blob: 0333163396e8b4910e3a297b4cc53fd0b3a28128 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
import 'package:front_end/src/base/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/builder/library_builder.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/kernel_shadow_ast.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/messages.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/names.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/problems.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_inference_engine.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_inferrer.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'package:kernel/transformations/flags.dart' show TransformerFlag;
import 'package:kernel/type_algebra.dart';
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart';
/// Concrete class derived from [InferenceNode] to represent type inference of
/// getters, setters, and fields based on inheritance.
class AccessorInferenceNode extends InferenceNode {
final InterfaceResolver _interfaceResolver;
/// The method whose return type and/or parameter types should be inferred.
final Procedure _declaredMethod;
/// A list containing the methods overridden by [_declaredMethod], if any.
final List<Member> _candidates;
/// The index of the first method in [_candidates] overridden by
/// [_declaredMethod].
final int _start;
/// The past-the-end index of the last method in [_candidates] overridden by
/// [_declaredMethod].
final int _end;
final LibraryBuilder _library;
final Uri _fileUri;
AccessorInferenceNode(this._interfaceResolver, this._declaredMethod,
this._candidates, this._start, this._end, this._library, this._fileUri);
String get _name {
if (_declaredMethod is! SyntheticAccessor && _declaredMethod.isSetter) {
return _declaredMethod.function.positionalParameters[0].name;
int get _offset {
if (_declaredMethod is! SyntheticAccessor && _declaredMethod.isSetter) {
return _declaredMethod.function.positionalParameters[0].fileOffset;
return _declaredMethod.fileOffset;
void resolveInternal() {
var declaredMethod = _declaredMethod;
var kind = declaredMethod.kind;
var overriddenTypes = _computeAccessorOverriddenTypes();
if (isCircular) {
} else {
var inferredType = _interfaceResolver.matchTypes(
overriddenTypes, _library, _name, _fileUri, _offset);
if (declaredMethod is SyntheticAccessor) {
declaredMethod._field.type = inferredType;
} else {
if (kind == ProcedureKind.Getter) {
declaredMethod.function.returnType = inferredType;
} else {
declaredMethod.function.positionalParameters[0].type = inferredType;
/// Computes the types of the getters and setters overridden by
/// [_declaredMethod], with appropriate type parameter substitutions.
List<DartType> _computeAccessorOverriddenTypes() {
var overriddenTypes = <DartType>[];
for (int i = _start; i < _end; i++) {
var candidate = _candidates[i];
Procedure resolvedCandidate;
if (candidate is ForwardingNode) {
resolvedCandidate = candidate.resolve();
} else {
resolvedCandidate = candidate;
DartType overriddenType;
if (resolvedCandidate is SyntheticAccessor) {
var field = resolvedCandidate._field;
overriddenType = field.type;
} else if (resolvedCandidate.function != null) {
switch (resolvedCandidate.kind) {
case ProcedureKind.Getter:
overriddenType = resolvedCandidate.function.returnType;
case ProcedureKind.Setter:
overriddenType =
// Illegal override (error will be reported elsewhere). Just skip
// this override.
} else {
// This can happen if there are errors. Just skip this override.
._substitutionFor(resolvedCandidate, _declaredMethod.enclosingClass)
return overriddenTypes;
/// A [ForwardingNode] represents a method, getter, or setter within a class's
/// interface that is either implemented in the class directly or inherited from
/// a superclass.
/// This class allows us to defer the determination of exactly which member is
/// inherited, as well as the propagation of covariance annotations, and
/// the creation of forwarding stubs, until type inference.
class ForwardingNode extends Procedure {
/// The [InterfaceResolver] that created this [ForwardingNode].
final InterfaceResolver _interfaceResolver;
/// A list containing the directly implemented and directly inherited
/// procedures of the class in question.
/// Note that many [ForwardingNode]s share the same [_candidates] list;
/// consult [_start] and [_end] to see which entries in this list are relevant
/// to this [ForwardingNode].
final List<Member> _candidates;
/// Index of the first entry in [_candidates] relevant to this
/// [ForwardingNode].
final int _start;
/// Index just beyond the last entry in [_candidates] relevant to this
/// [ForwardingNode].
final int _end;
/// The member this node resolves to (if it has been computed); otherwise
/// `null`.
Member _resolution;
/// The result of finalizing this node (if the node has been finalized);
/// otherwise `null`.
Member _finalResolution;
/// If this forwarding node represents a member that needs type inference, the
/// corresponding [InferenceNode]; otherwise `null`.
InferenceNode _inferenceNode;
ForwardingNode(this._interfaceResolver, this._inferenceNode, Class class_,
Name name, ProcedureKind kind, this._candidates, this._start, this._end)
: super(name, kind, null) {
parent = class_;
/// Finishes handling of this node by propagating covariance and creating
/// forwarding stubs if necessary.
