blob: 3308c00e2407724b41dfa8258a2de89a87eddbf8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.cps_ir.share_final_fields;
import 'optimizers.dart';
import 'cps_ir_nodes.dart';
import 'loop_hierarchy.dart';
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../js_backend/js_backend.dart' show JavaScriptBackend;
import '../types/types.dart' show TypeMask;
/// Removes redundant GetField operations.
/// The pass performs these optimizations for field loads:
/// - share GetFields of final fields when one is in scope of the other.
/// - pull GetField operations of final fields out of loops when safe (object is
/// not null).
/// This pass only optimizes final fields and should be replaced with a full
/// load elimination pass.
class ShareFinalFields extends TrampolineRecursiveVisitor implements Pass {
String get passName => 'Share final fields';
/// The innermost loop containing a given primitive.
final Map<Primitive, Continuation> loopHeaderFor =
<Primitive, Continuation>{};
// field -> receiver -> GetField
Map<FieldElement, Map<Primitive, Primitive>> fieldValues =
<FieldElement, Map<Primitive, Primitive>>{};
/// Interceptors that have been hoisted out of a given loop.
final Map<Continuation, List<GetField>> loopHoistedGetters =
<Continuation, List<GetField>>{};
JavaScriptBackend backend;
LoopHierarchy loopHierarchy;
Continuation currentLoopHeader;
void rewrite(FunctionDefinition node) {
loopHierarchy = new LoopHierarchy(node);
Expression traverseContinuation(Continuation cont) {
Continuation oldLoopHeader = currentLoopHeader;
currentLoopHeader = loopHierarchy.getLoopHeader(cont);
for (Parameter parameter in cont.parameters) {
loopHeaderFor[parameter] = currentLoopHeader;
if (cont.isRecursive) {
pushAction(() {
// After the loop body has been processed, all values hoisted to this
// loop fall out of scope and should be removed from the environment.
List<GetField> hoisted = loopHoistedGetters[cont];
if (hoisted != null) {
for (GetField primitive in hoisted) {
Primitive refinedReceiver = primitive.object.definition;
Primitive receiver = refinedReceiver.effectiveDefinition;
var map = fieldValues[primitive.field];
assert(map[receiver] == primitive);
pushAction(() {
currentLoopHeader = oldLoopHeader;
return cont.body;
Continuation getCurrentOuterLoop({Continuation scope}) {
Continuation inner = null, outer = currentLoopHeader;
while (outer != scope) {
inner = outer;
outer = loopHierarchy.getEnclosingLoop(outer);
return inner;
Expression traverseLetPrim(LetPrim node) {
loopHeaderFor[node.primitive] = currentLoopHeader;
Expression next = node.body;
if (node.primitive is! GetField) {
return next;
GetField primitive = node.primitive;
FieldElement field = primitive.field;
if (!shouldShareField(field)) {
return next;
Primitive refinedReceiver = primitive.object.definition;
Primitive receiver = refinedReceiver.effectiveDefinition;
// Try to reuse an existing load for the same input.
var map = fieldValues.putIfAbsent(field, () => <Primitive,Primitive>{});
Primitive existing = map[receiver];
if (existing != null) {
return next;
map[receiver] = primitive;
if (primitive.objectIsNotNull) {
// Determine how far the GetField can be lifted. The outermost loop that
// contains the input binding should also contain the load.
// Don't move above a refinement guard since that might be unsafe.
// TODO(sra): We can move above a refinement guard provided the input is
// still in scope and safe (non-null). We will have to replace
// primitive.object with the most constrained refinement still in scope.
Continuation referencedLoop =
if (referencedLoop != currentLoopHeader) {
Continuation hoistTarget = getCurrentOuterLoop(scope: referencedLoop);
LetCont loopBinding = hoistTarget.parent;
// Remove the hoisted operations from the environment after processing
// the loop.
.putIfAbsent(hoistTarget, () => <GetField>[])
return next;
pushAction(() {
var map = fieldValues[field];
assert(map[receiver] == primitive);
return next;
bool shouldShareField(FieldElement field) {
// TODO(24781): This query is incorrect for fields assigned only via
// super.field = ...
// return;
// Native fields are getters with side effects (e.g. layout).
if (backend.isNative(field)) return false;
return field.isFinal || field.isConst;
/// Returns the the innermost loop that effectively encloses both
/// c1 and c2 (or `null` if there is no such loop).
Continuation lowestCommonAncestor(Continuation c1, Continuation c2) {
int d1 = getDepth(c1), d2 = getDepth(c2);
while (c1 != c2) {
if (d1 <= d2) {
c2 = loopHierarchy.getEnclosingLoop(c2);
d2 = getDepth(c2);
} else {
c1 = loopHierarchy.getEnclosingLoop(c1);
d1 = getDepth(c1);
return c1;
int getDepth(Continuation loop) {
if (loop == null) return -1;
return loopHierarchy.loopDepth[loop];