blob: d9c8dfdffe9cd170033b78f3f68eceff391a11b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Source information system mapping that attempts a semantic mapping between
/// offsets of JavaScript code points to offsets of Dart code points.
library dart2js.source_information.position;
import '../common.dart';
import '../js/js.dart' as js;
import '../js/js_debug.dart';
import '../js/js_source_mapping.dart';
import '../serialization/serialization.dart';
import '../util/util.dart';
import 'source_information.dart';
/// [SourceInformation] that consists of an offset position into the source
/// code.
class PositionSourceInformation extends SourceInformation {
static const String tag = 'source-information';
final SourceLocation startPosition;
final SourceLocation? innerPosition;
final List<FrameContext>? inliningContext;
this.startPosition, this.innerPosition, this.inliningContext);
factory PositionSourceInformation.readFromDataSource(
DataSourceReader source) {
SourceLocation startPosition = source.readIndexedNoCache<SourceLocation>(
() => SourceLocation.readFromDataSource(source));
SourceLocation? innerPosition =
() => SourceLocation.readFromDataSource(source));
List<FrameContext>? inliningContext =
source.readIndexedOrNullNoCache<List<FrameContext>>(() =>
// FrameContext must be cached since PositionSourceInformation.==
// requires identity comparison on the objects in inliningContext.
source.readList(() => source
.readIndexed(() => FrameContext.readFromDataSource(source))));
return PositionSourceInformation(
startPosition, innerPosition, inliningContext);
void writeToDataSinkInternal(DataSinkWriter sink) {
(SourceLocation sourceLocation) =>
SourceLocation.writeToDataSink(sink, sourceLocation));
(SourceLocation sourceLocation) =>
SourceLocation.writeToDataSink(sink, sourceLocation));
(_) => sink.writeListOrNull(
(FrameContext context) => sink.writeIndexed(
context, (_) => context.writeToDataSink(sink))));
List<SourceLocation> get sourceLocations {
List<SourceLocation> list = [];
if (innerPosition != null) {
return list;
SourceSpan get sourceSpan {
SourceLocation location = startPosition;
Uri uri = location.sourceUri!;
int offset = location.offset;
return SourceSpan(uri, offset, offset);
int get hashCode {
return Hashing.listHash(
inliningContext, Hashing.objectsHash(startPosition, innerPosition));
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
return other is PositionSourceInformation &&
startPosition == other.startPosition &&
innerPosition == other.innerPosition &&
equalElements(inliningContext, other.inliningContext);
/// Create a textual representation of the source information using [uriText]
/// as the Uri representation.
String _computeText(String uriText) {
StringBuffer sb = StringBuffer();
// Use 1-based line/column info to match usual dart tool output.
if (innerPosition != null) {
return sb.toString();
String get shortText {
return _computeText(startPosition.sourceUri!.pathSegments.last);
String toString() {
return _computeText('${startPosition.sourceUri}');
abstract class OnlinePositionSourceInformationStrategy
implements JavaScriptSourceInformationStrategy {
const OnlinePositionSourceInformationStrategy();
SourceInformationProcessor createProcessor(
SourceMapperProvider provider, SourceInformationReader reader) {
return OnlineSourceInformationProcessor(provider, reader);
void onComplete() {}
SourceInformation buildSourceMappedMarker() {
return const SourceMappedMarker();
/// Marker used to tag the root nodes of source-mapped code.
/// This is needed to be able to distinguish JavaScript nodes that shouldn't
/// have source locations (like the preamble) from the nodes that should
/// (like functions compiled from Dart code).
class SourceMappedMarker extends SourceInformation {
const SourceMappedMarker();
String get shortText => '';
List<SourceLocation> get sourceLocations => const [];
SourceSpan get sourceSpan => SourceSpan.unknown();
/// The start, end and closing offsets for a [js.Node].
class CodePosition {
final int startPosition;
final int endPosition;
final int? closingPosition;
CodePosition(this.startPosition, this.endPosition, this.closingPosition);
int? getPosition(CodePositionKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case CodePositionKind.START:
return startPosition;
case CodePositionKind.END:
return endPosition;
case CodePositionKind.CLOSING:
return closingPosition;
String toString() {
return 'CodePosition(start=$startPosition,'
/// A map from a [js.Node] to its [CodePosition].
abstract class CodePositionMap {
CodePosition? operator [](js.Node node);
/// Registry for mapping [js.Node]s to their [CodePosition].
class CodePositionRecorder implements CodePositionMap {
final Map<js.Node, CodePosition> _codePositionMap =
Map<js.Node, CodePosition>.identity();
void registerPositions(
js.Node node, int startPosition, int endPosition, int? closingPosition) {
node, CodePosition(startPosition, endPosition, closingPosition));
void registerCodePosition(js.Node node, CodePosition codePosition) {
_codePositionMap[node] = codePosition;
CodePosition? operator [](js.Node node) => _codePositionMap[node];
/// Enum values for the part of a Dart node used for the source location offset.
enum SourcePositionKind {
/// The source mapping should point to the start of the Dart node.
/// For instance the first '(' for the `(*)()` call and 'f' of both the
/// `foo()` and the `*.bar()` call:
/// (foo().bar())()
/// ^ // the start of the `(*)()` node
/// ^ // the start of the `foo()` node
/// ^ // the start of the `*.bar()` node
/// The source mapping should point an inner position of the Dart node.
/// For instance the second '(' of the `(*)()` call, the 'f' of the `foo()`
/// call and the 'b' of the `*.bar()` call:
/// (foo().bar())()
/// ^ // the inner position of the `(*)()` node
/// ^ // the inner position of the `foo()` node
/// ^ // the inner position of the `*.bar()` node
/// For function expressions the inner position is the closing brace or the
/// arrow:
/// foo() => () {}
/// ^ // the inner position of the 'foo' function
/// ^ // the inner position of the closure
SourceLocation? getSourceLocation(SourceInformation sourceInformation,
[SourcePositionKind sourcePositionKind = SourcePositionKind.START]) {
switch (sourcePositionKind) {
case SourcePositionKind.START:
return sourceInformation.startPosition;
case SourcePositionKind.INNER:
return sourceInformation.innerPosition ?? sourceInformation.startPosition;
/// Enum values for the part of the JavaScript node used for the JavaScript
/// code offset of a source mapping.
enum CodePositionKind {
/// The source mapping is put on left-most offset of the node.
/// For instance on the 'f' of a function or 'r' of a return statement:
/// foo: function() { return 0; }
/// ^ // the function start position
/// ^ // the return start position
/// The source mapping is put on the closing token.
/// For instance on the '}' of a function or the ';' of a return statement:
/// foo: function() { return 0; }
/// ^ // the function closing position
/// ^ // the return closing position
/// The source mapping is put at the end of the code for the node.
