blob: 135c1b789ea864944aa79bd45991268e04742357 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/candidate_suggestion.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/completion_state.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/declaration_helper.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/keyword_helper.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/label_helper.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/override_helper.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/suggestion_collector.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/visibility_tracker.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/utilities/extensions/ast.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/utilities/flutter.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/syntactic_entity.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/source_range.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/extensions.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/token.dart';
/// A completion pass that will create candidate suggestions based on the
/// elements in scope in the library containing the selection, as well as
/// suggestions that are not related to elements, such as keywords.
// The visit methods in this class are allowed to visit the parent of the
// visited node (the covering node), but are not allowed to visit children. This
// rule will prevent the introduction of an infinite loop between the visit
// methods of the parent and child.
class InScopeCompletionPass extends SimpleAstVisitor<void> {
/// The state used to compute the candidate suggestions.
final CompletionState state;
/// The suggestion collector to which suggestions will be added.
final SuggestionCollector collector;
/// Whether the generation of suggestions for imports should be skipped. This
/// exists as a temporary measure that will be removed after all of the
/// suggestions are being produced by the various passes.
final bool skipImports;
/// Whether suggestions for overrides should be produced.
final bool suggestOverrides;
/// The helper used to suggest keywords.
late final KeywordHelper keywordHelper = KeywordHelper(
collector: collector, featureSet: featureSet, offset: offset);
/// The helper used to suggest labels.
late final LabelHelper labelHelper = LabelHelper(collector: collector);
/// The helper used to suggest declarations that are in scope.
DeclarationHelper? _declarationHelper;
/// The helper used to suggest overrides of inherited members.
late final OverrideHelper overrideHelper =
OverrideHelper(collector: collector, state: state);
/// Initialize a newly created completion visitor that can use the [state] to
/// add candidate suggestions to the [collector].
/// The flag [skipImports] is a temporary measure that will be removed after
/// all of the suggestions are being produced by the various passes.
{required this.state,
required this.collector,
required this.skipImports,
required this.suggestOverrides});
/// Return the feature set that applies to the library for which completions
/// are being computed.
FeatureSet get featureSet => state.libraryElement.featureSet;
/// Return the offset at which completion was requested.
int get offset => state.selection.offset;
/// Returns the visibility tracker used by this pass.
VisibilityTracker? get visibilityTracker =>
/// Return the node that should be used as the context in which completion is
/// occurring.
/// This is normally the covering node, but if the covering node begins with
/// an identifier (or keyword) and the [offset] is covered by the identifier
/// or keyword, then we look for the highest node that also begins with the
/// same token, but that isn't part of a list of nodes, and use the parent of
/// that node.
/// This allows us more context for completing what the user might be trying
/// to write and also reduces the complexity of the visitor and reduces the
/// amount of code duplication.
AstNode get _completionNode {
var selection = state.selection;
var coveringNode = selection.coveringNode;
var beginToken = coveringNode.beginToken;
if (!beginToken.isKeywordOrIdentifier) {
// The parser will occasionally recover by using a non-identifier token as
// if it were an identifier. In such cases we don't want to return the
// `SimpleIdentifier`, we want to move up the AST as if it had been an
// identifier token.
if (coveringNode is! SimpleIdentifier) {
return coveringNode;
if (!selection.isCoveredByToken(beginToken)) {
return coveringNode;
var child = coveringNode;
var parent = child.parent;
while (parent != null &&
parent.beginToken == beginToken &&
!(child is! SimpleIdentifier && parent.isChildInList(child))) {
child = parent;
parent = child.parent;
// The [child] is now the highest node that starts with the [beginToken].
if (parent != null &&
!(child is! SimpleIdentifier && parent.isChildInList(child))) {
return parent;
return child;
/// Compute the candidate suggestions associated with this pass.
void computeSuggestions() {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): The cursor could be inside a non-documentation
// comment inside the completion node. We need to check for this case and
// not propose suggestions.
/// Return the helper used to suggest declarations that are in scope.
DeclarationHelper declarationHelper(
{bool mustBeAssignable = false,
bool mustBeConstant = false,
bool mustBeExtensible = false,
bool mustBeImplementable = false,
bool mustBeMixable = false,
bool mustBeNonVoid = false,
bool mustBeStatic = false,
bool mustBeType = false,
bool preferNonInvocation = false}) {
var contextType = state.contextType;
if (contextType is FunctionType) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Consider passing the context type to the
// declaration helper so that we can limit which functions are suggested
// to only include those that are a subtype of the context type.
if (contextType.returnType is VoidType) {
mustBeNonVoid = false;
preferNonInvocation = true;
// Ensure that we aren't attempting to create multiple declaration helpers
// with inconsistent states.
assert(() {
var helper = _declarationHelper;
return helper == null ||
(helper.mustBeAssignable == mustBeAssignable &&
helper.mustBeConstant == mustBeConstant &&
helper.mustBeExtendable == mustBeExtensible &&
helper.mustBeImplementable == mustBeImplementable &&
helper.mustBeMixable == mustBeMixable &&
helper.mustBeNonVoid == mustBeNonVoid &&
helper.mustBeStatic == mustBeStatic &&
helper.mustBeType == mustBeType &&
helper.preferNonInvocation == preferNonInvocation);
return _declarationHelper ??= DeclarationHelper(
request: state.request,
collector: collector,
offset: offset,
mustBeAssignable: mustBeAssignable,
mustBeConstant: mustBeConstant,
mustBeExtendable: mustBeExtensible,
mustBeImplementable: mustBeImplementable,
mustBeMixable: mustBeMixable,
mustBeNonVoid: mustBeNonVoid,
mustBeStatic: mustBeStatic,
mustBeType: mustBeType,
preferNonInvocation: preferNonInvocation,
skipImports: skipImports,
void visitAdjacentStrings(AdjacentStrings node) {
void visitAnnotation(Annotation node) {
void visitArgumentList(ArgumentList node) {
if (offset <= node.leftParenthesis.offset) {
} else if (offset <= node.rightParenthesis.offset) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Consider moving most of this method (and some of
// `visitNamedExpression`) into an `ArgumentListHelper`.
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent == null) {
// Compute the index of the positional argument that the user might be
// trying to complete.
var arguments = node.arguments;
var (:before, :after) = node.argumentsBeforeAndAfterOffset(offset);
var argumentIndex = 0;
if (before != null) {
if (_handledPossibleClosure(before)) {
_forExpression(before, mustBeNonVoid: true);
argumentIndex = arguments.indexOf(before);
if (offset > before.end) {
argumentIndex = argumentIndex + 1;
// collector.completionLocation = 'ArgumentList_${context}_named';
var (:positionalArgumentCount, :usedNames) =
var element = node.invokedElement;
var parameters = element.getParameters();
if (parameters != null) {
var positionalParameterCount = 0;
var availableNamedParameters = <ParameterElement>[];
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
var parameter = parameters[i];
if (parameter.isNamed) {
if (!usedNames.contains( {
} else {
// Only suggest expression keywords if it's possible that the user is
// completing a positional argument.
if (positionalArgumentCount < positionalParameterCount) {
_forExpression(parent, mustBeNonVoid: true);
// This assumes that the positional parameters will always be first in
// the list of parameters.
var parameter = parameters[positionalArgumentCount];
var parameterType = parameter.type;
if (parameterType is FunctionType) {
Expression? argument;
if (argumentIndex < arguments.length) {
argument = arguments[argumentIndex];
var includeTrailingComma =
argument == null || !argument.isFollowedByComma;
functionType: parameterType,
includeTrailingComma: includeTrailingComma));
// Suggest the names of all named parameters that are not already in the
// argument list.
var appendComma = false;
if (after != null) {
var possibleComma = after.beginToken.previous;
if (after.isSynthetic) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): [argumentsBeforeAndAfterOffset] should
// probably be updated so that it doesn't return a synthetic token
// as the following argument, but treats it like the offset is
// inside the synthetic argument.
possibleComma =;
if (possibleComma != null && possibleComma.type == TokenType.COMMA) {
if (possibleComma.isSynthetic) {
if (after is NamedExpression ||
before is! SimpleIdentifier ||
offset > before.end) {
appendComma = true;
} else if (offset >= possibleComma.end) {
appendComma = true;
} else {
appendComma = true;
} else if (parent is InstanceCreationExpression &&
Flutter.isWidgetCreation(parent)) {
appendComma = true;
int? replacementLength;
if (offset == before?.offset) {
replacementLength = 0;
appendComma = false;
for (var parameter in availableNamedParameters) {
parameter: parameter,
appendColon: true,
appendComma: appendComma,
replacementLength: replacementLength));
} else if (parent is Expression) {
_forExpression(parent, mustBeNonVoid: true);
void visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) {
if (node.asOperator.coversOffset(offset)) {
if (node.expression is ParenthesizedExpression) {
// If the user has typed `as` after something that could be either a
// parenthesized expression or a parameter list, the parser will recover
// by parsing an `as` expression. This handles the case where the user is
// actually trying to write a function expression.
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Decide whether we should do more to ensure that
// the expression could be a parameter list.
