blob: fbd18bad71036239d51edac5e628b91e539ee423 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math' show max, min;
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart' hide MapEntry;
import 'package:kernel/library_index.dart';
import 'package:kernel/type_algebra.dart';
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart';
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart' show SourceLocation;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import '../compiler/js_names.dart' as js_ast;
import '../compiler/js_utils.dart' as js_ast;
import '../compiler/module_builder.dart' show pathToJSIdentifier;
import '../compiler/shared_command.dart' show SharedCompilerOptions;
import '../compiler/shared_compiler.dart';
import '../js_ast/js_ast.dart' as js_ast;
import '../js_ast/js_ast.dart' show js;
import '../js_ast/source_map_printer.dart' show NodeEnd, NodeSpan, HoverComment;
import 'constants.dart';
import 'js_interop.dart';
import 'js_typerep.dart';
import 'kernel_helpers.dart';
import 'native_types.dart';
import 'nullable_inference.dart';
import 'property_model.dart';
import 'type_table.dart';
class ProgramCompiler extends ComputeOnceConstantVisitor<js_ast.Expression>
with SharedCompiler<Library, Class, InterfaceType, FunctionNode>
DartTypeVisitor<js_ast.Expression> {
final SharedCompilerOptions _options;
/// Maps a library URI import, that is not in [_libraries], to the
/// corresponding Kernel summary module we imported it with.
/// An entry must exist for every reachable component.
final Map<Library, Component> _importToSummary;
/// Maps a Kernel summary to the JS import name for the module.
/// An entry must exist for every reachable component.
final Map<Component, String> _summaryToModule;
/// The variable for the current catch clause
VariableDeclaration _rethrowParameter;
/// In an async* function, this represents the stream controller parameter.
js_ast.TemporaryId _asyncStarController;
Set<Class> _pendingClasses;
/// Temporary variables mapped to their corresponding JavaScript variable.
final _tempVariables = <VariableDeclaration, js_ast.TemporaryId>{};
/// Let variables collected for the given function.
List<js_ast.TemporaryId> _letVariables;
final _constTable = _emitTemporaryId('CT');
// Constant getters used to populate the constant table.
final _constLazyAccessors = <js_ast.Method>[];
/// Tracks the index in [moduleItems] where the const table must be inserted.
/// Required for SDK builds due to internal circular dependencies.
/// E.g., dart.constList depends on JSArray.
int _constTableInsertionIndex = 0;
/// The class that is emitting its base class or mixin references, otherwise
/// null.
/// This is not used when inside the class method bodies, or for other type
/// information such as `implements`.
Class _classEmittingExtends;
/// The class that is emitting its signature information, otherwise null.
Class _classEmittingSignatures;
/// The current element being loaded.
/// We can use this to determine if we're loading top-level code or not:
/// _currentClass == _classEmittingTopLevel
Class _currentClass;
/// The current source file URI for emitting in the source map.
Uri _currentUri;
Component _component;
Library _currentLibrary;
FunctionNode _currentFunction;
void setIncrementalCompilationScope(Library library, Class cls) {
_currentLibrary = library;
_currentClass = cls;
/// Whether we are currently generating code for the body of a `JS()` call.
bool _isInForeignJS = false;
/// Table of named and possibly hoisted types.
TypeTable _typeTable;
/// The global extension type table.
// TODO(jmesserly): rename to `_nativeTypes`
final NativeTypeSet _extensionTypes;
final CoreTypes _coreTypes;
final TypeEnvironment _types;
final StatefulStaticTypeContext _staticTypeContext;
final ClassHierarchy _hierarchy;
/// Information about virtual and overridden fields/getters/setters in the
/// class we're currently compiling, or `null` if we aren't compiling a class.
ClassPropertyModel _classProperties;
/// Information about virtual fields for all libraries in the current build
/// unit.
final _virtualFields = VirtualFieldModel();
final JSTypeRep _typeRep;
bool _superAllowed = true;
final _superHelpers = <String, js_ast.Method>{};
// Compilation of Kernel's [BreakStatement].
// Kernel represents Dart's `break` and `continue` uniformly as
// [BreakStatement], by representing a loop continue as a break from the
// loop's body. [BreakStatement] always targets an enclosing
// [LabeledStatement] statement directly without naming it. (Continue to
// a labeled switch case is not represented by a [BreakStatement].)
// We prefer to compile to `continue` where possible and to avoid labeling
// statements where it is not necessary. We maintain some state to track
// which statements can be targets of break or continue without a label, which
// statements must be labeled to be targets, and the labels that have been
// assigned.
/// A list of statements that can be the target of break without a label.
/// A [BreakStatement] targeting any [LabeledStatement] in this list can be
/// compiled to a break without a label. All the statements in the list have
/// the same effective target which must compile to something that can be
/// targeted by break in JS. This list and [_currentContinueTargets] are
/// disjoint.
List<LabeledStatement> _currentBreakTargets = [];
/// A list of statements that can be the target of a continue without a label.
/// A [BreakStatement] targeting any [LabeledStatement] in this list can be
/// compiled to a continue without a label. All the statements in this list
/// have the same effective target which must compile to something that can be
/// targeted by continue in JS. This list and [_currentBreakTargets] are
/// disjoint.
List<LabeledStatement> _currentContinueTargets = [];
/// A map from labeled statements to their 'effective targets'.
/// The effective target of a labeled loop body is the enclosing loop. A
/// [BreakStatement] targeting this statement can be compiled to `continue`
/// either with or without a label. The effective target of a labeled
/// statement that is not a loop body is the outermost non-labeled statement
/// that it encloses. A [BreakStatement] targeting this statement can be
/// compiled to `break` either with or without a label.
final _effectiveTargets = HashMap<LabeledStatement, Statement>.identity();
/// A map from effective targets to their label names.
/// If the target needs to be labeled when compiled to JS, because it was
/// targeted by a break or continue with a label, then this map contains the
/// label name that was assigned to it.
final _labelNames = HashMap<Statement, String>.identity();
/// Indicates that the current context exists within a switch statement that
/// uses at least one continue statement with a target label.
/// JS forbids labels at case statement boundaries, so these switch
/// statements must be generated less directly.
/// Updated from the method 'visitSwitchStatement'.
bool _inLabeledContinueSwitch = false;
/// A map from switch statements to their state information.
/// State information includes the names of the switch statement's implicit
/// label name and implicit state variable name.
/// Entries are only created for switch statements that contain labeled
/// continue statements and are used to simulate "jumping" to case statements.
/// State variables hold the next constant case expression, while labels act
/// as targets for continue and break.
final _switchLabelStates = HashMap<Statement, _SwitchLabelState>();
/// Maps Kernel constants to their JS aliases.
final constAliasCache = HashMap<Constant, js_ast.Expression>();
final Class _jsArrayClass;
final Class _privateSymbolClass;
final Class _linkedHashMapImplClass;
final Class _identityHashMapImplClass;
final Class _linkedHashSetClass;
final Class _linkedHashSetImplClass;
final Class _identityHashSetImplClass;
final Class _syncIterableClass;
final Class _asyncStarImplClass;
/// The dart:async `StreamIterator<T>` type.
final Class _asyncStreamIteratorClass;
final Procedure _assertInteropMethod;
final DevCompilerConstants _constants;
final NullableInference _nullableInference;
factory ProgramCompiler(
Component component,
ClassHierarchy hierarchy,
SharedCompilerOptions options,
Map<Library, Component> importToSummary,
Map<Component, String> summaryToModule,
{CoreTypes coreTypes}) {
coreTypes ??= CoreTypes(component);
var types = TypeEnvironment(coreTypes, hierarchy);
var constants = DevCompilerConstants();
var nativeTypes = NativeTypeSet(coreTypes, constants);
var jsTypeRep = JSTypeRep(types, hierarchy);
var staticTypeContext = StatefulStaticTypeContext.stacked(types);
return ProgramCompiler._(
NullableInference(jsTypeRep, staticTypeContext),
LibraryIndex sdk,
: _jsArrayClass = sdk.getClass('dart:_interceptors', 'JSArray'),
_asyncStreamIteratorClass =
sdk.getClass('dart:async', 'StreamIterator'),
_privateSymbolClass = sdk.getClass('dart:_js_helper', 'PrivateSymbol'),
_linkedHashMapImplClass = sdk.getClass('dart:_js_helper', 'LinkedMap'),
_identityHashMapImplClass =
sdk.getClass('dart:_js_helper', 'IdentityMap'),
_linkedHashSetClass = sdk.getClass('dart:collection', 'LinkedHashSet'),
_linkedHashSetImplClass = sdk.getClass('dart:collection', '_HashSet'),
_identityHashSetImplClass =
sdk.getClass('dart:collection', '_IdentityHashSet'),
_syncIterableClass = sdk.getClass('dart:_js_helper', 'SyncIterable'),
_asyncStarImplClass = sdk.getClass('dart:async', '_AsyncStarImpl'),
_assertInteropMethod = sdk.getTopLevelMember(
'dart:_runtime', 'assertInterop') as Procedure;
Uri get currentLibraryUri => _currentLibrary.importUri;
Library get currentLibrary => _currentLibrary;
Library get coreLibrary => _coreTypes.coreLibrary;
FunctionNode get currentFunction => _currentFunction;
InterfaceType get privateSymbolType =>
InterfaceType get internalSymbolType =>
js_ast.Program emitModule(Component component) {
if (moduleItems.isNotEmpty) {
throw StateError('Can only call emitModule once.');
_component = component;
var libraries = component.libraries;
// Initialize our library variables.
var items = startModule(libraries);
_nullableInference.allowNotNullDeclarations = isBuildingSdk;
_typeTable = TypeTable(runtimeModule);
// Collect all class/type Element -> Node mappings
// in case we need to forward declare any classes.
_pendingClasses = HashSet.identity();
for (var l in libraries) {
// TODO(markzipan): Don't emit this when compiling the SDK.
.add(js.statement('const # = Object.create(null);', [_constTable]));
_constTableInsertionIndex = moduleItems.length;
// Add implicit dart:core dependency so it is first.
// Visit each library and emit its code.
// NOTE: clases are not necessarily emitted in this order.
// Order will be changed as needed so the resulting code can execute.
// This is done by forward declaring items.
// This can cause problems if it's ever true during the SDK build, as it's
// emitted before dart.defineLazy.
if (_constLazyAccessors.isNotEmpty) {
var constTableBody = runtimeStatement(
'defineLazy(#, { # })', [_constTable, _constLazyAccessors]);
moduleItems.insert(_constTableInsertionIndex, constTableBody);
// Visit directives (for exports)
// Declare imports and extension symbols
// Discharge the type table cache variables and
// hoisted definitions.
return finishModule(items, _options.moduleName);
String jsLibraryName(Library library) {
var uri = library.importUri;
if (uri.scheme == 'dart') {
return isSdkInternalRuntime(library) ? 'dart' : uri.path;
return pathToJSIdentifier(p.withoutExtension(uri.pathSegments.last));
String jsLibraryAlias(Library library) {
var uri = library.importUri.normalizePath();
if (uri.scheme == 'dart') return null;
Iterable<String> segments;
if (uri.scheme == 'package') {
// Strip the package name.
segments = uri.pathSegments.skip(1);
} else {
segments = uri.pathSegments;
var qualifiedPath =
return qualifiedPath == jsLibraryName(library) ? null : qualifiedPath;
String jsLibraryDebuggerName(Library library) => '${library.importUri}';
Iterable<String> jsPartDebuggerNames(Library library) => => part.partUri);
bool isSdkInternalRuntime(Library l) {
var uri = l.importUri;
return uri.scheme == 'dart' && uri.path == '_runtime';
String libraryToModule(Library library) {
if (library.importUri.scheme == 'dart') {
// TODO(jmesserly): we need to split out HTML.
return js_ast.dartSdkModule;
var summary = _importToSummary[library];
var moduleName = _summaryToModule[summary];
if (moduleName == null) {
throw StateError('Could not find module name for library "$library" '
'from component "$summary".');
return moduleName;
void _emitLibrary(Library library) {
// NOTE: this method isn't the right place to initialize per-library state.
// Classes can be visited out of order, so this is only to catch things that
// haven't been emitted yet.
// See _emitClass.
assert(_currentLibrary == null);
_currentLibrary = library;
if (isSdkInternalRuntime(library)) {
// `dart:_runtime` uses a different order for bootstrapping.
// Functions are first because we use them to associate type info
// (such as `dart.fn`), then classes/typedefs, then fields
// (which instantiate classes).
// For other libraries, we start with classes/types, because functions
// often use classes/types from the library in their signature.
// TODO(jmesserly): we can merge these once we change signatures to be
// lazily associated at the tear-off point for top-level functions.
} else {
_currentLibrary = null;
void _emitExports(Library library) {
assert(_currentLibrary == null);
_currentLibrary = library;
_currentLibrary = null;
void _emitExport(Reference export) {
var library = _currentLibrary;
// We only need to export main as it is the only method part of the
// publicly exposed JS API for a library.
// TODO(jacobr): add a library level annotation indicating that all
// contents of a library need to be exposed to JS.
var node = export.node;
if (node is Procedure && == 'main') {
// Don't allow redefining names from this library.
var name = _emitTopLevelName(export.node);
'#.# = #;', [emitLibraryName(library), name.selector, name]));
/// Called to emit class declarations.
/// During the course of emitting one item, we may emit another. For example
/// class D extends B { C m() { ... } }
/// Because D depends on B, we'll emit B first if needed. However C is not
/// used by top-level JavaScript code, so we can ignore that dependency.
void _emitClass(Class c) {
if (!_pendingClasses.remove(c)) return;
var savedClass = _currentClass;
var savedLibrary = _currentLibrary;
var savedUri = _currentUri;
_currentClass = c;
_currentLibrary = c.enclosingLibrary;
_currentUri = c.fileUri;
// The const table depends on dart.defineLazy, so emit it after the SDK.
if (isSdkInternalRuntime(_currentLibrary)) {
_constTableInsertionIndex = moduleItems.length;
_currentClass = savedClass;
_currentLibrary = savedLibrary;
_currentUri = savedUri;
/// To emit top-level classes, we sometimes need to reorder them.
/// This function takes care of that, and also detects cases where reordering
/// failed, and we need to resort to lazy loading, by marking the element as
/// lazy. All elements need to be aware of this possibility and generate code
/// accordingly.
/// If we are not emitting top-level code, this does nothing, because all
/// declarations are assumed to be available before we start execution.
/// See [startTopLevel].
void _declareBeforeUse(Class c) {
if (c != null && _emittingClassExtends) {
static js_ast.Identifier _emitIdentifier(String name) =>
static js_ast.TemporaryId _emitTemporaryId(String name) =>
js_ast.Statement _emitClassDeclaration(Class c) {
// Mixins are unrolled in _defineClass.
if (c.isAnonymousMixin) return null;
// If this class is annotated with `@JS`, then there is nothing to emit.
if (findAnnotation(c, isPublicJSAnnotation) != null) return null;
// Generic classes will be defined inside a function that closes over the
// type parameter. So we can use their local variable name directly.
// TODO(jmesserly): the special case for JSArray is to support its special
// type-tagging factory constructors. Those will go away once we fix:
var className = c.typeParameters.isNotEmpty
? (c == _jsArrayClass
? _emitIdentifier(
: _emitTemporaryId(getLocalClassName(c)))
: _emitTopLevelName(c);
var savedClassProperties = _classProperties;
_classProperties =, _extensionTypes, _virtualFields, c);
var jsCtors = _defineConstructors(c, className);
var jsMethods = _emitClassMethods(c);
var body = <js_ast.Statement>[];
var deferredSupertypes = <js_ast.Statement>[];
// Emit the class, e.g. `core.Object = class Object { ... }`
_defineClass(c, className, jsMethods, body, deferredSupertypes);
// Emit things that come after the ES6 `class ... { ... }`.
var jsPeerNames = _extensionTypes.getNativePeers(c);
if (jsPeerNames.length == 1 && c.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
// Special handling for JSArray<E>
[className, runtimeModule, jsPeerNames[0]]));
var finishGenericTypeTest = _emitClassTypeTests(c, className, body);
_emitVirtualFieldSymbols(c, body);
_emitClassSignature(c, className, body);
if (!c.isMixinDeclaration) {
_defineExtensionMembers(className, body);
_emitClassMetadata(c.annotations, className, body);
var classDef = js_ast.Statement.from(body);
var typeFormals = c.typeParameters;
if (typeFormals.isNotEmpty) {
classDef = _defineClassTypeArguments(
c, typeFormals, classDef, className, deferredSupertypes);
} else {
body = [classDef];
_emitStaticFields(c, body);
if (finishGenericTypeTest != null) body.add(finishGenericTypeTest);
for (var peer in jsPeerNames) {
_registerExtensionType(c, peer, body);
_classProperties = savedClassProperties;
return js_ast.Statement.from(body);
/// Wraps a possibly generic class in its type arguments.
js_ast.Statement _defineClassTypeArguments(
NamedNode c, List<TypeParameter> formals, js_ast.Statement body,
[js_ast.Expression className, List<js_ast.Statement> deferredBaseClass]) {
var name = getTopLevelName(c);
var jsFormals = _emitTypeFormals(formals);
// Checks for explicitly set variance to avoid emitting legacy covariance
// Variance annotations are not necessary when variance experiment flag is
// not enabled or when no type parameters have explicitly defined
// variances.
var hasOnlyLegacyCovariance = formals.every((t) => t.isLegacyCovariant);
if (!hasOnlyLegacyCovariance) {
var varianceList =;
var varianceStatement = runtimeStatement(
'setGenericArgVariances(#, [#])', [className, varianceList]);
body = js_ast.Statement.from([body, varianceStatement]);
var typeConstructor ='(#) => { #; #; return #; }', [
className ?? _emitIdentifier(name)
var genericArgs = [
if (deferredBaseClass != null && deferredBaseClass.isNotEmpty)'(#) => { #; }', [jsFormals, deferredBaseClass]),
var genericCall = runtimeCall('generic(#)', [genericArgs]);
var genericName = _emitTopLevelNameNoInterop(c, suffix: '\$');
return js.statement('{ # = #; # = #(); }',
[genericName, genericCall, _emitTopLevelName(c), genericName]);
js_ast.Expression _emitVariance(TypeParameter typeParameter) {
switch (typeParameter.variance) {
case Variance.contravariant:
return runtimeCall('Variance.contravariant');
case Variance.invariant:
return runtimeCall('Variance.invariant');
case Variance.unrelated:
return runtimeCall('Variance.unrelated');
case Variance.covariant:
return runtimeCall('Variance.covariant');
js_ast.Statement _emitClassStatement(Class c, js_ast.Expression className,
js_ast.Expression heritage, List<js_ast.Method> methods) {
if (c.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
return js_ast.ClassExpression(
className as js_ast.Identifier, heritage, methods)
var classExpr = js_ast.ClassExpression(
_emitTemporaryId(getLocalClassName(c)), heritage, methods);
return js.statement('# = #;', [className, classExpr]);
/// Like [_emitClassStatement] but emits a Dart 2.1 mixin represented by
/// [c].
/// Mixins work similar to normal classes, but their instance methods close
/// over the actual superclass. Given a Dart class like:
/// mixin M on C {
/// foo() => + 42;
/// }
/// We generate a JS class like this:
/// lib.M = class M extends core.Object {}
/// lib.M[dart.mixinOn] = (C) => class M extends C {
/// foo() {
/// return + 42;
/// }
/// };
/// The special `dart.mixinOn` symbolized property is used by the runtime
/// helper `dart.applyMixin`. The helper calls the function with the actual
/// base class, and then copies the resulting members to the destination
/// class.
/// In the long run we may be able to improve this so we do not have the
/// unnecessary class, but for now, this lets us get the right semantics with
/// minimal compiler and runtime changes.
void _emitMixinStatement(
Class c,
js_ast.Expression className,
js_ast.Expression heritage,
List<js_ast.Method> methods,
List<js_ast.Statement> body) {
var staticMethods = methods.where((m) => m.isStatic).toList();
var instanceMethods = methods.where((m) => !m.isStatic).toList();
body.add(_emitClassStatement(c, className, heritage, staticMethods));
var superclassId = _emitTemporaryId(getLocalClassName(c.superclass));
var classId = className is js_ast.Identifier
? className
: _emitTemporaryId(getLocalClassName(c));
var mixinMemberClass =
js_ast.ClassExpression(classId, superclassId, instanceMethods);
js_ast.Node arrowFnBody = mixinMemberClass;
var extensionInit = <js_ast.Statement>[];
_defineExtensionMembers(classId, extensionInit);
if (extensionInit.isNotEmpty) {
extensionInit.insert(0, mixinMemberClass.toStatement());
arrowFnBody = js_ast.Block(extensionInit);
body.add(js.statement('#[#.mixinOn] = #', [
js_ast.ArrowFun([superclassId], arrowFnBody)
void _defineClass(
Class c,
js_ast.Expression className,
List<js_ast.Method> methods,
List<js_ast.Statement> body,
List<js_ast.Statement> deferredSupertypes) {
if (c == _coreTypes.objectClass) {
body.add(_emitClassStatement(c, className, null, methods));
js_ast.Expression emitDeferredType(DartType t) {
if (t is InterfaceType) {
if (t.typeArguments.isNotEmpty) {
return _emitGenericClassType(
return _emitInterfaceType(t, emitNullability: false);
} else if (t is TypeParameterType) {
return _emitTypeParameterType(t, emitNullability: false);
return _emitType(t);
bool shouldDefer(InterfaceType t) {
var visited = <DartType>{};
bool defer(DartType t) {
if (t is InterfaceType) {
var tc = t.classNode;
if (c == tc) return true;
if (tc == _coreTypes.objectClass || !visited.add(t)) return false;
if (t.typeArguments.any(defer)) return true;
var mixin = tc.mixedInType;
return mixin != null && defer(mixin.asInterfaceType) ||
if (t is TypedefType) {
return t.typeArguments.any(defer);
if (t is FunctionType) {
return defer(t.returnType) ||
t.positionalParameters.any(defer) ||
t.namedParameters.any((np) => defer(np.type)) ||
t.typeParameters.any((tp) => defer(tp.bound));
return false;
return defer(t);
js_ast.Expression emitClassRef(InterfaceType t) {
// TODO(jmesserly): investigate this. It seems like `lazyJSType` is
// invalid for use in an `extends` clause, hence this workaround.
return _emitJSInterop(t.classNode) ??
