| // Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart'; |
| import 'package:test/test.dart'; |
| import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart'; |
| |
| import '../../dart/resolution/node_text_expectations.dart'; |
| import '../elements_base.dart'; |
| |
| main() { |
| defineReflectiveSuite(() { |
| defineReflectiveTests(TopLevelVariableElementTest_keepLinking); |
| defineReflectiveTests(TopLevelVariableElementTest_fromBytes); |
| defineReflectiveTests(TopLevelVariableElementTest_augmentation_keepLinking); |
| defineReflectiveTests(TopLevelVariableElementTest_augmentation_fromBytes); |
| defineReflectiveTests(UpdateNodeTextExpectations); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| abstract class TopLevelVariableElementTest extends ElementsBaseTest { |
| test_getter_async() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary(r''' |
| Future<int> get foo async => 0; |
| '''); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static foo @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: Future<int> |
| accessors |
| static get foo @16 async |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: Future<int> |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_getter_asyncStar() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary(r''' |
| import 'dart:async'; |
| Stream<int> get foo async* {} |
| '''); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| libraryImports |
| dart:async |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| libraryImports |
| dart:async |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static foo @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: Stream<int> |
| accessors |
| static get foo @37 async* |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: Stream<int> |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| libraryImports |
| dart:async |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_getter_documented() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary(''' |
| // Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0 |
| /** |
| * Docs |
| */ |
| get x => null;'''); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: dynamic |
| accessors |
| static get x @64 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| documentationComment: /**\n * Docs\n */ |
| returnType: dynamic |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_getter_external() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('external int get x;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| accessors |
| static external get x @17 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_getter_inferred_type_nonStatic_implicit_return() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary( |
| 'class C extends D { get f => null; } abstract class D { int get f; }'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| classes |
| class C @6 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::C |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| supertype: D |
| fields |
| synthetic f @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::C::@field::f |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::C |
| type: int |
| constructors |
| synthetic @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::C::@constructor::new |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::C |
| superConstructor: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::D::@constructor::new |
| accessors |
| get f @24 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::C::@getter::f |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::C |
| returnType: int |
| abstract class D @52 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::D |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| fields |
| synthetic f @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::D::@field::f |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::D |
| type: int |
| constructors |
| synthetic @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::D::@constructor::new |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::D |
| accessors |
| abstract get f @64 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::D::@getter::f |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::D |
| returnType: int |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| classes |
| class C @6 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::C |
| class D @52 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::D |
| classes |
| class C |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::C |
| enclosingElement2: <testLibrary> |
| firstFragment: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::C |
| supertype: D |
| abstract class D |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::D |
| enclosingElement2: <testLibrary> |
| firstFragment: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::D |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_getter_syncStar() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary(r''' |
| Iterator<int> get foo sync* {} |
| '''); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static foo @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: Iterator<int> |
| accessors |
| static get foo @18 sync* |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: Iterator<int> |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_getters() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('int get x => null; get y => null;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| synthetic static y @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::y |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: dynamic |
| accessors |
| static get x @8 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| static get y @23 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::y |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: dynamic |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_implicitTopLevelVariable_getterFirst() async { |
| var library = |
| await buildLibrary('int get x => 0; void set x(int value) {}'); |
| configuration.withPropertyLinking = true; |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| id: variable_0 |
| getter: getter_0 |
| setter: setter_0 |
| accessors |
| static get x @8 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| id: getter_0 |
| variable: variable_0 |
| static set x= @25 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional value @31 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| id: setter_0 |
| variable: variable_0 |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_implicitTopLevelVariable_setterFirst() async { |
| var library = |
| await buildLibrary('void set x(int value) {} int get x => 0;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| accessors |
| static set x= @9 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional value @15 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| static get x @33 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_setter_documented() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary(''' |
| // Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0 |
| /** |
| * Docs |
| */ |
| void set x(value) {}'''); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: dynamic |
| accessors |
| static set x= @69 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| documentationComment: /**\n * Docs\n */ |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional value @71 |
| type: dynamic |
| returnType: void |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_setter_external() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('external void set x(int value);'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| accessors |
