blob: e5e2877430c500a9532bbf769c5819fe7d05f90a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/nullability/conditional_discard.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/nullability/decorated_type.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/nullability/expression_checks.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/nullability/graph_builder.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/nullability/node_builder.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/nullability/nullability_node.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/nullability/transitional_api.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/find_node.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../../abstract_single_unit.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class GraphBuilderTest extends MigrationVisitorTestBase {
/// Analyzes the given source code, producing constraint variables and
/// constraints for it.
Future<CompilationUnit> analyze(String code) async {
var unit = await super.analyze(code);
GraphBuilder(typeProvider, _variables, graph, testSource, false));
return unit;
void assertConditional(
NullabilityNode node, NullabilityNode left, NullabilityNode right) {
var conditionalNode = node as NullabilityNodeForLUB;
expect(conditionalNode.left, same(left));
expect(conditionalNode.right, same(right));
/// Checks that there are no nullability nodes upstream from [node] that could
/// cause it to become nullable.
void assertNoUpstreamNullability(NullabilityNode node) {
// NullabilityNode.never can never become nullable, even if it has nodes
// upstream from it.
if (node == NullabilityNode.never) return;
for (var upstreamNode in graph.getUpstreamNodesForTesting(node)) {
expect(upstreamNode, NullabilityNode.never);
/// Verifies that a null check will occur under the proper circumstances.
/// [expressionChecks] is the object tracking whether or not a null check is
/// needed. [valueNode] is the node representing the possibly-nullable value
/// that is the source of the assignment or use. [contextNode] is the node
/// representing the possibly-nullable value that is the destination of the
/// assignment (if the value is being assigned), or `null` if the value is
/// being used in a circumstance where `null` is not permitted. [guards] is
/// a list of nullability nodes for which there are enclosing if statements
/// checking that the corresponding values are non-null.
void assertNullCheck(
ExpressionChecks expressionChecks, NullabilityNode valueNode,
{NullabilityNode contextNode, List<NullabilityNode> guards = const []}) {
expect(expressionChecks.valueNode, same(valueNode));
if (contextNode == null) {
expect(expressionChecks.contextNode, same(NullabilityNode.never));
} else {
expect(expressionChecks.contextNode, same(contextNode));
expect(expressionChecks.guards, guards);
/// Gets the [ExpressionChecks] associated with the expression whose text
/// representation is [text], or `null` if the expression has no
/// [ExpressionChecks] associated with it.
ExpressionChecks checkExpression(String text) {
return _variables.checkExpression(findNode.expression(text));
/// Gets the [DecoratedType] associated with the expression whose text
/// representation is [text], or `null` if the expression has no
/// [DecoratedType] associated with it.
DecoratedType decoratedExpressionType(String text) {
return _variables.decoratedExpressionType(findNode.expression(text));
test_always() async {
await analyze('');
expect(NullabilityNode.always.isNullable, isTrue);
test_assert_demonstrates_non_null_intent() async {
await analyze('''
void f(int i) {
assert(i != null);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node, never, hard: true);
test_assignmentExpression_operands() async {
await analyze('''
void f(int i, int j) {
i = j;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
hard: true);
test_assignmentExpression_value() async {
await analyze('''
void f(int i, int j) {
g(i = j);
void g(int k) {}
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int k').node,
hard: false);
test_binaryExpression_add_left_check() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i, int j) => i + j;
checkExpression('i +'), decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node);
test_binaryExpression_add_left_check_custom() async {
await analyze('''
class Int {
Int operator+(Int other) => this;
Int f(Int i, Int j) => i + j;
checkExpression('i +'), decoratedTypeAnnotation('Int i').node);
test_binaryExpression_add_result_custom() async {
await analyze('''
class Int {
Int operator+(Int other) => this;
Int f(Int i, Int j) => (i + j);
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('(i + j)'),
decoratedTypeAnnotation('Int operator+').node,
contextNode: decoratedTypeAnnotation('Int f').node);
test_binaryExpression_add_result_not_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i, int j) => i + j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node);
test_binaryExpression_add_right_check() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i, int j) => i + j;
checkExpression('j;'), decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node);
test_binaryExpression_add_right_check_custom() async {
await analyze('''
class Int {
Int operator+(Int other) => this;
Int f(Int i, Int j) => i + j/*check*/;
checkExpression('j/*check*/'), decoratedTypeAnnotation('Int j').node,
contextNode: decoratedTypeAnnotation('Int other').node);
test_binaryExpression_equal() async {
await analyze('''