/// For instance after '}' of a function or after the ';' of a return
/// statement:
/// foo: function() { return 0; }
/// ^ // the function end position
/// ^ // the return end position
int? select({required int start, required int end, required int? closing}) =>
switch (this) { START => start, END => end, CLOSING => closing };
/// Processor that associates [SourceLocation]s from [SourceInformation] on
/// [js.Node]s with the target offsets in a [SourceMapper].
class OnlineSourceInformationProcessor extends SourceInformationProcessor {
/// The id for this source information engine.
/// The id is added to the source map file in an extra "engine" property and
/// serves as a version number for the engine.
/// The version history of this engine is:
/// v2: The initial version with an id.
static const String id = 'v2';
late final OnlineJavaScriptTracer tracer =
OnlineJavaScriptTracer(reader, traceListeners, onComplete: () {
final SourceInformationReader reader;
late final List<TraceListener> traceListeners;
late final InliningTraceListener inliningListener;
OnlineSourceInformationProcessor(SourceMapperProvider provider, this.reader) {
var sourceMapper = provider.createSourceMapper(id);
traceListeners = [
PositionTraceListener(sourceMapper, reader),
inliningListener = InliningTraceListener(sourceMapper, reader),
void onStartPosition(js.Node node, int startPosition) {
tracer.onStartPosition(node, startPosition);
void onPositions(
js.Node node, int startPosition, int endPosition, int? closingPosition) {
tracer.onPositions(node, startPosition, endPosition, closingPosition);
/// Visitor that computes [SourceInformation] for a [js.Node] using information
/// attached to the node itself or alternatively from child nodes.
class NodeSourceInformation extends js.BaseVisitor<SourceInformation?> {
final SourceInformationReader reader;
const NodeSourceInformation(this.reader);
SourceInformation? visit(js.Node? node) => node?.accept(this);
SourceInformation? visitNode(js.Node node) =>
SourceInformation? visitComment(js.Comment node) => null;
SourceInformation? visitExpressionStatement(js.ExpressionStatement node) {
SourceInformation? sourceInformation = reader.getSourceInformation(node);
if (sourceInformation != null) {
return sourceInformation;
return visit(node.expression);
SourceInformation? visitVariableDeclarationList(
js.VariableDeclarationList node) {
SourceInformation? sourceInformation = reader.getSourceInformation(node);
if (sourceInformation != null) {
return sourceInformation;
for (js.Node declaration in node.declarations) {
SourceInformation? sourceInformation = visit(declaration);
if (sourceInformation != null) {
return sourceInformation;
return null;
SourceInformation? visitVariableInitialization(
js.VariableInitialization node) {
SourceInformation? sourceInformation = reader.getSourceInformation(node);
if (sourceInformation != null) {
return sourceInformation;
return visit(node.value);
SourceInformation? visitAssignment(js.Assignment node) {
SourceInformation? sourceInformation = reader.getSourceInformation(node);
if (sourceInformation != null) {
return sourceInformation;
return visit(node.value);
/// Mixin that add support for computing [SourceInformation] for a [js.Node].
mixin NodeToSourceInformationMixin {
SourceInformationReader get reader;
SourceInformation? computeSourceInformation(js.Node node) {
return NodeSourceInformation(reader).visit(node);
/// [TraceListener] that register inlining context-data with a [SourceMapper].
class InliningTraceListener extends TraceListener
with NodeToSourceInformationMixin {
final SourceMapper sourceMapper;
final SourceInformationReader reader;
final Map<int, List<FrameContext>?> _frames = {};
InliningTraceListener(this.sourceMapper, this.reader);
void onStep(js.Node node, Offset offset, StepKind kind) {
SourceInformation? sourceInformation = computeSourceInformation(node);
if (sourceInformation == null) return;
// TODO(sigmund): enable this assertion.
// assert(offset.value != null, "Expected a valid offset: $node $offset");
final offsetValue = offset.value;
if (offsetValue == null) return;
// TODO(sigmund): enable this assertion
//assert(_frames[offset.value] == null,
// "Expect a single entry per offset: $offset $node");
if (_frames[offsetValue] != null) return;
// During tracing we only collect information per offset because the tracer
// visits nodes in tree order. We'll later sort the data by offset before
// registering the frame data with [SourceMapper].
if (kind == StepKind.FUN_EXIT) {
_frames[offsetValue] = null;
} else {
_frames[offsetValue] = sourceInformation.inliningContext;
/// Converts the inlining context data collected during tracing into push/pop
/// stack operations that will be emitted with the source-map files.
void finish() {
List<FrameContext>? lastInliningContext;
for (var offset in _frames.keys.toList()..sort()) {
var newInliningContext = _frames[offset];
// Note: this relies on the invariant that, when we built the inlining
// context lists during SSA, we kept lists identical whenever there were
// no inlining changes.
if (lastInliningContext == newInliningContext) continue;
bool isEmpty = false;
int popCount = 0;
List<FrameContext> pushes = const [];
if (newInliningContext == null) {
popCount = lastInliningContext!.length;
isEmpty = true;
} else if (lastInliningContext == null) {
pushes = newInliningContext;
} else {
int min = newInliningContext.length;
if (min > lastInliningContext.length) min = lastInliningContext.length;
// Determine the total number of common frames, to produce the minimal
// set of pop and push operations.
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < min; i++) {
if (!identical(newInliningContext[i], lastInliningContext[i])) break;
isEmpty = i == 0;
popCount = lastInliningContext.length - i;
if (i < newInliningContext.length) {
pushes = newInliningContext.sublist(i);
lastInliningContext = newInliningContext;
while (popCount-- > 0) {
sourceMapper.registerPop(offset, isEmpty: popCount == 0 && isEmpty);
for (FrameContext push in pushes) {
getSourceLocation(push.callInformation), push.inlinedMethodName);
/// [TraceListener] that register [SourceLocation]s with a [SourceMapper].
class PositionTraceListener extends TraceListener
with NodeToSourceInformationMixin {
final SourceMapper sourceMapper;
final SourceInformationReader reader;
PositionTraceListener(this.sourceMapper, this.reader);
/// Registers source information for [node] on the [offset] in the JavaScript
/// code using [kind] to determine what information to use.
/// For most nodes the start position of the source information is used.
/// For instance a return expression points to the start position of the
/// source information, typically the start of the return statement that
/// created the JavaScript return node:
/// JavaScript: Dart:
/// @return "foo"; return "foo";
/// ^
/// (@ marks the current JavaScript position and ^ point to the mapped Dart
/// code position.)