| static external set x= @18 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional value @24 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_setter_inferred_type_top_level_implicit_return() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('set f(int value) {}'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static f @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::f |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| accessors |
| static set f= @4 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::f |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional value @10 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_setters() async { |
| var library = |
| await buildLibrary('void set x(int value) {} set y(value) {}'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| synthetic static y @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::y |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: dynamic |
| accessors |
| static set x= @9 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional value @15 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| static set y= @29 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::y |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional value @31 |
| type: dynamic |
| returnType: void |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_top_level_variable_external() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary(''' |
| external int i; |
| '''); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static i @13 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::i |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get i @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::i |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| synthetic static set i= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::i |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _i @-1 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_unit_implicitVariable_getterFirst() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary(''' |
| int get x => 0; |
| void set x(int value) {} |
| '''); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| accessors |
| static get x @8 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| static set x= @25 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional value @31 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_unit_implicitVariable_setterFirst() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary(''' |
| void set x(int value) {} |
| int get x => 0; |
| '''); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| accessors |
| static set x= @9 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional value @15 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| static get x @33 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_unit_variable_duplicate_getter() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary(''' |
| int foo = 0; |
| int get foo => 0; |
| '''); |
| configuration.withPropertyLinking = true; |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static foo @4 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: true |
| id: variable_0 |
| getter: getter_0 |
| setter: setter_0 |
| synthetic static foo @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| id: variable_1 |
| getter: getter_1 |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get foo @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::foo::@def::0 |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| id: getter_0 |
| variable: variable_0 |
| synthetic static set foo= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _foo @-1 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| id: setter_0 |
| variable: variable_0 |
| static get foo @21 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::foo::@def::1 |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| id: getter_1 |
| variable: variable_1 |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_unit_variable_duplicate_setter() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary(''' |
| int foo = 0; |
| set foo(int _) {} |
| '''); |
| configuration.withPropertyLinking = true; |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static foo @4 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: true |
| id: variable_0 |
| getter: getter_0 |
| setter: setter_0 |
| synthetic static foo @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| id: variable_1 |
| setter: setter_1 |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get foo @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| id: getter_0 |
| variable: variable_0 |
| synthetic static set foo= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::foo::@def::0 |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _foo @-1 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| id: setter_0 |
| variable: variable_0 |
| static set foo= @17 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::foo::@def::1 |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _ @25 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| id: setter_1 |
| variable: variable_1 |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_unit_variable_final_withSetter() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary(r''' |
| final int foo = 0; |
| set foo(int newValue) {} |
| '''); |
| configuration.withPropertyLinking = true; |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static final foo @10 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: true |
| id: variable_0 |
| getter: getter_0 |
| setter: setter_0 |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get foo @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| id: getter_0 |
| variable: variable_0 |
| static set foo= @23 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional newValue @31 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| id: setter_0 |
| variable: variable_0 |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('int x = 0;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static x @4 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: true |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| synthetic static set x= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _x @-1 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_const() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('const int i = 0;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static const i @10 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::i |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: true |
| constantInitializer |
| IntegerLiteral |
| literal: 0 @14 |
| staticType: int |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get i @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::i |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_const_late() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('late const int i = 0;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static late const i @15 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::i |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: true |
| constantInitializer |
| IntegerLiteral |
| literal: 0 @19 |
| staticType: int |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get i @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::i |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_documented() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary(''' |
| // Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0 |
| /** |
| * Docs |
| */ |
| var x;'''); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static x @64 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| documentationComment: /**\n * Docs\n */ |
| type: dynamic |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: dynamic |
