blob: c70f7a496b3a9dbeeee2d9278ae651019f174d4d [file] [log] [blame]
main = main::main;
library from "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart" as main {
static field dart.core::int value = block {
dart.core::int #t1;
final synthesized dart.core::int #0#0 = 0;
if(#C1 =={dart.core::num::==}{(dart.core::Object) dart.core::bool} #0#0) {
#t1 = 1;
break #L1;
if(true) {
#t1 = 2;
break #L1;
throw{for-error-handling} new dart._internal::ReachabilityError::•("`null` encountered as case in a switch expression with a non-nullable type.");
} =>#t1;
static method main() dynamic {}
constants {
#C1 = 0
And 19 platform libraries:
- dart:_http
- dart:_builtin
- dart:vmservice_io
- dart:_macros
- dart:async
- dart:cli
- dart:collection
- dart:convert
- dart:core
- dart:developer
- dart:ffi
- dart:nativewrappers
- dart:_internal
- dart:io
- dart:isolate
- dart:math
- dart:mirrors
- dart:typed_data
- dart:_vmservice