blob: ecae12aeaf78e28e0222257b46056dc15514d697 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_special.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/analysis_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/lsp_analysis_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/mapping.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/instrumentation/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/mock_sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/resource_provider_mixin.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../mocks.dart';
const dartLanguageId = 'dart';
/// Useful for debugging locally, setting this to true will cause all JSON
/// communication to be printed to stdout.
const debugPrintCommunication = false;
final beginningOfDocument = new Range(new Position(0, 0), new Position(0, 0));
abstract class AbstractLspAnalysisServerTest
with ResourceProviderMixin, ClientCapabilitiesHelperMixin {
static const positionMarker = '^';
static const rangeMarkerStart = '[[';
static const rangeMarkerEnd = ']]';
static const allMarkers = [positionMarker, rangeMarkerStart, rangeMarkerEnd];
static final allMarkersPattern =
new RegExp('|'));
MockLspServerChannel channel;
LspAnalysisServer server;
int _id = 0;
String projectFolderPath, mainFilePath;
Uri projectFolderUri, mainFileUri;
void applyChanges(
Map<String, String> fileContents,
Map<String, List<TextEdit>> changes,
) {
changes.forEach((fileUri, edits) {
final path = Uri.parse(fileUri).toFilePath();
fileContents[path] = applyTextEdits(fileContents[path], edits);
void applyDocumentChanges(
Map<String, String> fileContents,
List<Either4<TextDocumentEdit, CreateFile, RenameFile, DeleteFile>>>
documentChanges, {
Map<String, int> expectedVersions,
}) {
// If we were supplied with expected versions, ensure that all returned
// edits match the versions.
if (expectedVersions != null) {
expectDocumentVersions(documentChanges, expectedVersions);
(edits) => applyTextDocumentEdits(fileContents, edits),
(changes) => applyResourceChanges(fileContents, changes),
/// Validates the document versions for a set of edits match the versions in
/// the supplied map.
void expectDocumentVersions(
List<Either4<TextDocumentEdit, CreateFile, RenameFile, DeleteFile>>>
Map<String, int> expectedVersions,
) {
// Validate versions on simple doc edits
(edits) => edits
.forEach((edit) => expectDocumentVersion(edit, expectedVersions)),
// For resource changes, we only need to validate changes since
// creates/renames/deletes do not supply versions.
(changes) => changes.forEach((change) {
(edit) => expectDocumentVersion(edit, expectedVersions),
(create) => {},
(rename) {},
(delete) {},
void expectDocumentVersion(
TextDocumentEdit edit,
Map<String, int> expectedVersions,
) {
final path = Uri.parse(edit.textDocument.uri).toFilePath();
final expectedVersion = expectedVersions[path];
if (edit.textDocument is VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier) {
expect(edit.textDocument.version, equals(expectedVersion));
} else {
throw 'Document identifier for $path was not versioned (expected version $expectedVersion)';
void applyResourceChanges(
Map<String, String> oldFileContent,
List<Either4<TextDocumentEdit, CreateFile, RenameFile, DeleteFile>> changes,
) {
// TODO(dantup): Implement handling of resource changes (not currently used).
throw 'Test helper applyResourceChanges not currently supported';
String applyTextDocumentEdit(String content, TextDocumentEdit edit) {
return edit.edits.fold(content, applyTextEdit);
void applyTextDocumentEdits(
Map<String, String> oldFileContent, List<TextDocumentEdit> edits) {
edits.forEach((edit) {
final path = Uri.parse(edit.textDocument.uri).toFilePath();
if (!oldFileContent.containsKey(path)) {
throw 'Recieved edits for $path which was not provided as a file to be edited';
oldFileContent[path] = applyTextDocumentEdit(oldFileContent[path], edit);
String applyTextEdit(String content, TextEdit change) {
final startPos = change.range.start;
final endPos = change.range.end;
final lineInfo = LineInfo.fromContent(content);
final start = lineInfo.getOffsetOfLine(startPos.line) + startPos.character;
final end = lineInfo.getOffsetOfLine(endPos.line) + endPos.character;
return content.replaceRange(start, end, change.newText);
String applyTextEdits(String oldContent, List<TextEdit> changes) {
String newContent = oldContent;
// Complex text manipulations are described with an array of TextEdit's,
// representing a single change to the document.
