blob: 62873221a0cc676ddc5487d6ebf70b676f841dc7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart'
show CompletionSuggestionKind;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
/// Information about a code completion suggestion that might or might not be
/// sent to the client (that is, one that is a candidate for being sent).
/// The candidate contains the information needed to
/// - determine whether the suggestion should be sent to the client, and
/// - to create the suggestion if it is to be sent.
/// A [SuggestionBuilder] will be used to convert a candidate into a concrete
/// suggestion based on the wire protocol being used.
sealed class CandidateSuggestion {
/// Return the text to be inserted by the completion suggestion.
String get completion;
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a class.
final class ClassSuggestion extends ImportableSuggestion {
/// The element on which the suggestion is based.
final ClassElement element;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [element].
ClassSuggestion(super.importData, this.element);
String get completion => '$completionPrefix${}';
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a constructor.
final class ConstructorSuggestion extends ImportableSuggestion {
/// The element on which the suggestion is based.
final ConstructorElement element;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [element].
ConstructorSuggestion(super.importData, this.element);
String get completion => '$completionPrefix${element.displayName}';
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a static field in a
/// location where the name of the field must be qualified by the name of the
/// enclosing element.
final class EnumConstantSuggestion extends ImportableSuggestion {
/// The element on which the suggestion is based.
final FieldElement element;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [element].
EnumConstantSuggestion(super.importData, this.element);
String get completion {
var enclosingElement = element.enclosingElement;
return '$completionPrefix${}.${}';
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on an enum.
final class EnumSuggestion extends ImportableSuggestion {
/// The element on which the suggestion is based.
final EnumElement element;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [element].
EnumSuggestion(super.importData, this.element);
String get completion => '$completionPrefix${}';
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on an executable element,
/// either a method or function.
sealed class ExecutableSuggestion extends CandidateSuggestion {
/// The kind of suggestion to be made, either
/// [CompletionSuggestionKind.IDENTIFIER] or
/// [CompletionSuggestionKind.INVOCATION].
final CompletionSuggestionKind kind;
/// Initialize a newly created suggestion to use the given [kind] of
/// suggestion.
: assert(kind == CompletionSuggestionKind.IDENTIFIER ||
kind == CompletionSuggestionKind.INVOCATION);
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on an extension.
final class ExtensionSuggestion extends ImportableSuggestion {
/// The element on which the suggestion is based.
final ExtensionElement element;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [element].
ExtensionSuggestion(super.importData, this.element);
String get completion => '$completionPrefix${!}';
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on an extension type.
final class ExtensionTypeSuggestion extends ImportableSuggestion {
/// The element on which the suggestion is based.
final ExtensionTypeElement element;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [element].
ExtensionTypeSuggestion(super.importData, this.element);
String get completion => '$completionPrefix${}';
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a field.
final class FieldSuggestion extends CandidateSuggestion {
/// The element on which the suggestion is based.
final FieldElement element;
/// The class from which the field is being referenced, or `null` if the class
/// is not being referenced from within a class.
final ClassElement? referencingClass;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [element].
FieldSuggestion(this.element, this.referencingClass);
String get completion =>;
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a formal parameter.
final class FormalParameterSuggestion extends CandidateSuggestion {
/// The element on which the suggestion is based.
final ParameterElement element;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [element].
String get completion =>;
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on an identifier being
/// guessed for a declaration site.
final class IdentifierSuggestion extends CandidateSuggestion {
/// The identifier to be inserted.
final String identifier;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the
/// [identifier].
IdentifierSuggestion({required this.identifier});
String get completion => identifier;
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a declaration that can
/// be imported, or a static member of such a declaration.
sealed class ImportableSuggestion extends CandidateSuggestion {
/// Information about the import used to make this suggestion visible.
final ImportData? importData;
String get completionPrefix => prefix == null ? '' : '$prefix.';
/// The URI of the library from which the suggested element would be imported.
String? get libraryUriStr => importData?.libraryUriStr;
/// The prefix to be used in order to access the element.
String? get prefix => importData?.prefix;
/// Data representing an import of a library.
final class ImportData {
/// The URI of the library from which the suggested element would be imported.
final String libraryUriStr;
/// The prefix to be used in order to access the element, or `null` if no
/// prefix is required.
final String? prefix;
/// Initialize data representing an import of a library, using the
/// [libraryUriStr], with the [prefix].
ImportData({required this.libraryUriStr, required this.prefix});
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a keyword.
final class KeywordSuggestion extends CandidateSuggestion {
/// The text to be inserted.
final String completion;
/// The offset, from the beginning of the inserted text, where the cursor
/// should be positioned.
final int selectionOffset;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [keyword].
factory KeywordSuggestion.fromKeyword(Keyword keyword) {
var lexeme = keyword.lexeme;
return KeywordSuggestion._(
completion: lexeme, selectionOffset: lexeme.length);
/// Return a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [keyword]
/// followed by the [annotatedText]. The annotated text is used in cases where
/// there is boilerplace that always follows the keyword that should also be
/// suggested.
