blob: 9e75cc45c2364931e482e3ecc11e9f3cdae6249f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/object.h"
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class Isolate;
class ObjectPointerVisitor;
// The object store is a per isolate instance which stores references to
// objects used by the VM.
// TODO(iposva): Move the actual store into the object heap for quick handling
// by snapshots eventually.
class ObjectStore {
enum BootstrapLibraryId {
kNone = 0,
RawClass* object_class() const {
ASSERT(object_class_ != Object::null());
return object_class_;
void set_object_class(const Class& value) { object_class_ = value.raw(); }
static intptr_t object_class_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(ObjectStore, object_class_);
RawType* object_type() const { return object_type_; }
void set_object_type(const Type& value) {
object_type_ = value.raw();
RawClass* null_class() const {
ASSERT(null_class_ != Object::null());
return null_class_;
void set_null_class(const Class& value) { null_class_ = value.raw(); }
RawType* null_type() const { return null_type_; }
void set_null_type(const Type& value) {
null_type_ = value.raw();
RawType* function_type() const { return function_type_; }
void set_function_type(const Type& value) {
function_type_ = value.raw();
RawType* function_impl_type() const { return function_impl_type_; }
void set_function_impl_type(const Type& value) {
function_impl_type_ = value.raw();
RawClass* type_class() const { return type_class_; }
void set_type_class(const Class& value) { type_class_ = value.raw(); }
RawClass* type_parameter_class() const { return type_parameter_class_; }
void set_type_parameter_class(const Class& value) {
type_parameter_class_ = value.raw();
RawClass* bounded_type_class() const { return bounded_type_class_; }
void set_bounded_type_class(const Class& value) {
bounded_type_class_ = value.raw();
RawClass* mixin_app_type_class() const { return mixin_app_type_class_; }
void set_mixin_app_type_class(const Class& value) {
mixin_app_type_class_ = value.raw();
RawType* number_type() const { return number_type_; }
void set_number_type(const Type& value) {
number_type_ = value.raw();
RawType* int_type() const { return int_type_; }
void set_int_type(const Type& value) {
int_type_ = value.raw();
RawClass* integer_implementation_class() const {
return integer_implementation_class_;
void set_integer_implementation_class(const Class& value) {
integer_implementation_class_ = value.raw();
RawClass* smi_class() const { return smi_class_; }
void set_smi_class(const Class& value) { smi_class_ = value.raw(); }
RawType* smi_type() const { return smi_type_; }
void set_smi_type(const Type& value) { smi_type_ = value.raw();
RawClass* double_class() const { return double_class_; }
void set_double_class(const Class& value) { double_class_ = value.raw(); }
RawType* double_type() const { return double_type_; }
void set_double_type(const Type& value) { double_type_ = value.raw(); }
RawClass* mint_class() const { return mint_class_; }
void set_mint_class(const Class& value) { mint_class_ = value.raw(); }
RawType* mint_type() const { return mint_type_; }
void set_mint_type(const Type& value) { mint_type_ = value.raw(); }
RawClass* bigint_class() const { return bigint_class_; }
void set_bigint_class(const Class& value) { bigint_class_ = value.raw(); }
RawType* string_type() const { return string_type_; }
void set_string_type(const Type& value) {
string_type_ = value.raw();
RawClass* one_byte_string_class() const { return one_byte_string_class_; }
void set_one_byte_string_class(const Class& value) {
one_byte_string_class_ = value.raw();
RawClass* two_byte_string_class() const { return two_byte_string_class_; }
void set_two_byte_string_class(const Class& value) {
two_byte_string_class_ = value.raw();
RawClass* external_one_byte_string_class() const {
return external_one_byte_string_class_;
void set_external_one_byte_string_class(const Class& value) {
external_one_byte_string_class_ = value.raw();
RawClass* external_two_byte_string_class() const {
return external_two_byte_string_class_;
void set_external_two_byte_string_class(const Class& value) {
external_two_byte_string_class_ = value.raw();
RawType* bool_type() const { return bool_type_; }
void set_bool_type(const Type& value) { bool_type_ = value.raw(); }
RawClass* bool_class() const { return bool_class_; }
void set_bool_class(const Class& value) { bool_class_ = value.raw(); }
RawClass* array_class() const { return array_class_; }
