blob: 186a1010d691533a75fce83bfc79af10c3cd5109 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* This file contains code to generate serialization/deserialization logic for
* summaries based on an "IDL" description of the summary format (written in
* stylized Dart).
* For each class in the "IDL" input, two corresponding classes are generated:
* - A class with the same name which represents deserialized summary data in
* memory. This class has read-only semantics.
* - A "builder" class which can be used to generate serialized summary data.
* This class has write-only semantics.
* Each of the "builder" classess has a single `finish` method which finalizes
* the entity being built and returns it as an [Object]. This object should
* only be passed to other builders (or to [BuilderContext.getBuffer]);
* otherwise the client should treat it as opaque, since it exposes
* implementation details of the underlying summary infrastructure.
library analyzer.tool.summary.generate;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' hide File;
import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/physical_file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/codegen/tools.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/parser.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/scanner.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'idl_model.dart' as idlModel;
main() {
String script = Platform.script.toFilePath(windows: Platform.isWindows);
String pkgPath = normalize(join(dirname(script), '..', '..'));
GeneratedContent.generateAll(pkgPath, <GeneratedContent>[target]);
final GeneratedFile target =
new GeneratedFile('lib/src/summary/format.dart', (String pkgPath) {
// Parse the input "IDL" file and pass it to the [_CodeGenerator].
PhysicalResourceProvider provider = new PhysicalResourceProvider(
String idlPath = join(pkgPath, 'tool', 'summary', 'idl.dart');
File idlFile = provider.getFile(idlPath);
Source idlSource = provider.getFile(idlPath).createSource();
String idlText = idlFile.readAsStringSync();
BooleanErrorListener errorListener = new BooleanErrorListener();
CharacterReader idlReader = new CharSequenceReader(idlText);
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(idlSource, idlReader, errorListener);
Token tokenStream = scanner.tokenize();
Parser parser = new Parser(idlSource, new BooleanErrorListener());
CompilationUnit idlParsed = parser.parseCompilationUnit(tokenStream);
_CodeGenerator codeGenerator = new _CodeGenerator();
return codeGenerator._outBuffer.toString();
class _CodeGenerator {
* Buffer in which generated code is accumulated.
final StringBuffer _outBuffer = new StringBuffer();
* Current indentation level.
String _indentation = '';
* Semantic model of the "IDL" input file.
idlModel.Idl _idl;
* Perform basic sanity checking of the IDL (over and above that done by
* [extractIdl]).
void checkIdl() {
_idl.classes.forEach((String name, idlModel.ClassDeclaration cls) {
cls.fields.forEach((String fieldName, idlModel.FieldType type) {
if (type.isList) {
if (_idl.classes.containsKey(type.typeName)) {
// List of classes is ok
} else if (type.typeName == 'int') {
// List of ints is ok
} else {
throw new Exception(
'$name.$fieldName: illegal type (list of ${type.typeName})');
* Generate a string representing the Dart type which should be used to
* represent [type] when deserialized.
String dartType(idlModel.FieldType type) {
if (type.isList) {
return 'List<${type.typeName}>';
} else {
return type.typeName;
* Generate a Dart expression representing the default value for a field
* having the given [type], or `null` if there is no default value.
String defaultValue(idlModel.FieldType type) {
if (type.isList) {
return 'const <${type.typeName}>[]';
} else if (_idl.enums.containsKey(type.typeName)) {
return '${type.typeName}.${_idl.enums[type.typeName].values[0]}';
} else if (type.typeName == 'int') {
return '0';
} else if (type.typeName == 'String') {
return "''";
} else if (type.typeName == 'bool') {
return 'false';
} else {
return null;
* Generate a string representing the Dart type which should be used to
* represent [type] while building a serialized data structure.
String encodedType(idlModel.FieldType type) {
String typeStr;
if (_idl.classes.containsKey(type.typeName)) {
typeStr = '${type.typeName}Builder';
} else {
typeStr = type.typeName;
if (type.isList) {
return 'List<$typeStr>';
} else {
return typeStr;
* Process the AST in [idlParsed] and store the resulting semantic model in
* [_idl]. Also perform some error checking.
void extractIdl(CompilationUnit idlParsed) {
_idl = new idlModel.Idl();
for (CompilationUnitMember decl in idlParsed.declarations) {
if (decl is ClassDeclaration) {
bool isTopLevel = false;
for (Annotation annotation in decl.metadata) {
if (annotation.arguments == null && == 'topLevel') {
isTopLevel = true;
idlModel.ClassDeclaration cls =
new idlModel.ClassDeclaration(isTopLevel);
_idl.classes[] = cls;
for (ClassMember classMember in decl.members) {
if (classMember is FieldDeclaration) {
TypeName type = classMember.fields.type;
bool isList = false;
if ( == 'List' &&
type.typeArguments != null &&
type.typeArguments.arguments.length == 1) {
isList = true;
type = type.typeArguments.arguments[0];
if (type.typeArguments != null) {
throw new Exception('Cannot handle type arguments in `$type`');
idlModel.FieldType fieldType =
new idlModel.FieldType(, isList);
for (VariableDeclaration field in classMember.fields.variables) {
cls.fields[] = fieldType;
} else {
throw new Exception('Unexpected class member `$classMember`');
} else if (decl is EnumDeclaration) {
idlModel.EnumDeclaration enm = new idlModel.EnumDeclaration();
_idl.enums[] = enm;
for (EnumConstantDeclaration constDecl in decl.constants) {
} else if (decl is TopLevelVariableDeclaration) {
// Ignore top leve variable declarations; they are present just to make
// the IDL analyze without warnings.
