blob: c9ffa27564ccb67630b6f4ceb685288e57de153b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS;
import 'dart:_internal' show patch;
import 'dart:_js_helper'
show convertDartClosureToJS, assertInterop, assertInteropArgs;
import 'dart:collection' show HashMap;
import 'dart:async' show Completer;
import 'dart:typed_data';
bool _noJsifyRequired(Object? o) =>
o == null ||
o is bool ||
o is num ||
o is String ||
o is Int8List ||
o is Uint8List ||
o is Uint8ClampedList ||
o is Int16List ||
o is Uint16List ||
o is Int32List ||
o is Uint32List ||
o is Float32List ||
o is Float64List ||
o is ByteBuffer ||
o is ByteData;
dynamic jsify(Object? object) {
if (_noJsifyRequired(object)) {
return object;
final _convertedObjects = HashMap<Object?, Object?>.identity();
Object? _convert(Object? o) {
// Fast path for primitives.
if (_noJsifyRequired(o)) {
return o;
if (_convertedObjects.containsKey(o)) {
return _convertedObjects[o];
if (o is Map<Object?, Object?>) {
final convertedMap = JS('=Object', '{}');
_convertedObjects[o] = convertedMap;
for (var key in o.keys) {
JS('=Object', '#[#]=#', convertedMap, key, _convert(o[key]));
return convertedMap;
} else if (o is Iterable<Object?>) {
final convertedList = [];
_convertedObjects[o] = convertedList;
return convertedList;
} else {
return o;
return _convert(object);
Object get globalThis => JS('', 'globalThis');
T newObject<T>() => JS('=Object', '{}');
bool hasProperty(Object o, Object name) => JS('bool', '# in #', name, o);
T getProperty<T>(Object o, Object name) =>
JS<dynamic>('Object|Null', '#[#]', o, name);
/// Similar to [getProperty] but introduces an unsound implicit cast to `T`.
/// NOTE: In DDC, we lower this separately for inlining purposes, ignoring the
/// body of this method. Edit `ProgramCompiler.visitStaticInvocation` if you
/// edit this method.
T _getPropertyTrustType<T>(Object o, Object name) =>
JS<T>('Object|Null', '#[#]', o, name);
T setProperty<T>(Object o, Object name, T? value) {
return JS('', '#[#]=#', o, name, value);
/// Unchecked version of setProperty, only used in a CFE transformation.
/// NOTE: In DDC, we lower this separately for inlining purposes, ignoring the
/// body of this method. Edit `ProgramCompiler.visitStaticInvocation` if you
/// edit this method.
T _setPropertyUnchecked<T>(Object o, Object name, T? value) {
return JS('', '#[#]=#', o, name, value);
T callMethod<T>(Object o, Object method, List<Object?> args) {
return JS<dynamic>('Object|Null', '#[#].apply(#, #)', o, method, o, args);
/// Similar to [callMethod] but introduces an unsound implicit cast to `T`.
T _callMethodTrustType<T>(Object o, Object method, List<Object?> args) {
return JS<T>('Object|Null', '#[#].apply(#, #)', o, method, o, args);
/// Unchecked version for 0 arguments, only used in a CFE transformation.
/// NOTE: In DDC, we lower this separately for inlining purposes, ignoring the
/// body of this method. Edit `ProgramCompiler.visitStaticInvocation` if you
/// edit this method.
T _callMethodUnchecked0<T>(Object o, Object method) {
return JS<dynamic>('Object|Null', '#[#]()', o, method);
/// Similar to [_callMethodUnchecked] but introduces an unsound implicit cast
/// to `T`.
/// NOTE: In DDC, we lower this separately for inlining purposes, ignoring the
/// body of this method. Edit `ProgramCompiler.visitStaticInvocation` if you
/// edit this method.
T _callMethodUncheckedTrustType0<T>(Object o, Object method) {
return JS<T>('Object|Null', '#[#]()', o, method);
/// Unchecked version for 1 argument, only used in a CFE transformation.
/// NOTE: In DDC, we lower this separately for inlining purposes, ignoring the
/// body of this method. Edit `ProgramCompiler.visitStaticInvocation` if you
/// edit this method.
T _callMethodUnchecked1<T>(Object o, Object method, Object? arg1) {
return JS<dynamic>('Object|Null', '#[#](#)', o, method, arg1);
/// Similar to [_callMethodUnchecked1] but introduces an unsound implicit cast
/// to `T`.
/// NOTE: In DDC, we lower this separately for inlining purposes, ignoring the
/// body of this method. Edit `ProgramCompiler.visitStaticInvocation` if you
/// edit this method.