/// If the annotated text contains a caret (`^`), then the completion will use
/// the annotated text with the caret removed and the index of the caret will
/// be used as the selection offset. If the text doesn't contain a caret, then
/// the insert text will be the annotated text and the selection offset will
/// be at the end of the text.
factory KeywordSuggestion.fromKeywordAndText(
Keyword keyword, String annotatedText) {
var lexeme = keyword.lexeme;
var caretIndex = annotatedText.indexOf('^');
String completion;
int selectionOffset;
if (caretIndex < 0) {
completion = lexeme + annotatedText;
selectionOffset = completion.length;
} else {
completion = lexeme +
annotatedText.substring(0, caretIndex) +
annotatedText.substring(caretIndex + 1);
selectionOffset = lexeme.length + caretIndex;
return KeywordSuggestion._(
completion: completion,
selectionOffset: selectionOffset,
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [keyword].
factory KeywordSuggestion.fromPseudoKeyword(String keyword) {
return KeywordSuggestion._(
completion: keyword, selectionOffset: keyword.length);
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest a keyword.
{required this.completion, required this.selectionOffset});
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a label.
final class LabelSuggestion extends CandidateSuggestion {
/// The label on which the suggestion is based.
final Label label;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [label].
String get completion =>;
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a local function.
final class LocalFunctionSuggestion extends ExecutableSuggestion {
/// The element on which the suggestion is based.
final FunctionElement element;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [element].
LocalFunctionSuggestion(super.kind, this.element);
String get completion =>;
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a local variable.
final class LocalVariableSuggestion extends CandidateSuggestion {
/// The element on which the suggestion is based.
final LocalVariableElement element;
/// The number of local variables between the completion location and the
/// declaration of this variable.
final int distance;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [element].
LocalVariableSuggestion(this.element, this.distance);
String get completion =>;
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a method.
final class MethodSuggestion extends ExecutableSuggestion {
/// The element on which the suggestion is based.
final MethodElement element;
final ClassElement? referencingClass;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [element].
MethodSuggestion(super.kind, this.element, this.referencingClass);
String get completion =>;
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a mixin.
final class MixinSuggestion extends ImportableSuggestion {
/// The element on which the suggestion is based.
final MixinElement element;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [element].
MixinSuggestion(super.importData, this.element);
String get completion => '$completionPrefix${}';
/// Suggest the name of a named parameter in the argument list of an invocation.
final class NamedArgumentSuggestion extends CandidateSuggestion {
/// The parameter whose name is to be suggested.
final ParameterElement parameter;
/// Whether a colon should be appended after the name.
final bool appendColon;
/// Whether a comma should be appended after the suggestion.
final bool appendComma;
/// The number of characters that should be replaced, or `null` if the default
/// doesn't need to be overridden.
final int? replacementLength;
{required this.parameter,
required this.appendColon,
required this.appendComma,
String get completion =>
'${}${appendColon ? ': ' : ''}${appendComma ? ',' : ''}';
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a getter or setter.
final class NameSuggestion extends CandidateSuggestion {
/// The name being suggested.
final String name;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [name].
String get completion => name;
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a getter or setter.
final class PropertyAccessSuggestion extends CandidateSuggestion {
/// The element on which the suggestion is based.
final PropertyAccessorElement element;
final ClassElement? referencingClass;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [element].
PropertyAccessSuggestion(this.element, this.referencingClass);
String get completion =>;
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a static field in a
/// location where the name of the field must be qualified by the name of the
/// enclosing element.
final class StaticFieldSuggestion extends ImportableSuggestion {
/// The element on which the suggestion is based.
final FieldElement element;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [element].
StaticFieldSuggestion(super.importData, this.element);
String get completion {
var enclosingElement = element.enclosingElement;
return '$completionPrefix${}.${}';
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a parameter from a
/// super constructor.
final class SuperParameterSuggestion extends CandidateSuggestion {
/// The element on which the suggestion is based.
final ParameterElement element;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [element].
String get completion =>;
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a top-level getter or
/// setter.
final class TopLevelFunctionSuggestion extends ImportableSuggestion {
/// The element on which the suggestion is based.
final FunctionElement element;
/// The kind of suggestion to be made, either
/// [CompletionSuggestionKind.IDENTIFIER] or
/// [CompletionSuggestionKind.INVOCATION].
final CompletionSuggestionKind kind;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [element].
TopLevelFunctionSuggestion(super.importData, this.element, this.kind)
: assert(kind == CompletionSuggestionKind.IDENTIFIER ||
kind == CompletionSuggestionKind.INVOCATION);
String get completion => '$completionPrefix${}';
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a top-level getter or
/// setter.
final class TopLevelPropertyAccessSuggestion extends ImportableSuggestion {
/// The element on which the suggestion is based.
final PropertyAccessorElement element;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [element].
TopLevelPropertyAccessSuggestion(super.importData, this.element);
String get completion => '$completionPrefix${}';
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a top-level variable.
final class TopLevelVariableSuggestion extends ImportableSuggestion {
/// The element on which the suggestion is based.
final TopLevelVariableElement element;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [element].
TopLevelVariableSuggestion(super.importData, this.element);
String get completion => '$completionPrefix${}';
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a type alias.
final class TypeAliasSuggestion extends ImportableSuggestion {
/// The element on which the suggestion is based.
final TypeAliasElement element;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [element].
