blob: c57d9e18277eb51b54a397b04edaf80a9009cc4e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js.kernel.element_map;
class KernelNoSuchMethodResolver implements NoSuchMethodResolver {
final KernelToElementMapImpl elementMap;
ElementEnvironment get _elementEnvironment => elementMap.elementEnvironment;
CommonElements get _commonElements => elementMap.commonElements;
bool hasForwardingSyntax(KFunction method) {
ir.Procedure node = elementMap._lookupProcedure(method);
if (node.function.positionalParameters.isEmpty) return false;
ir.VariableDeclaration firstParameter =
ir.Statement body = node.function.body;
ir.Expression expr;
if (body is ir.Block && body.statements.isNotEmpty) {
ir.Block block = body;
body = block.statements.first;
if (body is ir.ReturnStatement) {
expr = body.expression;
if (expr is ir.AsExpression &&
elementMap.getDartType(expr.type) == _commonElements.dynamicType) {
ir.AsExpression asExpression = expr;
expr = asExpression.operand;
if (expr is ir.SuperMethodInvocation && == Identifiers.noSuchMethod_) {
ir.Arguments arguments = expr.arguments;
if (arguments.positional.length == 1 &&
arguments.named.isEmpty &&
arguments.positional.first is ir.VariableGet) {
ir.VariableGet get = arguments.positional.first;
return get.variable == firstParameter;
return false;
bool hasThrowingSyntax(KFunction method) {
ir.Procedure node = elementMap._lookupProcedure(method);
ir.Statement body = node.function.body;
if (body is ir.Block && body.statements.isNotEmpty) {
ir.Block block = body;
body = block.statements.first;
ir.Expression expr;
if (body is ir.ReturnStatement) {
expr = body.expression;
} else if (body is ir.ExpressionStatement) {
expr = body.expression;
return expr is ir.Throw;
FunctionEntity getSuperNoSuchMethod(FunctionEntity method) {
return elementMap.getSuperNoSuchMethod(method.enclosingClass);