blob: a5b61afb6536ebef36617e9772e82b9f139e0f1b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart._string;
import "dart:_internal"
import 'dart:_js_helper' show JS, jsStringToDartString;
import 'dart:_js_types' show JSStringImpl;
import 'dart:_object_helper';
import 'dart:_string_helper';
import 'dart:_wasm';
import "dart:typed_data" show Uint8List, Uint16List;
/// Static function for `OneByteString._setAt` to avoid making `_setAt` public,
/// which would allow calling it in dynamic invocations.
void writeIntoOneByteString(OneByteString s, int index, int codePoint) =>
s._setAt(index, codePoint);
/// Static function for `OneByteString._codeUnitAtUnchecked` to avoid making
/// `_codeUnitAtUnchecked` public, which would allow calling it in dynamic
/// invocations.
int oneByteStringCodeUnitAtUnchecked(OneByteString s, int index) =>
/// Same as `writeIntoOneByteString`, but for `TwoByteString`.
void writeIntoTwoByteString(TwoByteString s, int index, int codePoint) =>
s._setAt(index, codePoint);
/// Static function for `OneByteString._array` to avoid making `_array` public.
WasmArray<WasmI8> oneByteStringArray(OneByteString s) => s._array;
/// The [fromStart] and [toStart] indices together with the [length] must
/// specify ranges within the bounds of the list / string.
void copyRangeFromUint8ListToOneByteString(
Uint8List from, OneByteString to, int fromStart, int toStart, int length) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
to._setAt(toStart + i, from[fromStart + i]);
extension OneByteStringUnsafeExtensions on String {
int oneByteStringCodeUnitAtUnchecked(int index) =>
const int _maxLatin1 = 0xff;
const int _maxUtf16 = 0xffff;
String _toUpperCase(String string) => JS<String>(
"s => stringToDartString(stringFromDartString(s).toUpperCase())", string);
String _toLowerCase(String string) => JS<String>(
"s => stringToDartString(stringFromDartString(s).toLowerCase())", string);
* [StringBase] contains common methods used by concrete String
* implementations, e.g., OneByteString.
abstract final class StringBase extends WasmStringBase {
bool _isWhitespace(int codeUnit);
// Constants used by replaceAll encoding of string slices between matches.
// A string slice (start+length) is encoded in a single "Smi" to save memory
// overhead in the common case.
// Wasm does not have a Smi type, so the entire 64-bit integer value can
// be used. Strings are limited to 2^32-1 characters, so using ~32 bits
// for both is reasonable.
// Encoding is: -((start << _lengthBits) | length)
// Number of bits used by length.
// This is the shift used to encode and decode the start index.
static const int _lengthBits = 31;
// The maximal allowed length value in an encoded slice.
static const int _maxLengthValue = (1 << _lengthBits) - 1;
// Mask of length in encoded smi value.
static const int _lengthMask = _maxLengthValue;
static const int _startBits = _maxUnsignedSmiBits - _lengthBits;
// Maximal allowed start index value in an encoded slice.
static const int _maxStartValue = (1 << _startBits) - 1;
// Size of unsigned "Smi"s, which are all non-negative Wasm integers.
static const int _maxUnsignedSmiBits = 63;
int get hashCode {
int hash = getIdentityHashField(this);
if (hash != 0) return hash;
hash = _computeHashCode();
setIdentityHashField(this, hash);
return hash;
int _computeHashCode();
* Create the most efficient string representation for specified
* [charCodes].
* Only uses the character codes between index [start] and index [end] of
* `charCodes`. They must satisfy `0 <= start <= end <= charCodes.length`.
* The [limit] is an upper limit on the character codes in the iterable.
* It's `null` if unknown.
static String createFromCharCodes(
Iterable<int> charCodes, int start, int? end) {
// TODO(srdjan): Also skip copying of wide typed arrays.
final ccid = ClassID.getID(charCodes);
if (ccid != ClassID.cidFixedLengthList &&
ccid != ClassID.cidListBase &&
ccid != ClassID.cidGrowableList &&
ccid != ClassID.cidImmutableList) {
if (charCodes is Uint8List) {
end = _actualEnd(end, charCodes.length);
if (start >= end) return "";
return createOneByteString(charCodes, start, end - start);
} else if (charCodes is Uint16List) {
end = _actualEnd(end, charCodes.length);
if (start >= end) return "";
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
if (charCodes[i] > _maxLatin1) {
return TwoByteString.allocateFromTwoByteList(charCodes, start, end);
return _createFromOneByteCodes(charCodes, start, end);
} else {
return _createStringFromIterable(charCodes, start, end);
end = _actualEnd(end, charCodes.length);
final len = end - start;
if (len <= 0) return "";
final typedCharCodes = unsafeCast<List<int>>(charCodes);
// The bitwise-or of char codes below 0xFFFF in the input,
// and of the char codes above - 0x10000.
// If the result is negative, there was a negative input.
// If the result is in the range 0x00..0xFF, all inputs were in that range.
// If the result is in the range 0x100..0xFFFF, either all inputs were in
// that range, or `multiCodeUnitChars` below is greater than zero.