// All text edits ranges refer to positions in the original document. Text
// edits ranges must never overlap, that means no part of the original
// document must be manipulated by more than one edit. However, it is possible
// that multiple edits have the same start position: multiple inserts, or any
// number of inserts followed by a single remove or replace edit. If multiple
// inserts have the same position, the order in the array defines the order in
// which the inserted strings appear in the resulting text.
/// Ensures changes are simple enough to apply easily without any complicated
/// logic.
void validateChangesCanBeApplied() {
bool intersectsWithOrComesAfter(Position pos, Position other) =>
pos.line > other.line ||
(pos.line == other.line || pos.character >= other.character);
Position earliestPositionChanged;
for (final change in changes) {
if (earliestPositionChanged != null &&
change.range.end, earliestPositionChanged)) {
throw 'Test helper applyTextEdits does not support applying multiple edits '
'where the edits are not in reverse order.';
earliestPositionChanged = change.range.start;
for (final change in changes) {
newContent = applyTextEdit(newContent, change);
return newContent;
Future changeFile(
int newVersion,
Uri uri,
List<TextDocumentContentChangeEvent> changes,
) async {
var notification = makeNotification(
new DidChangeTextDocumentParams(
new VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier(newVersion, uri.toString()),
await pumpEventQueue();
Future changeWorkspaceFolders({List<Uri> add, List<Uri> remove}) async {
var notification = makeNotification(
new DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersParams(
new WorkspaceFoldersChangeEvent(
add?.map(toWorkspaceFolder)?.toList() ?? const [],
remove?.map(toWorkspaceFolder)?.toList() ?? const [],
await pumpEventQueue();
Future closeFile(Uri uri) async {
var notification = makeNotification(
new DidCloseTextDocumentParams(
new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri.toString())),
await pumpEventQueue();
Future<Object> executeCommand(Command command) async {
final request = makeRequest(
new ExecuteCommandParams(
return expectSuccessfulResponseTo(request);
Future<T> expectErrorNotification<T>(
FutureOr<void> f(), {
Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 5),
}) async {
final firstError = channel.errorNotificationsFromServer.first;
await f();
final notificationFromServer = await firstError.timeout(timeout);
expect(notificationFromServer, isNotNull);
return notificationFromServer.params as T;
/// Expects a [method] request from the server after executing [f].
Future<RequestMessage> expectRequest(
Method method,
FutureOr<void> f(), {
Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 5),
}) async {
final firstRequest =
channel.requestsFromServer.firstWhere((n) => n.method == method);
await f();
final requestFromServer = await firstRequest.timeout(timeout);
expect(requestFromServer, isNotNull);
return requestFromServer;
/// Sends a request to the server and unwraps the result. Throws if the
/// response was not successful or returned an error.
Future<T> expectSuccessfulResponseTo<T>(RequestMessage request) async {
final resp = await channel.sendRequestToServer(request);
if (resp.error != null) {
throw resp.error;
} else {
return resp.result as T;
Future<List<TextEdit>> formatDocument(String fileUri) {
final request = makeRequest(
new DocumentFormattingParams(
new TextDocumentIdentifier(fileUri),
new FormattingOptions(2, true), // These currently don't do anything
return expectSuccessfulResponseTo(request);
Future<List<TextEdit>> formatOnType(
String fileUri, Position pos, String character) {
final request = makeRequest(
new DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams(
new TextDocumentIdentifier(fileUri),
new FormattingOptions(2, true), // These currently don't do anything
return expectSuccessfulResponseTo(request);
Future<List<Either2<Command, CodeAction>>> getCodeActions(
String fileUri, {
Range range,
List<CodeActionKind> kinds,
}) {
final request = makeRequest(
new CodeActionParams(
new TextDocumentIdentifier(fileUri),
range ?? beginningOfDocument,
// TODO(dantup): We may need to revise the tests/implementation when
