blob: fce8ce3b2326540a9ad8b3254147045b7ac6605f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of allocation_profiler;
class AllocationProfile implements M.AllocationProfile {
static const _lastServiceGC = 'dateLastServiceGC';
final DateTime lastServiceGC;
static const _lastAccumulatorReset = 'dateLastAccumulatorReset';
final DateTime lastAccumulatorReset;
final S.HeapSpace newSpace;
final S.HeapSpace oldSpace;
final Iterable<M.ClassHeapStats> members;
AllocationProfile(S.ServiceMap map, {Map/*<String, List<String>>*/ defaults})
: lastAccumulatorReset = _intString2DateTime(map[_lastAccumulatorReset]),
lastServiceGC = _intString2DateTime(map[_lastServiceGC]),
oldSpace = new S.HeapSpace()..update(map['heaps']['old']),
newSpace = new S.HeapSpace()..update(map['heaps']['new']),
members = _convertMembers(map['members'], defaults: defaults);
static DateTime _intString2DateTime(String milliseconds) {
if ((milliseconds == null) || milliseconds == '') {
return null;
return new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(milliseconds));
static ClassHeapStats _convertMember(/*S.ServiceMap*/ map) {
assert(map['type'] == 'ClassHeapStats');
return new ClassHeapStats(map);
static List<M.ClassHeapStats> _convertMembers(Iterable/*<S.ServiceMap>*/ raw,
{Map/*<String, List<String>>*/ defaults}) {
final List<M.ClassHeapStats> members =<ClassHeapStats>(_convertMember).toList();
if (defaults == null) {
return members;
final Map<String, List<ClassHeapStats>> aliases =
new Map.fromIterable(defaults.keys, value: (_) => <ClassHeapStats>[]);
final Map<String, List<ClassHeapStats>> accumulators =
<String, List<ClassHeapStats>>{};
defaults.forEach((/*String*/ key, /*List<String>*/ values) {
final classes = aliases[key];
accumulators.addAll(new Map.fromIterable(values, value: (_) => classes));
final List<M.ClassHeapStats> result = <M.ClassHeapStats>[];
members.forEach((M.ClassHeapStats member) {
if (accumulators.containsKey( {
} else {
return result
..addAll( => new ClassesHeapStats(key, aliases[key])));
class ClassHeapStats implements M.ClassHeapStats {
final S.Class clazz;
final String displayName = null;
final S.Allocations newSpace;
final S.Allocations oldSpace;
final int promotedInstances;
final int promotedBytes;
ClassHeapStats(Map map)
: clazz = map['class'],
oldSpace = new S.Allocations()..update(map['old']),
newSpace = new S.Allocations()..update(map['new']),
promotedInstances = map['promotedInstances'],
promotedBytes = map['promotedBytes'];
class ClassesHeapStats implements M.ClassHeapStats {
final S.Class clazz = null;
final String displayName;
final S.Allocations newSpace;
final S.Allocations oldSpace;
final int promotedInstances;
final int promotedBytes;
ClassesHeapStats(this.displayName, Iterable<ClassHeapStats> classes)
: oldSpace = new S.Allocations()..combine( => m.oldSpace)),
newSpace = new S.Allocations()..combine( => m.newSpace)),
promotedInstances = classes.fold(0, (v, m) => v + m.promotedInstances),
promotedBytes = classes.fold(0, (v, m) => v + m.promotedBytes);