blob: 954c2745e0494b1984e1b884fa8db7a188d09c91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart';
import '../messages.dart';
import '../problems.dart';
import '../scope.dart';
import '../source/source_library_builder.dart';
import 'builder.dart';
import 'declaration_builder.dart';
import 'field_builder.dart';
import 'library_builder.dart';
import 'member_builder.dart';
import 'nullability_builder.dart';
import 'type_builder.dart';
import 'type_variable_builder.dart';
/// Shared implementation between extension and view builders.
mixin DeclarationBuilderMixin implements DeclarationBuilder {
/// Type parameters declared.
/// This is `null` if the declaration is not generic.
List<TypeVariableBuilder>? get typeParameters;
/// Lookup a static member of this declaration.
Builder? findStaticBuilder(
String name, int charOffset, Uri fileUri, LibraryBuilder accessingLibrary,
{bool isSetter = false}) {
if (accessingLibrary.nameOriginBuilder.origin !=
libraryBuilder.nameOriginBuilder.origin &&
name.startsWith("_")) {
return null;
Builder? declaration = isSetter
? scope.lookupSetter(name, charOffset, fileUri, isInstanceScope: false)
: scope.lookup(name, charOffset, fileUri, isInstanceScope: false);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Handle patched extensions/views.
return declaration;
DartType buildAliasedType(
LibraryBuilder library,
NullabilityBuilder nullabilityBuilder,
List<TypeBuilder>? arguments,
TypeUse typeUse,
Uri fileUri,
int charOffset,
ClassHierarchyBase? hierarchy,
{required bool hasExplicitTypeArguments}) {
return buildAliasedTypeWithBuiltArguments(
_buildAliasedTypeArguments(library, arguments, hierarchy),
hasExplicitTypeArguments: hasExplicitTypeArguments);
int get typeVariablesCount => typeParameters?.length ?? 0;
List<DartType> _buildAliasedTypeArguments(LibraryBuilder library,
List<TypeBuilder>? arguments, ClassHierarchyBase? hierarchy) {
if (arguments == null && typeParameters == null) {
return <DartType>[];
if (arguments == null && typeParameters != null) {
List<DartType> result =
new List<DartType>.generate(typeParameters!.length, (int i) {
return typeParameters![i].defaultType!.buildAliased(
library, TypeUse.defaultTypeAsTypeArgument, hierarchy);
}, growable: true);
if (library is SourceLibraryBuilder) {
return result;
if (arguments != null && arguments.length != typeVariablesCount) {
// That should be caught and reported as a compile-time error earlier.
return unhandled(
assert(arguments!.length == typeVariablesCount);
List<DartType> result =
new List<DartType>.generate(arguments!.length, (int i) {
return arguments[i]
.buildAliased(library, TypeUse.typeArgument, hierarchy);
}, growable: true);
return result;
void forEach(void f(String name, Builder builder)) {
includeDuplicates: false, includeAugmentations: false)
InterfaceType? get thisType => null;
Builder? lookupLocalMember(String name,
{bool setter = false, bool required = false}) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support patching on extensions/views.
Builder? builder = scope.lookupLocalMember(name, setter: setter);
if (required && builder == null) {
name, fullNameForErrors),
return builder;
Builder? lookupLocalMemberByName(Name name,
{bool setter = false, bool required = false}) {
Builder? builder =
lookupLocalMember(name.text, setter: setter, required: required);
if (builder == null && setter) {
// When looking up setters, we include assignable fields.
builder = lookupLocalMember(name.text, setter: false, required: required);
if (builder is! FieldBuilder || !builder.isAssignable) {
builder = null;
if (builder != null) {
if (name.isPrivate && libraryBuilder.library != name.library) {
builder = null;
} else if (builder is FieldBuilder &&
!builder.isStatic &&
!builder.isExternal) {
// Non-external extension instance fields are invalid.
builder = null;
} else if (builder.isDuplicate) {
// Duplicates are not visible in the instance scope.
builder = null;
} else if (builder is MemberBuilder && builder.isConflictingSetter) {
// Conflicting setters are not visible in the instance scope.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Should we return an [AmbiguousBuilder] here and
// above?
builder = null;
return builder;