// it's clear how we're supposed to handle diagnostics:
new CodeActionContext([], kinds)),
return expectSuccessfulResponseTo(request);
Future<List<CompletionItem>> getCompletion(Uri uri, Position pos,
{CompletionContext context}) {
final request = makeRequest(
new CompletionParams(
new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri.toString()),
return expectSuccessfulResponseTo<List<CompletionItem>>(request);
Future<List<Location>> getDefinition(Uri uri, Position pos) {
final request = makeRequest(
new TextDocumentPositionParams(
new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri.toString()),
return expectSuccessfulResponseTo<List<Location>>(request);
Future<List<DocumentHighlight>> getDocumentHighlights(Uri uri, Position pos) {
final request = makeRequest(
new TextDocumentPositionParams(
new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri.toString()),
return expectSuccessfulResponseTo<List<DocumentHighlight>>(request);
Future<Either2<List<DocumentSymbol>, List<SymbolInformation>>>
getDocumentSymbols(String fileUri) {
final request = makeRequest(
new DocumentSymbolParams(
new TextDocumentIdentifier(fileUri),
return expectSuccessfulResponseTo(request);
Future<Hover> getHover(Uri uri, Position pos) {
final request = makeRequest(
new TextDocumentPositionParams(
new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri.toString()), pos),
return expectSuccessfulResponseTo<Hover>(request);
Future<List<Location>> getReferences(
Uri uri,
Position pos, {
includeDeclarations = false,
}) {
final request = makeRequest(
new ReferenceParams(
new ReferenceContext(includeDeclarations),
new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri.toString()),
return expectSuccessfulResponseTo<List<Location>>(request);
Future<SignatureHelp> getSignatureHelp(Uri uri, Position pos) {
final request = makeRequest(
new TextDocumentPositionParams(
new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri.toString()),
return expectSuccessfulResponseTo<SignatureHelp>(request);
/// Executes [f] then waits for a request of type [method] from the server which
/// is passed to [handler] to process, then waits for (and returns) the
/// response to the original request.
/// This is used for testing things like code actions, where the client initiates
/// a request but the server does not respond to it until it's sent its own
/// request to the client and it recieved a response.
/// Client Server
/// 1. |- Req: textDocument/codeAction ->
/// 1. <- Resp: textDocument/codeAction -|
/// 2. |- Req: workspace/executeCommand ->
/// 3. <- Req: textDocument/applyEdits -|
/// 3. |- Resp: textDocument/applyEdits ->
/// 2. <- Resp: workspace/executeCommand -|
/// Request 2 from the client is not responded to until the server has its own
/// response to the request it sends (3).
Future<T> handleExpectedRequest<T, R, RR>(
Method method,
Future<T> f(), {
@required FutureOr<RR> handler(R params),
Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 5),
}) async {
FutureOr<T> outboundRequest;
// Run [f] and wait for the incoming request from the server.
final incomingRequest = await expectRequest(method, () {
// Don't return/await the response yet, as this may not complete until
// after we have handled the request that comes from the server.
outboundRequest = f();
// Handle the request from the server and send the response back.
final clientsResponse = await handler(incomingRequest.params as R);
respondTo(incomingRequest, clientsResponse);
// Return a future that completes when the response to the original request
// (from [f]) returns.
return outboundRequest;
/// A helper that initializes the server with common values, since the server
/// will reject any other requests until it is initialized.
/// Capabilities are overridden by providing JSON to avoid having to construct
/// full objects just to change one value (the types are immutable) so must
/// match the spec exactly and are not verified.
Future<ResponseMessage> initialize({
String rootPath,
Uri rootUri,
List<Uri> workspaceFolders,
TextDocumentClientCapabilities textDocumentCapabilities,
WorkspaceClientCapabilities workspaceCapabilities,
}) async {
// Assume if none of the project options were set, that we want to default to
// opening the test project folder.