// If the result is > 0xFFFFF, the input contained a value > 0x10FFFF,
// which is invalid.
int bits = 0;
// The count of char codes above 0xFFFF in the input.
// If greater than zero, the char codes cannot directly be used
// as the content of a one-byte or two-byte string,
// but must be a two-byte string with this many code units *more* than
// `end - start` to account for surrogate pairs.
int multiCodeUnitChars = 0;
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
var code = typedCharCodes[i];
var nonBmpCode = code - 0x10000;
if (nonBmpCode < 0) {
bits |= code;
bits |= nonBmpCode | 0x10000;
multiCodeUnitChars += 1;
if (bits < 0 || bits > 0xFFFFF) {
throw ArgumentError(typedCharCodes);
if (multiCodeUnitChars == 0) {
if (bits <= _maxLatin1) {
return createOneByteString(typedCharCodes, start, len);
assert(bits <= _maxUtf16);
return TwoByteString.allocateFromTwoByteList(typedCharCodes, start, end);
return _createFromAdjustedCodePoints(
typedCharCodes, start, end, end - start + multiCodeUnitChars);
static int _actualEnd(int? end, int length) =>
(end == null || end > length) ? length : end;
static String _createStringFromIterable(
Iterable<int> charCodes, int start, int? end) {
// Treat charCodes as Iterable.
bool endKnown = false;
if (charCodes is EfficientLengthIterable) {
endKnown = true;
int knownEnd = charCodes.length;
if (end == null || end > knownEnd) end = knownEnd;
if (start >= end) return "";
var it = charCodes.iterator;
int skipCount = start;
while (skipCount > 0) {
if (!it.moveNext()) return "";
// Bitwise-or of all char codes in list,
// plus code - 0x10000 for values above 0x10000.
// If <0 or >0xFFFFF at the end, inputs were not valid.
int bits = 0;
int takeCount = end == null ? -1 : end - start;
final list = <int>[];
while (takeCount != 0 && it.moveNext()) {
int code = it.current;
int nonBmpChar = code - 0x10000;
if (nonBmpChar < 0) {
bits |= code;
} else {
bits |= nonBmpChar | 0xD800;
..add(0xD800 | (nonBmpChar >> 10))
..add(0xDC00 | (nonBmpChar & 0x3FF));
if (bits < 0 || bits > 0xFFFFF) {
throw ArgumentError(charCodes);
List<int> charCodeList = makeListFixedLength<int>(list);
int length = charCodeList.length;
bool isOneByteString = (bits <= _maxLatin1);
if (isOneByteString) {
return createOneByteString(charCodeList, 0, length);
return TwoByteString.allocateFromTwoByteList(charCodeList, 0, length);
static String createOneByteString(List<int> charCodes, int start, int len) {
var s = OneByteString.withLength(len);
// Special case for native Uint8 typed arrays.
if (charCodes is Uint8List) {
copyRangeFromUint8ListToOneByteString(charCodes, s, start, 0, len);
return s;
// Fall through to normal case.
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
s._setAt(i, charCodes[start + i]);
return s;
static String _createFromOneByteCodes(
List<int> charCodes, int start, int end) {
OneByteString result = OneByteString.withLength(end - start);
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
result._setAt(i - start, charCodes[i]);
return result;
/// Creates two-byte string for [codePoints] from [start] to [end].
/// The code points contain a number of code points above 0xFFFF,
/// `length - (end - start)` of them, which is why they require
/// a two-byte string of length [length].
static String _createFromAdjustedCodePoints(
List<int> codePoints, int start, int end, int length) {
assert(length > end - start);
TwoByteString result = TwoByteString.withLength(length);
int cursor = 0;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
var code = codePoints[i];
var nonBmpCode = code - 0x10000;
if (nonBmpCode < 0) {
result._setAt(cursor++, code);
} else {
.._setAt(cursor++, 0xD800 | (nonBmpCode >>> 10))
.._setAt(cursor++, 0xDC00 | (nonBmpCode & 0x3FF));
if (cursor != length) {
throw ConcurrentModificationError(codePoints);
return result;
String operator [](int index) => String.fromCharCode(codeUnitAt(index));
bool get isEmpty {
return this.length == 0;
bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty;
String operator +(String other) {
return _interpolate(WasmArray<Object?>.literal([this, other]));
String toString() {
return this;
int compareTo(String other) {
int thisLength = this.length;
int otherLength = other.length;
int len = (thisLength < otherLength) ? thisLength : otherLength;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
int thisCodeUnit = this.codeUnitAt(i);
int otherCodeUnit = other.codeUnitAt(i);
if (thisCodeUnit < otherCodeUnit) {
return -1;
if (thisCodeUnit > otherCodeUnit) {
return 1;
if (thisLength < otherLength) return -1;
if (thisLength > otherLength) return 1;
return 0;
bool _substringMatches(int start, String other) {
if (other.isEmpty) return true;
final len = other.length;
if ((start < 0) || (start + len > this.length)) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (this.codeUnitAt(i + start) != other.codeUnitAt(i)) {
return false;
return true;
bool endsWith(String other) {
return _substringMatches(this.length - other.length, other);
bool startsWith(Pattern pattern, [int index = 0]) {
if ((index < 0) || (index > this.length)) {
throw RangeError.range(index, 0, this.length);
if (pattern is String) {
return _substringMatches(index, pattern);
return pattern.matchAsPrefix(this, index) != null;
int indexOf(Pattern pattern, [int start = 0]) {
if ((start < 0) || (start > this.length)) {
throw RangeError.range(start, 0, this.length, "start");
if (pattern is String) {
String other = pattern;
int maxIndex = this.length - other.length;
// TODO: Use an efficient string search (e.g. BMH).
