blob: 25a191db03c1ed11c948096ce22340e040c00e5d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Verifies that pattern type schemas produced by the implementation correspond
// to the specification in
import '../static_type_helper.dart';
test() {
// The context type schema for a pattern `p` is:
// - Logical-and: The greatest lower bound of the context type schemas of the
// branches.
var (void Function(int) x && void Function(double) y) =
contextType((n) => n.expectStaticType<Exactly<num>>())
..expectStaticType<Exactly<void Function(num)>>();
// - Null-assert: A context type schema `E?` where `E` is the context type
// schema of the inner pattern.
var ((int i)!) = contextType(1)..expectStaticType<Exactly<int?>>();
// - Variable:
// i. If `p` has a type annotation, the context type schema is the annotated
// type.
var (int i) = contextType(1)..expectStaticType<Exactly<int>>();
// ii. Else the context type schema is _.
// This rule is actually never used, because:
// - Pattern type schemas are only computed for pattern variable
// declarations and pattern assignments.
// - It is a compile-time error if a variable pattern appears in an
// assignment context. So the context type schema for a variable pattern
// only matters if it appears in a declaration context.
// - It is a compile-time error if a variable pattern in a declaration
// context is marked with `var` or `final`. So a variable pattern inside a
// pattern variable declaration must have a type annotation.
// - Identifier:
// i. In an assignment context, the context type schema is the static type
// of the variable that `p` resolves to.
int i;
(i) = contextType(1)..expectStaticType<Exactly<int>>();
// ii. Else the context type schema is `_`.
var [x] = [1]..expectStaticType<Exactly<List<int>>>();
var [_] = [1]..expectStaticType<Exactly<List<int>>>();
// - Cast: The context type schema is `_`.
var [_ as Object] = [1]..expectStaticType<Exactly<List<int>>>();
// - Parenthesized: The context type schema of the inner subpattern.
var (<int>[]) = contextType(<int>[])
// - List: A context type schema `List<E>` where:
// i. If `p` has a type argument, then `E` is the type argument.
var <int>[] = contextType(<int>[])..expectStaticType<Exactly<List<int>>>();
// ii. Else if `p` has no elements then `E` is `_`.
var [] = [1]
// iii. Else, infer the type schema from the elements:
// a. Let `es` be an empty list of type schemas.
// b. For each element `e` in `p`:
// a. If `e` is a matching rest element with subpattern `s` and the
// context type schema of `s` is an `Iterable<T>` for some type
// schema `T`, then add `T` to es.
var [
...Iterable<int> x
] = contextType(<int>[])..expectStaticType<Exactly<List<int>>>();
var [
...List<int> y
] = contextType(<int>[])..expectStaticType<Exactly<List<int>>>();
// b. Else if `e` is not a rest element, add the context type schema
// of `e` to `es`.
var [int x] = contextType(<int>[0])..expectStaticType<Exactly<List<int>>>();
// c. If `es` is empty, then `E` is `_`.
var [...] = [1]..expectStaticType<Exactly<List<int>>>();
var [...Object x] = [1]..expectStaticType<Exactly<List<int>>>();
// d. Else `E` is the greatest lower bound of the type schemas in `es`.
var [void Function(int) x, void Function(double) y] = contextType([
(n) => n.expectStaticType<Exactly<num>>(),
(n) => n.expectStaticType<Exactly<num>>()
..expectStaticType<Exactly<List<void Function(num)>>>();
// - Map: A type schema `Map<K, V>` where:
// i. If `p` has type arguments then `K`, and `V` are those type arguments.
var <int, String>{0: _} = contextType(<int, String>{0: 'x'})
..expectStaticType<Exactly<Map<int, String>>>();
// ii. Else `K` is `_` and `V` is the greatest lower bound of the context
// type schemas of all value subpatterns.
var {1: void Function(int) x, 2: void Function(double) y} = {
(1 as num): (n) => n.expectStaticType<Exactly<num>>(),
(2 as num): (n) => n.expectStaticType<Exactly<num>>()
}..expectStaticType<Exactly<Map<num, void Function(num)>>>();
// Record: A record type schema with positional and named fields corresponding
// to the type schemas of the corresponding field subpatterns.
var (int _, y: String _) = contextType((1, y: 'y'))
..expectStaticType<Exactly<(int, {String y})>>();
// Object: The type the object name resolves to.
var List<int>() = contextType(<int>[])
// If the type the object name resolves to is generic, and no type arguments
// are specified, then instantiate to bounds is used to fill in provisional
// type arguments for the purpose of determining the context type schema.
var List(
first: x
) = contextType([1])..expectStaticType<Exactly<List<dynamic>>>();
var List(first: y) = <int>[1];
main() {