| synthetic static set x= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _x @-1 |
| type: dynamic |
| returnType: void |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_final() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('final int x = 0;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static final x @10 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: true |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_getterInLib_setterInPart() async { |
| addSource('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', ''' |
| part of my.lib; |
| void set x(int _) {} |
| '''); |
| var library = await buildLibrary(''' |
| library my.lib; |
| part 'a.dart'; |
| int get x => 42;'''); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| name: my.lib |
| nameOffset: 8 |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| uri: package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| unit: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| accessors |
| static get x @39 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| type: int |
| accessors |
| static set x= @25 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _ @31 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| name: my.lib |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| nextFragment: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| previousFragment: <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_getterInPart_setterInLib() async { |
| addSource('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', ''' |
| part of my.lib; |
| int get x => 42; |
| '''); |
| var library = await buildLibrary(''' |
| library my.lib; |
| part 'a.dart'; |
| void set x(int _) {} |
| '''); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| name: my.lib |
| nameOffset: 8 |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| uri: package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| unit: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| accessors |
| static set x= @40 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _ @46 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| type: int |
| accessors |
| static get x @24 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| returnType: int |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| name: my.lib |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| nextFragment: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| previousFragment: <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_getterInPart_setterInPart() async { |
| addSource('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', 'part of my.lib; int get x => 42;'); |
| addSource( |
| '$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', 'part of my.lib; void set x(int _) {}'); |
| var library = |
| await buildLibrary('library my.lib; part "a.dart"; part "b.dart";'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| name: my.lib |
| nameOffset: 8 |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| part_1 |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| uri: package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| unit: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| part_1 |
| uri: package:test/b.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| unit: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/b.dart |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| type: int |
| accessors |
| static get x @24 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| returnType: int |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/b.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/b.dart::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/b.dart |
| type: int |
| accessors |
| static set x= @25 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/b.dart::@setter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/b.dart |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _ @31 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| name: my.lib |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| nextFragment: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| previousFragment: <testLibraryFragment> |
| nextFragment: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/b.dart |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/b.dart |
| previousFragment: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_implicit() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('int get x => 0;'); |
| |
| // We intentionally don't check the text, because we want to test |
| // requesting individual elements, not all accessors/variables at once. |
| var getter = _elementOfDefiningUnit(library, ['@getter', 'x']) |
| as PropertyAccessorElementImpl; |
| var variable = getter.variable2 as TopLevelVariableElementImpl; |
| expect(variable, isNotNull); |
| expect(variable.isFinal, isFalse); |
| expect(variable.getter, same(getter)); |
| _assertTypeStr(variable.type, 'int'); |
| expect( |
| variable, |
| same( |
| _elementOfDefiningUnit(library, ['@topLevelVariable', 'x']), |
| ), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_implicit_type() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('var x;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static x @4 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: dynamic |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: dynamic |
| synthetic static set x= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _x @-1 |
| type: dynamic |
| returnType: void |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_initializer() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('int v = 0;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static v @4 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::v |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: true |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get v @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::v |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| synthetic static set v= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::v |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _v @-1 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_initializer_final() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('final int v = 0;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static final v @10 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::v |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: true |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get v @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::v |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_initializer_final_untyped() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('final v = 0;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static final v @6 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::v |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: false |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get v @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::v |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_initializer_recordType() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary(''' |
| const x = (1, true); |
| '''); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static const x @6 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: (int, bool) |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: false |
| constantInitializer |
| RecordLiteral |
| leftParenthesis: ( @10 |
| fields |
| IntegerLiteral |
| literal: 1 @11 |
| staticType: int |
| BooleanLiteral |
| literal: true @14 |
| staticType: bool |
| rightParenthesis: ) @18 |
| staticType: (int, bool) |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: (int, bool) |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_initializer_staticMethod_ofExtension() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary(''' |