for (int index = start; index <= maxIndex; index++) {
if (_substringMatches(index, other)) {
return index;
return -1;
for (int i = start; i <= this.length; i++) {
// TODO(11276); This has quadratic behavior because matchAsPrefix tries
// to find a later match too. Optimize matchAsPrefix to avoid this.
if (pattern.matchAsPrefix(this, i) != null) return i;
return -1;
int lastIndexOf(Pattern pattern, [int? start]) {
if (start == null) {
start = this.length;
} else if (start < 0 || start > this.length) {
throw RangeError.range(start, 0, this.length);
if (pattern is String) {
String other = pattern;
int maxIndex = this.length - other.length;
if (maxIndex < start) start = maxIndex;
for (int index = start; index >= 0; index--) {
if (_substringMatches(index, other)) {
return index;
return -1;
for (int i = start; i >= 0; i--) {
// TODO(11276); This has quadratic behavior because matchAsPrefix tries
// to find a later match too. Optimize matchAsPrefix to avoid this.
if (pattern.matchAsPrefix(this, i) != null) return i;
return -1;
String substring(int startIndex, [int? endIndex]) {
endIndex = RangeError.checkValidRange(startIndex, endIndex, this.length);
return _substringUnchecked(startIndex, endIndex);
String _substringUnchecked(int startIndex, int endIndex) {
assert((startIndex >= 0) && (startIndex <= this.length));
assert((endIndex >= 0) && (endIndex <= this.length));
assert(startIndex <= endIndex);
if (startIndex == endIndex) {
return "";
if ((startIndex == 0) && (endIndex == this.length)) {
return this;
if ((startIndex + 1) == endIndex) {
return this[startIndex];
return _substringUncheckedInternal(startIndex, endIndex);
String _substringUncheckedInternal(int startIndex, int endIndex);
// Checks for one-byte whitespaces only.
static bool _isOneByteWhitespace(int codeUnit) {
if (codeUnit <= 32) {
return ((codeUnit == 32) || // Space.
((codeUnit <= 13) && (codeUnit >= 9))); // CR, LF, TAB, etc.
return (codeUnit == 0x85) || (codeUnit == 0xA0); // NEL, NBSP.
// Characters with Whitespace property (Unicode 6.3).
// 0009..000D ; White_Space # Cc <control-0009>..<control-000D>
// 0020 ; White_Space # Zs SPACE
// 0085 ; White_Space # Cc <control-0085>
// 00A0 ; White_Space # Zs NO-BREAK SPACE
// 1680 ; White_Space # Zs OGHAM SPACE MARK
// 2000..200A ; White_Space # Zs EN QUAD..HAIR SPACE
// 2028 ; White_Space # Zl LINE SEPARATOR
// 2029 ; White_Space # Zp PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR
// 202F ; White_Space # Zs NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE
// 3000 ; White_Space # Zs IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE
// BOM: 0xFEFF
static bool _isTwoByteWhitespace(int codeUnit) {
if (codeUnit <= 32) {
return (codeUnit == 32) || ((codeUnit <= 13) && (codeUnit >= 9));
if (codeUnit < 0x85) return false;
if ((codeUnit == 0x85) || (codeUnit == 0xA0)) return true;
return (codeUnit <= 0x200A)
? ((codeUnit == 0x1680) || (0x2000 <= codeUnit))
: ((codeUnit == 0x2028) ||
(codeUnit == 0x2029) ||
(codeUnit == 0x202F) ||
(codeUnit == 0x205F) ||
(codeUnit == 0x3000) ||
(codeUnit == 0xFEFF));
int firstNonWhitespace() {
final len = this.length;
int first = 0;
for (; first < len; first++) {
if (!_isWhitespace(this.codeUnitAt(first))) {
return first;
int lastNonWhitespace() {
int last = this.length - 1;
for (; last >= 0; last--) {
if (!_isWhitespace(this.codeUnitAt(last))) {
return last;
String trim() {
final len = this.length;
int first = firstNonWhitespace();
if (len == first) {
// String contains only whitespaces.
return "";
int last = lastNonWhitespace() + 1;
if ((first == 0) && (last == len)) {
// Returns this string since it does not have leading or trailing
// whitespaces.
return this;
return _substringUnchecked(first, last);
String trimLeft() {
final len = this.length;
int first = 0;
for (; first < len; first++) {
if (!_isWhitespace(this.codeUnitAt(first))) {
if (len == first) {
// String contains only whitespaces.
