeStat: false,
bool useFutureBytecodeFormat: false,
}) async {
// Package sharing: make the encoding not depend on the order in which parts
// of a package are loaded.
component.libraries.sort((Library a, Library b) {
return a.importUri.toString().compareTo(b.importUri.toString());
for (Library lib in component.libraries) {
lib.additionalExports.sort((Reference a, Reference b) {
return a.canonicalName.toString().compareTo(b.canonicalName.toString());
final packagesSet = new Set<String>();
for (Library lib in component.libraries) {
final List<String> packages = packagesSet.toList();
packages.add('main'); // Make sure main package is last.
if (showBytecodeSizeStat) {
ClassHierarchy hierarchy;
if (genBytecode) {
// Calculating class hierarchy is an expensive operation.
// Calculate it once and reuse while generating bytecode for each package.
hierarchy =
new ClassHierarchy(component, onAmbiguousSupertypes: (cls, a, b) {});
await runWithFrontEndCompilerContext(source, compilerOptions, component,
() async {
for (String package in packages) {
final String filename = '$outputFileName-$package.dilp';
final IOSink sink = new File(filename).openWrite();
final main = component.mainMethod;
final problems = component.problemsAsJson;
if (package != 'main') {
component.mainMethod = null;
component.problemsAsJson = null;
ASTRemover astRemover;
if (genBytecode) {
final List<Library> libraries = component.libraries
.where((lib) => packageFor(lib) == package)
libraries: libraries,
hierarchy: hierarchy,
enableAsserts: enableAsserts,
emitSourcePositions: emitBytecodeSourcePositions,
emitAnnotations: emitBytecodeAnnotations,
useFutureBytecodeFormat: useFutureBytecodeFormat,
environmentDefines: environmentDefines);
if (dropAST) {
astRemover = new ASTRemover(component);
for (var library in libraries) {
final BinaryPrinter printer = new LimitedBinaryPrinter(sink,
(lib) => packageFor(lib) == package, false /* excludeUriToSource */);
if (genBytecode && dropAST) {
component.mainMethod = main;
component.problemsAsJson = problems;
await sink.close();
if (showBytecodeSizeStat) {
final IOSink packagesList = new File('$outputFileName-packages').openWrite();
for (String package in packages) {
await packagesList.close();
String packageFor(Library lib) {
// Core libraries are not written into any package kernel binaries.
if (lib.isExternal) return null;
// Packages are written into their own kernel binaries.
Uri uri = lib.importUri;
if (uri.scheme == 'package') return uri.pathSegments.first;
// Everything else (e.g., file: or data: imports) is lumped into the main
// kernel binary.
return 'main';
String _escapePath(String path) {
return path.replaceAll('\\', '\\\\').replaceAll(' ', '\\ ');
/// Create ninja dependencies file, as described in
Future<void> writeDepfile(FileSystem fileSystem, Component component,
String output, String depfile) async {
final IOSink file = new File(depfile).openWrite();
for (Uri dep in component.uriToSource.keys) {
// Skip empty or corelib dependencies.
if (dep == null || dep.scheme == 'org-dartlang-sdk') continue;
Uri uri = await asFileUri(fileSystem, dep);
file.write(' ');
await file.close();
// Used by kernel_front_end_test.dart
main() {}