blob: 142f1c70a7d147e4263ae3fb5bd0a15fbd42ce35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.target_implementation;
import 'package:kernel/target/vm.dart' show VmTarget;
import 'builder/builder.dart' show Builder, ClassBuilder, LibraryBuilder;
import 'parser/dart_vm_native.dart' as vm show skipNativeClause;
import 'scanner/token.dart' show Token;
import 'loader.dart' show Loader;
import 'quote.dart' show unescapeString;
import 'target.dart' show Target;
import 'ticker.dart' show Ticker;
import 'translate_uri.dart' show TranslateUri;
/// Provides the implementation details used by a loader for a target.
abstract class TargetImplementation extends Target {
final TranslateUri uriTranslator;
Builder cachedCompileTimeError;
Builder cachedAbstractClassInstantiationError;
Builder cachedNativeAnnotation;
TargetImplementation(Ticker ticker, this.uriTranslator) : super(ticker);
/// Creates a [LibraryBuilder] corresponding to [uri], if one doesn't exist
/// already.
LibraryBuilder createLibraryBuilder(Uri uri, Uri fileUri);
/// Add the classes extended or implemented directly by [cls] to [set].
void addDirectSupertype(ClassBuilder cls, Set<ClassBuilder> set);
/// Returns all classes that will be included in the resulting program.
List<ClassBuilder> collectAllClasses();
/// The class [cls] is involved in a cyclic definition. This method should
/// ensure that the cycle is broken, for example, by removing superclass and
/// implemented interfaces.
void breakCycle(ClassBuilder cls);
Uri translateUri(Uri uri) => uriTranslator.translate(uri);
/// Returns a reference to the constructor used for creating a compile-time
/// error. The constructor is expected to accept a single argument of type
/// String, which is the compile-time error message.
Builder getCompileTimeError(Loader loader) {
if (cachedCompileTimeError != null) return cachedCompileTimeError;
return cachedCompileTimeError =
loader.coreLibrary.getConstructor("_CompileTimeError", isPrivate: true);
/// Returns a reference to the constructor of
/// [AbstractClassInstantiationError] error. The constructor is expected to
/// accept a single argument of type String, which is the name of the
/// abstract class.
Builder getAbstractClassInstantiationError(Loader loader) {
if (cachedAbstractClassInstantiationError != null) {
return cachedAbstractClassInstantiationError;
return cachedAbstractClassInstantiationError =
/// Returns a reference to the constructor used for creating `native`
/// annotations. The constructor is expected to accept a single argument of
/// type String, which is the name of the native method.
Builder getNativeAnnotation(Loader loader) {
if (cachedNativeAnnotation != null) return cachedNativeAnnotation;
LibraryBuilder internal ="dart:_internal"));
return cachedNativeAnnotation = internal.getConstructor("ExternalName");
void loadExtraRequiredLibraries(Loader loader) {
for (String uri in new VmTarget(null).extraRequiredLibraries) {;
Token skipNativeClause(Token token) => vm.skipNativeClause(token);
String extractNativeMethodName(Token token) =>
void addSourceInformation(
Uri uri, List<int> lineStarts, List<int> sourceCode);