[vm] Refactoring: move StreamingScopeBuilder out of kernel_binary_flowgraph

After previous refactoring, StreamingScopeBuilder no longer depends on

This CL moves StreamingScopeBuilder to a separate file
vm/compiler/frontend/scope_builder{.h, .cc}.

* StreamingScopeBuilder is renamed to ScopeBuilder.
* IntMap is moved to hash_map.h.
* Minor cleanup of unused forward declarations and friend classes.
Change-Id: I5e780a53f37935c0a1d563d4fbaec3a92ae13d6a
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/63692
Reviewed-by: Zach Anderson <zra@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Vyacheslav Egorov <vegorov@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Alexander Markov <alexmarkov@google.com>
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h
index d82b788..a583585 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
 namespace dart {
-class FlowGraphBuilder;
-class ValueInliningContext;
 class VariableLivenessAnalysis;
 class BlockIterator : public ValueObject {
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il.h
index 9ebff20..f6bff3f 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il.h
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
 class Definition;
 class Environment;
 class FlowGraph;
-class FlowGraphBuilder;
 class FlowGraphCompiler;
 class FlowGraphVisitor;
 class Instruction;
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/compiler_sources.gni b/runtime/vm/compiler/compiler_sources.gni
index 5f6b3f9..578dc45 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/compiler_sources.gni
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/compiler_sources.gni
@@ -87,6 +87,8 @@
+  "frontend/scope_builder.cc",
+  "frontend/scope_builder.h",
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_binary_flowgraph.cc b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_binary_flowgraph.cc
index bb21e9e..70d956b 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_binary_flowgraph.cc
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_binary_flowgraph.cc
@@ -25,1675 +25,6 @@
 #define I Isolate::Current()
 #define B (flow_graph_builder_)
-static bool IsFieldInitializer(const Function& function, Zone* zone) {
-  return (function.kind() == RawFunction::kImplicitStaticFinalGetter) &&
-         String::Handle(zone, function.name())
-             .StartsWith(Symbols::InitPrefix());
-// Returns true if the given method can skip type checks for all arguments
-// that are not covariant or generic covariant in its implementation.
-static bool MethodCanSkipTypeChecksForNonCovariantArguments(
-    const Function& method,
-    const ProcedureAttributesMetadata& attrs) {
-  // Dart 2 type system at non-dynamic call sites statically guarantees that
-  // argument values match declarated parameter types for all non-covariant
-  // and non-generic-covariant parameters. The same applies to type parameters
-  // bounds for type parameters of generic functions.
-  // In JIT mode we dynamically generate trampolines (dynamic invocation
-  // forwarders) that perform type checks when arriving to a method from a
-  // dynamic call-site.
-  // In AOT mode we don't dynamically generate such trampolines but
-  // instead rely on a static analysis to discover which methods can
-  // be invoked dynamically.
-  if (method.name() == Symbols::Call().raw()) {
-    // Currently we consider all call methods to be invoked dynamically and
-    // don't mangle their names.
-    // TODO(vegorov) remove this once we also introduce special type checking
-    // entry point for closures.
-    return false;
-  }
-  return !FLAG_precompiled_mode || !attrs.has_dynamic_invocations;
-StreamingScopeBuilder::StreamingScopeBuilder(ParsedFunction* parsed_function)
-    : result_(NULL),
-      parsed_function_(parsed_function),
-      translation_helper_(Thread::Current()),
-      zone_(translation_helper_.zone()),
-      current_function_scope_(NULL),
-      scope_(NULL),
-      depth_(0),
-      name_index_(0),
-      needs_expr_temp_(false),
-      helper_(
-          zone_,
-          &translation_helper_,
-          Script::Handle(Z, parsed_function->function().script()),
-          ExternalTypedData::Handle(Z,
-                                    parsed_function->function().KernelData()),
-          parsed_function->function().KernelDataProgramOffset()),
-      inferred_type_metadata_helper_(&helper_),
-      procedure_attributes_metadata_helper_(&helper_),
-      type_translator_(&helper_,
-                       &active_class_,
-                       /*finalize=*/true) {
-  H.InitFromScript(helper_.script());
-  ASSERT(type_translator_.active_class_ == &active_class_);
-ScopeBuildingResult* StreamingScopeBuilder::BuildScopes() {
-  if (result_ != NULL) return result_;
-  ASSERT(scope_ == NULL && depth_.loop_ == 0 && depth_.function_ == 0);
-  result_ = new (Z) ScopeBuildingResult();
-  const Function& function = parsed_function_->function();
-  // Setup a [ActiveClassScope] and a [ActiveMemberScope] which will be used
-  // e.g. for type translation.
-  const Class& klass = Class::Handle(zone_, function.Owner());
-  Function& outermost_function =
-      Function::Handle(Z, function.GetOutermostFunction());
-  ActiveClassScope active_class_scope(&active_class_, &klass);
-  ActiveMemberScope active_member(&active_class_, &outermost_function);
-  ActiveTypeParametersScope active_type_params(&active_class_, function, Z);
-  LocalScope* enclosing_scope = NULL;
-  if (function.IsImplicitClosureFunction() && !function.is_static()) {
-    // Create artificial enclosing scope for the tear-off that contains
-    // captured receiver value. This ensure that AssertAssignable will correctly
-    // load instantiator type arguments if they are needed.
-    Class& klass = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
-    Type& klass_type = H.GetCanonicalType(klass);
-    result_->this_variable =
-        MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
-                     Symbols::This(), klass_type);
-    result_->this_variable->set_index(VariableIndex(0));
-    result_->this_variable->set_is_captured();
-    enclosing_scope = new (Z) LocalScope(NULL, 0, 0);
-    enclosing_scope->set_context_level(0);
-    enclosing_scope->AddVariable(result_->this_variable);
-  } else if (function.IsLocalFunction()) {
-    enclosing_scope = LocalScope::RestoreOuterScope(
-        ContextScope::Handle(Z, function.context_scope()));
-  }
-  current_function_scope_ = scope_ = new (Z) LocalScope(enclosing_scope, 0, 0);
-  scope_->set_begin_token_pos(function.token_pos());
-  scope_->set_end_token_pos(function.end_token_pos());
-  // Add function type arguments variable before current context variable.
-  if (I->reify_generic_functions() &&
-      (function.IsGeneric() || function.HasGenericParent())) {
-    LocalVariable* type_args_var = MakeVariable(
-        TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
-        Symbols::FunctionTypeArgumentsVar(), AbstractType::dynamic_type());
-    scope_->AddVariable(type_args_var);
-    parsed_function_->set_function_type_arguments(type_args_var);
-  }
-  if (parsed_function_->has_arg_desc_var()) {
-    needs_expr_temp_ = true;
-    scope_->AddVariable(parsed_function_->arg_desc_var());
-  }
-  LocalVariable* context_var = parsed_function_->current_context_var();
-  context_var->set_is_forced_stack();
-  scope_->AddVariable(context_var);
-  parsed_function_->SetNodeSequence(
-      new SequenceNode(TokenPosition::kNoSource, scope_));
-  helper_.SetOffset(function.kernel_offset());
-  FunctionNodeHelper function_node_helper(&helper_);
-  const ProcedureAttributesMetadata attrs =
-      procedure_attributes_metadata_helper_.GetProcedureAttributes(
-          function.kernel_offset());
-  switch (function.kind()) {
-    case RawFunction::kClosureFunction:
-    case RawFunction::kImplicitClosureFunction:
-    case RawFunction::kRegularFunction:
-    case RawFunction::kGetterFunction:
-    case RawFunction::kSetterFunction:
-    case RawFunction::kConstructor: {
-      const Tag tag = helper_.PeekTag();
-      helper_.ReadUntilFunctionNode();
-      function_node_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(
-          FunctionNodeHelper::kPositionalParameters);
-      current_function_async_marker_ = function_node_helper.async_marker_;
-      // NOTE: FunctionNode is read further below the if.
-      intptr_t pos = 0;
-      if (function.IsClosureFunction()) {
-        LocalVariable* closure_parameter = MakeVariable(
-            TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
-            Symbols::ClosureParameter(), AbstractType::dynamic_type());
-        closure_parameter->set_is_forced_stack();
-        scope_->InsertParameterAt(pos++, closure_parameter);
-      } else if (!function.is_static()) {
-        // We use [is_static] instead of [IsStaticFunction] because the latter
-        // returns `false` for constructors.
-        Class& klass = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
-        Type& klass_type = H.GetCanonicalType(klass);
-        LocalVariable* variable =
-            MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
-                         Symbols::This(), klass_type);
-        scope_->InsertParameterAt(pos++, variable);
-        result_->this_variable = variable;
-        // We visit instance field initializers because they might contain
-        // [Let] expressions and we need to have a mapping.
-        if (tag == kConstructor) {
-          Class& parent_class = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
-          Array& class_fields = Array::Handle(Z, parent_class.fields());
-          Field& class_field = Field::Handle(Z);
-          for (intptr_t i = 0; i < class_fields.Length(); ++i) {
-            class_field ^= class_fields.At(i);
-            if (!class_field.is_static()) {
-              ExternalTypedData& kernel_data =
-                  ExternalTypedData::Handle(Z, class_field.KernelData());
-              ASSERT(!kernel_data.IsNull());
-              intptr_t field_offset = class_field.kernel_offset();
-              AlternativeReadingScope alt(&helper_.reader_, &kernel_data,
-                                          field_offset);
-              FieldHelper field_helper(&helper_);
-              field_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(FieldHelper::kInitializer);
-              Tag initializer_tag =
-                  helper_.ReadTag();  // read first part of initializer.
-              if (initializer_tag == kSomething) {
-                EnterScope(field_offset);
-                VisitExpression();  // read initializer.
-                ExitScope(field_helper.position_, field_helper.end_position_);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      } else if (function.IsFactory()) {
-        LocalVariable* variable = MakeVariable(
-            TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
-            Symbols::TypeArgumentsParameter(), AbstractType::dynamic_type());
-        scope_->InsertParameterAt(pos++, variable);
-        result_->type_arguments_variable = variable;
-      }
-      ParameterTypeCheckMode type_check_mode = kTypeCheckAllParameters;
-      if (function.IsNonImplicitClosureFunction()) {
-        type_check_mode = kTypeCheckAllParameters;
-      } else if (function.IsImplicitClosureFunction()) {
-        if (MethodCanSkipTypeChecksForNonCovariantArguments(
-                Function::Handle(Z, function.parent_function()), attrs)) {
-          // This is a tear-off of an instance method that can not be reached
-          // from any dynamic invocation. The method would not check any
-          // parameters except covariant ones and those annotated with
-          // generic-covariant-impl. Which means that we have to check
-          // the rest in the tear-off itself.
-          type_check_mode =
-              kTypeCheckEverythingNotCheckedInNonDynamicallyInvokedMethod;
-        }
-      } else {
-        if (function.is_static()) {
-          // In static functions we don't check anything.
-          type_check_mode = kTypeCheckForStaticFunction;
-        } else if (MethodCanSkipTypeChecksForNonCovariantArguments(function,
-                                                                   attrs)) {
-          // If the current function is never a target of a dynamic invocation
-          // and this parameter is not marked with generic-covariant-impl
-          // (which means that among all super-interfaces no type parameters
-          // ever occur at the position of this parameter) then we don't need
-          // to check this parameter on the callee side, because strong mode
-          // guarantees that it was checked at the caller side.
-          type_check_mode = kTypeCheckForNonDynamicallyInvokedMethod;
-        }
-      }
-      // Continue reading FunctionNode:
-      // read positional_parameters and named_parameters.
-      AddPositionalAndNamedParameters(pos, type_check_mode, attrs);
-      // We generate a synthetic body for implicit closure functions - which
-      // will forward the call to the real function.
-      //     -> see BuildGraphOfImplicitClosureFunction
-      if (!function.IsImplicitClosureFunction()) {
-        helper_.SetOffset(function.kernel_offset());
-        first_body_token_position_ = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
-        VisitNode();
-        // TODO(jensj): HACK: Push the begin token to after any parameters to
-        // avoid crash when breaking on definition line of async method in
-        // debugger. It seems that another scope needs to be added
-        // in which captures are made, but I can't make that work.
-        // This 'solution' doesn't crash, but I cannot see the parameters at
-        // that particular breakpoint either.
-        // Also push the end token to after the "}" to avoid crashing on
-        // stepping past the last line (to the "}" character).
-        if (first_body_token_position_.IsReal()) {
-          scope_->set_begin_token_pos(first_body_token_position_);
-        }
-        if (scope_->end_token_pos().IsReal()) {
-          scope_->set_end_token_pos(scope_->end_token_pos().Next());
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case RawFunction::kImplicitGetter:
-    case RawFunction::kImplicitStaticFinalGetter:
-    case RawFunction::kImplicitSetter: {
-      ASSERT(helper_.PeekTag() == kField);
-      if (IsFieldInitializer(function, Z)) {
-        VisitNode();
-        break;
-      }
-      const bool is_setter = function.IsImplicitSetterFunction();
-      const bool is_method = !function.IsStaticFunction();
-      intptr_t pos = 0;
-      if (is_method) {
-        Class& klass = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
-        Type& klass_type = H.GetCanonicalType(klass);
-        LocalVariable* variable =
-            MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
-                         Symbols::This(), klass_type);
-        scope_->InsertParameterAt(pos++, variable);
-        result_->this_variable = variable;
-      }
-      if (is_setter) {
-        result_->setter_value = MakeVariable(
-            TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
-            Symbols::Value(),
-            AbstractType::ZoneHandle(Z, function.ParameterTypeAt(pos)));
-        scope_->InsertParameterAt(pos++, result_->setter_value);
-        if (is_method &&
-            MethodCanSkipTypeChecksForNonCovariantArguments(function, attrs)) {
-          FieldHelper field_helper(&helper_);
-          field_helper.ReadUntilIncluding(FieldHelper::kFlags);
-          if (!field_helper.IsCovariant() &&
-              (!field_helper.IsGenericCovariantImpl() ||
-               (!attrs.has_non_this_uses && !attrs.has_tearoff_uses))) {
-            result_->setter_value->set_type_check_mode(
-                LocalVariable::kTypeCheckedByCaller);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case RawFunction::kDynamicInvocationForwarder: {
-      if (helper_.PeekTag() == kField) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        String& name = String::Handle(Z, function.name());
-        ASSERT(Function::IsDynamicInvocationForwaderName(name));
-        name = Function::DemangleDynamicInvocationForwarderName(name);
-        ASSERT(Field::IsSetterName(name));
-        // Create [this] variable.
-        const Class& klass = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
-        result_->this_variable =
-            MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
-                         Symbols::This(), H.GetCanonicalType(klass));
-        scope_->InsertParameterAt(0, result_->this_variable);
-        // Create setter value variable.
-        result_->setter_value = MakeVariable(
-            TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
-            Symbols::Value(),
-            AbstractType::ZoneHandle(Z, function.ParameterTypeAt(1)));
-        scope_->InsertParameterAt(1, result_->setter_value);
-      } else {
-        helper_.ReadUntilFunctionNode();
-        function_node_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(
-            FunctionNodeHelper::kPositionalParameters);
-        // Create [this] variable.
-        intptr_t pos = 0;
-        Class& klass = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
-        result_->this_variable =
-            MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
-                         Symbols::This(), H.GetCanonicalType(klass));
-        scope_->InsertParameterAt(pos++, result_->this_variable);
-        // Create all positional and named parameters.
-        AddPositionalAndNamedParameters(
-            pos, kTypeCheckEverythingNotCheckedInNonDynamicallyInvokedMethod,
-            attrs);
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case RawFunction::kMethodExtractor: {
-      // Add a receiver parameter.  Though it is captured, we emit code to
-      // explicitly copy it to a fixed offset in a freshly-allocated context
-      // instead of using the generic code for regular functions.
-      // Therefore, it isn't necessary to mark it as captured here.
-      Class& klass = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
-      Type& klass_type = H.GetCanonicalType(klass);
-      LocalVariable* variable =
-          MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
-                       Symbols::This(), klass_type);
-      scope_->InsertParameterAt(0, variable);
-      result_->this_variable = variable;
-      break;
-    }
-    case RawFunction::kNoSuchMethodDispatcher:
-    case RawFunction::kInvokeFieldDispatcher:
-      for (intptr_t i = 0; i < function.NumParameters(); ++i) {
-        LocalVariable* variable =
-            MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
-                         String::ZoneHandle(Z, function.ParameterNameAt(i)),
-                         AbstractType::dynamic_type());
-        scope_->InsertParameterAt(i, variable);
-      }
-      break;
-    case RawFunction::kSignatureFunction:
-    case RawFunction::kIrregexpFunction:
-  }
-  if (needs_expr_temp_ || function.is_no_such_method_forwarder()) {
-    scope_->AddVariable(parsed_function_->EnsureExpressionTemp());
-  }
-  parsed_function_->AllocateVariables();
-  return result_;
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::ReportUnexpectedTag(const char* variant, Tag tag) {
-  H.ReportError(helper_.script(), TokenPosition::kNoSource,
-                "Unexpected tag %d (%s) in %s, expected %s", tag,
-                Reader::TagName(tag),
-                parsed_function_->function().ToQualifiedCString(), variant);
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitNode() {
-  Tag tag = helper_.PeekTag();
-  switch (tag) {
-    case kConstructor:
-      VisitConstructor();
-      return;
-    case kProcedure:
-      VisitProcedure();
-      return;
-    case kField:
-      VisitField();
-      return;
-    case kFunctionNode:
-      VisitFunctionNode();
-      return;
-    default:
-      return;
-  }
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitConstructor() {
-  // Field initializers that come from non-static field declarations are
-  // compiled as if they appear in the constructor initializer list.  This is
-  // important for closure-valued field initializers because the VM expects the
-  // corresponding closure functions to appear as if they were nested inside the
-  // constructor.