return "";
if (first == 0) {
// Returns this string since it does not have leading or trailing
// whitespaces.
return this;
return _substringUnchecked(first, len);
String trimRight() {
final len = this.length;
int last = len - 1;
for (; last >= 0; last--) {
if (!_isWhitespace(this.codeUnitAt(last))) {
if (last == -1) {
// String contains only whitespaces.
return "";
if (last == (len - 1)) {
// Returns this string since it does not have trailing whitespaces.
return this;
return _substringUnchecked(0, last + 1);
String operator *(int times) {
if (times <= 0) return "";
if (times == 1) return this;
StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer(this);
for (int i = 1; i < times; i++) {
return buffer.toString();
String padLeft(int width, [String padding = ' ']) {
int delta = width - this.length;
if (delta <= 0) return this;
StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < delta; i++) {
return buffer.toString();
String padRight(int width, [String padding = ' ']) {
int delta = width - this.length;
if (delta <= 0) return this;
StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer(this);
for (int i = 0; i < delta; i++) {
return buffer.toString();
bool contains(Pattern pattern, [int startIndex = 0]) {
if (pattern is String) {
if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex > this.length) {
throw RangeError.range(startIndex, 0, this.length);
return indexOf(pattern, startIndex) >= 0;
return pattern.allMatches(this.substring(startIndex)).isNotEmpty;
String replaceFirst(Pattern pattern, String replacement,
[int startIndex = 0]) {
RangeError.checkValueInInterval(startIndex, 0, this.length, "startIndex");
Iterator iterator = startIndex == 0
? pattern.allMatches(this).iterator
: pattern.allMatches(this, startIndex).iterator;
if (!iterator.moveNext()) return this;
Match match = iterator.current;
return replaceRange(match.start, match.end, replacement);
String replaceRange(int start, int? end, String replacement) {
final length = this.length;
final localEnd = RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, length);
bool replacementIsOneByte = replacement is OneByteString;
if (start == 0 && localEnd == length) return replacement;
int replacementLength = replacement.length;
int totalLength = start + (length - localEnd) + replacementLength;
if (replacementIsOneByte && this is OneByteString) {
final this_ = unsafeCast<OneByteString>(this);
final result = OneByteString.withLength(totalLength);
int index = 0;
index = result._setRange(index, this_, 0, start);
index = result._setRange(
start, unsafeCast<OneByteString>(replacement), 0, replacementLength);
result._setRange(index, this_, localEnd, length);
return result;
List slices = [];
_addReplaceSlice(slices, 0, start);
if (replacement.length > 0) slices.add(replacement);
_addReplaceSlice(slices, localEnd, length);
return _joinReplaceAllResult(
this, slices, totalLength, replacementIsOneByte);
static int _addReplaceSlice(List matches, int start, int end) {
int length = end - start;
if (length > 0) {
if (length <= _maxLengthValue && start <= _maxStartValue) {
matches.add(-((start << _lengthBits) | length));
} else {
return length;
String replaceAll(Pattern pattern, String replacement) {
int startIndex = 0;
// String fragments that replace the prefix [this] up to [startIndex].
List matches = [];
int length = 0; // Length of all fragments.
int replacementLength = replacement.length;
if (replacementLength == 0) {
for (Match match in pattern.allMatches(this)) {
length += _addReplaceSlice(matches, startIndex, match.start);
startIndex = match.end;
} else {
for (Match match in pattern.allMatches(this)) {
length += _addReplaceSlice(matches, startIndex, match.start);
length += replacementLength;
startIndex = match.end;
// No match, or a zero-length match at start with zero-length replacement.
if (startIndex == 0 && length == 0) return this;
length += _addReplaceSlice(matches, startIndex, this.length);
bool replacementIsOneByte = replacement is OneByteString;
if (replacementIsOneByte && this is OneByteString) {
return _joinReplaceAllOneByteResult(this, matches, length);
return _joinReplaceAllResult(this, matches, length, replacementIsOneByte);
* As [_joinReplaceAllResult], but knowing that the result
* is always a [OneByteString].
static String _joinReplaceAllOneByteResult(
String base, List matches, int length) {
OneByteString result = OneByteString.withLength(length);
int writeIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
var entry = matches[i];
if (entry is int) {
int sliceStart = entry;
int sliceEnd;
if (sliceStart < 0) {
int bits = -sliceStart;
int sliceLength = bits & _lengthMask;
sliceStart = bits >> _lengthBits;
sliceEnd = sliceStart + sliceLength;
} else {
// This function should only be called with valid matches lists.
// If the list is short, or sliceEnd is not an integer, one of
// the next few lines will throw anyway.
assert(i < matches.length);
sliceEnd = matches[i];
for (int j = sliceStart; j < sliceEnd; j++) {
result._setAt(writeIndex++, base.codeUnitAt(j));
} else {
// Replacement is a one-byte string.
String replacement = entry;
for (int j = 0; j < replacement.length; j++) {
result._setAt(writeIndex++, replacement.codeUnitAt(j));
assert(writeIndex == length);
return result;
* Combine the results of a [replaceAll] match into a string.