_emitInterfaceType(t, emitNullability: false);
js_ast.Expression getBaseClass(int count) {
var base = emitDeferredType(
c.getThisType(_coreTypes, c.enclosingLibrary.nonNullable));
while (--count >= 0) {
base ='#.__proto__', [base]);
return base;
// Find the real (user declared) superclass and the list of mixins.
// We'll use this to unroll the intermediate classes.
// TODO(jmesserly): consider using Kernel's mixin unrolling.
var mixinClasses = <Class>[];
var superclass = getSuperclassAndMixins(c, mixinClasses);
var supertype = identical(c.superclass, superclass)
? c.supertype.asInterfaceType
: _hierarchy.getClassAsInstanceOf(c, superclass).asInterfaceType;
mixinClasses = mixinClasses.reversed.toList();
var mixins = mixinClasses
.map((m) => _hierarchy.getClassAsInstanceOf(c, m).asInterfaceType)
var hasUnnamedSuper = _hasUnnamedInheritedConstructor(superclass);
void emitMixinConstructors(
js_ast.Expression className, InterfaceType mixin) {
js_ast.Statement mixinCtor;
if (_hasUnnamedConstructor(mixin.classNode)) {
mixinCtor = js.statement(';', [
? runtimeCall('mixinNew')
: _constructorName('')
for (var ctor in superclass.constructors) {
var savedUri = _currentUri;
_currentUri = ctor.enclosingClass.fileUri;
var jsParams = _emitParameters(ctor.function, isForwarding: true);
_currentUri = savedUri;
var name =;
var ctorBody = [
if (mixinCtor != null) mixinCtor,
if (name != '' || hasUnnamedSuper)
_emitSuperConstructorCall(className, name, jsParams),
c, className, name, js_ast.Fun(jsParams, js_ast.Block(ctorBody))));
var savedTopLevelClass = _classEmittingExtends;
_classEmittingExtends = c;
// Unroll mixins.
if (shouldDefer(supertype)) {
deferredSupertypes.add(runtimeStatement('setBaseClass(#, #)', [
getBaseClass(isMixinAliasClass(c) ? 0 : mixins.length),
supertype =
_coreTypes.rawType(supertype.classNode, _currentLibrary.nonNullable);
var baseClass = emitClassRef(supertype);
if (isMixinAliasClass(c)) {
// Given `class C = Object with M [implements I1, I2 ...];`
// The resulting class C should work as a mixin.
// TODO(jmesserly): is there any way to merge this with the other mixin
// code paths, or will these always need special handling?
body.add(_emitClassStatement(c, className, baseClass, []));
var m = c.mixedInType.asInterfaceType;
var deferMixin = shouldDefer(m);
var mixinBody = deferMixin ? deferredSupertypes : body;
var mixinClass = deferMixin ? emitDeferredType(m) : emitClassRef(m);
var classExpr = deferMixin ? getBaseClass(0) : className;
.add(runtimeStatement('applyMixin(#, #)', [classExpr, mixinClass]));
if (methods.isNotEmpty) {
// However we may need to add some methods to this class that call
// `super` such as covariance checks.
// We do this with the following pattern:
// applyMixin(C, class C$ extends M { <methods> });
mixinBody.add(runtimeStatement('applyMixin(#, #)', [
_emitTemporaryId(getLocalClassName(c)), mixinClass, methods)
emitMixinConstructors(className, m);
_classEmittingExtends = savedTopLevelClass;
// TODO(jmesserly): we need to unroll kernel mixins because the synthetic
// classes lack required synthetic members, such as constructors.
// Also, we need to generate one extra level of nesting for alias classes.
for (var i = 0; i < mixins.length; i++) {
var m = mixins[i];
var mixinName =
getLocalClassName(superclass) + '_' + getLocalClassName(m.classNode);
var mixinId = _emitTemporaryId(mixinName + '\$');
// Bind the mixin class to a name to workaround a V8 bug with es6 classes
// and anonymous function names.
// TODO(leafp:) Eliminate this once the bug is fixed:
body.add(js.statement('const # = #', [
js_ast.ClassExpression(_emitTemporaryId(mixinName), baseClass, [])
emitMixinConstructors(mixinId, m);
hasUnnamedSuper = hasUnnamedSuper || _hasUnnamedConstructor(m.classNode);
if (shouldDefer(m)) {
deferredSupertypes.add(runtimeStatement('applyMixin(#, #)',
[getBaseClass(mixins.length - i), emitDeferredType(m)]));
} else {
runtimeStatement('applyMixin(#, #)', [mixinId, emitClassRef(m)]));
baseClass = mixinId;
if (c.isMixinDeclaration) {
_emitMixinStatement(c, className, baseClass, methods, body);
} else {
body.add(_emitClassStatement(c, className, baseClass, methods));
_classEmittingExtends = savedTopLevelClass;
/// Defines all constructors for this class as ES5 constructors.
List<js_ast.Statement> _defineConstructors(
Class c, js_ast.Expression className) {
var body = <js_ast.Statement>[];
if (c.isAnonymousMixin || isMixinAliasClass(c)) {
// We already handled this when we defined the class.
return body;
void addConstructor(String name, js_ast.Expression jsCtor) {
body.add(_addConstructorToClass(c, className, name, jsCtor));
var fields = c.fields;
for (var ctor in c.constructors) {
if (ctor.isExternal) continue;
addConstructor(, _emitConstructor(ctor, fields, className));
// If classElement has only factory constructors, and it can be mixed in,
// then we need to emit a special hidden default constructor for use by
// mixins.
if (_usesMixinNew(c)) {
js.statement('(#[#] = function() { # }).prototype = #.prototype;', [
return body;
js_ast.Statement _emitClassTypeTests(
Class c, js_ast.Expression className, List<js_ast.Statement> body) {
js_ast.Expression getInterfaceSymbol(Class interface) {
var library = interface.enclosingLibrary;
if (library == _coreTypes.coreLibrary ||
library == _coreTypes.asyncLibrary) {
switch ( {
case 'List':
case 'Map':
case 'Iterable':
case 'Future':
case 'Stream':
case 'StreamSubscription':
return runtimeCall('is' +;
return null;
void markSubtypeOf(js_ast.Expression testSymbol) {
body.add(js.statement('#.prototype[#] = true', [className, testSymbol]));
for (var iface in c.implementedTypes) {
var prop = getInterfaceSymbol(iface.classNode);
if (prop != null) markSubtypeOf(prop);
if (c.enclosingLibrary == _coreTypes.coreLibrary &&
(c == _coreTypes.objectClass ||
c == _coreTypes.stringClass ||
c == _coreTypes.functionClass ||
c == _coreTypes.intClass ||
c == _coreTypes.nullClass ||
c == _coreTypes.numClass ||
c == _coreTypes.doubleClass ||
c == _coreTypes.boolClass)) {
// Custom type tests for these types are in the patch files.
return null;
if (c.enclosingLibrary == _coreTypes.asyncLibrary &&
c == _coreTypes.futureOrClass) {
// These methods are difficult to place in the runtime or patch files.
// * They need to be callable from the class but they can't be static
// methods on the FutureOr class in Dart because they reference the
// generic type parameter.
// * There isn't an obvious place in dart:_runtime were we could place a
// method that adds these type tests (similar to addTypeTests()) because
// in the bootstrap ordering the Future class hasn't been defined yet.
if (_options.enableNullSafety) {
var typeParam =
TypeParameterType(c.typeParameters[0], Nullability.undetermined);
var typeT = visitTypeParameterType(typeParam);
var futureOfT = visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType(
_coreTypes.futureClass, currentLibrary.nonNullable, [typeParam]));
body.add(js.statement(''' = function is_FutureOr(o) {
return ||;
''', [className, typeT, futureOfT]));
body.add(js.statement(''' = function as_FutureOr(o) {
if ( || return o;
return, this, false);
''', [className, typeT, futureOfT, runtimeModule]));
#._check = function check_FutureOr(o) {
if ( || return o;
return, this, true);
''', [className, typeT, futureOfT, runtimeModule]));
return null;
} else {
var typeParam =
TypeParameterType(c.typeParameters[0], Nullability.legacy);
var typeT = visitTypeParameterType(typeParam);
var futureOfT = visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType(
_coreTypes.futureClass, Nullability.legacy, [typeParam]));
body.add(js.statement(''' = function is_FutureOr(o) {
return ||;
''', [className, typeT, futureOfT]));
body.add(js.statement(''' = function as_FutureOr(o) {
if (o == null || || return o;
#.castError(o, this, false);
''', [className, typeT, futureOfT, runtimeModule]));
#._check = function check_FutureOr(o) {
if (o == null || || return o;
#.castError(o, this, true);
''', [className, typeT, futureOfT, runtimeModule]));
return null;
body.add(runtimeStatement('addTypeTests(#)', [className]));
if (c.typeParameters.isEmpty) return null;
// For generics, testing against the default instantiation is common,
// so optimize that.
var isClassSymbol = getInterfaceSymbol(c);
if (isClassSymbol == null) {
// TODO(jmesserly): we could export these symbols, if we want to mark
// implemented interfaces for user-defined classes.
var id = _emitTemporaryId('_is_${getLocalClassName(c)}_default');
js.statement('const # = Symbol(#);', [id, js.string(, "'")]));
isClassSymbol = id;
// Marking every generic type instantiation as a subtype of its default
// instantiation.
// Define the type tests on the default instantiation to check for that
// marker.
var defaultInst = _emitTopLevelName(c);
// Return this `addTypeTests` call so we can emit it outside of the generic
// type parameter scope.
return runtimeStatement('addTypeTests(#, #)', [defaultInst, isClassSymbol]);
void _emitDartSymbols(
Iterable<js_ast.TemporaryId> vars, List<js_ast.ModuleItem> body) {
for (var id in vars) {
body.add(js.statement('const # = Symbol(#)', [id, js.string(]));
void _emitSuperHelperSymbols(List<js_ast.Statement> body) {
_emitDartSymbols( => as js_ast.TemporaryId), body);
/// Emits static fields for a class, and initialize them eagerly if possible,
/// otherwise define them as lazy properties.
void _emitStaticFields(Class c, List<js_ast.Statement> body) {
var fields = c.fields
.where((f) => f.isStatic && getRedirectingFactories(f) == null)
if (c.isEnum) {
// We know enum fields can be safely emitted as const fields, as long
// as the `values` field is emitted last.
var classRef = _emitTopLevelName(c);
var valueField = fields.firstWhere((f) => == 'values');
for (var f in fields) {
_visitInitializer(f.initializer, f.annotations))
} else if (fields.isNotEmpty) {
body.add(_emitLazyFields(_emitTopLevelName(c), fields,
(n) => _emitStaticMemberName(;
void _emitClassMetadata(List<Expression> metadata,
js_ast.Expression className, List<js_ast.Statement> body) {
// Metadata
if (_options.emitMetadata && metadata.isNotEmpty) {
body.add(js.statement('#[#.metadata] = #;', [
_arrowFunctionWithLetScope(() => js_ast.ArrayInitializer(
/// Ensure `dartx.` symbols we will use are present.
void _initExtensionSymbols(Class c) {
if (_extensionTypes.hasNativeSubtype(c) || c == _coreTypes.objectClass) {
for (var m in c.procedures) {
if (!m.isAbstract && !m.isStatic && ! {
_declareMemberName(m, useExtension: true);
/// If a concrete class implements one of our extensions, we might need to
/// add forwarders.
void _defineExtensionMembers(
js_ast.Expression className, List<js_ast.Statement> body) {
void emitExtensions(String helperName, Iterable<String> extensions) {
if (extensions.isEmpty) return;
var names = extensions
.map((e) => propertyName(js_ast.memberNameForDartMember(e)))
body.add(js.statement('#.#(#, #);', [
js_ast.ArrayInitializer(names, multiline: names.length > 4)
var props = _classProperties;
emitExtensions('defineExtensionMethods', props.extensionMethods);
emitExtensions('defineExtensionAccessors', props.extensionAccessors);
/// Emit the signature on the class recording the runtime type information
void _emitClassSignature(
Class c, js_ast.Expression className, List<js_ast.Statement> body) {
var savedClass = _classEmittingSignatures;
_classEmittingSignatures = c;
var interfaces = c.implementedTypes.toList()
if (interfaces.isNotEmpty) {
body.add(js.statement('#[#.implements] = () => [#];', [
runtimeModule, =>
_emitInterfaceType(i.asInterfaceType, emitNullability: false))
void emitSignature(String name, List<js_ast.Property> elements) {
if (elements.isEmpty) return;
if (!name.startsWith('Static')) {
var proto = c == _coreTypes.objectClass
: runtimeCall('get${name}s(#.__proto__)', [className]);
elements.insert(0, js_ast.Property(propertyName('__proto__'), proto));
body.add(runtimeStatement('set${name}Signature(#, () => #)', [
js_ast.ObjectInitializer(elements, multiline: elements.length > 1)
var extMethods = _classProperties.extensionMethods;
var extAccessors = _classProperties.extensionAccessors;
var staticMethods = <js_ast.Property>[];
var instanceMethods = <js_ast.Property>[];
var staticGetters = <js_ast.Property>[];
var instanceGetters = <js_ast.Property>[];
var staticSetters = <js_ast.Property>[];
var instanceSetters = <js_ast.Property>[];
List<js_ast.Property> getSignatureList(Procedure p) {
if (p.isStatic) {
if (p.isGetter) {
return staticGetters;
} else if (p.isSetter) {
return staticSetters;
} else {
return staticMethods;
} else {
if (p.isGetter) {
return instanceGetters;
} else if (p.isSetter) {
return instanceSetters;
} else {
return instanceMethods;
var classProcedures = c.procedures.where((p) => !p.isAbstract).toList();
for (var member in classProcedures) {
// Static getters/setters/methods cannot be called with dynamic dispatch,
// nor can they be torn off.
if (!_options.emitMetadata && member.isStatic) continue;
var name =;
var reifiedType = _memberRuntimeType(member, c) as FunctionType;
// Don't add redundant signatures for inherited methods whose signature
// did not change. If we are not overriding, or if the thing we are
// overriding has a different reified type from ourselves, we must
// emit a signature on this class. Otherwise we will inherit the
// signature from the superclass.
var memberOverride = c.superclass != null
? _hierarchy.getDispatchTarget(c.superclass,,
setter: member.isSetter)
: null;
var needsSignature = memberOverride == null ||
reifiedType != _memberRuntimeType(memberOverride, c);
if (needsSignature) {
js_ast.Expression type;
if (member.isAccessor) {
type = _emitAnnotatedResult(
? reifiedType.returnType
: reifiedType.positionalParameters[0]),
} else {
type = _emitAnnotatedFunctionType(reifiedType, member);
var property = js_ast.Property(_declareMemberName(member), type);
var signatures = getSignatureList(member);
if (!member.isStatic &&
(extMethods.contains(name) || extAccessors.contains(name))) {
_declareMemberName(member, useExtension: true), type));
emitSignature('Method', instanceMethods);
emitSignature('StaticMethod', staticMethods);
emitSignature('Getter', instanceGetters);
emitSignature('Setter', instanceSetters);
emitSignature('StaticGetter', staticGetters);
emitSignature('StaticSetter', staticSetters);
body.add(runtimeStatement('setLibraryUri(#, #)', [
var instanceFields = <js_ast.Property>[];
var staticFields = <js_ast.Property>[];
var classFields = c.fields.toList();
for (var field in classFields) {
// Only instance fields need to be saved for dynamic dispatch.
var isStatic = field.isStatic;
if (!_options.emitMetadata && isStatic) continue;
var memberName = _declareMemberName(field);
var fieldSig = _emitFieldSignature(field, c);
(isStatic ? staticFields : instanceFields)
.add(js_ast.Property(memberName, fieldSig));
emitSignature('Field', instanceFields);
emitSignature('StaticField', staticFields);
if (_options.emitMetadata) {
var constructors = <js_ast.Property>[];
var allConstructors = [
...c.procedures.where((p) => p.isFactory),
for (var ctor in allConstructors) {
var memberName = _constructorName(;
var type = _emitAnnotatedFunctionType(
constructors.add(js_ast.Property(memberName, type));
emitSignature('Constructor', constructors);
// Add static property dart._runtimeType to Object.
// All other Dart classes will (statically) inherit this property.
if (c == _coreTypes.objectClass) {
body.add(runtimeStatement('lazyFn(#, () => #.#)',
[className, emitLibraryName(_coreTypes.coreLibrary), 'Type']));
_classEmittingSignatures = savedClass;
js_ast.Expression _emitFieldSignature(Field field, Class fromClass) {
var type = _typeFromClass(field.type, field.enclosingClass, fromClass);
var args = [_emitType(type)];
var annotations = field.annotations;
if (_options.emitMetadata &&
annotations != null &&
annotations.isNotEmpty) {
var savedUri = _currentUri;
_currentUri = field.enclosingClass.fileUri;
_currentUri = savedUri;
return runtimeCall(
field.isFinal ? 'finalFieldType(#)' : 'fieldType(#)', [args]);
DartType _memberRuntimeType(Member member, Class fromClass) {
var f = member.function;
if (f == null) {
return (member as Field).type;
FunctionType result;
if (!f.positionalParameters.any(isCovariantParameter) &&
!f.namedParameters.any(isCovariantParameter)) {
result = f.computeThisFunctionType(member.enclosingLibrary.nonNullable);
} else {
DartType reifyParameter(VariableDeclaration p) => isCovariantParameter(p)
? _coreTypes.objectRawType(member.enclosingLibrary.nullable)
: p.type;
NamedType reifyNamedParameter(VariableDeclaration p) =>
NamedType(, reifyParameter(p));
// TODO(jmesserly): do covariant type parameter bounds also need to be
// reified as `Object`?
result = FunctionType(,
f.returnType, Nullability.legacy,
typeParameters: f
requiredParameterCount: f.requiredParameterCount);
return _typeFromClass(result, member.enclosingClass, fromClass)
as FunctionType;
DartType _typeFromClass(DartType type, Class superclass, Class subclass) {
if (identical(superclass, subclass)) return type;
return Substitution.fromSupertype(
_hierarchy.getClassAsInstanceOf(subclass, superclass))
js_ast.Expression _emitConstructor(
Constructor node, List<Field> fields, js_ast.Expression className) {
var savedUri = _currentUri;
_currentUri = node.fileUri ?? savedUri;
var params = _emitParameters(node.function);
var body = _withCurrentFunction(
() => _superDisallowed(
() => _emitConstructorBody(node, fields, className)));
var end = _nodeEnd(node.fileEndOffset);
_currentUri = savedUri;
end ??= _nodeEnd(node.enclosingClass.fileEndOffset);
return js_ast.Fun(params, js_ast.Block(body))..sourceInformation = end;
List<js_ast.Statement> _emitConstructorBody(
Constructor node, List<Field> fields, js_ast.Expression className) {
var cls = node.enclosingClass;
// Generate optional/named argument value assignment. These can not have
// side effects, and may be used by the constructor's initializers, so it's
// nice to do them first.
// Also for const constructors we need to ensure default values are
// available for use by top-level constant initializers.
var fn = node.function;
var body = _emitArgumentInitializers(fn,;
// Redirecting constructors: these are not allowed to have initializers,
// and the redirecting ctor invocation runs before field initializers.
var redirectCall = node.initializers
.firstWhere((i) => i is RedirectingInitializer, orElse: () => null)
as RedirectingInitializer;
if (redirectCall != null) {
body.add(_emitRedirectingConstructor(redirectCall, className));
return body;
// Generate field initializers.
// These are expanded into each non-redirecting constructor.