} else {
var type = node.type;
if (type.isFullySynthetic || type.beginToken.coversOffset(offset)) {
collector.completionLocation = 'AsExpression_type';
_forTypeAnnotation(node, mustBeNonVoid: true);
void visitAssertInitializer(AssertInitializer node) {
collector.completionLocation = 'ConstructorDeclaration_initializer';
node.parent as ConstructorDeclaration, node);
void visitAssertStatement(AssertStatement node) {
if (offset <= node.assertKeyword.end) {
void visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) {
collector.completionLocation = 'AssignmentExpression_rightHandSide';
_forExpression(node, mustBeNonVoid: true);
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Consider proposing a closure when the left-hand
// side is a function-typed variable.
void visitAwaitExpression(AwaitExpression node) {
collector.completionLocation = 'AwaitExpression_expression';
_forExpression(node, mustBeNonVoid: true);
void visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
var operator = node.operator.lexeme;
collector.completionLocation = 'BinaryExpression_${operator}_rightOperand';
_forExpression(node, mustBeNonVoid: true);
void visitBlock(Block node) {
if (node.leftBracket.isSynthetic && node.rightBracket.isSynthetic) {
if (offset <= node.leftBracket.offset) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is BlockFunctionBody) {
collector.completionLocation = 'Block_statement';
var previousStatement = node.statements.elementBefore(offset);
if (previousStatement is TryStatement) {
if (previousStatement.finallyBlock == null) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Consider adding `on ^ {}`, `catch (e) {^}`, and
// `finally {^}`.
if (previousStatement.catchClauses.isEmpty) {
// If the try statement has no catch, on, or finally then only suggest
// these keywords, because at least one of these clauses is required.
} else if (previousStatement is IfStatement &&
previousStatement.elseKeyword == null) {
if (node.inCatchClause) {
void visitBooleanLiteral(BooleanLiteral node) {
void visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) {
var breakEnd = node.breakKeyword.end;
if (offset <= breakEnd) {
} else if (breakEnd < offset && offset <= node.semicolon.offset) {
void visitCascadeExpression(CascadeExpression node) {
collector.completionLocation = 'CascadeExpression_cascadeSection';
void visitCaseClause(CaseClause node) {
collector.completionLocation = 'CaseClause_pattern';
void visitCastPattern(CastPattern node) {
if (node.asToken.coversOffset(offset)) {
} else {
collector.completionLocation = 'CastPattern_type';
_forTypeAnnotation(node, mustBeNonVoid: true);
void visitCatchClause(CatchClause node) {
var onKeyword = node.onKeyword;
var catchKeyword = node.catchKeyword;
if (onKeyword != null) {
if (offset <= onKeyword.end) {
} else if (catchKeyword == null && offset <= node.body.offset) {
} else if (catchKeyword != null && offset < catchKeyword.offset) {
if (catchKeyword != null &&
offset >= catchKeyword.offset &&
offset <= catchKeyword.end) {
void visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
if (offset == node.offset) {
} else if (offset < node.classKeyword.offset) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): The cursor might be before an annotation, in
// which case suggesting class modifiers isn't appropriate.
} else if (offset <= node.classKeyword.end) {
} else if (offset <= {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Suggest a name for the class.
} else if (offset <= node.leftBracket.offset) {
} else if (offset >= node.leftBracket.end &&
offset <= node.rightBracket.offset) {
var members = node.members;
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Generalize this to check for unattatched
// annotations in other places.
var preceedingMember = members.elementBefore(offset);
var token = preceedingMember?.beginToken ??!;
if (token.type == TokenType.AT) {
// The user is completing at the beginning of an annotation.
// TODO(brianwilkerson): We need to check the next token to see whether
// part of the annotation is already there.
} else if (token.keyword == Keyword.FINAL) {
// The user is completing after the keyword `final`, so they're likely
// trying to declare a field.
collector.completionLocation = 'ClassDeclaration_member';
var element = node.members.elementBefore(offset);
if (element is MethodDeclaration) {
var body = element.body;
if (body.isEmpty) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Consider enabling the generation of overrides in
// this location.
} else {
// The cursor is immediately to the right of the right bracket, so the
// user is starting a new top-level declaration.
void visitCommentReference(CommentReference node) {
declarationHelper(preferNonInvocation: true).addLexicalDeclarations(node);
void visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit node) {
// This method is only invoked when the cursor is between two members.
var surroundingMembers = node.membersBeforeAndAfterOffset(offset);
var before = surroundingMembers.before;
if (before != null && _handledIncompletePrecedingUnitMember(node, before)) {
// The member is incomplete, so assume that the user is completing it
// rather than starting a new member.
_forCompilationUnitMember(node, surroundingMembers);
void visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Consider adding a location for the condition.
if (offset >= node.question.end && offset <= node.colon.offset) {
collector.completionLocation = 'ConditionalExpression_thenExpression';
} else if (offset >= node.colon.end) {
collector.completionLocation = 'ConditionalExpression_elseExpression';
void visitConstantPattern(ConstantPattern node) {
var expression = node.expression;
if (expression is SimpleIdentifier) {
void visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
var separator = node.separator;
if (separator == null) {
var type = separator.type;
if (type == TokenType.COLON) {
if (offset >= separator.end && offset <= node.body.offset) {
collector.completionLocation = 'ConstructorDeclaration_initializer';
_forConstructorInitializer(node, null);
} else if (type == TokenType.EQ) {
var constructorElement = node.declaredElement;
if (constructorElement == null) {
var libraryElement = state.libraryElement;
declarationHelper(mustBeConstant: constructorElement.isConst)
.addPosibleRedirectionsInLibrary(constructorElement, libraryElement);
void visitConstructorFieldInitializer(ConstructorFieldInitializer node) {
var constructor = node.parent;
if (constructor is! ConstructorDeclaration) {
if (offset <= node.equals.offset) {
collector.completionLocation = 'ConstructorDeclaration_initializer';
_forConstructorInitializer(constructor, node);
} else {
if (node.fieldName.isSynthetic && node.equals.isSynthetic) {
var expression = node.expression;
if (expression is PropertyAccess && is ThisExpression) {
if (expression.operator.isSynthetic) {
// The parser recovers from `this` by treating it as a property
// access on the right side of a field initializer. The user appears
// to be attempting to complete an initializer.
collector.completionLocation = 'ConstructorDeclaration_initializer';
_forConstructorInitializer(constructor, node);
} else {
// The parser recovers from `this.` by treating it as a property
// access on the right side of a field initializer. The user appears
// to be attempting to complete the name of a constructor.
_forExpression(node, mustBeNonVoid: true);
void visitConstructorReference(ConstructorReference node) {
void visitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement node) {
var continueEnd = node.continueKeyword.end;
if (offset <= continueEnd) {
} else if (continueEnd < offset && offset <= node.semicolon.offset) {
void visitDeclaredIdentifier(DeclaredIdentifier node) {
void visitDeclaredVariablePattern(DeclaredVariablePattern node) {
var name =;
if (name.isSynthetic) {
if (node.type == null && node.varKeyword == null) {
_forTypeAnnotation(node, mustBeNonVoid: true);
} else if (name.coversOffset(offset)) {
if (node.keyword != null) {
var type = node.type;
if (!type.isSingleIdentifier && name.coversOffset(offset)) {
// Don't suggest a name for the variable.
// Otherwise it's possible that the type is actually the name and the name
// is the going to be the keyword `when`.
var parent = node.parent;
if (!(parent is GuardedPattern && parent.hasWhen)) {
void visitDefaultFormalParameter(DefaultFormalParameter node) {
var defaultValue = node.defaultValue;
if (defaultValue is Expression && defaultValue.coversOffset(offset)) {
collector.completionLocation = 'DefaultFormalParameter_defaultValue';
_forExpression(defaultValue, mustBeNonVoid: true);
} else {
void visitDoStatement(DoStatement node) {
if (offset <= node.doKeyword.end) {
} else if (node.leftParenthesis.end <= offset &&
offset <= node.rightParenthesis.offset) {
if (node.condition.isSynthetic ||
offset <= node.condition.offset ||
offset == node.condition.end) {
collector.completionLocation = 'DoStatement_condition';
_forExpression(node, mustBeNonVoid: true);
void visitDoubleLiteral(DoubleLiteral node) {
void visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is Block) {
var statements = parent.statements;
var index = statements.indexOf(node);
if (index > 0) {
var previousStatement = statements[index - 1];
if (previousStatement is TryStatement &&
previousStatement.finallyBlock == null) {
keywordHelper.addTryClauseKeywords(canHaveFinally: true);
if (previousStatement.catchClauses.isEmpty) {
// Don't suggest a new statement because the `try` statement is
// incomplete.
if (offset <= node.semicolon.offset) {
void visitEnumDeclaration(EnumDeclaration node) {
if (!featureSet.isEnabled(Feature.enhanced_enums)) {
if (offset < node.enumKeyword.offset) {
// There are no modifiers for enums.
if (offset <= node.enumKeyword.end) {
if (offset <= {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Suggest a name for the mixin.
if (offset <= node.leftBracket.offset) {
var rightBracket = node.rightBracket;
if (!rightBracket.isSynthetic && offset >= rightBracket.end) {
var semicolon = node.semicolon;
if (semicolon != null && offset >= semicolon.end) {
collector.completionLocation = 'EnumDeclaration_member';
void visitExportDirective(ExportDirective node) {
if (offset == node.offset) {
} else if (offset <= node.uri.offset) {
} else if (offset <= node.uri.end) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Complete the URI.
void visitExpressionFunctionBody(ExpressionFunctionBody node) {
var expression = node.expression;
if (offset >= node.functionDefinition.end && offset <= expression.end) {
collector.completionLocation = 'ExpressionFunctionBody_expression';
void visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) {
collector.completionLocation = 'ExpressionStatement_expression';
if (_forIncompletePrecedingStatement(node)) {
if (node.isSingleIdentifier) {
var precedingStatement = node.precedingStatement;
if (precedingStatement is TryStatement) {
var semicolon = node.semicolon;
if (semicolon != null &&
!semicolon.isSynthetic &&
offset >= semicolon.end) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): If the cursor is in the expression, consider
// returning the expression as the completion node and moving the following
// conditions into the visit methods for the respective classes.
var expression = node.expression;
if (expression is AssignmentExpression) {
var leftHandSide = expression.leftHandSide;
if (leftHandSide is SimpleIdentifier && offset <= leftHandSide.end) {
} else if (expression is CascadeExpression) {
if (offset <= {
mustBeNonVoid: true,
mustBeStatic: node.inStaticContext,
} else if (expression is InstanceCreationExpression) {
if (offset <= expression.beginToken.end) {
} else if (expression is MethodInvocation) {
if (offset <= expression.beginToken.end) {
} else if (expression is PrefixedIdentifier) {
if (offset <= expression.prefix.end) {
mustBeNonVoid: true,
mustBeStatic: node.inStaticContext,
} else if (offset <= expression.identifier.end) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Suggest members of the identifier's type.
