blob: e38860eb9c3a36cac0a1b9bea1f9d5744c001205 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:expect/expect.dart" show Expect;
abstract class SubtypeTest<T, E> {
void isSubtype(String subtypeString, String supertypeString,
{String typeParameters}) {
E environment = extend(typeParameters);
T subtype = toType(subtypeString, environment);
T supertype = toType(supertypeString, environment);
Expect.isTrue(isSubtypeImpl(subtype, supertype),
"$subtypeString should be a subtype of $supertypeString.");
void isNotSubtype(String subtypeString, String supertypeString,
{String typeParameters}) {
E environment = extend(typeParameters);
T subtype = toType(subtypeString, environment);
T supertype = toType(supertypeString, environment);
Expect.isFalse(isSubtypeImpl(subtype, supertype),
"$subtypeString shouldn't be a subtype of $supertypeString.");
T toType(String text, E environment);
bool isSubtypeImpl(T subtype, T supertype);
E extend(String typeParameters);
void run() {
isSubtype('int', 'num');
isSubtype('int', 'Comparable<num>');
isSubtype('int', 'Comparable<Object>');
isSubtype('int', 'Object');
isSubtype('double', 'num');
isNotSubtype('int', 'double');
isNotSubtype('int', 'Comparable<int>');
isNotSubtype('int', 'Iterable<int>');
isNotSubtype('Comparable<int>', 'Iterable<int>');
isSubtype('List<int>', 'List<int>');
isSubtype('List<int>', 'Iterable<int>');
isSubtype('List<int>', 'List<num>');
isSubtype('List<int>', 'Iterable<num>');
isSubtype('List<int>', 'List<Object>');
isSubtype('List<int>', 'Iterable<Object>');
isSubtype('List<int>', 'Object');
isSubtype('List<int>', 'List<Comparable<Object>>');
isSubtype('List<int>', 'List<Comparable<num>>');
isSubtype('List<int>', 'List<Comparable<Comparable<num>>>');
isNotSubtype('List<int>', 'List<double>');
isNotSubtype('List<int>', 'Iterable<double>');
isNotSubtype('List<int>', 'Comparable<int>');
isNotSubtype('List<int>', 'List<Comparable<int>>');
isNotSubtype('List<int>', 'List<Comparable<Comparable<int>>>');
isSubtype('(num) -> num', '(int) -> num');
isSubtype('(num) -> int', '(num) -> num');
isSubtype('(num) -> int', '(int) -> num');
isNotSubtype('(int) -> int', '(num) -> num');
isSubtype('Null', '(int) -> num');
isSubtype('(num) -> (num) -> num', '(num) -> (int) -> num');
isNotSubtype('(num) -> (int) -> int', '(num) -> (num) -> num');
isSubtype('({num x}) -> num', '({int x}) -> num'); // named parameters
isSubtype('(num, {num x}) -> num', '(int, {int x}) -> num');
isSubtype('({num x}) -> int', '({num x}) -> num');
isNotSubtype('({int x}) -> int', '({num x}) -> num');
isSubtype('<E>(E) -> int', '<E>(E) -> num'); // type parameters
isSubtype('<E>(num) -> E', '<E>(int) -> E');
isSubtype('<E>(E,num) -> E', '<E>(E,int) -> E');
isNotSubtype('<E>(E,num) -> E', '<E>(E,E) -> E');
isSubtype('<E>(E) -> (E) -> E', '<F>(F) -> (F) -> F');
isSubtype('<E>(E, (int,E) -> E) -> E', '<E>(E, (int,E) -> E) -> E');
isSubtype('<E>(E, (int,E) -> E) -> E', '<E>(E, (num,E) -> E) -> E');
isNotSubtype('<E,F>(E) -> (F) -> E', '<E>(E) -> <F>(F) -> E');
isNotSubtype('<E,F>(E) -> (F) -> E', '<F,E>(E) -> (F) -> E');
isNotSubtype('<E>(E,num) -> E', '<E extends num>(E,E) -> E');
isNotSubtype('<E extends num>(E) -> int', '<E extends int>(E) -> int');
isNotSubtype('<E extends num>(E) -> E', '<E extends int>(E) -> E');
isNotSubtype('<E extends num>(int) -> E', '<E extends int>(int) -> E');
isSubtype('<E extends num>(E) -> E', '<F extends num>(F) -> num');
isSubtype('<E extends int>(E) -> E', '<F extends int>(F) -> num');
isSubtype('<E extends int>(E) -> E', '<F extends int>(F) -> int');
isNotSubtype('<E>(int) -> int', '(int) -> int');
isNotSubtype('<E,F>(int) -> int', '<E>(int) -> int');