Procedure finalize() => _finalResolution ??= _finalize();
/// Returns the declared or inherited member this node resolves to.
/// Does not create forwarding stubs.
Procedure resolve() => _resolution ??= _resolve();
/// Tag the parameters of [interfaceMember] that need type checks
/// Parameters can need type checks for calls coming from statically typed
/// call sites, due to covariant generics and overrides with explicit
/// `covariant` parameters.
/// Tag parameters of [interfaceMember] that need such checks when the member
/// occurs in [enclosingClass]'s interface. If parameters need checks but
/// they would not be checked in an inherited implementation, a forwarding
/// stub is introduced as a place to put the checks.
Procedure _computeCovarianceFixes(Procedure interfaceMember) {
var substitution =
_interfaceResolver._substitutionFor(interfaceMember, enclosingClass);
// We always create a forwarding stub when we've inherited a member from an
// interface other than the first override candidate. This is to work
// around a bug in the Kernel type checker where it chooses the first
// override candidate.
// TODO(kmillikin): Fix the Kernel type checker and stop creating these
// extra stubs.
var stub = interfaceMember.enclosingClass == enclosingClass ||
interfaceMember == _resolvedCandidate(_start)
? interfaceMember
: _createForwardingStub(substitution, interfaceMember);
var interfaceFunction = interfaceMember.function;
var interfacePositionalParameters = interfaceFunction.positionalParameters;
var interfaceNamedParameters = interfaceFunction.namedParameters;
var interfaceTypeParameters = interfaceFunction.typeParameters;
void createStubIfNeeded() {
if (stub != interfaceMember) return;
if (interfaceMember.enclosingClass == enclosingClass) return;
stub = _createForwardingStub(substitution, interfaceMember);
bool isImplCreated = false;
void createImplIfNeeded() {
if (isImplCreated) return;
isImplCreated = true;
IncludesTypeParametersCovariantly needsCheckVisitor =
? null
: ShadowClass
.needsCheckVisitor ??=
new IncludesTypeParametersCovariantly(
bool needsCheck(DartType type) => needsCheckVisitor == null
? false
: substitution.substituteType(type).accept(needsCheckVisitor);
for (int i = 0; i < interfacePositionalParameters.length; i++) {
var parameter = interfacePositionalParameters[i];
var isGenericCovariantImpl =
parameter.isGenericCovariantImpl || needsCheck(parameter.type);
var isCovariant = parameter.isCovariant;
var superParameter = parameter;
for (int j = _start; j < _end; j++) {
var otherMember = _finalizedCandidate(j);
if (otherMember is ForwardingNode) continue;
var otherPositionalParameters =
if (otherPositionalParameters.length <= i) continue;
var otherParameter = otherPositionalParameters[i];
if (j == _start) superParameter = otherParameter;
if (identical(otherMember, interfaceMember)) continue;
if (otherParameter.isGenericCovariantImpl) {
isGenericCovariantImpl = true;
if (otherParameter.isCovariant) {
isCovariant = true;
if (isGenericCovariantImpl) {
if (!superParameter.isGenericCovariantImpl) {
if (!parameter.isGenericCovariantImpl) {
stub.function.positionalParameters[i].isGenericCovariantImpl = true;
if (isCovariant) {
if (!superParameter.isCovariant) {
if (!parameter.isCovariant) {
stub.function.positionalParameters[i].isCovariant = true;
for (int i = 0; i < interfaceNamedParameters.length; i++) {
var parameter = interfaceNamedParameters[i];
var isGenericCovariantImpl =
parameter.isGenericCovariantImpl || needsCheck(parameter.type);
var isCovariant = parameter.isCovariant;
var superParameter = parameter;
for (int j = _start; j < _end; j++) {
var otherMember = _finalizedCandidate(j);
if (otherMember is ForwardingNode) continue;
var otherParameter =
if (otherParameter == null) continue;
if (j == _start) superParameter = otherParameter;
if (identical(otherMember, interfaceMember)) continue;
if (otherParameter.isGenericCovariantImpl) {
isGenericCovariantImpl = true;
if (otherParameter.isCovariant) {
isCovariant = true;
if (isGenericCovariantImpl) {
if (!superParameter.isGenericCovariantImpl) {
if (!parameter.isGenericCovariantImpl) {
stub.function.namedParameters[i].isGenericCovariantImpl = true;
if (isCovariant) {
if (!superParameter.isCovariant) {
if (!parameter.isCovariant) {
stub.function.namedParameters[i].isCovariant = true;
for (int i = 0; i < interfaceTypeParameters.length; i++) {
var typeParameter = interfaceTypeParameters[i];
var isGenericCovariantImpl = typeParameter.isGenericCovariantImpl ||
var superTypeParameter = typeParameter;
for (int j = _start; j < _end; j++) {
var otherMember = _finalizedCandidate(j);
if (otherMember is ForwardingNode) continue;
var otherTypeParameters = otherMember.function.typeParameters;
if (otherTypeParameters.length <= i) continue;
var otherTypeParameter = otherTypeParameters[i];
if (j == _start) superTypeParameter = otherTypeParameter;
if (identical(otherMember, interfaceMember)) continue;
if (otherTypeParameter.isGenericCovariantImpl) {
isGenericCovariantImpl = true;
if (isGenericCovariantImpl) {
if (!superTypeParameter.isGenericCovariantImpl) {
if (!typeParameter.isGenericCovariantImpl) {
stub.function.typeParameters[i].isGenericCovariantImpl = true;
return stub;
void _createForwardingImplIfNeeded(FunctionNode function) {
if (function.body != null) {
// There is already an implementation; nothing further needs to be done.