} else if (expression is SimpleIdentifier && offset <= expression.end) {
void visitExtendsClause(ExtendsClause node) {
var extendsKeyword = node.extendsKeyword;
if (offset <= extendsKeyword.end) {
} else if (node.superclass.isFullySynthetic ||
node.superclass.name2.coversOffset(offset)) {
collector.completionLocation = 'ExtendsClause_superclass';
_forTypeAnnotation(node, mustBeExtensible: true);
void visitExtensionDeclaration(ExtensionDeclaration node) {
if (offset == node.offset) {
} else if (offset < node.extensionKeyword.offset) {
// There are no modifiers for extensions.
if (offset <= node.extensionKeyword.end) {
var name =;
if (name != null && offset <= name.end) {
if (featureSet.isEnabled(Feature.inline_class)) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Suggest a name for the extension.
if (offset <= node.leftBracket.offset) {
if (node.onKeyword.isSynthetic) {
} else {
collector.completionLocation = 'ExtensionDeclaration_extendedType';
if (offset >= node.leftBracket.end && offset <= node.rightBracket.offset) {
collector.completionLocation = 'ExtensionDeclaration_member';
void visitExtensionOverride(ExtensionOverride node) {
void visitExtensionTypeDeclaration(ExtensionTypeDeclaration node) {
if (offset == node.offset) {
} else if (offset >= node.representation.end &&
(offset <= node.leftBracket.offset || node.leftBracket.isSynthetic)) {
} else if (offset >= node.leftBracket.end &&
offset <= node.rightBracket.offset) {
void visitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration node) {
var fields = node.fields;
var type = fields.type;
if (type == null) {
var variables = fields.variables;
var firstField = variables.firstOrNull;
if (firstField != null) {
var name =;
if (variables.length == 1 && name.isKeyword && offset > name.end) {
// The parser has recovered by using one of the existing keywords as
// the name of a field, which means that there is no type.
keyword: name.keyword);
declarationHelper(mustBeType: true).addLexicalDeclarations(node);
} else if (offset < name.offset) {
_forTypeAnnotation(node, mustBeNonVoid: firstField.equals != null);
} else if (offset <= name.end) {
} else {
var precedingMember = node.precedingMember;
if (offset <= type.offset &&
(precedingMember == null || offset >= precedingMember.end)) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent != null) {
} else if (offset <= type.end) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Add support for the failing test
// `OverrideTestCases.test_class_method_beforeField`.
if (node.isSingleIdentifier) {
// The user has typed only part of an identifier / keyword. Recovery
// sees this as a field, but it could be the start of any kind of
// member.
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent != null) {
} else {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): `var` should only be suggested if neither
// `static` nor `final` are present.
void visitFieldFormalParameter(FieldFormalParameter node) {
var constructor = node.parent?.parent;
if (constructor is FormalParameterList) {
constructor = constructor.parent;
if (constructor is ConstructorDeclaration) {
var declaredElement = node.declaredElement;
FieldElement? field;
if (declaredElement is FieldFormalParameterElement) {
field = declaredElement.field;
declarationHelper().addFieldsForInitializers(constructor, field);
void visitForEachPartsWithDeclaration(ForEachPartsWithDeclaration node) {
void visitForEachPartsWithIdentifier(ForEachPartsWithIdentifier node) {
void visitForEachPartsWithPattern(ForEachPartsWithPattern node) {
void visitForElement(ForElement node) {
var literal = node.thisOrAncestorOfType<TypedLiteral>();
if (literal is ListLiteral) {
_forCollectionElement(literal, literal.elements);
} else if (literal is SetOrMapLiteral) {
_forCollectionElement(literal, literal.elements);
void visitFormalParameterList(FormalParameterList node) {
if (offset >= node.end) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is FunctionExpression) {
var parameters = node.parameters;
var precedingParameter = parameters.elementBefore(offset);
if (precedingParameter != null && precedingParameter.isIncomplete) {
collector.completionLocation = 'FormalParameterList_parameter';
void visitForPartsWithDeclarations(ForPartsWithDeclarations node) {
if (offset >= node.leftSeparator.end &&
offset <= node.rightSeparator.offset) {
var condition = node.condition;
if (condition is SimpleIdentifier &&
node.leftSeparator.isSynthetic &&
node.rightSeparator.isSynthetic) {
// Handle the degenerate case while typing `for (int x i^)`.
// Actual: for (int x i^)
// Parsed: for (int x; i^;)
} else if (offset >= node.rightSeparator.end) {
void visitForPartsWithExpression(ForPartsWithExpression node) {
if (node.isFullySynthetic) {
void visitForStatement(ForStatement node) {
if (offset <= node.forKeyword.end) {
} else if (offset >= node.leftParenthesis.end &&
offset <= node.rightParenthesis.offset) {
// The cursor is between the parentheses, but outside the range of the for
// parts, either before it or after it.
var parts = node.forLoopParts;
switch (parts) {
case ForEachPartsWithDeclaration():
var variable = parts.loopVariable;
if (offset < {
var type = variable.type;
if (type == null ||
(type is NamedType && offset <= type.name2.end)) {
case ForEachPartsWithIdentifier():
if (offset < parts.identifier.offset) {
case ForEachPartsWithPattern():
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Implement this.
case ForPartsWithDeclarations():
var variables = parts.variables;
var keyword = variables.keyword;
if (variables.variables.length == 1 &&
variables.variables[0].name.isSynthetic &&
keyword != null &&
parts.leftSeparator.isSynthetic) {
var afterKeyword =!;
if (afterKeyword.type == TokenType.OPEN_PAREN) {
var endGroup = afterKeyword.endGroup;
if (endGroup != null && offset >= endGroup.end) {
// Actual: for (va^)
// Parsed: for (va^; ;)
case ForPartsWithExpression():
if (parts.leftSeparator.isSynthetic &&
parts.initialization is SimpleIdentifier) {
case ForPartsWithPattern():
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Implement this.
void visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
// If the cursor is at the beginning of the declaration, include the
// compilation unit keywords. See
if (offset == node.offset) {
var returnType = node.returnType;
if ((returnType == null || returnType.beginToken == returnType.endToken) &&
offset <= {
collector.completionLocation = 'FunctionDeclaration_returnType';
void visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
if (offset >=
(node.parameters?.end ?? node.typeParameters?.end ?? node.offset) &&
offset <= node.body.offset) {
var body = node.body;
var grandParent = node.parent;
var unit = grandParent?.parent;
if (body is EmptyFunctionBody &&
grandParent is FunctionDeclaration &&
unit is CompilationUnit) {
void visitFunctionExpressionInvocation(FunctionExpressionInvocation node) {
void visitFunctionReference(FunctionReference node) {
void visitFunctionTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAlias node) {
var typedefKeyword = node.typedefKeyword;
if (offset == node.offset) {
} else if (offset <= typedefKeyword.end) {
collector.completionLocation = 'CompilationUnit_declaration';
} else if (offset <=!.end) {
declarationHelper(mustBeType: true).addLexicalDeclarations(node);
void visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter(FunctionTypedFormalParameter node) {
var returnType = node.returnType;
if (returnType != null && offset <= returnType.end) {
} else if (returnType == null && offset < {
void visitGenericTypeAlias(GenericTypeAlias node) {
if (offset == node.offset) {
} else if (node.typedefKeyword.coversOffset(offset)) {
} else if (offset >= node.equals.end && offset <= node.semicolon.offset) {
void visitHideCombinator(HideCombinator node) {
_forCombinator(node, node.hiddenNames);
void visitIfElement(IfElement node) {
var expression = node.expression;
if (offset > expression.end && offset <= node.rightParenthesis.offset) {
var caseClause = node.caseClause;
if (caseClause == null) {
} else if (caseClause.guardedPattern.hasWhen) {
if (caseClause.guardedPattern.whenClause?.expression == null) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Figure out whether the next line should be
// replaced by an invocation of `_forExpression`.
mustBeStatic: node.inStaticContext);
} else {
} else if (offset >= node.leftParenthesis.end &&
offset <= node.rightParenthesis.offset) {
_forExpression(node, mustBeNonVoid: true);
} else if (offset >= node.rightParenthesis.end) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Ensure that we are suggesting `else` after the
// then expression.
var literal = node.thisOrAncestorOfType<TypedLiteral>();
if (literal is ListLiteral) {
_forCollectionElement(literal, literal.elements);
} else if (literal is SetOrMapLiteral) {
_forCollectionElement(literal, literal.elements);
// var thenElement = node.thenElement;
// if (offset >= thenElement.end &&
// !thenElement.isSynthetic &&
// node.elseKeyword == null) {
// keywordHelper.addKeyword(Keyword.ELSE);
// }
void visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) {
if (node.rightParenthesis.isSynthetic &&
!node.leftParenthesis.isSynthetic) {
// analyzer parser
// Actual: if (x i^)
// Parsed: if (x) i^
var expression = node.expression;
if (offset <= node.ifKeyword.end) {
} else if (offset > expression.end &&
offset <= node.rightParenthesis.offset) {
var caseClause = node.caseClause;
if (caseClause == null) {
} else if (caseClause.guardedPattern.hasWhen) {
if (caseClause.guardedPattern.whenClause?.expression == null) {
} else {
} else if (offset >= node.leftParenthesis.end &&
offset <= node.rightParenthesis.offset) {
_forExpression(node, mustBeNonVoid: true);
} else if (offset >= node.rightParenthesis.end) {
void visitImplementsClause(ImplementsClause node) {
var implementsKeyword = node.implementsKeyword;
if (offset <= implementsKeyword.end) {
} else {
_forTypeAnnotation(node, mustBeImplementable: true);
void visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) {
if (offset == node.offset) {
} else if (offset <= node.uri.offset) {
} else if (offset <= node.uri.end) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Complete the URI.
