blob: 7b6aae56c7a719e6eca2488d88dbd5624087172b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../compiler/js_metalet.dart' as JS;
import '../compiler/js_names.dart' as JS;
import '../compiler/js_utils.dart' as JS;
import '../js_ast/js_ast.dart' as JS;
import '../js_ast/js_ast.dart' show js;
/// Shared code between Analyzer and Kernel backends.
/// This class should only implement functionality that depends purely on JS
/// classes, rather than on Analyzer/Kernel types.
abstract class SharedCompiler<Library, Class, InterfaceType, FunctionNode> {
/// When inside a `[]=` operator, this will be a non-null value that should be
/// returned by any `return;` statement.
/// This lets DDC use the setter method's return value directly.
final List<JS.Identifier> _operatorSetResultStack = [];
/// The identifier used to reference DDC's core "dart:_runtime" library from
/// generated JS code, typically called "dart" e.g. `dart.dcall`.
JS.Identifier runtimeModule;
/// The temporary variable that stores named arguments (these are passed via a
/// JS object literal, to match JS conventions).
final namedArgumentTemp = JS.TemporaryId('opts');
final _privateNames = HashMap<Library, HashMap<String, JS.TemporaryId>>();
/// The list of output module items, in the order they need to be emitted in.
final moduleItems = <JS.ModuleItem>[];
/// Like [moduleItems] but for items that should be emitted after classes.
/// This is used for deferred supertypes of mutually recursive non-generic
/// classes.
final afterClassDefItems = <JS.ModuleItem>[];
/// The type used for private Dart [Symbol]s.
InterfaceType get privateSymbolType;
/// The type used for public Dart [Symbol]s.
InterfaceType get internalSymbolType;
Library get currentLibrary;
/// The import URI of current library.
Uri get currentLibraryUri;
/// The current function being compiled, if any.
FunctionNode get currentFunction;
/// Whether any superclass of [c] defines a static [name].
bool superclassHasStatic(Class c, String name);
/// Emits the expression necessary to access a constructor of [type];
JS.Expression emitConstructorAccess(InterfaceType type);
/// When compiling the body of a `operator []=` method, this will be non-null
/// and will indicate the the value that should be returned from any `return;`
/// statements.
JS.Identifier get _operatorSetResult {
var stack = _operatorSetResultStack;
return stack.isEmpty ? null : stack.last;
/// Called when starting to emit methods/functions, in particular so we can
/// implement special handling of the user-defined `[]=` and `==` methods.
/// See also [exitFunction] and [emitReturnStatement].
void enterFunction(String name, List<JS.Parameter> formals,
bool Function() isLastParamMutated) {
if (name == '[]=') {
? JS.TemporaryId((formals.last as JS.Identifier).name)
: formals.last);
} else {
/// Called when finished emitting methods/functions, and must correspond to a
/// previous [enterFunction] call.
JS.Block exitFunction(
String name, List<JS.Parameter> formals, JS.Block code) {
if (name == "==" &&
formals.isNotEmpty &&
currentLibraryUri.scheme != 'dart') {
// In Dart `operator ==` methods are not called with a null argument.
// This is handled before calling them. For performance reasons, we push
// this check inside the method, to simplify our `equals` helper.
// TODO(jmesserly): in most cases this check is not necessary, because
// the Dart code already handles it (typically by an `is` check).
// Eliminate it when possible.
code = js
.block('{ if (# == null) return false; #; }', [formals.first, code]);
var setOperatorResult = _operatorSetResultStack.removeLast();
if (setOperatorResult != null) {
// []= methods need to return the value. We could also address this at
// call sites, but it's less code size to handle inside the operator.
var valueParam = formals.last;
var statements = code.statements;
if (statements.isEmpty || !statements.last.alwaysReturns) {
if (!identical(setOperatorResult, valueParam)) {
// If the value parameter was mutated, then we use a temporary
// variable to track the initial value
formals.last = setOperatorResult;
code = js
.block('{ let # = #; #; }', [valueParam, setOperatorResult, code]);
return code;
/// Emits a return statement `return <value>;`, handling special rules for
/// the `operator []=` method.
JS.Statement emitReturnStatement(JS.Expression value) {
if (_operatorSetResult != null) {
var result = JS.Return(_operatorSetResult);
return value != null ? JS.Block([value.toStatement(), result]) : result;
return value != null ? value.toReturn() : JS.Return();
/// Prepends the `dart.` and then uses [] to parse the specified JS
/// [code] template, passing [args].
/// For example:
/// runtimeCall('asInt(#)', expr)
/// Generates a JS AST representing:
/// dart.asInt(<expr>)
JS.Expression runtimeCall(String code, [args]) {
if (args != null) {
var newArgs = <Object>[runtimeModule];
if (args is Iterable) {
} else {
args = newArgs;
} else {
args = runtimeModule;
return'#.$code', args);
/// Calls [runtimeCall] and uses `toStatement()` to convert the resulting
/// expression into a statement.