isSubtype('<E extends List<E>>(E) -> E', '<F extends List<F>>(F) -> F');
'<E extends Iterable<E>>(E) -> E', '<F extends List<F>>(F) -> F');
isNotSubtype('<E>(E,List<Object>) -> E', '<F extends List<F>>(F,F) -> F');
'<E>(E,List<Object>) -> List<E>', '<F extends List<F>>(F,F) -> F');
isNotSubtype('<E>(E,List<Object>) -> int', '<F extends List<F>>(F,F) -> F');
'<E>(E,List<Object>) -> E', '<F extends List<F>>(F,F) -> void');
isSubtype('int', 'FutureOr<int>');
isSubtype('int', 'FutureOr<num>');
isSubtype('Future<int>', 'FutureOr<int>');
isSubtype('Future<int>', 'FutureOr<num>');
isSubtype('Future<int>', 'FutureOr<Object>');
isSubtype('FutureOr<int>', 'FutureOr<int>');
isSubtype('FutureOr<int>', 'FutureOr<num>');
isSubtype('FutureOr<int>', 'Object');
isNotSubtype('int', 'FutureOr<double>');
isNotSubtype('FutureOr<double>', 'int');
isNotSubtype('FutureOr<int>', 'Future<num>');
isNotSubtype('FutureOr<int>', 'num');
isSubtype('Null', 'FutureOr<int>');
isSubtype('Null', 'Future<int>');
// T & B <: T & A if B <: A
isSubtype('T & int', 'T & int', typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T & int', 'T & num', typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T & num', 'T & num', typeParameters: 'T');
isNotSubtype('T & num', 'T & int', typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('Null', 'T & num', typeParameters: 'T');
// T & B <: T extends A if B <: A
// (Trivially satisfied since promoted bounds are always a isSubtype of the
// original bound)
isSubtype('T & int', 'T', typeParameters: 'T extends int');
isSubtype('T & int', 'T', typeParameters: 'T extends num');
isSubtype('T & num', 'T', typeParameters: 'T extends num');
// T extends B <: T & A if B <: A
isSubtype('T', 'T & int', typeParameters: 'T extends int');
isSubtype('T', 'T & num', typeParameters: 'T extends int');
isSubtype('T', 'T & num', typeParameters: 'T extends num');
isNotSubtype('T', 'T & int', typeParameters: 'T extends num');
// T extends A <: T extends A
isSubtype('T', 'T', typeParameters: 'T extends num');
// S & B <: A if B <: A, A is not S (or a promotion thereof)
isSubtype('S & int', 'int', typeParameters: 'S');
isSubtype('S & int', 'num', typeParameters: 'S');
isSubtype('S & num', 'num', typeParameters: 'S');
isNotSubtype('S & num', 'int', typeParameters: 'S');
isNotSubtype('S & num', 'T', typeParameters: 'S, T');
isNotSubtype('S & num', 'T & num', typeParameters: 'S, T');
// S extends B <: A if B <: A, A is not S (or a promotion thereof)
isSubtype('S', 'int', typeParameters: 'S extends int');
isSubtype('S', 'num', typeParameters: 'S extends int');
isSubtype('S', 'num', typeParameters: 'S extends num');
isNotSubtype('S', 'int', typeParameters: 'S extends num');
isNotSubtype('S', 'T', typeParameters: 'S extends num, T');
isNotSubtype('S', 'T & num', typeParameters: 'S extends num, T');
isNotSubtype('dynamic', 'int');
isNotSubtype('void', 'int');
isNotSubtype('() -> int', 'int');
isNotSubtype('Typedef<Object>', 'int');
isSubtype('() -> int', 'Function');
isSubtype('() -> int', 'Object');
isNotSubtype('Null', 'bottom');
isSubtype('Null', 'Object');
isSubtype('Null', 'void');
isSubtype('Null', 'dynamic');
isSubtype('Null', 'double');
isSubtype('Null', 'Comparable<Object>');
isSubtype('Null', 'Typedef<Object>');
isSubtype('Null', 'T', typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('Null', 'Null');
isSubtype('bottom', 'bottom');
isSubtype('Object', 'Object');
isSubtype('Object', 'dynamic');
isSubtype('Object', 'void');
isSubtype('dynamic', 'Object');
isSubtype('dynamic', 'dynamic');
isSubtype('dynamic', 'void');
isSubtype('void', 'Object');
isSubtype('void', 'dynamic');
isSubtype('void', 'void');
// Check that the top types are equivalent.