} else {
void visitImportPrefixReference(ImportPrefixReference node) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is NamedType && offset <= parent.name2.offset) {
var element = node.element;
DartType type;
if (element is FunctionTypedElement) {
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement && element.isGetter) {
type = element.type.returnType;
} else {
type = element.type;
} else if (element is VariableElement) {
type = element.type;
} else {
if (element is InterfaceElement || element is ExtensionElement) {
void visitIndexExpression(IndexExpression node) {
void visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
var keyword = node.keyword;
if (keyword != null && offset > keyword.end) {
if (offset <= keyword.end) {
} else {
var constructorName = node.constructorName;
if (constructorName.isSynthetic ||
offset < constructorName.offset ||
constructorName.coversOffset(offset)) {
} else {
void visitIntegerLiteral(IntegerLiteral node) {
void visitInterpolationExpression(InterpolationExpression node) {
declarationHelper(mustBeStatic: node.inStaticContext, mustBeNonVoid: true)
void visitIsExpression(IsExpression node) {
var isOperator = node.isOperator;
if (isOperator.coversOffset(offset)) {
} else if (offset < isOperator.offset) {
} else if (offset > isOperator.end) {
declarationHelper(mustBeType: true).addLexicalDeclarations(node);
void visitLibraryDirective(LibraryDirective node) {
if (offset >= node.end) {
var unit = node.parent;
if (unit is CompilationUnit) {
_forDirective(unit, node);
var (before: _, :after) = unit.membersBeforeAndAfterMember(node);
if (after is CompilationUnitMember?) {
void visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
final offset = this.offset;
if (offset >= node.leftBracket.end && offset <= node.rightBracket.offset) {
collector.completionLocation = 'ListLiteral_element';
_forCollectionElement(node, node.elements);
void visitListPattern(ListPattern node) {
collector.completionLocation = 'ListPattern_element';
void visitLogicalAndPattern(LogicalAndPattern node) {
collector.completionLocation = 'LogicalAndPattern_rightOperand';
void visitLogicalOrPattern(LogicalOrPattern node) {
collector.completionLocation = 'LogicalOrPattern_rightOperand';
void visitMapLiteralEntry(MapLiteralEntry node) {
if (offset == node.offset) {
} else if (offset >= node.separator.end) {
collector.completionLocation = 'MapLiteralEntry_value';
declarationHelper(mustBeStatic: node.inStaticContext)
void visitMapPattern(MapPattern node) {
collector.completionLocation = 'MapPatternEntry_key';
void visitMapPatternEntry(MapPatternEntry node) {
var separator = node.separator;
if (separator.isSynthetic || offset <= separator.offset) {
collector.completionLocation = 'MapPatternEntry_value';
_forPattern(node, mustBeConst: false);
void visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
if (offset >= node.firstTokenAfterCommentAndMetadata.previous!.offset &&
offset <= {
// If the cursor is at the beginning of the declaration, include the class
// member keywords. See
var body = node.body;
var tokenBeforeBody = body.beginToken.previous!;
if (offset >= tokenBeforeBody.end && offset <= body.offset) {
if (body.keyword == null) {
if (body.isEmpty) {
void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
var operator = node.operator;
if (operator == null) {
if ((node.isCascaded && offset == operator.offset + 1) ||
(offset >= operator.end && offset <= node.methodName.end)) {
var target = node.realTarget;
var type = target?.staticType;
if (type != null) {
_forMemberAccess(node, node.parent, type);
if ((type == null || type.isDartCoreType) &&
target is Identifier &&
(!node.isCascaded || offset == operator.offset + 1)) {
var element = target.staticElement;
if (element is InterfaceElement || element is ExtensionTypeElement) {
void visitMixinDeclaration(MixinDeclaration node) {
if (offset == node.offset) {
if (offset < node.mixinKeyword.offset) {
if (offset <= node.mixinKeyword.end) {
if (offset <= {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Suggest a name for the mixin.
if (offset <= node.leftBracket.offset) {
if (offset >= node.leftBracket.end && offset <= node.rightBracket.offset) {
collector.completionLocation = 'MixinDeclaration_member';
var element = node.members.elementBefore(offset);
if (element is MethodDeclaration) {
var body = element.body;
if (body.isEmpty) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Consider enabling the generation of overrides in
// this location.
void visitNamedExpression(NamedExpression node) {
if (offset <= {
var argumentList = node.parent;
if (argumentList is! ArgumentList) {
var element = argumentList.invokedElement;
if (element is ExecutableElement) {
var (positionalArgumentCount: _, :usedNames) =
var appendColon =;
var parameters = element.parameters;
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
var parameter = parameters[i];
if (parameter.isNamed) {
if (!usedNames.contains( {
parameter: parameter,
appendColon: appendColon,
appendComma: false));
} else if (offset >= {
_forExpression(node, mustBeNonVoid: node.parent is ArgumentList);
var parameterType = node.staticParameterElement?.type;
if (parameterType is FunctionType) {
var includeTrailingComma = !node.isFollowedByComma;
functionType: parameterType,
includeTrailingComma: includeTrailingComma,
void visitNamedType(NamedType node) {
var importPrefix = node.importPrefix;
var prefixElement = importPrefix?.element;
// `prefix.x^ print(0);` is recovered as `prefix.x print; (0);`.
if (prefixElement is PrefixElement) {
if (node.parent case VariableDeclarationList variableList) {
if (variableList.parent case VariableDeclarationStatement statement) {
if (statement.semicolon.isSynthetic) {
void visitNullLiteral(NullLiteral node) {
void visitObjectPattern(ObjectPattern node) {
if (node.leftParenthesis.end <= offset &&
offset <= node.rightParenthesis.offset) {
declarationHelper(mustBeNonVoid: true).addGetters(
type: node.type.typeOrThrow,
excludedGetters: node.fields.fieldNames,
void visitOnClause(OnClause node) {
var onKeyword = node.onKeyword;
if (offset <= onKeyword.end) {
} else {
void visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) {
var expression = node.expression;
if (expression is Identifier || expression is PropertyAccess) {
if (offset == node.rightParenthesis.offset) {
var next =;
if (next?.type == TokenType.IDENTIFIER) {
// Fasta parses `if (x i^)` as `if (x ^)` where the `i` is in the
// token stream but not part of the `ParenthesizedExpression`.
void visitParenthesizedPattern(ParenthesizedPattern node) {
collector.completionLocation = 'ParenthesizedPattern_expression';
void visitPatternAssignment(PatternAssignment node) {
void visitPatternField(PatternField node) {
var name =;
if (name != null && offset <= name.colon.offset) {
if (name == null) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is ObjectPattern) {
declarationHelper(mustBeNonVoid: true).addGetters(
type: parent.type.typeOrThrow,
excludedGetters: parent.fields.fieldNames,
} else if (parent is RecordPattern) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): If we know the expected record type, add the
// names of any named fields.
} else if ( == null) {
collector.completionLocation = 'PatternField_pattern';
} else {
collector.completionLocation = 'PatternField_pattern';
_forPattern(node, mustBeConst: false);
void visitPatternFieldName(PatternFieldName node) {
if (offset <= node.colon.offset) {
void visitPatternVariableDeclaration(PatternVariableDeclaration node) {
void visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpression node) {
var type = node.operator.type;
type == TokenType.PLUS_PLUS || type == TokenType.MINUS_MINUS);
void visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) {
if (offset <= node.period.offset) {
} else {
var target = node.prefix;
var type = target.staticType;
if (type != null) {
_forMemberAccess(node, node.parent, type);
} else {
var element = target.staticElement;
if (element != null) {
var parent = node.parent;
var mustBeAssignable =
parent is AssignmentExpression && node == parent.leftHandSide;
declarationHelper(mustBeAssignable: mustBeAssignable)
void visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression node) {
var type = node.operator.type;
type == TokenType.PLUS_PLUS || type == TokenType.MINUS_MINUS);
void visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) {
var operator = node.operator;
if (offset <= operator.offset) {
// We will only get here if the target is a `SimpleIdentifier`, in which
// case the user is attempting to complete that identifier.
} else {
var target = node.realTarget;
var parent = node.parent;
if (target is ThisExpression && parent is ConstructorFieldInitializer) {
// The parser recovers from `this` by treating it as a property access
// on the right side of a field initializer. The user appears to be
// attempting to complete an initializer.
collector.completionLocation = 'PropertyAccess_propertyName';
var type = target.staticType;
if (type != null) {
_forMemberAccess(node, parent, type,
onlySuper: target is SuperExpression);
if ((type == null || type.isDartCoreType) &&
target is Identifier &&
(!node.isCascaded || offset == operator.offset + 1)) {
var element = target.staticElement;
if (element is InterfaceElement || element is ExtensionTypeElement) {
void visitRecordLiteral(RecordLiteral node) {
collector.completionLocation = 'RecordLiteral_fields';
void visitRecordPattern(RecordPattern node) {
if (node.leftParenthesis.end <= offset &&
offset <= node.rightParenthesis.offset) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Is there a reason we aren't suggesting 'void'?
final targetField = node.fields.skipWhile((field) {
return field.end < offset;
if (targetField != null) {
final nameNode =;
if (nameNode != null && offset <= nameNode.colon.offset) {
declarationHelper(mustBeNonVoid: true).addGetters(
type: node.matchedValueTypeOrThrow,
excludedGetters: node.fields.fieldNames,
void visitRedirectingConstructorInvocation(
RedirectingConstructorInvocation node) {
var constructor = node.parent;
if (constructor is! ConstructorDeclaration) {
if (offset <= node.thisKeyword.end && node.argumentList.isFullySynthetic) {
collector.completionLocation = 'ConstructorDeclaration_initializer';
keywordHelper.addConstructorInitializerKeywords(constructor, node);
var period = node.period;
// TODO(brianwilkerson): If the period is `null` we might want to complete
// the argument list after `this`.
if (period != null &&
offset >= period.end &&
offset <= node.argumentList.offset) {
void visitRelationalPattern(RelationalPattern node) {
var operand = node.operand;
if (node.operator.type == TokenType.LT &&
operand.isSynthetic &&
operand.beginToken.nextNonSynthetic?.type == TokenType.GT) {
// This is most likely a type argument list before a typed literal.