T _callMethodUncheckedTrustType1<T>(Object o, Object method, Object? arg1) {
return JS<T>('Object|Null', '#[#](#)', o, method, arg1);
/// Unchecked version for 2 arguments, only used in a CFE transformation.
/// NOTE: In DDC, we lower this separately for inlining purposes, ignoring the
/// body of this method. Edit `ProgramCompiler.visitStaticInvocation` if you
/// edit this method.
T _callMethodUnchecked2<T>(
Object o, Object method, Object? arg1, Object? arg2) {
return JS<dynamic>('Object|Null', '#[#](#, #)', o, method, arg1, arg2);
/// Similar to [_callMethodUnchecked2] but introduces an unsound implicit cast
/// to `T`.
/// NOTE: In DDC, we lower this separately for inlining purposes, ignoring the
/// body of this method. Edit `ProgramCompiler.visitStaticInvocation` if you
/// edit this method.
T _callMethodUncheckedTrustType2<T>(
Object o, Object method, Object? arg1, Object? arg2) {
return JS<T>('Object|Null', '#[#](#, #)', o, method, arg1, arg2);
/// Unchecked version for 3 arguments, only used in a CFE transformation.
/// NOTE: In DDC, we lower this separately for inlining purposes, ignoring the
/// body of this method. Edit `ProgramCompiler.visitStaticInvocation` if you
/// edit this method.
T _callMethodUnchecked3<T>(
Object o, Object method, Object? arg1, Object? arg2, Object? arg3) {
return JS<dynamic>(
'Object|Null', '#[#](#, #, #)', o, method, arg1, arg2, arg3);
/// Similar to [_callMethodUnchecked3] but introduces an unsound implicit cast
/// to `T`.
/// NOTE: In DDC, we lower this separately for inlining purposes, ignoring the
/// body of this method. Edit `ProgramCompiler.visitStaticInvocation` if you
/// edit this method.
T _callMethodUncheckedTrustType3<T>(
Object o, Object method, Object? arg1, Object? arg2, Object? arg3) {
return JS<T>('Object|Null', '#[#](#, #, #)', o, method, arg1, arg2, arg3);
/// Unchecked version for 4 arguments, only used in a CFE transformation.
/// NOTE: In DDC, we lower this separately for inlining purposes, ignoring the
/// body of this method. Edit `ProgramCompiler.visitStaticInvocation` if you
/// edit this method.
T _callMethodUnchecked4<T>(Object o, Object method, Object? arg1, Object? arg2,
Object? arg3, Object? arg4) {
return JS<dynamic>(
'Object|Null', '#[#](#, #, #, #)', o, method, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
/// Similar to [_callMethodUnchecked4] but introduces an unsound implicit cast
/// to `T`.
/// NOTE: In DDC, we lower this separately for inlining purposes, ignoring the
/// body of this method. Edit `ProgramCompiler.visitStaticInvocation` if you
/// edit this method.
T _callMethodUncheckedTrustType4<T>(Object o, Object method, Object? arg1,
Object? arg2, Object? arg3, Object? arg4) {
return JS<T>(
'Object|Null', '#[#](#, #, #, #)', o, method, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
bool instanceof(Object? o, Object type) =>
JS('bool', '# instanceof #', o, type);
T callConstructor<T>(Object constr, List<Object?>? arguments) {
if (arguments == null) {
return JS<dynamic>('Object', 'new #()', constr);
} else {
if (JS('bool', '# instanceof Array', arguments)) {
int argumentCount = JS('int', '#.length', arguments);
switch (argumentCount) {
case 0:
return JS<dynamic>('Object', 'new #()', constr);
case 1:
var arg0 = JS('', '#[0]', arguments);
return JS<dynamic>('Object', 'new #(#)', constr, arg0);
case 2:
var arg0 = JS('', '#[0]', arguments);
var arg1 = JS('', '#[1]', arguments);
return JS<dynamic>('Object', 'new #(#, #)', constr, arg0, arg1);
case 3:
var arg0 = JS('', '#[0]', arguments);
var arg1 = JS('', '#[1]', arguments);
var arg2 = JS('', '#[2]', arguments);
return JS<dynamic>(
'Object', 'new #(#, #, #)', constr, arg0, arg1, arg2);
case 4:
var arg0 = JS('', '#[0]', arguments);
var arg1 = JS('', '#[1]', arguments);
var arg2 = JS('', '#[2]', arguments);
var arg3 = JS('', '#[3]', arguments);
return JS<dynamic>(
'Object', 'new #(#, #, #, #)', constr, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
// The following code solves the problem of invoking a JavaScript
// constructor with an unknown number arguments.
// First bind the constructor to the argument list using bind.apply().
// The first argument to bind() is the binding of 't', so add 'null' to
// the arguments list passed to apply().
