blob: a4b99f3410ba80be4fdade844ac73f765e757c16 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:developer';
import 'package:observatory/service_io.dart' as S;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'test_helper.dart';
int majorVersion;
int minorVersion;
Uri serverUri;
Future<Null> testeeBefore() async {
print('testee before');
// First grab the URL where the observatory is listening on and the
// service protocol version numbers. We expect the URL to be null as
// the server has not been started yet.
ServiceProtocolInfo info = await Service.getInfo();
majorVersion = info.majorVersion;
minorVersion = info.minorVersion;
serverUri = info.serverUri;
expect(info.serverUri, isNull);
// Now, start the web server and store the URI which is expected to be
// non NULL in the top level variable.
ServiceProtocolInfo info = await Service.controlWebServer(enable: true);
expect(info.majorVersion, equals(majorVersion));
expect(info.minorVersion, equals(minorVersion));
expect(info.serverUri, isNotNull);
serverUri = info.serverUri;
// Now try starting the web server again, this should just return the
// existing state without any change (port number does not change).
ServiceProtocolInfo info = await Service.controlWebServer(enable: true);
expect(info.majorVersion, equals(majorVersion));
expect(info.minorVersion, equals(minorVersion));
expect(info.serverUri, equals(serverUri));
// Try turning off the web server, this should turn off the server and
// the Uri returned should be null.
ServiceProtocolInfo info = await Service.controlWebServer(enable: false);
expect(info.majorVersion, equals(majorVersion));
expect(info.minorVersion, equals(minorVersion));
expect(info.serverUri, isNull);
// Try turning off the web server again, this should be a nop
// and the Uri returned should be null.
ServiceProtocolInfo info = await Service.controlWebServer(enable: false);
expect(info.majorVersion, equals(majorVersion));
expect(info.minorVersion, equals(minorVersion));
expect(info.serverUri, isNull);
// Start the web server again for the test below.
ServiceProtocolInfo info = await Service.controlWebServer(enable: true);
majorVersion = info.majorVersion;
minorVersion = info.minorVersion;
serverUri = info.serverUri;
expect(info.majorVersion, equals(majorVersion));
expect(info.minorVersion, equals(minorVersion));
expect(info.serverUri, equals(serverUri));
var tests = <IsolateTest>[
(S.Isolate isolate) async {
await isolate.reload();
// Just getting here means that the testee enabled the service protocol
// web server.
expect(true, true);
main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, tests,
testeeBefore: testeeBefore,
// the testee is responsible for starting the
// web server.
testeeControlsServer: true);