/// For [StepKind.CALL] the `CallPosition.getSemanticPositionForCall` method
/// is called to determine whether the start or the inner position should be
/// used. For instance if the receiver of the JavaScript call is a "simple"
/// expression then the start position of the source information is used:
/// JavaScript: Dart:
/// t1.@foo$0()
/// ^
/// If the receiver of the JavaScript call is "complex" then the inner
/// position of the source information is used:
/// JavaScript: Dart:
/// get$bar().@foo()
/// ^
/// For [StepKind.FUN_EXIT] the inner position of the source information
/// is used. For a JavaScript function without a return statement this maps
/// the end brace to the end brace of the corresponding Dart function. For a
/// JavaScript function exited through a return statement this maps the end of
/// the return statement to the end brace of the Dart function:
/// JavaScript: Dart:
/// foo: function() { foo() {
/// @} }
/// ^
/// foo: function() { foo() {
/// return 0;@ return 0;
/// } }
/// ^
void onStep(js.Node node, Offset offset, StepKind kind) {
int? codeLocation = offset.value;
if (codeLocation == null) return;
if (kind == StepKind.NO_INFO) {
sourceMapper.register(node, codeLocation, const NoSourceLocationMarker());
SourceInformation? sourceInformation = computeSourceInformation(node);
if (sourceInformation == null) return;
void registerPosition(SourcePositionKind sourcePositionKind) {
SourceLocation? sourceLocation =
getSourceLocation(sourceInformation, sourcePositionKind);
if (sourceLocation != null) {
sourceMapper.register(node, codeLocation, sourceLocation);
switch (kind) {
case StepKind.FUN_ENTRY:
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this when fully transitioned to the
// new source info system. Verify that tools no longer expect JS
// function signatures to map to the origin. The main method may still
// need mapping to enable breakpoints before calling main.
case StepKind.FUN_EXIT:
case StepKind.CALL:
CallPosition callPosition =
CallPosition.getSemanticPositionForCall(node as js.Call);
case StepKind.ACCESS:
case StepKind.NEW:
case StepKind.RETURN:
case StepKind.BREAK:
case StepKind.CONTINUE:
case StepKind.THROW:
case StepKind.IF_CONDITION:
case StepKind.FOR_CONDITION:
case StepKind.FOR_UPDATE:
case StepKind.DO_CONDITION:
case StepKind.NO_INFO:
/// The position of a [js.Call] node.
class CallPosition {
/// The call node for which the positions have been computed.
final js.Node node;
/// The position for [node] used as the offset in the JavaScript code.
/// This is either `CodePositionKind.START` for code like
/// ^
/// where the left-most offset of the receiver should be used, or
/// `CodePositionKind.CLOSING` for code like
/// get$bar().foo$0()
/// ^
/// where the name of the called method should be used (here the method
/// 'foo$0').
final CodePositionKind codePositionKind;
/// The position from the [SourceInformation] used in the mapped Dart code.
/// This is either `SourcePositionKind.START` for code like
/// JavaScript: Dart:
/// t1.@foo$0()
/// ^
/// where the JavaScript receiver is a "simple" expression, or
/// `SourcePositionKind.CLOSING` for code like
/// JavaScript: Dart:
/// get$bar().@foo()
/// ^
/// where the JavaScript receiver is a "complex" expression.
/// (@ marks the current JavaScript position and ^ point to the mapped Dart
/// code position.)
final SourcePositionKind sourcePositionKind;
CallPosition(this.node, this.codePositionKind, this.sourcePositionKind);
/// Computes the [CallPosition] for the call [node].
/// For instance if the receiver of the JavaScript call is a "simple"
/// expression then the start position of the source information is used:
/// JavaScript: Dart:
/// t1.@foo$0()
/// ^
/// If the receiver of the JavaScript call is "complex" then the inner
/// position of the source information is used:
/// JavaScript: Dart:
/// get$bar().@foo()
/// ^
/// (@ marks the current JavaScript position and ^ point to the mapped Dart
/// code position.)
static CallPosition getSemanticPositionForCall(js.Call node) {
js.Expression access = js.undefer( as js.Expression;
if (access is js.PropertyAccess) {
js.Node target = access;
bool pureAccess = false;
while (target is js.PropertyAccess) {
js.PropertyAccess targetAccess = target;
js.Node receiver = js.undefer(targetAccess.receiver);
if (receiver is js.VariableUse || receiver is js.This) {
pureAccess = true;
} else {
target = receiver;
if (pureAccess) {
// a.m() this.m() a.b.c.d.m()
// ^ ^ ^
return CallPosition(
node, CodePositionKind.START, SourcePositionKind.START);
} else {
// *.m() *.a.b.c.d.m()
// ^ ^
return CallPosition(
access.selector, CodePositionKind.START, SourcePositionKind.INNER);
} else if (access is js.VariableUse || access is js.This) {
// m() this()
// ^ ^
return CallPosition(
node, CodePositionKind.START, SourcePositionKind.START);
} else if (access is js.FunctionExpression ||
access is js.New ||
access is js.NamedFunction ||
(access is js.Parentheses &&
(access.enclosed is js.FunctionExpression ||
access.enclosed is js.New ||
access.enclosed is js.NamedFunction))) {
// function(){}() new Function("...")() function foo(){}()
// ^ ^ ^
// (function(){})() (new Function("..."))() (function foo(){})()
// ^ ^ ^
// (()=>{})()
// ^
return CallPosition(, CodePositionKind.END, SourcePositionKind.INNER);
} else if (access is js.Binary || access is js.Call) {
// (0,a)() m()()
// ^ ^
return CallPosition(, CodePositionKind.END, SourcePositionKind.INNER);
} else {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Maybe remove this assertion.
"Unexpected property access ${nodeToString(node)}:\n"
// Don't know....
return CallPosition(
node, CodePositionKind.START, SourcePositionKind.START);
/// An offset of a JavaScript node within the output code.
/// This object holds three different values for the offset corresponding to
/// three different ways browsers can compute the offset of a JavaScript node.
/// Currently [subexpressionOffset] is used since it corresponds the most to the
/// offset used by most browsers.
// TODO(sra): Any or all of the values can be `null`. Investigate why this
// happens. Since we are writing a JavaScript AST to an output, we should be
// able to have non-null values.
class Offset {
/// The offset of the enclosing statement relative to the beginning of the
/// file.
/// For instance:
/// foo().bar(baz());
/// ^ // the statement offset of the `foo()` call
/// ^ // the statement offset of the `*.bar()` call
/// ^ // the statement offset of the `baz()` call
final int? statementOffset;
/// The `subexpression` offset of the step. This is the (mostly) unique
/// offset relative to the beginning of the file, that identifies the
/// current of execution.
