blob: a6ffbe4a39a70155797c59209215cdeb4f52c8b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:front_end/memory_file_system.dart';
/// Create SDK libraries which are used by Fasta to perform kernel generation.
/// Return the mapping from the simple names of these library to the URIs
/// in the given [fileSystem]. The root of the SDK is `file:///sdk`.
Map<String, Uri> createSdkFiles(MemoryFileSystem fileSystem) {
Map<String, Uri> dartLibraries = {};
void addSdkLibrary(String name, String contents) {
String path = '$name/$name.dart';
Uri uri = Uri.parse('file:///sdk/lib/$path');
dartLibraries[name] = uri;
library dart.core;
import 'dart:_internal';
import 'dart:async';
class Object {
const Object();
class Null {}
class Symbol {}
class Type {}
class Function {}
class Invocation {}
class StackTrace {}
class bool {}
class String {}
class num {}
class int extends num {}
class double {}
class Iterable<T> {}
class Iterator<T> {}
class List<T> extends Iterable<T> {}
class Map<K, V> {}
void print(Object o) {}
abstract class _SyncIterable implements Iterable {}
library dart.async;
class Future<T> {
factory Future.microtask(FutureOr<T> computation()) => null;
class FutureOr<T> {}
class Stream<T> {}
abstract class StreamIterator<T> {}
abstract class Completer<T> {
factory Completer() => null;
factory Completer.sync() => null;
Future<T> get future;
void complete([FutureOr<T> value]);
void completeError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]);
bool get isCompleted;
class _StreamIterator<T> implements StreamIterator<T> {}
class _AsyncStarStreamController {}
Function _asyncThenWrapperHelper(continuation) {}
Function _asyncErrorWrapperHelper(continuation) {}
Future _awaitHelper(
object, Function thenCallback, Function errorCallback, var awaiter) {}
addSdkLibrary('collection', 'library dart.collection;');
addSdkLibrary('convert', 'library dart.convert;');
addSdkLibrary('developer', 'library dart.developer;');
addSdkLibrary('io', 'library;');
addSdkLibrary('isolate', 'library dart.isolate;');
addSdkLibrary('math', 'library dart.math;');
addSdkLibrary('mirrors', 'library dart.mirrors;');
addSdkLibrary('nativewrappers', 'library dart.nativewrappers;');
addSdkLibrary('profiler', 'library dart.profiler;');
addSdkLibrary('typed_data', 'library dart.typed_data;');
addSdkLibrary('vmservice_io', 'library dart.vmservice_io;');
addSdkLibrary('_builtin', 'library dart._builtin;');
addSdkLibrary('_internal', 'library dart._internal; class Symbol {}');
addSdkLibrary('_vmservice', 'library dart._vmservice;');
return dartLibraries;