// In the future we may want to create an initializer function if we have
// multiple constructors, but it needs to be balanced against readability.
body.add(_initializeFields(fields, node));
// If no superinitializer is provided, an implicit superinitializer of the
// form `super()` is added at the end of the initializer list, unless the
// enclosing class is class Object.
var superCall = node.initializers.firstWhere((i) => i is SuperInitializer,
orElse: () => null) as SuperInitializer;
var jsSuper = _emitSuperConstructorCallIfNeeded(cls, className, superCall);
if (jsSuper != null) {
body.add(jsSuper..sourceInformation = _nodeStart(superCall));
return body;
js_ast.Expression _constructorName(String name) {
if (name == '') {
// Default constructors (factory or not) use `new` as their name.
return propertyName('new');
return _emitStaticMemberName(name);
js_ast.Statement _emitRedirectingConstructor(
RedirectingInitializer node, js_ast.Expression className) {
var ctor =;
// We can't dispatch to the constructor with `` as that might hit a
// derived class constructor with the same name.
return js.statement(', #);', [
_emitArgumentList(node.arguments, types: false)
js_ast.Statement _emitSuperConstructorCallIfNeeded(
Class c, js_ast.Expression className,
[SuperInitializer superInit]) {
if (c == _coreTypes.objectClass) return null;
Constructor ctor;
List<js_ast.Expression> args;
if (superInit == null) {
ctor = unnamedConstructor(c.superclass);
args = [];
} else {
ctor =;
args = _emitArgumentList(superInit.arguments, types: false);
// We can skip the super call if it's empty. Most commonly this happens for
// things that extend Object, and don't have any field initializers or their
// own default constructor.
if ( == '' && !_hasUnnamedSuperConstructor(c)) {
return null;
return _emitSuperConstructorCall(className,, args);
js_ast.Statement _emitSuperConstructorCall(
js_ast.Expression className, String name, List<js_ast.Expression> args) {
return js.statement(', #);',
[className, _constructorName(name), args ?? []]);
bool _hasUnnamedInheritedConstructor(Class c) {
if (c == null) return false;
return _hasUnnamedConstructor(c) || _hasUnnamedSuperConstructor(c);
bool _hasUnnamedSuperConstructor(Class c) {
return _hasUnnamedConstructor(c.mixedInClass) ||
bool _hasUnnamedConstructor(Class c) {
if (c == null || c == _coreTypes.objectClass) return false;
var ctor = unnamedConstructor(c);
if (ctor != null && !ctor.isSynthetic) return true;
return c.fields.any((f) => !f.isStatic);
/// Initialize fields. They follow the sequence:
/// 1. field declaration initializer if non-const,
/// 2. field initializing parameters,
/// 3. constructor field initializers,
/// 4. initialize fields not covered in 1-3
js_ast.Statement _initializeFields(List<Field> fields, [Constructor ctor]) {
// Run field initializers if they can have side-effects.
Set<Field> ctorFields;
if (ctor != null) {
ctorFields = ctor.initializers
.map((c) => c is FieldInitializer ? c.field : null)
var body = <js_ast.Statement>[];
void emitFieldInit(Field f, Expression initializer, TreeNode hoverInfo) {
var access = _classProperties.virtualFields[f] ?? _declareMemberName(f);
var jsInit = _visitInitializer(initializer, f.annotations);
.toAssignExpression('this.#', [access])
..sourceInformation = _nodeStart(hoverInfo))
for (var f in fields) {
if (f.isStatic) continue;
var init = f.initializer;
if (ctorFields != null &&
ctorFields.contains(f) &&
(init == null || _constants.isConstant(init))) {
emitFieldInit(f, init, f);
// Run constructor field initializers such as `: foo = bar.baz`
if (ctor != null) {
for (var init in ctor.initializers) {
if (init is FieldInitializer) {
emitFieldInit(init.field, init.value, init);
} else if (init is LocalInitializer) {
} else if (init is AssertInitializer) {
return js_ast.Statement.from(body);
js_ast.Expression _visitInitializer(
Expression init, List<Expression> annotations) {
// explicitly initialize to null, to avoid getting `undefined`.
// TODO(jmesserly): do this only for vars that aren't definitely assigned.
if (init == null) return js_ast.LiteralNull();
return _annotatedNullCheck(annotations)
? notNull(init)
: _visitExpression(init);
js_ast.Expression notNull(Expression expr) {
if (expr == null) return null;
var jsExpr = _visitExpression(expr);
if (!isNullable(expr)) return jsExpr;
return runtimeCall('notNull(#)', [jsExpr]);
/// If the class has only factory constructors, and it can be mixed in,
/// then we need to emit a special hidden default constructor for use by
/// mixins.
bool _usesMixinNew(Class mixin) {
// TODO(jmesserly): mixin declarations don't get implicit constructor nodes,
// even if they have fields, so we need to ensure they're getting generated.
return mixin.isMixinDeclaration && _hasUnnamedConstructor(mixin) ||
mixin.superclass?.superclass == null &&
mixin.constructors.every((c) => c.isExternal);
js_ast.Statement _addConstructorToClass(Class c, js_ast.Expression className,
String name, js_ast.Expression jsCtor) {
jsCtor = defineValueOnClass(c, className, _constructorName(name), jsCtor);
return js.statement('#.prototype = #.prototype;', [jsCtor, className]);
bool superclassHasStatic(Class c, String memberName) {
// Note: because we're only considering statics, we can ignore mixins.
// We're only trying to find conflicts due to JS inheriting statics.
var name = Name(memberName, c.enclosingLibrary);
while (true) {
c = c.superclass;
if (c == null) return false;
for (var m in c.members) {
if ( == name &&
(m is Procedure && m.isStatic || m is Field && m.isStatic)) {
return true;
List<js_ast.Method> _emitClassMethods(Class c) {
var virtualFields = _classProperties.virtualFields;
var jsMethods = <js_ast.Method>[];
var hasJsPeer = _extensionTypes.isNativeClass(c);
var hasIterator = false;
if (c == _coreTypes.objectClass) {
// Dart does not use ES6 constructors.
// Add an error to catch any invalid usage.
js_ast.Method(propertyName('constructor'),'''function() {
throw Error("use `new " + #.typeName(#.getReifiedType(this)) +
".new(...)` to create a Dart object");
}''', [runtimeModule, runtimeModule])));
} else if (c == _jsArrayClass) {
// Provide access to the Array constructor property, so it works like
// other native types (rather than calling the Dart Object "constructor"
// above, which throws).
// This will become obsolete when
// is addressed.
propertyName('constructor'),'function() { return []; }')));
Set<Member> redirectingFactories;
for (var m in c.fields) {
if (m.isStatic) {
redirectingFactories ??= getRedirectingFactories(m)?.toSet();
} else if (_extensionTypes.isNativeClass(c)) {
} else if (virtualFields.containsKey(m)) {
var getters = <String, Procedure>{};
var setters = <String, Procedure>{};
for (var m in c.procedures) {
if (m.isAbstract) continue;
if (m.isGetter) {
getters[] = m;
} else if (m.isSetter) {
setters[] = m;
var savedUri = _currentUri;
for (var m in c.procedures) {
// For the Dart SDK, we use the member URI because it may be different
// from the class (because of patch files). User code does not need this.
// TODO(jmesserly): CFE has a bug(?) where nSM forwarders sometimes have a
// bogus file URI, that is mismatched compared to the offsets. This causes
// a crash when we look up the location. So for those forwarders, we just
// suppress source spans.
_currentUri = m.isNoSuchMethodForwarder ? null : (m.fileUri ?? savedUri);
if (_isForwardingStub(m)) {
// TODO(jmesserly): is there any other kind of forwarding stub?
} else if (m.isFactory) {
if (redirectingFactories?.contains(m) ?? false) {
// Skip redirecting factories (they've already been resolved).
} else {
} else if (m.isAccessor) {
jsMethods.add(_emitSuperAccessorWrapper(m, getters, setters));
if (!hasJsPeer && m.isGetter && == 'iterator') {
hasIterator = true;
} else {
_currentUri = savedUri;
// If the type doesn't have an `iterator`, but claims to implement Iterable,
// we inject the adaptor method here, as it's less code size to put the
// helper on a parent class. This pattern is common in the core libraries
// (e.g. IterableMixin<E> and IterableBase<E>).
// (We could do this same optimization for any interface with an `iterator`
// method, but that's more expensive to check for, so it doesn't seem worth
// it. The above case for an explicit `iterator` method will catch those.)
if (!hasJsPeer && !hasIterator) {
// Add all of the super helper methods
return jsMethods.where((m) => m != null).toList();
bool _isForwardingStub(Procedure member) {
if (member.isForwardingStub || member.isForwardingSemiStub) {
if (_currentLibrary.importUri.scheme != 'dart') return true;
// TODO(jmesserly): external methods in the SDK seem to get incorrectly
// tagged as forwarding stubs even if they are patched. Perhaps there is
// an ordering issue in CFE. So for now we pattern match to see if it
// looks like an actual forwarding stub.
// We may be able to work around this in a cleaner way by simply emitting
// the code, and letting the normal covariance check logic handle things.
// But currently we use _emitCovarianceCheckStub to work around some
// issues in the stubs.
var body = member.function.body;
if (body is ReturnStatement) {
var expr = body.expression;
return expr is SuperMethodInvocation || expr is SuperPropertySet;
return false;
/// Emits a method, getter, or setter.
js_ast.Method _emitMethodDeclaration(Procedure member) {
if (member.isAbstract) {
return null;
js_ast.Fun fn;
if (member.isExternal && !member.isNoSuchMethodForwarder) {
if (member.isStatic) {
// TODO(vsm): Do we need to handle this case?
return null;
fn = _emitNativeFunctionBody(member);
} else {
fn = _emitFunction(member.function,;
return js_ast.Method(_declareMemberName(member), fn,
isGetter: member.isGetter,
isSetter: member.isSetter,
isStatic: member.isStatic)
..sourceInformation = _nodeEnd(member.fileEndOffset);
js_ast.Fun _emitNativeFunctionBody(Procedure node) {
var name = _annotationName(node, isJSAnnotation) ??;
if (node.isGetter) {
return js_ast.Fun([], js.block('{ return this.#; }', [name]));
} else if (node.isSetter) {
var params = _emitParameters(node.function);
return js_ast.Fun(
params, js.block('{ this.# = #; }', [name, params.last]));
} else {
'function (...args) { return this.#.apply(this, args); }', name);
List<js_ast.Method> _emitCovarianceCheckStub(Procedure member) {
// TODO(jmesserly): kernel stubs have a few problems:
// - they're generated even when there is no concrete super member
// - the stub parameter types don't match the types we need to check to
// ensure soundness of the super member, so we must lookup the super
// member and determine checks ourselves.
// - it generates getter stubs, but these are not used
if (member.isGetter) return const [];
var enclosingClass = member.enclosingClass;
var superMember = member.forwardingStubSuperTarget ??
if (superMember == null) return const [];
DartType substituteType(DartType t) {
return _typeFromClass(t, superMember.enclosingClass, enclosingClass);
var name = _declareMemberName(member);
if (member.isSetter) {
if (superMember is Field && isCovariantField(superMember) ||
superMember is Procedure &&
superMember.function.positionalParameters[0])) {
return const [];
var setterType = substituteType(superMember.setterType);
if (_types.isTop(setterType)) return const [];
return [
name,'function(x) { return super.# = #; }',
[name, _emitCast(_emitIdentifier('x'), setterType)]),
isSetter: true),
js_ast.Method(name,'function() { return super.#; }', [name]),
isGetter: true)
var superMethodType = substituteType(superMember.function
as FunctionType;
var function = member.function;
var body = <js_ast.Statement>[];
var typeParameters = superMethodType.typeParameters;
_emitCovarianceBoundsCheck(typeParameters, body);
var typeFormals = _emitTypeFormals(typeParameters);
var jsParams = List<js_ast.Parameter>.from(typeFormals);
var positionalParameters = function.positionalParameters;
for (var i = 0, n = positionalParameters.length; i < n; i++) {
var param = positionalParameters[i];
var jsParam = _emitIdentifier(;
if (isCovariantParameter(param) &&
!isCovariantParameter(superMember.function.positionalParameters[i])) {
var check = _emitCast(jsParam, superMethodType.positionalParameters[i]);
if (i >= function.requiredParameterCount) {
body.add(js.statement('if (# !== void 0) #;', [jsParam, check]));
} else {
var namedParameters = function.namedParameters;
for (var param in namedParameters) {
if (isCovariantParameter(param) &&
.firstWhere((n) => == {
var name = propertyName(;
var paramType = superMethodType.namedParameters
.firstWhere((n) => ==;
body.add(js.statement('if (# in #) #;', [
js_ast.PropertyAccess(namedArgumentTemp, name), paramType.type)
if (body.isEmpty) return const []; // No checks were needed.
if (namedParameters.isNotEmpty) jsParams.add(namedArgumentTemp);
body.add(js.statement('return super.#(#);', [name, jsParams]));
return [js_ast.Method(name, js_ast.Fun(jsParams, js_ast.Block(body)))];
/// Emits a Dart factory constructor to a JS static method.
js_ast.Method _emitFactoryConstructor(Procedure node) {
if (node.isExternal || isUnsupportedFactoryConstructor(node)) return null;
var function = node.function;
/// Note: factory constructors can't use `sync*`/`async*`/`async` bodies
/// because it would return the wrong type, so we can assume `sync` here.
/// We can also skip the logic in [_emitFunction] related to operator
/// methods like ==, as well as generic method parameters.
/// If a future Dart version allows factory constructors to take their
/// own type parameters, this will need to be changed to call
/// [_emitFunction] instead.
var name =;
var jsBody = _emitSyncFunctionBody(function, name);
return js_ast.Method(
_constructorName(name), js_ast.Fun(_emitParameters(function), jsBody),
isStatic: true)
..sourceInformation = _nodeEnd(node.fileEndOffset);
js_ast.Expression emitConstructorAccess(InterfaceType type) {
return _emitJSInterop(type.classNode) ??
_emitInterfaceType(type, emitNullability: false);
/// This is called whenever a derived class needs to introduce a new field,
/// shadowing a field or getter/setter pair on its parent.
/// This is important because otherwise, trying to read or write the field
/// would end up calling the getter or setter, and one of those might not even
/// exist, resulting in a runtime error. Even if they did exist, that's the
/// wrong behavior if a new field was declared.
List<js_ast.Method> _emitVirtualFieldAccessor(Field field) {
var virtualField = _classProperties.virtualFields[field];
var name = _declareMemberName(field);
var getter ='function() { return this[#]; }', [virtualField]);
var jsGetter = js_ast.Method(name, getter, isGetter: true)
..sourceInformation = _nodeStart(field);
var args =
field.isFinal ? [js_ast.Super(), name] : [js_ast.This(), virtualField];
js_ast.Expression value = _emitIdentifier('value');
if (!field.isFinal && isCovariantField(field)) {
value = _emitCast(value, field.type);
var jsSetter = js_ast.Method(
name,'function(value) { #[#] = #; }', args),
isSetter: true)
..sourceInformation = _nodeStart(field);
return [jsGetter, jsSetter];
/// Provide Dart getters and setters that forward to the underlying native
/// field. Note that the Dart names are always symbolized to avoid
/// conflicts. They will be installed as extension methods on the underlying
/// native type.
List<js_ast.Method> _emitNativeFieldAccessors(Field field) {
// TODO(vsm): Can this by meta-programmed?
// E.g., dart.nativeField(symbol, jsName)
// Alternatively, perhaps it could be meta-programmed directly in
// dart.registerExtensions?
var jsMethods = <js_ast.Method>[];
var name = _annotationName(field, isJSName) ??;
// Generate getter
var fn = js_ast.Fun([], js.block('{ return this.#; }', [name]));
var method = js_ast.Method(_declareMemberName(field), fn, isGetter: true);
// Generate setter
if (!field.isFinal) {
var value = _emitTemporaryId('value');
fn = js_ast.Fun([value], js.block('{ this.# = #; }', [name, value]));
method = js_ast.Method(_declareMemberName(field), fn, isSetter: true);
return jsMethods;
/// Emit a getter (or setter) that simply forwards to the superclass getter
/// (or setter).
/// This is needed because in ES6, if you only override a getter
/// (alternatively, a setter), then there is an implicit override of the
/// setter (alternatively, the getter) that does nothing.
js_ast.Method _emitSuperAccessorWrapper(Procedure member,
Map<String, Procedure> getters, Map<String, Procedure> setters) {
if (member.isAbstract) return null;
var name =;
var memberName = _declareMemberName(member);
if (member.isGetter) {
if (!setters.containsKey(name) &&
_classProperties.inheritedSetters.contains(name)) {
// Generate a setter that forwards to super.
var fn ='function(value) { super[#] = value; }', [memberName]);
return js_ast.Method(memberName, fn, isSetter: true);
} else {
if (!getters.containsKey(name) &&
_classProperties.inheritedGetters.contains(name)) {
// Generate a getter that forwards to super.
var fn ='function() { return super[#]; }', [memberName]);
return js_ast.Method(memberName, fn, isGetter: true);
return null;
/// Support for adapting dart:core Iterable to ES6 versions.
/// This lets them use for-of loops transparently:
/// <>
/// This will return `null` if the adapter was already added on a super type,
/// otherwise it returns the adapter code.
// TODO(jmesserly): should we adapt `Iterator` too?
js_ast.Method _emitIterable(Class c) {
var iterable = _hierarchy.getClassAsInstanceOf(c, _coreTypes.iterableClass);
if (iterable == null) return null;
// If a parent had an `iterator` (concrete or abstract) or implements
// Iterable, we know the adapter is already there, so we can skip it as a
// simple code size optimization.
var parent = _hierarchy.getDispatchTarget(c.superclass, Name('iterator'));
if (parent != null) return null;
var parentIterable =
_hierarchy.getClassAsInstanceOf(c.superclass, _coreTypes.iterableClass);
if (parentIterable != null) return null;
if (c.enclosingLibrary.importUri.scheme == 'dart' &&
c.procedures.any((m) => _jsExportName(m) == 'Symbol.iterator')) {
return null;
// Otherwise, emit the adapter method, which wraps the Dart iterator in
// an ES6 iterator.
return js_ast.Method('Symbol.iterator'),'function() { return new #.JsIterator(this.#); }', [
_emitMemberName('iterator', memberClass: _coreTypes.iterableClass)
]) as js_ast.Fun);
js_ast.Expression _instantiateAnnotation(Expression node) =>
void _registerExtensionType(
Class c, String jsPeerName, List<js_ast.Statement> body) {
var className = _emitTopLevelName(c);
if (_typeRep.isPrimitive(_coreTypes.legacyRawType(c))) {
'definePrimitiveHashCode(#.prototype)', [className]));
'registerExtension(#, #)', [js.string(jsPeerName), className]));
void _emitTopLevelFields(List<Field> fields) {
if (isSdkInternalRuntime(_currentLibrary)) {
/// Treat dart:_runtime fields as safe to eagerly evaluate.
// TODO(jmesserly): it'd be nice to avoid this special case.
var lazyFields = <Field>[];
var savedUri = _currentUri;
// Helper functions to test if a constructor invocation is internal and
// should be eagerly evaluated.
var isInternalConstructor = (ConstructorInvocation node) {
var type = node.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext) as InterfaceType;
var library = type.classNode.enclosingLibrary;
return isSdkInternalRuntime(library);
for (var field in fields) {
var init = field.initializer;
if (init == null ||
init is BasicLiteral ||
init is ConstructorInvocation && isInternalConstructor(init) ||
init is StaticInvocation && isInlineJS( {
if (init is ConstructorInvocation) {
// This is an eagerly executed constructor invocation. We need to
// ensure the class is emitted before this statement.
var type = init.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext) as InterfaceType;
_currentUri = field.fileUri;
moduleItems.add(js.statement('# = #;', [
_visitInitializer(init, field.annotations)
} else {
_currentUri = savedUri;
fields = lazyFields;
if (fields.isEmpty) return;
emitLibraryName(_currentLibrary), fields, _emitTopLevelMemberName));
js_ast.Statement _emitLazyFields(
js_ast.Expression objExpr,
Iterable<Field> fields,
js_ast.Expression Function(Field f) emitFieldName) {
var accessors = <js_ast.Method>[];
var savedUri = _currentUri;
for (var field in fields) {
_currentUri = field.fileUri;
var access = emitFieldName(field);
accessors.add(js_ast.Method(access, _emitStaticFieldInitializer(field),
isGetter: true)
..sourceInformation = _hoverComment(
js_ast.PropertyAccess(objExpr, access),
// TODO(jmesserly): currently uses a dummy setter to indicate writable.
if (!field.isFinal && !field.isConst) {
access,'function(_) {}') as js_ast.Fun,
isSetter: true));
_currentUri = _currentLibrary.fileUri;
_currentUri = savedUri;
return runtimeStatement('defineLazy(#, { # })', [objExpr, accessors]);
js_ast.Fun _emitStaticFieldInitializer(Field field) {
return js_ast.Fun([], js_ast.Block(_withLetScope(() {
return [
js_ast.Return(_visitInitializer(field.initializer, field.annotations))
List<js_ast.Statement> _withLetScope(
List<js_ast.Statement> Function() visitBody) {
var savedLetVariables = _letVariables;
_letVariables = [];
var body = visitBody();
var letVars = _initLetVariables();
if (letVars != null) body.insert(0, letVars);
_letVariables = savedLetVariables;
return body;
js_ast.ArrowFun _arrowFunctionWithLetScope(
js_ast.Expression Function() visitBody) {
var savedLetVariables = _letVariables;
_letVariables = [];
var expr = visitBody();
var letVars = _initLetVariables();
_letVariables = savedLetVariables;
return js_ast.ArrowFun(
[], letVars == null ? expr : js_ast.Block([letVars, expr.toReturn()]));
js_ast.PropertyAccess _emitTopLevelName(NamedNode n, {String suffix = ''}) {
return _emitJSInterop(n) ?? _emitTopLevelNameNoInterop(n, suffix: suffix);
/// Like [_emitMemberName], but for declaration sites.