} else if (operand is SimpleIdentifier &&
offset >= node.operator.end &&
offset <= operand.end) {
void visitRepresentationDeclaration(RepresentationDeclaration node) {
bool hasIncompleteAnnotation() {
var next =!;
return next.type == TokenType.AT ||
(next.isSynthetic &&!.type == TokenType.AT);
var fieldName = node.fieldName;
if (offset <= fieldName.end && node.fieldType.isFullySynthetic) {
if (fieldName.isSynthetic && hasIncompleteAnnotation()) {
} else {
declarationHelper(mustBeType: true).addLexicalDeclarations(node);
void visitRestPatternElement(RestPatternElement node) {
collector.completionLocation = 'RestPatternElement_pattern';
void visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) {
collector.completionLocation = 'ReturnStatement_expression';
if (offset <= node.returnKeyword.end) {
} else {
_forExpression(node.expression ?? node);
void visitSetOrMapLiteral(SetOrMapLiteral node) {
var offset = this.offset;
if (offset >= node.leftBracket.end && offset <= node.rightBracket.offset) {
collector.completionLocation = 'SetOrMapLiteral_element';
_forCollectionElement(node, node.elements);
void visitShowCombinator(ShowCombinator node) {
_forCombinator(node, node.shownNames);
void visitSimpleFormalParameter(SimpleFormalParameter node) {
var name =;
if (name != null && node.isSingleIdentifier) {
if (name.isKeyword) {
if (name.keyword == Keyword.REQUIRED && node.covariantKeyword == null) {
} else if (name.isSynthetic) {
} else {
var type = node.type;
if (type != null) {
if (type.beginToken.coversOffset(offset)) {
} else if (type is GenericFunctionType &&
offset < type.functionKeyword.offset &&
type.returnType == null) {
void visitSimpleStringLiteral(SimpleStringLiteral node) {
void visitSpreadElement(SpreadElement node) {
collector.completionLocation = 'SpreadElement_expression';
void visitStringInterpolation(StringInterpolation node) {
void visitSuperConstructorInvocation(SuperConstructorInvocation node) {
var constructor = node.parent;
if (constructor is! ConstructorDeclaration) {
if (offset <= node.superKeyword.end && node.argumentList.isFullySynthetic) {
collector.completionLocation = 'ConstructorDeclaration_initializer';
keywordHelper.addConstructorInitializerKeywords(constructor, node);
var period = node.period;
// TODO(brianwilkerson): If the period is `null` we might want to complete
// the argument list after `super`.
if (period != null &&
offset >= period.end &&
offset <= node.argumentList.offset) {
var container = constructor.parent;
var superType = switch (container) {
ClassDeclaration() => container.declaredElement?.supertype,
EnumDeclaration() => container.declaredElement?.supertype,
_ => null,
if (superType != null) {
declarationHelper(mustBeConstant: constructor.constKeyword != null)
.addConstructorNamesForType(type: superType);
void visitSuperFormalParameter(SuperFormalParameter node) {
void visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) {
collector.completionLocation = 'SwitchMember_statement';
void visitSwitchDefault(SwitchDefault node) {
if (offset <= node.keyword.offset) {
keywordHelper.addKeywordFromText(Keyword.DEFAULT, ':');
} else if (offset <= node.keyword.end) {
if (node.colon.isSynthetic) {
keywordHelper.addKeywordFromText(Keyword.DEFAULT, ':');
} else {
void visitSwitchExpression(SwitchExpression node) {
if (offset >= node.leftParenthesis.end &&
offset <= node.rightParenthesis.offset) {
collector.completionLocation = 'SwitchExpression_expression';
} else if (offset >= node.leftBracket.end &&
offset <= node.rightBracket.offset) {
void visitSwitchExpressionCase(SwitchExpressionCase node) {
if (node.arrow.isSynthetic) {
// The user is completing in the pattern.
var expression = node.expression;
var endToken = expression.endToken;
if (endToken == expression.beginToken || endToken.isSynthetic) {
// The user is completing in the expression.
void visitSwitchPatternCase(SwitchPatternCase node) {
if (offset <= node.keyword.end) {
} else if (offset <= node.colon.offset) {
var previous = node.colon.previous!;
var previousKeyword = previous.keyword;
if (previousKeyword == null) {
if (previous.isSynthetic || previous.coversOffset(offset)) {
var pattern = node.guardedPattern.pattern;
if (pattern is ConstantPattern) {
_forExpression(pattern.expression, mustBeNonVoid: true);
} else {
_forExpression(pattern, mustBeNonVoid: true);
} else {
} else if (previousKeyword == Keyword.AS) {
} else if (previousKeyword != Keyword.WHEN) {
} else {
if (node.statements.isEmpty || offset <= node.statements.first.offset) {
keywordHelper.addKeywordFromText(Keyword.DEFAULT, ':');
void visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {
if (offset <= node.switchKeyword.end) {
} else if (offset >= node.leftParenthesis.end &&
offset <= node.rightParenthesis.offset) {
collector.completionLocation = 'SwitchStatement_expression';
_forExpression(node, mustBeNonVoid: true);
} else if (offset >= node.leftBracket.end &&
offset <= node.rightBracket.offset) {
var members = node.members;
keywordHelper.addKeywordFromText(Keyword.DEFAULT, ':');
if (members.isNotEmpty) {
if (!members.any((element) => element is SwitchDefault)) {
keywordHelper.addKeywordFromText(Keyword.DEFAULT, ':');
var element = members.elementBefore(offset);
if (element != null) {
void visitSymbolLiteral(SymbolLiteral node) {
void visitThisExpression(ThisExpression node) {
void visitThrowExpression(ThrowExpression node) {
collector.completionLocation = 'ThrowExpression_expression';
void visitTopLevelVariableDeclaration(TopLevelVariableDeclaration node) {
if (_handledRecovery(node)) {
if (offset == node.offset) {
var variableDeclarationList = node.variables;
var variables = variableDeclarationList.variables;
if (variables.isEmpty || offset > variables.first.beginToken.end) {
if (node.externalKeyword == null) {
if (variableDeclarationList.lateKeyword == null) {
if (!variables.first.isConst) {
if (!variables.first.isFinal) {
declarationHelper(mustBeType: true).addLexicalDeclarations(node);
void visitTryStatement(TryStatement node) {
if (offset <= node.tryKeyword.end) {
} else if (offset >= node.body.end) {
var finallyKeyword = node.finallyKeyword;
if (finallyKeyword == null) {
var catchClauses = node.catchClauses;
var lastClause = catchClauses.lastOrNull;
if (lastClause == null) {
keywordHelper.addTryClauseKeywords(canHaveFinally: true);
} else {
canHaveFinally: offset >= lastClause.end);
} else if (offset < finallyKeyword.offset) {
keywordHelper.addTryClauseKeywords(canHaveFinally: false);
void visitTypeArgumentList(TypeArgumentList node) {
void visitTypeLiteral(TypeLiteral node) {
void visitTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) {
if (offset <= {
// The cursor is in the name of the type parameter and there are no names
// to suggest.
var extendsKeyword = node.extendsKeyword;
if (extendsKeyword == null || offset <= extendsKeyword.end) {
// Either there is no `extends` keyword or the cursor is in the `extends`
// keyword, so the keyword should be suggested.
} else {
// The cursor is after the `extends` keyword, so we should suggest valid
// upper bounds.
_forTypeAnnotation(node, mustBeNonVoid: true);
void visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
// The parser often recovers from incomplete code by creating a variable
// declaration. Start by checking to see whether the variable declaration is
// likely only there for recovery.
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is! VariableDeclarationList) {
var grandparent = parent.parent;
if (grandparent is FieldDeclaration) {
// The order of these conditions is critical. We need to check for an
// incomplete preceding member even when the grandparent isn't a single
// identifier, but want to return only if both conditions are true.
if (_forIncompletePrecedingClassMember(grandparent) &&
grandparent.isSingleIdentifier) {
} else if (grandparent is ForPartsWithDeclarations) {
if (node.equals == null &&
parent.variables.length == 1 &&
parent.type is RecordTypeAnnotation) {
} else if (grandparent is TopLevelVariableDeclaration) {
if (_handledRecovery(grandparent)) {
if (offset <= {
var container = grandparent?.parent;
var keyword = parent.keyword;
if (parent.type == null) {
if (keyword == null) {
if (keyword == null || keyword.keyword != Keyword.VAR) {
if (grandparent is FieldDeclaration) {
if (grandparent.externalKeyword == null) {
if (grandparent.staticKeyword == null) {
if (container is ClassDeclaration || container is MixinDeclaration) {
if (grandparent.abstractKeyword == null) {
if (grandparent.covariantKeyword == null) {
if (parent.lateKeyword == null &&
container is! ExtensionDeclaration) {
if ( == grandparent.firstTokenAfterCommentAndMetadata) {
// The parser often recovers from incomplete code by assuming that
// the user is typing a field declaration, but it's quite possible
// that the user is trying to type a different kind of declaration.