-  ConstructorHelper constructor_helper(&helper_);
-  constructor_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(ConstructorHelper::kFunction);
-  {
-    const Function& function = parsed_function_->function();
-    Class& parent_class = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
-    Array& class_fields = Array::Handle(Z, parent_class.fields());
-    Field& class_field = Field::Handle(Z);
-    for (intptr_t i = 0; i < class_fields.Length(); ++i) {
-      class_field ^= class_fields.At(i);
-      if (!class_field.is_static()) {
-        ExternalTypedData& kernel_data =
-            ExternalTypedData::Handle(Z, class_field.KernelData());
-        ASSERT(!kernel_data.IsNull());
-        intptr_t field_offset = class_field.kernel_offset();
-        AlternativeReadingScope alt(&helper_.reader_, &kernel_data,
-                                    field_offset);
-        FieldHelper field_helper(&helper_);
-        field_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(FieldHelper::kInitializer);
-        Tag initializer_tag = helper_.ReadTag();
-        if (initializer_tag == kSomething) {
-          VisitExpression();  // read initializer.
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // Visit children (note that there's no reason to visit the name).
-  VisitFunctionNode();
-  intptr_t list_length =
-      helper_.ReadListLength();  // read initializers list length.
-  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; i++) {
-    VisitInitializer();
-  }
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitProcedure() {
-  ProcedureHelper procedure_helper(&helper_);
-  procedure_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(ProcedureHelper::kFunction);
-  if (helper_.ReadTag() == kSomething) {
-    VisitFunctionNode();
-  }
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitField() {
-  FieldHelper field_helper(&helper_);
-  field_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(FieldHelper::kType);
-  VisitDartType();                // read type.
-  Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag();    // read initializer (part 1).
-  if (tag == kSomething) {
-    VisitExpression();  // read initializer (part 2).
-  }
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitFunctionNode() {
-  FunctionNodeHelper function_node_helper(&helper_);
-  function_node_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(FunctionNodeHelper::kTypeParameters);
-  intptr_t list_length =
-      helper_.ReadListLength();  // read type_parameters list length.
-  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
-    TypeParameterHelper helper(&helper_);
-    helper.ReadUntilExcludingAndSetJustRead(TypeParameterHelper::kBound);
-    VisitDartType();                    // read ith bound.
-    helper.ReadUntilExcludingAndSetJustRead(TypeParameterHelper::kDefaultType);
-    if (helper_.ReadTag() == kSomething) {
-      VisitDartType();  // read ith default type.
-    }
-    helper.Finish();
-  }
-  function_node_helper.SetJustRead(FunctionNodeHelper::kTypeParameters);
-  if (FLAG_causal_async_stacks &&
-      (function_node_helper.dart_async_marker_ == FunctionNodeHelper::kAsync ||
-       function_node_helper.dart_async_marker_ ==
-           FunctionNodeHelper::kAsyncStar)) {
-    LocalVariable* asyncStackTraceVar = MakeVariable(
-        TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
-        Symbols::AsyncStackTraceVar(), AbstractType::dynamic_type());
-    scope_->AddVariable(asyncStackTraceVar);
-  }
-  if (function_node_helper.async_marker_ == FunctionNodeHelper::kSyncYielding) {
-    LocalScope* scope = parsed_function_->node_sequence()->scope();
-    intptr_t offset = parsed_function_->function().num_fixed_parameters();
-    for (intptr_t i = 0;
-         i < parsed_function_->function().NumOptionalPositionalParameters();
-         i++) {
-      scope->VariableAt(offset + i)->set_is_forced_stack();
-    }
-  }
-  // Read (but don't visit) the positional and named parameters, because they've
-  // already been added to the scope.
-  function_node_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(FunctionNodeHelper::kBody);
-  if (helper_.ReadTag() == kSomething) {
-    PositionScope scope(&helper_.reader_);
-    VisitStatement();  // Read body
-    first_body_token_position_ = helper_.reader_.min_position();
-  }
-  // Ensure that :await_jump_var, :await_ctx_var, :async_op,
-  // :async_completer and :async_stack_trace are captured.
-  if (function_node_helper.async_marker_ == FunctionNodeHelper::kSyncYielding) {
-    {
-      LocalVariable* temp = NULL;
-      LookupCapturedVariableByName(
-          (depth_.function_ == 0) ? &result_->yield_jump_variable : &temp,
-          Symbols::AwaitJumpVar());
-    }
-    {
-      LocalVariable* temp = NULL;
-      LookupCapturedVariableByName(
-          (depth_.function_ == 0) ? &result_->yield_context_variable : &temp,
-          Symbols::AwaitContextVar());
-    }
-    {
-      LocalVariable* temp =
-          scope_->LookupVariable(Symbols::AsyncOperation(), true);
-      if (temp != NULL) {
-        scope_->CaptureVariable(temp);
-      }
-    }
-    {
-      LocalVariable* temp =
-          scope_->LookupVariable(Symbols::AsyncCompleter(), true);
-      if (temp != NULL) {
-        scope_->CaptureVariable(temp);
-      }
-    }
-    if (FLAG_causal_async_stacks) {
-      LocalVariable* temp =
-          scope_->LookupVariable(Symbols::AsyncStackTraceVar(), true);
-      if (temp != NULL) {
-        scope_->CaptureVariable(temp);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitInitializer() {
-  Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag();
-  helper_.ReadByte();  // read isSynthetic flag.
-  switch (tag) {
-    case kInvalidInitializer:
-      return;
-    case kFieldInitializer:
-      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();    // read field_reference.
-      VisitExpression();                       // read value.
-      return;
-    case kSuperInitializer:
-      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();    // read target_reference.
-      VisitArguments();                        // read arguments.
-      return;
-    case kRedirectingInitializer:
-      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();    // read target_reference.
-      VisitArguments();                        // read arguments.
-      return;
-    case kLocalInitializer:
-      VisitVariableDeclaration();  // read variable.
-      return;
-    case kAssertInitializer:
-      VisitStatement();
-      return;
-    default:
-      ReportUnexpectedTag("initializer", tag);
-  }
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitExpression() {
-  uint8_t payload = 0;
-  Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag(&payload);
-  switch (tag) {
-    case kInvalidExpression:
-      helper_.ReadPosition();
-      helper_.SkipStringReference();
-      return;
-    case kVariableGet: {
-      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
-      intptr_t variable_kernel_offset =
-          helper_.ReadUInt();          // read kernel position.
-      helper_.ReadUInt();              // read relative variable index.
-      helper_.SkipOptionalDartType();  // read promoted type.
-      LookupVariable(variable_kernel_offset);
-      return;
-    }
-    case kSpecializedVariableGet: {
-      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
-      intptr_t variable_kernel_offset =
-          helper_.ReadUInt();  // read kernel position.
-      LookupVariable(variable_kernel_offset);
-      return;
-    }
-    case kVariableSet: {
-      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
-      intptr_t variable_kernel_offset =
-          helper_.ReadUInt();  // read kernel position.
-      helper_.ReadUInt();      // read relative variable index.
-      LookupVariable(variable_kernel_offset);
-      VisitExpression();  // read expression.
-      return;
-    }
-    case kSpecializedVariableSet: {
-      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
-      intptr_t variable_kernel_offset =
-          helper_.ReadUInt();  // read kernel position.
-      LookupVariable(variable_kernel_offset);
-      VisitExpression();  // read expression.
-      return;
-    }
-    case kPropertyGet:
-      helper_.ReadPosition();    // read position.
-      VisitExpression();         // read receiver.
-      helper_.SkipName();        // read name.
-      // read interface_target_reference.
-      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();
-      return;
-    case kPropertySet:
-      helper_.ReadPosition();    // read position.
-      VisitExpression();         // read receiver.
-      helper_.SkipName();        // read name.
-      VisitExpression();         // read value.
-      // read interface_target_reference.
-      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();
-      return;
-    case kDirectPropertyGet:
-      helper_.ReadPosition();                  // read position.
-      VisitExpression();                       // read receiver.
-      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();    // read target_reference.
-      return;
-    case kDirectPropertySet:
-      helper_.ReadPosition();                  // read position.
-      VisitExpression();                       // read receiver.
-      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();    // read target_reference.
-      VisitExpression();                       // read value·
-      return;
-    case kSuperPropertyGet:
-      HandleSpecialLoad(&result_->this_variable, Symbols::This());
-      helper_.ReadPosition();                // read position.
-      helper_.SkipName();                    // read name.
-      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();  // read target_reference.
-      return;
-    case kSuperPropertySet:
-      HandleSpecialLoad(&result_->this_variable, Symbols::This());
-      helper_.ReadPosition();                  // read position.
-      helper_.SkipName();                      // read name.
-      VisitExpression();                       // read value.
-      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();    // read target_reference.
-      return;
-    case kStaticGet:
-      helper_.ReadPosition();                // read position.
-      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();  // read target_reference.
-      return;
-    case kStaticSet:
-      helper_.ReadPosition();                  // read position.
-      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();    // read target_reference.
-      VisitExpression();                       // read expression.
-      return;
-    case kMethodInvocation:
-      helper_.ReadPosition();    // read position.
-      VisitExpression();         // read receiver.
-      helper_.SkipName();        // read name.
-      VisitArguments();          // read arguments.
-      // read interface_target_reference.
-      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();
-      return;
-    case kDirectMethodInvocation:
-      helper_.ReadPosition();                  // read position.
-      VisitExpression();                       // read receiver.
-      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();    // read target_reference.
-      VisitArguments();                        // read arguments.
-      return;
-    case kSuperMethodInvocation:
-      HandleSpecialLoad(&result_->this_variable, Symbols::This());
-      helper_.ReadPosition();    // read position.
-      helper_.SkipName();        // read name.
-      VisitArguments();          // read arguments.
-      // read interface_target_reference.
-      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();
-      return;
-    case kStaticInvocation:
-    case kConstStaticInvocation:
-      helper_.ReadPosition();                  // read position.
-      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();    // read procedure_reference.
-      VisitArguments();                        // read arguments.
-      return;
-    case kConstructorInvocation:
-    case kConstConstructorInvocation:
-      helper_.ReadPosition();                  // read position.
-      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();    // read target_reference.
-      VisitArguments();                        // read arguments.
-      return;
-    case kNot:
-      VisitExpression();  // read expression.
-      return;
-    case kLogicalExpression:
-      needs_expr_temp_ = true;
-      VisitExpression();       // read left.
-      helper_.SkipBytes(1);    // read operator.
-      VisitExpression();       // read right.
-      return;
-    case kConditionalExpression: {
-      needs_expr_temp_ = true;
-      VisitExpression();                 // read condition.
-      VisitExpression();                 // read then.
-      VisitExpression();                 // read otherwise.
-      helper_.SkipOptionalDartType();    // read unused static type.
-      return;
-    }
-    case kStringConcatenation: {
-      helper_.ReadPosition();                           // read position.
-      intptr_t list_length = helper_.ReadListLength();  // read list length.
-      for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
-        VisitExpression();  // read ith expression.
-      }
-      return;
-    }
-    case kIsExpression:
-      helper_.ReadPosition();    // read position.
-      VisitExpression();         // read operand.
-      VisitDartType();           // read type.
-      return;
-    case kAsExpression:
-      helper_.ReadPosition();    // read position.
-      helper_.ReadFlags();       // read flags.
-      VisitExpression();         // read operand.
-      VisitDartType();           // read type.
-      return;
-    case kSymbolLiteral:
-      helper_.SkipStringReference();  // read index into string table.
-      return;
-    case kTypeLiteral:
-      VisitDartType();  // read type.
-      return;
-    case kThisExpression:
-      HandleSpecialLoad(&result_->this_variable, Symbols::This());
-      return;
-    case kRethrow:
-      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
-      return;
-    case kThrow:
-      helper_.ReadPosition();    // read position.
-      VisitExpression();         // read expression.
-      return;
-    case kListLiteral:
-    case kConstListLiteral: {
-      helper_.ReadPosition();                             // read position.
-      VisitDartType();                                    // read type.
-      intptr_t list_length = helper_.ReadListLength();    // read list length.
-      for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
-        VisitExpression();  // read ith expression.
-      }
-      return;
-    }
-    case kMapLiteral:
-    case kConstMapLiteral: {
-      helper_.ReadPosition();                             // read position.
-      VisitDartType();                                    // read key type.
-      VisitDartType();                                    // read value type.
-      intptr_t list_length = helper_.ReadListLength();    // read list length.
-      for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
-        VisitExpression();  // read ith key.
-        VisitExpression();  // read ith value.
-      }
-      return;
-    }
-    case kFunctionExpression: {
-      intptr_t offset = helper_.ReaderOffset() - 1;  // -1 to include tag byte.
-      helper_.ReadPosition();                        // read position.
-      HandleLocalFunction(offset);       // read function node.
-      return;
-    }
-    case kLet: {
-      PositionScope scope(&helper_.reader_);
-      intptr_t offset = helper_.ReaderOffset() - 1;  // -1 to include tag byte.
-      EnterScope(offset);
-      VisitVariableDeclaration();  // read variable declaration.
-      VisitExpression();           // read expression.
-      ExitScope(helper_.reader_.min_position(), helper_.reader_.max_position());
-      return;
-    }
-    case kBigIntLiteral:
-      helper_.SkipStringReference();  // read string reference.
-      return;
-    case kStringLiteral:
-      helper_.SkipStringReference();  // read string reference.
-      return;
-    case kSpecializedIntLiteral:
-      return;
-    case kNegativeIntLiteral:
-      helper_.ReadUInt();  // read value.
-      return;
-    case kPositiveIntLiteral:
-      helper_.ReadUInt();  // read value.
-      return;
-    case kDoubleLiteral:
-      helper_.ReadDouble();  // read value.
-      return;
-    case kTrueLiteral:
-      return;
-    case kFalseLiteral:
-      return;
-    case kNullLiteral:
-      return;
-    case kConstantExpression: {
-      helper_.SkipConstantReference();
-      return;
-    }
-    case kInstantiation: {
-      VisitExpression();
-      const intptr_t list_length =
-          helper_.ReadListLength();  // read list length.
-      for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
-        VisitDartType();  // read ith type.
-      }
-      return;
-    }
-    case kLoadLibrary:
-    case kCheckLibraryIsLoaded:
-      helper_.ReadUInt();  // library index
-      break;
-    default:
-      ReportUnexpectedTag("expression", tag);
-  }
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitStatement() {
-  Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag();  // read tag.
-  switch (tag) {
-    case kExpressionStatement:
-      VisitExpression();  // read expression.
-      return;
-    case kBlock: {
-      PositionScope scope(&helper_.reader_);
-      intptr_t offset = helper_.ReaderOffset() - 1;  // -1 to include tag byte.
-      EnterScope(offset);
-      intptr_t list_length =
-          helper_.ReadListLength();  // read number of statements.
-      for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
-        VisitStatement();  // read ith statement.
-      }
-      ExitScope(helper_.reader_.min_position(), helper_.reader_.max_position());
-      return;
-    }
-    case kEmptyStatement:
-      return;
-    case kAssertBlock:
-      if (I->asserts()) {
-        PositionScope scope(&helper_.reader_);
-        intptr_t offset =
-            helper_.ReaderOffset() - 1;  // -1 to include tag byte.
-        EnterScope(offset);
-        intptr_t list_length =
-            helper_.ReadListLength();  // read number of statements.
-        for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
-          VisitStatement();  // read ith statement.
-        }
-        ExitScope(helper_.reader_.min_position(),
-                  helper_.reader_.max_position());
-      } else {
-        helper_.SkipStatementList();
-      }
-      return;
-    case kAssertStatement:
-      if (I->asserts()) {
-        VisitExpression();              // Read condition.
-        helper_.ReadPosition();         // read condition start offset.
-        helper_.ReadPosition();         // read condition end offset.
-        Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag();    // read (first part of) message.
-        if (tag == kSomething) {
-          VisitExpression();  // read (rest of) message.
-        }
-      } else {
-        helper_.SkipExpression();     // Read condition.
-        helper_.ReadPosition();       // read condition start offset.
-        helper_.ReadPosition();       // read condition end offset.
-        Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag();  // read (first part of) message.
-        if (tag == kSomething) {
-          helper_.SkipExpression();  // read (rest of) message.
-        }
-      }
-      return;
-    case kLabeledStatement:
-      VisitStatement();  // read body.
-      return;
-    case kBreakStatement:
-      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
-      helper_.ReadUInt();      // read target_index.
-      return;
-    case kWhileStatement:
-      ++depth_.loop_;
-      helper_.ReadPosition();    // read position.
-      VisitExpression();         // read condition.
-      VisitStatement();          // read body.
-      --depth_.loop_;
-      return;
-    case kDoStatement:
-      ++depth_.loop_;
-      helper_.ReadPosition();    // read position.
-      VisitStatement();          // read body.
-      VisitExpression();         // read condition.
-      --depth_.loop_;
-      return;
-    case kForStatement: {
-      PositionScope scope(&helper_.reader_);
-      intptr_t offset = helper_.ReaderOffset() - 1;  // -1 to include tag byte.
-      ++depth_.loop_;
-      EnterScope(offset);
-      TokenPosition position = helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
-      intptr_t list_length =
-          helper_.ReadListLength();  // read number of variables.
-      for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
-        VisitVariableDeclaration();  // read ith variable.
-      }
-      Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag();  // Read first part of condition.
-      if (tag == kSomething) {
-        VisitExpression();  // read rest of condition.
-      }
-      list_length = helper_.ReadListLength();  // read number of updates.
-      for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
-        VisitExpression();  // read ith update.
-      }
-      VisitStatement();  // read body.
-      ExitScope(position, helper_.reader_.max_position());
-      --depth_.loop_;
-      return;
-    }
-    case kForInStatement:
-    case kAsyncForInStatement: {
-      PositionScope scope(&helper_.reader_);
-      intptr_t start_offset =
-          helper_.ReaderOffset() - 1;  // -1 to include tag byte.