/// Unlike call sites, we always have an element available, so we can use it
/// directly rather than computing the relevant options for [_emitMemberName].
js_ast.Expression _declareMemberName(Member m, {bool useExtension}) {
return _emitMemberName(,
isStatic: m is Field ? m.isStatic : (m as Procedure).isStatic,
useExtension ?? _extensionTypes.isNativeClass(m.enclosingClass),
member: m);
/// This handles member renaming for private names and operators.
/// Private names are generated using ES6 symbols:
/// // At the top of the module:
/// let _x = Symbol('_x');
/// let _y = Symbol('_y');
/// ...
/// class Point {
/// Point(x, y) {
/// this[_x] = x;
/// this[_y] = y;
/// }
/// get x() { return this[_x]; }
/// get y() { return this[_y]; }
/// }
/// For user-defined operators the following names are allowed:
/// <, >, <=, >=, ==, -, +, /, ~/, *, %, |, ^, &, <<, >>, []=, [], ~
/// They generate code like:
/// x['+'](y)
/// There are three exceptions: [], []= and unary -.
/// The indexing operators we use `get` and `set` instead:
/// x.get('hi')
/// x.set('hi', 123)
/// This follows the same pattern as ECMAScript 6 Map:
/// <>
/// Unary minus looks like: `x._negate()`.
/// Equality is a bit special, it is generated via the Dart `equals` runtime
/// helper, that checks for null. The user defined method is called '=='.
js_ast.Expression _emitMemberName(String name,
{bool isStatic = false,
bool useExtension,
Member member,
Class memberClass}) {
// Static members skip the rename steps and may require JS interop renames.
if (isStatic) {
return _emitStaticMemberName(name, member);
// We allow some (illegal in Dart) member names to be used in our private
// SDK code. These renames need to be included at every declaration,
// including overrides in subclasses.
if (member != null) {
var runtimeName = _jsExportName(member);
if (runtimeName != null) {
var parts = runtimeName.split('.');
if (parts.length < 2) return propertyName(runtimeName);
js_ast.Expression result = _emitIdentifier(parts[0]);
for (var i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) {
result = js_ast.PropertyAccess(result, propertyName(parts[i]));
return result;
memberClass ??= member?.enclosingClass;
if (name.startsWith('_')) {
// Use the library that this private member's name is scoped to.
var memberLibrary = member?.name?.library ??
memberClass?.enclosingLibrary ??
return emitPrivateNameSymbol(memberLibrary, name);
useExtension ??= _isSymbolizedMember(memberClass, name);
name = js_ast.memberNameForDartMember(name, _isExternal(member));
if (useExtension) {
return getExtensionSymbolInternal(name);
return propertyName(name);
/// Don't symbolize native members that just forward to the underlying
/// native member. We limit this to non-renamed members as the receiver
/// may be a mock type.
/// Note, this is an underlying assumption here that, if another native type
/// subtypes this one, it also forwards this member to its underlying native
/// one without renaming.
bool _isSymbolizedMember(Class c, String name) {
if (c == null) {
return _isObjectMember(name);
c = _typeRep.getImplementationClass(_coreTypes.legacyRawType(c)) ?? c;
if (_extensionTypes.isNativeClass(c)) {
var member = _lookupForwardedMember(c, name);
// Fields on a native class are implicitly native.
// Methods/getters/setters are marked external/native.
if (member is Field || _isExternal(member)) {
var jsName = _annotationName(member, isJSName);
return jsName != null && jsName != name;
} else {
// Non-external members must be symbolized.
return true;
// If the receiver *may* be a native type (i.e., an interface allowed to
// be implemented by a native class), conservatively symbolize - we don't
// know whether it'll be implemented via forwarding.
// TODO(vsm): Consider CHA here to be less conservative.
return _extensionTypes.isNativeInterface(c);
final _forwardingCache = HashMap<Class, Map<String, Member>>();
Member _lookupForwardedMember(Class c, String name) {
// We only care about public methods.
if (name.startsWith('_')) return null;
var map = _forwardingCache.putIfAbsent(c, () => {});
return map.putIfAbsent(
() =>
_hierarchy.getDispatchTarget(c, Name(name)) ??
_hierarchy.getDispatchTarget(c, Name(name), setter: true));
js_ast.Expression _emitStaticMemberName(String name, [NamedNode member]) {
if (member != null) {
var jsName = _emitJSInteropStaticMemberName(member);
if (jsName != null) return jsName;
// Allow the Dart SDK to assign names to statics with the @JSExportName
// annotation.
var exportName = _jsExportName(member);
if (exportName != null) return propertyName(exportName);
switch (name) {
// Reserved for the compiler to do `x as T`.
case 'as':
// Reserved for the compiler to do implicit cast `T x = y`.
case '_check':
// Reserved for the SDK to compute `Type.toString()`.
case 'name':
// Reserved by JS, not a valid static member name.
case 'prototype':
name += '_';
// All trailing underscores static names are reserved for the compiler
// or SDK libraries.
// If user code uses them, add an extra `_`.
// This also avoids collision with the renames above, e.g. `static as`
// and `static as_` will become `as_` and `as__`.
if (name.endsWith('_')) {
name += '_';
return propertyName(name);
/// If [f] is a function passed to JS, make it throw at runtime when called if
/// it isn't wrapped with `allowInterop`.
/// Arguments which are _directly_ wrapped at the site they are passed are
/// unmodified.
Expression _assertInterop(Expression f) {
var type = f.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext);
if (type is FunctionType ||
(type is InterfaceType && type.classNode == _coreTypes.functionClass)) {
if (!isAllowInterop(f)) {
return StaticInvocation(
_assertInteropMethod, Arguments([f], types: [type]));
return f;
js_ast.Expression _emitJSInteropStaticMemberName(NamedNode n) {
if (!usesJSInterop(n)) return null;
var name = _annotationName(n, isPublicJSAnnotation);
if (name != null) {
if (name.contains('.')) {
throw UnsupportedError(
'static members do not support "." in their names. '
} else {
name = getTopLevelName(n);
return js.escapedString(name, "'");
js_ast.PropertyAccess _emitTopLevelNameNoInterop(NamedNode n,
{String suffix = ''}) {
return js_ast.PropertyAccess(emitLibraryName(getLibrary(n)),
_emitTopLevelMemberName(n, suffix: suffix));
/// Emits the member name portion of a top-level member.
/// NOTE: usually you should use [_emitTopLevelName] instead of this. This
/// function does not handle JS interop.
js_ast.Expression _emitTopLevelMemberName(NamedNode n, {String suffix = ''}) {
var name = _jsExportName(n) ?? getTopLevelName(n);
return propertyName(name + suffix);
bool _isExternal(Member m) {
// Corresponds to the names in memberNameForDartMember in
// compiler/js_names.dart.
const renamedJsMembers = ['prototype', 'constructor'];
if (m is Procedure) {
if (m.isExternal) return true;
if (m.isNoSuchMethodForwarder) {
if (renamedJsMembers.contains( {
return _hasExternalProcedure(m.enclosingClass,;
return false;
/// Returns true if anything up the class hierarchy externally defines a
/// procedure with name = [name].
/// Used to determine when we should alias Dart-JS reserved members
/// (e.g., 'prototype' and 'constructor').
bool _hasExternalProcedure(Class c, String name) {
var classes = Queue<Class>()..add(c);
while (classes.isNotEmpty) {
var c = classes.removeFirst();
var classesToCheck = [
if (c.supertype != null) c.supertype.classNode,
for (var t in c.implementedTypes) if (t.classNode != null) t.classNode,
for (var procedure in c.procedures) {
if ( == name && !procedure.isNoSuchMethodForwarder) {
return procedure.isExternal;
return false;
String _jsNameWithoutGlobal(NamedNode n) {
if (!usesJSInterop(n)) return null;
var libraryJSName = _annotationName(getLibrary(n), isPublicJSAnnotation);
var jsName = _annotationName(n, isPublicJSAnnotation) ?? getTopLevelName(n);
return libraryJSName != null ? '$libraryJSName.$jsName' : jsName;
js_ast.PropertyAccess _emitJSInterop(NamedNode n) {
var jsName = _jsNameWithoutGlobal(n);
if (jsName == null) return null;
return _emitJSInteropForGlobal(jsName);
js_ast.PropertyAccess _emitJSInteropForGlobal(String name) {
var parts = name.split('.');
if (parts.isEmpty) parts = [''];
js_ast.PropertyAccess access;
for (var part in parts) {
access = js_ast.PropertyAccess(
access ?? runtimeCall('global'), js.escapedString(part, "'"));
return access;
void _emitLibraryProcedures(Library library) {
var procedures = library.procedures
.where((p) => !p.isExternal && !p.isAbstract)
.where((p) => !p.isAccessor)
_emitLibraryAccessors(procedures.where((p) => p.isAccessor).toList());
void _emitLibraryAccessors(Iterable<Procedure> accessors) {
if (accessors.isEmpty) return;
moduleItems.add(runtimeStatement('copyProperties(#, { # })', [
js_ast.Method _emitLibraryAccessor(Procedure node) {
var savedUri = _currentUri;
_currentUri = node.fileUri;
var name =;
var result = js_ast.Method(
propertyName(name), _emitFunction(node.function,,
isGetter: node.isGetter, isSetter: node.isSetter)
..sourceInformation = _nodeEnd(node.fileEndOffset);
_currentUri = savedUri;
return result;
js_ast.Statement _emitLibraryFunction(Procedure p) {
var savedUri = _currentUri;
_currentUri = p.fileUri;
var body = <js_ast.Statement>[];
var fn = _emitFunction(p.function,
..sourceInformation = _nodeEnd(p.fileEndOffset);
if (_currentLibrary.importUri.scheme == 'dart' &&
_isInlineJSFunction(p.function.body)) {
fn = js_ast.simplifyPassThroughArrowFunCallBody(fn);
var nameExpr = _emitTopLevelName(p);
body.add(js.statement('# = #',
[nameExpr, js_ast.NamedFunction(_emitTemporaryId(, fn)]));
// Function types of top-level/static functions are only needed when
// dart:mirrors is enabled.
// TODO(jmesserly): do we even need this for mirrors, since statics are not
// commonly reflected on?
if (_options.emitMetadata && _reifyFunctionType(p.function)) {
topLevel: true)
_currentUri = savedUri;
return js_ast.Statement.from(body);
js_ast.Expression _emitFunctionTagged(js_ast.Expression fn, FunctionType type,
{bool topLevel = false}) {
var lazy = topLevel && !_canEmitTypeAtTopLevel(type);
var typeRep = visitFunctionType(type, lazy: lazy);
return runtimeCall(lazy ? 'lazyFn(#, #)' : 'fn(#, #)', [fn, typeRep]);
/// Whether the expression for [type] can be evaluated at this point in the JS
/// module.
/// Types cannot be evaluated if they depend on something that hasn't been
/// defined yet. For example:
/// C foo() => null;
/// class C {}
/// If we're emitting the type information for `foo`, we cannot refer to `C`
/// yet, so we must evaluate foo's type lazily.
bool _canEmitTypeAtTopLevel(DartType type) {
if (type is InterfaceType) {
return !_pendingClasses.contains(type.classNode) &&
if (type is FunctionType) {
// Generic functions are always safe to emit, because they're lazy until
// type arguments are applied.
if (type.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) return true;
return (_canEmitTypeAtTopLevel(type.returnType) &&
type.positionalParameters.every(_canEmitTypeAtTopLevel) &&
type.namedParameters.every((n) => _canEmitTypeAtTopLevel(n.type)));
if (type is TypedefType) {
return type.typeArguments.every(_canEmitTypeAtTopLevel);
return true;
/// Emits a Dart [type] into code.
js_ast.Expression _emitType(DartType type) => type.accept(this);
js_ast.Expression _emitInvalidNode(Node node, [String message = '']) {
if (message.isNotEmpty) message += ' ';
return runtimeCall('throwUnimplementedError(#)',
[js.escapedString('node <${node.runtimeType}> $message`$node`')]);
js_ast.Expression defaultDartType(DartType type) => _emitInvalidNode(type);
js_ast.Expression visitInvalidType(InvalidType type) => defaultDartType(type);
js_ast.Expression visitDynamicType(DynamicType type) =>
js_ast.Expression visitVoidType(VoidType type) => runtimeCall('void');
js_ast.Expression visitBottomType(BottomType type) =>
js_ast.Expression visitNeverType(NeverType type) =>
_emitNullabilityWrapper(runtimeCall('Never'), type.nullability);
js_ast.Expression visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType type) =>
/// Emits the representation of [type].
/// Will avoid emitting the type wrappers for null safety when
/// [emitNullability] is `false` to avoid cases where marking [type] with
/// nullability information makes no sense in the context.
js_ast.Expression _emitInterfaceType(InterfaceType type,
{bool emitNullability = true}) {
var c = type.classNode;
// Type parameters don't matter as JS interop types cannot be reified.
// We have to use lazy JS types because until we have proper module
// loading for JS libraries bundled with Dart libraries, we will sometimes
// need to load Dart libraries before the corresponding JS libraries are
// actually loaded.
// Given a JS type such as:
// @JS('google.maps.Location')
// class Location { ... }
// We can't emit a reference to MyType because the JS library that defines
// it may be loaded after our code. So for now, we use a special lazy type
// object to represent MyType.
// Anonymous JS types do not have a corresponding concrete JS type so we
// have to use a helper to define them.
if (isJSAnonymousType(c)) {
return runtimeCall(
'anonymousJSType(#)', [js.escapedString(getLocalClassName(c))]);
var jsName = _jsNameWithoutGlobal(c);
if (jsName != null) {
return runtimeCall('lazyJSType(() => #, #)',
[_emitJSInteropForGlobal(jsName), js.escapedString(jsName)]);
var args = type.typeArguments;
js_ast.Expression typeRep;
Iterable<js_ast.Expression> jsArgs;
if (args.any((a) => a != const DynamicType())) {
jsArgs =;
if (jsArgs != null) {
// We force nullability to non-nullable to prevent caching nullable
// and non-nullable generic types separately (e.g., C<T> and C<T>?).
// Forward-defined types will only have nullability wrappers around
// their type arguments (not the generic type itself).
typeRep = _emitGenericClassType(
type.withNullability(Nullability.nonNullable), jsArgs);
if (_cacheTypes) {
typeRep = _typeTable.nameType(
type.withNullability(Nullability.nonNullable), typeRep);
typeRep ??= _emitTopLevelNameNoInterop(type.classNode);
// Avoid emitting the null safety wrapper types when:
// * This specific InterfaceType is known to be from a context where
// the nullability is meaningless:
// * `class A extends B {...}` where B is the InterfaceType.
// * Emitting non-null constructor calls.
// * The InterfaceType is the Null type.
if (!emitNullability || type == _coreTypes.nullType) return typeRep;
if (type.nullability == Nullability.undetermined) {
throw UnsupportedError('Undetermined Nullability');
return _emitNullabilityWrapper(typeRep, type.nullability);
/// Wraps [typeRep] in the appropriate wrapper for the given [nullability].
/// NOTE: This is currently a no-op if the null safety experiment is not
/// enabled.
/// Non-nullable and undetermined nullability will not cause any wrappers to
/// be emitted.
js_ast.Expression _emitNullabilityWrapper(
js_ast.Expression typeRep, Nullability nullability) {
// TODO(nshahan) Cleanup this check once it is safe to always emit the
// legacy wrapper.
if (!_options.enableNullSafety) return typeRep;
switch (nullability) {
case Nullability.legacy:
return runtimeCall('legacy(#)', [typeRep]);
case Nullability.nullable:
return runtimeCall('nullable(#)', [typeRep]);
// Do not wrap types that are known to be non-nullable or those that do
// not yet have the nullability determined.
return typeRep;
bool get _emittingClassSignatures =>
_currentClass != null &&
identical(_currentClass, _classEmittingSignatures);
bool get _emittingClassExtends =>
_currentClass != null && identical(_currentClass, _classEmittingExtends);
bool get _cacheTypes =>
!_emittingClassExtends && !_emittingClassSignatures ||
_currentFunction != null;
js_ast.Expression _emitGenericClassType(
InterfaceType t, Iterable<js_ast.Expression> typeArgs) {
var genericName = _emitTopLevelNameNoInterop(t.classNode, suffix: '\$');
return'#(#)', [genericName, typeArgs]);
js_ast.Expression visitFunctionType(type,
{Member member, bool lazy = false}) {
var requiredTypes =
var function = member?.function;
var requiredParams = function?.positionalParameters
var optionalTypes =
var optionalParams = function?.positionalParameters
var namedTypes = <NamedType>[];
var requiredNamedTypes = <NamedType>[];
type.namedParameters.forEach((param) => param.isRequired
? requiredNamedTypes.add(param)
: namedTypes.add(param));
var allNamedTypes = type.namedParameters;
var returnType = _emitNullabilityWrapper(
_emitType(type.returnType), type.returnType.nullability);
var requiredArgs = _emitTypeNames(requiredTypes, requiredParams, member);
List<js_ast.Expression> typeParts;
if (allNamedTypes.isNotEmpty) {
// TODO(vsm): The old pageloader may require annotations here.
var namedArgs = _emitTypeProperties(namedTypes);
var requiredNamedArgs = _emitTypeProperties(requiredNamedTypes);
typeParts = [returnType, requiredArgs, namedArgs, requiredNamedArgs];
} else if (optionalTypes.isNotEmpty) {
var optionalArgs = _emitTypeNames(optionalTypes, optionalParams, member);
typeParts = [returnType, requiredArgs, optionalArgs];
} else {
typeParts = [returnType, requiredArgs];
var typeFormals = type.typeParameters;
String helperCall;
if (typeFormals.isNotEmpty) {
var tf = _emitTypeFormals(typeFormals);
js_ast.Expression addTypeFormalsAsParameters(
List<js_ast.Expression> elements) {
var names = _typeTable.discharge(typeFormals);
return names.isEmpty
?'(#) => [#]', [tf, elements])
:'(#) => {#; return [#];}', [tf, names, elements]);
typeParts = [addTypeFormalsAsParameters(typeParts)];
helperCall = 'gFnType(#)';
/// Whether the type parameter [t] has an explicit bound, like
/// `<T extends C>`, `<T extends Object>` or `<T extends dynamic>`.
/// In contrast, a type parameter like `<T>` has an implicit bound.
/// Implicit bounds are a bit unusual, in that `Object` is used as the
/// bound for checking, but `dynamic` is filled in as the default value.
/// Kernel represents `<T>` as `<T extends Object = dynamic>`. We can find
/// explicit bounds by looking for anything *except* that.
bool typeParameterHasExplicitBound(TypeParameter t) =>
t.bound != _types.coreTypes.objectLegacyRawType ||
t.defaultType != const DynamicType();
// If any explicit bounds were passed, emit them.
if (typeFormals.any(typeParameterHasExplicitBound)) {
/// Emits the bound of the type parameter [t] for use in runtime
/// checking and the default value (e.g. for dynamic class).
/// For most type parameters we can use [TypeParameter.bound]. However,
/// for *implicit* bounds such as `<T>` (represented in Kernel as
/// `<T extends Object = dynamic>`) we need to emit `dynamic` so we use
/// the correct default value at runtime.
/// Because `dynamic` and `Object` are both top types, they'll behave
/// identically for the purposes of type checks.
js_ast.Expression emitTypeParameterBound(TypeParameter t) =>
? _emitType(t.bound)
: visitDynamicType(const DynamicType());
var bounds =;
} else {
helperCall = 'fnType(#)';
var typeRep = runtimeCall(helperCall, [typeParts]);
return _cacheTypes
? _typeTable.nameFunctionType(type, typeRep, lazy: lazy)
: typeRep;
js_ast.Expression _emitAnnotatedFunctionType(
FunctionType type, Member member) {
var result = visitFunctionType(type, member: member);
var annotations = member.annotations;
if (_options.emitMetadata && annotations.isNotEmpty) {
// TODO(jmesserly): should we disable source info for annotations?
var savedUri = _currentUri;
_currentUri = member.enclosingClass.fileUri;
result = js_ast.ArrayInitializer([
for (var annotation in annotations) _instantiateAnnotation(annotation)
_currentUri = savedUri;
return result;
/// Emits an expression that lets you access statics on a [type] from code.
js_ast.Expression _emitConstructorAccess(InterfaceType type) {
return _emitJSInterop(type.classNode) ??
_emitInterfaceType(type, emitNullability: false);
js_ast.Expression _emitConstructorName(InterfaceType type, Member c) {
return _emitJSInterop(type.classNode) ??
_emitConstructorAccess(type), _constructorName(;
/// Emits an expression that lets you access statics on an [c] from code.
js_ast.Expression _emitStaticClassName(Class c) {
return _emitTopLevelName(c);
// Wrap a result - usually a type - with its metadata. The runtime is
// responsible for unpacking this.
js_ast.Expression _emitAnnotatedResult(
js_ast.Expression result, List<Expression> metadata, Member member) {
if (_options.emitMetadata && metadata.isNotEmpty) {
// TODO(jmesserly): should we disable source info for annotations?
var savedUri = _currentUri;
_currentUri = member.enclosingClass.fileUri;
result = js_ast.ArrayInitializer(
[result, for (var value in metadata) _instantiateAnnotation(value)]);
_currentUri = savedUri;
return result;
/// Emits named parameters in the form '{name: type}'.
js_ast.ObjectInitializer _emitTypeProperties(Iterable<NamedType> types) {
return js_ast.ObjectInitializer(types
.map((t) => js_ast.Property(propertyName(, _emitType(t.type)))
/// Emits a list of types and their metadata annotations to code.