// Find the concrete implementation in the superclass; this is what we need
// to forward to. If we can't find one, then the method is fully abstract
// and we don't need to do anything.
var superclass = enclosingClass.superclass;
if (superclass == null) return;
Procedure procedure = function.parent;
var superTarget = _interfaceResolver._typeEnvironment.hierarchy
setter: kind == ProcedureKind.Setter);
if (superTarget == null) return;
if (superTarget is Procedure && superTarget.isForwardingStub) {
superTarget = _getForwardingStubSuperTarget(superTarget);
procedure.isAbstract = false;
if (!procedure.isForwardingStub) {
// This procedure exists abstractly in the source code; we need to make it
// concrete and give it a body that is a forwarding stub. This situation
// is called a "forwarding semi-stub".
procedure.isForwardingStub = true;
procedure.isForwardingSemiStub = true;
new InstrumentationValueLiteral('semi-stub'));
var positionalArguments = function.positionalParameters
.map<Expression>((parameter) => new VariableGet(parameter))
var namedArguments = function.namedParameters
.map((parameter) =>
new NamedExpression(, new VariableGet(parameter)))
var typeArguments = function.typeParameters
.map<DartType>((typeParameter) => new TypeParameterType(typeParameter))
var arguments = new Arguments(positionalArguments,
types: typeArguments, named: namedArguments);
Expression superCall;
switch (kind) {
case ProcedureKind.Method:
case ProcedureKind.Operator:
superCall = new SuperMethodInvocation(name, arguments, superTarget);
case ProcedureKind.Getter:
superCall = new SuperPropertyGet(
superTarget is SyntheticAccessor
? superTarget._field
: superTarget);
case ProcedureKind.Setter:
superCall = new SuperPropertySet(
superTarget is SyntheticAccessor
? superTarget._field
: superTarget);
unhandled('$kind', '_createForwardingImplIfNeeded', -1, null);
function.body = new ReturnStatement(superCall)..parent = function;
procedure.transformerFlags |= TransformerFlag.superCalls;
procedure.forwardingStubSuperTarget = superTarget;
/// Creates a forwarding stub based on the given [target].
Procedure _createForwardingStub(Substitution substitution, Procedure target) {
VariableDeclaration copyParameter(VariableDeclaration parameter) {
return new VariableDeclaration(,
type: substitution.substituteType(parameter.type),
isCovariant: parameter.isCovariant)
..isGenericCovariantImpl = parameter.isGenericCovariantImpl;
var targetTypeParameters = target.function.typeParameters;
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters;
if (targetTypeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
typeParameters =
new List<TypeParameter>.filled(targetTypeParameters.length, null);
var additionalSubstitution = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (int i = 0; i < targetTypeParameters.length; i++) {
var targetTypeParameter = targetTypeParameters[i];
var typeParameter = new TypeParameter(, null)
..isGenericCovariantImpl = targetTypeParameter.isGenericCovariantImpl;
typeParameters[i] = typeParameter;
additionalSubstitution[targetTypeParameter] =
new TypeParameterType(typeParameter);
substitution = Substitution.combine(
substitution, Substitution.fromMap(additionalSubstitution));
for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) {
typeParameters[i].bound =
var positionalParameters =;
var namedParameters =;
var function = new FunctionNode(null,
positionalParameters: positionalParameters,
namedParameters: namedParameters,
typeParameters: typeParameters,
requiredParameterCount: target.function.requiredParameterCount,
returnType: substitution.substituteType(target.function.returnType));
Member finalTarget;
if (target is Procedure && target.isForwardingStub) {
finalTarget = target.forwardingStubInterfaceTarget;
} else if (target is SyntheticAccessor) {
finalTarget = target._field;
} else {
finalTarget = target;
return new Procedure(name, kind, function,
isAbstract: true,
isForwardingStub: true,
fileUri: enclosingClass.fileUri,
forwardingStubInterfaceTarget: finalTarget)
..fileOffset = enclosingClass.fileOffset
..parent = enclosingClass;
/// Creates a forwarding stub for this node if necessary, and propagates
/// covariance information.