-      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
-      TokenPosition body_position =
-          helper_.ReadPosition();  // read body position.
-      // Notice the ordering: We skip the variable, read the iterable, go back,
-      // re-read the variable, go forward to after having read the iterable.
-      intptr_t offset = helper_.ReaderOffset();
-      helper_.SkipVariableDeclaration();    // read variable.
-      VisitExpression();                    // read iterable.
-      ++depth_.for_in_;
-      AddIteratorVariable();
-      ++depth_.loop_;
-      EnterScope(start_offset);
-      {
-        AlternativeReadingScope alt(&helper_.reader_, offset);
-        VisitVariableDeclaration();  // read variable.
-      }
-      VisitStatement();  // read body.
-      if (!body_position.IsReal()) {
-        body_position = helper_.reader_.min_position();
-      }
-      // TODO(jensj): From kernel_binary.cc
-      // forinstmt->variable_->set_end_position(forinstmt->position_);
-      ExitScope(body_position, helper_.reader_.max_position());
-      --depth_.loop_;
-      --depth_.for_in_;
-      return;
-    }
-    case kSwitchStatement: {
-      AddSwitchVariable();
-      helper_.ReadPosition();                       // read position.
-      VisitExpression();                            // read condition.
-      int case_count = helper_.ReadListLength();    // read number of cases.
-      for (intptr_t i = 0; i < case_count; ++i) {
-        int expression_count =
-            helper_.ReadListLength();  // read number of expressions.
-        for (intptr_t j = 0; j < expression_count; ++j) {
-          helper_.ReadPosition();    // read jth position.
-          VisitExpression();         // read jth expression.
-        }
-        helper_.ReadBool();    // read is_default.
-        VisitStatement();      // read body.
-      }
-      return;
-    }
-    case kContinueSwitchStatement:
-      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
-      helper_.ReadUInt();      // read target_index.
-      return;
-    case kIfStatement:
-      helper_.ReadPosition();    // read position.
-      VisitExpression();         // read condition.
-      VisitStatement();          // read then.
-      VisitStatement();          // read otherwise.
-      return;
-    case kReturnStatement: {
-      if ((depth_.function_ == 0) && (depth_.finally_ > 0) &&
-          (result_->finally_return_variable == NULL)) {
-        const String& name = Symbols::TryFinallyReturnValue();
-        LocalVariable* variable =
-            MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
-                         name, AbstractType::dynamic_type());
-        current_function_scope_->AddVariable(variable);
-        result_->finally_return_variable = variable;
-      }
-      helper_.ReadPosition();       // read position
-      Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag();  // read (first part of) expression.
-      if (tag == kSomething) {
-        VisitExpression();  // read (rest of) expression.
-      }
-      return;
-    }
-    case kTryCatch: {
-      ++depth_.try_;
-      AddTryVariables();
-      VisitStatement();  // read body.
-      --depth_.try_;
-      ++depth_.catch_;
-      AddCatchVariables();
-      helper_.ReadByte();  // read flags
-      intptr_t catch_count =
-          helper_.ReadListLength();  // read number of catches.
-      for (intptr_t i = 0; i < catch_count; ++i) {
-        PositionScope scope(&helper_.reader_);
-        intptr_t offset = helper_.ReaderOffset();  // Catch has no tag.
-        EnterScope(offset);
-        helper_.ReadPosition();     // read position.
-        VisitDartType();            // Read the guard.
-        tag = helper_.ReadTag();    // read first part of exception.
-        if (tag == kSomething) {
-          VisitVariableDeclaration();  // read exception.
-        }
-        tag = helper_.ReadTag();  // read first part of stack trace.
-        if (tag == kSomething) {
-          VisitVariableDeclaration();  // read stack trace.
-        }
-        VisitStatement();  // read body.
-        ExitScope(helper_.reader_.min_position(),
-                  helper_.reader_.max_position());
-      }
-      FinalizeCatchVariables();
-      --depth_.catch_;
-      return;
-    }
-    case kTryFinally: {
-      ++depth_.try_;
-      ++depth_.finally_;
-      AddTryVariables();
-      VisitStatement();  // read body.
-      --depth_.finally_;
-      --depth_.try_;
-      ++depth_.catch_;
-      AddCatchVariables();
-      VisitStatement();  // read finalizer.
-      FinalizeCatchVariables();
-      --depth_.catch_;
-      return;
-    }
-    case kYieldStatement: {
-      helper_.ReadPosition();             // read position.
-      word flags = helper_.ReadByte();    // read flags.
-      VisitExpression();                  // read expression.
-      ASSERT(flags == kNativeYieldFlags);
-      if (depth_.function_ == 0) {
-        AddSwitchVariable();
-        // Promote all currently visible local variables into the context.
-        // TODO(27590) CaptureLocalVariables promotes to many variables into
-        // the scope. Mark those variables as stack_local.
-        // TODO(27590) we don't need to promote those variables that are
-        // not used across yields.
-        scope_->CaptureLocalVariables(current_function_scope_);
-      }
-      return;
-    }
-    case kVariableDeclaration:
-      VisitVariableDeclaration();  // read variable declaration.
-      return;
-    case kFunctionDeclaration: {
-      intptr_t offset = helper_.ReaderOffset() - 1;  // -1 to include tag byte.
-      helper_.ReadPosition();                        // read position.
-      VisitVariableDeclaration();        // read variable declaration.
-      HandleLocalFunction(offset);       // read function node.
-      return;
-    }
-    default:
-      ReportUnexpectedTag("declaration", tag);
-  }
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitArguments() {
-  helper_.ReadUInt();  // read argument_count.
-  // Types
-  intptr_t list_length = helper_.ReadListLength();  // read list length.
-  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
-    VisitDartType();  // read ith type.
-  }
-  // Positional.
-  list_length = helper_.ReadListLength();  // read list length.
-  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
-    VisitExpression();  // read ith positional.
-  }
-  // Named.
-  list_length = helper_.ReadListLength();  // read list length.
-  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
-    helper_.SkipStringReference();    // read ith name index.
-    VisitExpression();                // read ith expression.
-  }
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitVariableDeclaration() {
-  PositionScope scope(&helper_.reader_);
-  intptr_t kernel_offset_no_tag = helper_.ReaderOffset();
-  VariableDeclarationHelper helper(&helper_);
-  helper.ReadUntilExcluding(VariableDeclarationHelper::kType);
-  AbstractType& type = BuildAndVisitVariableType();
-  // In case `declaration->IsConst()` the flow graph building will take care of
-  // evaluating the constant and setting it via
-  // `declaration->SetConstantValue()`.
-  const String& name = (H.StringSize(helper.name_index_) == 0)
-                           ? GenerateName(":var", name_index_++)
-                           : H.DartSymbolObfuscate(helper.name_index_);
-  Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag();  // read (first part of) initializer.
-  if (tag == kSomething) {
-    VisitExpression();  // read (actual) initializer.
-  }
-  // Go to next token position so it ends *after* the last potentially
-  // debuggable position in the initializer.
-  TokenPosition end_position = helper_.reader_.max_position();
-  if (end_position.IsReal()) {
-    end_position.Next();
-  }
-  LocalVariable* variable =
-      MakeVariable(helper.position_, end_position, name, type);
-  if (helper.IsFinal()) {
-    variable->set_is_final();
-  }
-  scope_->AddVariable(variable);
-  result_->locals.Insert(helper_.data_program_offset_ + kernel_offset_no_tag,
-                         variable);
-AbstractType& StreamingScopeBuilder::BuildAndVisitVariableType() {
-  const intptr_t offset = helper_.ReaderOffset();
-  AbstractType& type = T.BuildVariableType();
-  helper_.SetOffset(offset);  // rewind
-  VisitDartType();
-  return type;
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitDartType() {
-  Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag();
-  switch (tag) {
-    case kInvalidType:
-    case kDynamicType:
-    case kVoidType:
-    case kBottomType:
-      // those contain nothing.
-      return;
-    case kInterfaceType:
-      VisitInterfaceType(false);
-      return;
-    case kSimpleInterfaceType:
-      VisitInterfaceType(true);
-      return;
-    case kFunctionType:
-      VisitFunctionType(false);
-      return;
-    case kSimpleFunctionType:
-      VisitFunctionType(true);
-      return;
-    case kTypeParameterType:
-      VisitTypeParameterType();
-      return;
-    default:
-      ReportUnexpectedTag("type", tag);
-  }
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitInterfaceType(bool simple) {
-  helper_.ReadUInt();  // read klass_name.
-  if (!simple) {
-    intptr_t length = helper_.ReadListLength();  // read number of types.
-    for (intptr_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
-      VisitDartType();  // read the ith type.
-    }
-  }
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitFunctionType(bool simple) {
-  if (!simple) {
-    intptr_t list_length =
-        helper_.ReadListLength();  // read type_parameters list length.
-    for (int i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
-      TypeParameterHelper helper(&helper_);
-      helper.ReadUntilExcludingAndSetJustRead(TypeParameterHelper::kBound);
-      VisitDartType();  // read bound.
-      helper.ReadUntilExcludingAndSetJustRead(
-          TypeParameterHelper::kDefaultType);
-      if (helper_.ReadTag() == kSomething) {
-        VisitDartType();  // read default type.
-      }
-      helper.Finish();
-    }
-    helper_.ReadUInt();  // read required parameter count.
-    helper_.ReadUInt();  // read total parameter count.
-  }
-  const intptr_t positional_count =
-      helper_.ReadListLength();  // read positional_parameters list length.
-  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < positional_count; ++i) {
-    VisitDartType();  // read ith positional parameter.
-  }
-  if (!simple) {
-    const intptr_t named_count =
-        helper_.ReadListLength();  // read named_parameters list length.
-    for (intptr_t i = 0; i < named_count; ++i) {
-      // read string reference (i.e. named_parameters[i].name).
-      helper_.SkipStringReference();
-      VisitDartType();  // read named_parameters[i].type.
-    }
-  }
-  helper_.SkipListOfStrings();  // read positional parameter names.
-  if (!simple) {
-    helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();  // read typedef reference.
-  }
-  VisitDartType();  // read return type.
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitTypeParameterType() {
-  Function& function = Function::Handle(Z, parsed_function_->function().raw());
-  while (function.IsClosureFunction()) {
-    function = function.parent_function();
-  }
-  // The index here is the index identifying the type parameter binding site
-  // inside the DILL file, which uses a different indexing system than the VM
-  // uses for its 'TypeParameter's internally. This index includes both class
-  // and function type parameters.
-  intptr_t index = helper_.ReadUInt();  // read index for parameter.
-  if (function.IsFactory()) {
-    // The type argument vector is passed as the very first argument to the
-    // factory constructor function.
-    HandleSpecialLoad(&result_->type_arguments_variable,
-                      Symbols::TypeArgumentsParameter());
-  } else {
-    // If the type parameter is a parameter to this or an enclosing function, we
-    // can read it directly from the function type arguments vector later.
-    // Otherwise, the type arguments vector we need is stored on the instance
-    // object, so we need to capture 'this'.
-    Class& parent_class = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
-    if (index < parent_class.NumTypeParameters()) {
-      HandleSpecialLoad(&result_->this_variable, Symbols::This());
-    }
-  }
-  helper_.SkipOptionalDartType();  // read bound bound.
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::HandleLocalFunction(intptr_t parent_kernel_offset) {
-  // "Peek" ahead into the function node
-  intptr_t offset = helper_.ReaderOffset();
-  FunctionNodeHelper function_node_helper(&helper_);
-  function_node_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(FunctionNodeHelper::kTypeParameters);
-  LocalScope* saved_function_scope = current_function_scope_;
-  FunctionNodeHelper::AsyncMarker saved_function_async_marker =
-      current_function_async_marker_;
-  DepthState saved_depth_state = depth_;
-  depth_ = DepthState(depth_.function_ + 1);
-  EnterScope(parent_kernel_offset);
-  current_function_scope_ = scope_;
-  current_function_async_marker_ = function_node_helper.async_marker_;
-  if (depth_.function_ == 1) {
-    FunctionScope function_scope = {offset, scope_};
-    result_->function_scopes.Add(function_scope);
-  }
-  int num_type_params = 0;
-  {
-    AlternativeReadingScope _(&helper_.reader_);
-    num_type_params = helper_.ReadListLength();
-  }
-  // Adding this scope here informs the type translator the type parameters of
-  // this function are now in scope, although they are not defined and will be
-  // filled in with dynamic. This is OK, since their definitions are not needed
-  // for scope building of the enclosing function.
-  TypeTranslator::TypeParameterScope scope(&type_translator_, num_type_params);
-  // read positional_parameters and named_parameters.
-  function_node_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(
-      FunctionNodeHelper::kPositionalParameters);
-  ProcedureAttributesMetadata default_attrs;
-  AddPositionalAndNamedParameters(0, kTypeCheckAllParameters, default_attrs);
-  // "Peek" is now done.
-  helper_.SetOffset(offset);
-  VisitFunctionNode();  // read function node.
-  ExitScope(function_node_helper.position_, function_node_helper.end_position_);
-  depth_ = saved_depth_state;
-  current_function_scope_ = saved_function_scope;
-  current_function_async_marker_ = saved_function_async_marker;
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::EnterScope(intptr_t kernel_offset) {
-  scope_ = new (Z) LocalScope(scope_, depth_.function_, depth_.loop_);
-  ASSERT(kernel_offset >= 0);
-  result_->scopes.Insert(kernel_offset, scope_);
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::ExitScope(TokenPosition start_position,
-                                      TokenPosition end_position) {
-  scope_->set_begin_token_pos(start_position);
-  scope_->set_end_token_pos(end_position);
-  scope_ = scope_->parent();
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::AddPositionalAndNamedParameters(
-    intptr_t pos,
-    ParameterTypeCheckMode type_check_mode /* = kTypeCheckAllParameters*/,
-    const ProcedureAttributesMetadata& attrs) {
-  // List of positional.
-  intptr_t list_length = helper_.ReadListLength();  // read list length.
-  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
-    AddVariableDeclarationParameter(pos++, type_check_mode, attrs);
-  }
-  // List of named.
-  list_length = helper_.ReadListLength();  // read list length.
-  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
-    AddVariableDeclarationParameter(pos++, type_check_mode, attrs);
-  }
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::AddVariableDeclarationParameter(
-    intptr_t pos,
-    ParameterTypeCheckMode type_check_mode,
-    const ProcedureAttributesMetadata& attrs) {
-  intptr_t kernel_offset = helper_.ReaderOffset();  // no tag.
-  const InferredTypeMetadata parameter_type =
-      inferred_type_metadata_helper_.GetInferredType(kernel_offset);
-  VariableDeclarationHelper helper(&helper_);
-  helper.ReadUntilExcluding(VariableDeclarationHelper::kType);
-  String& name = H.DartSymbolObfuscate(helper.name_index_);
-  AbstractType& type = BuildAndVisitVariableType();  // read type.
-  helper.SetJustRead(VariableDeclarationHelper::kType);
-  helper.ReadUntilExcluding(VariableDeclarationHelper::kInitializer);
-  LocalVariable* variable = MakeVariable(helper.position_, helper.position_,
-                                         name, type, &parameter_type);
-  if (helper.IsFinal()) {
-    variable->set_is_final();
-  }
-  if (variable->name().raw() == Symbols::IteratorParameter().raw()) {
-    variable->set_is_forced_stack();
-  }
-  const bool needs_covariant_check_in_method =
-      helper.IsCovariant() ||
-      (helper.IsGenericCovariantImpl() && attrs.has_non_this_uses);
-  switch (type_check_mode) {
-    case kTypeCheckAllParameters:
-      variable->set_type_check_mode(LocalVariable::kDoTypeCheck);
-      break;
-    case kTypeCheckEverythingNotCheckedInNonDynamicallyInvokedMethod:
-      if (needs_covariant_check_in_method) {
-        // Don't type check covariant parameters - they will be checked by
-        // a function we forward to. Their types however are not known.
-        variable->set_type_check_mode(LocalVariable::kSkipTypeCheck);
-      } else {
-        variable->set_type_check_mode(LocalVariable::kDoTypeCheck);
-      }
-      break;
-    case kTypeCheckForNonDynamicallyInvokedMethod:
-      if (needs_covariant_check_in_method) {
-        variable->set_type_check_mode(LocalVariable::kDoTypeCheck);
-      } else {
-        // Types of non-covariant parameters are guaranteed to match by
-        // front-end enforcing strong mode types at call site.
-        variable->set_type_check_mode(LocalVariable::kTypeCheckedByCaller);
-      }
-      break;
-    case kTypeCheckForStaticFunction:
-      variable->set_type_check_mode(LocalVariable::kTypeCheckedByCaller);
-      break;
-  }
-  scope_->InsertParameterAt(pos, variable);
-  result_->locals.Insert(helper_.data_program_offset_ + kernel_offset,
-                         variable);
-  // The default value may contain 'let' bindings for which the constant
-  // evaluator needs scope bindings.
-  Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag();
-  if (tag == kSomething) {
-    VisitExpression();  // read initializer.
-  }
-LocalVariable* StreamingScopeBuilder::MakeVariable(
-    TokenPosition declaration_pos,
-    TokenPosition token_pos,
-    const String& name,
-    const AbstractType& type,
-    const InferredTypeMetadata* param_type_md /* = NULL */) {
-  CompileType* param_type = NULL;
-  if ((param_type_md != NULL) && !param_type_md->IsTrivial()) {
-    param_type = new (Z) CompileType(CompileType::CreateNullable(
-        param_type_md->nullable, param_type_md->cid));
-  }
-  return new (Z)
-      LocalVariable(declaration_pos, token_pos, name, type, param_type);
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::AddExceptionVariable(
-    GrowableArray<LocalVariable*>* variables,
-    const char* prefix,
-    intptr_t nesting_depth) {
-  LocalVariable* v = NULL;
-  // If we are inside a function with yield points then Kernel transformer
-  // could have lifted some of the auxiliary exception variables into the
-  // context to preserve them across yield points because they might
-  // be needed for rethrow.