/// Annotatable contexts include typedefs and method/function declarations.
js_ast.ArrayInitializer _emitTypeNames(List<DartType> types,
List<VariableDeclaration> parameters, Member member) {
var result = <js_ast.Expression>[];
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
var type = _emitType(types[i]);
if (parameters != null) {
type = _emitAnnotatedResult(type, parameters[i].annotations, member);
return js_ast.ArrayInitializer(result);
js_ast.Expression visitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType type) =>
js_ast.Expression _emitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType type,
{bool emitNullability = true}) {
var typeParam = _emitTypeParameter(type.parameter);
if (!emitNullability) return typeParam;
return _emitNullabilityWrapper(typeParam, type.nullability);
js_ast.Identifier _emitTypeParameter(TypeParameter t) =>
js_ast.Expression visitTypedefType(TypedefType type) =>
visitFunctionType(type.unalias as FunctionType);
js_ast.Fun emitFunction(FunctionNode f, String name) =>
_emitFunction(f, name);
js_ast.Fun _emitFunction(FunctionNode f, String name) {
// normal function (sync), vs (sync*, async, async*)
var isSync = f.asyncMarker == AsyncMarker.Sync;
var formals = _emitParameters(f);
var typeFormals = _emitTypeFormals(f.typeParameters);
var parent = f.parent;
if (_reifyGenericFunction(parent is Member ? parent : null)) {
formals.insertAll(0, typeFormals);
// TODO(jmesserly): need a way of determining if parameters are
// potentially mutated in Kernel. For now we assume all parameters are.
super.enterFunction(name, formals, () => true);
var block = isSync
? _emitSyncFunctionBody(f, name)
: _emitGeneratorFunctionBody(f, name);
block = super.exitFunction(name, formals, block);
return js_ast.Fun(formals, block);
js_ast.Parameter _emitParameter(VariableDeclaration node,
{bool withoutInitializer = false}) {
var initializer = node.initializer;
var id = _emitVariableDef(node);
if (initializer == null || withoutInitializer) return id;
return js_ast.DestructuredVariable(
name: id, defaultValue: _visitExpression(initializer));
List<js_ast.Parameter> _emitParameters(FunctionNode f,
{bool isForwarding = false}) {
// Destructure optional positional parameters in place.
// Given:
// - (arg1, arg2, [opt1, opt2 = def2])
// Emit:
// - (arg1, arg2, opt1 = null, opt2 = def2)
// Note, if [isForwarding] is set, omit initializers as this actually a
// forwarded call not a parameter list. E.g., the second in:
// - foo(arg1, opt1 = def1) => super(arg1, opt1).
var positional = f.positionalParameters;
var result = List<js_ast.Parameter>.of(positional
.map((p) => _emitParameter(p, withoutInitializer: isForwarding)));
if (positional.isNotEmpty &&
f.requiredParameterCount == positional.length &&
positional.last.annotations.any(isJsRestAnnotation)) {
result.last = js_ast.RestParameter(result.last as js_ast.Identifier);
if (f.namedParameters.isNotEmpty) result.add(namedArgumentTemp);
return result;
void _emitVirtualFieldSymbols(Class c, List<js_ast.Statement> body) {
_classProperties.virtualFields.forEach((field, virtualField) {
// TODO(vsm): Clean up this logic. See comments on the following method.
// Typically, [emitClassPrivateNameSymbol] creates a new symbol. If it
// is called multiple times, that symbol is cached. If the former,
// assign directly to [virtualField]. If the latter, copy the old
// variable to [virtualField].
var symbol = emitClassPrivateNameSymbol(c.enclosingLibrary,
getLocalClassName(c),, virtualField);
if (symbol != virtualField) {
body.add(js.statement('const # = #;', [virtualField, symbol]));
List<js_ast.Identifier> _emitTypeFormals(List<TypeParameter> typeFormals) {
return typeFormals
.map((t) => _emitIdentifier(getTypeParameterName(t)))
/// Transforms `sync*` `async` and `async*` function bodies
/// using ES6 generators.
/// This is an internal part of [_emitGeneratorFunctionBody] and should not be
/// called directly.
js_ast.Expression _emitGeneratorFunctionExpression(
FunctionNode function, String name) {
js_ast.Expression emitGeneratorFn(
List<js_ast.Parameter> Function(js_ast.Block jsBody) getParameters) {
var savedController = _asyncStarController;
_asyncStarController = function.asyncMarker == AsyncMarker.AsyncStar
? _emitTemporaryId('stream')
: null;
js_ast.Expression gen;
_superDisallowed(() {
// Visit the body with our async* controller set.
// Note: we intentionally don't emit argument initializers here, because
// they were already emitted outside of the generator expression.
var jsBody = js_ast.Block(_withCurrentFunction(
function, () => [_emitFunctionScopedBody(function)]));
var genFn =
js_ast.Fun(getParameters(jsBody), jsBody, isGenerator: true);
// Name the function if possible, to get better stack traces.
gen = genFn;
if (name != null) {
gen = js_ast.NamedFunction(
js_ast.friendlyNameForDartOperator[name] ?? name),
gen.sourceInformation = _nodeEnd(function.fileEndOffset);
if (usesThisOrSuper(gen)) gen ='#.bind(this)', gen);
_asyncStarController = savedController;
return gen;
if (function.asyncMarker == AsyncMarker.SyncStar) {
// `sync*` wraps a generator in a Dart Iterable<E>:
// function name(<args>) {
// return new SyncIterator<E>(() => (function* name(<mutated args>) {
// <body>
// }(<mutated args>));
// }
// In the body of a `sync*`, `yield` is generated simply as `yield`.
// We need to include all <mutated args> as parameters of the generator,
// so each `.iterator` starts with the same initial values.
// We also need to ensure the correct `this` is available.
// In the future, we might be able to simplify this, see:
var jsParams = _emitParameters(function, isForwarding: true);
var mutatedParams = jsParams;
var gen = emitGeneratorFn((fnBody) {
var mutatedVars = js_ast.findMutatedVariables(fnBody);
mutatedParams = jsParams
.where((id) => mutatedVars.contains(id.parameterName))
return mutatedParams;
if (mutatedParams.isNotEmpty) {
gen ='() => #(#)', [gen, mutatedParams]);
var returnType = _expectedReturnType(function, _coreTypes.iterableClass);
var syncIterable = _emitInterfaceType(
InterfaceType(_syncIterableClass, Nullability.legacy, [returnType]),
emitNullability: false);
return'new', [syncIterable, gen]);
if (function.asyncMarker == AsyncMarker.AsyncStar) {
// `async*` uses the `_AsyncStarImpl<T>` helper class. The generator
// callback takes an instance of this class.
// `yield` is specially generated inside `async*` by visitYieldStatement.
// `await` is generated as `yield`.
// _AsyncStarImpl has an example of the generated code.
var gen = emitGeneratorFn((_) => [_asyncStarController]);
var returnType = _expectedReturnType(function, _coreTypes.streamClass);
var asyncStarImpl = _emitInterfaceType(
InterfaceType(_asyncStarImplClass, Nullability.legacy, [returnType]),
emitNullability: false);
return'new', [asyncStarImpl, gen]);
assert(function.asyncMarker == AsyncMarker.Async);
// `async` works similar to `sync*`:
// function name(<args>) {
// return async.async(E, function* name() {
// <body>
// });
// }
// In the body of an `async`, `await` is generated simply as `yield`.
var gen = emitGeneratorFn((_) => []);
// Return type of an async body is `Future<flatten(T)>`, where T is the
// declared return type.
var returnType = _types.unfutureType(function
return'#.async(#, #)',
[emitLibraryName(_coreTypes.asyncLibrary), _emitType(returnType), gen]);
/// Gets the expected return type of a `sync*` or `async*` body.
DartType _expectedReturnType(FunctionNode f, Class expected) {
var type =
if (type is InterfaceType) {
var matchArguments =
_hierarchy.getTypeArgumentsAsInstanceOf(type, expected);
if (matchArguments != null) return matchArguments[0];
return const DynamicType();
/// Emits a `sync` function body (the default in Dart)
/// To emit an `async`, `sync*`, or `async*` function body, use
/// [_emitGeneratorFunctionBody] instead.
js_ast.Block _emitSyncFunctionBody(FunctionNode f, String name) {
assert(f.asyncMarker == AsyncMarker.Sync);
var block = _withCurrentFunction(f, () {
/// For (normal) `sync` bodies, execute the function body immediately
/// after the argument initializers.
var block = _emitArgumentInitializers(f, name);
return block;
return js_ast.Block(block);
/// Emits an `async`, `sync*`, or `async*` function body.
/// The body will perform these steps:
/// - Run the argument initializers. These must be run synchronously
/// (e.g. covariance checks), and this helps performance.
/// - Return the generator function, wrapped with the appropriate type
/// (`Future`, `Itearble`, and `Stream` respectively).
/// To emit a `sync` function body (the default in Dart), use
/// [_emitSyncFunctionBody] instead.
js_ast.Block _emitGeneratorFunctionBody(FunctionNode f, String name) {
assert(f.asyncMarker != AsyncMarker.Sync);
var statements =
_withCurrentFunction(f, () => _emitArgumentInitializers(f, name));
statements.add(_emitGeneratorFunctionExpression(f, name).toReturn()
..sourceInformation = _nodeStart(f));
return js_ast.Block(statements);
List<js_ast.Statement> _withCurrentFunction(
FunctionNode fn, List<js_ast.Statement> Function() action) {
var savedFunction = _currentFunction;
_currentFunction = fn;
var result = _withLetScope(action);
_currentFunction = savedFunction;
return result;
T _superDisallowed<T>(T Function() action) {
var savedSuperAllowed = _superAllowed;
_superAllowed = false;
var result = action();
_superAllowed = savedSuperAllowed;
return result;
/// Returns true if the underlying type does not accept a null value.
bool _mustBeNonNullable(DartType type) {
if (type.nullability == Nullability.nonNullable) {
if (type is InterfaceType && type.classNode == _coreTypes.futureOrClass) {
// A `FutureOr<T>` can still accept null if `T` can.
return _mustBeNonNullable(type.typeArguments.single);
return true;
return false;
/// Emits argument initializers, which handles optional/named args, as well
/// as generic type checks needed due to our covariance.
List<js_ast.Statement> _emitArgumentInitializers(
FunctionNode f, String name) {
var body = <js_ast.Statement>[];
_emitCovarianceBoundsCheck(f.typeParameters, body);
void initParameter(VariableDeclaration p, js_ast.Identifier jsParam) {
if (isCovariantParameter(p)) {
var castExpr = _emitCast(jsParam, p.type);
if (!identical(castExpr, jsParam)) body.add(castExpr.toStatement());
if (name == '==') {
// In Dart `operator ==` methods are not called with a null argument.
// This is handled before calling them. For performance reasons, we push
// this check inside the method, to simplify our `equals` helper.
// TODO(jmesserly): in most cases this check is not necessary, because
// the Dart code already handles it (typically by an `is` check).
// Eliminate it when possible.
body.add(js.statement('if (# == null) return false;', [jsParam]));
} else if (_annotatedNullCheck(p.annotations)) {
} else if (_mustBeNonNullable(p.type)) {
// TODO(vsm): Remove if / when CFE does this:
// The check on `p.type` is per:
var condition ='# == null', [jsParam]);
var location = p.location;
var check = js.statement(' if (#) #.nullFailed(#, #, #, #);', [
for (var p in f.positionalParameters) {
var jsParam = _emitVariableDef(p);
initParameter(p, jsParam);
for (var p in f.namedParameters) {
// Parameters will be passed using their real names, not the (possibly
// renamed) local variable.
var jsParam = _emitVariableDef(p);
var paramName = js.string(, "'");
var defaultValue = _defaultParamValue(p);
if (defaultValue != null) {
// TODO(ochafik): Fix `'prop' in obj` to please Closure's renaming.
body.add(js.statement('let # = # && # in # ? #.# : #;', [
} else {
body.add(js.statement('let # = # && #.#;', [
initParameter(p, jsParam);
return body;
bool _annotatedNullCheck(List<Expression> annotations) =>
bool _reifyGenericFunction(Member m) =>
m == null ||
m.enclosingLibrary.importUri.scheme != 'dart' ||
.any((a) => isBuiltinAnnotation(a, '_js_helper', 'NoReifyGeneric'));
js_ast.Statement _nullParameterCheck(js_ast.Expression param) {
var call = runtimeCall('argumentError((#))', [param]);
return js.statement('if (# == null) #;', [param, call]);
js_ast.Expression _defaultParamValue(VariableDeclaration p) {
if (p.annotations.any(isUndefinedAnnotation)) {
return null;
} else if (p.initializer != null) {
return _visitExpression(p.initializer);
} else {
return js_ast.LiteralNull();
void _emitCovarianceBoundsCheck(
List<TypeParameter> typeFormals, List<js_ast.Statement> body) {
for (var t in typeFormals) {
if (t.isGenericCovariantImpl && !_types.isTop(t.bound)) {
body.add(runtimeStatement('checkTypeBound(#, #, #)', [
_emitType(TypeParameterType(t, Nullability.legacy)),
js_ast.Statement _visitStatement(Statement s) {
if (s == null) return null;
var result = s.accept(this);
// TODO(jmesserly): is the `is! Block` still necessary?
if (s is! Block) result.sourceInformation = _nodeStart(s);
// The statement might be the target of a break or continue with a label.
var name = _labelNames[s];
if (name != null) result = js_ast.LabeledStatement(name, result);
return result;
js_ast.Statement _emitFunctionScopedBody(FunctionNode f) {
var jsBody = _visitStatement(f.body);
if (f.positionalParameters.isNotEmpty || f.namedParameters.isNotEmpty) {
// Handle shadowing of parameters by local varaibles, which is allowed in
// Dart but not in JS.
// We need this for all function types, including generator-based ones
// (sync*/async/async*). Our code generator assumes it can emit names for
// named argument initialization, and sync* functions also emit locally
// modified parameters into the function's scope.
var parameterNames = {
for (var p in f.positionalParameters),
for (var p in f.namedParameters),
return jsBody.toScopedBlock(parameterNames);
return jsBody;
/// Visits [nodes] with [_visitExpression].
List<js_ast.Expression> _visitExpressionList(Iterable<Expression> nodes) {
return nodes?.map(_visitExpression)?.toList();
/// Generates an expression for a boolean conversion context (if, while, &&,
/// etc.), where conversions and null checks are implemented via `dart.test`
/// to give a more helpful message.
// TODO(sra): When nullablility is available earlier, it would be cleaner to
// build an input AST where the boolean conversion is a single AST node.
js_ast.Expression _visitTest(Expression node) {
if (node == null) return null;
if (node is Not) {
return visitNot(node);
if (node is LogicalExpression) {
js_ast.Expression shortCircuit(String code) {
return, [_visitTest(node.left), _visitTest(node.right)]);
var op = node.operator;
if (op == '&&') return shortCircuit('# && #');
if (op == '||') return shortCircuit('# || #');
if (node is AsExpression && node.isTypeError) {
assert(node.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext) ==
return runtimeCall('dtest(#)', [_visitExpression(node.operand)]);
var result = _visitExpression(node);
if (isNullable(node)) result = runtimeCall('test(#)', [result]);
return result;
js_ast.Expression _visitExpression(Expression e) {
if (e == null) return null;
if (e is ConstantExpression) {
return visitConstant(e.constant);
var result = e.accept(this);
result.sourceInformation ??= _nodeStart(e);
return result;
/// Gets the start position of [node] for use in source mapping.
/// This is the most common kind of marking, and is used for most expressions
/// and statements.
SourceLocation _nodeStart(TreeNode node) =>
/// Gets the end position of [node] for use in source mapping.
/// This is mainly used for things that compile to JS functions. JS wants a
/// marking on the end of all functions for stepping purposes.
/// This can be used to complete a hover span, when we know the start position
/// has already been emitted. For example, `` we only need to mark the
/// end of `.bar` to ensure `` has a hover tooltip.
NodeEnd _nodeEnd(int endOffset) {
var loc = _toSourceLocation(endOffset);
return loc != null ? NodeEnd(loc) : null;
/// Combines [_nodeStart] with the variable name length to produce a hoverable
/// span for the varaible.
// TODO(jmesserly): we need a lot more nodes to support hover.
NodeSpan _variableSpan(int offset, int nameLength) {
var start = _toSourceLocation(offset);
var end = _toSourceLocation(offset + nameLength);
return start != null && end != null ? NodeSpan(start, end) : null;
SourceLocation _toSourceLocation(int offset) {
if (offset == -1) return null;
var fileUri = _currentUri;
if (fileUri == null) return null;
try {
var loc = _component.getLocation(fileUri, offset);
if (loc == null) return null;
return SourceLocation(offset,
sourceUrl: fileUri, line: loc.line - 1, column: loc.column - 1);
} on StateError catch (_) {
// TODO(jmesserly): figure out why this is throwing. Perhaps the file URI
// and offset are mismatched and don't correspond to the same source?
return null;
} on RangeError catch (_) {
return null;
/// Adds a hover comment for Dart node using JS expression [expr], where
/// that expression would not otherwise not be generated into source code.
/// For example, top-level and static fields are defined as lazy properties,
/// on the library/class, so their access expressions do not appear in the
/// source code.
HoverComment _hoverComment(
js_ast.Expression expr, int offset, int nameLength) {
var start = _toSourceLocation(offset);
var end = _toSourceLocation(offset + nameLength);
return start != null && end != null ? HoverComment(expr, start, end) : null;
js_ast.Statement defaultStatement(Statement node) =>
js_ast.Statement visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) {
var expr = node.expression;
if (expr is StaticInvocation) {
if (isInlineJS( {
return _emitInlineJSCode(expr).toStatement();
if (_isDebuggerCall( {
return _emitDebuggerCall(expr).toStatement();
return _visitExpression(expr).toStatement();
js_ast.Statement visitBlock(Block node) {
// If this is the block body of a function, don't mark it as a separate
// scope, because the function is the scope. This avoids generating an
// unncessary nested block.
// NOTE: we do sometimes need to handle this because Dart and JS rules are
// slightly different (in Dart, there is a nested scope), but that's handled
// by _emitSyncFunctionBody.
var isScope = !identical(node.parent, _currentFunction);
return js_ast.Block(,
isScope: isScope);
js_ast.Statement visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node) =>
js_ast.Statement visitAssertBlock(AssertBlock node) {
// AssertBlocks are introduced by the VM-specific async elimination
// transformation. We do not expect them to arise here.
throw UnsupportedError('compilation of an assert block');
js_ast.Statement visitAssertStatement(AssertStatement node) {
if (!_options.enableAsserts) return js_ast.EmptyStatement();
var condition = node.condition;
var conditionType = condition.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext);
var jsCondition = _visitExpression(condition);
if (conditionType != _coreTypes.boolLegacyRawType &&
conditionType != _coreTypes.boolNullableRawType &&
conditionType != _coreTypes.boolNonNullableRawType) {
jsCondition = runtimeCall('dtest(#)', [jsCondition]);
} else if (isNullable(condition)) {
jsCondition = runtimeCall('test(#)', [jsCondition]);
var encodedSource =
var source = utf8.decode(encodedSource, allowMalformed: true);
var conditionSource =
source.substring(node.conditionStartOffset, node.conditionEndOffset);
var location = _toSourceLocation(node.conditionStartOffset);
return js.statement(' if (!#) #.assertFailed(#, #, #, #, #);', [
if (node.message == null)
// Lines and columns are typically printed with 1 based indexing.
js.number(location.line + 1),
js.number(location.column + 1),
static bool isBreakable(Statement stmt) {
// These are conservatively the things that compile to things that can be
// the target of a break without a label.
return stmt is ForStatement ||
stmt is WhileStatement ||
stmt is DoStatement ||
stmt is ForInStatement ||
stmt is SwitchStatement;
js_ast.Statement visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
List<LabeledStatement> saved;
var target = _effectiveTargets[node];
// If the effective target is known then this statement is either contained
// in a labeled statement or a loop. It has already been processed when
// the enclosing statement was visited.
if (target == null) {
// Find the effective target by bypassing and collecting labeled
// statements.
var statements = [node];
target = node.body;
while (target is LabeledStatement) {
var labeled = target as LabeledStatement;
target = labeled.body;
for (var statement in statements) {
_effectiveTargets[statement] = target;
// If the effective target will compile to something that can have a
// break from it without a label (e.g., a loop but not a block), then any
// of the labeled statements can have a break from them by breaking from
// the effective target. Otherwise breaks will need a label and a break
// without a label can still target an outer breakable so the list of
// current break targets does not change.
if (isBreakable(target)) {
saved = _currentBreakTargets;
_currentBreakTargets = statements;
var result = _visitStatement(node.body);
if (saved != null) _currentBreakTargets = saved;
return result;
js_ast.Statement visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) {
// Switch statements with continue labels must explicitly break to their
// implicit label due to their being wrapped in a loop.
if (_inLabeledContinueSwitch &&
_switchLabelStates.containsKey( {
return js_ast.Break(_switchLabelStates[].label);
// Can it be compiled to a break without a label?
if (_currentBreakTargets.contains( {
return js_ast.Break(null);
// Can it be compiled to a continue without a label?
if (_currentContinueTargets.contains( {
return js_ast.Continue(null);
// Ensure the effective target is labeled. Labels are named globally per
// Kernel binary.