* The [matches] lists contains Smi index pairs representing slices of
* [base] and [String]s to be put in between the slices.
* The total [length] of the resulting string is known, as is
* whether the replacement strings are one-byte strings.
* If they are, then we have to check the base string slices to know
* whether the result must be a one-byte string.
String _joinReplaceAllResult(String base, List matches, int length,
bool replacementStringsAreOneByte) {
if (length < 0) throw ArgumentError.value(length);
bool isOneByte = replacementStringsAreOneByte &&
_slicesAreOneByte(base, matches, length);
if (isOneByte) {
return _joinReplaceAllOneByteResult(base, matches, length);
TwoByteString result = TwoByteString.withLength(length);
int writeIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
var entry = matches[i];
if (entry is int) {
int sliceStart = entry;
int sliceEnd;
if (sliceStart < 0) {
int bits = -sliceStart;
int sliceLength = bits & _lengthMask;
sliceStart = bits >> _lengthBits;
sliceEnd = sliceStart + sliceLength;
} else {
// This function should only be called with valid matches lists.
// If the list is short, or sliceEnd is not an integer, one of
// the next few lines will throw anyway.
assert(i < matches.length);
sliceEnd = matches[i];
for (int j = sliceStart; j < sliceEnd; j++) {
result._setAt(writeIndex++, base.codeUnitAt(j));
} else {
// Replacement is a one-byte string.
String replacement = entry;
for (int j = 0; j < replacement.length; j++) {
result._setAt(writeIndex++, replacement.codeUnitAt(j));
assert(writeIndex == length);
return result;
bool _slicesAreOneByte(String base, List matches, int length) {
for (int i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
Object? o = matches[i];
if (o is int) {
int sliceStart = o;
int sliceEnd;
if (sliceStart < 0) {
int bits = -sliceStart;
int sliceLength = bits & _lengthMask;
sliceStart = bits >> _lengthBits;
sliceEnd = sliceStart + sliceLength;
} else {
if (i >= length) {
// Invalid, handled later.
return false;
Object? p = matches[i];
if (p is! int) {
// Invalid, handled later.
return false;
sliceEnd = p;
for (int j = sliceStart; j < sliceEnd; j++) {
if (base.codeUnitAt(j) > 0xff) {
return false;
return true;
String replaceAllMapped(Pattern pattern, String replace(Match match)) {
List matches = [];
int length = 0;
int startIndex = 0;
bool replacementStringsAreOneByte = true;
for (Match match in pattern.allMatches(this)) {
length += _addReplaceSlice(matches, startIndex, match.start);
var replacement = "${replace(match)}";
length += replacement.length;
replacementStringsAreOneByte =
replacementStringsAreOneByte && replacement is OneByteString;
startIndex = match.end;
if (matches.isEmpty) return this;
length += _addReplaceSlice(matches, startIndex, this.length);
if (replacementStringsAreOneByte && this is OneByteString) {
return _joinReplaceAllOneByteResult(this, matches, length);
return _joinReplaceAllResult(
this, matches, length, replacementStringsAreOneByte);
String replaceFirstMapped(Pattern pattern, String replace(Match match),
[int startIndex = 0]) {
RangeError.checkValueInInterval(startIndex, 0, this.length, "startIndex");
var matches = pattern.allMatches(this, startIndex).iterator;
if (!matches.moveNext()) return this;
var match = matches.current;
var replacement = "${replace(match)}";
return replaceRange(match.start, match.end, replacement);
static String _matchString(Match match) => match[0]!;
static String _stringIdentity(String string) => string;
String _splitMapJoinEmptyString(
String onMatch(Match match), String onNonMatch(String nonMatch)) {
// Pattern is the empty string.
StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
int length = this.length;
int i = 0;
while (i < length) {
buffer.write(onMatch(StringMatch(i, this, "")));
// Special case to avoid splitting a surrogate pair.
int code = this.codeUnitAt(i);
if ((code & ~0x3FF) == 0xD800 && length > i + 1) {
// Leading surrogate;
code = this.codeUnitAt(i + 1);
if ((code & ~0x3FF) == 0xDC00) {
// Matching trailing surrogate.
buffer.write(onNonMatch(this.substring(i, i + 2)));
i += 2;
buffer.write(onMatch(StringMatch(i, this, "")));
return buffer.toString();
String splitMapJoin(Pattern pattern,
{String onMatch(Match match)?, String onNonMatch(String nonMatch)?}) {
onMatch ??= _matchString;
onNonMatch ??= _stringIdentity;
if (pattern is String) {
String stringPattern = pattern;
if (stringPattern.isEmpty) {
return _splitMapJoinEmptyString(onMatch, onNonMatch);
StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
int startIndex = 0;
for (Match match in pattern.allMatches(this)) {
buffer.write(onNonMatch(this.substring(startIndex, match.start)));
startIndex = match.end;
return buffer.toString();
// Used in string interpolation expressions where ownership of array is passed
// to this function.
// It special cases all [OneByteString]s. We could also special case all
// [TwoByteString] & all [JSStringImpl] cases.