if (container is ClassDeclaration) {
if (grandparent.isSingleIdentifier) {
_suggestOverridesFor(switch (container) {
ClassDeclaration() => container.declaredElement,
MixinDeclaration() => container.declaredElement,
_ => null,
} else if (grandparent is TopLevelVariableDeclaration) {
if (grandparent.externalKeyword == null) {
if (parent.lateKeyword == null && container is! ExtensionDeclaration) {
var equals = node.equals;
if (equals != null && offset >= equals.end) {
collector.completionLocation = 'VariableDeclaration_initializer';
_forExpression(node, mustBeNonVoid: true);
var variableType = node.declaredElement?.type;
if (variableType is FunctionType) {
functionType: variableType,
includeTrailingComma: false,
void visitVariableDeclarationList(VariableDeclarationList node) {
var keyword = node.keyword;
var variables = node.variables;
if (variables.isNotEmpty && offset <= variables[0].name.end) {
var type = node.type;
if ((type == null || type.coversOffset(offset)) &&
keyword?.keyword != Keyword.VAR) {
} else if (type is RecordTypeAnnotation) {
// This might be a record pattern that happens to look like a type, in
// which case the user might be typing `in`.
void visitVariableDeclarationStatement(VariableDeclarationStatement node) {
if (_forIncompletePrecedingStatement(node)) {
if (offset <= node.beginToken.end) {
} else if (offset >= node.end) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent != null) {
collector.completionLocation = 'Block_statement';
void visitWhenClause(WhenClause node) {
var whenKeyword = node.whenKeyword;
if (!whenKeyword.isSynthetic && offset > whenKeyword.end) {
void visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) {
if (offset <= node.whileKeyword.end) {
} else if (node.leftParenthesis.end <= offset &&
offset <= node.rightParenthesis.offset) {
if (node.condition.isSynthetic ||
offset <= node.condition.offset ||
offset == node.condition.end) {
collector.completionLocation = 'WhileStatement_condition';
_forExpression(node, mustBeNonVoid: true);
void visitWithClause(WithClause node) {
var parent = node.parent;
var whenKeyword = node.withKeyword;
if (offset <= whenKeyword.offset && parent is ClassDeclaration) {
} else if (offset <= whenKeyword.end) {
} else {
collector.completionLocation = 'WithClause_mixinType';
_forTypeAnnotation(node, mustBeMixable: true);
void visitYieldStatement(YieldStatement node) {
if (offset <= node.yieldKeyword.end) {
} else if (node.semicolon.isSynthetic || offset <= node.semicolon.end) {
/// Add the suggestions that are appropriate at the beginning of an annotation.
void _forAnnotation(AstNode node) {
declarationHelper(mustBeConstant: true).addLexicalDeclarations(node);
/// Add the suggestions that are appropriate when the selection is at the
/// beginning of a member of a class, enum, extension, extension type, or
/// mixin.
void _forClassLikeMember(AstNode node) {
switch (node) {
case ClassDeclaration():
case EnumDeclaration():
case ExtensionDeclaration():
case ExtensionTypeDeclaration():
case MixinDeclaration():
/// Add the suggestions that are appropriate when the selection is at the
/// beginning of a class member.
void _forClassMember(ClassDeclaration node) {
declarationHelper(mustBeType: true).addLexicalDeclarations(node);
/// Add the suggestions that are appropriate when the selection is at the
/// beginning of an element in a collection [literal], with the given
/// [elements].
void _forCollectionElement(
TypedLiteral literal, NodeList<CollectionElement> elements) {
var mustBeStatic = literal.inStaticContext;
keywordHelper.addCollectionElementKeywords(literal, elements,
mustBeStatic: mustBeStatic);
var preceedingElement = elements.elementBefore(offset);
declarationHelper(mustBeStatic: mustBeStatic)
.addLexicalDeclarations(preceedingElement ?? literal);
/// Add the suggestions that are appropriate when completing in the given
/// [combinator] and the [existingNames] are in the list.
void _forCombinator(
Combinator combinator, NodeList<SimpleIdentifier> existingNames) {
var directive = combinator.parent;
if (directive is! NamespaceDirective) {
var library = directive.referencedLibrary;
if (library == null) {
var coveringNode = state.selection.coveringNode;
AstNode? excludedName;
if (existingNames.contains(coveringNode)) {
excludedName = coveringNode;
var excludedNames = existingNames
.where((element) => element != excludedName)
.map((element) =>
declarationHelper(preferNonInvocation: true)
.addFromLibrary(library, excludedNames);
/// Add the suggestions that are appropriate when the selection is at the
/// beginning of a top-level declaration.
void _forCompilationUnitDeclaration(CompilationUnit unit) {
declarationHelper(mustBeType: true).addLexicalDeclarations(unit);
/// Add the suggestions that are appropriate when the selection is at the
/// beginning of a member at the top-level of a compilation unit.
void _forCompilationUnitMember(CompilationUnit unit,
({AstNode? before, AstNode? after}) surroundingMembers) {
var before = surroundingMembers.before;
if (before is Directive?) {
collector.completionLocation = 'CompilationUnit_directive';
_forDirective(unit, before);
if (surroundingMembers.after is CompilationUnitMember?) {
collector.completionLocation ??= 'CompilationUnit_declaration';
/// Add the suggestions that are appropriate when the user is completing
/// immediately before the given [member].
void _forCompilationUnitMemberBefore(AstNode member) {
if (member.parent case CompilationUnit unit) {
_forCompilationUnitMember(unit, unit.membersBeforeAndAfterMember(member));
/// Add the suggestions that are appropriate when the selection is at the
/// beginning of a constant expression. The [node] provides context to
/// determine which keywords to include.
void _forConstantExpression(AstNode node) {
var inConstantContext = node is Expression && node.inConstantContext;
inConstantContext: inConstantContext);
declarationHelper(mustBeConstant: true, mustBeStatic: node.inStaticContext)
/// Add the suggestions that are appropriate when the selection is at the
/// beginning of a constructor's initializer.
void _forConstructorInitializer(ConstructorDeclaration constructor,
ConstructorFieldInitializer? initializer) {
var element = initializer?.fieldName.staticElement;
FieldElement? field;
if (element is FieldElement) {
field = element;
keywordHelper.addConstructorInitializerKeywords(constructor, initializer);
declarationHelper().addFieldsForInitializers(constructor, field);
/// Add the suggestions that are appropriate when the selection is at the
/// beginning of a directive. The [before] directive is the directive before
/// the one being added.
void _forDirective(CompilationUnit unit, Directive? before) {
keywordHelper.addDirectiveKeywords(unit, before);
/// Add the suggestions that are appropriate when the selection is at the
/// beginning of an enum member.
void _forEnumMember(EnumDeclaration node) {
declarationHelper(mustBeType: true).addLexicalDeclarations(node);
/// Add the suggestions that are appropriate when the selection is at the
/// beginning of an expression. The [node] provides context to determine which
/// keywords to include.
void _forExpression(AstNode node,
{bool mustBeAssignable = false, bool mustBeNonVoid = false}) {
var mustBeConstant = node is Expression &&
(node.inConstantContext || node.parent is DefaultFormalParameter);
var mustBeStatic = node.inStaticContext;
mustBeConstant: mustBeConstant, mustBeStatic: mustBeStatic);
mustBeAssignable: mustBeAssignable,
mustBeConstant: mustBeConstant,
mustBeNonVoid: mustBeNonVoid,
mustBeStatic: mustBeStatic)
/// Add the suggestions that are appropriate when the selection is at the
/// beginning of an extension member.
void _forExtensionMember(ExtensionDeclaration node) {
keywordHelper.addExtensionMemberKeywords(isStatic: false);
declarationHelper(mustBeType: true).addLexicalDeclarations(node);
/// Add the suggestions that are appropriate when the selection is at the
/// beginning of an extension type member.
void _forExtensionTypeMember(ExtensionTypeDeclaration node) {
keywordHelper.addExtensionTypeMemberKeywords(isStatic: false);
declarationHelper(mustBeType: true).addLexicalDeclarations(node);
/// Return `true` if the preceding member is incomplete and no other
/// suggestions should be offered.
/// If the completion offset is within the first token of the given [member],
/// then check to see whether the preceding member is incomplete. If it is,
/// then the user might be attempting to complete the preceding member rather
/// than attempting to prepend something to the given [member], so add the
/// suggestions appropriate for that situation.
bool _forIncompletePrecedingClassMember(ClassMember member) {
if (offset <= member.beginToken.end) {
var precedingMember = member.precedingMember;
if (precedingMember == null) {
return false;
// Ideally we'd visit the preceding member in order to avoid duplicating
// code, but the offset will be past where the parser inserted synthetic
// tokens, preventing that from working.
switch (precedingMember) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Add support for other kinds of declarations.
case MethodDeclaration declaration:
if (declaration.body.isFullySynthetic) {
return true;
case _:
return false;
/// Return `true` if the preceding statement is incomplete and no other
/// suggestions should be offered.