// TODO(markzipan): Retrieve the real label name with source offsets
var target = _effectiveTargets[];
var name = _labelNames[target];
if (name == null) _labelNames[target] = name = 'L${_labelNames.length}';
// It is a break if the target labeled statement encloses the effective
// target.
Statement current =;
while (current is LabeledStatement) {
current = (current as LabeledStatement).body;
if (identical(current, target)) {
return js_ast.Break(name);
// Otherwise it is a continue.
return js_ast.Continue(name);
// Labeled loop bodies can be the target of a continue without a label
// (targeting the loop). Find the outermost non-labeled statement starting
// from body and record all the intermediate labeled statements as continue
// targets.
Statement _effectiveBodyOf(Statement loop, Statement body) {
// In a loop whose body is not labeled, this list should be empty because
// it is not possible to continue to an outer loop without a label.
_currentContinueTargets = <LabeledStatement>[];
while (body is LabeledStatement) {
var labeled = body as LabeledStatement;
_effectiveTargets[labeled] = loop;
body = labeled.body;
return body;
T _translateLoop<T extends js_ast.Statement>(
Statement node, T Function() action) {
List<LabeledStatement> savedBreakTargets;
if (_currentBreakTargets.isNotEmpty &&
_effectiveTargets[_currentBreakTargets.first] != node) {
// If breaking without a label targets some other (outer) loop, then
// this loop prevents breaking to that loop without a label. This loop
// was not labeled for a break in Kernel, otherwise it would be the
// effective target of the current break targets, so it is not itself the
// target of a break.
savedBreakTargets = _currentBreakTargets;
_currentBreakTargets = <LabeledStatement>[];
var savedContinueTargets = _currentContinueTargets;
var result = action();
if (savedBreakTargets != null) _currentBreakTargets = savedBreakTargets;
_currentContinueTargets = savedContinueTargets;
return result;
js_ast.While visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) {
return _translateLoop(node, () {
var condition = _visitTest(node.condition);
var body = _visitScope(_effectiveBodyOf(node, node.body));
return js_ast.While(condition, body);
js_ast.Do visitDoStatement(DoStatement node) {
return _translateLoop(node, () {
var body = _visitScope(_effectiveBodyOf(node, node.body));
var condition = _visitTest(node.condition);
return js_ast.Do(body, condition);
js_ast.For visitForStatement(ForStatement node) {
return _translateLoop(node, () {
js_ast.VariableInitialization emitForInitializer(VariableDeclaration v) =>
_visitInitializer(v.initializer, v.annotations));
var init =;
var initList =
init.isEmpty ? null : js_ast.VariableDeclarationList('let', init);
var updates = node.updates;
js_ast.Expression update;
if (updates.isNotEmpty) {
update = js_ast.Expression.binary(, ',')
var condition = _visitTest(node.condition);
var body = _visitScope(_effectiveBodyOf(node, node.body));
return js_ast.For(initList, condition, update, body);
js_ast.Statement visitForInStatement(ForInStatement node) {
return _translateLoop(node, () {
if (node.isAsync) {
return _emitAwaitFor(node);
var iterable = _visitExpression(node.iterable);
var body = _visitScope(_effectiveBodyOf(node, node.body));
var init ='let #', _emitVariableDef(node.variable));
if (_annotatedNullCheck(node.variable.annotations)) {
body = js_ast.Block(
[_nullParameterCheck(_emitVariableRef(node.variable)), body]);
if (variableIsReferenced(, iterable)) {
var temp = _emitTemporaryId('iter');
return js_ast.Block([
js_ast.ForOf(init, temp, body)
return js_ast.ForOf(init, iterable, body);
js_ast.Statement _emitAwaitFor(ForInStatement node) {
// Emits `await for (var value in stream) ...`, which desugars as:
// var iter = new StreamIterator(stream);
// try {
// while (await iter.moveNext()) {
// var value = iter.current;
// ...
// }
// } finally {
// await iter.cancel();
// }
// Like the Dart VM, we call cancel() always, as it's safe to call if the
// stream has already been cancelled.
// TODO(jmesserly): we may want a helper if these become common. For now the
// full desugaring seems okay.
var streamIterator = _coreTypes.rawType(
_asyncStreamIteratorClass, currentLibrary.nonNullable);
var createStreamIter = js_ast.Call(
.firstWhere((p) => p.isFactory && == '')),
var iter = _emitTemporaryId('iter');
return js.statement(
' let # = #;'
' try {'
' while (#) { let # = #.current; #; }'
' } finally { #; }'
js_ast.Yield('#.moveNext()', iter))
..sourceInformation = _nodeStart(node.variable),
js_ast.Yield('#.cancel()', iter))
..sourceInformation = _nodeStart(node.variable)
js_ast.Statement visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {
// Switches with labeled continues are generated as an infinite loop with
// an explicit variable for holding the switch's next case state and an
// explicit label. Any implicit breaks are made explicit (e.g., when break
// is omitted for the final case statement).
var previous = _inLabeledContinueSwitch;
_inLabeledContinueSwitch = hasLabeledContinue(node);
var cases = <js_ast.SwitchCase>[];
if (_inLabeledContinueSwitch) {
var labelState = _emitTemporaryId('labelState');
// TODO(markzipan): Retrieve the real label name with source offsets
var labelName = 'SL${_switchLabelStates.length}';
_switchLabelStates[node] = _SwitchLabelState(labelName, labelState);
for (var c in node.cases) {
var subcases =
_visitSwitchCase(c, lastSwitchCase: c == node.cases.last);
if (subcases.isNotEmpty) cases.addAll(subcases);
var switchExpr = _visitExpression(node.expression);
var switchStmt = js_ast.Switch(labelState, cases);
var loopBody = js_ast.Block([switchStmt, js_ast.Break(null)]);
var loopStmt = js_ast.While(js.boolean(true), loopBody);
// Note: Cannot use _labelNames, as the label must be on the loop.
// not the block surrounding the switch statement.
var labeledStmt = js_ast.LabeledStatement(labelName, loopStmt);
var block = js_ast.Block([
js.statement('let # = #', [labelState, switchExpr]),
_inLabeledContinueSwitch = previous;
return block;
for (var c in node.cases) {
var subcases = _visitSwitchCase(c);
if (subcases.isNotEmpty) cases.addAll(subcases);
var stmt = js_ast.Switch(_visitExpression(node.expression), cases);
_inLabeledContinueSwitch = previous;
return stmt;
/// Helper for visiting a SwitchCase statement.
/// lastSwitchCase is only used when the current switch statement contains
/// labeled continues. Dart permits the final case to implicitly break, but
/// switch statements with labeled continues must explicitly break/continue
/// to escape the surrounding infinite loop.
List<js_ast.SwitchCase> _visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node,
{bool lastSwitchCase = false}) {
var cases = <js_ast.SwitchCase>[];
var emptyBlock = js_ast.Block.empty();
// TODO(jmesserly): make sure we are statically checking fall through
var body = _visitStatement(node.body).toBlock();
var expressions = node.expressions;
var lastExpr =
expressions.isNotEmpty && !node.isDefault ? expressions.last : null;
for (var e in expressions) {
var jsExpr = _visitExpression(e);
cases.add(js_ast.SwitchCase(jsExpr, e == lastExpr ? body : emptyBlock));
if (node.isDefault) {
// Switch statements with continue labels must explicitly break from their
// last case to escape the additional loop around the switch.
if (lastSwitchCase && _inLabeledContinueSwitch && cases.isNotEmpty) {
// TODO(markzipan): avoid generating unreachable breaks
var breakStmt = js_ast.Break(_switchLabelStates[node.parent].label);
var switchBody = js_ast.Block(cases.last.body.statements..add(breakStmt));
var updatedSwitch = js_ast.SwitchCase(cases.last.expression, switchBody);
return cases;
js_ast.Statement visitContinueSwitchStatement(ContinueSwitchStatement node) {
var switchStmt =;
if (_inLabeledContinueSwitch &&
_switchLabelStates.containsKey(switchStmt)) {
var switchState = _switchLabelStates[switchStmt];
// Use the first constant expression that can match the collated switch
// case. Use an unused symbol otherwise to force the default case.
var jsExpr =
?"Symbol('_default')", [])
: _visitExpression([0]);
var setStateStmt = js.statement('# = #', [switchState.variable, jsExpr]);
var continueStmt = js_ast.Continue(switchState.label);
return js_ast.Block([setStateStmt, continueStmt]);
return _emitInvalidNode(
node, 'see')
js_ast.Statement visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) {
return js_ast.If(_visitTest(node.condition), _visitScope(node.then),
/// Visits a statement, and ensures the resulting AST handles block scope
/// correctly. Essentially, we need to promote a variable declaration
/// statement into a block in some cases, e.g.
/// do var x = 5; while (false); // Dart
/// do { let x = 5; } while (false); // JS
js_ast.Statement _visitScope(Statement stmt) {
var result = _visitStatement(stmt);
if (result is js_ast.ExpressionStatement &&
result.expression is js_ast.VariableDeclarationList) {
return js_ast.Block([result]);
return result;
js_ast.Statement visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) {
return super.emitReturnStatement(_visitExpression(node.expression));
js_ast.Statement visitTryCatch(TryCatch node) {
return js_ast.Try(
_visitStatement(node.body).toBlock(), _visitCatch(node.catches), null);
js_ast.Catch _visitCatch(List<Catch> clauses) {
if (clauses.isEmpty) return null;
var caughtError = VariableDeclaration('#e');
var savedRethrow = _rethrowParameter;
_rethrowParameter = caughtError;
// If we have more than one catch clause, always create a temporary so we
// don't shadow any names.
var exceptionParameter =
(clauses.length == 1 ? clauses[0].exception : null) ??
var stackTraceParameter =
(clauses.length == 1 ? clauses[0].stackTrace : null) ??
(clauses.any((c) => c.stackTrace != null)
? VariableDeclaration('#st')
: null);
js_ast.Statement catchBody = js_ast.Throw(_emitVariableRef(caughtError));
for (var clause in clauses.reversed) {
catchBody = _catchClauseGuard(
clause, catchBody, exceptionParameter, stackTraceParameter);
var catchStatements = [
js.statement('let # = #.getThrown(#)', [
if (stackTraceParameter != null)
js.statement('let # = #.stackTrace(#)', [
_rethrowParameter = savedRethrow;
return js_ast.Catch(
_emitVariableDef(caughtError), js_ast.Block(catchStatements));
js_ast.Statement _catchClauseGuard(
Catch node,
js_ast.Statement otherwise,
VariableDeclaration exceptionParameter,
VariableDeclaration stackTraceParameter) {
var body = <js_ast.Statement>[];
var vars = HashSet<String>();
void declareVariable(
VariableDeclaration variable, VariableDeclaration value) {
if (variable == null) return;
if ( != {
body.add(js.statement('let # = #',
[_emitVariableDef(variable), _emitVariableRef(value)]));
declareVariable(node.exception, exceptionParameter);
declareVariable(node.stackTrace, stackTraceParameter);
var then = js_ast.Block(body);
// Discard following clauses, if any, as they are unreachable.
if (_types.isTop(node.guard)) return then;
var condition =
_emitIsExpression(VariableGet(exceptionParameter), node.guard);
return js_ast.If(condition, then, otherwise)
..sourceInformation = _nodeStart(node);
js_ast.Statement visitTryFinally(TryFinally node) {
var body = _visitStatement(node.body);
var finallyBlock =
_superDisallowed(() => _visitStatement(node.finalizer).toBlock());
if (body is js_ast.Try && body.finallyPart == null) {
// Kernel represents Dart try/catch/finally as try/catch nested inside of
// try/finally. Flatten that pattern in the output into JS try/catch/
// finally.
return js_ast.Try(body.body, body.catchPart, finallyBlock);
return js_ast.Try(body.toBlock(), null, finallyBlock);
js_ast.Statement visitYieldStatement(YieldStatement node) {
var jsExpr = _visitExpression(node.expression);
var star = node.isYieldStar;
if (_asyncStarController != null) {
// async* yields are generated differently from sync* yields. `yield e`
// becomes:
// if (stream.add(e)) return;
// yield;
// `yield* e` becomes:
// if (stream.addStream(e)) return;
// yield;
var helperName = star ? 'addStream' : 'add';
return js.statement('{ if(#.#(#)) return; #; }', [
js_ast.Yield(null)..sourceInformation = _nodeStart(node)
// A normal yield in a sync*
return jsExpr.toYieldStatement(star: star);
js_ast.Statement visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
// TODO(jmesserly): casts are sometimes required here.
// Kernel does not represent these explicitly.
var v = _emitVariableDef(node);
return js.statement('let # = #;',
[v, _visitInitializer(node.initializer, node.annotations)]);
js_ast.Statement visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
var func = node.function;
var fn = _emitFunction(func,;
var name = _emitVariableDef(node.variable);
js_ast.Statement declareFn;
declareFn = toBoundFunctionStatement(fn, name);
if (_reifyFunctionType(func)) {
declareFn = js_ast.Block([
return declareFn;
js_ast.Expression defaultExpression(Expression node) =>
js_ast.Expression defaultBasicLiteral(BasicLiteral node) =>
js_ast.Expression visitInvalidExpression(InvalidExpression node) =>
js_ast.Expression visitConstantExpression(ConstantExpression node) =>
js_ast.Expression canonicalizeConstObject(js_ast.Expression expr) {
if (isSdkInternalRuntime(_currentLibrary)) {
return super.canonicalizeConstObject(expr);
return runtimeCall('const(#)', [expr]);
js_ast.Expression visitVariableGet(VariableGet node) {
var v = node.variable;
var id = _emitVariableRef(v);
if ( == {
id.sourceInformation = _variableSpan(node.fileOffset,;
return id;
js_ast.Identifier _emitVariableRef(VariableDeclaration v) {
var name =;
if (name == null || name.startsWith('#')) {
name = name == null ? 't${_tempVariables.length}' : name.substring(1);
return _tempVariables.putIfAbsent(v, () => _emitTemporaryId(name));
return _emitIdentifier(name);
/// Emits the declaration of a variable.
/// This is similar to [_emitVariableRef] but it also attaches source
/// location information, so hover will work as expected.
js_ast.Identifier _emitVariableDef(VariableDeclaration v) {
return _emitVariableRef(v)..sourceInformation = _nodeStart(v);
js_ast.Statement _initLetVariables() {
if (_letVariables.isEmpty) return null;
var result = js_ast.VariableDeclarationList(
.map((v) => js_ast.VariableInitialization(v, null))
return result;
// TODO(jmesserly): resugar operators for kernel, such as ++x, x++, x+=.
js_ast.Expression visitVariableSet(VariableSet node) =>
js_ast.Expression visitPropertyGet(PropertyGet node) {
return _emitPropertyGet(
node.receiver, node.interfaceTarget,;
js_ast.Expression visitPropertySet(PropertySet node) {
return _emitPropertySet(
node.receiver, node.interfaceTarget, node.value,;
js_ast.Expression visitDirectPropertyGet(DirectPropertyGet node) {
return _emitPropertyGet(node.receiver,;
js_ast.Expression visitDirectPropertySet(DirectPropertySet node) {
return _emitPropertySet(node.receiver,, node.value);
js_ast.Expression _emitPropertyGet(Expression receiver, Member member,
[String memberName]) {
memberName ??=;
// TODO(jmesserly): should tearoff of `.call` on a function type be
// encoded as a different node, or possibly eliminated?
// (Regardless, we'll still need to handle the callable JS interop classes.)
if (memberName == 'call' &&
_isDirectCallable(receiver.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext))) {
// Tearoff of `call` on a function type is a no-op;
return _visitExpression(receiver);
var jsName = _emitMemberName(memberName, member: member);
var jsReceiver = _visitExpression(receiver);
// TODO(jmesserly): we need to mark an end span for property accessors so
// they can be hovered. Unfortunately this is not possible as Kernel does
// not store this data.
if (_isObjectMember(memberName)) {
if (isNullable(receiver)) {
// If the receiver is nullable, use a helper so calls like
// `null.hashCode` and `null.runtimeType` will work.
// Also method tearoffs like `null.toString`.
if (_isObjectMethodTearoff(memberName)) {
return runtimeCall('bind(#, #)', [jsReceiver, jsName]);
return runtimeCall('#(#)', [memberName, jsReceiver]);
// Otherwise generate this as a normal typed property get.
} else if (member == null) {
return runtimeCall('dload$_replSuffix(#, #)', [jsReceiver, jsName]);
if (_reifyTearoff(member)) {
return runtimeCall('bind(#, #)', [jsReceiver, jsName]);
} else if (isJsMember(member) &&
member is Procedure &&
!member.isAccessor) {
return runtimeCall(
'tearoffInterop(#)', [js_ast.PropertyAccess(jsReceiver, jsName)]);
} else {
return js_ast.PropertyAccess(jsReceiver, jsName);
// TODO(jmesserly): can we encapsulate REPL name lookups and remove this?
// _emitMemberName would be a nice place to handle it, but we don't have
// access to the target expression there (needed for `dart.replNameLookup`).
String get _replSuffix => _options.replCompile ? 'Repl' : '';
js_ast.Expression _emitPropertySet(
Expression receiver, Member member, Expression value,
[String memberName]) {
var jsName =
_emitMemberName(memberName ??, member: member);
if (member != null && isJsMember(member)) {
value = _assertInterop(value);
var jsReceiver = _visitExpression(receiver);
var jsValue = _visitExpression(value);
if (member == null) {
return runtimeCall(
'dput$_replSuffix(#, #, #)', [jsReceiver, jsName, jsValue]);
return'#.# = #', [jsReceiver, jsName, jsValue]);
js_ast.Expression visitSuperPropertyGet(SuperPropertyGet node) {
var target = node.interfaceTarget;
var jsTarget = _emitSuperTarget(target);
if (_reifyTearoff(target)) {
return runtimeCall('bind(this, #, #)', [jsTarget.selector, jsTarget]);
return jsTarget;
js_ast.Expression visitSuperPropertySet(SuperPropertySet node) {
var target = node.interfaceTarget;
var jsTarget = _emitSuperTarget(target, setter: true);
return _visitExpression(node.value).toAssignExpression(jsTarget);
js_ast.Expression visitStaticGet(StaticGet node) =>
js_ast.Expression _emitStaticGet(Member target) {
var result = _emitStaticTarget(target);
if (_reifyTearoff(target)) {
// TODO(jmesserly): we could tag static/top-level function types once
// in the module initialization, rather than at the point where they
// escape.
return _emitFunctionTagged(
return result;
js_ast.Expression visitStaticSet(StaticSet node) {
var target =;
var value = isJsMember(target) ? _assertInterop(node.value) : node.value;
return _visitExpression(value)
js_ast.Expression visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
return _emitMethodCall(
node.receiver, node.interfaceTarget, node.arguments, node);
js_ast.Expression visitDirectMethodInvocation(DirectMethodInvocation node) {
return _emitMethodCall(node.receiver,, node.arguments, node);
js_ast.Expression _emitMethodCall(Expression receiver, Member target,
Arguments arguments, InvocationExpression node) {
var name =;
if (isOperatorMethodName(name) && arguments.named.isEmpty) {
var argLength = arguments.positional.length;
if (argLength == 0) {
return _emitUnaryOperator(receiver, target, node);
} else if (argLength == 1) {
return _emitBinaryOperator(
receiver, target, arguments.positional[0], node);
var jsReceiver = _visitExpression(receiver);
var args = _emitArgumentList(arguments, target: target);
var isCallingDynamicField = target is Member &&
target.hasGetter &&
if (name == 'call') {
var receiverType = receiver.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext);
if (isCallingDynamicField || _isDynamicOrFunction(receiverType)) {
return _emitDynamicInvoke(jsReceiver, null, args, arguments);
} else if (_isDirectCallable(receiverType)) {
// Call methods on function types should be handled as function calls.
return js_ast.Call(jsReceiver, args);
var jsName = _emitMemberName(name, member: target);
// Handle Object methods that are supported by `null`.
if (_isObjectMethodCall(name, arguments)) {
if (isNullable(receiver)) {
// If the receiver is nullable, use a helper so calls like
// `null.toString()` will work.
return runtimeCall('#(#, #)', [name, jsReceiver, args]);
// Otherwise generate this as a normal typed method call.
} else if (target == null || isCallingDynamicField) {
return _emitDynamicInvoke(jsReceiver, jsName, args, arguments);
// TODO(jmesserly): remove when Kernel desugars this for us.
