blob: 8902799949cc43bd039320b899c4ca32bdb4cc45 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' show File, Platform;
import 'package:analysis_server_client/handler/notification_handler.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server_client/handler/server_connection_handler.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server_client/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server_client/server.dart';
import 'package:cli_util/cli_logging.dart';
import 'package:dartfix/handler/analysis_complete_handler.dart';
import 'package:dartfix/src/context.dart';
import 'package:dartfix/src/options.dart';
import 'package:dartfix/src/util.dart';
import 'package:dartfix/src/verbose_server.dart';
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
class Driver {
Context context;
_Handler handler;
Logger logger;
Server server;
bool force;
bool overwrite;
List<String> targets;
Ansi get ansi => logger.ansi;
Future start(List<String> args) async {
final Options options = Options.parse(args);
force = options.force;
overwrite = options.overwrite;
targets = options.targets;
context = options.context;
logger = options.logger;
server = logger.isVerbose ? new VerboseServer(logger) : new Server();
handler = new _Handler(this);
if (!await startServer(options)) {
EditDartfixResult result;
try {
final progress = await setupAnalysis(options);
result = await requestFixes(options, progress);
} finally {
await server.stop();
if (result != null) {
Future<bool> startServer(Options options) async {
if (options.verbose) {
logger.trace('Dart SDK version ${Platform.version}');
logger.trace(' ${Platform.resolvedExecutable}');
logger.trace(' ${Platform.script.toFilePath()}');
// Automatically run analysis server from source
// if this command line tool is being run from source within the SDK repo.
String serverPath = findServerPath();
await server.start(
clientId: 'dartfix',
clientVersion: pubspecVersion,
sdkPath: options.sdkPath,
serverPath: serverPath,
server.listenToOutput(notificationProcessor: handler.handleEvent);
return handler.serverConnected(timeLimit: const Duration(seconds: 15));
Future<Progress> setupAnalysis(Options options) async {
final progress = logger.progress('${ansi.emphasized('Calculating fixes')}');
logger.trace('Setup analysis');
new ServerSetSubscriptionsParams([ServerService.STATUS]).toJson());
await server.send(
new AnalysisSetAnalysisRootsParams(
const [],
return progress;
Future<EditDartfixResult> requestFixes(
Options options, Progress progress) async {
logger.trace('Requesting fixes');
Future isAnalysisComplete = handler.analysisComplete();
Map<String, dynamic> json = await server.send(
EDIT_REQUEST_DARTFIX, new EditDartfixParams(options.targets).toJson());
// TODO(danrubel): This is imprecise signal for determining when all
// analysis error notifications have been received. Consider adding a new
// notification indicating that the server is idle (all requests processed,
// all analysis complete, all notifications sent).
await isAnalysisComplete;
progress.finish(showTiming: true);
ResponseDecoder decoder = new ResponseDecoder(null);
return EditDartfixResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', json);
Future applyFixes(EditDartfixResult result) async {
showDescriptions('Recommended changes', result.suggestions);
showDescriptions('Recommended changes that cannot be automatically applied',
if (result.suggestions.isEmpty) {
? 'None of the recommended changes can be automatically applied.'
: 'No recommended changes.');
logger.stdout(ansi.emphasized('Files to be changed:'));
for (SourceFileEdit fileEdit in result.edits) {
logger.stdout(' ${relativePath(fileEdit.file)}');
if (shouldApplyChanges(result)) {
for (SourceFileEdit fileEdit in result.edits) {
final file = new File(fileEdit.file);
String code = await file.readAsString();
for (SourceEdit edit in fileEdit.edits) {
code = edit.apply(code);
await file.writeAsString(code);
logger.stdout(ansi.emphasized('Changes applied.'));
void showDescriptions(String title, List<DartFixSuggestion> suggestions) {
if (suggestions.isNotEmpty) {
List<DartFixSuggestion> sorted = new List.from(suggestions)
for (DartFixSuggestion suggestion in sorted) {
final msg = new StringBuffer();
msg.write(' ${toSentenceFragment(suggestion.description)}');
final loc = suggestion.location;
if (loc != null) {
msg.write(' • ${relativePath(loc.file)}');
msg.write(' • ${loc.startLine}:${loc.startColumn}');
bool shouldApplyChanges(EditDartfixResult result) {
if (result.hasErrors) {
logger.stdout('WARNING: The analyzed source contains errors'
' that may affect the accuracy of these changes.');
if (!force) {
logger.stdout('Rerun with --$forceOption to apply these changes.');
return false;
} else if (!overwrite && !force) {
logger.stdout('Rerun with --$overwriteOption to apply these changes.');
return false;
return true;
String relativePath(String filePath) {
for (String target in targets) {
if (filePath.startsWith(target)) {
return filePath.substring(target.length + 1);
return filePath;
class _Handler
with NotificationHandler, ServerConnectionHandler, AnalysisCompleteHandler {
final Driver driver;
final Logger logger;
final Server server;
: logger = driver.logger,
server = driver.server;
void handleFailedToConnect() {
logger.stderr('Failed to connect to server');
void handleProtocolNotSupported(Version version) {
logger.stderr('Expected protocol version $PROTOCOL_VERSION,'
' but found $version');
void handleServerError(String error, String trace) {
logger.stderr('Server Error: $error');
if (trace != null) {
void onAnalysisErrors(AnalysisErrorsParams params) {
List<AnalysisError> errors = params.errors;
bool foundAtLeastOneError = false;
for (AnalysisError error in errors) {
if (shouldShowError(error)) {
if (!foundAtLeastOneError) {
foundAtLeastOneError = true;
Location loc = error.location;
logger.stdout(' ${toSentenceFragment(error.message)}'
' • ${loc.startLine}:${loc.startColumn}');