/// For instance:
/// foo().bar(baz());
/// ^ // the subexpression offset of the `foo()` call
/// ^ // the subexpression offset of the `*.bar()` call
/// ^ // the subexpression offset of the `baz()` call
/// Here, even though the JavaScript node for the `*.bar()` call contains
/// the `foo()` its execution is identified by the `bar` identifier more than
/// the foo identifier.
final int? subexpressionOffset;
/// The `left-to-right` offset of the step. This is like [subexpressionOffset]
/// but restricted so that the offset of each subexpression in execution
/// order is monotonically increasing.
/// For instance:
/// foo().bar(baz());
/// ^ // the left-to-right offset of the `foo()` call
/// ^ // the left-to-right offset of the `*.bar()` call
/// ^ // the left-to-right offset of the `baz()` call
/// Here, `baz()` is executed before `foo()` so we need to use 'f' as its best
/// position under the restriction.
// TODO: This isn't being used, determine if it has any future value.
// final int? leftToRightOffset;
Offset(this.statementOffset, this.subexpressionOffset);
int? get value => subexpressionOffset;
String toString() {
return 'Offset[statementOffset=$statementOffset,'
enum BranchKind {
enum StepKind {
/// Listener for the [JavaScriptTracer].
abstract class TraceListener {
/// Called before [root] node is processed by the [JavaScriptTracer].
void onStart(js.Node root) {}
/// Called after [root] node has been processed by the [JavaScriptTracer].
void onEnd(js.Node root) {}
/// Called when a branch of the given [kind] is started. [value] is provided
/// to distinguish true/false branches of [BranchKind.CONDITION] and cases of
/// [Branch.CASE].
void pushBranch(BranchKind kind, [int? value]) {}
/// Called when the current branch ends.
void popBranch() {}
/// Called when [node] defines a step of the given [kind] at the given
/// [offset] when the generated JavaScript code.
void onStep(js.Node node, Offset offset, StepKind kind) {}
/// Visitor that computes the [js.Node]s the are part of the JavaScript
/// steppable execution and thus needs source mapping locations.
class JavaScriptTracer extends js.BaseVisitorVoid {
final CodePositionMap codePositions;
final SourceInformationReader reader;
final List<TraceListener> listeners;
/// The steps added by subexpressions.
List steps = [];
/// The offset of the current statement.
int? statementOffset;
/// The current offset in left-to-right progression.
int? leftToRightOffset;
/// The offset of the surrounding statement, used for the first subexpression.
int? offsetPosition;
bool active;
JavaScriptTracer(this.codePositions, this.reader, this.listeners,
{ = false});
void notifyStart(js.Node node) {
listeners.forEach((listener) => listener.onStart(node));
void notifyEnd(js.Node node) {
listeners.forEach((listener) => listener.onEnd(node));
void notifyPushBranch(BranchKind kind, [int? value]) {
if (active) {
listeners.forEach((listener) => listener.pushBranch(kind, value));
void notifyPopBranch() {
if (active) {
listeners.forEach((listener) => listener.popBranch());
void notifyStep(js.Node node, Offset offset, StepKind kind,
{bool force = false}) {
if (active || force) {
listeners.forEach((listener) => listener.onStep(node, offset, kind));
void apply(js.Node node) {
int? startPosition = getSyntaxOffset(node, kind: CodePositionKind.START);
Offset startOffset = getOffsetForNode(node, startPosition);
notifyStep(node, startOffset, StepKind.NO_INFO, force: true);
void visitNode(js.Node node) {
visit(js.Node? node, [BranchKind? branch, int? value]) {
if (node != null) {
if (branch != null) {
notifyPushBranch(branch, value);
} else {
void visitList(List<js.Node> nodeList) {
for (js.Node node in nodeList) {
void _handleFunction(js.Node node, js.Node body) {
bool activeBefore = active;
if (!active) {
active = reader.getSourceInformation(node) != null;
leftToRightOffset =
statementOffset = getSyntaxOffset(node, kind: CodePositionKind.START);
Offset entryOffset = getOffsetForNode(node, statementOffset);
notifyStep(node, entryOffset, StepKind.FUN_ENTRY);
leftToRightOffset =
statementOffset = getSyntaxOffset(node, kind: CodePositionKind.CLOSING);
Offset exitOffset = getOffsetForNode(node, statementOffset);
notifyStep(node, exitOffset, StepKind.FUN_EXIT);
if (active && !activeBefore) {
int? endPosition = getSyntaxOffset(node, kind: CodePositionKind.END);
Offset endOffset = getOffsetForNode(node, endPosition);
notifyStep(node, endOffset, StepKind.NO_INFO);
active = activeBefore;
visitFunctionExpression(js.FunctionExpression node) {
_handleFunction(node, node.body);
visitNamedFunction(js.NamedFunction node) {
_handleFunction(node, node.function.body);
visitBlock(js.Block node) {
for (js.Statement statement in node.statements) {
int? getSyntaxOffset(js.Node node,
{CodePositionKind kind = CodePositionKind.START}) {
CodePosition? codePosition = codePositions[node];
if (codePosition != null) {
return codePosition.getPosition(kind);
return null;
js.Node parent, js.Expression child, int? codeOffset, StepKind kind) {
var oldSteps = steps;
steps = [];
offsetPosition = codeOffset;
if (steps.isEmpty) {
notifyStep(parent, getOffsetForNode(parent, offsetPosition), kind);
// The [offsetPosition] should only be used by the first subexpression.
offsetPosition = null;
steps = oldSteps;
visitExpressionStatement(js.ExpressionStatement node) {
statementOffset = getSyntaxOffset(node);
node, node.expression, statementOffset, StepKind.EXPRESSION_STATEMENT);
statementOffset = null;
leftToRightOffset = null;
visitEmptyStatement(js.EmptyStatement node) {}
visitCall(js.Call node) {
int? oldPosition = offsetPosition;
offsetPosition = null;
offsetPosition = oldPosition;
CallPosition callPosition = CallPosition.getSemanticPositionForCall(node);
js.Node positionNode = callPosition.node;
int? callOffset =
getSyntaxOffset(positionNode, kind: callPosition.codePositionKind);
if (offsetPosition == null) {
// Use the call offset if this is not the first subexpression.
offsetPosition = callOffset;
Offset offset = getOffsetForNode(positionNode, offsetPosition);
notifyStep(node, offset, StepKind.CALL);
offsetPosition = null;
visitNew(js.New node) {
int? oldPosition = offsetPosition;
offsetPosition = null;
offsetPosition = oldPosition;
if (offsetPosition == null) {
// Use the syntax offset if this is not the first subexpression.
offsetPosition = getSyntaxOffset(node);
notifyStep(node, getOffsetForNode(node, offsetPosition), StepKind.NEW);
offsetPosition = null;
visitAccess(js.PropertyAccess node) {
// Technically we'd like to use the offset of the `.` in the property
// access, but the js_ast doesn't expose it. Since this is only used to
// search backwards for inlined frames, we use the receiver's END offset
// instead as an approximation. Note that the END offset points one
// character after the end of the node, so it is likely always the
// offset we want.