| class A {} |
| extension E on A { |
| static int f() => 0; |
| } |
| var x = E.f(); |
| '''); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| classes |
| class A @6 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| constructors |
| synthetic @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A::@constructor::new |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A |
| extensions |
| E @21 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@extension::E |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| extendedType: A |
| methods |
| static f @43 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@extension::E::@method::f |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment>::@extension::E |
| returnType: int |
| topLevelVariables |
| static x @59 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: false |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| synthetic static set x= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _x @-1 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| classes |
| class A @6 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A |
| extensions |
| extension E @21 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@extension::E |
| classes |
| class A |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A |
| enclosingElement2: <testLibrary> |
| firstFragment: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_initializer_untyped() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('var v = 0;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static v @4 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::v |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: false |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get v @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::v |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| synthetic static set v= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::v |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _v @-1 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_late() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('late int x = 0;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static late x @9 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: true |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| synthetic static set x= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _x @-1 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_late_final() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('late final int x;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static late final x @15 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| synthetic static set x= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _x @-1 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_late_final_initialized() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('late final int x = 0;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static late final x @15 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: true |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_propagatedType_const_noDep() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('const i = 0;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static const i @6 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::i |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: false |
| constantInitializer |
| IntegerLiteral |
| literal: 0 @10 |
| staticType: int |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get i @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::i |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_propagatedType_final_dep_inLib() async { |
| addSource('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', 'final a = 1;'); |
| var library = await buildLibrary('import "a.dart"; final b = a / 2;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| libraryImports |
| package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| libraryImports |
| package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static final b @23 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::b |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: double |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: false |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get b @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::b |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: double |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| libraryImports |
| package:test/a.dart |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_propagatedType_final_dep_inPart() async { |
| addSource('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', 'part of lib; final a = 1;'); |
| var library = |
| await buildLibrary('library lib; part "a.dart"; final b = a / 2;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| name: lib |
| nameOffset: 8 |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| uri: package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| unit: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| topLevelVariables |
| static final b @34 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::b |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: double |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: false |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get b @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::b |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: double |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static final a @19 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@topLevelVariable::a |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: false |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get a @-1 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::a |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| returnType: int |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| name: lib |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| nextFragment: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| previousFragment: <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_propagatedType_final_noDep() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('final i = 0;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static final i @6 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::i |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: false |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get i @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::i |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_propagatedType_implicit_dep() async { |
| // The propagated type is defined in a library that is not imported. |
| addSource('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', 'class C {}'); |
| addSource('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', 'import "a.dart"; C f() => null;'); |
| var library = await buildLibrary('import "b.dart"; final x = f();'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| libraryImports |
| package:test/b.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| libraryImports |
| package:test/b.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static final x @23 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: C |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: false |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: C |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| libraryImports |
| package:test/b.dart |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_setterInPart_getterInPart() async { |
| addSource( |
| '$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', 'part of my.lib; void set x(int _) {}'); |