JS.Statement runtimeStatement(String code, [args]) {
return runtimeCall(code, args).toStatement();
/// Emits a private name JS Symbol for [name] scoped to the Dart [library].
/// If the same name is used in multiple libraries in the same module,
/// distinct symbols will be used, so the names cannot be referenced outside
/// of their library.
JS.TemporaryId emitPrivateNameSymbol(Library library, String name) {
// TODO(jmesserly): fix this to support referring to private symbols from
// libraries that aren't in the current module.
// This is needed for several uses cases:
// - const instances of classes (which directly initialize fields via an
// object literal).
// - noSuchMethod stubs created when an interface is implemented that had
// private members from another library.
// - stateful hot reload, where we need the ability to patch private
// class members.
// See
return _privateNames.putIfAbsent(library, () => HashMap()).putIfAbsent(name,
() {
var idName = name;
if (idName.endsWith('=')) {
idName = idName.replaceAll('=', '_');
var id = JS.TemporaryId(idName);
js.statement('const # = Symbol(#);', [id, js.string(name, "'")]));
return id;
/// Emits an expression to set the property [nameExpr] on the class [className],
/// with [value].
/// This will use ` = value` if possible, otherwise it will use
/// `dart.defineValue(className, name, value)`. This is required when
/// `FunctionNode.prototype` already defins a getters with the same name.
JS.Expression defineValueOnClass(Class c, JS.Expression className,
JS.Expression nameExpr, JS.Expression value) {
var args = [className, nameExpr, value];
if (nameExpr is JS.LiteralString) {
var name = nameExpr.valueWithoutQuotes;
if (JS.isFunctionPrototypeGetter(name) || superclassHasStatic(c, name)) {
return runtimeCall('defineValue(#, #, #)', args);
return'#.# = #', args);
/// Caches a constant (list/set/map or class instance) in a variable, so it's
/// only canonicalized once at this location in the code, which improves
/// performance.
/// This method ensures the constant is not initialized until use.
/// The expression [jsExpr] should contain the already-canonicalized constant.
/// If the constant is not canonicalized yet, it should be wrapped in the
/// appropriate call, such as:
/// - dart.constList (for Lists),
/// - dart.constMap (for Maps),
/// - dart.constSet (for Sets),
/// - dart.const (for other instances of classes)
/// [canonicalizeConstObject] can be used for class instances; it will wrap
/// the expression in `dart.const` and then call this method.
/// If the same consant is used elsewhere (in this module, or another module),
/// that will require a second canonicalization. In general it is uncommon
/// to define the same large constant (such as lists, maps) in different
/// locations, because that requires copy+paste, so in practice this
/// optimization is rather effective (we should consider caching once
/// per-module, though, as that would be relatively easy for the compiler to
/// implement once we have a single Kernel backend).
JS.Expression cacheConst(JS.Expression jsExpr) {
if (currentFunction == null) return jsExpr;
var temp = JS.TemporaryId('const');
moduleItems.add(js.statement('let #;', [temp]));
return'# || (# = #)', [temp, temp, jsExpr]);
/// Emits a Dart Symbol with the given member [symbolName].
/// If the symbol refers to a private name, its library will be set to the
/// [currentLibrary], so the Symbol is scoped properly.
JS.Expression emitDartSymbol(String symbolName) {
// TODO(vsm): Handle qualified symbols correctly.
var last = symbolName.split('.').last;
var name = js.escapedString(symbolName, "'");
JS.Expression result;
if (last.startsWith('_')) {
var nativeSymbol = emitPrivateNameSymbol(currentLibrary, last);
result ='new, #)',
[emitConstructorAccess(privateSymbolType), name, nativeSymbol]);
} else {
result =
'new', [emitConstructorAccess(internalSymbolType), name]);
return canonicalizeConstObject(result);
/// Calls the `dart.const` function in "dart:_runtime" to canonicalize a
/// constant instance of a user-defined class stored in [expr].
JS.Expression canonicalizeConstObject(JS.Expression expr) =>
cacheConst(runtimeCall('const(#)', expr));
/// Whether a variable with [name] is referenced in the [node].
bool variableIsReferenced(String name, JS.Node node) {
var finder = _IdentifierFinder.instance;
finder.nameToFind = name;
finder.found = false;
return finder.found;
class _IdentifierFinder extends JS.BaseVisitor<void> {
String nameToFind;
bool found = false;
static final instance = _IdentifierFinder();
visitIdentifier(node) {
if ( == nameToFind) found = true;
visitNode(node) {
if (!found) super.visitNode(node);
class YieldFinder extends JS.BaseVisitor {
bool hasYield = false;
bool hasThis = false;
bool _nestedFunction = false;
visitThis(JS.This node) {
hasThis = true;
visitFunctionExpression(JS.FunctionExpression node) {
var savedNested = _nestedFunction;
_nestedFunction = true;
_nestedFunction = savedNested;
visitYield(JS.Yield node) {
if (!_nestedFunction) hasYield = true;
visitNode(JS.Node node) {
if (hasYield && hasThis) return; // found both, nothing more to do.