/// If the completion offset is within the first token of the given
/// [statement], then check to see whether the preceding statement is
/// incomplete. If it is, then the user might be attempting to complete the
/// preceding statement rather than attempting to prepend something to the
/// given [statement], so add the suggestions appropriate for that situation.
bool _forIncompletePrecedingStatement(Statement statement) {
if (offset <= statement.beginToken.end) {
var precedingStatement = statement.precedingStatement;
if (precedingStatement == null) {
return false;
// Ideally we'd visit the preceding member in order to avoid
// duplicating code, but the offset will be past where the parser
// inserted synthetic tokens, preventing that from working.
switch (precedingStatement) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Add support for other kinds of declarations.
case IfStatement declaration:
if (declaration.elseKeyword == null) {
return true;
case TryStatement declaration:
if (declaration.finallyBlock == null) {
return declaration.catchClauses.isEmpty;
case _:
return false;
/// Adds the suggestions that are appropriate when the [expression] is
/// referencing a member of the given [type]. The [parent] is the parent of
/// the [node].
void _forMemberAccess(Expression node, AstNode? parent, DartType type,
{bool onlySuper = false}) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Handle the case of static member accesses.
var mustBeAssignable =
parent is AssignmentExpression && node == parent.leftHandSide;
mustBeAssignable: mustBeAssignable,
mustBeConstant: node.inConstantContext,
mustBeNonVoid: parent is ArgumentList)
.addInstanceMembersOfType(type, onlySuper: onlySuper);
/// Adds the suggestions that are appropriate when the selection is at the
/// beginning of a mixin member.
void _forMixinMember(MixinDeclaration node) {
declarationHelper(mustBeType: true).addLexicalDeclarations(node);
/// Adds the suggestions that are appropriate when the selection is in the
/// name in a declared variable pattern
void _forNameInDeclaredVariablePattern(DeclaredVariablePattern node) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is GuardedPattern) {
if (! {
} else if (parent is PatternField) {
var outerPattern = parent.parent;
if (outerPattern is DartPattern) {
/// Adds the suggestions that are appropriate when the selection is at the
/// beginning of a pattern.
void _forPattern(AstNode node, {bool mustBeConst = true}) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Figure out when `mustBeConst` should ever be false.
mustBeConstant: mustBeConst, mustBeStatic: node.inStaticContext)
/// Adds the suggestions that are appropriate for the name of a pattern field.
void _forPatternFieldName(PatternFieldName node) {
var pattern = node.parent?.parent;
if (pattern is DartPattern) {
/// Adds the suggestions that are appropriate for the name of a pattern field.
void _forPatternFieldNameInPattern(DartPattern? pattern) {
if (pattern is ObjectPattern) {
declarationHelper(mustBeNonVoid: true).addGetters(
type: pattern.type.typeOrThrow,
excludedGetters: pattern.fields.fieldNames,
} else if (pattern is RecordPattern) {
declarationHelper(mustBeNonVoid: true).addGetters(
type: pattern.matchedValueTypeOrThrow,
excludedGetters: pattern.fields.fieldNames,
/// Adds the suggestions that are appropriate when the selection is at the
/// beginning of a redirecting constructor invocation.
void _forRedirectingConstructorInvocation(
ConstructorDeclaration constructor) {
var container = constructor.parent;
var thisType = switch (container) {
ClassDeclaration() => container.declaredElement?.thisType,
EnumDeclaration() => container.declaredElement?.thisType,
ExtensionTypeDeclaration() => container.declaredElement?.thisType,
_ => null,
if (thisType != null) {
var constructorName =;
declarationHelper(mustBeConstant: constructor.constKeyword != null)
.addConstructorNamesForType(type: thisType, exclude: constructorName);
/// Adds the suggestions that are appropriate when the selection is at the
/// beginning of a statement. The [node] provides context to determine which
/// keywords to include.
void _forStatement(AstNode node) {
/// Adds the suggestions that are appropriate when the selection is at the
/// beginning of a type annotation.
void _forTypeAnnotation(AstNode node,
{bool mustBeExtensible = false,
bool mustBeImplementable = false,
bool mustBeMixable = false,
bool mustBeNonVoid = false}) {
if (!(mustBeExtensible || mustBeImplementable || mustBeMixable)) {
if (!mustBeNonVoid) {
if (node is NamedType && node.importPrefix != null) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Figure out a better way to handle prefixed
// identifiers.
mustBeExtensible: mustBeExtensible,
mustBeImplementable: mustBeImplementable,
mustBeMixable: mustBeMixable,
mustBeType: true,
mustBeNonVoid: mustBeNonVoid)
/// Adds the suggestions that are appropriate when the selection is at the
/// beginning of a variable pattern.
void _forVariablePattern() {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Suggest the types available in the current scope.
// _addTypesInScope();
/// Return `true` if the [precedingMember] is incomplete.
/// If it's incomplete, assume that the user is attempting to complete it and
/// offer appropriate suggestions.
bool _handledIncompletePrecedingUnitMember(
CompilationUnit unit, AstNode precedingMember) {
// Ideally we'd visit the preceding member in order to avoid duplicating
// code, but in some cases the offset will be past where the parser inserted
// synthetic tokens, preventing that from working.
switch (precedingMember) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Add support for other kinds of declarations.
case ClassDeclaration declaration:
if (declaration.hasNoBody) {
return true;
// case ExtensionDeclaration declaration:
// if (declaration.leftBracket.isSynthetic) {
// // If the prior member is an unfinished extension declaration then the
// // user is probably finishing that.
// _addExtensionDeclarationKeywords(declaration);
// return;
// }
// }
case ExtensionTypeDeclaration declaration:
if (declaration.hasNoBody) {
return true;
case FunctionDeclaration declaration:
var body = declaration.functionExpression.body;
if (body.isEmpty) {
case ImportDirective directive:
if (directive.semicolon.isSynthetic) {
return true;
// case MixinDeclaration declaration:
// if (declaration.leftBracket.isSynthetic) {
// // If the prior member is an unfinished mixin declaration
// // then the user is probably finishing that.
// _addMixinDeclarationKeywords(declaration);
// return;
// }
// }
return false;
/// Return `true` if the given [expression] is the result of recovery and
/// suggestions have already been produced.
/// The parser recovers from a parenthesized list in an argument list by
/// creating either a `ParenthesizedExpression` or a `RecordLiteral`
bool _handledPossibleClosure(Expression? expression) {
var nextToken = expression?.endToken.nextNonSynthetic;
if (nextToken == null || offset > nextToken.offset) {
return false;
switch (expression) {
case ParenthesizedExpression(:var expression):
if (expression is SimpleIdentifier) {
return true;
case RecordLiteral record:
for (var field in record.fields) {
if (field is! SimpleIdentifier) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
/// Return `true` if the given [declaration] is the result of recovery and
/// suggestions have already been produced.
/// The parser recovers from a simple identifier by assuming that it's a
/// top-level variable declaration. But a simple identifier could be the start
/// of any kind of member, so defer to the compilation unit.
bool _handledRecovery(TopLevelVariableDeclaration declaration) {
var unit = declaration.parent;
if (unit is CompilationUnit) {
({AstNode? before, AstNode? after})? surroundingMembers;
if (offset <= declaration.beginToken.end) {
surroundingMembers = unit.membersBeforeAndAfterMember(declaration);
var before = surroundingMembers.before;
if (before != null &&
_handledIncompletePrecedingUnitMember(unit, before)) {
// The preceding member is incomplete, so assume that the user is
// completing it rather than starting a new member.
return true;
if (declaration.isSingleIdentifier &&
offset <= declaration.beginToken.end) {
surroundingMembers ??= unit.membersBeforeAndAfterMember(declaration);
_forCompilationUnitMember(unit, surroundingMembers);
return true;
return false;
/// If allowed, suggest overrides in the context of the given [element].
void _suggestOverridesFor(InterfaceElement? element) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Check whether there's sufficient remaining time
// before computing suggestions for overrides.
if (suggestOverrides && element != null) {
overrideHelper.computeOverridesFor(element, SourceRange(offset, 0));
void _visitForEachParts(ForEachParts node) {
if (node.inKeyword.coversOffset(offset)) {
var previous = node.findPrevious(node.inKeyword);
if (previous is SyntheticStringToken && previous.lexeme == 'in') {
previous = node.findPrevious(previous);
if (previous != null && previous.type == TokenType.EQ) {
} else {
} else if (!node.inKeyword.isSynthetic) {
declarationHelper(mustBeStatic: node.inStaticContext)
/// If the completion offset is at or before the offset of the [node], then
/// visit the parent of the node.
void _visitParentIfAtOrBeforeNode(AstNode node) {
if (offset <= node.offset) {
extension on AstNode {
/// Whether the completion location is in a context where only static members
/// of the enclosing type can be suggested.
bool get inStaticContext {
var enclosingMember = parent;
while (enclosingMember != null) {
if (enclosingMember is MethodDeclaration) {
return enclosingMember.isStatic;
} else if (enclosingMember is FunctionBody &&
enclosingMember.parent is ConstructorDeclaration) {
return false;
enclosingMember = enclosingMember.parent;
return true;
/// Whether all of the tokens in this node are synthetic.
bool get isFullySynthetic {
var current = beginToken;
var stop =!;
while (current != stop) {
if (!current.isSynthetic) {
return false;
current =!;
return true;
/// Return `true` if the [child] is an element in a list of children of this
/// node.