bool f(int i, int j) => i == j;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool f').node);
test_boolLiteral() async {
await analyze('''
bool f() {
return true;
test_conditionalExpression_condition_check() async {
await analyze('''
int f(bool b, int i, int j) {
return (b ? i : j);
var nullable_b = decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b').node;
var check_b = checkExpression('b ?');
assertNullCheck(check_b, nullable_b);
test_conditionalExpression_general() async {
await analyze('''
int f(bool b, int i, int j) {
return (b ? i : j);
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_j = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node;
var nullable_conditional = decoratedExpressionType('(b ?').node;
assertConditional(nullable_conditional, nullable_i, nullable_j);
var nullable_return = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node;
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('(b ? i : j)'), nullable_conditional,
contextNode: nullable_return);
test_conditionalExpression_left_non_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(bool b, int i) {
return (b ? (throw i) : i);
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_conditional =
decoratedExpressionType('(b ?').node as NullabilityNodeForLUB;
var nullable_throw = nullable_conditional.left;
assertConditional(nullable_conditional, nullable_throw, nullable_i);
test_conditionalExpression_left_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(bool b, int i) {
return (b ? null : i);
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_conditional = decoratedExpressionType('(b ?').node;
assertConditional(nullable_conditional, NullabilityNode.always, nullable_i);
test_conditionalExpression_right_non_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(bool b, int i) {
return (b ? i : (throw i));
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_conditional =
decoratedExpressionType('(b ?').node as NullabilityNodeForLUB;
var nullable_throw = nullable_conditional.right;
assertConditional(nullable_conditional, nullable_i, nullable_throw);
test_conditionalExpression_right_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(bool b, int i) {
return (b ? i : null);
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_conditional = decoratedExpressionType('(b ?').node;
assertConditional(nullable_conditional, nullable_i, NullabilityNode.always);
test_functionDeclaration_expression_body() async {
await analyze('''
int/*1*/ f(int/*2*/ i) => i/*3*/;
checkExpression('i/*3*/'), decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*2*/').node,
contextNode: decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*1*/').node);
test_functionDeclaration_parameter_named_default_notNull() async {
await analyze('''
void f({int i = 1}) {}
test_functionDeclaration_parameter_named_default_null() async {
await analyze('''
void f({int i = null}) {}
assertEdge(NullabilityNode.always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node,
hard: false);
test_functionDeclaration_parameter_named_no_default() async {
await analyze('''
void f({int i}) {}
assertEdge(NullabilityNode.always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node,
hard: false);
test_functionDeclaration_parameter_named_no_default_required() async {
await analyze('''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
void f({@required int i}) {}
test_functionDeclaration_parameter_positionalOptional_default_notNull() async {
await analyze('''
void f([int i = 1]) {}
test_functionDeclaration_parameter_positionalOptional_default_null() async {
await analyze('''
void f([int i = null]) {}
assertEdge(NullabilityNode.always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node,
hard: false);
test_functionDeclaration_parameter_positionalOptional_no_default() async {
await analyze('''
void f([int i]) {}
assertEdge(NullabilityNode.always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node,
hard: false);
test_functionDeclaration_resets_unconditional_control_flow() async {
await analyze('''
void f(bool b, int i, int j) {
assert(i != null);
if (b) return;
assert(j != null);
void g(int k) {
assert(k != null);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node, never, hard: true);
assertNoEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int k').node, never, hard: true);
test_functionInvocation_parameter_fromLocalParameter() async {
await analyze('''
void f(int/*1*/ i) {}
void test(int/*2*/ i) {
var int_1 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*1*/');
var int_2 = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*2*/');
var i_3 = checkExpression('i/*3*/');
assertNullCheck(i_3, int_2.node, contextNode: int_1.node);
assertEdge(int_2.node, int_1.node, hard: true);
test_functionInvocation_parameter_named() async {
await analyze('''
void f({int i: 0}) {}
void g(int j) {
f(i: j/*check*/);
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_j = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node;
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('j/*check*/'), nullable_j,
contextNode: nullable_i);
test_functionInvocation_parameter_named_missing() async {
await analyze('''
void f({int i}) {}
void g() {
var optional_i = possiblyOptionalParameter('int i');
expect(getEdges(NullabilityNode.always, optional_i), isNotEmpty);
test_functionInvocation_parameter_named_missing_required() async {
verifyNoTestUnitErrors = false;
await analyze('''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
void f({@required int i}) {}
void g() {
// The call at `f()` is presumed to be in error; no constraint is recorded.