| addSource('$testPackageLibPath/b.dart', 'part of my.lib; int get x => 42;'); |
| var library = |
| await buildLibrary('library my.lib; part "a.dart"; part "b.dart";'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| name: my.lib |
| nameOffset: 8 |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| part_1 |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| uri: package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| unit: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| part_1 |
| uri: package:test/b.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| unit: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/b.dart |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| type: int |
| accessors |
| static set x= @25 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _ @31 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/b.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static x @-1 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/b.dart::@topLevelVariable::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/b.dart |
| type: int |
| accessors |
| static get x @24 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/b.dart::@getter::x |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/b.dart |
| returnType: int |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| name: my.lib |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| nextFragment: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| previousFragment: <testLibraryFragment> |
| nextFragment: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/b.dart |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/b.dart |
| previousFragment: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_type_inferred() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('var v = 0;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static v @4 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::v |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: false |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get v @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::v |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| synthetic static set v= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::v |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _v @-1 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_type_inferred_Never() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary(r''' |
| var a = throw 42; |
| '''); |
| |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static a @4 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::a |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: Never |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: false |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get a @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::a |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: Never |
| synthetic static set a= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::a |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _a @-1 |
| type: Never |
| returnType: void |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_type_inferred_noInitializer() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary(r''' |
| var a; |
| '''); |
| |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static a @4 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::a |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: dynamic |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get a @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::a |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: dynamic |
| synthetic static set a= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::a |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _a @-1 |
| type: dynamic |
| returnType: void |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variableInitializer_contextType_after_astRewrite() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary(r''' |
| class A<T> { |
| const A(); |
| } |
| const A<int> a = A(); |
| '''); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| classes |
| class A @6 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| typeParameters |
| covariant T @8 |
| defaultType: dynamic |
| constructors |
| const @21 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A::@constructor::new |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A |
| topLevelVariables |
| static const a @41 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::a |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: A<int> |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: true |
| constantInitializer |
| InstanceCreationExpression |
| constructorName: ConstructorName |
| type: NamedType |
| name: A @45 |
| element: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A |
| type: A<int> |
| staticElement: ConstructorMember |
| base: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A::@constructor::new |
| substitution: {T: int} |
| argumentList: ArgumentList |
| leftParenthesis: ( @46 |
| rightParenthesis: ) @47 |
| staticType: A<int> |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get a @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::a |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: A<int> |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| classes |
| class A @6 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A |
| classes |
| class A |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A |
| enclosingElement2: <testLibrary> |
| firstFragment: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variables() async { |
| var library = await buildLibrary('int i; int j;'); |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| topLevelVariables |
| static i @4 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::i |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| static j @11 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::j |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get i @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::i |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| synthetic static set i= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::i |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _i @-1 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| synthetic static get j @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::j |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| synthetic static set j= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::j |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _j @-1 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(scheglov): This is duplicate. |
| void _assertTypeStr(DartType type, String expected) { |
| var typeStr = type.getDisplayString(); |
| expect(typeStr, expected); |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(scheglov): This is duplicate. |
| Element _elementOfDefiningUnit( |
| LibraryElementImpl library, List<String> names) { |
| var reference = library.definingCompilationUnit.reference!; |
| for (var name in names) { |
| reference = reference.getChild(name); |
| } |
| |
| var element = reference.element; |
| if (element != null) { |
| return element; |
| } |
| |
| var elementFactory = library.linkedData!.elementFactory; |
| return elementFactory.elementOfReference(reference)!; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| abstract class TopLevelVariableElementTest_augmentation |
| extends ElementsBaseTest { |
| test_variable_augments_class() async { |
| newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r''' |
| part of 'test.dart'; |
| augment int A = 0; |
| '''); |
| |
| var library = await buildLibrary(r''' |
| part 'a.dart'; |