node, getSyntaxOffset(node.receiver, kind: CodePositionKind.END)),
visitVariableUse(js.VariableUse node) {}
visitLiteralBool(js.LiteralBool node) {}
visitLiteralString(js.LiteralString node) {}
visitLiteralNumber(js.LiteralNumber node) {}
visitLiteralNull(js.LiteralNull node) {}
visitName(js.Name node) {}
visitVariableDeclarationList(js.VariableDeclarationList node) {
visitVariableDeclaration(js.VariableDeclaration node) {}
visitVariableInitialization(js.VariableInitialization node) {
visitAssignment(js.Assignment node) {
visitIf(js.If node) {
statementOffset = getSyntaxOffset(node);
node, node.condition, statementOffset, StepKind.IF_CONDITION);
statementOffset = null;
visit(node.then, BranchKind.CONDITION, 1);
visit(node.otherwise, BranchKind.CONDITION, 0);
visitFor(js.For node) {
int? offset = statementOffset = getSyntaxOffset(node);
statementOffset = offset;
leftToRightOffset = null;
final init = node.init;
if (init != null) {
node, init, getSyntaxOffset(node), StepKind.FOR_INITIALIZER);
final condition = node.condition;
if (condition != null) {
node, condition, getSyntaxOffset(condition), StepKind.FOR_CONDITION);
statementOffset = offset;
final update = node.update;
if (update != null) {
node, update, getSyntaxOffset(update), StepKind.FOR_UPDATE);
visitWhile(js.While node) {
statementOffset = getSyntaxOffset(node);
node, node.condition, getSyntaxOffset(node), StepKind.WHILE_CONDITION);
statementOffset = null;
leftToRightOffset = null;
visit(node.body, BranchKind.LOOP);
visitDo(js.Do node) {
statementOffset = getSyntaxOffset(node);
final condition = node.condition;
node, condition, getSyntaxOffset(condition), StepKind.DO_CONDITION);
statementOffset = null;
leftToRightOffset = null;
visitBinary(js.Binary node) {
visitThis(js.This node) {}
visitReturn(js.Return node) {
statementOffset = getSyntaxOffset(node);
node, getOffsetForNode(node, getSyntaxOffset(node)), StepKind.RETURN);
Offset exitOffset = getOffsetForNode(
node, getSyntaxOffset(node, kind: CodePositionKind.CLOSING));
notifyStep(node, exitOffset, StepKind.FUN_EXIT);
statementOffset = null;
leftToRightOffset = null;
visitThrow(js.Throw node) {
statementOffset = getSyntaxOffset(node);
// Do not use [offsetPosition] for the subexpression.
offsetPosition = null;
node, getOffsetForNode(node, getSyntaxOffset(node)), StepKind.THROW);
statementOffset = null;
leftToRightOffset = null;
visitContinue(js.Continue node) {
statementOffset = getSyntaxOffset(node);
node, getOffsetForNode(node, getSyntaxOffset(node)), StepKind.CONTINUE);
statementOffset = null;
leftToRightOffset = null;
visitBreak(js.Break node) {
statementOffset = getSyntaxOffset(node);
node, getOffsetForNode(node, getSyntaxOffset(node)), StepKind.BREAK);
statementOffset = null;
leftToRightOffset = null;
visitTry(js.Try node) {
visit(node.catchPart, BranchKind.CATCH);
visit(node.finallyPart, BranchKind.FINALLY);
visitCatch(js.Catch node) {
visitConditional(js.Conditional node) {
visit(node.then, BranchKind.CONDITION, 1);
visit(node.otherwise, BranchKind.CONDITION, 0);
visitPrefix(js.Prefix node) {
visitPostfix(js.Postfix node) {
visitObjectInitializer(js.ObjectInitializer node) {
visitProperty(js.Property node) {
visitRegExpLiteral(js.RegExpLiteral node) {}
visitSwitch(js.Switch node) {
statementOffset = getSyntaxOffset(node);
node, node.key, getSyntaxOffset(node), StepKind.SWITCH_EXPRESSION);
statementOffset = null;
leftToRightOffset = null;
for (int i = 0; i < node.cases.length; i++) {
visit(node.cases[i], BranchKind.CASE, i);
visitCase(js.Case node) {
visitDefault(js.Default node) {
visitArrayInitializer(js.ArrayInitializer node) {
visitArrayHole(js.ArrayHole node) {}
visitLabeledStatement(js.LabeledStatement node) {
statementOffset = getSyntaxOffset(node);
statementOffset = null;
visitDeferredExpression(js.DeferredExpression node) {
Offset getOffsetForNode(js.Node node, int? codeOffset) {
if (codeOffset == null) {
CodePosition? codePosition = codePositions[node];
if (codePosition != null) {
codeOffset = codePosition.startPosition;
if (leftToRightOffset != null &&
codeOffset != null &&
leftToRightOffset! < codeOffset) {
leftToRightOffset = codeOffset;
if (leftToRightOffset == null) {
leftToRightOffset = statementOffset;
return Offset(statementOffset, codeOffset);
/// Flags indicating how [_PositionInfoNode.offsetPosition] should evolve as the
/// associated node starts and ends.
enum OffsetPositionMode {
// Pass the offset along normally no special action required. By default the
// offset gets passed to the next sibling when a node ends or the parent if
// there is no next sibling.
// Reset the offset during own start event.
// Reset the offset during own end event.
// Set offset to parent's start offset during start event. Clear offset if no
// steps taken during end event.
// Set offset to own start offset during start event. Clear offset if no
// steps taken during end event.
// Update [_PositionInfoNode.offsetPositionForInvocation] during end event.
// Only set on `target` subexpression of [js.New] and [js.Call].
enum _BranchNotificationMode {
// Emit a push notification when the node is started and a pop when the node
// ends.
// Only emit a pop notification when the node ends and nothing when the node
// is started.
// Only emit a push notification when the node is started and nothing when the
// node ends.
class _BranchData {
/// The type of branch this node represents in its parent.
final BranchKind branchKind;
/// The token that identifies this branch in its parent (e.g. the index of a
/// switch case).
final int? branchToken;
/// Controls when the associated node will emit a branch notification.
final _BranchNotificationMode branchNotificationMode;
_BranchData(this.branchKind, this.branchNotificationMode, this.branchToken);
class _PositionInfoNode {
/// The JS node this info is for.
final js.Node astNode;
/// The parent of the node in the traversal. Since the AST is a DAG the JS
/// node itself might have multiple parents.
_PositionInfoNode? parent;
/// Start pointer of the children linked list.
_PositionInfoNode? first;
/// End pointer of the children linked list.
