blob: 2301e154b9299a61e53ba2d21f906f41c755d64f [file] [log] [blame]
ClobberAndCall proc
;; Clobber some significant registers and call the nullary function which is
;; passed in as the first argument.
;; Pool pointer register.
push r15
mov r15, 1
;; Thread register.
push r14
mov r14, 1
;; Code register.
push r12
mov r12, 1
;; Arguments descriptor register (volatile).
mov r10, 1
;; Clobber all other volatile registers (except the argument).
mov rax, 1
mov rcx, 1
mov r8, 1
mov r9, 1
mov r11, 1
;; Stack must be 16-byte aligned before the call. We save three registers above
;; to ensure this.
call rdx
pop r12
pop r14
pop r15
ClobberAndCall endp