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<title> element_upgrade_test </title>
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<h1> Running element_upgrade_test </h1>
var Foo = function() {};
Foo.prototype = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype);
Foo.prototype.createdCallback = function() {
this.fooCreated = true;
this.textContent = 'constructed';
// Tell the Dart side that this was created.
// For testing purposes, for real code this would use a different mechanism.
Foo.prototype.doSomething = function() {
this.textContent = 'didSomething';
return 'didSomething';
Foo = document.registerElement('x-foo', Foo);
function validateIsFoo(element) {
if (!(element instanceof Foo)) {
throw Error('Element is not a Foo');
if (!element.fooCreated) {
throw Error('Expected fooCreated to be set');
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