blob: 5176ebb6102b09d169717c0870d6fba87b0e90d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file
/// {@category VM}
/// {@nodoc}
library dart.ffi;
part "native_type.dart";
part "annotations.dart";
part "dynamic_library.dart";
/// Allocate [count] elements of type [T] on the C heap with malloc() and return
/// a pointer to the newly allocated memory.
/// Note that the memory are uninitialized.
/// TODO(dacoharkes): change signature to T allocate<T extends Pointer>() ?
/// This would enable us to allocate structs. However how do we know the size of
/// structs?
external Pointer<T> allocate<T extends NativeType>({int count: 1});
/// Construction from raw value
external T fromAddress<T extends Pointer>(int ptr);
/// number of bytes used by native type T
external int sizeOf<T extends NativeType>();
/// Convert Dart function to a C function pointer, automatically marshalling
/// the arguments and return value
/// Note: this is not implemented, always returns Pointer with address 0.
/// TODO(dacoharkes): Implement this feature.
external Pointer<NativeFunction<T>> fromFunction<T extends Function>(
@DartRepresentationOf("T") Function f);
/// TODO(dacoharkes): Implement this feature.
/// Return a pointer object that has a finalizer attached to it. When this
/// pointer object is collected by GC the given finalizer is invoked.
/// Note: the pointer object passed to the finalizer is not the same as
/// the pointer object that is returned from [finalizable] - it points
/// to the same memory region but has different identity.
external Pointer<T> finalizable<T extends NativeType>(
Pointer<T> p, void finalizer(Pointer<T> ptr));
/// Represents a pointer into the native C memory.
class Pointer<T extends NativeType> extends NativeType {
const Pointer();
/// Store a Dart value into this location.
/// The [value] is automatically marshalled into its C representation.
/// Note that ints which do not fit in [T] are truncated and sign extended,
/// and doubles stored into Pointer<[Float]> lose precision.
external void store(@DartRepresentationOf("T") Object value);
/// Load a Dart value from this location.
/// The value is automatically unmarshalled from its C representation.
external R load<@DartRepresentationOf("T") R>();
/// Access to the raw pointer value.
external int get address;
/// Pointer arithmetic (takes element size into account).
external Pointer<T> elementAt(int index);
/// Pointer arithmetic (byte offset).
/// TODO(dacoharkes): remove this?
external Pointer<T> offsetBy(int offsetInBytes);
/// Cast Pointer<T> to a (subtype of) Pointer<V>.
external U cast<U extends Pointer>();
/// Convert to Dart function, automatically marshalling the arguments
/// and return value.
/// Can only be called on [Pointer]<[NativeFunction]>.
external R asFunction<@DartRepresentationOf("T") R extends Function>();
/// Free memory on the C heap pointed to by this pointer with free().
/// Note that this zeros out the address.
external void free();
/// Equality for Pointers only depends on their address.
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other == null) return false;
return address == other.address;
/// The hash code for a Pointer only depends on its address.
int get hashCode {
return address.hashCode;