bool isChildInList(AstNode child) {
return switch (this) {
AdjacentStrings(:var strings) => strings.contains(child),
ArgumentList(:var arguments) => arguments.contains(child),
AugmentationImportDirective(:var metadata) => metadata.contains(child),
Block(:var statements) => statements.contains(child),
CascadeExpression(:var cascadeSections) =>
ClassDeclaration(:var members, :var metadata) =>
members.contains(child) || metadata.contains(child),
ClassTypeAlias(:var metadata) => metadata.contains(child),
Comment(:var references) => references.contains(child),
CompilationUnit(:var directives, :var declarations) =>
directives.contains(child) || declarations.contains(child),
ConstructorDeclaration(:var initializers, :var metadata) =>
initializers.contains(child) || metadata.contains(child),
DeclaredIdentifier(:var metadata) => metadata.contains(child),
DottedName(:var components) => components.contains(child),
EnumConstantDeclaration(:var metadata) => metadata.contains(child),
EnumDeclaration(:var constants, :var members, :var metadata) =>
constants.contains(child) ||
members.contains(child) ||
ExportDirective(:var combinators, :var configurations, :var metadata) =>
combinators.contains(child) ||
configurations.contains(child) ||
ExtensionDeclaration(:var members, :var metadata) =>
members.contains(child) || metadata.contains(child),
ExtensionTypeDeclaration(:var members, :var metadata) =>
members.contains(child) || metadata.contains(child),
FieldDeclaration(:var metadata) => metadata.contains(child),
ForEachPartsWithPattern(:var metadata) => metadata.contains(child),
FormalParameter(:var metadata) => metadata.contains(child),
FormalParameterList(:var parameters) => parameters.contains(child),
ForParts(:var updaters) => updaters.contains(child),
FunctionDeclaration(:var metadata) => metadata.contains(child),
FunctionTypeAlias(:var metadata) => metadata.contains(child),
GenericTypeAlias(:var metadata) => metadata.contains(child),
HideCombinator(:var hiddenNames) => hiddenNames.contains(child),
ImplementsClause(:var interfaces) => interfaces.contains(child),
ImportDirective(:var combinators, :var configurations, :var metadata) =>
combinators.contains(child) ||
configurations.contains(child) ||
LabeledStatement(:var labels) => labels.contains(child),
LibraryAugmentationDirective(:var metadata) => metadata.contains(child),
LibraryDirective(:var metadata) => metadata.contains(child),
LibraryIdentifier(:var components) => components.contains(child),
ListLiteral(:var elements) => elements.contains(child),
ListPattern(:var elements) => elements.contains(child),
MapPattern(:var elements) => elements.contains(child),
MethodDeclaration(:var metadata) => metadata.contains(child),
MixinDeclaration(:var members, :var metadata) =>
members.contains(child) || metadata.contains(child),
ObjectPattern(:var fields) => fields.contains(child),
OnClause(:var superclassConstraints) =>
PartDirective(:var metadata) => metadata.contains(child),
PartOfDirective(:var metadata) => metadata.contains(child),
PatternVariableDeclaration(:var metadata) => metadata.contains(child),
RecordLiteral(:var fields) => fields.contains(child),
RecordPattern(:var fields) => fields.contains(child),
RecordTypeAnnotation(:var positionalFields) =>
RecordTypeAnnotationField(:var metadata) => metadata.contains(child),
RecordTypeAnnotationNamedFields(:var fields) => fields.contains(child),
RepresentationDeclaration(:var fieldMetadata) =>
SetOrMapLiteral(:var elements) => elements.contains(child),
ShowCombinator(:var shownNames) => shownNames.contains(child),
SwitchExpression(:var cases) => cases.contains(child),
SwitchMember(:var labels, :var statements) =>
labels.contains(child) || statements.contains(child),
SwitchStatement(:var members) => members.contains(child),
TopLevelVariableDeclaration(:var metadata) => metadata.contains(child),
TryStatement(:var catchClauses) => catchClauses.contains(child),
TypeArgumentList(:var arguments) => arguments.contains(child),
TypeParameter(:var metadata) => metadata.contains(child),
TypeParameterList(:var typeParameters) => typeParameters.contains(child),
VariableDeclaration(:var metadata) => metadata.contains(child),
VariableDeclarationList(:var metadata, :var variables) =>
metadata.contains(child) || variables.contains(child),
WithClause(:var mixinTypes) => mixinTypes.contains(child),
AstNode() => false,
extension on ClassDeclaration {
/// Whether this class declaration doesn't have a body.
bool get hasNoBody {
return leftBracket.isSynthetic && rightBracket.isSynthetic;
extension on ClassMember {
/// Return the member before `this`, or `null` if this is the first member in
/// the body.
ClassMember? get precedingMember {
final parent = this.parent;
var members = switch (parent) {
ClassDeclaration() => parent.members,
EnumDeclaration() => parent.members,
ExtensionDeclaration() => parent.members,
ExtensionTypeDeclaration() => parent.members,
MixinDeclaration() => parent.members,
_ => null
if (members == null) {
return null;
var index = members.indexOf(this);
if (index <= 0) {
return null;
return members[index - 1];
extension on ArgumentList {
/// The element being invoked by the expression containing this argument list,
/// or `null` if the element is not known.
Element? get invokedElement {
switch (parent) {
case Annotation invocation:
return invocation.element;
case EnumConstantArguments invocation:
var grandParent = invocation.parent;
if (grandParent is EnumConstantDeclaration) {
return grandParent.constructorElement;
case FunctionExpressionInvocation invocation:
var element = invocation.staticElement;
if (element == null) {
var function = invocation.function.unParenthesized;
if (function is SimpleIdentifier) {
return function.staticElement;
return element;
case InstanceCreationExpression invocation:
return invocation.constructorName.staticElement;
case MethodInvocation invocation:
return invocation.methodName.staticElement;
case SuperConstructorInvocation invocation:
return invocation.staticElement;
case RedirectingConstructorInvocation invocation:
return invocation.staticElement;
return null;
/// Returns a record whose fields indicate the number of positional arguments
/// before the argument at the [argumentIndex], and the names of named
/// parameters that are already in use.
({int positionalArgumentCount, Set<String> usedNames}) argumentContext(
int argumentIndex) {
var positionalArgumentCount = 0;
var usedNames = <String>{};
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var argument = arguments[i];
if (argument is NamedExpression) {
} else if (i < argumentIndex) {
return (
positionalArgumentCount: positionalArgumentCount,
usedNames: usedNames
/// Returns a record whose fields are the arguments in this argument list
/// that are lexically immediately before and after the given [offset].
({Expression? before, Expression? after}) argumentsBeforeAndAfterOffset(
int offset) {
Expression? previous;
for (var argument in arguments) {
if (offset < argument.offset) {
return (before: previous, after: argument);
} else if (offset == argument.offset && offset == previous?.end) {
return (before: previous, after: argument);
previous = argument;
return (before: previous, after: null);
extension on CompilationUnit {
/// Return a record whose fields are the members in this compilation unit
/// that are lexically immediately before and after the given [member].
({AstNode? before, AstNode? after}) membersBeforeAndAfterMember(
AstNode? member) {
var members = sortedDirectivesAndDeclarations;
AstNode? before, after;
if (member != null) {
var index = members.indexOf(member);
if (index > 0) {
before = members[index - 1];
if (index + 1 < members.length) {
after = members[index + 1];
return (before: before, after: after);
/// Return a record whose fields are the members in this compilation unit
/// that are lexically immediately before and after the given [offset].
({AstNode? before, AstNode? after}) membersBeforeAndAfterOffset(int offset) {
var members = sortedDirectivesAndDeclarations;
AstNode? previous;
for (var member in members) {
if (offset < member.offset) {
return (before: previous, after: member);
previous = member;
return (before: previous, after: null);
extension on Element? {
/// Returns the parameters associated with this element, or `null` if this
/// element doesn't have any parameters associated with it.
/// If this element is an executable element (method or function), then return
/// the method / function's parameters. If this element is a variable and the
/// variable's type is a function type, then return the parameters from the
/// function type.
List<ParameterElement>? getParameters() {
var self = this;
if (self is ExecutableElement) {
return self.parameters;
} else if (self is VariableElement) {
final type = self.type;
if (type is FunctionType) {
return type.parameters;
return null;
extension on Expression {
bool get isFollowedByComma {
var nextToken =;
return nextToken != null &&
nextToken.type == TokenType.COMMA &&
extension on ExpressionStatement {
/// Whether this statement consists of a single identifier.
bool get isSingleIdentifier {
var first = beginToken;
var last = endToken;
return first.isKeywordOrIdentifier &&
last.isSynthetic && == last;
extension on ExtensionTypeDeclaration {
/// Whether this class declaration doesn't have a body.
bool get hasNoBody {
return leftBracket.isSynthetic && rightBracket.isSynthetic;
extension on FieldDeclaration {
/// Whether this field declaration consists of a single identifier.
bool get isSingleIdentifier {
var first = firstTokenAfterCommentAndMetadata;
var last = endToken;
return first.isKeywordOrIdentifier &&
last.isSynthetic && == last;
extension on FormalParameter {
/// Whether this formal parameter declaration is incomplete.
bool get isIncomplete {
final name =;
if (name == null || name.isKeyword) {
return true;
var self = this;
if (self is DefaultFormalParameter && self.separator != null) {
var defaultValue = self.defaultValue;
if (defaultValue == null || defaultValue.isSynthetic) {
// The `defaultValue` won't be `null` if the separator is non-`null`,
// but the condition is necessary because the type system can't express
// that constraint.
return true;
return false;
/// Whether this formal parameter declaration consists of a single identifier.
bool get isSingleIdentifier {
final beginToken = this.beginToken;
return beginToken == endToken && beginToken.isKeywordOrIdentifier;
extension on GuardedPattern {
/// Whether this pattern has, or might have, a `when` keyword.
bool get hasWhen {
if (whenClause != null) {
return true;
var pattern = this.pattern;
if (pattern is DeclaredVariablePattern) {
if ( == 'when') {
final type = pattern.type;
if (type is NamedType && type.typeArguments == null) {
return true;
return false;
extension on NodeList<PatternField> {
/// Returns the names of the named fields in this list.
Set<String> get fieldNames {
return map((field) => field.effectiveName).nonNulls.toSet();
extension on Statement {
/// Return the statement before `this`, or `null` if this is the first statement in
/// the block.
Statement? get precedingStatement {
final parent = this.parent;
if (parent is! Block) {
return null;
var statements = parent.statements;
var index = statements.indexOf(this);
if (index <= 0) {
return null;
return statements[index - 1];
extension on SyntacticEntity? {
/// Return `true` if the receiver covers the [offset].
bool coversOffset(int offset) {
final self = this;
return self != null && self.offset <= offset && self.end >= offset;
extension on Token {
Token? get nextNonSynthetic {
var candidate = next;
while (candidate != null &&
candidate.isSynthetic && != candidate) {
candidate =;
return candidate;
extension on TopLevelVariableDeclaration {
/// Whether this top level variable declaration consists of a single
/// identifier.
bool get isSingleIdentifier {
var first = beginToken;
var next =;
var last = endToken;
return first.isKeywordOrIdentifier &&
last.isSynthetic &&
(next == last || (next?.isSynthetic == true && next?.next == last));
extension on TypeAnnotation? {
/// Whether this type annotation consists of a single identifier.
bool get isSingleIdentifier {
var self = this;
return self is NamedType &&
self.question == null &&
self.typeArguments == null &&
self.importPrefix == null;