TypeAliasSuggestion(super.importData, this.element);
String get completion => '$completionPrefix${}';
/// The information about a candidate suggestion based on a type parameter.
final class TypeParameterSuggestion extends CandidateSuggestion {
/// The element on which the suggestion is based.
final TypeParameterElement element;
/// Initialize a newly created candidate suggestion to suggest the [element].
String get completion =>;
extension SuggestionBuilderExtension on SuggestionBuilder {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Move these to `SuggestionBuilder`, possibly as part
// of splitting it into a legacy builder and an LSP builder.
/// Add a suggestion based on the candidate [suggestion].
void suggestFromCandidate(CandidateSuggestion suggestion) {
switch (suggestion) {
case ClassSuggestion():
libraryUriStr = suggestion.libraryUriStr;
suggestInterface(suggestion.element, prefix: suggestion.prefix);
libraryUriStr = null;
case ConstructorSuggestion():
libraryUriStr = suggestion.libraryUriStr;
suggestConstructor(suggestion.element, prefix: suggestion.prefix);
libraryUriStr = null;
case EnumSuggestion():
libraryUriStr = suggestion.libraryUriStr;
suggestInterface(suggestion.element, prefix: suggestion.prefix);
libraryUriStr = null;
case EnumConstantSuggestion():
libraryUriStr = suggestion.libraryUriStr;
suggestEnumConstant(suggestion.element, prefix: suggestion.prefix);
libraryUriStr = null;
case ExtensionSuggestion():
libraryUriStr = suggestion.libraryUriStr;
suggestExtension(suggestion.element, prefix: suggestion.prefix);
libraryUriStr = null;
case ExtensionTypeSuggestion():
libraryUriStr = suggestion.libraryUriStr;
suggestInterface(suggestion.element, prefix: suggestion.prefix);
libraryUriStr = null;
case FieldSuggestion():
var fieldElement = suggestion.element;
if (fieldElement.isEnumConstant) {
} else {
inheritanceDistance: _inheritanceDistance(
case FormalParameterSuggestion():
case IdentifierSuggestion():
case KeywordSuggestion():
offset: suggestion.selectionOffset);
case LabelSuggestion():
case LocalFunctionSuggestion():
case LocalVariableSuggestion():
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Enhance `suggestLocalVariable` to allow the
// distance to be passed in.
case MethodSuggestion():
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Correctly set the kind of suggestion in cases
// where `isFunctionalArgument` would return `true` so we can stop
// using the ``.
var kind =
? CompletionSuggestionKind.IDENTIFIER
: suggestion.kind;
kind: kind,
inheritanceDistance: _inheritanceDistance(
suggestion.referencingClass, suggestion.element.enclosingElement),
case MixinSuggestion():
libraryUriStr = suggestion.libraryUriStr;
suggestInterface(suggestion.element, prefix: suggestion.prefix);
libraryUriStr = null;
case NamedArgumentSuggestion():
appendColon: suggestion.appendColon,
appendComma: suggestion.appendComma,
replacementLength: suggestion.replacementLength);
case NameSuggestion():
case PropertyAccessSuggestion():
var inheritanceDistance = 0.0;
var referencingClass = suggestion.referencingClass;
var declaringClass = suggestion.element.enclosingElement;
if (referencingClass != null && declaringClass is InterfaceElement) {
inheritanceDistance = request.featureComputer
.inheritanceDistanceFeature(referencingClass, declaringClass);
inheritanceDistance: inheritanceDistance,
case StaticFieldSuggestion():
libraryUriStr = suggestion.libraryUriStr;
suggestStaticField(suggestion.element, prefix: suggestion.prefix);
libraryUriStr = null;
case SuperParameterSuggestion():
case TopLevelFunctionSuggestion():
libraryUriStr = suggestion.libraryUriStr;
kind: suggestion.kind, prefix: suggestion.prefix);
libraryUriStr = null;
case TopLevelPropertyAccessSuggestion():
libraryUriStr = suggestion.libraryUriStr;
prefix: suggestion.prefix);
libraryUriStr = null;
case TopLevelVariableSuggestion():
libraryUriStr = suggestion.libraryUriStr;
suggestTopLevelVariable(suggestion.element, prefix: suggestion.prefix);
libraryUriStr = null;
case TypeAliasSuggestion():
libraryUriStr = suggestion.libraryUriStr;
suggestTypeAlias(suggestion.element, prefix: suggestion.prefix);
libraryUriStr = null;
case TypeParameterSuggestion():
/// Add a suggestion for each of the candidate [suggestions].
void suggestFromCandidates(List<CandidateSuggestion> suggestions) {
for (var suggestion in suggestions) {
/// Returns the inheritance distance from the [referencingClass] to the
/// [declaringClass].
double _inheritanceDistance(
ClassElement? referencingClass, Element? declaringClass) {
var distance = 0.0;
if (referencingClass != null && declaringClass is InterfaceElement) {
distance = request.featureComputer
.inheritanceDistanceFeature(referencingClass, declaringClass);
return distance;