void set_array_class(const Class& value) { array_class_ = value.raw(); }
static intptr_t array_class_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(ObjectStore, array_class_);
RawType* array_type() const { return array_type_; }
void set_array_type(const Type& value) { array_type_ = value.raw(); }
RawClass* immutable_array_class() const { return immutable_array_class_; }
void set_immutable_array_class(const Class& value) {
immutable_array_class_ = value.raw();
RawClass* growable_object_array_class() const {
return growable_object_array_class_;
void set_growable_object_array_class(const Class& value) {
growable_object_array_class_ = value.raw();
static intptr_t growable_object_array_class_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(ObjectStore, growable_object_array_class_);
RawClass* float32x4_class() const {
return float32x4_class_;
void set_float32x4_class(const Class& value) {
float32x4_class_ = value.raw();
RawType* float32x4_type() const { return float32x4_type_; }
void set_float32x4_type(const Type& value) { float32x4_type_ = value.raw(); }
RawClass* int32x4_class() const {
return int32x4_class_;
void set_int32x4_class(const Class& value) {
int32x4_class_ = value.raw();
RawType* int32x4_type() const { return int32x4_type_; }
void set_int32x4_type(const Type& value) { int32x4_type_ = value.raw(); }
RawArray* typed_data_classes() const {
return typed_data_classes_;
void set_typed_data_classes(const Array& value) {
typed_data_classes_ = value.raw();
RawClass* error_class() const {
return error_class_;
void set_error_class(const Class& value) {
error_class_ = value.raw();
static intptr_t error_class_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(ObjectStore, error_class_);
RawClass* stacktrace_class() const {
return stacktrace_class_;
void set_stacktrace_class(const Class& value) {
stacktrace_class_ = value.raw();
static intptr_t stacktrace_class_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(ObjectStore, stacktrace_class_);
RawClass* jsregexp_class() const {
return jsregexp_class_;
void set_jsregexp_class(const Class& value) {
jsregexp_class_ = value.raw();
static intptr_t jsregexp_class_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(ObjectStore, jsregexp_class_);
RawClass* weak_property_class() const {
return weak_property_class_;
void set_weak_property_class(const Class& value) {
weak_property_class_ = value.raw();
RawClass* mirror_reference_class() const {
return mirror_reference_class_;
void set_mirror_reference_class(const Class& value) {
mirror_reference_class_ = value.raw();
RawArray* symbol_table() const { return symbol_table_; }
void set_symbol_table(const Array& value) { symbol_table_ = value.raw(); }
RawArray* canonical_type_arguments() const {
return canonical_type_arguments_;
void set_canonical_type_arguments(const Array& value) {
canonical_type_arguments_ = value.raw();
RawLibrary* async_library() const { return async_library_; }
RawLibrary* builtin_library() const { return builtin_library_; }
RawLibrary* core_library() const { return core_library_; }
RawLibrary* collection_library() const { return collection_library_; }
RawLibrary* collection_dev_library() const {
return collection_dev_library_;
RawLibrary* convert_library() const { return convert_library_; }
RawLibrary* isolate_library() const { return isolate_library_; }
RawLibrary* math_library() const { return math_library_; }
RawLibrary* mirrors_library() const { return mirrors_library_; }
RawLibrary* typed_data_library() const { return typed_data_library_; }
void set_bootstrap_library(BootstrapLibraryId index, const Library& value) {
switch (index) {
case kAsync:
async_library_ = value.raw();
case kCore:
core_library_ = value.raw();
case kCollection:
collection_library_ = value.raw();
case kCollectionDev:
collection_dev_library_ = value.raw();
case kConvert:
convert_library_ = value.raw();
case kIsolate:
isolate_library_ = value.raw();
case kMath:
math_library_ = value.raw();
case kMirrors:
mirrors_library_ = value.raw();
case kTypedData:
typed_data_library_ = value.raw();
void set_builtin_library(const Library& value) {
builtin_library_ = value.raw();
RawLibrary* native_wrappers_library() const {
return native_wrappers_library_;
void set_native_wrappers_library(const Library& value) {
native_wrappers_library_ = value.raw();
RawLibrary* root_library() const { return root_library_; }
void set_root_library(const Library& value) {
root_library_ = value.raw();
RawGrowableObjectArray* libraries() const { return libraries_; }