@pragma("wasm:entry-point", "call")
static String _interpolate(final WasmArray<Object?> values) {
int totalLength = 0;
bool isOneByteString = true;
final numValues = values.length;
for (int i = 0; i < numValues; ++i) {
final value = values[i];
var stringValue = value is String ? value : value.toString();
if (stringValue is JSStringImpl) {
stringValue = jsStringToDartString(stringValue.toExternRef);
values[i] = stringValue;
isOneByteString = isOneByteString && stringValue is OneByteString;
totalLength += stringValue.length;
if (isOneByteString) {
return OneByteString._concatAll(values, totalLength);
return StringBase._concatAllFallback(values, totalLength);
static bool _equals(String left, String? right) {
return left == right;
static ArgumentError _interpolationError(Object? o, Object? result) {
// Since Dart 2.0, [result] can only be null.
return ArgumentError.value(o, "object", "toString method returned 'null'");
Iterable<Match> allMatches(String string, [int start = 0]) {
if (start < 0 || start > string.length) {
throw RangeError.range(start, 0, string.length, "start");
return StringAllMatchesIterable(string, this, start);
Match? matchAsPrefix(String string, [int start = 0]) {
if (start < 0 || start > string.length) {
throw RangeError.range(start, 0, string.length);
if (start + this.length > string.length) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (string.codeUnitAt(start + i) != this.codeUnitAt(i)) {
return null;
return StringMatch(start, string, this);
List<String> split(Pattern pattern) {
if ((pattern is String) && pattern.isEmpty) {
List<String> result =
List<String>.generate(this.length, (int i) => this[i]);
return result;
int length = this.length;
Iterator iterator = pattern.allMatches(this).iterator;
if (length == 0 && iterator.moveNext()) {
// A matched empty string input returns the empty list.
return <String>[];
List<String> result = <String>[];
int startIndex = 0;
int previousIndex = 0;
// 'pattern' may not be implemented correctly and therefore we cannot
// call _substringUnchecked unless it is a trustworthy type (e.g. String).
while (true) {
if (startIndex == length || !iterator.moveNext()) {
result.add(this.substring(previousIndex, length));
Match match = iterator.current;
if (match.start == length) {
result.add(this.substring(previousIndex, length));
int endIndex = match.end;
if (startIndex == endIndex && endIndex == previousIndex) {
++startIndex; // empty match, advance and restart
result.add(this.substring(previousIndex, match.start));
startIndex = previousIndex = endIndex;
return result;
List<int> get codeUnits => CodeUnits(this);
Runes get runes => Runes(this);
String toUpperCase() => _toUpperCase(this);
String toLowerCase() => _toLowerCase(this);
// To be called if not all of the given [StringBase] strings are
// [OneByteString]s.
static String _concatAllFallback(
WasmArray<Object?> strings, int totalLength) {
final result = TwoByteString.withLength(totalLength);
int offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
final s = unsafeCast<StringBase>(strings[i]);
offset = s._copyIntoTwoByteString(result, offset);
return result;
// Concatenate ['start', 'end'[ elements of 'strings'.
// It special cases all [OneByteString]s. We could also special case all
// [TwoByteString] & all [JSStringImpl] cases.
static String concatRange(WasmArray<String> strings, int start, int end) {
if ((end - start) == 1) {
return strings[start];
int totalLength = 0;
bool isOneByteString = true;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
String stringValue = strings[i];
if (stringValue is JSStringImpl) {
stringValue = jsStringToDartString(stringValue.toExternRef);
strings[i] = stringValue;
isOneByteString = isOneByteString && stringValue is OneByteString;
totalLength += stringValue.length;
if (isOneByteString) {
return OneByteString._concatRange(strings, start, end, totalLength);
return _concatRangeFallback(strings, start, end, totalLength);
// To be called if not all strings are [OneByteString]s.
static String _concatRangeFallback(
WasmArray<String> strings, int start, int end, int totalLength) {
final result = TwoByteString.withLength(totalLength);
int offset = 0;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
final s = unsafeCast<StringBase>(strings[i]);
offset = s._copyIntoTwoByteString(result, offset);
return result;
static bool _operatorEqualsFallback(String a, String b) {
final length = a.length;
if (length != b.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (a.codeUnitAt(i) != b.codeUnitAt(i)) return false;
return true;
int _copyIntoTwoByteString(TwoByteString result, int offset);
final class OneByteString extends StringBase {
final WasmArray<WasmI8> _array;
OneByteString.withLength(int length) : _array = WasmArray<WasmI8>(length);
// Same hash as VM
int _computeHashCode() {
WasmArray<WasmI8> array = _array;
int length = array.length;
int hash = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
hash = stringCombineHashes(hash, array.readUnsigned(i));
return stringFinalizeHash(hash);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! String) return false;
if (other is OneByteString) {
final thisBytes = _array;
final otherBytes = other._array;
if (thisBytes.length != otherBytes.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < thisBytes.length; ++i) {
if (thisBytes[i] != otherBytes[i]) return false;
return true;
return StringBase._operatorEqualsFallback(this, other);
int _codeUnitAtUnchecked(int index) => _array.readUnsigned(index);
int codeUnitAt(int index) {
if (WasmI64.fromInt(length).leU(WasmI64.fromInt(index))) {
throw IndexError.withLength(index, length);
return _codeUnitAtUnchecked(index);
int get length => _array.length;
bool _isWhitespace(int codeUnit) {
return StringBase._isOneByteWhitespace(codeUnit);
String _substringUncheckedInternal(int startIndex, int endIndex) {
final length = endIndex - startIndex;
final result = OneByteString.withLength(length);
result._array.copy(0, _array, startIndex, length);
return result;
List<String> _splitWithCharCode(int charCode) {
final parts = <String>[];
int i = 0;
int start = 0;
for (i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) {
if (this._codeUnitAtUnchecked(i) == charCode) {
parts.add(this._substringUnchecked(start, i));
start = i + 1;
parts.add(this._substringUnchecked(start, i));
return parts;
List<String> split(Pattern pattern) {
if (pattern is OneByteString && pattern.length == 1) {
return _splitWithCharCode(pattern.codeUnitAt(0));
return super.split(pattern);
// All element of 'strings' must be OneByteStrings.
