blob: 772f0916e19414857508ad81a94ecbdac8c06695 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
group('generated classes', () {
test('can be checked for equality', () {
final a = TextDocumentIdentifier(uri: '/a');
final b = TextDocumentIdentifier(uri: '/a');
expect(a, equals(b));
expect(a.hashCode, equals(b.hashCode));
test('with list fields can be checked for equality', () {
final a = CodeActionLiteralSupportCodeActionKind(
valueSet: [CodeActionKind.QuickFix],
final b = CodeActionLiteralSupportCodeActionKind(
valueSet: [CodeActionKind.QuickFix],
expect(a, equals(b));
expect(a.hashCode, equals(b.hashCode));
test('with aliased list fields can be checked for equality', () {
final a = TextDocumentRegistrationOptions(documentSelector: [
TextDocumentFilterWithScheme(language: 'dart', scheme: 'file')
final b = TextDocumentRegistrationOptions(documentSelector: [
TextDocumentFilterWithScheme(language: 'dart', scheme: 'file')
expect(a, equals(b));
expect(a.hashCode, equals(b.hashCode));
test('with map fields can be checked for equality', () {
final a = WorkspaceEdit(changes: {
'a': [
range: Range(
start: Position(line: 0, character: 0),
end: Position(line: 0, character: 0)),
newText: 'a')
final b = WorkspaceEdit(changes: {
'a': [
range: Range(
start: Position(line: 0, character: 0),
end: Position(line: 0, character: 0)),
newText: 'a')
expect(a, equals(b));
expect(a.hashCode, equals(b.hashCode));
test('with unions of lists can be checked for equality', () {
final a = Either2<List<String>, List<int>>.t1(['test']);
final b = Either2<List<String>, List<int>>.t1(['test']);
expect(a, equals(b));
expect(a.hashCode, equals(b.hashCode));
test('with union fields can be checked for equality', () {
final a = SignatureInformation(
label: 'a',
documentation: Either2<MarkupContent, String>.t2('a'),
parameters: []);
final b = SignatureInformation(
label: 'a',
documentation: Either2<MarkupContent, String>.t2('a'),
parameters: []);
expect(a, equals(b));
expect(a.hashCode, equals(b.hashCode));
test('consider subclasses when checking for equality', () {
final a = TextDocumentRegistrationOptions(documentSelector: [
TextDocumentFilterWithScheme(language: 'dart', scheme: 'file')
final b = TextDocumentSaveRegistrationOptions(
includeText: true,
documentSelector: [
TextDocumentFilterWithScheme(language: 'dart', scheme: 'file')
expect(a, isNot(equals(b)));
expect(b, isNot(equals(a)));