Procedure _finalize() {
return _interfaceResolver.strongMode
? _computeCovarianceFixes(resolve())
: resolve();
/// Returns the [i]th element of [_candidates], finalizing it if necessary.
Procedure _finalizedCandidate(int i) {
Procedure candidate = _candidates[i];
return candidate is ForwardingNode &&
? candidate.finalize()
: candidate;
/// Determines which inherited member this node resolves to, and also performs
/// type inference.
Procedure _resolve() {
Procedure inheritedMember = _candidates[_start];
bool isDeclaredInThisClass =
identical(inheritedMember.enclosingClass, enclosingClass);
if (isDeclaredInThisClass) {
if (_inferenceNode != null) {
_inferenceNode = null;
} else {
// If there are multiple inheritance candidates, the inherited member is
// the member whose type is a subtype of all the others. We can find it
// by two passes over the list of members. For the first pass, we step
// through the candidates, updating inheritedMember each time we find a
// member whose type is a subtype of the previous inheritedMember. As we
// do this, we also work out the necessary substitution for matching up
// type parameters between this class and the corresponding superclass.
// Since the subtyping relation is reflexive, we will favor the most
// recently visited candidate in the case where the types are the same.
// We want to favor earlier candidates, so we visit the candidate list
// backwards.
inheritedMember = _resolvedCandidate(_end - 1);
var inheritedMemberSubstitution =
_interfaceResolver._substitutionFor(inheritedMember, enclosingClass);
var inheritedMemberType = inheritedMember is ForwardingNode
? const DynamicType()
: inheritedMemberSubstitution.substituteType(
kind == ProcedureKind.Setter
? inheritedMember.setterType
: inheritedMember.getterType);
for (int i = _end - 2; i >= _start; i--) {
var candidate = _resolvedCandidate(i);
var substitution =
_interfaceResolver._substitutionFor(candidate, enclosingClass);
bool isBetter;
DartType type;
if (kind == ProcedureKind.Setter) {
type = candidate is ForwardingNode
? const DynamicType()
: substitution.substituteType(candidate.setterType);
// Setters are contravariant in their setter type, so we have to
// reverse the check.
isBetter = _interfaceResolver._typeEnvironment
.isSubtypeOf(inheritedMemberType, type);
} else {
type = candidate is ForwardingNode
? const DynamicType()
: substitution.substituteType(candidate.getterType);
isBetter = _interfaceResolver._typeEnvironment
.isSubtypeOf(type, inheritedMemberType);
if (isBetter) {
inheritedMember = candidate;
inheritedMemberSubstitution = substitution;
inheritedMemberType = type;
// For the second pass, we verify that inheritedMember is a subtype of all
// the other potentially inherited members.
// TODO(paulberry): implement this.
return inheritedMember;
/// Returns the [i]th element of [_candidates], resolving it if necessary.
Procedure _resolvedCandidate(int i) {
Procedure candidate = _candidates[i];
return candidate is ForwardingNode &&
? candidate.resolve()
: candidate;
static void createForwardingImplIfNeededForTesting(
ForwardingNode node, FunctionNode function) {
/// Public method allowing tests to access [_createForwardingStub].
/// This method is static so that it can be easily eliminated by tree shaking
/// when not needed.
static Procedure createForwardingStubForTesting(
ForwardingNode node, Substitution substitution, Procedure target) {
return node._createForwardingStub(substitution, target);
/// For testing: get the list of candidates relevant to a given node.
static List<Procedure> getCandidates(ForwardingNode node) {
return node._candidates.sublist(node._start, node._end);
static Member _getForwardingStubSuperTarget(Procedure forwardingStub) {
// TODO(paulberry): when is fixed, this should become
// easier.
ReturnStatement body = forwardingStub.function.body;
var expression = body.expression;
if (expression is SuperMethodInvocation) {
return expression.interfaceTarget;
} else if (expression is SuperPropertySet) {
return expression.interfaceTarget;
} else {
return unhandled('${expression.runtimeType}',
'_getForwardingStubSuperTarget', -1, null);
/// An [InterfaceResolver] keeps track of the information necessary to resolve
/// method calls, gets, and sets within a chunk of code being compiled, to
/// infer covariance annotations, and to create forwarwding stubs when necessary
/// to meet covariance requirements.
class InterfaceResolver {
final TypeInferenceEngineImpl _typeInferenceEngine;
final TypeEnvironment _typeEnvironment;
final Instrumentation _instrumentation;
final bool strongMode;
InterfaceResolver(this._typeInferenceEngine, this._typeEnvironment,
this._instrumentation, this.strongMode);
/// Indicates whether the "prepare" phase of type inference is complete.
bool get isTypeInferencePrepared =>
/// Report an error if all types in [types] are not equal using `==`.