void set_libraries(const GrowableObjectArray& value) {
libraries_ = value.raw();
RawGrowableObjectArray* pending_classes() const { return pending_classes_; }
void set_pending_classes(const GrowableObjectArray& value) {
pending_classes_ = value.raw();
RawGrowableObjectArray* pending_functions() const {
return pending_functions_;
RawError* sticky_error() const { return sticky_error_; }
void set_sticky_error(const Error& value) {
sticky_error_ = value.raw();
void clear_sticky_error() { sticky_error_ = Error::null(); }
RawString* unhandled_exception_handler() const {
return unhandled_exception_handler_;
void set_unhandled_exception_handler(const String& value) {
unhandled_exception_handler_ = value.raw();
RawContext* empty_context() const { return empty_context_; }
void set_empty_context(const Context& value) {
empty_context_ = value.raw();
RawInstance* stack_overflow() const { return stack_overflow_; }
void set_stack_overflow(const Instance& value) {
stack_overflow_ = value.raw();
RawInstance* out_of_memory() const { return out_of_memory_; }
void set_out_of_memory(const Instance& value) {
out_of_memory_ = value.raw();
RawStacktrace* preallocated_stack_trace() const {
return preallocated_stack_trace_;
void set_preallocated_stack_trace(const Stacktrace& value) {
preallocated_stack_trace_ = value.raw();
RawFunction* receive_port_create_function() const {
return receive_port_create_function_;
void set_receive_port_create_function(const Function& function) {
receive_port_create_function_ = function.raw();
RawFunction* lookup_receive_port_function() const {
return lookup_receive_port_function_;
void set_lookup_receive_port_function(const Function& function) {
lookup_receive_port_function_ = function.raw();
RawFunction* handle_message_function() const {
return handle_message_function_;
void set_handle_message_function(const Function& function) {
handle_message_function_ = function.raw();
// Visit all object pointers.
void VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor);
// Called to initialize objects required by the vm but which invoke
// dart code. If an error occurs then false is returned and error
// information is stored in sticky_error().
bool PreallocateObjects();
static void Init(Isolate* isolate);
RawObject** from() { return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&object_class_); }
RawClass* object_class_;
RawType* object_type_;
RawClass* null_class_;
RawType* null_type_;
RawType* function_type_;
RawType* function_impl_type_;
RawClass* type_class_;
RawClass* type_parameter_class_;
RawClass* bounded_type_class_;
RawClass* mixin_app_type_class_;
RawType* number_type_;
RawType* int_type_;
RawClass* integer_implementation_class_;
RawClass* smi_class_;
RawType* smi_type_;
RawClass* mint_class_;
RawType* mint_type_;
RawClass* bigint_class_;
RawClass* double_class_;
RawType* double_type_;
RawType* float32x4_type_;
RawType* int32x4_type_;
RawType* string_type_;
RawClass* one_byte_string_class_;
RawClass* two_byte_string_class_;
RawClass* external_one_byte_string_class_;
RawClass* external_two_byte_string_class_;
RawType* bool_type_;
RawClass* bool_class_;
RawClass* array_class_;
RawType* array_type_;
RawClass* immutable_array_class_;
RawClass* growable_object_array_class_;
RawClass* float32x4_class_;
RawClass* int32x4_class_;
RawArray* typed_data_classes_;
RawClass* error_class_;
RawClass* stacktrace_class_;
RawClass* jsregexp_class_;
RawClass* weak_property_class_;
RawClass* mirror_reference_class_;
RawArray* symbol_table_;
RawArray* canonical_type_arguments_;
RawLibrary* async_library_;
RawLibrary* builtin_library_;
RawLibrary* core_library_;
RawLibrary* collection_library_;
RawLibrary* collection_dev_library_;
RawLibrary* convert_library_;
RawLibrary* isolate_library_;
RawLibrary* math_library_;
RawLibrary* mirrors_library_;
RawLibrary* native_wrappers_library_;
RawLibrary* root_library_;
RawLibrary* typed_data_library_;
RawGrowableObjectArray* libraries_;
RawGrowableObjectArray* pending_classes_;
RawGrowableObjectArray* pending_functions_;
RawError* sticky_error_;
RawString* unhandled_exception_handler_;
RawContext* empty_context_;
RawInstance* stack_overflow_;
RawInstance* out_of_memory_;
RawStacktrace* preallocated_stack_trace_;
RawFunction* receive_port_create_function_;
RawFunction* lookup_receive_port_function_;
RawFunction* handle_message_function_;
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&handle_message_function_);
friend class SnapshotReader;
} // namespace dart
#endif // VM_OBJECT_STORE_H_