// Handle `o.m(a)` where `o.m` is a getter returning a class with `call`.
if (target is Field || target is Procedure && target.isAccessor) {
var fromType = target.getterType;
if (fromType is InterfaceType) {
var callName = _implicitCallTarget(fromType);
if (callName != null) {
return'#.#.#(#)', [jsReceiver, jsName, callName, args]);
return'#.#(#)', [jsReceiver, jsName, args]);
js_ast.Expression _emitDynamicInvoke(
js_ast.Expression fn,
js_ast.Expression methodName,
Iterable<js_ast.Expression> args,
Arguments arguments) {
var jsArgs = <Object>[fn];
String jsCode;
var typeArgs = arguments.types;
if (typeArgs.isNotEmpty) {
args = args.skip(typeArgs.length);
if (methodName != null) {
jsCode = 'dgsend$_replSuffix(#, [#], #';
} else {
jsCode = 'dgcall(#, [#]';
} else if (methodName != null) {
jsCode = 'dsend$_replSuffix(#, #';
} else {
jsCode = 'dcall(#';
var hasNamed = arguments.named.isNotEmpty;
if (hasNamed) {
jsCode += ', [#], #)';
jsArgs.add(args.take(args.length - 1));
} else {
jsCode += ', [#])';
return runtimeCall(jsCode, jsArgs);
bool _isDirectCallable(DartType t) =>
t is FunctionType || (t is InterfaceType && usesJSInterop(t.classNode));
js_ast.Expression _implicitCallTarget(InterfaceType from) {
var c = from.classNode;
var member = _hierarchy.getInterfaceMember(c, Name('call'));
if (member is Procedure && !member.isAccessor && !usesJSInterop(c)) {
return _emitMemberName('call', member: member);
return null;
bool _isDynamicOrFunction(DartType t) =>
t == _coreTypes.functionLegacyRawType || t == const DynamicType();
js_ast.Expression _emitUnaryOperator(
Expression expr, Member target, InvocationExpression node) {
var op =;
if (target != null) {
var dispatchType = _coreTypes.legacyRawType(target.enclosingClass);
if (_typeRep.unaryOperationIsPrimitive(dispatchType)) {
if (op == '~') {
if (_typeRep.isNumber(dispatchType)) {
return _coerceBitOperationResultToUnsigned(
node,'~#', notNull(expr)));
return _emitOperatorCall(expr, target, op, []);
if (op == 'unary-') op = '-';
return'$op#', notNull(expr));
return _emitOperatorCall(expr, target, op, []);
/// Bit operations are coerced to values on [0, 2^32). The coercion changes
/// the interpretation of the 32-bit value from signed to unsigned. Most
/// JavaScript operations interpret their operands as signed and generate
/// signed results.
js_ast.Expression _coerceBitOperationResultToUnsigned(
Expression node, js_ast.Expression uncoerced) {
// Don't coerce if the parent will coerce.
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is InvocationExpression && _nodeIsBitwiseOperation(parent)) {
return uncoerced;
// Don't do a no-op coerce if the most significant bit is zero.
if (_is31BitUnsigned(node)) return uncoerced;
// If the consumer of the expression is '==' or '!=' with a constant that
// fits in 31 bits, adding a coercion does not change the result of the
// comparison, e.g. `a & ~b == 0`.
if (parent is InvocationExpression &&
parent.arguments.positional.length == 1) {
var op =;
var left = getInvocationReceiver(parent);
var right = parent.arguments.positional[0];
if (left != null && op == '==') {
const MAX = 0x7fffffff;
if (_asIntInRange(right, 0, MAX) != null) return uncoerced;
if (_asIntInRange(left, 0, MAX) != null) return uncoerced;
} else if (left != null && op == '>>') {
if (_isDefinitelyNonNegative(left) &&
_asIntInRange(right, 0, 31) != null) {
// Parent will generate `# >>> n`.
return uncoerced;
return'# >>> 0', uncoerced);
bool _nodeIsBitwiseOperation(InvocationExpression node) {
switch ( {
case '&':
case '|':
case '^':
case '~':
return true;
return false;
int _asIntInRange(Expression expr, int low, int high) {
if (expr is IntLiteral) {
if (expr.value >= low && expr.value <= high) return expr.value;
return null;
if (_constants.isConstant(expr)) {
var c = _constants.evaluate(expr);
if (c is IntConstant && c.value >= low && c.value <= high) return c.value;
return null;
bool _isDefinitelyNonNegative(Expression expr) {
if (expr is IntLiteral) return expr.value >= 0;
// TODO(sra): Lengths of known list types etc.
return expr is InvocationExpression && _nodeIsBitwiseOperation(expr);
/// Does the parent of [node] mask the result to [width] bits or fewer?
bool _parentMasksToWidth(Expression node, int width) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent == null) return false;
if (parent is InvocationExpression && _nodeIsBitwiseOperation(parent)) {
if ( == '&' && parent.arguments.positional.length == 1) {
var left = getInvocationReceiver(parent);
var right = parent.arguments.positional[0];
final MAX = (1 << width) - 1;
if (left != null) {
if (_asIntInRange(right, 0, MAX) != null) return true;
if (_asIntInRange(left, 0, MAX) != null) return true;
return _parentMasksToWidth(parent, width);
return false;
/// Determines if the result of evaluating [expr] will be an non-negative
/// value that fits in 31 bits.
bool _is31BitUnsigned(Expression expr) {
const MAX = 32; // Includes larger and negative values.
/// Determines how many bits are required to hold result of evaluation
/// [expr]. [depth] is used to bound exploration of huge expressions.
int bitWidth(Expression expr, int depth) {
if (expr is IntLiteral) {
return expr.value >= 0 ? expr.value.bitLength : MAX;
if (++depth > 5) return MAX;
if (expr is InvocationExpression &&
expr.arguments.positional.length == 1) {
var left = getInvocationReceiver(expr);
var right = expr.arguments.positional[0];
if (left != null) {
switch ( {
case '&':
return min(bitWidth(left, depth), bitWidth(right, depth));
case '|':
case '^':
return max(bitWidth(left, depth), bitWidth(right, depth));
case '>>':
var shiftValue = _asIntInRange(right, 0, 31);
if (shiftValue != null) {
var leftWidth = bitWidth(left, depth);
return leftWidth == MAX ? MAX : max(0, leftWidth - shiftValue);
return MAX;
case '<<':
var leftWidth = bitWidth(left, depth);
var shiftValue = _asIntInRange(right, 0, 31);
if (shiftValue != null) {
return min(MAX, leftWidth + shiftValue);
var rightWidth = bitWidth(right, depth);
if (rightWidth <= 5) {
// e.g. `1 << (x & 7)` has a rightWidth of 3, so shifts by up to
// (1 << 3) - 1 == 7 bits.
return min(MAX, leftWidth + ((1 << rightWidth) - 1));
return MAX;
return MAX;
var value = _asIntInRange(expr, 0, 0x7fffffff);
if (value != null) return value.bitLength;
return MAX;
return bitWidth(expr, 0) < 32;
js_ast.Expression _emitBinaryOperator(Expression left, Member target,
Expression right, InvocationExpression node) {
var op =;
if (op == '==') return _emitEqualityOperator(left, target, right);
// TODO(jmesserly): using the target type here to work around:
if (target != null) {
var targetClass = target.enclosingClass;
var leftType = _coreTypes.legacyRawType(targetClass);
var rightType = right.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext);
if (_typeRep.binaryOperationIsPrimitive(leftType, rightType) ||
leftType == _types.coreTypes.stringLegacyRawType && op == '+') {
// Inline operations on primitive types where possible.
// TODO(jmesserly): inline these from dart:core instead of hardcoding
// the implementation details here.
/// Emits an inlined binary operation using the JS [code], adding null
/// checks if needed to ensure we throw the appropriate error.
js_ast.Expression binary(String code) {
return, [notNull(left), notNull(right)]);
js_ast.Expression bitwise(String code) {
return _coerceBitOperationResultToUnsigned(node, binary(code));
/// Similar to [binary] but applies a boolean conversion to the right
/// operand, to match the boolean bitwise operators in dart:core.
/// Short circuiting operators should not be used in [code], because the
/// null checks for both operands must happen unconditionally.
js_ast.Expression bitwiseBool(String code) {
return, [notNull(left), _visitTest(right)]);
switch (op) {
case '~/':
// `a ~/ b` is equivalent to `(a / b).truncate()`
return'(# / #).#()', [
_emitMemberName('truncate', memberClass: targetClass)
case '%':
// TODO(sra): We can generate `a % b + 0` if both are non-negative
// (the `+ 0` is to coerce -0.0 to 0).
return _emitOperatorCall(left, target, op, [right]);
case '&':
return _typeRep.isBoolean(leftType)
? bitwiseBool('!!(# & #)')
: bitwise('# & #');
case '|':
return _typeRep.isBoolean(leftType)
? bitwiseBool('!!(# | #)')
: bitwise('# | #');
case '^':
return _typeRep.isBoolean(leftType)
? bitwiseBool('# !== #')
: bitwise('# ^ #');
case '>>':
var shiftCount = _asIntInRange(right, 0, 31);
if (_is31BitUnsigned(left) && shiftCount != null) {
return binary('# >> #');
if (_isDefinitelyNonNegative(left) && shiftCount != null) {
return binary('# >>> #');
// If the context selects out only bits that can't be affected by the
// sign position we can use any JavaScript shift, `(x >> 6) & 3`.
if (shiftCount != null &&
_parentMasksToWidth(node, 31 - shiftCount)) {
return binary('# >> #');
return _emitOperatorCall(left, target, op, [right]);
case '<<':
if (_is31BitUnsigned(node)) {
// Result is 31 bit unsigned which implies the shift count was small
// enough not to pollute the sign bit.
return binary('# << #');
if (_asIntInRange(right, 0, 31) != null) {
return _coerceBitOperationResultToUnsigned(
node, binary('# << #'));
return _emitOperatorCall(left, target, op, [right]);
// TODO(vsm): When do Dart ops not map to JS?
return binary('# $op #');
return _emitOperatorCall(left, target, op, [right]);
js_ast.Expression _emitEqualityOperator(
Expression left, Member target, Expression right,
{bool negated = false}) {
var targetClass = target?.enclosingClass;
var leftType = targetClass != null
? _coreTypes.legacyRawType(targetClass)
: left.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext);
// Conceptually `x == y` in Dart is defined as:
// If either x or y is null, then they are equal iff they are both null.
// Otherwise, equality is the result of calling `x.==(y)`.
// In practice, `x.==(y)` is equivalent to `identical(x, y)` in many cases:
// - when either side is known to be `null` (literal or Null type)
// - left side is an enum
// - left side is a primitive type
// We also compile `operator ==` methods to ensure they check the right side
// for null`. This allows us to skip the check at call sites.
// TODO(leafp,jmesserly): we could use class hierarchy analysis to check
// if `operator ==` was overridden, similar to how we devirtualize private
// fields.
// If we know that the left type uses identity for equality, we can
// sometimes emit better code, either `===` or `==`.
var isEnum = leftType is InterfaceType && leftType.classNode.isEnum;
var usesIdentity = _typeRep.isPrimitive(leftType) ||
isEnum ||
_isNull(left) ||
if (usesIdentity) {
return _emitCoreIdenticalCall([left, right], negated: negated);
// If the left side is nullable, we need to use a runtime helper to check
// for null. We could inline the null check, but it did not seem to have
// a measurable performance effect (possibly the helper is simple enough to
// be inlined).
if (isNullable(left)) {
return ? '!#.equals(#, #)' : '#.equals(#, #)',
[runtimeModule, _visitExpression(left), _visitExpression(right)]);
// Otherwise we emit a call to the == method.
return ? '!#[#](#)' : '#[#](#)', [
_emitMemberName('==', memberClass: targetClass),
/// Emits a generic send, like an operator method.
/// **Please note** this function does not support method invocation syntax
/// `` because that could be a getter followed by a call.
/// See [visitMethodInvocation].
js_ast.Expression _emitOperatorCall(
Expression receiver, Member target, String name, List<Expression> args) {
// TODO(jmesserly): calls that don't pass `element` are probably broken for
// `super` calls from disallowed super locations.
var memberName = _emitMemberName(name, member: target);
if (target == null) {
// dynamic dispatch
var dynamicHelper = const {'[]': 'dindex', '[]=': 'dsetindex'}[name];
if (dynamicHelper != null) {
return runtimeCall('$dynamicHelper(#, #)',
[_visitExpression(receiver), _visitExpressionList(args)]);
} else {
return runtimeCall('dsend(#, #, [#])', [
// Generic dispatch to a statically known method.
[_visitExpression(receiver), memberName, _visitExpressionList(args)]);
// TODO(jmesserly): optimize super operators for kernel
js_ast.Expression visitSuperMethodInvocation(SuperMethodInvocation node) {
var target = node.interfaceTarget;
return js_ast.Call(_emitSuperTarget(target),
_emitArgumentList(node.arguments, target: target));
/// Emits the [js_ast.PropertyAccess] for accessors or method calls to
/// [jsTarget].[jsName], replacing `super` if it is not allowed in scope.
js_ast.PropertyAccess _emitSuperTarget(Member member, {bool setter = false}) {
var jsName = _emitMemberName(, member: member);
if (member is Field && !_virtualFields.isVirtual(member)) {
return js_ast.PropertyAccess(js_ast.This(), jsName);
if (_superAllowed) return js_ast.PropertyAccess(js_ast.Super(), jsName);
// If we can't emit `super` in this context, generate a helper that does it
// for us, and call the helper.
var name =;
var jsMethod = _superHelpers.putIfAbsent(name, () {
var isAccessor = member is Procedure ? member.isAccessor : true;
if (isAccessor) {
assert(member is Procedure
? member.isSetter == setter
: !setter || !(member as Field).isFinal);
var fn =
? 'function(x) { super[#] = x; }'
: 'function() { return super[#]; }',
return js_ast.Method(_emitTemporaryId(name), fn,
isGetter: !setter, isSetter: setter);
} else {
var function = member.function;
var params = [
for (var param in function.positionalParameters)
if (function.namedParameters.isNotEmpty) namedArgumentTemp,
var fn =
'function(#) { return super[#](#); }', [params, jsName, params]);
name = js_ast.friendlyNameForDartOperator[name] ?? name;
return js_ast.Method(_emitTemporaryId(name), fn);
return js_ast.PropertyAccess(js_ast.This(),;
js_ast.Expression visitStaticInvocation(StaticInvocation node) {
var target =;
if (isInlineJS(target)) return _emitInlineJSCode(node) as js_ast.Expression;
if (target.isFactory) return _emitFactoryInvocation(node);
// Optimize some internal SDK calls.
if (isSdkInternalRuntime(target.enclosingLibrary) &&
node.arguments.positional.length == 1) {
var name =;
var firstArg = node.arguments.positional[0];
if (name == 'getGenericClass' && firstArg is TypeLiteral) {
var type = firstArg.type;
if (type is InterfaceType) {
return _emitTopLevelNameNoInterop(type.classNode, suffix: '\$');
if (name == 'unwrapType' && firstArg is TypeLiteral) {
return _emitType(firstArg.type);
if (name == 'extensionSymbol' && firstArg is StringLiteral) {
return getExtensionSymbolInternal(firstArg.value);
if (target == _coreTypes.identicalProcedure) {
return _emitCoreIdenticalCall(node.arguments.positional);
if (_isDebuggerCall(target)) {
return _emitDebuggerCall(node) as js_ast.Expression;
var fn = _emitStaticTarget(target);
var args = _emitArgumentList(node.arguments, target: target);
return js_ast.Call(fn, args);
bool _isDebuggerCall(Procedure target) {
return == 'debugger' &&
target.enclosingLibrary.importUri.toString() == 'dart:developer';
js_ast.Node _emitDebuggerCall(StaticInvocation node) {
var args = node.arguments.named;
var isStatement = node.parent is ExpressionStatement;
if (args.isEmpty) {
// Inline `debugger()` with no arguments, as a statement if possible,
// otherwise as an immediately invoked function.
return isStatement
? js.statement('debugger;')
:'(() => { debugger; return true})()');
// The signature of `debugger()` is:
// bool debugger({bool when: true, String message})
// This code path handles the named arguments `when` and/or `message`.
// Both must be evaluated in the supplied order, and then `when` is used
// to decide whether to break or not.
// We also need to return the value of `when`.
var jsArgs =;
var when = args.length == 1
// For a single `when` argument, use it.
// For a single `message` argument, use `{message: ...}`, which
// coerces to true (the default value of `when`).
? (args[0].name == 'when'
? jsArgs[0].value
: js_ast.ObjectInitializer(jsArgs))
// If we have both `message` and `when` arguments, evaluate them in
// order, then extract the `when` argument.
:'#.when', js_ast.ObjectInitializer(jsArgs));
return isStatement
? js.statement('if (#) debugger;', when)
:'# && (() => { debugger; return true })()', when);
/// Emits the target of a [StaticInvocation], [StaticGet], or [StaticSet].
js_ast.Expression _emitStaticTarget(Member target) {
var c = target.enclosingClass;
if (c != null) {
// A static native element should just forward directly to the JS type's
// member, for example `Css.supports(...)` in dart:html should be replaced
// by a direct call to the DOM API: `global.CSS.supports`.
if (_isExternal(target) && (target as Procedure).isStatic) {
var nativeName = _extensionTypes.getNativePeers(c);
if (nativeName.isNotEmpty) {
var memberName = _annotationName(target, isJSName) ??
_emitStaticMemberName(, target);
return runtimeCall('global.#.#', [nativeName[0], memberName]);
return js_ast.PropertyAccess(_emitStaticClassName(c),
_emitStaticMemberName(, target));
return _emitTopLevelName(target);
List<js_ast.Expression> _emitArgumentList(Arguments node,
{bool types = true, Member target}) {
types = types && _reifyGenericFunction(target);
final isJsInterop = target != null && isJsMember(target);
return [
if (types) for (var typeArg in node.types) _emitType(typeArg),
for (var arg in node.positional)
if (arg is StaticInvocation &&
isJSSpreadInvocation( &&
arg.arguments.positional.length == 1)
else if (isJsInterop)
if (node.named.isNotEmpty)
for (var arg in node.named) _emitNamedExpression(arg, isJsInterop)
js_ast.Property _emitNamedExpression(NamedExpression arg,
[bool isJsInterop = false]) {
var value = isJsInterop ? _assertInterop(arg.value) : arg.value;
return js_ast.Property(propertyName(, _visitExpression(value));
/// Emits code for the `JS(...)` macro.
js_ast.Node _emitInlineJSCode(StaticInvocation node) {
var args = node.arguments.positional;
// arg[0] is static return type, used in `RestrictedStaticTypeAnalyzer`
var code = args[1];
List<Expression> templateArgs;
String source;
if (code is StringConcatenation) {
if (code.expressions.every((e) => e is StringLiteral)) {
templateArgs = args.skip(2).toList();
source = => (e as StringLiteral).value).join();
} else {
if (args.length > 2) {
throw ArgumentError(
"Can't mix template args and string interpolation in JS calls: "
templateArgs = <Expression>[];
source = {
if (expression is StringLiteral) {
return expression.value;
} else {
return '#';
} else {
templateArgs = args.skip(2).toList();
source = (code as StringLiteral).value;
// TODO(jmesserly): arguments to JS() that contain type literals evaluate to
// the raw runtime type instead of the wrapped Type object.
// We can clean this up by switching to `unwrapType(<type literal>)`, which
// the compiler will then optimize.
var wasInForeignJS = _isInForeignJS;
_isInForeignJS = true;
var jsArgs =;
_isInForeignJS = wasInForeignJS;
var result = js.parseForeignJS(source).instantiate(jsArgs);
assert(result is js_ast.Expression ||
result is js_ast.Statement && node.parent is ExpressionStatement);
return result;
bool _isNull(Expression expr) =>
expr is NullLiteral ||
expr.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext) == _coreTypes.nullType;
bool _doubleEqIsIdentity(Expression left, Expression right) {
// If we statically know LHS or RHS is null we can use ==.
if (_isNull(left) || _isNull(right)) return true;
// If the representation of the two types will not induce conversion in
// JS then we can use == .
return !_typeRep.equalityMayConvert(left.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext),
bool _tripleEqIsIdentity(Expression left, Expression right) {
// If either is non-nullable, then we don't need to worry about
// equating null and undefined, and so we can use triple equals.
return !isNullable(left) || !isNullable(right);
/// Returns true if [expr] can be null, optionally using [localIsNullable]
/// for locals.
