blob: 01ba033021225a2d4c403832d42ef25b49f16e1a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:observatory/models.dart' as M;
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/curly_block.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/field_ref.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/helpers/any_ref.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/helpers/rendering_scheduler.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/helpers/custom_element.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/helpers/uris.dart';
import 'package:observatory/utils.dart';
class InstanceRefElement extends CustomElement implements Renderable {
late RenderingScheduler<InstanceRefElement> _r;
Stream<RenderedEvent<InstanceRefElement>> get onRendered => _r.onRendered;
late M.IsolateRef _isolate;
late M.InstanceRef _instance;
late M.ObjectRepository _objects;
M.Instance? _loadedInstance;
late bool _expandable;
late bool _expanded = false;
M.IsolateRef get isolate => _isolate;
M.InstanceRef get instance => _instance;
factory InstanceRefElement(
M.IsolateRef isolate, M.InstanceRef instance, M.ObjectRepository objects,
{RenderingQueue? queue, bool expandable = true}) {
assert(isolate != null);
assert(instance != null);
assert(objects != null);
InstanceRefElement e = new InstanceRefElement.created();
e._r = new RenderingScheduler<InstanceRefElement>(e, queue: queue);
e._isolate = isolate;
e._instance = instance;
e._objects = objects;
e._expandable = expandable;
return e;
InstanceRefElement.created() : super.created('instance-ref');
void attached() {
void detached() {
children = <Element>[];
_r.disable(notify: true);
void render() {
final content = _createLink();
if (_expandable && _hasValue()) {
new SpanElement()..text = ' ',
(new CurlyBlockElement(expanded: _expanded, queue: _r.queue)
..content = <Element>[
new DivElement()
..classes = ['indent']
..children = _createValue()
..onToggle.listen((e) async {
_expanded = e.control.expanded;
if (_expanded) {
e.control.disabled = true;
await _refresh();
e.control.disabled = false;
children = content;
Future _refresh() async {
_loadedInstance = await _objects.get(_isolate,!) as M.Instance;
List<Element> _createShowMoreButton() {
if (_loadedInstance!.count == null) {
return [];
final count = _loadedInstance!.count;
final button = new ButtonElement()..text = 'show next ${count}';
button.onClick.listen((_) async {
button.disabled = true;
_loadedInstance =
await _objects.get(_isolate,!) as M.Instance;
return [button];
List<Element> _createLink() {
switch (_instance.kind) {
case M.InstanceKind.vNull:
case M.InstanceKind.bool:
case M.InstanceKind.double:
case M.InstanceKind.float32x4:
case M.InstanceKind.float64x2:
case M.InstanceKind.int32x4:
return [
new AnchorElement(href: Uris.inspect(_isolate, object: _instance))
..text = _instance.valueAsString
case M.InstanceKind.string:
return [
new AnchorElement(href: Uris.inspect(_isolate, object: _instance))
..text = Utils.formatStringAsLiteral(
_instance.valueAsString!, _instance.valueAsStringIsTruncated!)
case M.InstanceKind.type:
case M.InstanceKind.functionType:
case M.InstanceKind.typeRef:
case M.InstanceKind.typeParameter:
case M.InstanceKind.recordType:
return [
new AnchorElement(href: Uris.inspect(_isolate, object: _instance))
..text =
case M.InstanceKind.closure:
return [
new AnchorElement(href: Uris.inspect(_isolate, object: _instance))
..children = <Element>[
new SpanElement()
..classes = ['emphasize']
..text = 'Closure',
new SpanElement()..text = ' (${_instance.closureFunction!.name})'
case M.InstanceKind.regExp:
return [
new AnchorElement(href: Uris.inspect(_isolate, object: _instance))
..children = <Element>[
new SpanElement()
..classes = ['emphasize']
..text = _instance.clazz!.name,
new SpanElement()..text = ' (${_instance.pattern!.valueAsString})'
case M.InstanceKind.stackTrace:
return [
new AnchorElement(href: Uris.inspect(_isolate, object: _instance))
..children = <Element>[
new SpanElement()
..classes = ['emphasize']
..text = _instance.clazz!.name,
case M.InstanceKind.plainInstance:
case M.InstanceKind.receivePort:
return [
new AnchorElement(href: Uris.inspect(_isolate, object: _instance))
..classes = ['emphasize']
..text = _instance.clazz!.name
case M.InstanceKind.list:
case M.InstanceKind.uint8ClampedList:
case M.InstanceKind.uint8List:
case M.InstanceKind.uint16List:
case M.InstanceKind.uint32List:
case M.InstanceKind.uint64List:
case M.InstanceKind.int8List:
case M.InstanceKind.int16List:
case M.InstanceKind.int32List:
case M.InstanceKind.int64List:
case M.InstanceKind.float32List:
case M.InstanceKind.float64List:
case M.InstanceKind.int32x4List:
case M.InstanceKind.float32x4List:
case M.InstanceKind.float64x2List:
return [
new AnchorElement(href: Uris.inspect(_isolate, object: _instance))
..children = <Element>[
new SpanElement()
..classes = ['emphasize']
..text = _instance.clazz!.name,
new SpanElement()..text = ' (${_instance.length})'
case M.InstanceKind.mirrorReference:
case M.InstanceKind.weakProperty:
case M.InstanceKind.finalizer:
case M.InstanceKind.weakReference:
case M.InstanceKind.record:
return [
new AnchorElement(href: Uris.inspect(_isolate, object: _instance))
..classes = ['emphasize']
..text = _instance.clazz!.name
throw new Exception('Unknown InstanceKind: ${_instance.kind}');
bool _hasValue() {
switch (_instance.kind) {
case M.InstanceKind.closure:
case M.InstanceKind.plainInstance:
case M.InstanceKind.mirrorReference:
case M.InstanceKind.stackTrace:
case M.InstanceKind.weakProperty:
case M.InstanceKind.recordType:
return true;
case M.InstanceKind.list:
case M.InstanceKind.uint8ClampedList:
case M.InstanceKind.uint8List:
case M.InstanceKind.uint16List:
case M.InstanceKind.uint32List:
case M.InstanceKind.uint64List:
case M.InstanceKind.int8List:
case M.InstanceKind.int16List:
case M.InstanceKind.int32List:
case M.InstanceKind.int64List:
case M.InstanceKind.float32List:
case M.InstanceKind.float64List:
case M.InstanceKind.int32x4List:
case M.InstanceKind.float32x4List:
case M.InstanceKind.float64x2List:
return _instance.length! > 0;
return false;
List<Element> _createValue() {
if (_loadedInstance == null) {
return [new SpanElement()..text = 'Loading...'];
switch (_instance.kind) {
case M.InstanceKind.closure:
var members = <Element>[];
if (_loadedInstance!.closureFunction != null) {
members.add(new DivElement()
..children = <Element>[
new SpanElement()..text = 'function = ',
anyRef(_isolate, _loadedInstance!.closureFunction, _objects,
queue: _r.queue)
if (_loadedInstance!.closureContext != null) {
members.add(new DivElement()
..children = <Element>[
new SpanElement()..text = 'context = ',
anyRef(_isolate, _loadedInstance!.closureContext, _objects,
queue: _r.queue)
return members;
case M.InstanceKind.plainInstance:
return _loadedInstance!.fields!
.map<Element>((f) => new DivElement()
..children = <Element>[
new FieldRefElement(_isolate, f.decl!, _objects,
queue: _r.queue)
new SpanElement()..text = ' = ',
anyRef(_isolate, f.value, _objects, queue: _r.queue)
case M.InstanceKind.list:
var index = 0;
return _loadedInstance!.elements!
.map<Element>((element) => new DivElement()
..children = <Element>[
new SpanElement()..text = '[ ${index++} ] : ',
anyRef(_isolate, element, _objects, queue: _r.queue)
return _loadedInstance!.associations!
.map<Element>((association) => new DivElement()
..children = <Element>[
new SpanElement()..text = '[ ',
anyRef(_isolate, association.key, _objects, queue: _r.queue),
new SpanElement()..text = ' ] : ',
anyRef(_isolate, association.value, _objects, queue: _r.queue)
case M.InstanceKind.uint8ClampedList:
case M.InstanceKind.uint8List:
case M.InstanceKind.uint16List:
case M.InstanceKind.uint32List:
case M.InstanceKind.uint64List:
case M.InstanceKind.int8List:
case M.InstanceKind.int16List:
case M.InstanceKind.int32List:
case M.InstanceKind.int64List:
case M.InstanceKind.float32List:
case M.InstanceKind.float64List:
case M.InstanceKind.int32x4List:
case M.InstanceKind.float32x4List:
case M.InstanceKind.float64x2List:
var index = 0;
return _loadedInstance!.typedElements!
.map<Element>((e) => new DivElement()..text = '[ ${index++} ] : $e')
case M.InstanceKind.mirrorReference:
return [
new SpanElement()..text = '<referent> : ',
anyRef(_isolate, _loadedInstance!.referent, _objects, queue: _r.queue)
case M.InstanceKind.stackTrace:
return [
new DivElement()
..classes = ['stackTraceBox']
..text = _instance.valueAsString
case M.InstanceKind.weakProperty:
return [
new SpanElement()..text = '<key> : ',
new InstanceRefElement(_isolate, _loadedInstance!.key!, _objects,
queue: _r.queue)
new BRElement(),
new SpanElement()..text = '<value> : ',
new InstanceRefElement(_isolate, _loadedInstance!.value!, _objects,
queue: _r.queue)
case M.InstanceKind.recordType:
final fields = _loadedInstance!.fields!.toList();
return [
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) ...[
new SpanElement()..text = '${fields[i].name} = ',
new InstanceRefElement(
_isolate, fields[i].value!.asValue!, _objects,
queue: _r.queue)
if (i + 1 != fields.length) new BRElement(),
return [];