_PositionInfoNode? last;
/// Next pointer of the children linked list (i.e. this node's sibling).
_PositionInfoNode? next;
/// The start position for [astNode].
late int startPosition;
/// The offset of the current statement.
final int? statementOffset;
/// List of steps emitted for a statements subexpression. Used to determine
/// if any subexpressions have already been emitted. The same List is shared
/// between nodes until we enter a new statement subexpression scope.
final List<js.Node> steps;
/// Whether or not [astNode] is in user code (i.e. it has a source location).
bool active;
/// Used only for [js.Call] and [js.New], tracks the offset position as
/// determined by the target subexpression.
int? offsetPositionForInvocation;
/// The offset of the surrounding statement, used for the first subexpression.
/// This is the only state that moves laterally through the tree.
/// [offsetPositionMode] determines how the value evolves.
int? offsetPosition;
/// Flag to determine how this node's offset position should evolve on start
/// and end events.
final OffsetPositionMode offsetPositionMode;
/// Steps associated with this node. Each might lead to an emitted step
/// notification when this node's end event is triggered.
List<StepKind>? notifySteps;
/// A node with a non-null [branchData] will trigger push and/or pop
/// notifications based on [_BranchData.branchNotificationMode].
final _BranchData? branchData;
_PositionInfoNode(this.astNode, this.parent,
required this.steps,
this.offsetPositionMode = OffsetPositionMode.none,
this.statementOffset}) {
final localParent = parent;
// Add this node to the parent's children linked list.
if (localParent != null) {
if (localParent.last == null) {
localParent.first = this;
localParent.last = this;
} else {
localParent.last!.next = this;
localParent.last = this;
void clearPointers() {
// Clear all pointers held by this node to allow other nodes to be GCed.
parent = null;
first = null;
last = null;
next = null;
void addNotifyStep(StepKind kind) {
(notifySteps ??= []).add(kind);
/// Tracer that uses hooks provided by the JS AST [js.Printer] to generate
/// source map info while the AST is being printed.
/// Maintains a shadow tree of [_PositionInfoNode] that get created at the
/// printer triggers start events for nodes in the JS AST. For relevant nodes
/// we will prepopulate metadata about their children that will help us trigger
/// step and branch notifications with the proper offsets.
/// The shadow tree is created lazily so its size is tightly coupled to the
/// depth of the tree. Since we prepopulate a single extra layer sometimes, we
/// do have siblings of the nodes that constitute the current spine of the tree.
/// But none of those siblings' children will be populated.
class OnlineJavaScriptTracer extends js.BaseVisitor1Void<int>
implements CodePositionListener {
final SourceInformationReader reader;
final List<TraceListener> listeners;
/// The root of the position info shadow tree.
_PositionInfoNode? _rootNode;
/// The current node being worked on in the position info shadow tree.
late _PositionInfoNode _currentNode;
/// Contains nodes whose positions are needed by an active Call node. This
/// will have at most one entry per Call currently on the stack.
/// Only calls that don't use their own position are included here but most
/// calls use their own position.
/// A node may be needed multiple times to we track the number of uses
/// so we can clear it from the map when they have all been processed.
final Map<js.Node, ({CodePositionKind kind, int counter, int? position})>
_needsCallPosition = {};
void Function()? onComplete;
OnlineJavaScriptTracer(this.reader, this.listeners, {this.onComplete});
void notifyStart(js.Node node) {
listeners.forEach((listener) => listener.onStart(node));
void notifyEnd(js.Node node) {
listeners.forEach((listener) => listener.onEnd(node));
void notifyPushBranch(BranchKind kind, [int? value]) {
if ( {
listeners.forEach((listener) => listener.pushBranch(kind, value));
void notifyPopBranch() {
if ( {
listeners.forEach((listener) => listener.popBranch());
void notifyStep(js.Node node, Offset offset, StepKind kind,
{bool force = false}) {
if ( || force) {
listeners.forEach((listener) => listener.onStep(node, offset, kind));
_PositionInfoNode? visit(js.Node? node,
{BranchKind? branchKind,
int? branchToken,
_BranchNotificationMode branchNotificationMode =
int? statementOffset,
OffsetPositionMode offsetPositionMode = OffsetPositionMode.none,
bool resetSteps = false}) {
if (node == null) return null;
final newNode = _PositionInfoNode(node, _currentNode,
branchData: branchKind == null
? null
: _BranchData(branchKind, branchNotificationMode, branchToken),
statementOffset: statementOffset ?? _currentNode.statementOffset,
offsetPositionMode: offsetPositionMode,
steps: resetSteps ? [] : _currentNode.steps);
return newNode;
visitNode(js.Node node, _) {}
void _handleFunction(_PositionInfoNode node, js.Node body, int start) { = ||
reader.getSourceInformation(node.astNode) != null;
Offset entryOffset = getOffsetForNode(node.statementOffset, start);
notifyStep(node.astNode, entryOffset, StepKind.FUN_ENTRY);
visit(body, statementOffset: start);
_handleFunctionExpression(js.FunctionExpression node, int start) {
final parentNode = _currentNode.parent;
final parentAstNode = _currentNode.parent?.astNode;
_PositionInfoNode functionNode = _currentNode;
js.Expression? declaration;
if (parentAstNode is js.NamedFunction) {
functionNode = parentNode!;
declaration =;
} else if (parentAstNode is js.FunctionDeclaration) {
declaration =;
for (final param in node.params) {
// For named functions we treat the named parent as the main node.
_handleFunction(functionNode, node.body, start);
visitFunctionDeclaration(js.FunctionDeclaration node, int start) {
visitNamedFunction(js.NamedFunction node, int start) {
visitFun(js.Fun node, int start) {
_handleFunctionExpression(node, start);
visitArrowFunction(js.ArrowFunction node, int start) {
_handleFunctionExpression(node, start);
visitSubexpression(js.Node parent, js.Expression child, StepKind kind,
{required int statementOffset,
required OffsetPositionMode offsetPositionMode,
BranchKind? branchKind,
_BranchNotificationMode branchNotificationMode =
_BranchNotificationMode.both}) {
final childNode = visit(child,
statementOffset: statementOffset,
resetSteps: true,
branchKind: branchKind,
branchNotificationMode: branchNotificationMode,
// The [offsetPosition] should only be used by the first subexpression.