var optional_i = possiblyOptionalParameter('int i');
expect(optional_i, isNull);
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
test_functionInvocation_parameter_null() async {
await analyze('''
void f(int i) {}
void test() {
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('null'), NullabilityNode.always,
contextNode: decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node);
test_functionInvocation_return() async {
await analyze('''
int/*1*/ f() => 0;
int/*2*/ g() {
return (f());
checkExpression('(f())'), decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*1*/').node,
contextNode: decoratedTypeAnnotation('int/*2*/').node);
test_if_condition() async {
await analyze('''
void f(bool b) {
if (b) {}
checkExpression('b) {}'), decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool b').node);
test_if_conditional_control_flow_after() async {
// Asserts after ifs don't demonstrate non-null intent.
// TODO(paulberry): if both branches complete normally, they should.
await analyze('''
void f(bool b, int i) {
if (b) return;
assert(i != null);
assertNoEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node);
test_if_conditional_control_flow_within() async {
// Asserts inside ifs don't demonstrate non-null intent.
await analyze('''
void f(bool b, int i) {
if (b) {
assert(i != null);
} else {
assert(i != null);
assertNoEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node);
test_if_guard_equals_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i, int j, int k) {
if (i == null) {
return j/*check*/;
} else {
return k/*check*/;
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_j = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node;
var nullable_k = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int k').node;
var nullable_return = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node;
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('j/*check*/'), nullable_j,
contextNode: nullable_return, guards: [nullable_i]);
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('k/*check*/'), nullable_k,
contextNode: nullable_return);
var discard = statementDiscard('if (i == null)');
expect(discard.trueGuard, same(nullable_i));
expect(discard.falseGuard, null);
expect(discard.pureCondition, true);
test_if_simple() async {
await analyze('''
int f(bool b, int i, int j) {
if (b) {
return i/*check*/;
} else {
return j/*check*/;
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_j = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node;
var nullable_return = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node;
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('i/*check*/'), nullable_i,
contextNode: nullable_return);
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('j/*check*/'), nullable_j,
contextNode: nullable_return);
test_if_without_else() async {
await analyze('''
int f(bool b, int i) {
if (b) {
return i/*check*/;
return 0;
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_return = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int f').node;
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('i/*check*/'), nullable_i,
contextNode: nullable_return);
test_intLiteral() async {
await analyze('''
int f() {
return 0;
test_methodDeclaration_resets_unconditional_control_flow() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void f(bool b, int i, int j) {
assert(i != null);
if (b) return;
assert(j != null);
void g(int k) {
assert(k != null);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node, never, hard: true);
assertNoEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node);
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int k').node, never, hard: true);
test_methodInvocation_parameter_contravariant() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T> {
void f(T t) {}
void g(C<int> c, int i) {
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_c_t = decoratedTypeAnnotation('C<int>').typeArguments[0].node;
var nullable_t = decoratedTypeAnnotation('T t').node;
var check_i = checkExpression('i/*check*/');
var nullable_c_t_or_nullable_t =
check_i.contextNode as NullabilityNodeForSubstitution;
expect(nullable_c_t_or_nullable_t.innerNode, same(nullable_c_t));
expect(nullable_c_t_or_nullable_t.outerNode, same(nullable_t));
assertNullCheck(check_i, nullable_i,
contextNode: nullable_c_t_or_nullable_t);
test_methodInvocation_parameter_generic() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T> {}
void f(C<int/*1*/>/*2*/ c) {}
void g(C<int/*3*/>/*4*/ c) {
hard: false);
contextNode: decoratedTypeAnnotation('C<int/*1*/>/*2*/').node);
test_methodInvocation_parameter_named() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void f({int i: 0}) {}
void g(C c, int j) {
c.f(i: j/*check*/);
var nullable_i = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node;
var nullable_j = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node;
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('j/*check*/'), nullable_j,
contextNode: nullable_i);
