blob: 2d01953f34c89a34608e978582a715323adeda3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
/// Creates a collection of [TypeConstraint]s corresponding to type parameters,
/// based on an attempt to make one type schema a subtype of another.
class TypeConstraintGatherer {
final TypeSchemaEnvironment environment;
final _protoConstraints = <_ProtoConstraint>[];
final List<TypeParameter> _parametersToConstrain;
/// Creates a [TypeConstraintGatherer] which is prepared to gather type
/// constraints for the given [typeParameters].
this.environment, Iterable<TypeParameter> typeParameters)
: _parametersToConstrain = typeParameters.toList();
/// Returns the set of type constraints that was gathered.
Map<TypeParameter, TypeConstraint> computeConstraints() {
var result = <TypeParameter, TypeConstraint>{};
for (var parameter in _parametersToConstrain) {
result[parameter] = new TypeConstraint();
for (var protoConstraint in _protoConstraints) {
if (protoConstraint.isUpper) {
result[protoConstraint.parameter], protoConstraint.bound);
} else {
result[protoConstraint.parameter], protoConstraint.bound);
return result;
/// Tries to match [subtype] against [supertype].
/// If the match suceeds, the resulting type constraints are recorded for
/// later use by [computeConstraints]. If the match fails, the set of type
/// constraints is unchanged.
bool trySubtypeMatch(DartType subtype, DartType supertype) {
int oldProtoConstraintsLength = _protoConstraints.length;
bool isMatch = _isSubtypeMatch(subtype, supertype);
if (!isMatch) {
_protoConstraints.length = oldProtoConstraintsLength;
return isMatch;
/// Attempts to match [subtype] as a subtype of [supertype], gathering any
/// constraints discovered in the process.
/// If a set of constraints was found, `true` is returned and the caller
/// may proceed to call [computeConstraints]. Otherwise, `false` is returned.
/// In the case where `false` is returned, some bogus constraints may have
/// been added to [_protoConstraints]. It is the caller's responsibility to
/// discard them if necessary.
bool _isSubtypeMatch(DartType subtype, DartType supertype) {
// The unknown type `?` is a subtype match for any type `Q` with no
// constraints.
if (subtype is UnknownType) return true;
// Any type `P` is a subtype match for the unknown type `?` with no
// constraints.
if (supertype is UnknownType) return true;
// A type variable `T` in `L` is a subtype match for any type schema `Q`:
// - Under constraint `T <: Q`.
if (subtype is TypeParameterType &&
_parametersToConstrain.contains(subtype.parameter)) {
_constrainUpper(subtype.parameter, supertype);
return true;
// A type schema `Q` is a subtype match for a type variable `T` in `L`:
// - Under constraint `Q <: T`.
if (supertype is TypeParameterType &&
_parametersToConstrain.contains(supertype.parameter)) {
_constrainLower(supertype.parameter, subtype);
return true;
// Any two equal types `P` and `Q` are subtype matches under no constraints.
// Note: to avoid making the algorithm quadratic, we just check for
// identical(). If P and Q are equal but not identical, recursing through
// the types will give the proper result.
if (identical(subtype, supertype)) return true;
// Any type `P` is a subtype match for `dynamic`, `Object`, or `void` under
// no constraints.
if (_isTop(supertype)) return true;
// `Null` is a subtype match for any type `Q` under no constraints.
// Note that nullable types will change this.
if (_isNull(subtype)) return true;
// `FutureOr<P>` is a subtype match for `FutureOr<Q>` with respect to `L`
// under constraints `C`:
// - If `P` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` under constraints
// `C`.
// TODO(paulberry): implement this case.
// `FutureOr<P>` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C0 + C1`:
// - If `Future<P>` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C0`.
// - And `P` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C1`.
// TODO(paulberry): implement this case.
// `P` is a subtype match for `FutureOr<Q>` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C`:
// - If `P` is a subtype match for `Future<Q>` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C`.
// - Or `P` is not a subtype match for `Future<Q>` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C`
// - And `P` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C`
// TODO(paulberry): implement this case.
// A type variable `T` not in `L` with bound `P` is a subtype match for the
// same type variable `T` with bound `Q` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C`:
// - If `P` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` under constraints
// `C`.
if (subtype is TypeParameterType) {
if (supertype is TypeParameterType &&
identical(subtype.parameter, supertype.parameter)) {
// Kernel doesn't yet allow a type variable to have different bounds
// under different circumstances (see so for now if
// we get here, the bounds must be the same.
// TODO(paulberry): update this code once is
// addressed.
return true;
// A type variable `T` not in `L` with bound `P` is a subtype match for a
// type `Q` with respect to `L` under constraints `C`:
// - If `P` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C`.
return _isSubtypeMatch(subtype.parameter.bound, supertype);
if (subtype is InterfaceType && supertype is InterfaceType) {
return _isInterfaceSubtypeMatch(subtype, supertype);
// A type `P` is a subtype match for `Function` with respect to `L` under no
// constraints:
// - If `P` implements a call method.