// After that, use the JavaScript 'new' operator which overrides any binding
// of 'this' with the new instance.
var args = <dynamic>[null]..addAll(arguments);
var factoryFunction = JS('', '#.bind.apply(#, #)', constr, constr, args);
// Without this line, calling factoryFunction as a constructor throws
JS('String', 'String(#)', factoryFunction);
// This could return an UnknownJavaScriptObject, or a native
// object for which there is an interceptor
return JS<dynamic>('Object', 'new #()', factoryFunction);
// TODO(sra): Investigate:
// var jsObj = JS('', 'Object.create(#.prototype)', constr);
// JS('', '#.apply(#, #)', constr, jsObj,
// []..addAll(;
// return _wrapToDart(jsObj);
/// Unchecked version for 0 arguments, only used in a CFE transformation.
/// NOTE: In DDC, we lower this separately for inlining purposes, ignoring the
/// body of this method. Edit `ProgramCompiler.visitStaticInvocation` if you
/// edit this method.
T _callConstructorUnchecked0<T>(Object constr) {
return JS<dynamic>('Object', 'new #()', constr);
/// Unchecked version for 1 argument, only used in a CFE transformation.
/// NOTE: In DDC, we lower this separately for inlining purposes, ignoring the
/// body of this method. Edit `ProgramCompiler.visitStaticInvocation` if you
/// edit this method.
T _callConstructorUnchecked1<T>(Object constr, Object? arg1) {
return JS<dynamic>('Object', 'new #(#)', constr, arg1);
/// Unchecked version for 2 arguments, only used in a CFE transformation.
/// NOTE: In DDC, we lower this separately for inlining purposes, ignoring the
/// body of this method. Edit `ProgramCompiler.visitStaticInvocation` if you
/// edit this method.
T _callConstructorUnchecked2<T>(Object constr, Object? arg1, Object? arg2) {
return JS<dynamic>('Object', 'new #(#, #)', constr, arg1, arg2);
/// Unchecked version for 3 arguments, only used in a CFE transformation.
/// NOTE: In DDC, we lower this separately for inlining purposes, ignoring the
/// body of this method. Edit `ProgramCompiler.visitStaticInvocation` if you
/// edit this method.
T _callConstructorUnchecked3<T>(
Object constr, Object? arg1, Object? arg2, Object? arg3) {
return JS<dynamic>('Object', 'new #(#, #, #)', constr, arg1, arg2, arg3);
/// Unchecked version for 4 arguments, only used in a CFE transformation.
/// NOTE: In DDC, we lower this separately for inlining purposes, ignoring the
/// body of this method. Edit `ProgramCompiler.visitStaticInvocation` if you
/// edit this method.
T _callConstructorUnchecked4<T>(
Object constr, Object? arg1, Object? arg2, Object? arg3, Object? arg4) {
return JS<dynamic>(
'Object', 'new #(#, #, #, #)', constr, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
T add<T>(Object? first, Object? second) {
return JS<dynamic>('Object', '# + #', first, second);
T subtract<T>(Object? first, Object? second) {
return JS<dynamic>('Object', '# - #', first, second);
T multiply<T>(Object? first, Object? second) {
return JS<dynamic>('Object', '# * #', first, second);
T divide<T>(Object? first, Object? second) {
return JS<dynamic>('Object', '# / #', first, second);
T exponentiate<T>(Object? first, Object? second) {
return JS<dynamic>('Object', '# ** #', first, second);
T modulo<T>(Object? first, Object? second) {
return JS<dynamic>('Object', '# % #', first, second);
bool equal<T>(Object? first, Object? second) {
return JS<bool>('bool', '# == #', first, second);
bool strictEqual<T>(Object? first, Object? second) {
return JS<bool>('bool', '# === #', first, second);
bool notEqual<T>(Object? first, Object? second) {
return JS<bool>('bool', '# != #', first, second);
bool strictNotEqual<T>(Object? first, Object? second) {
return JS<bool>('bool', '# !== #', first, second);
bool greaterThan<T>(Object? first, Object? second) {
return JS<bool>('bool', '# > #', first, second);
bool greaterThanOrEqual<T>(Object? first, Object? second) {
return JS<bool>('bool', '# >= #', first, second);
bool lessThan<T>(Object? first, Object? second) {
return JS<bool>('bool', '# < #', first, second);
bool lessThanOrEqual<T>(Object? first, Object? second) {
return JS<bool>('bool', '# <= #', first, second);
bool typeofEquals<T>(Object? o, String type) {
return JS<bool>('bool', 'typeof # == #', o, type);
T not<T>(Object? o) {
return JS<dynamic>('Object', '!#', o);
bool isTruthy<T>(Object? o) {
return JS<bool>('bool', '!!#', o);
T or<T>(Object? first, Object? second) {
return JS<dynamic>('Object|bool', '# || #', first, second);
T and<T>(Object? first, Object? second) {
return JS<dynamic>('Object|bool', '# && #', first, second);
bool delete<T>(Object o, Object property) {
return JS<bool>('bool', 'delete #[#]', o, property);
num unsignedRightShift(Object? leftOperand, Object? rightOperand) {
return JS<num>('num', '# >>> #', leftOperand, rightOperand);
Future<T> promiseToFuture<T>(Object jsPromise) {
final completer = Completer<T>();
final success = convertDartClosureToJS((r) => completer.complete(r), 1);
final error = convertDartClosureToJS((e) {
// Note that `completeError` expects a non-nullable error regardless of
// whether null-safety is enabled, so a `NullRejectionException` is always
// provided if the error is `null` or `undefined`.
