blob: 32bc17a6bb73b0251f4066d2b11f7f78b1a0613e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.operators;
/// The user-definable operators in Dart.
/// The names have been chosen to represent their normal semantic meaning.
enum Operator {
add("+", 1),
bitwiseAnd("&", 1),
bitwiseNot("~", 0),
bitwiseOr("|", 1),
bitwiseXor("^", 1),
divide("/", 1),
equals("==", 1),
greaterThan(">", 1),
greaterThanEquals(">=", 1),
indexGet("[]", 1),
indexSet("[]=", 2),
leftShift("<<", 1),
lessThan("<", 1),
lessThanEquals("<=", 1),
modulo("%", 1),
multiply("*", 1),
rightShift(">>", 1),
tripleShift(">>>", 1),
subtract("-", 1),
truncatingDivide("~/", 1),
unaryMinus("unary-", 0),
final String text;
final int requiredArgumentCount;
const Operator(this.text, this.requiredArgumentCount);
static Operator? fromText(String text) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Should we have a map instead?
for (Operator operator in values) {
if (identical(operator.text, text)) {
return operator;
return null;