-  // Check if it did and capture such variables instead of introducing
-  // new local ones.
-  // Note: function that wrap kSyncYielding function does not contain
-  // its own try/catches.
-  if (current_function_async_marker_ == FunctionNodeHelper::kSyncYielding) {
-    ASSERT(current_function_scope_->parent() != NULL);
-    v = current_function_scope_->parent()->LocalLookupVariable(
-        GenerateName(prefix, nesting_depth - 1));
-    if (v != NULL) {
-      scope_->CaptureVariable(v);
-    }
-  }
-  // No need to create variables for try/catch-statements inside
-  // nested functions.
-  if (depth_.function_ > 0) return;
-  if (variables->length() >= nesting_depth) return;
-  // If variable was not lifted by the transformer introduce a new
-  // one into the current function scope.
-  if (v == NULL) {
-    v = MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
-                     GenerateName(prefix, nesting_depth - 1),
-                     AbstractType::dynamic_type());
-    // If transformer did not lift the variable then there is no need
-    // to lift it into the context when we encouter a YieldStatement.
-    v->set_is_forced_stack();
-    current_function_scope_->AddVariable(v);
-  }
-  variables->Add(v);
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::FinalizeExceptionVariable(
-    GrowableArray<LocalVariable*>* variables,
-    GrowableArray<LocalVariable*>* raw_variables,
-    const String& symbol,
-    intptr_t nesting_depth) {
-  // No need to create variables for try/catch-statements inside
-  // nested functions.
-  if (depth_.function_ > 0) return;
-  LocalVariable* variable = (*variables)[nesting_depth - 1];
-  LocalVariable* raw_variable;
-  if (variable->is_captured()) {
-    raw_variable =
-        new LocalVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
-                          symbol, AbstractType::dynamic_type());
-    const bool ok = scope_->AddVariable(raw_variable);
-    ASSERT(ok);
-  } else {
-    raw_variable = variable;
-  }
-  raw_variables->EnsureLength(nesting_depth, nullptr);
-  (*raw_variables)[nesting_depth - 1] = raw_variable;
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::AddTryVariables() {
-  AddExceptionVariable(&result_->catch_context_variables,
-                       ":saved_try_context_var", depth_.try_);
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::AddCatchVariables() {
-  AddExceptionVariable(&result_->exception_variables, ":exception",
-                       depth_.catch_);
-  AddExceptionVariable(&result_->stack_trace_variables, ":stack_trace",
-                       depth_.catch_);
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::FinalizeCatchVariables() {
-  const intptr_t unique_id = result_->raw_variable_counter_++;
-  FinalizeExceptionVariable(
-      &result_->exception_variables, &result_->raw_exception_variables,
-      GenerateName(":raw_exception", unique_id), depth_.catch_);
-  FinalizeExceptionVariable(
-      &result_->stack_trace_variables, &result_->raw_stack_trace_variables,
-      GenerateName(":raw_stacktrace", unique_id), depth_.catch_);
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::AddIteratorVariable() {
-  if (depth_.function_ > 0) return;
-  if (result_->iterator_variables.length() >= depth_.for_in_) return;
-  ASSERT(result_->iterator_variables.length() == depth_.for_in_ - 1);
-  LocalVariable* iterator =
-      MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
-                   GenerateName(":iterator", depth_.for_in_ - 1),
-                   AbstractType::dynamic_type());
-  current_function_scope_->AddVariable(iterator);
-  result_->iterator_variables.Add(iterator);
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::AddSwitchVariable() {
-  if ((depth_.function_ == 0) && (result_->switch_variable == NULL)) {
-    LocalVariable* variable =
-        MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
-                     Symbols::SwitchExpr(), AbstractType::dynamic_type());
-    variable->set_is_forced_stack();
-    current_function_scope_->AddVariable(variable);
-    result_->switch_variable = variable;
-  }
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::LookupVariable(intptr_t declaration_binary_offset) {
-  LocalVariable* variable = result_->locals.Lookup(declaration_binary_offset);
-  if (variable == NULL) {
-    // We have not seen a declaration of the variable, so it must be the
-    // case that we are compiling a nested function and the variable is
-    // declared in an outer scope.  In that case, look it up in the scope by
-    // name and add it to the variable map to simplify later lookup.
-    ASSERT(current_function_scope_->parent() != NULL);
-    StringIndex var_name = GetNameFromVariableDeclaration(
-        declaration_binary_offset - helper_.data_program_offset_,
-        parsed_function_->function());
-    const String& name = H.DartSymbolObfuscate(var_name);
-    variable = current_function_scope_->parent()->LookupVariable(name, true);
-    ASSERT(variable != NULL);
-    result_->locals.Insert(declaration_binary_offset, variable);
-  }
-  if (variable->owner()->function_level() < scope_->function_level()) {
-    // We call `LocalScope->CaptureVariable(variable)` in two scenarios for two
-    // different reasons:
-    //   Scenario 1:
-    //       We need to know which variables defined in this function
-    //       are closed over by nested closures in order to ensure we will
-    //       create a [Context] object of appropriate size and store captured
-    //       variables there instead of the stack.
-    //   Scenario 2:
-    //       We need to find out which variables defined in enclosing functions
-    //       are closed over by this function/closure or nested closures. This
-    //       is necessary in order to build a fat flattened [ContextScope]
-    //       object.
-    scope_->CaptureVariable(variable);
-  } else {
-    ASSERT(variable->owner()->function_level() == scope_->function_level());
-  }
-StringIndex StreamingScopeBuilder::GetNameFromVariableDeclaration(
-    intptr_t kernel_offset,
-    const Function& function) {
-  ExternalTypedData& kernel_data =
-      ExternalTypedData::Handle(Z, function.KernelData());
-  ASSERT(!kernel_data.IsNull());
-  // Temporarily go to the variable declaration, read the name.
-  AlternativeReadingScope alt(&helper_.reader_, &kernel_data, kernel_offset);
-  VariableDeclarationHelper helper(&helper_);
-  helper.ReadUntilIncluding(VariableDeclarationHelper::kNameIndex);
-  return helper.name_index_;
-const String& StreamingScopeBuilder::GenerateName(const char* prefix,
-                                                  intptr_t suffix) {
-  char name[64];
-  Utils::SNPrint(name, 64, "%s%" Pd "", prefix, suffix);
-  return H.DartSymbolObfuscate(name);
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::HandleSpecialLoad(LocalVariable** variable,
-                                              const String& symbol) {
-  if (current_function_scope_->parent() != NULL) {
-    // We are building the scope tree of a closure function and saw [node]. We
-    // lazily populate the variable using the parent function scope.
-    if (*variable == NULL) {
-      *variable =
-          current_function_scope_->parent()->LookupVariable(symbol, true);
-      ASSERT(*variable != NULL);
-    }
-  }
-  if ((current_function_scope_->parent() != NULL) ||
-      (scope_->function_level() > 0)) {
-    // Every scope we use the [variable] from needs to be notified of the usage
-    // in order to ensure that preserving the context scope on that particular
-    // use-site also includes the [variable].
-    scope_->CaptureVariable(*variable);
-  }
-void StreamingScopeBuilder::LookupCapturedVariableByName(
-    LocalVariable** variable,
-    const String& name) {
-  if (*variable == NULL) {
-    *variable = scope_->LookupVariable(name, true);
-    ASSERT(*variable != NULL);
-    scope_->CaptureVariable(*variable);
-  }
     StreamingFlowGraphBuilder* builder)
     : builder_(builder),
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_binary_flowgraph.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_binary_flowgraph.h
index b27d20e..b352dea 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_binary_flowgraph.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_binary_flowgraph.h
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/bytecode_reader.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h"
+#include "vm/compiler/frontend/scope_builder.h"
 #include "vm/kernel.h"
 #include "vm/kernel_binary.h"
 #include "vm/object.h"
@@ -17,150 +18,6 @@
 namespace dart {
 namespace kernel {
-class StreamingScopeBuilder {
- public:
-  explicit StreamingScopeBuilder(ParsedFunction* parsed_function);
-  virtual ~StreamingScopeBuilder() = default;
-  ScopeBuildingResult* BuildScopes();
- private:
-  void VisitField();
-  void VisitProcedure();
-  void VisitConstructor();
-  void VisitFunctionNode();
-  void VisitNode();
-  void VisitInitializer();
-  void VisitExpression();
-  void VisitStatement();
-  void VisitArguments();
-  void VisitVariableDeclaration();
-  void VisitDartType();
-  void VisitInterfaceType(bool simple);
-  void VisitFunctionType(bool simple);
-  void VisitTypeParameterType();
-  void HandleLocalFunction(intptr_t parent_kernel_offset);
-  AbstractType& BuildAndVisitVariableType();
-  void EnterScope(intptr_t kernel_offset);
-  void ExitScope(TokenPosition start_position, TokenPosition end_position);
-  virtual void ReportUnexpectedTag(const char* variant, Tag tag);
-  // This enum controls which parameters would be marked as requring type
-  // check on the callee side.
-  enum ParameterTypeCheckMode {
-    // All parameters will be checked.
-    kTypeCheckAllParameters,
-    // Only parameters marked as covariant or generic-covariant-impl will be
-    // checked.
-    kTypeCheckForNonDynamicallyInvokedMethod,
-    // Only parameters *not* marked as covariant or generic-covariant-impl will
-    // be checked. The rest would be checked in the method itself.
-    // Inverse of kTypeCheckForNonDynamicallyInvokedMethod.
-    kTypeCheckEverythingNotCheckedInNonDynamicallyInvokedMethod,
-    // No parameters will be checked.
-    kTypeCheckForStaticFunction,
-  };
-  // This assumes that the reader is at a FunctionNode,
-  // about to read the positional parameters.
-  void AddPositionalAndNamedParameters(
-      intptr_t pos,
-      ParameterTypeCheckMode type_check_mode,
-      const ProcedureAttributesMetadata& attrs);
-  // This assumes that the reader is at a FunctionNode,
-  // about to read a parameter (i.e. VariableDeclaration).
-  void AddVariableDeclarationParameter(
-      intptr_t pos,
-      ParameterTypeCheckMode type_check_mode,
-      const ProcedureAttributesMetadata& attrs);
-  LocalVariable* MakeVariable(TokenPosition declaration_pos,
-                              TokenPosition token_pos,
-                              const String& name,
-                              const AbstractType& type,
-                              const InferredTypeMetadata* param_type_md = NULL);
-  void AddExceptionVariable(GrowableArray<LocalVariable*>* variables,
-                            const char* prefix,
-                            intptr_t nesting_depth);
-  void FinalizeExceptionVariable(GrowableArray<LocalVariable*>* variables,
-                                 GrowableArray<LocalVariable*>* raw_variables,
-                                 const String& symbol,
-                                 intptr_t nesting_depth);
-  void AddTryVariables();
-  void AddCatchVariables();
-  void FinalizeCatchVariables();
-  void AddIteratorVariable();
-  void AddSwitchVariable();
-  // Record an assignment or reference to a variable.  If the occurrence is
-  // in a nested function, ensure that the variable is handled properly as a
-  // captured variable.
-  void LookupVariable(intptr_t declaration_binary_offset);
-  StringIndex GetNameFromVariableDeclaration(intptr_t kernel_offset,
-                                             const Function& function);
-  const String& GenerateName(const char* prefix, intptr_t suffix);
-  void HandleSpecialLoad(LocalVariable** variable, const String& symbol);
-  void LookupCapturedVariableByName(LocalVariable** variable,
-                                    const String& name);
-  struct DepthState {
-    explicit DepthState(intptr_t function)
-        : loop_(0),
-          function_(function),
-          try_(0),
-          catch_(0),
-          finally_(0),
-          for_in_(0) {}
-    intptr_t loop_;
-    intptr_t function_;
-    intptr_t try_;
-    intptr_t catch_;
-    intptr_t finally_;
-    intptr_t for_in_;
-  };
-  ScopeBuildingResult* result_;
-  ParsedFunction* parsed_function_;
-  ActiveClass active_class_;
-  TranslationHelper translation_helper_;
-  Zone* zone_;
-  FunctionNodeHelper::AsyncMarker current_function_async_marker_;
-  LocalScope* current_function_scope_;
-  LocalScope* scope_;
-  DepthState depth_;
-  intptr_t name_index_;
-  bool needs_expr_temp_;
-  TokenPosition first_body_token_position_;
-  KernelReaderHelper helper_;
-  InferredTypeMetadataHelper inferred_type_metadata_helper_;
-  ProcedureAttributesMetadataHelper procedure_attributes_metadata_helper_;
-  TypeTranslator type_translator_;
 // There are several cases when we are compiling constant expressions:
 //   * constant field initializers:
@@ -728,12 +585,10 @@
   InferredTypeMetadataHelper inferred_type_metadata_helper_;
   ProcedureAttributesMetadataHelper procedure_attributes_metadata_helper_;
-  friend class ClassHelper;
   friend class ConstantHelper;
   friend class KernelLoader;
   friend class SimpleExpressionConverter;
   friend class StreamingConstantEvaluator;
-  friend class StreamingScopeBuilder;
 // Helper class that reads a kernel Constant from binary.
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.cc b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.cc
index 0811a4e..57f95cc 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.cc
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.cc
@@ -631,7 +631,6 @@
 Fragment BaseFlowGraphBuilder::TailCall(const Code& code) {
-  Fragment instructions;
   Value* arg_desc = Pop();
   return Fragment(new (Z) TailCallInstr(code, arg_desc));
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.h
index c29a950..2fdace5 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.h
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/flow_graph_builder.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h"
+#include "vm/compiler/frontend/scope_builder.h"
 namespace dart {
 namespace kernel {
@@ -56,53 +57,6 @@
 typedef UnorderedHashMap<KernelConstMapKeyEqualsTraits> KernelConstantsMap;
-template <typename V>
-class IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait {
- public:
-  typedef intptr_t Key;
-  typedef V Value;
-  struct Pair {
-    Key key;
-    Value value;
-    Pair() : key(NULL), value() {}
-    Pair(const Key key, const Value& value) : key(key), value(value) {}
-    Pair(const Pair& other) : key(other.key), value(other.value) {}
-  };
-  static Key KeyOf(Pair kv) { return kv.key; }
-  static Value ValueOf(Pair kv) { return kv.value; }
-  static intptr_t Hashcode(Key key) { return key; }
-  static bool IsKeyEqual(Pair kv, Key key) { return kv.key == key; }
-template <typename V>
-class IntMap : public DirectChainedHashMap<IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V> > {
- public:
-  typedef typename IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V>::Key Key;
-  typedef typename IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V>::Value Value;
-  typedef typename IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V>::Pair Pair;
-  inline void Insert(const Key& key, const Value& value) {
-    Pair pair(key, value);
-    DirectChainedHashMap<IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V> >::Insert(pair);
-  }
-  inline V Lookup(const Key& key) {
-    Pair* pair =
-        DirectChainedHashMap<IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V> >::Lookup(key);
-    if (pair == NULL) {
-      return V();
-    } else {
-      return pair->value;
-    }
-  }
-  inline Pair* LookupPair(const Key& key) {
-    return DirectChainedHashMap<IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V> >::Lookup(key);
-  }
 class BreakableBlock;
 class CatchBlock;
 class FlowGraphBuilder;
@@ -145,68 +99,6 @@
 typedef ZoneGrowableArray<PushArgumentInstr*>* ArgumentArray;
-struct FunctionScope {
-  intptr_t kernel_offset;
-  LocalScope* scope;
-class ScopeBuildingResult : public ZoneAllocated {
- public:
-  ScopeBuildingResult()
-      : this_variable(NULL),
-        type_arguments_variable(NULL),
-        switch_variable(NULL),
-        finally_return_variable(NULL),
-        setter_value(NULL),
-        yield_jump_variable(NULL),
-        yield_context_variable(NULL),
-        raw_variable_counter_(0) {}
-  IntMap<LocalVariable*> locals;
-  IntMap<LocalScope*> scopes;
-  GrowableArray<FunctionScope> function_scopes;
-  // Only non-NULL for instance functions.
-  LocalVariable* this_variable;
-  // Only non-NULL for factory constructor functions.
-  LocalVariable* type_arguments_variable;
-  // Non-NULL when the function contains a switch statement.
-  LocalVariable* switch_variable;
-  // Non-NULL when the function contains a return inside a finally block.
-  LocalVariable* finally_return_variable;
-  // Non-NULL when the function is a setter.
-  LocalVariable* setter_value;
-  // Non-NULL if the function contains yield statement.
-  // TODO(27590) actual variable is called :await_jump_var, we should rename
-  // it to reflect the fact that it is used for both await and yield.
-  LocalVariable* yield_jump_variable;
-  // Non-NULL if the function contains yield statement.
-  // TODO(27590) actual variable is called :await_ctx_var, we should rename
-  // it to reflect the fact that it is used for both await and yield.
-  LocalVariable* yield_context_variable;
-  // Variables used in exception handlers, one per exception handler nesting
-  // level.
-  GrowableArray<LocalVariable*> exception_variables;
-  GrowableArray<LocalVariable*> stack_trace_variables;
-  GrowableArray<LocalVariable*> catch_context_variables;
-  // These are used to access the raw exception/stacktrace variables (and are
-  // used to put them into the captured variables in the context).
-  GrowableArray<LocalVariable*> raw_exception_variables;
-  GrowableArray<LocalVariable*> raw_stack_trace_variables;
-  intptr_t raw_variable_counter_;
-  // For-in iterators, one per for-in nesting level.