if (rootPath == null && rootUri == null && workspaceFolders == null) {
rootUri = Uri.file(projectFolderPath);
final request = makeRequest(
new InitializeParams(
new ClientCapabilities(
final response = await channel.sendRequestToServer(request);
expect(, equals(;
if (response.error == null) {
final notification = makeNotification(Method.initialized, null);
await pumpEventQueue();
return response;
NotificationMessage makeNotification(Method method, ToJsonable params) {
return new NotificationMessage(method, params, jsonRpcVersion);
RequestMessage makeRenameRequest(
int version, Uri uri, Position pos, String newName) {
final docIdentifier = version != null
? new VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier(version, uri.toString())
: new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri.toString());
final request = makeRequest(
new RenameParams(docIdentifier, pos, newName),
return request;
RequestMessage makeRequest(Method method, ToJsonable params) {
final id = Either2<num, String>.t1(_id++);
return new RequestMessage(id, method, params, jsonRpcVersion);
Future openFile(Uri uri, String content, {num version = 1}) async {
var notification = makeNotification(
new DidOpenTextDocumentParams(new TextDocumentItem(
uri.toString(), dartLanguageId, version, content)),
await pumpEventQueue();
Position positionFromMarker(String contents) =>
positionFromOffset(withoutRangeMarkers(contents).indexOf('^'), contents);
Position positionFromOffset(int offset, String contents) {
final lineInfo = LineInfo.fromContent(withoutMarkers(contents));
return toPosition(lineInfo.getLocation(offset));
Future<RangeAndPlaceholder> prepareRename(Uri uri, Position pos) {
final request = makeRequest(
new TextDocumentPositionParams(
new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri.toString()),
return expectSuccessfulResponseTo<RangeAndPlaceholder>(request);
/// Returns the range surrounded by `[[markers]]` in the provided string,
/// excluding the markers themselves (as well as position markers `^` from
/// the offsets).
Range rangeFromMarkers(String contents) {
final ranges = rangesFromMarkers(contents);
if (ranges.length == 1) {
return ranges.first;
} else if (ranges.isEmpty) {
throw 'Contents did not include a marked range';
} else {
throw 'Contents contained multiple ranges but only one was expected';
/// Returns all ranges surrounded by `[[markers]]` in the provided string,
/// excluding the markers themselves (as well as position markers `^` from
/// the offsets).
List<Range> rangesFromMarkers(String content) {
Iterable<Range> rangesFromMarkersImpl(String content) sync* {
content = content.replaceAll(positionMarker, '');
final contentsWithoutMarkers = withoutMarkers(content);
var searchStartIndex = 0;
var offsetForEarlierMarkers = 0;
while (true) {
final startMarker = content.indexOf(rangeMarkerStart, searchStartIndex);
if (startMarker == -1) {
return; // Exit if we didn't find any more.
final endMarker = content.indexOf(rangeMarkerEnd, startMarker);
if (endMarker == -1) {
throw 'Found unclosed range starting at offset $startMarker';
yield new Range(
startMarker + offsetForEarlierMarkers, contentsWithoutMarkers),
endMarker + offsetForEarlierMarkers - rangeMarkerStart.length,
// Start the next search after this one, but remember to offset the future
// results by the lengths of these markers since they shouldn't affect the
// offsets.
searchStartIndex = endMarker;
offsetForEarlierMarkers -=
rangeMarkerStart.length + rangeMarkerEnd.length;
return rangesFromMarkersImpl(content).toList();
Future<WorkspaceEdit> rename(
Uri uri,
int version,
Position pos,
String newName,
) {
final request = makeRenameRequest(version, uri, pos, newName);
return expectSuccessfulResponseTo<WorkspaceEdit>(request);
Future<ResponseMessage> renameRaw(
Uri uri,
int version,
Position pos,
String newName,
) {
final request = makeRenameRequest(version, uri, pos, newName);
return channel.sendRequestToServer(request);
Future replaceFile(int newVersion, Uri uri, String content) {
return changeFile(
[new TextDocumentContentChangeEvent(null, null, content)],
/// Sends [responseParams] to the server as a successful response to
/// a server-initiated [request].
void respondTo<T>(RequestMessage request, T responseParams) {
new ResponseMessage(, responseParams, null, jsonRpcVersion));
void setUp() {
channel = new MockLspServerChannel(debugPrintCommunication);
// Create an SDK in the mock file system.
new MockSdk(resourceProvider: resourceProvider);
server = new LspAnalysisServer(
new AnalysisServerOptions(),
new DartSdkManager(convertPath('/sdk'), false),
projectFolderPath = convertPath('/project');
projectFolderUri = Uri.file(projectFolderPath);
newFolder(join(projectFolderPath, 'lib'));
// Create a folder and file to aid testing that includes imports/completion.