test_methodInvocation_return_type() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
bool m() => true;
bool f(C c) => c.m();
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool m').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool f').node,
hard: false);
test_methodInvocation_target_check() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void m() {}
void test(C c) {
checkExpression('c.m'), decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node);
test_methodInvocation_target_demonstrates_non_null_intent() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
void m() {}
void test(C c) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true);
test_never() async {
await analyze('');
expect(NullabilityNode.never.isNullable, isFalse);
test_parenthesizedExpression() async {
await analyze('''
int f() {
return (null);
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('(null)'), NullabilityNode.always,
contextNode: decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node);
test_prefixedIdentifier_return_type() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
bool get b => true;
bool f(C c) => c.b;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool get').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool f').node,
hard: false);
test_prefixedIdentifier_target_check() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int get x => 1;
void test(C c) {
checkExpression('c.x'), decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node);
test_prefixedIdentifier_target_demonstrates_non_null_intent() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int get x => 1;
void test(C c) {
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node, never, hard: true);
test_propertyAccess_return_type() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
bool get b => true;
bool f(C c) => (c).b;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool get').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('bool f').node,
hard: false);
test_propertyAccess_target_check() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
int get x => 1;
void test(C c) {
checkExpression('c).x'), decoratedTypeAnnotation('C c').node);
test_return_implicit_null() async {
verifyNoTestUnitErrors = false;
await analyze('''
int f() {
assertEdge(NullabilityNode.always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node,
hard: false);
test_return_null() async {
await analyze('''
int f() {
return null;
assertNullCheck(checkExpression('null'), NullabilityNode.always,
contextNode: decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node);
test_simpleIdentifier_local() async {
await analyze('''
main() {
int i = 0;
int j = i;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node,
hard: true);
test_soft_edge_for_non_variable_reference() async {
// Edges originating in things other than variable references should be
// soft.
await analyze('''
int f() => null;
assertEdge(always, decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node, hard: false);
test_stringLiteral() async {
// TODO(paulberry): also test string interpolations
await analyze('''
String f() {
return 'x';
test_thisExpression() async {
await analyze('''
class C {
C f() => this;
assertNoUpstreamNullability(decoratedTypeAnnotation('C f').node);
test_throwExpression() async {
await analyze('''
int f() {
return throw null;
test_type_argument_explicit_bound() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T extends Object> {}
void f(C<int> c) {}
hard: true);
test_typeName() async {
await analyze('''
Type f() {
return int;
test_variableDeclaration() async {
await analyze('''
void f(int i) {
int j = i;
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int i').node,
decoratedTypeAnnotation('int j').node,
hard: true);
class MigrationVisitorTestBase extends AbstractSingleUnitTest {
final _Variables _variables;
FindNode findNode;
final NullabilityGraph graph;
MigrationVisitorTestBase() : this._(NullabilityGraph());
MigrationVisitorTestBase._(this.graph) : _variables = _Variables(graph);
NullabilityNode get always => NullabilityNode.always;
NullabilityNode get never => NullabilityNode.never;
TypeProvider get typeProvider => testAnalysisResult.typeProvider;
Future<CompilationUnit> analyze(String code) async {
await resolveTestUnit(code);
NodeBuilder(_variables, testSource, false, graph, typeProvider));
findNode = FindNode(code, testUnit);
return testUnit;
void assertEdge(NullabilityNode source, NullabilityNode destination,
{@required bool hard}) {
var edges = getEdges(source, destination);
if (edges.length == 0) {
fail('Expected edge $source -> $destination, found none');
} else if (edges.length != 1) {
fail('Found multiple edges $source -> $destination');
} else {
var edge = edges[0];
expect(edge.hard, hard);
void assertNoEdge(NullabilityNode source, NullabilityNode destination) {
var edges = getEdges(source, destination);
if (edges.isNotEmpty) {
fail('Expected no edge $source -> $destination, found ${edges.length}');
/// Gets the [DecoratedType] associated with the type annotation whose text
/// is [text].