-  GrowableArray<LocalVariable*> iterator_variables;
 struct YieldContinuation {
   Instruction* entry;
   intptr_t try_index;
@@ -358,7 +250,6 @@
   intptr_t pending_argument_count_;
   friend class TryCatchBlock;
-  friend class KernelReaderHelper;
   friend class StreamingFlowGraphBuilder;
   friend class FlowGraphBuilder;
   friend class PrologueBuilder;
@@ -581,7 +472,6 @@
   friend class BreakableBlock;
   friend class CatchBlock;
-  friend class KernelReaderHelper;
   friend class StreamingFlowGraphBuilder;
   friend class SwitchBlock;
   friend class TryCatchBlock;
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h
index 342a8de..eb1564d 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h
@@ -974,7 +974,7 @@
   friend class ProcedureHelper;
   friend class SimpleExpressionConverter;
   friend class StreamingConstantEvaluator;
-  friend class StreamingScopeBuilder;
+  friend class ScopeBuilder;
   friend class TypeParameterHelper;
   friend class TypeTranslator;
   friend class VariableDeclarationHelper;
@@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@
   AbstractType& result_;
   bool finalize_;
-  friend class StreamingScopeBuilder;
+  friend class ScopeBuilder;
   friend class KernelLoader;
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/scope_builder.cc b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/scope_builder.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faf3885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/scope_builder.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1689 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "vm/compiler/frontend/scope_builder.h"
+#include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"  // For CompileType.
+namespace dart {
+namespace kernel {
+#define Z (zone_)
+#define H (translation_helper_)
+#define T (type_translator_)
+#define I Isolate::Current()
+bool IsFieldInitializer(const Function& function, Zone* zone) {
+  return (function.kind() == RawFunction::kImplicitStaticFinalGetter) &&
+         String::Handle(zone, function.name())
+             .StartsWith(Symbols::InitPrefix());
+// Returns true if the given method can skip type checks for all arguments
+// that are not covariant or generic covariant in its implementation.
+bool MethodCanSkipTypeChecksForNonCovariantArguments(
+    const Function& method,
+    const ProcedureAttributesMetadata& attrs) {
+  // Dart 2 type system at non-dynamic call sites statically guarantees that
+  // argument values match declarated parameter types for all non-covariant
+  // and non-generic-covariant parameters. The same applies to type parameters
+  // bounds for type parameters of generic functions.
+  // In JIT mode we dynamically generate trampolines (dynamic invocation
+  // forwarders) that perform type checks when arriving to a method from a
+  // dynamic call-site.
+  // In AOT mode we don't dynamically generate such trampolines but
+  // instead rely on a static analysis to discover which methods can
+  // be invoked dynamically.
+  if (method.name() == Symbols::Call().raw()) {
+    // Currently we consider all call methods to be invoked dynamically and
+    // don't mangle their names.
+    // TODO(vegorov) remove this once we also introduce special type checking
+    // entry point for closures.
+    return false;
+  }
+  return !FLAG_precompiled_mode || !attrs.has_dynamic_invocations;
+ScopeBuilder::ScopeBuilder(ParsedFunction* parsed_function)
+    : result_(NULL),
+      parsed_function_(parsed_function),
+      translation_helper_(Thread::Current()),
+      zone_(translation_helper_.zone()),
+      current_function_scope_(NULL),
+      scope_(NULL),
+      depth_(0),
+      name_index_(0),
+      needs_expr_temp_(false),
+      helper_(
+          zone_,
+          &translation_helper_,
+          Script::Handle(Z, parsed_function->function().script()),
+          ExternalTypedData::Handle(Z,
+                                    parsed_function->function().KernelData()),
+          parsed_function->function().KernelDataProgramOffset()),
+      inferred_type_metadata_helper_(&helper_),
+      procedure_attributes_metadata_helper_(&helper_),
+      type_translator_(&helper_,
+                       &active_class_,
+                       /*finalize=*/true) {
+  H.InitFromScript(helper_.script());
+  ASSERT(type_translator_.active_class_ == &active_class_);
+ScopeBuildingResult* ScopeBuilder::BuildScopes() {
+  if (result_ != NULL) return result_;
+  ASSERT(scope_ == NULL && depth_.loop_ == 0 && depth_.function_ == 0);
+  result_ = new (Z) ScopeBuildingResult();
+  const Function& function = parsed_function_->function();
+  // Setup a [ActiveClassScope] and a [ActiveMemberScope] which will be used
+  // e.g. for type translation.
+  const Class& klass = Class::Handle(zone_, function.Owner());
+  Function& outermost_function =
+      Function::Handle(Z, function.GetOutermostFunction());
+  ActiveClassScope active_class_scope(&active_class_, &klass);
+  ActiveMemberScope active_member(&active_class_, &outermost_function);
+  ActiveTypeParametersScope active_type_params(&active_class_, function, Z);
+  LocalScope* enclosing_scope = NULL;
+  if (function.IsImplicitClosureFunction() && !function.is_static()) {
+    // Create artificial enclosing scope for the tear-off that contains
+    // captured receiver value. This ensure that AssertAssignable will correctly
+    // load instantiator type arguments if they are needed.
+    Class& klass = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
+    Type& klass_type = H.GetCanonicalType(klass);
+    result_->this_variable =
+        MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
+                     Symbols::This(), klass_type);
+    result_->this_variable->set_index(VariableIndex(0));
+    result_->this_variable->set_is_captured();
+    enclosing_scope = new (Z) LocalScope(NULL, 0, 0);
+    enclosing_scope->set_context_level(0);
+    enclosing_scope->AddVariable(result_->this_variable);
+  } else if (function.IsLocalFunction()) {
+    enclosing_scope = LocalScope::RestoreOuterScope(
+        ContextScope::Handle(Z, function.context_scope()));
+  }
+  current_function_scope_ = scope_ = new (Z) LocalScope(enclosing_scope, 0, 0);
+  scope_->set_begin_token_pos(function.token_pos());
+  scope_->set_end_token_pos(function.end_token_pos());
+  // Add function type arguments variable before current context variable.
+  if (I->reify_generic_functions() &&
+      (function.IsGeneric() || function.HasGenericParent())) {
+    LocalVariable* type_args_var = MakeVariable(
+        TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
+        Symbols::FunctionTypeArgumentsVar(), AbstractType::dynamic_type());
+    scope_->AddVariable(type_args_var);
+    parsed_function_->set_function_type_arguments(type_args_var);
+  }
+  if (parsed_function_->has_arg_desc_var()) {
+    needs_expr_temp_ = true;
+    scope_->AddVariable(parsed_function_->arg_desc_var());
+  }
+  LocalVariable* context_var = parsed_function_->current_context_var();
+  context_var->set_is_forced_stack();
+  scope_->AddVariable(context_var);
+  parsed_function_->SetNodeSequence(
+      new SequenceNode(TokenPosition::kNoSource, scope_));
+  helper_.SetOffset(function.kernel_offset());
+  FunctionNodeHelper function_node_helper(&helper_);
+  const ProcedureAttributesMetadata attrs =
+      procedure_attributes_metadata_helper_.GetProcedureAttributes(
+          function.kernel_offset());
+  switch (function.kind()) {
+    case RawFunction::kClosureFunction:
+    case RawFunction::kImplicitClosureFunction:
+    case RawFunction::kRegularFunction:
+    case RawFunction::kGetterFunction:
+    case RawFunction::kSetterFunction:
+    case RawFunction::kConstructor: {
+      const Tag tag = helper_.PeekTag();
+      helper_.ReadUntilFunctionNode();
+      function_node_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(
+          FunctionNodeHelper::kPositionalParameters);
+      current_function_async_marker_ = function_node_helper.async_marker_;
+      // NOTE: FunctionNode is read further below the if.
+      intptr_t pos = 0;
+      if (function.IsClosureFunction()) {
+        LocalVariable* closure_parameter = MakeVariable(
+            TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
+            Symbols::ClosureParameter(), AbstractType::dynamic_type());
+        closure_parameter->set_is_forced_stack();
+        scope_->InsertParameterAt(pos++, closure_parameter);
+      } else if (!function.is_static()) {
+        // We use [is_static] instead of [IsStaticFunction] because the latter
+        // returns `false` for constructors.
+        Class& klass = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
+        Type& klass_type = H.GetCanonicalType(klass);
+        LocalVariable* variable =
+            MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
+                         Symbols::This(), klass_type);
+        scope_->InsertParameterAt(pos++, variable);
+        result_->this_variable = variable;
+        // We visit instance field initializers because they might contain
+        // [Let] expressions and we need to have a mapping.
+        if (tag == kConstructor) {
+          Class& parent_class = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
+          Array& class_fields = Array::Handle(Z, parent_class.fields());
+          Field& class_field = Field::Handle(Z);
+          for (intptr_t i = 0; i < class_fields.Length(); ++i) {
+            class_field ^= class_fields.At(i);
+            if (!class_field.is_static()) {
+              ExternalTypedData& kernel_data =
+                  ExternalTypedData::Handle(Z, class_field.KernelData());
+              ASSERT(!kernel_data.IsNull());
+              intptr_t field_offset = class_field.kernel_offset();
+              AlternativeReadingScope alt(&helper_.reader_, &kernel_data,
+                                          field_offset);
+              FieldHelper field_helper(&helper_);
+              field_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(FieldHelper::kInitializer);
+              Tag initializer_tag =
+                  helper_.ReadTag();  // read first part of initializer.
+              if (initializer_tag == kSomething) {
+                EnterScope(field_offset);
+                VisitExpression();  // read initializer.
+                ExitScope(field_helper.position_, field_helper.end_position_);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      } else if (function.IsFactory()) {
+        LocalVariable* variable = MakeVariable(
+            TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
+            Symbols::TypeArgumentsParameter(), AbstractType::dynamic_type());
+        scope_->InsertParameterAt(pos++, variable);
+        result_->type_arguments_variable = variable;
+      }
+      ParameterTypeCheckMode type_check_mode = kTypeCheckAllParameters;
+      if (function.IsNonImplicitClosureFunction()) {
+        type_check_mode = kTypeCheckAllParameters;
+      } else if (function.IsImplicitClosureFunction()) {
+        if (MethodCanSkipTypeChecksForNonCovariantArguments(
+                Function::Handle(Z, function.parent_function()), attrs)) {
+          // This is a tear-off of an instance method that can not be reached
+          // from any dynamic invocation. The method would not check any
+          // parameters except covariant ones and those annotated with
+          // generic-covariant-impl. Which means that we have to check
+          // the rest in the tear-off itself.
+          type_check_mode =
+              kTypeCheckEverythingNotCheckedInNonDynamicallyInvokedMethod;
+        }
+      } else {
+        if (function.is_static()) {
+          // In static functions we don't check anything.
+          type_check_mode = kTypeCheckForStaticFunction;
+        } else if (MethodCanSkipTypeChecksForNonCovariantArguments(function,
+                                                                   attrs)) {
+          // If the current function is never a target of a dynamic invocation
+          // and this parameter is not marked with generic-covariant-impl
+          // (which means that among all super-interfaces no type parameters
+          // ever occur at the position of this parameter) then we don't need
+          // to check this parameter on the callee side, because strong mode
+          // guarantees that it was checked at the caller side.
+          type_check_mode = kTypeCheckForNonDynamicallyInvokedMethod;
+        }
+      }
+      // Continue reading FunctionNode:
+      // read positional_parameters and named_parameters.
+      AddPositionalAndNamedParameters(pos, type_check_mode, attrs);
+      // We generate a synthetic body for implicit closure functions - which
+      // will forward the call to the real function.
+      //     -> see BuildGraphOfImplicitClosureFunction
+      if (!function.IsImplicitClosureFunction()) {
+        helper_.SetOffset(function.kernel_offset());
+        first_body_token_position_ = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
+        VisitNode();
+        // TODO(jensj): HACK: Push the begin token to after any parameters to
+        // avoid crash when breaking on definition line of async method in
+        // debugger. It seems that another scope needs to be added
+        // in which captures are made, but I can't make that work.
+        // This 'solution' doesn't crash, but I cannot see the parameters at
+        // that particular breakpoint either.
+        // Also push the end token to after the "}" to avoid crashing on
+        // stepping past the last line (to the "}" character).
+        if (first_body_token_position_.IsReal()) {
+          scope_->set_begin_token_pos(first_body_token_position_);
+        }
+        if (scope_->end_token_pos().IsReal()) {
+          scope_->set_end_token_pos(scope_->end_token_pos().Next());
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case RawFunction::kImplicitGetter:
+    case RawFunction::kImplicitStaticFinalGetter:
+    case RawFunction::kImplicitSetter: {
+      ASSERT(helper_.PeekTag() == kField);
+      if (IsFieldInitializer(function, Z)) {
+        VisitNode();
+        break;
+      }
+      const bool is_setter = function.IsImplicitSetterFunction();
+      const bool is_method = !function.IsStaticFunction();
+      intptr_t pos = 0;
+      if (is_method) {
+        Class& klass = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
+        Type& klass_type = H.GetCanonicalType(klass);
+        LocalVariable* variable =
+            MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
+                         Symbols::This(), klass_type);
+        scope_->InsertParameterAt(pos++, variable);
+        result_->this_variable = variable;
+      }
+      if (is_setter) {
+        result_->setter_value = MakeVariable(
+            TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
+            Symbols::Value(),
+            AbstractType::ZoneHandle(Z, function.ParameterTypeAt(pos)));
+        scope_->InsertParameterAt(pos++, result_->setter_value);
+        if (is_method &&
+            MethodCanSkipTypeChecksForNonCovariantArguments(function, attrs)) {
+          FieldHelper field_helper(&helper_);
+          field_helper.ReadUntilIncluding(FieldHelper::kFlags);
+          if (!field_helper.IsCovariant() &&
+              (!field_helper.IsGenericCovariantImpl() ||
+               (!attrs.has_non_this_uses && !attrs.has_tearoff_uses))) {
+            result_->setter_value->set_type_check_mode(
+                LocalVariable::kTypeCheckedByCaller);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case RawFunction::kDynamicInvocationForwarder: {
+      if (helper_.PeekTag() == kField) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        String& name = String::Handle(Z, function.name());
+        ASSERT(Function::IsDynamicInvocationForwaderName(name));
+        name = Function::DemangleDynamicInvocationForwarderName(name);
+        ASSERT(Field::IsSetterName(name));
+        // Create [this] variable.
+        const Class& klass = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
+        result_->this_variable =
+            MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
+                         Symbols::This(), H.GetCanonicalType(klass));
+        scope_->InsertParameterAt(0, result_->this_variable);
+        // Create setter value variable.
+        result_->setter_value = MakeVariable(
+            TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
+            Symbols::Value(),
+            AbstractType::ZoneHandle(Z, function.ParameterTypeAt(1)));
+        scope_->InsertParameterAt(1, result_->setter_value);
+      } else {
+        helper_.ReadUntilFunctionNode();
+        function_node_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(
+            FunctionNodeHelper::kPositionalParameters);
+        // Create [this] variable.
+        intptr_t pos = 0;
+        Class& klass = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
+        result_->this_variable =
+            MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
+                         Symbols::This(), H.GetCanonicalType(klass));
+        scope_->InsertParameterAt(pos++, result_->this_variable);
+        // Create all positional and named parameters.
+        AddPositionalAndNamedParameters(
+            pos, kTypeCheckEverythingNotCheckedInNonDynamicallyInvokedMethod,
+            attrs);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case RawFunction::kMethodExtractor: {
+      // Add a receiver parameter.  Though it is captured, we emit code to
+      // explicitly copy it to a fixed offset in a freshly-allocated context
+      // instead of using the generic code for regular functions.
+      // Therefore, it isn't necessary to mark it as captured here.
+      Class& klass = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
+      Type& klass_type = H.GetCanonicalType(klass);
+      LocalVariable* variable =
+          MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
+                       Symbols::This(), klass_type);
+      scope_->InsertParameterAt(0, variable);
+      result_->this_variable = variable;
+      break;
+    }
+    case RawFunction::kNoSuchMethodDispatcher:
+    case RawFunction::kInvokeFieldDispatcher:
+      for (intptr_t i = 0; i < function.NumParameters(); ++i) {
+        LocalVariable* variable =
+            MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
+                         String::ZoneHandle(Z, function.ParameterNameAt(i)),
+                         AbstractType::dynamic_type());
+        scope_->InsertParameterAt(i, variable);
+      }
+      break;
+    case RawFunction::kSignatureFunction:
+    case RawFunction::kIrregexpFunction:
+  }
+  if (needs_expr_temp_ || function.is_no_such_method_forwarder()) {
+    scope_->AddVariable(parsed_function_->EnsureExpressionTemp());
+  }
+  parsed_function_->AllocateVariables();
+  return result_;
+void ScopeBuilder::ReportUnexpectedTag(const char* variant, Tag tag) {
+  H.ReportError(helper_.script(), TokenPosition::kNoSource,
+                "Unexpected tag %d (%s) in %s, expected %s", tag,
+                Reader::TagName(tag),
+                parsed_function_->function().ToQualifiedCString(), variant);
+void ScopeBuilder::VisitNode() {
+  Tag tag = helper_.PeekTag();
+  switch (tag) {
+    case kConstructor:
+      VisitConstructor();
+      return;
+    case kProcedure:
+      VisitProcedure();
+      return;
+    case kField:
+      VisitField();
+      return;
+    case kFunctionNode:
+      VisitFunctionNode();
+      return;
+    default:
+      return;
+  }
+void ScopeBuilder::VisitConstructor() {
+  // Field initializers that come from non-static field declarations are
+  // compiled as if they appear in the constructor initializer list.  This is
+  // important for closure-valued field initializers because the VM expects the
+  // corresponding closure functions to appear as if they were nested inside the
+  // constructor.