isSubtype('<S extends Object, T extends void>(S, T) -> void',
'<U extends dynamic, V extends Object>(U, V) -> void');
String f = '<T extends dynamic>() -> T';
String g = '<T extends Object>() -> T';
isSubtype(f, g);
isSubtype(g, f);
String h = '<T extends List<dynamic>>() -> T';
String i = '<T extends List<Object>>() -> T';
String j = '<T extends List<void>>() -> T';
isSubtype(h, i);
isSubtype(h, j);
isSubtype(i, h);
isSubtype(i, j);
isSubtype(j, h);
isSubtype(j, i);
isNotSubtype('dynamic', '() -> dynamic');
isNotSubtype('FutureOr<() -> void>', '() -> void');
isSubtype('T & () -> void', '() -> void', typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T & () -> void', '() -> dynamic', typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T & () -> void', '() -> Object', typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T & (void) -> void', '(void) -> void', typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T & (void) -> void', '(dynamic) -> dynamic',
typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T & (void) -> void', '(Object) -> Object', typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T & (void) -> void', '(void) -> void', typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T & (void) -> void', '(Iterable<int>) -> dynamic',
typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T & (void) -> void', '(int) -> Object', typeParameters: 'T');
isNotSubtype('T & (void) -> void', '(int) -> int', typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T', '() -> void', typeParameters: 'T extends () -> void');
isNotSubtype('T', '() -> void', typeParameters: 'T');
isNotSubtype('Typedef<void>', '() -> void');
isSubtype('VoidFunction', '() -> void');
'DefaultTypes<void, void, List<void>, List<void>, int, (int) -> void, () -> int>',
'() -> void');
isNotSubtype('void', '() -> void');
isNotSubtype('dynamic', 'T', typeParameters: 'T');
isNotSubtype('Iterable<T>', 'T', typeParameters: 'T');
isNotSubtype('() -> void', 'T', typeParameters: 'T');
isNotSubtype('FutureOr<T>', 'T', typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('Id<T>', 'T', typeParameters: 'T');
isNotSubtype('VoidFunction', 'T', typeParameters: 'T extends () -> void');
isNotSubtype('void', 'T', typeParameters: 'T extends void');
isSubtype('dynamic', 'Id<dynamic>');
isNotSubtype('dynamic', 'Id<int>');
isSubtype('() -> void', 'Id<() -> void>');
isNotSubtype('() -> void', 'Id<() -> int>');
isNotSubtype('FutureOr<() -> void>', 'Id<() -> void>');
isSubtype('FutureOr<() -> void>', 'Id<FutureOr<() -> void>>');
isSubtype('int', 'Id<int>');
isSubtype('T & () -> void', 'Id<() -> void>', typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T & () -> void', 'Id<() -> dynamic>', typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T & () -> void', 'Id<() -> Object>', typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T & (void) -> void', 'Id<(void) -> void>', typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T & (void) -> void', 'Id<(dynamic) -> dynamic>',
typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T & (void) -> void', 'Id<(Object) -> Object>',
typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T & (void) -> void', 'Id<(void) -> void>', typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T & (void) -> void', 'Id<(Iterable<int>) -> dynamic>',
typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T & (void) -> void', 'Id<(int) -> Object>', typeParameters: 'T');
isNotSubtype('T & (void) -> void', 'Id<(int) -> int>', typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T', 'Id<T>', typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T', 'Id<Object>', typeParameters: 'T');
isNotSubtype('T', 'Id<Comparable<int>>', typeParameters: 'T');
isSubtype('T', 'Id<Comparable<int>>',
typeParameters: 'T extends Comparable<int>');
isSubtype('Id<int>', 'Id<int>');
isSubtype('Id<int>', 'Id<Object>');
isNotSubtype('Id<Object>', 'Id<int>');
isSubtype('Id<() -> int>', 'Id<() -> int>');
isSubtype('Id<() -> int>', 'Id<() -> Object>');
isNotSubtype('Id<() -> Object>', 'Id<() -> int>');
isSubtype('void', 'Id<void>');
isNotSubtype('void', 'Id<Null>');
// The following function type tests are derived from
// ../../../../../tests/compiler/dart2js/model/subtype_test.dart.