static OneByteString _concatAll(WasmArray<Object?> strings, int totalLength) {
final result = OneByteString.withLength(totalLength);
final resultBytes = result._array;
int resultOffset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
final bytes = unsafeCast<OneByteString>(strings[i])._array;
resultBytes.copy(resultOffset, bytes, 0, bytes.length);
resultOffset += bytes.length;
return result;
// All element of 'strings' must be OneByteStrings.
static OneByteString _concatRange(
WasmArray<String> strings, int start, int end, int totalLength) {
final result = OneByteString.withLength(totalLength);
final resultBytes = result._array;
int resultOffset = 0;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
final bytes = unsafeCast<OneByteString>(strings[i])._array;
resultBytes.copy(resultOffset, bytes, 0, bytes.length);
resultOffset += bytes.length;
return result;
int _copyIntoTwoByteString(TwoByteString result, int offset) {
final from = _array;
final int length = from.length;
final to = result._array;
int j = offset;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
to.write(j++, from.readUnsigned(i));
return j;
int indexOf(Pattern pattern, [int start = 0]) {
final len = this.length;
// Specialize for single character pattern.
if (pattern is String && pattern.length == 1 && start >= 0 && start < len) {
final patternCu0 = pattern.codeUnitAt(0);
if (patternCu0 > 0xFF) {
return -1;
for (int i = start; i < len; i++) {
if (this._codeUnitAtUnchecked(i) == patternCu0) {
return i;
return -1;
return super.indexOf(pattern, start);
bool contains(Pattern pattern, [int start = 0]) {
final len = this.length;
if (pattern is String && pattern.length == 1 && start >= 0 && start < len) {
final patternCu0 = pattern.codeUnitAt(0);
if (patternCu0 > 0xFF) {
return false;
for (int i = start; i < len; i++) {
if (this._codeUnitAtUnchecked(i) == patternCu0) {
return true;
return false;
return super.contains(pattern, start);
String operator *(int times) {
if (times <= 0) return "";
if (times == 1) return this;
final int length = this.length;
if (length == 0) return this; // Don't clone empty string.
final OneByteString result = OneByteString.withLength(length * times);
final WasmArray<WasmI8> array = result._array;
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
array.copy(i * length, _array, 0, length);
return result;
String padLeft(int width, [String padding = ' ']) {
if (padding is! OneByteString) {
return super.padLeft(width, padding);
final length = this.length;
int delta = width - length;
if (delta <= 0) return this;
int padLength = padding.length;
int resultLength = padLength * delta + length;
OneByteString result = OneByteString.withLength(resultLength);
int index = 0;
if (padLength == 1) {
int padChar = padding.codeUnitAt(0);
for (int i = 0; i < delta; i++) {
result._setAt(index++, padChar);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < delta; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < padLength; j++) {
result._setAt(index++, padding.codeUnitAt(j));
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result._setAt(index++, this._codeUnitAtUnchecked(i));
return result;
String padRight(int width, [String padding = ' ']) {
if (padding is! OneByteString) {
return super.padRight(width, padding);
final length = this.length;
int delta = width - length;
if (delta <= 0) return this;
int padLength = padding.length;
int resultLength = length + padLength * delta;
OneByteString result = OneByteString.withLength(resultLength);
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result._setAt(index++, this._codeUnitAtUnchecked(i));
if (padLength == 1) {
int padChar = padding.codeUnitAt(0);
for (int i = 0; i < delta; i++) {
result._setAt(index++, padChar);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < delta; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < padLength; j++) {
result._setAt(index++, padding.codeUnitAt(j));
return result;
// Lower-case conversion table for Latin-1 as string.
// Upper-case ranges: 0x41-0x5a ('A' - 'Z'), 0xc0-0xd6, 0xd8-0xde.
// Conversion to lower case performed by adding 0x20.
static const _LC_TABLE =
// Upper-case conversion table for Latin-1 as string.
// Lower-case ranges: 0x61-0x7a ('a' - 'z'), 0xe0-0xff.