| class A {} |
| '''); |
| |
| configuration |
| ..withExportScope = true |
| ..withPropertyLinking = true; |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| uri: package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| unit: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| classes |
| class A @21 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| constructors |
| synthetic @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A::@constructor::new |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| topLevelVariables |
| augment static A @33 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@topLevelVariableAugmentation::A |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: true |
| id: variable_0 |
| getter: getter_0 |
| setter: setter_0 |
| augmentationTargetAny: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get A @-1 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::A |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| returnType: int |
| id: getter_0 |
| variable: variable_0 |
| synthetic static set A= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::A |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _A @-1 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| id: setter_0 |
| variable: variable_0 |
| exportedReferences |
| declared <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::A |
| declared <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::A |
| exportNamespace |
| A: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::A |
| A=: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::A |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| nextFragment: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| classes |
| class A @21 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| previousFragment: <testLibraryFragment> |
| classes |
| class A |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A |
| enclosingElement2: <testLibrary> |
| firstFragment: <testLibraryFragment>::@class::A |
| exportedReferences |
| declared <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::A |
| declared <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::A |
| exportNamespace |
| A: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::A |
| A=: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::A |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_augments_function() async { |
| newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r''' |
| part of 'test.dart'; |
| augment int foo = 0; |
| '''); |
| |
| var library = await buildLibrary(r''' |
| part 'a.dart'; |
| void foo() {} |
| '''); |
| |
| configuration |
| ..withExportScope = true |
| ..withPropertyLinking = true; |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| uri: package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| unit: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| functions |
| foo @20 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@function::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: void |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| topLevelVariables |
| augment static foo @33 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@topLevelVariableAugmentation::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: true |
| id: variable_0 |
| getter: getter_0 |
| setter: setter_0 |
| augmentationTargetAny: <testLibraryFragment>::@function::foo |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get foo @-1 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| returnType: int |
| id: getter_0 |
| variable: variable_0 |
| synthetic static set foo= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _foo @-1 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| id: setter_0 |
| variable: variable_0 |
| exportedReferences |
| declared <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| declared <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::foo |
| exportNamespace |
| foo: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| foo=: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::foo |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| nextFragment: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| previousFragment: <testLibraryFragment> |
| exportedReferences |
| declared <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| declared <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::foo |
| exportNamespace |
| foo: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| foo=: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::foo |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_augments_getter() async { |
| newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r''' |
| part of 'test.dart'; |
| augment int foo = 0; |
| '''); |
| |
| var library = await buildLibrary(r''' |
| part 'a.dart'; |
| int get foo => 0; |
| '''); |
| |
| configuration |
| ..withExportScope = true |
| ..withPropertyLinking = true; |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| uri: package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| unit: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static foo @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| id: variable_0 |
| getter: getter_0 |
| accessors |
| static get foo @23 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| id: getter_0 |
| variable: variable_0 |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| topLevelVariables |
| augment static foo @33 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@topLevelVariableAugmentation::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: true |
| id: variable_1 |
| getter: getter_1 |
| setter: setter_0 |
| augmentationTargetAny: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::foo |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get foo @-1 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| returnType: int |
| id: getter_1 |
| variable: variable_1 |
| synthetic static set foo= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _foo @-1 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| id: setter_0 |
| variable: variable_1 |
| exportedReferences |
| declared <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| declared <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::foo |
| exportNamespace |
| foo: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| foo=: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::foo |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| nextFragment: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| previousFragment: <testLibraryFragment> |
| exportedReferences |
| declared <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| declared <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::foo |
| exportNamespace |
| foo: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| foo=: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::foo |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_augments_setter() async { |
| newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r''' |
| part of 'test.dart'; |
| augment int foo = 0; |
| '''); |
| |
| var library = await buildLibrary(r''' |
| part 'a.dart'; |
| set foo(int _) {} |
| '''); |
| |
| configuration |
| ..withExportScope = true |
| ..withPropertyLinking = true; |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| uri: package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| unit: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| topLevelVariables |
| synthetic static foo @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| id: variable_0 |
| setter: setter_0 |
| accessors |
| static set foo= @19 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _ @27 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| id: setter_0 |