DecoratedType decoratedTypeAnnotation(String text) {
return _variables.decoratedTypeAnnotation(
testSource, findNode.typeAnnotation(text));
List<NullabilityEdge> getEdges(
NullabilityNode source, NullabilityNode destination) =>
.where((e) => e.primarySource == source)
NullabilityNode possiblyOptionalParameter(String text) {
return _variables
/// Gets the [ConditionalDiscard] information associated with the statement
/// whose text is [text].
ConditionalDiscard statementDiscard(String text) {
return _variables.conditionalDiscard(findNode.statement(text));
class NodeBuilderTest extends MigrationVisitorTestBase {
/// Gets the [DecoratedType] associated with the function declaration whose
/// name matches [search].
DecoratedType decoratedFunctionType(String search) =>
DecoratedType decoratedTypeParameterBound(String search) => _variables
test_interfaceType_typeParameter() async {
await analyze('''
void f(List<int> x) {}
var decoratedListType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('List<int>');
expect(decoratedListType.node, isNotNull);
expect(decoratedListType.node, isNot(NullabilityNode.never));
var decoratedIntType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int');
expect(decoratedListType.typeArguments[0], same(decoratedIntType));
expect(decoratedIntType.node, isNotNull);
expect(decoratedIntType.node, isNot(NullabilityNode.never));
test_topLevelFunction_parameterType_implicit_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
void f(x) {}
var decoratedType =
expect(decoratedType.type.isDynamic, isTrue);
expect(decoratedType.node.isNullable, isTrue);
test_topLevelFunction_parameterType_named_no_default() async {
await analyze('''
void f({String s}) {}
var decoratedType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('String');
var functionType = decoratedFunctionType('f');
expect(functionType.namedParameters['s'], same(decoratedType));
expect(decoratedType.node, isNotNull);
expect(decoratedType.node, isNot(NullabilityNode.never));
expect(decoratedType.node, isNot(NullabilityNode.always));
expect(functionType.namedParameters['s'].node.isPossiblyOptional, true);
test_topLevelFunction_parameterType_named_no_default_required() async {
await analyze('''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
void f({@required String s}) {}
var decoratedType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('String');
var functionType = decoratedFunctionType('f');
expect(functionType.namedParameters['s'], same(decoratedType));
expect(decoratedType.node, isNotNull);
expect(decoratedType.node, isNot(NullabilityNode.never));
expect(decoratedType.node, isNot(NullabilityNode.always));
expect(functionType.namedParameters['s'].node.isPossiblyOptional, false);
test_topLevelFunction_parameterType_named_with_default() async {
await analyze('''
void f({String s: 'x'}) {}
var decoratedType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('String');
var functionType = decoratedFunctionType('f');
expect(functionType.namedParameters['s'], same(decoratedType));
expect(decoratedType.node, isNotNull);
expect(decoratedType.node, isNot(NullabilityNode.never));
expect(functionType.namedParameters['s'].node.isPossiblyOptional, false);
test_topLevelFunction_parameterType_positionalOptional() async {
await analyze('''
void f([int i]) {}
var decoratedType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int');
expect(decoratedType.node, isNotNull);
expect(decoratedType.node, isNot(NullabilityNode.never));
test_topLevelFunction_parameterType_simple() async {
await analyze('''
void f(int i) {}
var decoratedType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int');
expect(decoratedType.node, isNotNull);