/// Returns the type if there is at least one and they are all equal,
/// otherwise the type `dynamic`. [library], [name], [fileUri], and
/// [charOffset] are used to report the error.
DartType matchTypes(Iterable<DartType> types, LibraryBuilder library,
String name, Uri fileUri, int charOffset) {
DartType first;
for (var type in types) {
if (first == null) {
first = type;
} else if (first != type) {
// Types don't match. Report an error.
return const DynamicType();
// If there are no overridden types, infer `dynamic`.
return first ?? const DynamicType();
/// Computes the types of the methods overridden by [method] in [class_].
/// The types have the type parameters of [class_] substituted appropriately.
/// [candidates] has the list of inherited interface methods with the same
/// name as [method] as a sublist from [start] inclusive to [end] exclusive.
List<FunctionType> _computeMethodOverriddenTypes(Class class_,
Procedure method, List<Member> candidates, int start, int end) {
var overriddenTypes = <FunctionType>[];
var declaredTypeParameters = method.function.typeParameters;
for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
var candidate = candidates[i];
if (candidate is SyntheticAccessor) {
// This can happen if there are errors. Just skip this override.
var candidateFunction = candidate.function;
if (candidateFunction == null) {
// This can happen if there are errors. Just skip this override.
var substitution = _substitutionFor(candidate, class_);
FunctionType overriddenType =
var overriddenTypeParameters = overriddenType.typeParameters;
if (overriddenTypeParameters.length != declaredTypeParameters.length) {
// Generic arity mismatch. Don't do any inference for this method.
// TODO(paulberry): report an error.
} else if (overriddenTypeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
var substitutionMap = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (int i = 0; i < declaredTypeParameters.length; ++i) {
substitutionMap[overriddenTypeParameters[i]] =
new TypeParameterType(declaredTypeParameters[i]);
overriddenType = substituteTypeParams(
overriddenType, substitutionMap, declaredTypeParameters);
return overriddenTypes;
void inferMethodType(LibraryBuilder library, Class class_, Procedure method,
List<Member> candidates, int start, int end) {
var overriddenTypes =
_computeMethodOverriddenTypes(class_, method, candidates, start, end);
if (ShadowProcedure.hasImplicitReturnType(method) && != indexSetName) {
method.function.returnType = matchTypes( => type.returnType),
var positionalParameters = method.function.positionalParameters;
for (int i = 0; i < positionalParameters.length; ++i) {
if (ShadowVariableDeclaration
.isImplicitlyTyped(positionalParameters[i])) {
// Note that if the parameter is not present in the overridden method,
// getPositionalParameterType treats it as dynamic. This is consistent
// with the behavior called for in the informal top level type inference
// spec, which says:
// If there is no corresponding parameter position in the overridden
// method to infer from and the signatures are compatible, it is
// treated as dynamic (e.g. overriding a one parameter method with a
// method that takes a second optional parameter). Note: if there
// is no corresponding parameter position in the overriden method to
// infer from and the signatures are incompatible (e.g. overriding a
// one parameter method with a method that takes a second
// non-optional parameter), the inference result is not defined and
// tools are free to either emit an error, or to defer the error to
// override checking.
positionalParameters[i].type = matchTypes( => getPositionalParameterType(type, i)),
var namedParameters = method.function.namedParameters;
for (int i = 0; i < namedParameters.length; i++) {
if (ShadowVariableDeclaration.isImplicitlyTyped(namedParameters[i])) {
var name = namedParameters[i].name;
namedParameters[i].type = matchTypes( => getNamedParameterType(type, name)),
/// Populates [getters] and [setters] with the members of the given [class_]'s
/// interface.
/// [getters] will contain methods and getters, [setters] will contain
/// setters. Some members cannot be resolved immediately. For instance,
/// top-level type inference has not yet inferred field types based on
/// initializers and so we cannot yet do override based resolution of getters
/// and setters. Members of the class's interface that need to be resolved
/// later are represented by a [ForwardingNode] object.
void createApiMembers(Class class_, List<Member> getters,
List<Member> setters, LibraryBuilder library) {
var candidates = ClassHierarchy.mergeSortedLists(
getCandidates(class_, false), getCandidates(class_, true));
// Now create getter and perhaps setter forwarding nodes for each unique
// name.
getters.length = candidates.length;
setters.length = candidates.length;
int getterIndex = 0;
int setterIndex = 0;
forEachApiMember(candidates, (int start, int end, Name name) {
Procedure member = candidates[start];
ProcedureKind kind = _kindOf(member);
if (kind != ProcedureKind.Getter && kind != ProcedureKind.Setter) {
for (int i = start + 1; i < end; ++i) {
if (_kindOf(candidates[i]) != kind) {
// We've seen a getter or setter. If it's a getter conflicting
// with a method and both are declared in the same class, then that
// has already been signaled as a duplicated definition.