+  ConstructorHelper constructor_helper(&helper_);
+  constructor_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(ConstructorHelper::kFunction);
+  {
+    const Function& function = parsed_function_->function();
+    Class& parent_class = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
+    Array& class_fields = Array::Handle(Z, parent_class.fields());
+    Field& class_field = Field::Handle(Z);
+    for (intptr_t i = 0; i < class_fields.Length(); ++i) {
+      class_field ^= class_fields.At(i);
+      if (!class_field.is_static()) {
+        ExternalTypedData& kernel_data =
+            ExternalTypedData::Handle(Z, class_field.KernelData());
+        ASSERT(!kernel_data.IsNull());
+        intptr_t field_offset = class_field.kernel_offset();
+        AlternativeReadingScope alt(&helper_.reader_, &kernel_data,
+                                    field_offset);
+        FieldHelper field_helper(&helper_);
+        field_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(FieldHelper::kInitializer);
+        Tag initializer_tag = helper_.ReadTag();
+        if (initializer_tag == kSomething) {
+          VisitExpression();  // read initializer.
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Visit children (note that there's no reason to visit the name).
+  VisitFunctionNode();
+  intptr_t list_length =
+      helper_.ReadListLength();  // read initializers list length.
+  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; i++) {
+    VisitInitializer();
+  }
+void ScopeBuilder::VisitProcedure() {
+  ProcedureHelper procedure_helper(&helper_);
+  procedure_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(ProcedureHelper::kFunction);
+  if (helper_.ReadTag() == kSomething) {
+    VisitFunctionNode();
+  }
+void ScopeBuilder::VisitField() {
+  FieldHelper field_helper(&helper_);
+  field_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(FieldHelper::kType);
+  VisitDartType();              // read type.
+  Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag();  // read initializer (part 1).
+  if (tag == kSomething) {
+    VisitExpression();  // read initializer (part 2).
+  }
+void ScopeBuilder::VisitFunctionNode() {
+  FunctionNodeHelper function_node_helper(&helper_);
+  function_node_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(FunctionNodeHelper::kTypeParameters);
+  intptr_t list_length =
+      helper_.ReadListLength();  // read type_parameters list length.
+  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
+    TypeParameterHelper helper(&helper_);
+    helper.ReadUntilExcludingAndSetJustRead(TypeParameterHelper::kBound);
+    VisitDartType();  // read ith bound.
+    helper.ReadUntilExcludingAndSetJustRead(TypeParameterHelper::kDefaultType);
+    if (helper_.ReadTag() == kSomething) {
+      VisitDartType();  // read ith default type.
+    }
+    helper.Finish();
+  }
+  function_node_helper.SetJustRead(FunctionNodeHelper::kTypeParameters);
+  if (FLAG_causal_async_stacks &&
+      (function_node_helper.dart_async_marker_ == FunctionNodeHelper::kAsync ||
+       function_node_helper.dart_async_marker_ ==
+           FunctionNodeHelper::kAsyncStar)) {
+    LocalVariable* asyncStackTraceVar = MakeVariable(
+        TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
+        Symbols::AsyncStackTraceVar(), AbstractType::dynamic_type());
+    scope_->AddVariable(asyncStackTraceVar);
+  }
+  if (function_node_helper.async_marker_ == FunctionNodeHelper::kSyncYielding) {
+    LocalScope* scope = parsed_function_->node_sequence()->scope();
+    intptr_t offset = parsed_function_->function().num_fixed_parameters();
+    for (intptr_t i = 0;
+         i < parsed_function_->function().NumOptionalPositionalParameters();
+         i++) {
+      scope->VariableAt(offset + i)->set_is_forced_stack();
+    }
+  }
+  // Read (but don't visit) the positional and named parameters, because they've
+  // already been added to the scope.
+  function_node_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(FunctionNodeHelper::kBody);
+  if (helper_.ReadTag() == kSomething) {
+    PositionScope scope(&helper_.reader_);
+    VisitStatement();  // Read body
+    first_body_token_position_ = helper_.reader_.min_position();
+  }
+  // Ensure that :await_jump_var, :await_ctx_var, :async_op,
+  // :async_completer and :async_stack_trace are captured.
+  if (function_node_helper.async_marker_ == FunctionNodeHelper::kSyncYielding) {
+    {
+      LocalVariable* temp = NULL;
+      LookupCapturedVariableByName(
+          (depth_.function_ == 0) ? &result_->yield_jump_variable : &temp,
+          Symbols::AwaitJumpVar());
+    }
+    {
+      LocalVariable* temp = NULL;
+      LookupCapturedVariableByName(
+          (depth_.function_ == 0) ? &result_->yield_context_variable : &temp,
+          Symbols::AwaitContextVar());
+    }
+    {
+      LocalVariable* temp =
+          scope_->LookupVariable(Symbols::AsyncOperation(), true);
+      if (temp != NULL) {
+        scope_->CaptureVariable(temp);
+      }
+    }
+    {
+      LocalVariable* temp =
+          scope_->LookupVariable(Symbols::AsyncCompleter(), true);
+      if (temp != NULL) {
+        scope_->CaptureVariable(temp);
+      }
+    }
+    if (FLAG_causal_async_stacks) {
+      LocalVariable* temp =
+          scope_->LookupVariable(Symbols::AsyncStackTraceVar(), true);
+      if (temp != NULL) {
+        scope_->CaptureVariable(temp);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void ScopeBuilder::VisitInitializer() {
+  Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag();
+  helper_.ReadByte();  // read isSynthetic flag.
+  switch (tag) {
+    case kInvalidInitializer:
+      return;
+    case kFieldInitializer:
+      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();  // read field_reference.
+      VisitExpression();                     // read value.
+      return;
+    case kSuperInitializer:
+      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();  // read target_reference.
+      VisitArguments();                      // read arguments.
+      return;
+    case kRedirectingInitializer:
+      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();  // read target_reference.
+      VisitArguments();                      // read arguments.
+      return;
+    case kLocalInitializer:
+      VisitVariableDeclaration();  // read variable.
+      return;
+    case kAssertInitializer:
+      VisitStatement();
+      return;
+    default:
+      ReportUnexpectedTag("initializer", tag);
+  }
+void ScopeBuilder::VisitExpression() {
+  uint8_t payload = 0;
+  Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag(&payload);
+  switch (tag) {
+    case kInvalidExpression:
+      helper_.ReadPosition();
+      helper_.SkipStringReference();
+      return;
+    case kVariableGet: {
+      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
+      intptr_t variable_kernel_offset =
+          helper_.ReadUInt();          // read kernel position.
+      helper_.ReadUInt();              // read relative variable index.
+      helper_.SkipOptionalDartType();  // read promoted type.
+      LookupVariable(variable_kernel_offset);
+      return;
+    }
+    case kSpecializedVariableGet: {
+      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
+      intptr_t variable_kernel_offset =
+          helper_.ReadUInt();  // read kernel position.
+      LookupVariable(variable_kernel_offset);
+      return;
+    }
+    case kVariableSet: {
+      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
+      intptr_t variable_kernel_offset =
+          helper_.ReadUInt();  // read kernel position.
+      helper_.ReadUInt();      // read relative variable index.
+      LookupVariable(variable_kernel_offset);
+      VisitExpression();  // read expression.
+      return;
+    }
+    case kSpecializedVariableSet: {
+      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
+      intptr_t variable_kernel_offset =
+          helper_.ReadUInt();  // read kernel position.
+      LookupVariable(variable_kernel_offset);
+      VisitExpression();  // read expression.
+      return;
+    }
+    case kPropertyGet:
+      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
+      VisitExpression();       // read receiver.
+      helper_.SkipName();      // read name.
+      // read interface_target_reference.
+      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();
+      return;
+    case kPropertySet:
+      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
+      VisitExpression();       // read receiver.
+      helper_.SkipName();      // read name.
+      VisitExpression();       // read value.
+      // read interface_target_reference.
+      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();
+      return;
+    case kDirectPropertyGet:
+      helper_.ReadPosition();                // read position.
+      VisitExpression();                     // read receiver.
+      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();  // read target_reference.
+      return;
+    case kDirectPropertySet:
+      helper_.ReadPosition();                // read position.
+      VisitExpression();                     // read receiver.
+      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();  // read target_reference.
+      VisitExpression();                     // read value·
+      return;
+    case kSuperPropertyGet:
+      HandleSpecialLoad(&result_->this_variable, Symbols::This());
+      helper_.ReadPosition();                // read position.
+      helper_.SkipName();                    // read name.
+      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();  // read target_reference.
+      return;
+    case kSuperPropertySet:
+      HandleSpecialLoad(&result_->this_variable, Symbols::This());
+      helper_.ReadPosition();                // read position.
+      helper_.SkipName();                    // read name.
+      VisitExpression();                     // read value.
+      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();  // read target_reference.
+      return;
+    case kStaticGet:
+      helper_.ReadPosition();                // read position.
+      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();  // read target_reference.
+      return;
+    case kStaticSet:
+      helper_.ReadPosition();                // read position.
+      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();  // read target_reference.
+      VisitExpression();                     // read expression.
+      return;
+    case kMethodInvocation:
+      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
+      VisitExpression();       // read receiver.
+      helper_.SkipName();      // read name.
+      VisitArguments();        // read arguments.
+      // read interface_target_reference.
+      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();
+      return;
+    case kDirectMethodInvocation:
+      helper_.ReadPosition();                // read position.
+      VisitExpression();                     // read receiver.
+      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();  // read target_reference.
+      VisitArguments();                      // read arguments.
+      return;
+    case kSuperMethodInvocation:
+      HandleSpecialLoad(&result_->this_variable, Symbols::This());
+      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
+      helper_.SkipName();      // read name.
+      VisitArguments();        // read arguments.
+      // read interface_target_reference.
+      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();
+      return;
+    case kStaticInvocation:
+    case kConstStaticInvocation:
+      helper_.ReadPosition();                // read position.
+      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();  // read procedure_reference.
+      VisitArguments();                      // read arguments.
+      return;
+    case kConstructorInvocation:
+    case kConstConstructorInvocation:
+      helper_.ReadPosition();                // read position.
+      helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();  // read target_reference.
+      VisitArguments();                      // read arguments.
+      return;
+    case kNot:
+      VisitExpression();  // read expression.
+      return;
+    case kLogicalExpression:
+      needs_expr_temp_ = true;
+      VisitExpression();     // read left.
+      helper_.SkipBytes(1);  // read operator.
+      VisitExpression();     // read right.
+      return;
+    case kConditionalExpression: {
+      needs_expr_temp_ = true;
+      VisitExpression();               // read condition.
+      VisitExpression();               // read then.
+      VisitExpression();               // read otherwise.
+      helper_.SkipOptionalDartType();  // read unused static type.
+      return;
+    }
+    case kStringConcatenation: {
+      helper_.ReadPosition();                           // read position.
+      intptr_t list_length = helper_.ReadListLength();  // read list length.
+      for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
+        VisitExpression();  // read ith expression.
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    case kIsExpression:
+      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
+      VisitExpression();       // read operand.
+      VisitDartType();         // read type.
+      return;
+    case kAsExpression:
+      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
+      helper_.ReadFlags();     // read flags.
+      VisitExpression();       // read operand.
+      VisitDartType();         // read type.
+      return;
+    case kSymbolLiteral:
+      helper_.SkipStringReference();  // read index into string table.
+      return;
+    case kTypeLiteral:
+      VisitDartType();  // read type.
+      return;
+    case kThisExpression:
+      HandleSpecialLoad(&result_->this_variable, Symbols::This());
+      return;
+    case kRethrow:
+      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
+      return;
+    case kThrow:
+      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
+      VisitExpression();       // read expression.
+      return;
+    case kListLiteral:
+    case kConstListLiteral: {
+      helper_.ReadPosition();                           // read position.
+      VisitDartType();                                  // read type.
+      intptr_t list_length = helper_.ReadListLength();  // read list length.
+      for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
+        VisitExpression();  // read ith expression.
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    case kMapLiteral:
+    case kConstMapLiteral: {
+      helper_.ReadPosition();                           // read position.
+      VisitDartType();                                  // read key type.
+      VisitDartType();                                  // read value type.
+      intptr_t list_length = helper_.ReadListLength();  // read list length.
+      for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
+        VisitExpression();  // read ith key.
+        VisitExpression();  // read ith value.
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    case kFunctionExpression: {
+      intptr_t offset = helper_.ReaderOffset() - 1;  // -1 to include tag byte.
+      helper_.ReadPosition();                        // read position.
+      HandleLocalFunction(offset);                   // read function node.
+      return;
+    }
+    case kLet: {
+      PositionScope scope(&helper_.reader_);
+      intptr_t offset = helper_.ReaderOffset() - 1;  // -1 to include tag byte.
+      EnterScope(offset);
+      VisitVariableDeclaration();  // read variable declaration.
+      VisitExpression();           // read expression.
+      ExitScope(helper_.reader_.min_position(), helper_.reader_.max_position());
+      return;
+    }
+    case kBigIntLiteral:
+      helper_.SkipStringReference();  // read string reference.
+      return;
+    case kStringLiteral:
+      helper_.SkipStringReference();  // read string reference.
+      return;
+    case kSpecializedIntLiteral:
+      return;
+    case kNegativeIntLiteral:
+      helper_.ReadUInt();  // read value.
+      return;
+    case kPositiveIntLiteral:
+      helper_.ReadUInt();  // read value.
+      return;
+    case kDoubleLiteral:
+      helper_.ReadDouble();  // read value.
+      return;
+    case kTrueLiteral:
+      return;
+    case kFalseLiteral:
+      return;
+    case kNullLiteral:
+      return;
+    case kConstantExpression: {
+      helper_.SkipConstantReference();
+      return;
+    }
+    case kInstantiation: {
+      VisitExpression();
+      const intptr_t list_length =
+          helper_.ReadListLength();  // read list length.
+      for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
+        VisitDartType();  // read ith type.
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    case kLoadLibrary:
+    case kCheckLibraryIsLoaded:
+      helper_.ReadUInt();  // library index
+      break;
+    default:
+      ReportUnexpectedTag("expression", tag);
+  }
+void ScopeBuilder::VisitStatement() {
+  Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag();  // read tag.
+  switch (tag) {
+    case kExpressionStatement:
+      VisitExpression();  // read expression.
+      return;
+    case kBlock: {
+      PositionScope scope(&helper_.reader_);
+      intptr_t offset = helper_.ReaderOffset() - 1;  // -1 to include tag byte.
+      EnterScope(offset);
+      intptr_t list_length =
+          helper_.ReadListLength();  // read number of statements.
+      for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
+        VisitStatement();  // read ith statement.
+      }
+      ExitScope(helper_.reader_.min_position(), helper_.reader_.max_position());
+      return;
+    }
+    case kEmptyStatement:
+      return;
+    case kAssertBlock:
+      if (I->asserts()) {
+        PositionScope scope(&helper_.reader_);
+        intptr_t offset =
+            helper_.ReaderOffset() - 1;  // -1 to include tag byte.
+        EnterScope(offset);
+        intptr_t list_length =
+            helper_.ReadListLength();  // read number of statements.
+        for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
+          VisitStatement();  // read ith statement.
+        }
+        ExitScope(helper_.reader_.min_position(),
+                  helper_.reader_.max_position());
+      } else {
+        helper_.SkipStatementList();
+      }
+      return;
+    case kAssertStatement:
+      if (I->asserts()) {
+        VisitExpression();            // Read condition.
+        helper_.ReadPosition();       // read condition start offset.
+        helper_.ReadPosition();       // read condition end offset.
+        Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag();  // read (first part of) message.
+        if (tag == kSomething) {
+          VisitExpression();  // read (rest of) message.
+        }
+      } else {
+        helper_.SkipExpression();     // Read condition.
+        helper_.ReadPosition();       // read condition start offset.
+        helper_.ReadPosition();       // read condition end offset.
+        Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag();  // read (first part of) message.
+        if (tag == kSomething) {
+          helper_.SkipExpression();  // read (rest of) message.
+        }
+      }
+      return;
+    case kLabeledStatement:
+      VisitStatement();  // read body.
+      return;
+    case kBreakStatement:
+      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
+      helper_.ReadUInt();      // read target_index.
+      return;
+    case kWhileStatement:
+      ++depth_.loop_;
+      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
+      VisitExpression();       // read condition.
+      VisitStatement();        // read body.
+      --depth_.loop_;
+      return;
+    case kDoStatement:
+      ++depth_.loop_;
+      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
+      VisitStatement();        // read body.
+      VisitExpression();       // read condition.
+      --depth_.loop_;
+      return;
+    case kForStatement: {
+      PositionScope scope(&helper_.reader_);
+      intptr_t offset = helper_.ReaderOffset() - 1;  // -1 to include tag byte.
+      ++depth_.loop_;
+      EnterScope(offset);
+      TokenPosition position = helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
+      intptr_t list_length =
+          helper_.ReadListLength();  // read number of variables.
+      for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
+        VisitVariableDeclaration();  // read ith variable.
+      }
+      Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag();  // Read first part of condition.
+      if (tag == kSomething) {
+        VisitExpression();  // read rest of condition.
+      }
+      list_length = helper_.ReadListLength();  // read number of updates.
+      for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
+        VisitExpression();  // read ith update.
+      }
+      VisitStatement();  // read body.
+      ExitScope(position, helper_.reader_.max_position());
+      --depth_.loop_;
+      return;
+    }
+    case kForInStatement:
+    case kAsyncForInStatement: {
+      PositionScope scope(&helper_.reader_);
+      intptr_t start_offset =
+          helper_.ReaderOffset() - 1;  // -1 to include tag byte.
+      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
+      TokenPosition body_position =
+          helper_.ReadPosition();  // read body position.
+      // Notice the ordering: We skip the variable, read the iterable, go back,
+      // re-read the variable, go forward to after having read the iterable.
+      intptr_t offset = helper_.ReaderOffset();
+      helper_.SkipVariableDeclaration();  // read variable.