isSubtype("() -> int", 'Function');
isNotSubtype('Function', "() -> int");
isSubtype("() -> dynamic", "() -> dynamic");
isSubtype("() -> dynamic", "() -> void");
"() -> void",
"() -> dynamic",
// expectMoreSpecific: false,
isSubtype("() -> int", "() -> void");
isNotSubtype("() -> void", "() -> int");
isSubtype("() -> void", "() -> void");
isSubtype("() -> int", "() -> int");
isSubtype("() -> int", "() -> Object");
isNotSubtype("() -> int", "() -> double");
isNotSubtype("() -> int", "(int) -> void");
isNotSubtype("() -> void", "(int) -> int");
isNotSubtype("() -> void", "(int) -> void");
isSubtype("(int) -> int", "(int) -> int");
"(Object) -> int",
"(int) -> Object",
// expectMoreSpecific: false,
isNotSubtype("(int) -> int", "(double) -> int");
isNotSubtype("() -> int", "(int) -> int");
isNotSubtype("(int) -> int", "(int, int) -> int");
isNotSubtype("(int, int) -> int", "(int) -> int");
isNotSubtype("(() -> void) -> void", "((int) -> void) -> void");
isNotSubtype("((int) -> void) -> void", "(() -> void) -> void");
// Optional positional parameters.
isSubtype("([int]) -> void", "() -> void");
isSubtype("([int]) -> void", "(int) -> void");
isNotSubtype("(int) -> void", "([int]) -> void");
isSubtype("([int]) -> void", "([int]) -> void");
"([Object]) -> void",
"([int]) -> void",
// expectMoreSpecific: false,
isNotSubtype("([int]) -> void", "([Object]) -> void");
isSubtype("(int, [int]) -> void", "(int) -> void");
isSubtype("(int, [int]) -> void", "(int, [int]) -> void");
isNotSubtype("(int) -> void", "([int]) -> void");
isSubtype("([int, int]) -> void", "(int) -> void");
isSubtype("([int, int]) -> void", "(int, [int]) -> void");
isNotSubtype("([int, int]) -> void", "(int, [int, int]) -> void");
isSubtype("([int, int, int]) -> void", "(int, [int, int]) -> void");
isNotSubtype("([int]) -> void", "(double) -> void");
isNotSubtype("([int]) -> void", "([int, int]) -> void");
isSubtype("([int, int]) -> void", "([int]) -> void");
"([Object, int]) -> void",
"([int]) -> void",
// expectMoreSpecific: false,
// Optional named parameters.
isSubtype("({int a}) -> void", "() -> void");
isNotSubtype("({int a}) -> void", "(int) -> void");
isNotSubtype("(int) -> void", "({int a}) -> void");
isSubtype("({int a}) -> void", "({int a}) -> void");
isNotSubtype("({int a}) -> void", "({int b}) -> void");
"({Object a}) -> void",
"({int a}) -> void",
// expectMoreSpecific: false,
isNotSubtype("({int a}) -> void", "({Object a}) -> void");
isSubtype("(int, {int a}) -> void", "(int, {int a}) -> void");
isNotSubtype("({int a}) -> void", "({double a}) -> void");
isNotSubtype("({int a}) -> void", "({int a, int b}) -> void");
isSubtype("({int a, int b}) -> void", "({int a}) -> void");
isSubtype("({int a, int b, int c}) -> void", "({int a, int c}) -> void");
isSubtype("({int c, int b, int a}) -> void", "({int a, int c}) -> void");
isSubtype("({int a, int b, int c}) -> void", "({int b, int c}) -> void");
isSubtype("({int c, int b, int a}) -> void", "({int b, int c}) -> void");
isSubtype("({int a, int b, int c}) -> void", "({int c}) -> void");
isSubtype("({int c, int b, int a}) -> void", "({int c}) -> void");