Procedure conflict = candidates[i];
if (conflict.enclosingClass != member.enclosingClass) {
if (member.enclosingClass == class_) {
context: [
conflict.fileUri, conflict.fileOffset, noLength)
} else if (conflict.enclosingClass == class_) {
context: [
member.fileUri, member.fileOffset, noLength)
} else {
class_.fileOffset, noLength, class_.fileUri,
context: [
member.fileUri, member.fileOffset, noLength),
conflict.fileUri, conflict.fileOffset, noLength)
if (strongMode &&
member.enclosingClass == class_ &&
_requiresTypeInference(member)) {
inferMethodType(library, class_, member, candidates, start + 1, end);
var forwardingNode = new ForwardingNode(
this, null, class_, name, kind, candidates, start, end);
getters[getterIndex++] = forwardingNode.finalize();
Procedure declaredGetter;
int inheritedGetterStart = start;
int getterEnd = start;
if (kind == ProcedureKind.Getter) {
if (member.enclosingClass == class_) {
declaredGetter = member;
while (++getterEnd < end) {
ProcedureKind currentKind = _kindOf(candidates[getterEnd]);
if (currentKind == ProcedureKind.Setter) break;
if (currentKind != ProcedureKind.Getter) {
Procedure conflict = candidates[getterEnd];
if (conflict.enclosingClass != member.enclosingClass) {
if (member.enclosingClass == class_) {
context: [
conflict.fileUri, conflict.fileOffset, noLength)
} else {
class_.fileOffset, noLength, class_.fileUri,
context: [
member.fileUri, member.fileOffset, noLength),
conflict.fileUri, conflict.fileOffset, noLength)
Procedure declaredSetter;
int inheritedSetterStart = getterEnd;
if (getterEnd < end) {
member = candidates[getterEnd];
if (member.enclosingClass == class_) {
declaredSetter = member;
InferenceNode getterInferenceNode;
if (start < getterEnd) {
if (declaredGetter != null) {
getterInferenceNode = _createInferenceNode(
// Getters need to be resolved later, as part of type inference, so just
// save the forwarding node for now.
// Choose a representative to use for error reporting, such as if a
// class inherits this getter and tries to declare a method with the
// same name.
Member representative = candidates[start];
getters[getterIndex++] = new ForwardingNode(this, getterInferenceNode,
class_, name, ProcedureKind.Getter, candidates, start, getterEnd)
..fileUri = representative.fileUri
..fileOffset = representative.fileOffset
..fileEndOffset = representative.fileEndOffset;
if (getterEnd < end) {
InferenceNode setterInferenceNode;
if (declaredSetter != null) {
setterInferenceNode = declaredSetter is SyntheticAccessor
? getterInferenceNode
: _createInferenceNode(
Member representative = candidates[getterEnd];
var forwardingNode = new ForwardingNode(this, setterInferenceNode,
class_, name, ProcedureKind.Setter, candidates, getterEnd, end)
..fileUri = representative.fileUri
..fileOffset = representative.fileOffset
..fileEndOffset = representative.fileEndOffset;
// Setters need to be resolved later, as part of type inference, so just
// save the forwarding node for now.
setters[setterIndex++] = forwardingNode;
getters.length = getterIndex;
setters.length = setterIndex;
void finalizeCovariance(Class class_, List<Member> apiMembers) {
for (int i = 0; i < apiMembers.length; i++) {
var member = apiMembers[i];
Member resolution;
if (member is ForwardingNode) {
apiMembers[i] = resolution = member.finalize();
} else {
resolution = member;
if (resolution is Procedure &&
resolution.isSyntheticForwarder &&
identical(resolution.enclosingClass, class_)) {
if (strongMode) class_.addMember(resolution);
new InstrumentationValueForForwardingStub(resolution));
/// Gets a list of members implemented or potentially inherited by [class_],
/// sorted so that members with the same name are contiguous.
/// If [setters] is `true`, setters are reported; otherwise getters, methods,
/// and operators are reported.
List<Procedure> getCandidates(Class class_, bool setters) {
// First create a list of candidates for inheritance based on the members
// declared directly in the class.
List<Procedure> candidates = _typeEnvironment.hierarchy
.getDeclaredMembers(class_, setters: setters)
.map((member) => makeCandidate(member, setters))
// Merge in candidates from superclasses.
if (class_.superclass != null) {
candidates = _mergeCandidates(candidates, class_.superclass, setters);
for (var supertype in class_.implementedTypes) {
candidates = _mergeCandidates(candidates, supertype.classNode, setters);
return candidates;
/// If instrumentation is enabled, records the covariance bits for the given
/// [class_] to [_instrumentation].
void recordInstrumentation(Class class_) {
if (_instrumentation != null) {
/// Creates the appropriate [InferenceNode] for inferring [procedure] in the
/// context of [class_].