if (e == null) {
return completer.completeError(
NullRejectionException(JS('bool', '# === undefined', e)));
return completer.completeError(e);
}, 1);
JS('', '#.then(#, #)', jsPromise, success, error);
return completer.future;
Object? objectGetPrototypeOf(Object? object) =>
JS('', 'Object.getPrototypeOf(#)', object);
Object? get objectPrototype => JS('', 'Object.prototype');
List<Object?> objectKeys(Object? object) => JS('', 'Object.keys(#)', object);
// TODO(joshualitt): Move these `is` checks to a helper library to help
// declutter this patch file.
bool _isJavaScriptDate(value) => JS('bool', '# instanceof Date', value);
bool _isJavaScriptRegExp(value) => JS('bool', '# instanceof RegExp', value);
bool isJavaScriptArray(value) => JS('bool', '# instanceof Array', value);
// Although it may be tempting to try and rewrite [isJavaScriptSimpleObject]
// using `js_util` calls, it turns out this can be fragile on some browsers
// under some situations.
bool isJavaScriptSimpleObject(value) {
var proto = JS('', 'Object.getPrototypeOf(#)', value);
return JS('bool', '# === Object.prototype', proto) ||
JS('bool', '# === null', proto);
bool _isJavaScriptPromise(value) =>
JS('bool', r'typeof Promise != "undefined" && # instanceof Promise', value);
DateTime _dateToDateTime(date) {
int millisSinceEpoch = JS('int', '#.getTime()', date);
return new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(millisSinceEpoch, isUtc: true);
bool _noDartifyRequired(Object? o) =>
o == null ||
'''typeof # === 'boolean' ||
typeof # === 'number' ||
typeof # === 'string' ||
# instanceof Int8Array ||
# instanceof Uint8Array ||
# instanceof Uint8ClampedArray ||
# instanceof Int16Array ||
# instanceof Uint16Array ||
# instanceof Int32Array ||
# instanceof Uint32Array ||
# instanceof Float32Array ||
# instanceof Float64Array ||
# instanceof ArrayBuffer ||
# instanceof DataView''',
Object? dartify(Object? o) {
if (_noDartifyRequired(o)) {
return o;
final _convertedObjects = HashMap<Object?, Object?>.identity();
Object? convert(Object? o) {
// Fast path for primitives.
if (_noDartifyRequired(o)) {
return o;
if (_convertedObjects.containsKey(o!)) {
return _convertedObjects[o];
if (_isJavaScriptDate(o)) {
return _dateToDateTime(o);
if (_isJavaScriptRegExp(o)) {
// TODO(joshualitt): Consider investigating if there is a way to convert
// from `JSRegExp` to `RegExp`.
throw new ArgumentError('structured clone of RegExp');
if (_isJavaScriptPromise(o)) {
return promiseToFuture<Object?>(o);
if (isJavaScriptSimpleObject(o)) {
final dartObject = <Object?, Object?>{};
_convertedObjects[o] = dartObject;
final originalKeys = objectKeys(o);
final dartKeys = <Object?>[];
for (final key in originalKeys) {
for (int i = 0; i < originalKeys.length; i++) {
final jsKey = originalKeys[i];
final dartKey = dartKeys[i];
if (jsKey != null) {
dartObject[dartKey] = convert(getProperty<Object?>(o, jsKey));
return dartObject;
if (isJavaScriptArray(o)) {
final l = JS<List<Object?>>('returns:List;creates:;', '#', o);
final dartObject = <Object?>[];
_convertedObjects[o] = dartObject;
final length = getProperty<int>(o, 'length');
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
return dartObject;
// Assume anything else is already a valid Dart object, either by having
// already been processed, or e.g. a cloneable native class.
return o;
return convert(o);