expect(decoratedType.node, isNot(NullabilityNode.never));
test_topLevelFunction_returnType_implicit_dynamic() async {
await analyze('''
f() {}
var decoratedType = decoratedFunctionType('f').returnType;
expect(decoratedType.type.isDynamic, isTrue);
expect(decoratedType.node.isNullable, isTrue);
test_topLevelFunction_returnType_simple() async {
await analyze('''
int f() => 0;
var decoratedType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int');
expect(decoratedFunctionType('f').returnType, same(decoratedType));
expect(decoratedType.node, isNotNull);
expect(decoratedType.node, isNot(NullabilityNode.never));
test_type_comment_bang() async {
await analyze('''
void f(int/*!*/ i) {}
assertEdge(decoratedTypeAnnotation('int').node, never, hard: true);
test_type_parameter_explicit_bound() async {
await analyze('''
class C<T extends Object> {}
var bound = decoratedTypeParameterBound('T');
expect(decoratedTypeAnnotation('Object'), same(bound));
expect(bound.node, isNot(NullabilityNode.always));
expect(bound.type, typeProvider.objectType);
test_type_parameter_implicit_bound() async {
// The implicit bound of `T` is automatically `Object?`. TODO(paulberry):
// consider making it possible for type inference to infer an explicit bound
// of `Object`.
await analyze('''
class C<T> {}
var bound = decoratedTypeParameterBound('T');
expect(bound.node.isNullable, isTrue);
expect(bound.type, same(typeProvider.objectType));
test_variableDeclaration_type_simple() async {
await analyze('''
main() {
int i;
var decoratedType = decoratedTypeAnnotation('int');
expect(decoratedType.node, TypeMatcher<NullabilityNodeMutable>());
/// Mock representation of constraint variables.
class _Variables extends Variables {
final _conditionalDiscard = <AstNode, ConditionalDiscard>{};
final _decoratedExpressionTypes = <Expression, DecoratedType>{};
final _expressionChecks = <Expression, ExpressionChecks>{};
final _possiblyOptional = <DefaultFormalParameter, NullabilityNode>{};
_Variables(NullabilityGraph graph) : super(graph);
/// Gets the [ExpressionChecks] associated with the given [expression].
ExpressionChecks checkExpression(Expression expression) =>
/// Gets the [conditionalDiscard] associated with the given [expression].
ConditionalDiscard conditionalDiscard(AstNode node) =>
/// Gets the [DecoratedType] associated with the given [expression].
DecoratedType decoratedExpressionType(Expression expression) =>
/// Gets the [NullabilityNode] associated with the possibility that
/// [parameter] may be optional.
NullabilityNode possiblyOptionalParameter(DefaultFormalParameter parameter) =>
void recordConditionalDiscard(
Source source, AstNode node, ConditionalDiscard conditionalDiscard) {
_conditionalDiscard[node] = conditionalDiscard;
super.recordConditionalDiscard(source, node, conditionalDiscard);
void recordDecoratedExpressionType(Expression node, DecoratedType type) {
super.recordDecoratedExpressionType(node, type);
_decoratedExpressionTypes[_normalizeExpression(node)] = type;
void recordExpressionChecks(
Source source, Expression expression, ExpressionChecks checks) {
super.recordExpressionChecks(source, expression, checks);
_expressionChecks[_normalizeExpression(expression)] = checks;
void recordPossiblyOptional(
Source source, DefaultFormalParameter parameter, NullabilityNode node) {
_possiblyOptional[parameter] = node;
super.recordPossiblyOptional(source, parameter, node);
/// Unwraps any parentheses surrounding [expression].
Expression _normalizeExpression(Expression expression) {
while (expression is ParenthesizedExpression) {
expression = (expression as ParenthesizedExpression).expression;
return expression;