+      VisitExpression();                  // read iterable.
+      ++depth_.for_in_;
+      AddIteratorVariable();
+      ++depth_.loop_;
+      EnterScope(start_offset);
+      {
+        AlternativeReadingScope alt(&helper_.reader_, offset);
+        VisitVariableDeclaration();  // read variable.
+      }
+      VisitStatement();  // read body.
+      if (!body_position.IsReal()) {
+        body_position = helper_.reader_.min_position();
+      }
+      // TODO(jensj): From kernel_binary.cc
+      // forinstmt->variable_->set_end_position(forinstmt->position_);
+      ExitScope(body_position, helper_.reader_.max_position());
+      --depth_.loop_;
+      --depth_.for_in_;
+      return;
+    }
+    case kSwitchStatement: {
+      AddSwitchVariable();
+      helper_.ReadPosition();                     // read position.
+      VisitExpression();                          // read condition.
+      int case_count = helper_.ReadListLength();  // read number of cases.
+      for (intptr_t i = 0; i < case_count; ++i) {
+        int expression_count =
+            helper_.ReadListLength();  // read number of expressions.
+        for (intptr_t j = 0; j < expression_count; ++j) {
+          helper_.ReadPosition();  // read jth position.
+          VisitExpression();       // read jth expression.
+        }
+        helper_.ReadBool();  // read is_default.
+        VisitStatement();    // read body.
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    case kContinueSwitchStatement:
+      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
+      helper_.ReadUInt();      // read target_index.
+      return;
+    case kIfStatement:
+      helper_.ReadPosition();  // read position.
+      VisitExpression();       // read condition.
+      VisitStatement();        // read then.
+      VisitStatement();        // read otherwise.
+      return;
+    case kReturnStatement: {
+      if ((depth_.function_ == 0) && (depth_.finally_ > 0) &&
+          (result_->finally_return_variable == NULL)) {
+        const String& name = Symbols::TryFinallyReturnValue();
+        LocalVariable* variable =
+            MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
+                         name, AbstractType::dynamic_type());
+        current_function_scope_->AddVariable(variable);
+        result_->finally_return_variable = variable;
+      }
+      helper_.ReadPosition();       // read position
+      Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag();  // read (first part of) expression.
+      if (tag == kSomething) {
+        VisitExpression();  // read (rest of) expression.
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    case kTryCatch: {
+      ++depth_.try_;
+      AddTryVariables();
+      VisitStatement();  // read body.
+      --depth_.try_;
+      ++depth_.catch_;
+      AddCatchVariables();
+      helper_.ReadByte();  // read flags
+      intptr_t catch_count =
+          helper_.ReadListLength();  // read number of catches.
+      for (intptr_t i = 0; i < catch_count; ++i) {
+        PositionScope scope(&helper_.reader_);
+        intptr_t offset = helper_.ReaderOffset();  // Catch has no tag.
+        EnterScope(offset);
+        helper_.ReadPosition();   // read position.
+        VisitDartType();          // Read the guard.
+        tag = helper_.ReadTag();  // read first part of exception.
+        if (tag == kSomething) {
+          VisitVariableDeclaration();  // read exception.
+        }
+        tag = helper_.ReadTag();  // read first part of stack trace.
+        if (tag == kSomething) {
+          VisitVariableDeclaration();  // read stack trace.
+        }
+        VisitStatement();  // read body.
+        ExitScope(helper_.reader_.min_position(),
+                  helper_.reader_.max_position());
+      }
+      FinalizeCatchVariables();
+      --depth_.catch_;
+      return;
+    }
+    case kTryFinally: {
+      ++depth_.try_;
+      ++depth_.finally_;
+      AddTryVariables();
+      VisitStatement();  // read body.
+      --depth_.finally_;
+      --depth_.try_;
+      ++depth_.catch_;
+      AddCatchVariables();
+      VisitStatement();  // read finalizer.
+      FinalizeCatchVariables();
+      --depth_.catch_;
+      return;
+    }
+    case kYieldStatement: {
+      helper_.ReadPosition();           // read position.
+      word flags = helper_.ReadByte();  // read flags.
+      VisitExpression();                // read expression.
+      ASSERT(flags == kNativeYieldFlags);
+      if (depth_.function_ == 0) {
+        AddSwitchVariable();
+        // Promote all currently visible local variables into the context.
+        // TODO(27590) CaptureLocalVariables promotes to many variables into
+        // the scope. Mark those variables as stack_local.
+        // TODO(27590) we don't need to promote those variables that are
+        // not used across yields.
+        scope_->CaptureLocalVariables(current_function_scope_);
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    case kVariableDeclaration:
+      VisitVariableDeclaration();  // read variable declaration.
+      return;
+    case kFunctionDeclaration: {
+      intptr_t offset = helper_.ReaderOffset() - 1;  // -1 to include tag byte.
+      helper_.ReadPosition();                        // read position.
+      VisitVariableDeclaration();   // read variable declaration.
+      HandleLocalFunction(offset);  // read function node.
+      return;
+    }
+    default:
+      ReportUnexpectedTag("declaration", tag);
+  }
+void ScopeBuilder::VisitArguments() {
+  helper_.ReadUInt();  // read argument_count.
+  // Types
+  intptr_t list_length = helper_.ReadListLength();  // read list length.
+  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
+    VisitDartType();  // read ith type.
+  }
+  // Positional.
+  list_length = helper_.ReadListLength();  // read list length.
+  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
+    VisitExpression();  // read ith positional.
+  }
+  // Named.
+  list_length = helper_.ReadListLength();  // read list length.
+  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
+    helper_.SkipStringReference();  // read ith name index.
+    VisitExpression();              // read ith expression.
+  }
+void ScopeBuilder::VisitVariableDeclaration() {
+  PositionScope scope(&helper_.reader_);
+  intptr_t kernel_offset_no_tag = helper_.ReaderOffset();
+  VariableDeclarationHelper helper(&helper_);
+  helper.ReadUntilExcluding(VariableDeclarationHelper::kType);
+  AbstractType& type = BuildAndVisitVariableType();
+  // In case `declaration->IsConst()` the flow graph building will take care of
+  // evaluating the constant and setting it via
+  // `declaration->SetConstantValue()`.
+  const String& name = (H.StringSize(helper.name_index_) == 0)
+                           ? GenerateName(":var", name_index_++)
+                           : H.DartSymbolObfuscate(helper.name_index_);
+  Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag();  // read (first part of) initializer.
+  if (tag == kSomething) {
+    VisitExpression();  // read (actual) initializer.
+  }
+  // Go to next token position so it ends *after* the last potentially
+  // debuggable position in the initializer.
+  TokenPosition end_position = helper_.reader_.max_position();
+  if (end_position.IsReal()) {
+    end_position.Next();
+  }
+  LocalVariable* variable =
+      MakeVariable(helper.position_, end_position, name, type);
+  if (helper.IsFinal()) {
+    variable->set_is_final();
+  }
+  scope_->AddVariable(variable);
+  result_->locals.Insert(helper_.data_program_offset_ + kernel_offset_no_tag,
+                         variable);
+AbstractType& ScopeBuilder::BuildAndVisitVariableType() {
+  const intptr_t offset = helper_.ReaderOffset();
+  AbstractType& type = T.BuildVariableType();
+  helper_.SetOffset(offset);  // rewind
+  VisitDartType();
+  return type;
+void ScopeBuilder::VisitDartType() {
+  Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag();
+  switch (tag) {
+    case kInvalidType:
+    case kDynamicType:
+    case kVoidType:
+    case kBottomType:
+      // those contain nothing.
+      return;
+    case kInterfaceType:
+      VisitInterfaceType(false);
+      return;
+    case kSimpleInterfaceType:
+      VisitInterfaceType(true);
+      return;
+    case kFunctionType:
+      VisitFunctionType(false);
+      return;
+    case kSimpleFunctionType:
+      VisitFunctionType(true);
+      return;
+    case kTypeParameterType:
+      VisitTypeParameterType();
+      return;
+    default:
+      ReportUnexpectedTag("type", tag);
+  }
+void ScopeBuilder::VisitInterfaceType(bool simple) {
+  helper_.ReadUInt();  // read klass_name.
+  if (!simple) {
+    intptr_t length = helper_.ReadListLength();  // read number of types.
+    for (intptr_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+      VisitDartType();  // read the ith type.
+    }
+  }
+void ScopeBuilder::VisitFunctionType(bool simple) {
+  if (!simple) {
+    intptr_t list_length =
+        helper_.ReadListLength();  // read type_parameters list length.
+    for (int i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
+      TypeParameterHelper helper(&helper_);
+      helper.ReadUntilExcludingAndSetJustRead(TypeParameterHelper::kBound);
+      VisitDartType();  // read bound.
+      helper.ReadUntilExcludingAndSetJustRead(
+          TypeParameterHelper::kDefaultType);
+      if (helper_.ReadTag() == kSomething) {
+        VisitDartType();  // read default type.
+      }
+      helper.Finish();
+    }
+    helper_.ReadUInt();  // read required parameter count.
+    helper_.ReadUInt();  // read total parameter count.
+  }
+  const intptr_t positional_count =
+      helper_.ReadListLength();  // read positional_parameters list length.
+  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < positional_count; ++i) {
+    VisitDartType();  // read ith positional parameter.
+  }
+  if (!simple) {
+    const intptr_t named_count =
+        helper_.ReadListLength();  // read named_parameters list length.
+    for (intptr_t i = 0; i < named_count; ++i) {
+      // read string reference (i.e. named_parameters[i].name).
+      helper_.SkipStringReference();
+      VisitDartType();  // read named_parameters[i].type.
+    }
+  }
+  helper_.SkipListOfStrings();  // read positional parameter names.
+  if (!simple) {
+    helper_.SkipCanonicalNameReference();  // read typedef reference.
+  }
+  VisitDartType();  // read return type.
+void ScopeBuilder::VisitTypeParameterType() {
+  Function& function = Function::Handle(Z, parsed_function_->function().raw());
+  while (function.IsClosureFunction()) {
+    function = function.parent_function();
+  }
+  // The index here is the index identifying the type parameter binding site
+  // inside the DILL file, which uses a different indexing system than the VM
+  // uses for its 'TypeParameter's internally. This index includes both class
+  // and function type parameters.
+  intptr_t index = helper_.ReadUInt();  // read index for parameter.
+  if (function.IsFactory()) {
+    // The type argument vector is passed as the very first argument to the
+    // factory constructor function.
+    HandleSpecialLoad(&result_->type_arguments_variable,
+                      Symbols::TypeArgumentsParameter());
+  } else {
+    // If the type parameter is a parameter to this or an enclosing function, we
+    // can read it directly from the function type arguments vector later.
+    // Otherwise, the type arguments vector we need is stored on the instance
+    // object, so we need to capture 'this'.
+    Class& parent_class = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
+    if (index < parent_class.NumTypeParameters()) {
+      HandleSpecialLoad(&result_->this_variable, Symbols::This());
+    }
+  }
+  helper_.SkipOptionalDartType();  // read bound bound.
+void ScopeBuilder::HandleLocalFunction(intptr_t parent_kernel_offset) {
+  // "Peek" ahead into the function node
+  intptr_t offset = helper_.ReaderOffset();
+  FunctionNodeHelper function_node_helper(&helper_);
+  function_node_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(FunctionNodeHelper::kTypeParameters);
+  LocalScope* saved_function_scope = current_function_scope_;
+  FunctionNodeHelper::AsyncMarker saved_function_async_marker =
+      current_function_async_marker_;
+  DepthState saved_depth_state = depth_;
+  depth_ = DepthState(depth_.function_ + 1);
+  EnterScope(parent_kernel_offset);
+  current_function_scope_ = scope_;
+  current_function_async_marker_ = function_node_helper.async_marker_;
+  if (depth_.function_ == 1) {
+    FunctionScope function_scope = {offset, scope_};
+    result_->function_scopes.Add(function_scope);
+  }
+  int num_type_params = 0;
+  {
+    AlternativeReadingScope _(&helper_.reader_);
+    num_type_params = helper_.ReadListLength();
+  }
+  // Adding this scope here informs the type translator the type parameters of
+  // this function are now in scope, although they are not defined and will be
+  // filled in with dynamic. This is OK, since their definitions are not needed
+  // for scope building of the enclosing function.
+  TypeTranslator::TypeParameterScope scope(&type_translator_, num_type_params);
+  // read positional_parameters and named_parameters.
+  function_node_helper.ReadUntilExcluding(
+      FunctionNodeHelper::kPositionalParameters);
+  ProcedureAttributesMetadata default_attrs;
+  AddPositionalAndNamedParameters(0, kTypeCheckAllParameters, default_attrs);
+  // "Peek" is now done.
+  helper_.SetOffset(offset);
+  VisitFunctionNode();  // read function node.
+  ExitScope(function_node_helper.position_, function_node_helper.end_position_);
+  depth_ = saved_depth_state;
+  current_function_scope_ = saved_function_scope;
+  current_function_async_marker_ = saved_function_async_marker;
+void ScopeBuilder::EnterScope(intptr_t kernel_offset) {
+  scope_ = new (Z) LocalScope(scope_, depth_.function_, depth_.loop_);
+  ASSERT(kernel_offset >= 0);
+  result_->scopes.Insert(kernel_offset, scope_);
+void ScopeBuilder::ExitScope(TokenPosition start_position,
+                             TokenPosition end_position) {
+  scope_->set_begin_token_pos(start_position);
+  scope_->set_end_token_pos(end_position);
+  scope_ = scope_->parent();
+void ScopeBuilder::AddPositionalAndNamedParameters(
+    intptr_t pos,
+    ParameterTypeCheckMode type_check_mode /* = kTypeCheckAllParameters*/,
+    const ProcedureAttributesMetadata& attrs) {
+  // List of positional.
+  intptr_t list_length = helper_.ReadListLength();  // read list length.
+  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
+    AddVariableDeclarationParameter(pos++, type_check_mode, attrs);
+  }
+  // List of named.
+  list_length = helper_.ReadListLength();  // read list length.
+  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
+    AddVariableDeclarationParameter(pos++, type_check_mode, attrs);
+  }
+void ScopeBuilder::AddVariableDeclarationParameter(
+    intptr_t pos,
+    ParameterTypeCheckMode type_check_mode,
+    const ProcedureAttributesMetadata& attrs) {
+  intptr_t kernel_offset = helper_.ReaderOffset();  // no tag.
+  const InferredTypeMetadata parameter_type =
+      inferred_type_metadata_helper_.GetInferredType(kernel_offset);
+  VariableDeclarationHelper helper(&helper_);
+  helper.ReadUntilExcluding(VariableDeclarationHelper::kType);
+  String& name = H.DartSymbolObfuscate(helper.name_index_);
+  AbstractType& type = BuildAndVisitVariableType();  // read type.
+  helper.SetJustRead(VariableDeclarationHelper::kType);
+  helper.ReadUntilExcluding(VariableDeclarationHelper::kInitializer);
+  LocalVariable* variable = MakeVariable(helper.position_, helper.position_,
+                                         name, type, &parameter_type);
+  if (helper.IsFinal()) {
+    variable->set_is_final();
+  }
+  if (variable->name().raw() == Symbols::IteratorParameter().raw()) {
+    variable->set_is_forced_stack();
+  }
+  const bool needs_covariant_check_in_method =
+      helper.IsCovariant() ||
+      (helper.IsGenericCovariantImpl() && attrs.has_non_this_uses);
+  switch (type_check_mode) {
+    case kTypeCheckAllParameters:
+      variable->set_type_check_mode(LocalVariable::kDoTypeCheck);
+      break;
+    case kTypeCheckEverythingNotCheckedInNonDynamicallyInvokedMethod:
+      if (needs_covariant_check_in_method) {
+        // Don't type check covariant parameters - they will be checked by
+        // a function we forward to. Their types however are not known.
+        variable->set_type_check_mode(LocalVariable::kSkipTypeCheck);
+      } else {
+        variable->set_type_check_mode(LocalVariable::kDoTypeCheck);
+      }
+      break;
+    case kTypeCheckForNonDynamicallyInvokedMethod:
+      if (needs_covariant_check_in_method) {
+        variable->set_type_check_mode(LocalVariable::kDoTypeCheck);
+      } else {
+        // Types of non-covariant parameters are guaranteed to match by
+        // front-end enforcing strong mode types at call site.
+        variable->set_type_check_mode(LocalVariable::kTypeCheckedByCaller);
+      }
+      break;
+    case kTypeCheckForStaticFunction:
+      variable->set_type_check_mode(LocalVariable::kTypeCheckedByCaller);
+      break;
+  }
+  scope_->InsertParameterAt(pos, variable);
+  result_->locals.Insert(helper_.data_program_offset_ + kernel_offset,
+                         variable);
+  // The default value may contain 'let' bindings for which the constant
+  // evaluator needs scope bindings.
+  Tag tag = helper_.ReadTag();
+  if (tag == kSomething) {
+    VisitExpression();  // read initializer.
+  }
+LocalVariable* ScopeBuilder::MakeVariable(
+    TokenPosition declaration_pos,
+    TokenPosition token_pos,
+    const String& name,
+    const AbstractType& type,
+    const InferredTypeMetadata* param_type_md /* = NULL */) {
+  CompileType* param_type = NULL;
+  if ((param_type_md != NULL) && !param_type_md->IsTrivial()) {
+    param_type = new (Z) CompileType(CompileType::CreateNullable(
+        param_type_md->nullable, param_type_md->cid));
+  }
+  return new (Z)
+      LocalVariable(declaration_pos, token_pos, name, type, param_type);
+void ScopeBuilder::AddExceptionVariable(
+    GrowableArray<LocalVariable*>* variables,
+    const char* prefix,
+    intptr_t nesting_depth) {
+  LocalVariable* v = NULL;
+  // If we are inside a function with yield points then Kernel transformer
+  // could have lifted some of the auxiliary exception variables into the
+  // context to preserve them across yield points because they might
+  // be needed for rethrow.
