blob: fae7630f2ea1eb20487e76359b68ec3dc65c9bfe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of '../api.dart';
/// The base class for an unresolved reference to a type.
/// See the subtypes [FunctionTypeAnnotation] and [NamedTypeAnnotation].
abstract class TypeAnnotation {
/// Whether or not the type annotation is explicitly nullable (contains a
/// trailing `?`)
bool get isNullable;
/// A [Code] object representation of this type annotation.
Code get code;
/// The base class for function type declarations.
abstract class FunctionTypeAnnotation implements TypeAnnotation {
/// The return type of this function.
TypeAnnotation get returnType;
/// The positional parameters for this function.
Iterable<ParameterDeclaration> get positionalParameters;
/// The named parameters for this function.
Iterable<ParameterDeclaration> get namedParameters;
/// The type parameters for this function.
Iterable<TypeParameterDeclaration> get typeParameters;
/// An unresolved reference to a type.
/// These can be resolved to a [TypeDeclaration] using the `builder` classes
/// depending on the phase a macro is running in.
abstract class NamedTypeAnnotation implements TypeAnnotation {
/// The name of the type as it exists in the type annotation.
String get name;
/// The type arguments, if applicable.
Iterable<TypeAnnotation> get typeArguments;
/// The interface representing a resolved type.
/// Resolved types understand exactly what type they represent, and can be
/// compared to other static types.
abstract class StaticType {
/// Returns true if this is a subtype of [other].
Future<bool> isSubtypeOf(covariant StaticType other);
/// Returns true if this is an identical type to [other].
Future<bool> isExactly(covariant StaticType other);
/// A subtype of [StaticType] representing types that can be resolved by name
/// to a concrete declaration.
abstract class NamedStaticType implements StaticType {}
/// The base class for all declarations.
abstract class Declaration {
/// The name of this declaration.
String get name;
/// A declaration that defines a new type in the program.
/// See subtypes [ClassDeclaration] and [TypeAliasDeclaration].
abstract class TypeDeclaration implements Declaration {
// TODO: Change this to a [StaticType]?
TypeAnnotation get type;
/// The type parameters defined for this type declaration.
Iterable<TypeParameterDeclaration> get typeParameters;
/// Create a static type representing this type with [typeArguments].
/// If [isNullable] is `true`, then this type will behave as if it has a
/// trailing `?`.
/// Throws an exception if the type could not be instantiated, typically due
/// to one of the type arguments not matching the bounds of the corresponding
/// type parameter.
Future<StaticType> instantiate(
{required List<StaticType> typeArguments, required bool isNullable});
/// Class (and enum) introspection information.
/// Information about fields, methods, and constructors must be retrieved from
/// the `builder` objects.
abstract class ClassDeclaration implements TypeDeclaration {
/// Whether this class has an `abstract` modifier.
bool get isAbstract;
/// Whether this class has an `external` modifier.
bool get isExternal;
/// The `extends` type annotation, if present.
TypeAnnotation? get superclass;
/// All the `implements` type annotations.
Iterable<TypeAnnotation> get interfaces;
/// All the `with` type annotations.
Iterable<TypeAnnotation> get mixins;
/// All the type arguments, if applicable.
Iterable<TypeParameterDeclaration> get typeParameters;
/// Type alias introspection information.
abstract class TypeAliasDeclaration extends TypeDeclaration {
/// The type annotation this is an alias for.
TypeAnnotation get type;
/// Function introspection information.
abstract class FunctionDeclaration implements Declaration {
/// Whether this function has an `abstract` modifier.
bool get isAbstract;
/// Whether this function has an `external` modifier.
bool get isExternal;
/// Whether this function is actually a getter.
bool get isGetter;
/// Whether this function is actually a setter.
bool get isSetter;
/// The return type of this function.
TypeAnnotation get returnType;
/// The positional parameters for this function.
Iterable<ParameterDeclaration> get positionalParameters;
/// The named parameters for this function.
Iterable<ParameterDeclaration> get namedParameters;
/// The type parameters for this function.
Iterable<TypeParameterDeclaration> get typeParameters;
/// Method introspection information.
abstract class MethodDeclaration implements FunctionDeclaration {
/// The class that defines this method.
NamedTypeAnnotation get definingClass;
/// Constructor introspection information.
abstract class ConstructorDeclaration implements MethodDeclaration {
/// Whether or not this is a factory constructor.
bool get isFactory;
/// Variable introspection information.
abstract class VariableDeclaration implements Declaration {
/// Whether this field has an `external` modifier.
bool get isExternal;
/// Whether this field has a `final` modifier.
bool get isFinal;
/// Whether this field has a `late` modifier.
bool get isLate;
/// The type of this field.
TypeAnnotation get type;
/// A [ExpressionCode] object representing the initializer for this field, if
/// present.
ExpressionCode? get initializer;
/// Field introspection information ..
abstract class FieldDeclaration implements VariableDeclaration {
/// The class that defines this method.
NamedTypeAnnotation get definingClass;
/// Parameter introspection information.
abstract class ParameterDeclaration implements Declaration {
/// The type of this parameter.
TypeAnnotation get type;
/// Whether or not this is a named parameter.
bool get isNamed;
/// Whether or not this parameter is either a non-optional positional
/// parameter or an optional parameter with the `required` keyword.
bool get isRequired;
/// A [Code] object representing the default value for this parameter, if
/// present. Can be used to copy default values to other parameters.
Code? get defaultValue;
/// Type parameter introspection information.
abstract class TypeParameterDeclaration implements Declaration {
/// The bounds for this type parameter, if it has any.
TypeAnnotation? get bounds;