offsetPositionMode: offsetPositionMode);
visitExpressionStatement(js.ExpressionStatement node, int start) {
visitSubexpression(node, node.expression, StepKind.EXPRESSION_STATEMENT,
statementOffset: start,
offsetPositionMode: OffsetPositionMode.subexpressionParentOffset);
visitCall(js.Call node, _) {
visit(, offsetPositionMode: OffsetPositionMode.invocationTarget);
for (js.Node argument in node.arguments) {
visit(argument, offsetPositionMode: OffsetPositionMode.resetBefore);
CallPosition callPosition = CallPosition.getSemanticPositionForCall(node);
js.Node positionNode = callPosition.node;
if (positionNode != node) {
(value) => (
kind: value.kind,
counter: value.counter + 1,
position: value.position
ifAbsent: () => (
kind: callPosition.codePositionKind,
counter: 1,
position: null
visitNew(js.New node, _) {
visit(, offsetPositionMode: OffsetPositionMode.invocationTarget);
for (js.Node node in node.arguments) {
visit(node, offsetPositionMode: OffsetPositionMode.resetBefore);
visitAccess(js.PropertyAccess node, _) {
final receiverNode = visit(node.receiver);
// Technically we'd like to use the offset of the `.` in the property
// access, but the js_ast doesn't expose it. Since this is only used to
// search backwards for inlined frames, we use the receiver's END offset
// instead as an approximation. Note that the END offset points one
// character after the end of the node, so it is likely always the
// offset we want.
visitIf(js.If node, int start) {
visitSubexpression(node, node.condition, StepKind.IF_CONDITION,
statementOffset: start,
offsetPositionMode: OffsetPositionMode.subexpressionParentOffset);
statementOffset: null,
branchKind: BranchKind.CONDITION,
branchToken: 1);
if (node.hasElse) {
statementOffset: null,
branchKind: BranchKind.CONDITION,
branchToken: 0);
visitFor(js.For node, int start) {
final init = node.init;
if (init != null) {
visitSubexpression(node, init, StepKind.FOR_INITIALIZER,
statementOffset: start,
offsetPositionMode: OffsetPositionMode.subexpressionParentOffset);
final condition = node.condition;
if (condition != null) {
visitSubexpression(node, condition, StepKind.FOR_CONDITION,
statementOffset: start,
offsetPositionMode: OffsetPositionMode.subexpressionSelfOffset);
final update = node.update;
if (update != null) {
visitSubexpression(node, update, StepKind.FOR_UPDATE,
offsetPositionMode: OffsetPositionMode.subexpressionSelfOffset,
branchKind: BranchKind.LOOP,
statementOffset: start,
branchNotificationMode: _BranchNotificationMode.skipPop);
statementOffset: start,
branchKind: update == null ? BranchKind.LOOP : null,
branchNotificationMode: _BranchNotificationMode.skipPush);
visitWhile(js.While node, int start) {
visitSubexpression(node, node.condition, StepKind.WHILE_CONDITION,
statementOffset: start,
offsetPositionMode: OffsetPositionMode.subexpressionParentOffset);
visit(node.body, branchKind: BranchKind.LOOP);
visitDo(js.Do node, int start) {
visit(node.body, statementOffset: start);
final condition = node.condition;
visitSubexpression(node, condition, StepKind.DO_CONDITION,
offsetPositionMode: OffsetPositionMode.subexpressionSelfOffset,
statementOffset: start);
visitReturn(js.Return node, int start) {
visit(node.value, statementOffset: start);
visitThrow(js.Throw node, int start) {
// Do not use [offsetPosition] for the subexpression.
statementOffset: start,
offsetPositionMode: OffsetPositionMode.resetBefore);
visitContinue(js.Continue node, _) {
visitBreak(js.Break node, _) {
visitTry(js.Try node, _) {
visit(node.catchPart, branchKind: BranchKind.CATCH);
visit(node.finallyPart, branchKind: BranchKind.FINALLY);
visitConditional(js.Conditional node, _) {
visit(node.then, branchKind: BranchKind.CONDITION, branchToken: 1);
visit(node.otherwise, branchKind: BranchKind.CONDITION, branchToken: 0);
visitSwitch(js.Switch node, int start) {
visitSubexpression(node, node.key, StepKind.SWITCH_EXPRESSION,
statementOffset: start,
offsetPositionMode: OffsetPositionMode.subexpressionParentOffset);
for (int i = 0; i < node.cases.length; i++) {
visit(node.cases[i], branchKind: BranchKind.CASE, branchToken: i);
visitLabeledStatement(js.LabeledStatement node, int start) {
visit(node.body, statementOffset: start);
visitDeferredExpression(js.DeferredExpression node, _) {
void _beginTracing(js.Node node, int startPosition) {
// Create empty node as root of tree.
_rootNode =
_currentNode = _PositionInfoNode(node, null, active: false, steps: []);
Offset startOffset = getOffsetForNode(null, startPosition);
notifyStep(node, startOffset, StepKind.NO_INFO, force: true);
void _endTracing(js.Node node) {
if (onComplete != null) {
void onStartPosition(js.Node node, int start) {
if (node is js.Comment) return;
if (_rootNode == null) {
_beginTracing(node, start);
} else if (_currentNode.first != null) {
// If the last node that ended was a sibling it should have updated
// [_currentNode] back to the parent in its end event.
_currentNode = _currentNode.first!;
} else {
// If the old current node doesn't have children then we didn't explicitly
// visit it and so there's no relevant info for this node. We make a
// placeholder node here instead since the new node may be visited.
_currentNode = _PositionInfoNode(node, _currentNode,
steps: _currentNode.steps,
statementOffset: _currentNode.statementOffset);
node.accept1(this, start);
void onPositions(js.Node node, int start, int end, int? closing) {
if (node is js.Comment) return;
if (node == _rootNode!.astNode) {
_handleNotifySteps(node, _currentNode.notifySteps,
start: start, end: end, closing: closing);
_updateEndState(node, start: start, end: end, closing: closing);
// Move the [_currentNode] pointer to the parent and remove self from
// parent's children list. Parent will either end next or the sibling will
// start and move the pointer to themselves.