/// [candidates] a list containing the procedures overridden by [procedure],
/// if any. [start] is the index of the first such procedure, and [end] is
/// the past-the-end index of the last such procedure.
/// For getters and setters, [crossStart] and [crossEnd] are the start and end
/// indices of the corresponding overridden setters/getters, respectively.
InferenceNode _createInferenceNode(
Class class_,
Procedure procedure,
List<Member> candidates,
int start,
int end,
int crossStart,
int crossEnd,
LibraryBuilder library,
Uri fileUri) {
InferenceNode node;
if (procedure.isAccessor && _requiresTypeInference(procedure)) {
if (strongMode && start < end) {
node = new AccessorInferenceNode(
this, procedure, candidates, start, end, library, fileUri);
} else if (strongMode && crossStart < crossEnd) {
node = new AccessorInferenceNode(this, procedure, candidates,
crossStart, crossEnd, library, fileUri);
} else if (procedure is SyntheticAccessor &&
procedure._field.initializer != null) {
node = new FieldInitializerInferenceNode(
_typeInferenceEngine, procedure._field, library);
ShadowField.setInferenceNode(procedure._field, node);
return node;
/// Retrieves a list of the interface members of the given [class_].
/// If [setters] is true, setters are retrieved; otherwise getters and methods
/// are retrieved.
List<Member> _getInterfaceMembers(Class class_, bool setters) {
// If class_ is being compiled from source, retrieve its forwarding nodes.
var inferenceInfo = ShadowClass.getClassInferenceInfo(class_);
if (inferenceInfo != null) {
return setters ? inferenceInfo.setters : inferenceInfo.gettersAndMethods;
} else {
return _typeEnvironment.hierarchy
.getInterfaceMembers(class_, setters: setters);
/// Merges together the list of interface inheritance candidates in
/// [candidates] with interface inheritance candidates from superclass
/// [class_].
/// Any candidates from [class_] are converted into interface inheritance
/// candidates using [_makeCandidate].
List<Procedure> _mergeCandidates(
List<Procedure> candidates, Class class_, bool setters) {
List<Member> members = _getInterfaceMembers(class_, setters);
if (candidates.isEmpty) {
return => makeCandidate(member, setters)).toList();
if (members.isEmpty) return candidates;
List<Procedure> result = <Procedure>[]..length =
candidates.length + members.length;
int storeIndex = 0;
int i = 0, j = 0;
while (i < candidates.length && j < members.length) {
Procedure candidate = candidates[i];
Member member = members[j];
int compare = ClassHierarchy.compareMembers(candidate, member);
if (compare <= 0) {
result[storeIndex++] = candidate;
// If the same member occurs in both lists, skip the duplicate.
if (identical(candidate, member)) ++j;
} else {
result[storeIndex++] = makeCandidate(member, setters);
while (i < candidates.length) {
result[storeIndex++] = candidates[i++];
while (j < members.length) {
result[storeIndex++] = makeCandidate(members[j++], setters);
result.length = storeIndex;
return result;
/// Records the covariance bits for the given [class_] to [_instrumentation].
/// Caller is responsible for checking whether [_instrumentation] is `null`.
void _recordInstrumentation(Class class_) {
var uri = class_.fileUri;
void recordCovariance(int fileOffset, bool isExplicitlyCovariant,
bool isGenericCovariantImpl) {
var covariance = <String>[];
if (isExplicitlyCovariant) covariance.add('explicit');
if (!isExplicitlyCovariant && isGenericCovariantImpl) {
if (covariance.isNotEmpty) {
_instrumentation.record(uri, fileOffset, 'covariance',
new InstrumentationValueLiteral(covariance.join(', ')));
for (var procedure in class_.procedures) {
if (procedure.isStatic) continue;
// Forwarding stubs are annotated separately
if (procedure.isSyntheticForwarder) {
void recordFormalAnnotations(VariableDeclaration formal) {
recordCovariance(formal.fileOffset, formal.isCovariant,
void recordTypeParameterAnnotations(TypeParameter typeParameter) {
recordCovariance(typeParameter.fileOffset, false,
for (var field in class_.fields) {
if (field.isStatic) continue;
field.fileOffset, field.isCovariant, field.isGenericCovariantImpl);
/// Determines the appropriate substitution to translate type parameters
/// mentioned in the given [candidate] to type parameters on [class_].
Substitution _substitutionFor(Procedure candidate, Class class_) {
return Substitution.fromInterfaceType(_typeEnvironment.hierarchy
.getTypeAsInstanceOf(class_.thisType, candidate.enclosingClass));
/// Executes [callback] once for each uniquely named member of [candidates].