} else {
throw new Exception('Unexpected declaration `$decl`');
* Execute [callback] with two spaces added to [_indentation].
void indent(void callback()) {
String oldIndentation = _indentation;
try {
_indentation += ' ';
} finally {
_indentation = oldIndentation;
* Add the string [s] to the output as a single line, indenting as
* appropriate.
void out([String s = '']) {
if (s == '') {
} else {
* Entry point to the code generator. Interpret the AST in [idlParsed],
* generate code, and output it to [_outBuffer].
void processCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit idlParsed) {
out('// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file');
out('// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a');
out('// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.');
out('// This file has been automatically generated. Please do not edit it manually.');
out('// To regenerate the file, use the script "pkg/analyzer/tool/generate_files".');
out('library analyzer.src.summary.format;');
out("import 'dart:convert';");
out("import 'builder.dart' as builder;");
_idl.enums.forEach((String name, idlModel.EnumDeclaration enm) {
out('enum $name {');
indent(() {
for (String value in enm.values) {
_idl.classes.forEach((String name, idlModel.ClassDeclaration cls) {
out('class $name {');
indent(() {
cls.fields.forEach((String fieldName, idlModel.FieldType type) {
out('${dartType(type)} _$fieldName;');
out('$name.fromJson(Map json)');
indent(() {
List<String> initializers = <String>[];
cls.fields.forEach((String fieldName, idlModel.FieldType type) {
String convert = 'json[${quoted(fieldName)}]';
if (type.isList && type.typeName == 'int') {
// No conversion necessary.
} else if (type.isList) {
convert =
'$convert?.map((x) => new ${type.typeName}.fromJson(x))?.toList()';
} else if (_idl.classes.containsKey(type.typeName)) {
convert =
'$convert == null ? null : new ${type.typeName}.fromJson($convert)';
} else if (_idl.enums.containsKey(type.typeName)) {
convert =
'$convert == null ? null : ${type.typeName}.values[$convert]';
initializers.add('_$fieldName = $convert');
for (int i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) {
String prefix = i == 0 ? ': ' : ' ';
String suffix = i == initializers.length - 1 ? ';' : ',';
if (cls.isTopLevel) {
out('$name.fromBuffer(List<int> buffer) : this.fromJson(JSON.decode(UTF8.decode(buffer)));');
cls.fields.forEach((String fieldName, idlModel.FieldType type) {
String def = defaultValue(type);
String defaultSuffix = def == null ? '' : ' ?? $def';
out('${dartType(type)} get $fieldName => _$fieldName$defaultSuffix;');
List<String> builderParams = <String>[];
out('class ${name}Builder {');
indent(() {
out('final Map _json = {};');
out('${name}Builder(builder.BuilderContext context);');
cls.fields.forEach((String fieldName, idlModel.FieldType type) {
String conversion = '_value';
String condition = '';
if (type.isList) {
if (_idl.classes.containsKey(type.typeName)) {
conversion = '$ => b.finish()).toList()';
} else {
conversion = '$conversion.toList()';
condition = ' || _value.isEmpty';
} else if (_idl.enums.containsKey(type.typeName)) {
conversion = '$conversion.index';
condition = ' || _value == ${defaultValue(type)}';
} else if (_idl.classes.containsKey(type.typeName)) {
conversion = '$conversion.finish()';
builderParams.add('${encodedType(type)} $fieldName');
out('void set $fieldName(${encodedType(type)} _value) {');
indent(() {
out('if (_value != null$condition) {');
indent(() {
out('_json[${quoted(fieldName)}] = $conversion;');
if (cls.isTopLevel) {
out('List<int> toBuffer() => UTF8.encode(JSON.encode(finish()));');
out('Map finish() => _json;');
out('${name}Builder encode$name(builder.BuilderContext builderContext, {${builderParams.join(', ')}}) {');
indent(() {
out('${name}Builder builder = new ${name}Builder(builderContext);');
cls.fields.forEach((String fieldName, idlModel.FieldType type) {
out('builder.$fieldName = $fieldName;');
out('return builder;');
* Enclose [s] in quotes, escaping as necessary.
String quoted(String s) {
return JSON.encode(s);