final parentNode = _currentNode.parent!;
parentNode.offsetPosition = _currentNode.offsetPosition;
parentNode.first =;
_currentNode = parentNode;
void _updateStartState(int start) {
_currentNode.startPosition = start;
if (_currentNode.offsetPositionMode ==
OffsetPositionMode.subexpressionSelfOffset) {
_currentNode.offsetPosition = _currentNode.startPosition;
} else if (_currentNode.offsetPositionMode ==
OffsetPositionMode.subexpressionParentOffset) {
_currentNode.offsetPosition = _currentNode.parent!.startPosition;
} else if (_currentNode.offsetPositionMode ==
OffsetPositionMode.resetBefore) {
_currentNode.offsetPosition = null;
} else {
_currentNode.offsetPosition = _currentNode.parent?.offsetPosition;
void _updateEndState(js.Node node,
{required int start, required int end, required int? closing}) {
final callPosition = _needsCallPosition[node];
if (callPosition != null) {
int? offset = start, end: end, closing: closing);
_needsCallPosition[node] = (
kind: callPosition.kind,
counter: callPosition.counter,
position: offset
switch (_currentNode.offsetPositionMode) {
case OffsetPositionMode.resetAfter:
_currentNode.offsetPosition = null;
case OffsetPositionMode.invocationTarget:
_currentNode.parent!.offsetPositionForInvocation =
_currentNode.offsetPosition = null;
case OffsetPositionMode.subexpressionParentOffset:
case OffsetPositionMode.subexpressionSelfOffset:
if (_currentNode.steps.isEmpty) {
_currentNode.offsetPosition = null;
case OffsetPositionMode.none:
case OffsetPositionMode.resetBefore:
void _handleBranchPush() {
final branchData = _currentNode.branchData;
if (branchData != null &&
branchData.branchNotificationMode != _BranchNotificationMode.skipPush) {
notifyPushBranch(branchData.branchKind, branchData.branchToken);
void _handleBranchPop() {
final branchData = _currentNode.branchData;
if (branchData != null &&
branchData.branchNotificationMode != _BranchNotificationMode.skipPop) {
void _handleNotifySteps(js.Node node, List<StepKind>? stepKinds,
{required int start, required int end, required int? closing}) {
if (stepKinds == null) return;
for (final stepKind in stepKinds) {
_PositionInfoNode target;
int? offset;
bool addStep = false;
StepKind? secondaryKind;
int? secondaryOffset;
switch (stepKind) {
case StepKind.CALL:
target = _currentNode;
final callPosition =
CallPosition.getSemanticPositionForCall(node as js.Call);
if (callPosition.node == node) {
// Use the syntax offset if this is not the first subexpression.
offset = _currentNode.offsetPositionForInvocation ??
.select(start: start, end: end, closing: closing);
} else {
final positionInfo = _needsCallPosition.remove(callPosition.node)!;
if (positionInfo.counter > 1) {
_needsCallPosition[callPosition.node] = (
kind: positionInfo.kind,
counter: positionInfo.counter - 1,
position: positionInfo.position
offset = positionInfo.position;
addStep = true;
case StepKind.NEW:
target = _currentNode;
// Use the syntax offset if this is not the first subexpression.
offset = _currentNode.offsetPositionForInvocation ?? start;
addStep = true;
case StepKind.ACCESS:
target = _currentNode.parent!;
offset = end;
addStep = true;
case StepKind.NO_INFO:
target = _currentNode;
offset = end;
case StepKind.FUN_EXIT:
target = _currentNode;
offset = closing ?? start;
// We also emit a step for the closing brace.
if ( && !_currentNode.parent!.active) {
secondaryKind = StepKind.NO_INFO;
secondaryOffset = end;
case StepKind.RETURN:
target = _currentNode;
offset = start;
// We also emit a step for the enclosing function exiting.
secondaryKind = StepKind.FUN_EXIT;
secondaryOffset = closing;
case StepKind.FUN_ENTRY:
case StepKind.THROW:
case StepKind.CONTINUE:
case StepKind.BREAK:
target = _currentNode;
offset = start;
// The remaining kinds are all subexpressions of statements.
case StepKind.IF_CONDITION:
if (_currentNode.steps.isNotEmpty) continue;
target = _currentNode.parent!;
offset = _currentNode.parent!.startPosition;
case StepKind.FOR_CONDITION:
case StepKind.FOR_UPDATE:
case StepKind.DO_CONDITION:
if (_currentNode.steps.isNotEmpty) continue;
target = _currentNode.parent!;
offset = _currentNode.startPosition;
getOffsetForNode(target.statementOffset, offset), stepKind);
if (secondaryKind != null) {
getOffsetForNode(target.statementOffset, secondaryOffset),
if (addStep) {
Offset getOffsetForNode(int? statementOffset, int? codeOffset) {
return Offset(statementOffset, codeOffset);
class Coverage {
final Set<js.Node> _nodesWithInfo = {};
int _nodesWithInfoCount = 0;
final Set<js.Node> _nodesWithoutInfo = {};
int _nodesWithoutInfoCount = 0;
final Map<Type, int> _nodesWithoutInfoCountByType = {};
final Set<js.Node> _nodesWithoutOffset = {};
int _nodesWithoutOffsetCount = 0;
void registerNodeWithInfo(js.Node node) {
void registerNodeWithoutInfo(js.Node node) {
void registerNodesWithoutOffset(js.Node node) {
void collapse() {
_nodesWithInfoCount += _nodesWithInfo.length;
_nodesWithoutOffsetCount += _nodesWithoutOffset.length;
_nodesWithoutInfoCount += _nodesWithoutInfo.length;
for (js.Node node in _nodesWithoutInfo) {
Type type;
if (node is js.ExpressionStatement) {
type = node.expression.runtimeType;
} else {
type = node.runtimeType;
_nodesWithoutInfoCountByType.update(type, (count) => count + 1,
ifAbsent: () => 1);
String getCoverageReport() {
StringBuffer sb = StringBuffer();
int total = _nodesWithInfoCount + _nodesWithoutInfoCount;
if (total > 0) {
sb.write(' (');
sb.write((100.0 * _nodesWithInfoCount / total).toStringAsFixed(2));
sb.write('%) nodes with info.');
} else {
sb.write('No nodes.');
if (_nodesWithoutOffsetCount > 0) {
sb.write(' ');
sb.write(' node');
if (_nodesWithoutOffsetCount > 1) {
sb.write(' without offset.');
if (_nodesWithoutInfoCount > 0) {
sb.write('\nNodes without info (');
sb.write(') by runtime type:');
List<Type> types = _nodesWithoutInfoCountByType.keys.toList();
types.sort((a, b) {
return -_nodesWithoutInfoCountByType[a]!
types.forEach((Type type) {
int count = _nodesWithoutInfoCountByType[type]!;
sb.write('\n ');
sb.write(' ');
sb.write(' node');
if (count > 1) {
return sb.toString();
String toString() => getCoverageReport();
/// [TraceListener] that registers [onStep] callbacks with [coverage].
class CoverageListener extends TraceListener with NodeToSourceInformationMixin {
final Coverage coverage;
final SourceInformationReader reader;
CoverageListener(this.coverage, this.reader);
void onStep(js.Node node, Offset offset, StepKind kind) {
SourceInformation? sourceInformation = computeSourceInformation(node);
if (sourceInformation != null) {
} else {
void onEnd(js.Node node) {
/// [CodePositionMap] that registers calls with [Coverage].
class CodePositionCoverage implements CodePositionMap {
final CodePositionMap codePositions;
final Coverage coverage;
CodePositionCoverage(this.codePositions, this.coverage);
CodePosition? operator [](js.Node node) {
CodePosition? codePosition = codePositions[node];
if (codePosition == null) {
return codePosition;