blob: 8a88dec9a0ca87e64789874d42557fe3b8ff344e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:observatory/models.dart' as M;
/// Utility class for URIs generation.
abstract class Uris {
static String _isolatePage(String path, M.IsolateRef isolate,
{M.ObjectRef object}) {
final parameters = {'isolateId':};
if (object != null) parameters['objectId'] =;
return '#' + new Uri(path: path, queryParameters: parameters).toString();
static String allocationProfiler(M.IsolateRef isolate) =>
_isolatePage('/allocation-profiler', isolate);
static String classTree(M.IsolateRef isolate) =>
_isolatePage('/class-tree', isolate);
static String cpuProfiler(M.IsolateRef isolate) =>
_isolatePage('/profiler', isolate);
static String cpuProfilerTable(M.IsolateRef isolate) =>
_isolatePage('/profiler-table', isolate);
static String debugger(M.IsolateRef isolate) =>
_isolatePage('/debugger', isolate);
static String flags() => '#/flags';
static String heapMap(M.IsolateRef isolate) =>
_isolatePage('/heap-map', isolate);
static String heapSnapshot(M.IsolateRef isolate) =>
_isolatePage('/heap-snapshot', isolate);
static String inspect(M.IsolateRef isolate, {M.ObjectRef object, int pos}) {
if (pos == null) {
return _isolatePage('/inspect', isolate, object: object);
return _isolatePage('/inspect', isolate, object: object) + '---pos=${pos}';
static String logging(M.IsolateRef isolate) =>
_isolatePage('/logging', isolate);
static String metrics(M.IsolateRef isolate) =>
_isolatePage('/metrics', isolate);
static String nativeMemory() => '#/native-memory-profile';
static String objectStore(M.IsolateRef isolate) =>
_isolatePage('/object-store', isolate);
static String persistentHandles(M.IsolateRef isolate) =>
_isolatePage('/persistent-handles', isolate);
static String ports(M.IsolateRef isolate) => _isolatePage('/ports', isolate);
static String timeline() => '#/timeline';
static String vm() => '#/vm';
static String vmConnect() => '#/vm-connect';