| variable: variable_0 |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| topLevelVariables |
| augment static foo @33 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@topLevelVariableAugmentation::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: true |
| id: variable_1 |
| getter: getter_0 |
| setter: setter_1 |
| augmentationTargetAny: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::foo |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get foo @-1 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| returnType: int |
| id: getter_0 |
| variable: variable_1 |
| synthetic static set foo= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _foo @-1 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| id: setter_1 |
| variable: variable_1 |
| exportedReferences |
| declared <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| declared <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::foo |
| exportNamespace |
| foo: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| foo=: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::foo |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| nextFragment: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| previousFragment: <testLibraryFragment> |
| exportedReferences |
| declared <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| declared <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::foo |
| exportNamespace |
| foo: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| foo=: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::foo |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_augments_variable() async { |
| newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r''' |
| part of 'test.dart'; |
| augment int foo = 1; |
| '''); |
| |
| var library = await buildLibrary(r''' |
| part 'a.dart'; |
| int foo = 0; |
| '''); |
| |
| configuration |
| ..withExportScope = true |
| ..withPropertyLinking = true; |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| uri: package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| unit: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| topLevelVariables |
| static foo @19 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: true |
| id: variable_0 |
| getter: getter_0 |
| setter: setter_0 |
| augmentation: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@topLevelVariableAugmentation::foo |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get foo @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| id: getter_0 |
| variable: variable_0 |
| synthetic static set foo= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@setter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _foo @-1 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| id: setter_0 |
| variable: variable_0 |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| topLevelVariables |
| augment static foo @33 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@topLevelVariableAugmentation::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: true |
| id: variable_1 |
| getter: getter_1 |
| setter: setter_1 |
| augmentationTarget: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::foo |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get foo @-1 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| returnType: int |
| id: getter_1 |
| variable: variable_1 |
| synthetic static set foo= @-1 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| parameters |
| requiredPositional _foo @-1 |
| type: int |
| returnType: void |
| id: setter_1 |
| variable: variable_1 |
| exportedReferences |
| declared <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| declared <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::foo |
| exportNamespace |
| foo: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| foo=: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::foo |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| nextFragment: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| previousFragment: <testLibraryFragment> |
| exportedReferences |
| declared <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| declared <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::foo |
| exportNamespace |
| foo: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| foo=: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@setter::foo |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| test_variable_augments_variable_augmented_const_typed() async { |
| newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r''' |
| part of 'test.dart'; |
| augment const int foo = augmented + 1; |
| '''); |
| |
| var library = await buildLibrary(r''' |
| part 'a.dart'; |
| const int foo = 0; |
| '''); |
| |
| checkElementText(library, r''' |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| definingUnit: <testLibraryFragment> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| units |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| parts |
| part_0 |
| uri: package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| unit: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| topLevelVariables |
| static const foo @25 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: true |
| constantInitializer |
| IntegerLiteral |
| literal: 0 @31 |
| staticType: int |
| augmentation: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@topLevelVariableAugmentation::foo |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get foo @-1 |
| reference: <testLibraryFragment>::@getter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibraryFragment> |
| returnType: int |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary> |
| enclosingElement3: <testLibraryFragment> |
| topLevelVariables |
| augment static const foo @39 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@topLevelVariableAugmentation::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| type: int |
| shouldUseTypeForInitializerInference: true |
| constantInitializer |
| BinaryExpression |
| leftOperand: AugmentedExpression |
| augmentedKeyword: augmented @45 |
| element: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::foo |
| staticType: int |
| operator: + @55 |
| rightOperand: IntegerLiteral |
| literal: 1 @57 |
| staticType: int |
| staticElement: dart:core::<fragment>::@class::num::@method::+ |
| staticInvokeType: num Function(num) |
| staticType: int |
| augmentationTarget: <testLibraryFragment>::@topLevelVariable::foo |
| accessors |
| synthetic static get foo @-1 |
| reference: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart::@getter::foo |
| enclosingElement: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| returnType: int |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| library |
| reference: <testLibrary> |
| fragments |
| <testLibraryFragment> |
| nextFragment: <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| <testLibrary>::@fragment::package:test/a.dart |
| previousFragment: <testLibraryFragment> |
| '''); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @reflectiveTest |
| class TopLevelVariableElementTest_augmentation_fromBytes |
| extends TopLevelVariableElementTest_augmentation { |
| @override |
| bool get keepLinkingLibraries => false; |
| } |
| |
| @reflectiveTest |
| class TopLevelVariableElementTest_augmentation_keepLinking |
| extends TopLevelVariableElementTest_augmentation { |
| @override |
| bool get keepLinkingLibraries => true; |
| } |
| |
| @reflectiveTest |
| class TopLevelVariableElementTest_fromBytes |
| extends TopLevelVariableElementTest { |
| @override |
| bool get keepLinkingLibraries => false; |
| } |
| |
| @reflectiveTest |
| class TopLevelVariableElementTest_keepLinking |
| extends TopLevelVariableElementTest { |
| @override |
| bool get keepLinkingLibraries => true; |
| } |