+  // Check if it did and capture such variables instead of introducing
+  // new local ones.
+  // Note: function that wrap kSyncYielding function does not contain
+  // its own try/catches.
+  if (current_function_async_marker_ == FunctionNodeHelper::kSyncYielding) {
+    ASSERT(current_function_scope_->parent() != NULL);
+    v = current_function_scope_->parent()->LocalLookupVariable(
+        GenerateName(prefix, nesting_depth - 1));
+    if (v != NULL) {
+      scope_->CaptureVariable(v);
+    }
+  }
+  // No need to create variables for try/catch-statements inside
+  // nested functions.
+  if (depth_.function_ > 0) return;
+  if (variables->length() >= nesting_depth) return;
+  // If variable was not lifted by the transformer introduce a new
+  // one into the current function scope.
+  if (v == NULL) {
+    v = MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
+                     GenerateName(prefix, nesting_depth - 1),
+                     AbstractType::dynamic_type());
+    // If transformer did not lift the variable then there is no need
+    // to lift it into the context when we encouter a YieldStatement.
+    v->set_is_forced_stack();
+    current_function_scope_->AddVariable(v);
+  }
+  variables->Add(v);
+void ScopeBuilder::FinalizeExceptionVariable(
+    GrowableArray<LocalVariable*>* variables,
+    GrowableArray<LocalVariable*>* raw_variables,
+    const String& symbol,
+    intptr_t nesting_depth) {
+  // No need to create variables for try/catch-statements inside
+  // nested functions.
+  if (depth_.function_ > 0) return;
+  LocalVariable* variable = (*variables)[nesting_depth - 1];
+  LocalVariable* raw_variable;
+  if (variable->is_captured()) {
+    raw_variable =
+        new LocalVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
+                          symbol, AbstractType::dynamic_type());
+    const bool ok = scope_->AddVariable(raw_variable);
+    ASSERT(ok);
+  } else {
+    raw_variable = variable;
+  }
+  raw_variables->EnsureLength(nesting_depth, nullptr);
+  (*raw_variables)[nesting_depth - 1] = raw_variable;
+void ScopeBuilder::AddTryVariables() {
+  AddExceptionVariable(&result_->catch_context_variables,
+                       ":saved_try_context_var", depth_.try_);
+void ScopeBuilder::AddCatchVariables() {
+  AddExceptionVariable(&result_->exception_variables, ":exception",
+                       depth_.catch_);
+  AddExceptionVariable(&result_->stack_trace_variables, ":stack_trace",
+                       depth_.catch_);
+void ScopeBuilder::FinalizeCatchVariables() {
+  const intptr_t unique_id = result_->raw_variable_counter_++;
+  FinalizeExceptionVariable(
+      &result_->exception_variables, &result_->raw_exception_variables,
+      GenerateName(":raw_exception", unique_id), depth_.catch_);
+  FinalizeExceptionVariable(
+      &result_->stack_trace_variables, &result_->raw_stack_trace_variables,
+      GenerateName(":raw_stacktrace", unique_id), depth_.catch_);
+void ScopeBuilder::AddIteratorVariable() {
+  if (depth_.function_ > 0) return;
+  if (result_->iterator_variables.length() >= depth_.for_in_) return;
+  ASSERT(result_->iterator_variables.length() == depth_.for_in_ - 1);
+  LocalVariable* iterator =
+      MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
+                   GenerateName(":iterator", depth_.for_in_ - 1),
+                   AbstractType::dynamic_type());
+  current_function_scope_->AddVariable(iterator);
+  result_->iterator_variables.Add(iterator);
+void ScopeBuilder::AddSwitchVariable() {
+  if ((depth_.function_ == 0) && (result_->switch_variable == NULL)) {
+    LocalVariable* variable =
+        MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
+                     Symbols::SwitchExpr(), AbstractType::dynamic_type());
+    variable->set_is_forced_stack();
+    current_function_scope_->AddVariable(variable);
+    result_->switch_variable = variable;
+  }
+void ScopeBuilder::LookupVariable(intptr_t declaration_binary_offset) {
+  LocalVariable* variable = result_->locals.Lookup(declaration_binary_offset);
+  if (variable == NULL) {
+    // We have not seen a declaration of the variable, so it must be the
+    // case that we are compiling a nested function and the variable is
+    // declared in an outer scope.  In that case, look it up in the scope by
+    // name and add it to the variable map to simplify later lookup.
+    ASSERT(current_function_scope_->parent() != NULL);
+    StringIndex var_name = GetNameFromVariableDeclaration(
+        declaration_binary_offset - helper_.data_program_offset_,
+        parsed_function_->function());
+    const String& name = H.DartSymbolObfuscate(var_name);
+    variable = current_function_scope_->parent()->LookupVariable(name, true);
+    ASSERT(variable != NULL);
+    result_->locals.Insert(declaration_binary_offset, variable);
+  }
+  if (variable->owner()->function_level() < scope_->function_level()) {
+    // We call `LocalScope->CaptureVariable(variable)` in two scenarios for two
+    // different reasons:
+    //   Scenario 1:
+    //       We need to know which variables defined in this function
+    //       are closed over by nested closures in order to ensure we will
+    //       create a [Context] object of appropriate size and store captured
+    //       variables there instead of the stack.
+    //   Scenario 2:
+    //       We need to find out which variables defined in enclosing functions
+    //       are closed over by this function/closure or nested closures. This
+    //       is necessary in order to build a fat flattened [ContextScope]
+    //       object.
+    scope_->CaptureVariable(variable);
+  } else {
+    ASSERT(variable->owner()->function_level() == scope_->function_level());
+  }
+StringIndex ScopeBuilder::GetNameFromVariableDeclaration(
+    intptr_t kernel_offset,
+    const Function& function) {
+  ExternalTypedData& kernel_data =
+      ExternalTypedData::Handle(Z, function.KernelData());
+  ASSERT(!kernel_data.IsNull());
+  // Temporarily go to the variable declaration, read the name.
+  AlternativeReadingScope alt(&helper_.reader_, &kernel_data, kernel_offset);
+  VariableDeclarationHelper helper(&helper_);
+  helper.ReadUntilIncluding(VariableDeclarationHelper::kNameIndex);
+  return helper.name_index_;
+const String& ScopeBuilder::GenerateName(const char* prefix, intptr_t suffix) {
+  char name[64];
+  Utils::SNPrint(name, 64, "%s%" Pd "", prefix, suffix);
+  return H.DartSymbolObfuscate(name);
+void ScopeBuilder::HandleSpecialLoad(LocalVariable** variable,
+                                     const String& symbol) {
+  if (current_function_scope_->parent() != NULL) {
+    // We are building the scope tree of a closure function and saw [node]. We
+    // lazily populate the variable using the parent function scope.
+    if (*variable == NULL) {
+      *variable =
+          current_function_scope_->parent()->LookupVariable(symbol, true);
+      ASSERT(*variable != NULL);
+    }
+  }
+  if ((current_function_scope_->parent() != NULL) ||
+      (scope_->function_level() > 0)) {
+    // Every scope we use the [variable] from needs to be notified of the usage
+    // in order to ensure that preserving the context scope on that particular
+    // use-site also includes the [variable].
+    scope_->CaptureVariable(*variable);
+  }
+void ScopeBuilder::LookupCapturedVariableByName(LocalVariable** variable,
+                                                const String& name) {
+  if (*variable == NULL) {
+    *variable = scope_->LookupVariable(name, true);
+    ASSERT(*variable != NULL);
+    scope_->CaptureVariable(*variable);
+  }
+}  // namespace kernel
+}  // namespace dart
+#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/scope_builder.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/scope_builder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d63d92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/frontend/scope_builder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h"
+#include "vm/hash_map.h"
+#include "vm/object.h"
+#include "vm/parser.h"  // For ParsedFunction.
+namespace dart {
+namespace kernel {
+class ScopeBuildingResult;
+class ScopeBuilder {
+ public:
+  explicit ScopeBuilder(ParsedFunction* parsed_function);
+  virtual ~ScopeBuilder() = default;
+  ScopeBuildingResult* BuildScopes();
+ private:
+  void VisitField();
+  void VisitProcedure();
+  void VisitConstructor();
+  void VisitFunctionNode();
+  void VisitNode();
+  void VisitInitializer();
+  void VisitExpression();
+  void VisitStatement();
+  void VisitArguments();
+  void VisitVariableDeclaration();
+  void VisitDartType();
+  void VisitInterfaceType(bool simple);
+  void VisitFunctionType(bool simple);
+  void VisitTypeParameterType();
+  void HandleLocalFunction(intptr_t parent_kernel_offset);
+  AbstractType& BuildAndVisitVariableType();
+  void EnterScope(intptr_t kernel_offset);
+  void ExitScope(TokenPosition start_position, TokenPosition end_position);
+  virtual void ReportUnexpectedTag(const char* variant, Tag tag);
+  // This enum controls which parameters would be marked as requring type
+  // check on the callee side.
+  enum ParameterTypeCheckMode {
+    // All parameters will be checked.
+    kTypeCheckAllParameters,
+    // Only parameters marked as covariant or generic-covariant-impl will be
+    // checked.
+    kTypeCheckForNonDynamicallyInvokedMethod,
+    // Only parameters *not* marked as covariant or generic-covariant-impl will
+    // be checked. The rest would be checked in the method itself.
+    // Inverse of kTypeCheckForNonDynamicallyInvokedMethod.
+    kTypeCheckEverythingNotCheckedInNonDynamicallyInvokedMethod,
+    // No parameters will be checked.
+    kTypeCheckForStaticFunction,
+  };
+  // This assumes that the reader is at a FunctionNode,
+  // about to read the positional parameters.
+  void AddPositionalAndNamedParameters(
+      intptr_t pos,
+      ParameterTypeCheckMode type_check_mode,
+      const ProcedureAttributesMetadata& attrs);
+  // This assumes that the reader is at a FunctionNode,
+  // about to read a parameter (i.e. VariableDeclaration).
+  void AddVariableDeclarationParameter(
+      intptr_t pos,
+      ParameterTypeCheckMode type_check_mode,
+      const ProcedureAttributesMetadata& attrs);
+  LocalVariable* MakeVariable(TokenPosition declaration_pos,
+                              TokenPosition token_pos,
+                              const String& name,
+                              const AbstractType& type,
+                              const InferredTypeMetadata* param_type_md = NULL);
+  void AddExceptionVariable(GrowableArray<LocalVariable*>* variables,
+                            const char* prefix,
+                            intptr_t nesting_depth);
+  void FinalizeExceptionVariable(GrowableArray<LocalVariable*>* variables,
+                                 GrowableArray<LocalVariable*>* raw_variables,
+                                 const String& symbol,
+                                 intptr_t nesting_depth);
+  void AddTryVariables();
+  void AddCatchVariables();
+  void FinalizeCatchVariables();
+  void AddIteratorVariable();
+  void AddSwitchVariable();
+  // Record an assignment or reference to a variable.  If the occurrence is
+  // in a nested function, ensure that the variable is handled properly as a
+  // captured variable.
+  void LookupVariable(intptr_t declaration_binary_offset);
+  StringIndex GetNameFromVariableDeclaration(intptr_t kernel_offset,
+                                             const Function& function);
+  const String& GenerateName(const char* prefix, intptr_t suffix);
+  void HandleSpecialLoad(LocalVariable** variable, const String& symbol);
+  void LookupCapturedVariableByName(LocalVariable** variable,
+                                    const String& name);
+  struct DepthState {
+    explicit DepthState(intptr_t function)
+        : loop_(0),
+          function_(function),
+          try_(0),
+          catch_(0),
+          finally_(0),
+          for_in_(0) {}
+    intptr_t loop_;
+    intptr_t function_;
+    intptr_t try_;
+    intptr_t catch_;
+    intptr_t finally_;
+    intptr_t for_in_;
+  };
+  ScopeBuildingResult* result_;
+  ParsedFunction* parsed_function_;
+  ActiveClass active_class_;
+  TranslationHelper translation_helper_;
+  Zone* zone_;
+  FunctionNodeHelper::AsyncMarker current_function_async_marker_;
+  LocalScope* current_function_scope_;
+  LocalScope* scope_;
+  DepthState depth_;
+  intptr_t name_index_;
+  bool needs_expr_temp_;
+  TokenPosition first_body_token_position_;
+  KernelReaderHelper helper_;
+  InferredTypeMetadataHelper inferred_type_metadata_helper_;
+  ProcedureAttributesMetadataHelper procedure_attributes_metadata_helper_;
+  TypeTranslator type_translator_;
+struct FunctionScope {
+  intptr_t kernel_offset;
+  LocalScope* scope;
+class ScopeBuildingResult : public ZoneAllocated {
+ public:
+  ScopeBuildingResult()
+      : this_variable(NULL),
+        type_arguments_variable(NULL),
+        switch_variable(NULL),
+        finally_return_variable(NULL),
+        setter_value(NULL),
+        yield_jump_variable(NULL),
+        yield_context_variable(NULL),
+        raw_variable_counter_(0) {}
+  IntMap<LocalVariable*> locals;
+  IntMap<LocalScope*> scopes;
+  GrowableArray<FunctionScope> function_scopes;
+  // Only non-NULL for instance functions.
+  LocalVariable* this_variable;
+  // Only non-NULL for factory constructor functions.
+  LocalVariable* type_arguments_variable;
+  // Non-NULL when the function contains a switch statement.
+  LocalVariable* switch_variable;
+  // Non-NULL when the function contains a return inside a finally block.
+  LocalVariable* finally_return_variable;
+  // Non-NULL when the function is a setter.
+  LocalVariable* setter_value;
+  // Non-NULL if the function contains yield statement.
+  // TODO(27590) actual variable is called :await_jump_var, we should rename
+  // it to reflect the fact that it is used for both await and yield.
+  LocalVariable* yield_jump_variable;
+  // Non-NULL if the function contains yield statement.
+  // TODO(27590) actual variable is called :await_ctx_var, we should rename
+  // it to reflect the fact that it is used for both await and yield.
+  LocalVariable* yield_context_variable;
+  // Variables used in exception handlers, one per exception handler nesting
+  // level.
+  GrowableArray<LocalVariable*> exception_variables;
+  GrowableArray<LocalVariable*> stack_trace_variables;
+  GrowableArray<LocalVariable*> catch_context_variables;
+  // These are used to access the raw exception/stacktrace variables (and are
+  // used to put them into the captured variables in the context).
+  GrowableArray<LocalVariable*> raw_exception_variables;
+  GrowableArray<LocalVariable*> raw_stack_trace_variables;
+  intptr_t raw_variable_counter_;
+  // For-in iterators, one per for-in nesting level.
+  GrowableArray<LocalVariable*> iterator_variables;
+bool IsFieldInitializer(const Function& function, Zone* zone);
+// Returns true if the given method can skip type checks for all arguments
+// that are not covariant or generic covariant in its implementation.
+bool MethodCanSkipTypeChecksForNonCovariantArguments(
+    const Function& method,
+    const ProcedureAttributesMetadata& attrs);
+}  // namespace kernel
+}  // namespace dart
+#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
diff --git a/runtime/vm/hash_map.h b/runtime/vm/hash_map.h
index 4e6b0bc..fb6ff15 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/hash_map.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/hash_map.h
@@ -435,6 +435,53 @@
   static bool IsKeyEqual(Pair kv, Key key) { return kv.key == key; }
+template <typename V>
+class IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait {
+ public:
+  typedef intptr_t Key;
+  typedef V Value;
+  struct Pair {
+    Key key;
+    Value value;
+    Pair() : key(NULL), value() {}
+    Pair(const Key key, const Value& value) : key(key), value(value) {}
+    Pair(const Pair& other) : key(other.key), value(other.value) {}
+  };
+  static Key KeyOf(Pair kv) { return kv.key; }
+  static Value ValueOf(Pair kv) { return kv.value; }
+  static intptr_t Hashcode(Key key) { return key; }
+  static bool IsKeyEqual(Pair kv, Key key) { return kv.key == key; }
+template <typename V>
+class IntMap : public DirectChainedHashMap<IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V> > {
+ public:
+  typedef typename IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V>::Key Key;
+  typedef typename IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V>::Value Value;
+  typedef typename IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V>::Pair Pair;
+  inline void Insert(const Key& key, const Value& value) {
+    Pair pair(key, value);
+    DirectChainedHashMap<IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V> >::Insert(pair);
+  }
+  inline V Lookup(const Key& key) {
+    Pair* pair =
+        DirectChainedHashMap<IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V> >::Lookup(key);
+    if (pair == NULL) {
+      return V();
+    } else {
+      return pair->value;
+    }
+  }
+  inline Pair* LookupPair(const Key& key) {
+    return DirectChainedHashMap<IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V> >::Lookup(key);
+  }
 }  // namespace dart
 #endif  // RUNTIME_VM_HASH_MAP_H_
diff --git a/runtime/vm/kernel_loader.h b/runtime/vm/kernel_loader.h
index 2bc0bfc..954ef90 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/kernel_loader.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/kernel_loader.h
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
-#include <map>
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_binary_flowgraph.h"
 #include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.h"
+#include "vm/hash_map.h"
 #include "vm/kernel.h"
 #include "vm/object.h"
diff --git a/runtime/vm/parser.cc b/runtime/vm/parser.cc
index eb810c7..3e0d919 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/parser.cc
+++ b/runtime/vm/parser.cc
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
 kernel::ScopeBuildingResult* ParsedFunction::EnsureKernelScopes() {
   if (kernel_scopes_ == NULL) {
-    kernel::StreamingScopeBuilder builder(this);
+    kernel::ScopeBuilder builder(this);
     kernel_scopes_ = builder.BuildScopes();
   return kernel_scopes_;