/// The [start] and [end] values passed to [callback] are the start and
/// past-the-end indices into [candidates] of a group of members having the
/// same name. The [name] value passed to [callback] is the common name.
static void forEachApiMember(
List<Member> candidates, void callback(int start, int end, Name name)) {
int i = 0;
while (i < candidates.length) {
var name = candidates[i].name;
int j = i + 1;
while (j < candidates.length && candidates[j].name == name) {
callback(i, j, name);
i = j;
/// Transforms [member] into a candidate for interface inheritance.
/// Fields are transformed into getters and setters; methods are passed
/// through unchanged.
static Procedure makeCandidate(Member member, bool setter) {
if (member is Procedure) return member;
if (member is Field) {
// TODO(paulberry): don't set the type or covariance annotations here,
// since they might not have been inferred yet. Instead, ensure that this
// information is propagated to the getter/setter during type inference.
var type = member.type;
var isGenericCovariantImpl = member.isGenericCovariantImpl;
var isCovariant = member.isCovariant;
if (setter) {
var valueParam = new VariableDeclaration('_', type: type)
..isGenericCovariantImpl = isGenericCovariantImpl
..isCovariant = isCovariant;
var function = new FunctionNode(null,
positionalParameters: [valueParam], returnType: const VoidType());
return new SyntheticAccessor(, ProcedureKind.Setter, function, member)
..parent = member.enclosingClass;
} else {
var function = new FunctionNode(null, returnType: type);
return new SyntheticAccessor(, ProcedureKind.Getter, function, member)
..parent = member.enclosingClass;
return unhandled('${member.runtimeType}', 'makeCandidate', -1, null);
static ProcedureKind _kindOf(Procedure procedure) => procedure.kind;
/// Determines whether the given [procedure] will require type inference.
static bool _requiresTypeInference(Procedure procedure) {
if (procedure is SyntheticAccessor) {
return ShadowField.isImplicitlyTyped(procedure._field);
if (procedure.kind != ProcedureKind.Setter &&
ShadowProcedure.hasImplicitReturnType(procedure)) {
// Inference of the return type of `[]=` is handled separately by
//, since there are no dependencies.
if (procedure.kind != ProcedureKind.Operator || != '[]=') {
return true;
var function = procedure.function;
for (var parameter in function.positionalParameters) {
if (ShadowVariableDeclaration.isImplicitlyTyped(parameter)) return true;
for (var parameter in function.namedParameters) {
if (ShadowVariableDeclaration.isImplicitlyTyped(parameter)) return true;
return false;
/// A [SyntheticAccessor] represents the getter or setter implied by a field.
class SyntheticAccessor extends Procedure {
/// The field associated with the synthetic accessor.
final Field _field;
Name name, ProcedureKind kind, FunctionNode function, this._field)
: super(
kind == ProcedureKind.Setter
? new SyntheticAccessorFunctionNode.setter(_field)
: new SyntheticAccessorFunctionNode.getter(_field),
fileUri: _field.fileUri) {
fileOffset = _field.fileOffset;
DartType get getterType => _field.type;
static getField(SyntheticAccessor accessor) => accessor._field;
/// A [SyntheticAccessorFunctionNode] represents the [FunctionNode] part of the
/// getter or setter implied by a field.
/// For getters, [returnType] maps to the underlying field's type, so that if
/// type inference fills in the type of the field, the change will automatically
/// be reflected in the synthetic getter.
class SyntheticAccessorFunctionNode extends FunctionNode {
final Field _field;
: super(new ReturnStatement());
: super(new ReturnStatement(),
positionalParameters: [new SyntheticSetterParameter(_field)]);
DartType get returnType =>
positionalParameters.isEmpty ? _field.type : const VoidType();
/// A [SyntheticSetterParameter] represents the "value" parameter of the setter
/// implied by a field.
/// The getters [isCovariant], [isGenericCovariantImpl],
/// [isGenericCovariantInterface], and [type] map to the underlying field's
/// properties, so that if these properties are modified on the field, the
/// change will automatically be reflected in the synthetic setter. Similarly,
/// the setters [isCovariant], [isGenericCovariantImpl], and
/// [isGenericCovariantInterface] update the corresponding properties on the
/// field, so that covariance propagation logic can act uniformly on [Procedure]
/// objects without having to have special case handling for fields.
class SyntheticSetterParameter extends VariableDeclaration {
final Field _field;
: super('_', isCovariant: _field.isCovariant);
bool get isCovariant => _field.isCovariant;
void set isCovariant(bool value) {
_field.isCovariant = value;
bool get isGenericCovariantImpl => _field.isGenericCovariantImpl;
void set isGenericCovariantImpl(bool value) {
_field.isGenericCovariantImpl = value;
DartType get type => _field.type;