newFolder(join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'folder'));
newFile(join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'file.dart'));
mainFilePath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'main.dart');
mainFileUri = Uri.file(mainFilePath);
Future tearDown() async {
await server.shutdown();
WorkspaceFolder toWorkspaceFolder(Uri uri) {
return WorkspaceFolder(uri.toString(), path.basename(uri.toFilePath()));
Future<List<Diagnostic>> waitForDiagnostics(Uri uri) async {
PublishDiagnosticsParams diagnosticParams;
await channel.serverToClient.firstWhere((message) {
if (message is NotificationMessage &&
message.method == Method.textDocument_publishDiagnostics) {
diagnosticParams = message.params;
return diagnosticParams.uri == uri.toString();
return false;
return diagnosticParams.diagnostics;
/// Removes markers like `[[` and `]]` and `^` that are used for marking
/// positions/ranges in strings to avoid hard-coding positions in tests.
String withoutMarkers(String contents) =>
contents.replaceAll(allMarkersPattern, '');
/// Removes range markers from strings to give accurate position offsets.
String withoutRangeMarkers(String contents) =>
contents.replaceAll(rangeMarkerStart, '').replaceAll(rangeMarkerEnd, '');
mixin ClientCapabilitiesHelperMixin {
final emptyTextDocumentClientCapabilities =
new TextDocumentClientCapabilities(
final emptyWorkspaceClientCapabilities = new WorkspaceClientCapabilities(
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
TextDocumentClientCapabilities extendTextDocumentCapabilities(
TextDocumentClientCapabilities source,
Map<String, dynamic> textDocumentCapabilities,
) {
final json = source.toJson();
if (textDocumentCapabilities != null) {
textDocumentCapabilities.keys.forEach((key) {
json[key] = textDocumentCapabilities[key];
return TextDocumentClientCapabilities.fromJson(json);
WorkspaceClientCapabilities extendWorkspaceCapabilities(
WorkspaceClientCapabilities source,
Map<String, dynamic> workspaceCapabilities,
) {
final json = source.toJson();
if (workspaceCapabilities != null) {
workspaceCapabilities.keys.forEach((key) {
json[key] = workspaceCapabilities[key];
return WorkspaceClientCapabilities.fromJson(json);
TextDocumentClientCapabilities withCodeActionKinds(
TextDocumentClientCapabilities source,
List<CodeActionKind> kinds,
) {
return extendTextDocumentCapabilities(source, {
'codeAction': {
'codeActionLiteralSupport': {
'codeActionKind': {'valueSet': => k.toJson()).toList()}
TextDocumentClientCapabilities withCompletionItemDeprecatedSupport(
TextDocumentClientCapabilities source,
) {
return extendTextDocumentCapabilities(source, {
'completion': {
'completionItem': {'deprecatedSupport': true}
TextDocumentClientCapabilities withCompletionItemSnippetSupport(
TextDocumentClientCapabilities source,
) {
return extendTextDocumentCapabilities(source, {
'completion': {
'completionItem': {'snippetSupport': true}
TextDocumentClientCapabilities withCompletionItemKinds(
TextDocumentClientCapabilities source,
List<CompletionItemKind> kinds,
) {
return extendTextDocumentCapabilities(source, {
'completion': {
'completionItemKind': {
'valueSet': => k.toJson()).toList()
TextDocumentClientCapabilities withHoverContentFormat(
TextDocumentClientCapabilities source,
List<MarkupKind> formats,
) {
return extendTextDocumentCapabilities(source, {
'hover': {'contentFormat': => k.toJson()).toList()}
TextDocumentClientCapabilities withSignatureHelpContentFormat(
TextDocumentClientCapabilities source,
List<MarkupKind> formats,
) {
return extendTextDocumentCapabilities(source, {
'signatureHelp': {
'signatureInformation': {
'documentationFormat': => k.toJson()).toList()
TextDocumentClientCapabilities withHierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport(
TextDocumentClientCapabilities source,
) {
return extendTextDocumentCapabilities(source, {
'documentSymbol': {'hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport': true}
WorkspaceClientCapabilities withDocumentChangesSupport(
WorkspaceClientCapabilities source,
) {
return extendWorkspaceCapabilities(source, {
'workspaceEdit': {'documentChanges': true}