/// If [localIsNullable] is not supplied, this will use the known list of
/// [_notNullLocals].
bool isNullable(Expression expr) => _nullableInference.isNullable(expr);
js_ast.Expression _emitJSDoubleEq(List<js_ast.Expression> args,
{bool negated = false}) {
var op = negated ? '# != #' : '# == #';
return, args);
js_ast.Expression _emitJSTripleEq(List<js_ast.Expression> args,
{bool negated = false}) {
var op = negated ? '# !== #' : '# === #';
return, args);
js_ast.Expression _emitCoreIdenticalCall(List<Expression> args,
{bool negated = false}) {
if (args.length != 2) {
// Shouldn't happen in typechecked code
return runtimeCall(
'throw(Error("compile error: calls to `identical` require 2 args")');
var left = args[0];
var right = args[1];
var jsArgs = [_visitExpression(left), _visitExpression(right)];
if (_tripleEqIsIdentity(left, right)) {
return _emitJSTripleEq(jsArgs, negated: negated);
if (_doubleEqIsIdentity(left, right)) {
return _emitJSDoubleEq(jsArgs, negated: negated);
var code = negated ? '!#' : '#';
js_ast.Call(_emitTopLevelName(_coreTypes.identicalProcedure), jsArgs));
js_ast.Expression visitConstructorInvocation(ConstructorInvocation node) {
var ctor =;
var ctorClass = ctor.enclosingClass;
var args = node.arguments;
if (isJSAnonymousType(ctorClass)) return _emitObjectLiteral(args, ctor);
var result = js_ast.New(_emitConstructorName(node.constructedType, ctor),
_emitArgumentList(args, types: false, target: ctor));
return node.isConst ? canonicalizeConstObject(result) : result;
js_ast.Expression _emitFactoryInvocation(StaticInvocation node) {
var args = node.arguments;
var ctor =;
var ctorClass = ctor.enclosingClass;
if (ctor.isExternal && hasJSInteropAnnotation(ctorClass)) {
return _emitJSInteropNew(ctor, args);
var type = ctorClass.typeParameters.isEmpty
? _coreTypes.nonNullableRawType(ctorClass)
: InterfaceType(ctorClass, Nullability.legacy, args.types);
if (isFromEnvironmentInvocation(_coreTypes, node)) {
var value = _constants.evaluate(node);
if (value is PrimitiveConstant) {
return visitConstant(value);
if (args.positional.isEmpty &&
args.named.isEmpty &&
ctorClass.enclosingLibrary.importUri.scheme == 'dart') {
// Skip the slow SDK factory constructors when possible.
switch ( {
case 'Map':
case 'HashMap':
case 'LinkedHashMap':
if ( == '') {
return'new', _emitMapImplType(type));
} else if ( == 'identity') {
'new', _emitMapImplType(type, identity: true));
case 'Set':
case 'HashSet':
case 'LinkedHashSet':
if ( == '') {
return'new', _emitSetImplType(type));
} else if ( == 'identity') {
'new', _emitSetImplType(type, identity: true));
case 'List':
if ( == '' && type is InterfaceType) {
return _emitList(type.typeArguments[0], []);
var result = js_ast.Call(_emitConstructorName(type, ctor),
_emitArgumentList(args, types: false));
return node.isConst ? canonicalizeConstObject(result) : result;
js_ast.Expression _emitJSInteropNew(Member ctor, Arguments args) {
var ctorClass = ctor.enclosingClass;
if (isJSAnonymousType(ctorClass)) return _emitObjectLiteral(args, ctor);
return js_ast.New(
_emitConstructorName(_coreTypes.legacyRawType(ctorClass), ctor),
_emitArgumentList(args, types: false, target: ctor));
js_ast.Expression _emitMapImplType(InterfaceType type, {bool identity}) {
var typeArgs = type.typeArguments;
if (typeArgs.isEmpty) {
return _emitInterfaceType(type, emitNullability: false);
identity ??= _typeRep.isPrimitive(typeArgs[0]);
var c = identity ? _identityHashMapImplClass : _linkedHashMapImplClass;
return _emitInterfaceType(InterfaceType(c, Nullability.legacy, typeArgs),
emitNullability: false);
js_ast.Expression _emitSetImplType(InterfaceType type, {bool identity}) {
var typeArgs = type.typeArguments;
if (typeArgs.isEmpty) {
return _emitInterfaceType(type, emitNullability: false);
identity ??= _typeRep.isPrimitive(typeArgs[0]);
var c = identity ? _identityHashSetImplClass : _linkedHashSetImplClass;
return _emitInterfaceType(InterfaceType(c, Nullability.legacy, typeArgs),
emitNullability: false);
js_ast.Expression _emitObjectLiteral(Arguments node, Member ctor) {
var args = _emitArgumentList(node, types: false, target: ctor);
if (args.isEmpty) return'{}');
assert(args.single is js_ast.ObjectInitializer);
return args.single;
js_ast.Expression visitNot(Not node) {
var operand = node.operand;
if (operand is MethodInvocation && == '==') {
return _emitEqualityOperator(operand.receiver, operand.interfaceTarget,
negated: true);
} else if (operand is DirectMethodInvocation && == '==') {
return _emitEqualityOperator(
operand.receiver,, operand.arguments.positional[0],
negated: true);
} else if (operand is StaticInvocation && == _coreTypes.identicalProcedure) {
return _emitCoreIdenticalCall(operand.arguments.positional,
negated: true);
// Logical negation, `!e`, is a boolean conversion context since it is
// defined as `e ? false : true`.
return'!#', _visitTest(operand));
js_ast.Expression visitNullCheck(NullCheck node) {
var expr = node.operand;
// If the expression is non-nullable already, this is a no-op.
return isNullable(expr) ? notNull(expr) : _visitExpression(expr);
js_ast.Expression visitLogicalExpression(LogicalExpression node) {
// The operands of logical boolean operators are subject to boolean
// conversion.
return _visitTest(node);
js_ast.Expression visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) {
return'# ? # : #', [
..sourceInformation = _nodeStart(node.condition);
js_ast.Expression visitStringConcatenation(StringConcatenation node) {
var parts = <js_ast.Expression>[];
for (var e in node.expressions) {
var jsExpr = _visitExpression(e);
if (jsExpr is js_ast.LiteralString && jsExpr.valueWithoutQuotes.isEmpty) {
parts.add(e.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext) ==
_types.coreTypes.stringLegacyRawType &&
? jsExpr
: runtimeCall('str(#)', [jsExpr]));
if (parts.isEmpty) return js.string('');
return js_ast.Expression.binary(parts, '+');
js_ast.Expression visitListConcatenation(ListConcatenation node) {
// Only occurs inside unevaluated constants.
throw UnsupportedError('List concatenation');
js_ast.Expression visitSetConcatenation(SetConcatenation node) {
// Only occurs inside unevaluated constants.
throw UnsupportedError('Set concatenation');
js_ast.Expression visitMapConcatenation(MapConcatenation node) {
// Only occurs inside unevaluated constants.
throw UnsupportedError('Map concatenation');
js_ast.Expression visitInstanceCreation(InstanceCreation node) {
// Only occurs inside unevaluated constants.
throw UnsupportedError('Instance creation');
js_ast.Expression visitFileUriExpression(FileUriExpression node) {
// Only occurs inside unevaluated constants.
throw UnsupportedError('File URI expression');
js_ast.Expression visitIsExpression(IsExpression node) {
return _emitIsExpression(node.operand, node.type);
js_ast.Expression _emitIsExpression(Expression operand, DartType type) {
// Generate `is` as `` or `typeof` depending on the RHS type.
var lhs = _visitExpression(operand);
var typeofName = _typeRep.typeFor(type).primitiveTypeOf;
// Inline primitives other than int (which requires a Math.floor check).
if (typeofName != null &&
type != _types.coreTypes.intLegacyRawType &&
type != _types.coreTypes.intNonNullableRawType &&
type != _types.coreTypes.intNullableRawType) {
return'typeof # == #', [lhs, js.string(typeofName, "'")]);
} else {
return'', [_emitType(type), lhs]);
js_ast.Expression visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) {
var fromExpr = node.operand;
var to = node.type;
var jsFrom = _visitExpression(fromExpr);
var from = fromExpr.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext);
// If the check was put here by static analysis to ensure soundness, we
// can't skip it. For example, one could implement covariant generic caller
// side checks like this:
// typedef F<T>(T t);
// class C<T> {
// F<T> f;
// add(T t) {
// // required check `t as T`
// }
// }
// main() {
// C<Object> c = new C<int>()..f = (int x) => x.isEven;
// c.f('hi'); // required check `c.f as F<Object>`
// c.add('hi);
// }
var isTypeError = node.isTypeError;
if (!isTypeError &&
_types.isSubtypeOf(from, to, SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities)) {
return jsFrom;
// All Dart number types map to a JS double.
if (_typeRep.isNumber(from) && _typeRep.isNumber(to)) {
// Make sure to check when converting to int.
if (from != _coreTypes.intLegacyRawType &&
to == _coreTypes.intLegacyRawType) {
// TODO(jmesserly): fuse this with notNull check.
// TODO(jmesserly): this does not correctly distinguish user casts from
// required-for-soundness casts.
return runtimeCall('asInt(#)', [jsFrom]);
// A no-op in JavaScript.
return jsFrom;
return _emitCast(jsFrom, to, implicit: isTypeError);
js_ast.Expression _emitCast(js_ast.Expression expr, DartType type,
{bool implicit = true}) {
if (_types.isTop(type)) return expr;
var code = implicit ? '#._check(#)' : '';
return, [_emitType(type), expr]);
js_ast.Expression visitSymbolLiteral(SymbolLiteral node) =>
js_ast.Expression visitTypeLiteral(TypeLiteral node) =>
js_ast.Expression _emitTypeLiteral(DartType type) {
var typeRep = _emitType(type);
// If the type is a type literal expression in Dart code, wrap the raw
// runtime type in a "Type" instance.
return _isInForeignJS ? typeRep : runtimeCall('wrapType(#)', [typeRep]);
js_ast.Expression visitThisExpression(ThisExpression node) => js_ast.This();
js_ast.Expression visitRethrow(Rethrow node) {
return runtimeCall('rethrow(#)', [_emitVariableRef(_rethrowParameter)]);
js_ast.Expression visitThrow(Throw node) =>
runtimeCall('throw(#)', [_visitExpression(node.expression)]);
js_ast.Expression visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
var elementType = node.typeArgument;
var elements = _visitExpressionList(node.expressions);
return _emitList(elementType, elements);
js_ast.Expression _emitList(
DartType itemType, List<js_ast.Expression> items) {
var list = js_ast.ArrayInitializer(items);
// TODO(jmesserly): analyzer will usually infer `List<Object>` because
// that is the least upper bound of the element types. So we rarely
// generate a plain `List<dynamic>` anymore.
if (itemType == const DynamicType()) return list;
// Call `new JSArray<E>.of(list)`
var arrayType = _emitInterfaceType(
InterfaceType(_jsArrayClass, Nullability.legacy, [itemType]),
emitNullability: false);
return'#.of(#)', [arrayType, list]);
js_ast.Expression _emitConstList(
DartType elementType, List<js_ast.Expression> elements) {
// dart.constList helper internally depends on _interceptors.JSArray.
return cacheConst(
runtimeCall('constList([#], #)', [elements, _emitType(elementType)]));
js_ast.Expression visitSetLiteral(SetLiteral node) {
// TODO(markzipan): remove const check when we use front-end const eval
if (!node.isConst) {
var setType = _emitInterfaceType(
_linkedHashSetClass, Nullability.legacy, [node.typeArgument]),
emitNullability: false);
if (node.expressions.isEmpty) {
return'', [setType]);
'#.from([#])', [setType, _visitExpressionList(node.expressions)]);
return _emitConstSet(
node.typeArgument, _visitExpressionList(node.expressions));
js_ast.Expression _emitConstSet(
DartType elementType, List<js_ast.Expression> elements) {
return cacheConst(
runtimeCall('constSet(#, [#])', [_emitType(elementType), elements]));
js_ast.Expression visitMapLiteral(MapLiteral node) {
var entries = [
for (var e in node.entries) ...[
// TODO(markzipan): remove const check when we use front-end const eval
if (!node.isConst) {
var mapType = _emitMapImplType(
node.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext) as InterfaceType);
if (node.entries.isEmpty) {
return'new', [mapType]);
return'new #.from([#])', [mapType, entries]);
return _emitConstMap(node.keyType, node.valueType, entries);
js_ast.Expression _emitConstMap(
DartType keyType, DartType valueType, List<js_ast.Expression> entries) {
return cacheConst(runtimeCall('constMap(#, #, [#])',
[_emitType(keyType), _emitType(valueType), entries]));
js_ast.Expression visitAwaitExpression(AwaitExpression node) =>
js_ast.Expression visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
var fn = _emitArrowFunction(node);
if (!_reifyFunctionType(node.function)) return fn;
return _emitFunctionTagged(
fn, node.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext) as FunctionType);
js_ast.ArrowFun _emitArrowFunction(FunctionExpression node) {
var f = _emitFunction(node.function, null);
js_ast.Node body = f.body;
// Simplify `=> { return e; }` to `=> e`
if (body is js_ast.Block) {
var block = body as js_ast.Block;
if (block.statements.length == 1) {
var s = block.statements[0];
if (s is js_ast.Block) {
block = s as js_ast.Block;
s = block.statements.length == 1 ? block.statements[0] : null;
if (s is js_ast.Return && s.value != null) body = s.value;
// Convert `function(...) { ... }` to `(...) => ...`
// This is for readability, but it also ensures correct `this` binding.
return js_ast.ArrowFun(f.params, body);
js_ast.Expression visitStringLiteral(StringLiteral node) =>
js.escapedString(node.value, '"');
js_ast.Expression visitIntLiteral(IntLiteral node) => js.uint64(node.value);
js_ast.Expression visitDoubleLiteral(DoubleLiteral node) =>
js_ast.Expression visitBoolLiteral(BoolLiteral node) =>
js_ast.Expression visitNullLiteral(NullLiteral node) => js_ast.LiteralNull();
js_ast.Expression visitLet(Let node) {
var v = node.variable;
var init = _visitExpression(v.initializer);
var body = _visitExpression(node.body);
var temp = _tempVariables.remove(v);
if (temp != null) {
if (_letVariables != null) {
init = js_ast.Assignment(temp, init);
} else {
// TODO(jmesserly): make sure this doesn't happen on any performance
// critical call path.
// Annotations on a top-level, non-lazy function type should be the only
// remaining use.
return js_ast.Call(js_ast.ArrowFun([temp], body), [init]);
return js_ast.Binary(',', init, body);
js_ast.Expression visitBlockExpression(BlockExpression node) {
var jsExpr = _visitExpression(node.value);
var jsStmts = [
for (var s in node.body.statements) _visitStatement(s),
var jsBlock = js_ast.Block(jsStmts);
// BlockExpressions with async operations must be constructed
// with a generator instead of a lambda.
var finder = YieldFinder();
if (finder.hasYield) {
js_ast.Expression genFn = js_ast.Fun([], jsBlock, isGenerator: true);
if (usesThisOrSuper(genFn)) genFn ='#.bind(this)', genFn);
var asyncLibrary = emitLibraryName(_coreTypes.asyncLibrary);
var returnType = _emitType(node.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext));
var asyncCall ='#.async(#, #)', [asyncLibrary, returnType, genFn]);
return js_ast.Yield(asyncCall);
return js_ast.Call(js_ast.ArrowFun([], jsBlock), []);
js_ast.Expression visitInstantiation(Instantiation node) {
return runtimeCall('gbind(#, #)', [
js_ast.Expression visitLoadLibrary(LoadLibrary node) =>
// TODO(jmesserly): DDC loads all libraries eagerly.
// See
js_ast.Expression visitCheckLibraryIsLoaded(CheckLibraryIsLoaded node) =>
bool _reifyFunctionType(FunctionNode f) {
if (_currentLibrary.importUri.scheme != 'dart') return true;
var parent = f.parent;
// SDK libraries can skip reification if they request it.
bool reifyFunctionTypes(Expression a) =>
isBuiltinAnnotation(a, '_js_helper', 'ReifyFunctionTypes');
while (parent != null) {
var a = findAnnotation(parent, reifyFunctionTypes);
var value = _constants.getFieldValueFromAnnotation(a, 'value');
if (value is bool) return value;
parent = parent.parent;
return true;
bool _reifyTearoff(Member member) {
return member is Procedure &&
!member.isAccessor &&
!member.isFactory &&
!_isInForeignJS &&
!usesJSInterop(member) &&
/// Returns the name value of the `JSExportName` annotation (when compiling
/// the SDK), or `null` if there's none. This is used to control the name
/// under which functions are compiled and exported.
String _jsExportName(NamedNode n) {
var library = getLibrary(n);
if (library == null || library.importUri.scheme != 'dart') return null;
return _annotationName(n, isJSExportNameAnnotation);
/// If [node] has annotation matching [test] and the first argument is a
/// string, this returns the string value.
/// Calls [findAnnotation] followed by [getNameFromAnnotation].
String _annotationName(NamedNode node, bool Function(Expression) test) {
return _constants.getFieldValueFromAnnotation(
findAnnotation(node, test), 'name') as String;
js_ast.Expression cacheConst(js_ast.Expression jsExpr) {
if (isSdkInternalRuntime(_currentLibrary)) {
return super.cacheConst(jsExpr);
return jsExpr;
js_ast.Expression visitConstant(Constant node) {
if (node is TearOffConstant) {
// JS() or external JS consts should not be lazily loaded.
var isSdk = node.procedure.enclosingLibrary.importUri.scheme == 'dart';
if (_isInForeignJS) {
return _emitStaticTarget(node.procedure);
if (node.procedure.isExternal && !isSdk) {
return runtimeCall(
'tearoffInterop(#)', [_emitStaticTarget(node.procedure)]);
if (isSdkInternalRuntime(_currentLibrary) || node is PrimitiveConstant) {
return super.visitConstant(node);
var constAlias = constAliasCache[node];
if (constAlias != null) {
return constAlias;
var constAliasString = 'C${constAliasCache.length}';
var constAliasProperty = propertyName(constAliasString);
var constAliasId = _emitTemporaryId(constAliasString);
var constAccessor ='# || #.#', [constAliasId, _constTable, constAliasProperty]);
constAliasCache[node] = constAccessor;
var constJs = super.visitConstant(node);
// TODO(vsm): Change back to `let`.
// See
moduleItems.add(js.statement('var #;', [constAliasId]));
var func = js_ast.Fun(
js.statement('return # = #;', [constAliasId, constJs])
var accessor = js_ast.Method(constAliasProperty, func, isGetter: true);
return constAccessor;
js_ast.Expression visitNullConstant(NullConstant node) =>
js_ast.Expression visitBoolConstant(BoolConstant node) =>
js_ast.Expression visitIntConstant(IntConstant node) => js.number(node.value);
js_ast.Expression visitDoubleConstant(DoubleConstant node) {
var value = node.value;
// Emit the constant as an integer, if possible.
if (value.isFinite) {
var intValue = value.toInt();
const _MIN_INT32 = -0x80000000;
const _MAX_INT32 = 0x7FFFFFFF;
if (intValue.toDouble() == value &&
intValue >= _MIN_INT32 &&
intValue <= _MAX_INT32) {
return js.number(intValue);
if (value.isInfinite) {
if (value.isNegative) {
return'-1 / 0');
return'1 / 0');
if (value.isNaN) {
return'0 / 0');
return js.number(value);
js_ast.Expression visitStringConstant(StringConstant node) =>
js.escapedString(node.value, '"');
// DDC does not currently use the non-primivite constant nodes; rather these
// are emitted via their normal expression nodes.
js_ast.Expression defaultConstant(Constant node) => _emitInvalidNode(node);
js_ast.Expression visitSymbolConstant(SymbolConstant node) =>
js_ast.Expression visitMapConstant(MapConstant node) {
var entries = [
for (var e in node.entries) ...[
return _emitConstMap(node.keyType, node.valueType, entries);
js_ast.Expression visitListConstant(ListConstant node) => _emitConstList(
js_ast.Expression visitSetConstant(SetConstant node) => _emitConstSet(
js_ast.Expression visitInstanceConstant(InstanceConstant node) {
js_ast.Property entryToProperty(MapEntry<Reference, Constant> entry) {
var constant = visitConstant(entry.value);
var member = entry.key.asField;
var cls = member.enclosingClass;
// Enums cannot be overridden, so we can safely use the field name
// directly. Otherwise, use a private symbol in case the field
// was overridden.
var symbol = cls.isEnum
? _emitMemberName(, member: member)
: emitClassPrivateNameSymbol(
cls.enclosingLibrary, getLocalClassName(cls),;
return js_ast.Property(symbol, constant);
var type = _emitInterfaceType(
node.getType(_staticTypeContext) as InterfaceType,
emitNullability: false);
var prototype ='#.prototype', [type]);
var properties = [
js_ast.Property(propertyName('__proto__'), prototype),
for (var e in node.fieldValues.entries.toList().reversed)
return canonicalizeConstObject(
js_ast.ObjectInitializer(properties, multiline: true));
js_ast.Expression visitTearOffConstant(TearOffConstant node) {
return _emitStaticGet(node.procedure);
js_ast.Expression visitTypeLiteralConstant(TypeLiteralConstant node) =>
js_ast.Expression visitPartialInstantiationConstant(
PartialInstantiationConstant node) =>
canonicalizeConstObject(runtimeCall('gbind(#, #)', [
js_ast.Expression visitUnevaluatedConstant(UnevaluatedConstant node) =>
throw UnsupportedError('Encountered an unevaluated constant: $node');
bool _isInlineJSFunction(Statement body) {
var block = body;
if (block is Block) {
var statements = block.statements;
if (statements.length != 1) return false;
body = statements[0];
if (body is ReturnStatement) {
var expr = body.expression;
return expr is StaticInvocation && isInlineJS(;
return false;
/// Return true if this is one of the methods/properties on all Dart Objects
/// (toString, hashCode, noSuchMethod, runtimeType).
/// Operator == is excluded, as it is handled as part of the equality binary
/// operator.
bool _isObjectMember(String name) {
// We could look these up on Object, but we have hard coded runtime helpers
// so it's not really providing any benefit.
switch (name) {
case 'hashCode':
case 'toString':
case 'noSuchMethod':
case 'runtimeType':
case '==':
return true;
return false;
bool _isObjectMethodTearoff(String name) =>
name == 'toString' || name == 'noSuchMethod';
bool _isObjectMethodCall(String name, Arguments args) {
if (name == 'toString') {
return args.positional.isEmpty && args.named.isEmpty && args.types.isEmpty;
} else if (name == 'noSuchMethod') {
return args.positional.length == 1 &&
args.named.isEmpty &&
return false;
class _SwitchLabelState {
String label;
js_ast.Identifier variable;
_SwitchLabelState(this.label, this.variable);