// The characters 0xb5 (µ) and 0xff (ÿ) have upper case variants
// that are not Latin-1. These are both marked as 0x00 in the table.
// The German "sharp s" \xdf (ß) should be converted into two characters (SS),
// and is also marked with 0x00.
// Conversion to lower case performed by subtracting 0x20.
static const String _UC_TABLE =
String toLowerCase() {
for (int i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
final c = this._codeUnitAtUnchecked(i);
if (c == unsafeCast<OneByteString>(_LC_TABLE)._codeUnitAtUnchecked(c))
// Upper-case character found.
final result = OneByteString.withLength(this.length);
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
result._setAt(j, this._codeUnitAtUnchecked(j));
for (int j = i; j < this.length; j++) {
return result;
return this;
String toUpperCase() {
for (int i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
final c = this._codeUnitAtUnchecked(i);
// Continue loop if character is unchanged by upper-case conversion.
if (c == unsafeCast<OneByteString>(_UC_TABLE)._codeUnitAtUnchecked(c))
// Check rest of string for characters that do not convert to
// single-characters in the Latin-1 range.
for (int j = i; j < this.length; j++) {
final c = this._codeUnitAtUnchecked(j);
if ((unsafeCast<OneByteString>(_UC_TABLE)._codeUnitAtUnchecked(c) ==
0x00) &&
(c != 0x00)) {
// We use the 0x00 value for characters other than the null character,
// that don't convert to a single Latin-1 character when upper-cased.
// In that case, call the generic super-class method.
return super.toUpperCase();
// Some lower-case characters found, but all upper-case to single Latin-1
// characters.
final result = OneByteString.withLength(this.length);
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
result._setAt(j, this._codeUnitAtUnchecked(j));
for (int j = i; j < this.length; j++) {
return result;
return this;
/// This is internal helper method. Code point value must be a valid Latin1
/// value (0..0xFF), index must be valid.
void _setAt(int index, int codePoint) {
_array.write(index, codePoint);
/// Returns index after last character written.
int _setRange(int index, OneByteString oneByteString, int start, int end) {
assert(0 <= start);
assert(start <= end);
assert(end <= oneByteString.length);
assert(0 <= index);
assert(index + (end - start) <= length);
final rangeLength = end - start;
_array.copy(index, oneByteString._array, start, rangeLength);
return index + rangeLength;
final class TwoByteString extends StringBase {
final WasmArray<WasmI16> _array;
TwoByteString.withLength(int length) : _array = WasmArray<WasmI16>(length);
// Same hash as VM
int _computeHashCode() {
WasmArray<WasmI16> array = _array;
int length = array.length;
int hash = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
hash = stringCombineHashes(hash, array.readUnsigned(i));
return stringFinalizeHash(hash);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! String) return false;
if (other is TwoByteString) {
final thisBytes = _array;
final otherBytes = other._array;
if (thisBytes.length != otherBytes.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < thisBytes.length; ++i) {
if (thisBytes[i] != otherBytes[i]) return false;
return true;
return StringBase._operatorEqualsFallback(this, other);
static String allocateFromTwoByteList(List<int> list, int start, int end) {
final int length = end - start;
final s = TwoByteString.withLength(length);
final array = s._array;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
array.write(i, list[start + i]);
return s;
/// This is internal helper method. Code point value must be a valid UTF-16
/// value (0..0xFFFF), index must be valid.
void _setAt(int index, int codePoint) {
_array.write(index, codePoint);
bool _isWhitespace(int codeUnit) {
return StringBase._isTwoByteWhitespace(codeUnit);
int codeUnitAt(int index) {
if (WasmI64.fromInt(length).leU(WasmI64.fromInt(index))) {
throw IndexError.withLength(index, length);
return _array.readUnsigned(index);
int get length => _array.length;
String _substringUncheckedInternal(int startIndex, int endIndex) {
final length = endIndex - startIndex;
final result = TwoByteString.withLength(length);
result._array.copy(0, _array, startIndex, length);
return result;
int _copyIntoTwoByteString(TwoByteString result, int offset) {
result._array.copy(offset, _array, 0, length);
return offset + length;
// String accessors used to perform Dart<->JS string conversion
@pragma("wasm:export", "\$stringLength")
double _stringLength(String string) {
return string.length.toDouble();
@pragma("wasm:export", "\$stringRead")
double _stringRead(String string, double index) {
return string.codeUnitAt(index.toInt()).toDouble();
@pragma("wasm:export", "\$stringAllocate1")
OneByteString _stringAllocate1(double length) {
return OneByteString.withLength(length.toInt());
@pragma("wasm:export", "\$stringWrite1")
void _stringWrite1(OneByteString string, double index, double codePoint) {
writeIntoOneByteString(string, index.toInt(), codePoint.toInt());
@pragma("wasm:export", "\$stringAllocate2")
TwoByteString _stringAllocate2(double length) {
return TwoByteString.withLength(length.toInt());
@pragma("wasm:export", "\$stringWrite2")
void _stringWrite2(TwoByteString string, double index, double codePoint) {
writeIntoTwoByteString(string, index.toInt(), codePoint.toInt());