blob: ec623120d57374762e3fd5eab2cc669be49b8386 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/api/model.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/inputs.dart';
* The default [ResultCachingPolicy], results are never flushed.
const ResultCachingPolicy DEFAULT_CACHING_POLICY =
const SimpleResultCachingPolicy(-1, -1);
* A concrete implementation of a [ListResultDescriptor].
class ListResultDescriptorImpl<E> extends ResultDescriptorImpl<List<E>>
implements ListResultDescriptor<E> {
* Initialize a newly created analysis result to have the given [name] and
* [defaultValue]. If a [cachingPolicy] is provided, it will control how long
* values associated with this result will remain in the cache.
ListResultDescriptorImpl(String name, List<E> defaultValue,
{ResultCachingPolicy cachingPolicy: DEFAULT_CACHING_POLICY})
: super(name, defaultValue, cachingPolicy: cachingPolicy);
ListTaskInput<E> of(AnalysisTarget target, {bool flushOnAccess: false}) {
if (flushOnAccess) {
throw new StateError('Cannot flush a list of values');
return new ListTaskInputImpl<E>(target, this);
* A concrete implementation of a [ResultDescriptor].
class ResultDescriptorImpl<V> implements ResultDescriptor<V> {
static int _NEXT_HASH = 0;
final hashCode = _NEXT_HASH++;
* The name of the result, used for debugging.
final String name;
* Return the default value for results described by this descriptor.
final V defaultValue;
* The caching policy for results described by this descriptor.
final ResultCachingPolicy cachingPolicy;
* Initialize a newly created analysis result to have the given [name] and
* [defaultValue]. If a [cachingPolicy] is provided, it will control how long
* values associated with this result will remain in the cache.
ResultDescriptorImpl(, this.defaultValue,
{this.cachingPolicy: DEFAULT_CACHING_POLICY});
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is ResultDescriptorImpl && other.hashCode == hashCode;
TaskInput<V> of(AnalysisTarget target, {bool flushOnAccess: false}) =>
new SimpleTaskInput<V>(target, this, flushOnAccess: flushOnAccess);
String toString() => name;
* A simple [ResultCachingPolicy] implementation that consider all the objects
* to be of the size `1`.
class SimpleResultCachingPolicy implements ResultCachingPolicy {
final int maxActiveSize;
final int maxIdleSize;
const SimpleResultCachingPolicy(this.maxActiveSize, this.maxIdleSize);
int measure(Object object) => 1;
* A concrete implementation of a [TaskDescriptor].
class TaskDescriptorImpl implements TaskDescriptor {
* The name of the described task, used for debugging.
final String name;
* The function used to build the analysis task.
final BuildTask buildTask;
* The function used to build the inputs to the task.
final CreateTaskInputs createTaskInputs;
* A list of the analysis results that will be computed by the described task.
final List<ResultDescriptor> results;
* The function used to determine whether the described task is suitable for
* a given target.
final SuitabilityFor _suitabilityFor;
* Initialize a newly created task descriptor to have the given [name] and to
* describe a task that takes the inputs built using the given [inputBuilder],
* and produces the given [results]. The [buildTask] function will be used to
* create the instance of [AnalysisTask] being described. If provided, the
* [isAppropriateFor] function will be used to determine whether the task can
* be used on a specific target.
TaskDescriptorImpl(, this.buildTask, this.createTaskInputs, this.results,
{SuitabilityFor suitabilityFor})
: _suitabilityFor = suitabilityFor ?? _defaultSuitability;
AnalysisTask createTask(AnalysisContext context, AnalysisTarget target,
Map<String, dynamic> inputs) {
AnalysisTask task = buildTask(context, target);
task.inputs = inputs;
return task;
TaskSuitability suitabilityFor(AnalysisTarget target) =>
String toString() => name;
* The function that will be used to determine the suitability of a task if no
* other function is provided.
static TaskSuitability _defaultSuitability(AnalysisTarget target) =>