blob: 3d376488ae1631caa833769a7fb6480400782ef7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that 79cc54e51924cd5a6bdc2bd1771f2d0ee7af8899 works as intended.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:kernel/binary/ast_from_binary.dart';
import 'package:kernel/binary/ast_to_binary.dart';
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart';
Uri uri1 = Uri.parse("foo://lib1.dart");
Uri uri2 = Uri.parse("foo://lib2.dart");
main() {
Library library1 = new Library(uri1)..fileUri = uri1;
Library library2 = new Library(uri2)..fileUri = uri2;
Procedure p1 = new Procedure(new Name("p1"), ProcedureKind.Method,
new FunctionNode(new ReturnStatement()))
..fileUri = uri2;
Procedure p2 = new Procedure(new Name("p2"), ProcedureKind.Method,
new FunctionNode(new ReturnStatement()))
..fileUri = uri1;
Component component = new Component(libraries: [library1, library2])
..setMainMethodAndMode(null, false, NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Weak);
component.uriToSource[uri1] = new Source(
[42, 2 * 42], const Utf8Encoder().convert("source #1"), uri1, uri1);
component.uriToSource[uri2] = new Source(
[43, 3 * 43], const Utf8Encoder().convert("source #2"), uri1, uri1);
expectSource(serialize(component), true, true);
Component cPartial1 = new Component(nameRoot: component.root)
..setMainMethodAndMode(null, false, NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Weak)
cPartial1.uriToSource[uri1] = new Source(
[42, 2 * 42], const Utf8Encoder().convert("source #1"), uri1, uri1);
cPartial1.uriToSource[uri2] =
new Source([43, 3 * 43], const <int>[], uri1, uri1);
List<int> partial1Serialized = serialize(cPartial1);
expectSource(partial1Serialized, true, false);
Component cPartial2 = new Component(nameRoot: component.root)
..setMainMethodAndMode(null, false, NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode.Weak)
cPartial2.uriToSource[uri1] =
new Source([42, 2 * 42], const <int>[], uri1, uri1);
cPartial2.uriToSource[uri2] = new Source(
[43, 3 * 43], const Utf8Encoder().convert("source #2"), uri1, uri1);
List<int> partial2Serialized = serialize(cPartial2);
expectSource(partial2Serialized, false, true);
List<int> combined = new List<int>();
expectSource(combined, true, true);
void expectSource(List<int> data, bool expect1, bool expect2) {
BinaryBuilder builder = new BinaryBuilder(data);
Component tmp = new Component();
if (tmp.uriToSource[uri1] == null) throw "No data for $uri1";
if (tmp.uriToSource[uri2] == null) throw "No data for $uri2";
if (expect1 && tmp.uriToSource[uri1].source.isEmpty) {
throw "No data for $uri1";
if (!expect1 && tmp.uriToSource[uri1].source.isNotEmpty) {
throw "Unexpected data for $uri1";
if (expect2 && tmp.uriToSource[uri2].source.isEmpty) {
throw "No data data for $uri2";
if (!expect2 && tmp.uriToSource[uri2].source.isNotEmpty) {
throw "Unexpected data for $uri2";
List<int> serialize(Component c) {
SimpleSink sink = new SimpleSink();
BinaryPrinter printerWhole = new BinaryPrinter(sink);
List<int> result = new List<int>();
for (List<int> chunk in sink.chunks) {
return result;
class SimpleSink implements Sink<List<int>> {
final List<List<int>> chunks = <List<int>>[];
void add(List<int> chunk) {
void close() {}