// - Or if `P` is a function type.
// TODO(paulberry): implement this case.
// A type `P` is a subtype match for a type `Q` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C`:
// - If `P` is an interface type which implements a call method of type `F`,
// and `F` is a subtype match for a type `Q` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C`.
// TODO(paulberry): implement this case.
// A function type `(M0,..., Mn, [M{n+1}, ..., Mm]) -> R0` is a subtype
// match for a function type `(N0,..., Nk, [N{k+1}, ..., Nr]) -> R1` with
// respect to `L` under constraints `C0 + ... + Cr + C`
// - If `R0` is a subtype match for a type `R1` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C`:
// - If `n <= k` and `r <= m`.
// - And for `i` in `0...r`, `Ni` is a subtype match for `Mi` with respect
// to `L` under constraints `Ci`.
// Function types with named parameters are treated analogously to the
// positional parameter case above.
// TODO(paulberry): implement this case.
// A generic function type `<T0 extends B0, ..., Tn extends Bn>F0` is a
// subtype match for a generic function type `<S0 extends B0, ..., Sn
// extends Bn>F1` with respect to `L` under constraints `Cl`:
// - If `F0[Z0/T0, ..., Zn/Tn]` is a subtype match for `F0[Z0/S0, ...,
// Zn/Sn]` with respect to `L` under constraints `C`, where each `Zi` is a
// fresh type variable with bound `Bi`.
// - And `Cl` is `C` with each constraint replaced with its closure with
// respect to `[Z0, ..., Zn]`.
// TODO(paulberry): implement this case.
return false;
void _constrainLower(TypeParameter parameter, DartType lower) {
_protoConstraints.add(new _ProtoConstraint.lower(parameter, lower));
void _constrainUpper(TypeParameter parameter, DartType upper) {
_protoConstraints.add(new _ProtoConstraint.upper(parameter, upper));
bool _isInterfaceSubtypeMatch(
InterfaceType subtype, InterfaceType supertype) {
// A type `P<M0, ..., Mk>` is a subtype match for `P<N0, ..., Nk>` with
// respect to `L` under constraints `C0 + ... + Ck`:
// - If `Mi` is a subtype match for `Ni` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `Ci`.
// A type `P<M0, ..., Mk>` is a subtype match for `Q<N0, ..., Nj>` with
// respect to `L` under constraints `C`:
// - If `R<B0, ..., Bj>` is the superclass of `P<M0, ..., Mk>` and `R<B0,
// ..., Bj>` is a subtype match for `Q<N0, ..., Nj>` with respect to `L`
// under constraints `C`.
// - Or `R<B0, ..., Bj>` is one of the interfaces implemented by `P<M0, ...,
// Mk>` (considered in lexical order) and `R<B0, ..., Bj>` is a subtype
// match for `Q<N0, ..., Nj>` with respect to `L` under constraints `C`.
// - Or `R<B0, ..., Bj>` is a mixin into `P<M0, ..., Mk>` (considered in
// lexical order) and `R<B0, ..., Bj>` is a subtype match for `Q<N0, ...,
// Nj>` with respect to `L` under constraints `C`.
// Note that since kernel requires that no class may only appear in the set
// of supertypes of a given type more than once, the order of the checks
// above is irrelevant; we just need to find the matched superclass,
// substitute, and then iterate through type variables.
var matchingSupertypeOfSubtype =
environment.hierarchy.getTypeAsInstanceOf(subtype, supertype.classNode);
if (matchingSupertypeOfSubtype == null) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < supertype.classNode.typeParameters.length; i++) {
if (!_isSubtypeMatch(matchingSupertypeOfSubtype.typeArguments[i],
supertype.typeArguments[i])) {
return false;
return true;
bool _isNull(DartType type) {
// TODO(paulberry): would it be better to call this "_isBottom", and to have
// it return `true` for both Null and bottom types? Revisit this once
// enough functionality is implemented that we can compare the behavior with
// the old analyzer-based implementation.
return type is InterfaceType &&
identical(type.classNode, environment.coreTypes.nullClass);
bool _isTop(DartType type) =>
type is DynamicType ||
type is VoidType ||
(type is InterfaceType &&
identical(type.classNode, environment.coreTypes.objectClass));
/// Tracks a single constraint on a single type variable.
/// This is called "_ProtoConstraint" to distinguish from [TypeConstraint],
/// which tracks the upper and lower bounds that are together implied by a set
/// of [_ProtoConstraint]s.
class _ProtoConstraint {
final TypeParameter parameter;
final DartType bound;
final bool isUpper;
_ProtoConstraint.lower(this.parameter, this.bound) : isUpper = false;
_ProtoConstraint.upper(this.parameter, this.bound) : isUpper = true;