blob: 41788fc4b242d94c48eeb1a60f2f58bd521f4d44 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' show min;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:vm/metadata/procedure_attributes.dart';
import 'package:vm/metadata/table_selector.dart';
import 'package:wasm_builder/wasm_builder.dart' as w;
import 'class_info.dart';
import 'param_info.dart';
import 'reference_extensions.dart';
import 'translator.dart';
/// Information for a dispatch table selector.
/// A selector encapsulates information to generate code that selects the right
/// member (method, getter, setter) implementation in an instance invocation,
/// from the dispatch table. Dispatch table is generated by [DispatchTable].
/// Target of a selector is a method, getter, or setter [Reference]. A target
/// does not have to correspond to a user-written Dart member, it can be for a
/// generated one. For example, for torn-off methods, we generate a [Reference]
/// for the tear-off getter a selector for it.
class SelectorInfo {
final Translator translator;
/// Unique ID of the selector.
final int id;
/// Number of use sites of the selector.
final int callCount;
/// Least upper bound of [ParameterInfo]s of all targets.
final ParameterInfo paramInfo;
/// Is this an implicit or explicit setter?
final bool isSetter;
/// Does this method have any tear-off uses?
bool hasTearOffUses = false;
/// Maps class IDs to the selector's member in the class. The member can be
/// abstract.
final Map<int, Reference> targets = {};
/// Wasm function type for the selector.
/// This should be read after all targets have been added to the selector.
late final w.FunctionType signature = _computeSignature();
/// IDs of classes that implement the member. This does not include abstract
/// classes.
late final List<int> classIds;
/// Number of non-abstract references in [targets].
late final int targetCount;
/// When [targetCount] is 1, this holds the only non-abstract target of the
/// selector.
late final Reference? singularTarget;
/// Offset of the selector in the dispatch table.
/// For a class in [targets], `class ID + offset` gives the offset of the
/// class member for this selector.
int? offset;
w.ModuleBuilder get m => translator.m;
/// The selector's member's name.
String get name => paramInfo.member!.name.text;
SelectorInfo._(this.translator,, this.callCount, this.paramInfo,
{required this.isSetter});
/// Compute the signature for the functions implementing members targeted by
/// this selector.
/// When the selector has multiple targets, the type of each parameter/return
/// is the upper bound across all targets, such that all targets have the
/// same signature, and the actual representation types of the parameters and
/// returns are subtypes (resp. supertypes) of the types in the signature.
w.FunctionType _computeSignature() {
var nameIndex = paramInfo.nameIndex;
final int returnCount = isSetter ? 0 : 1;
List<Set<w.ValueType>> inputSets =
List.generate(1 + paramInfo.paramCount, (_) => {});
List<Set<w.ValueType>> outputSets = List.generate(returnCount, (_) => {});
List<bool> ensureBoxed = List.filled(1 + paramInfo.paramCount, false);
targets.forEach((classId, target) {
Member member = target.asMember;
DartType receiver =
InterfaceType(member.enclosingClass!, Nullability.nonNullable);
List<DartType> positional;
Map<String, DartType> named;
List<DartType> returns;
if (member is Field) {
if (target.isImplicitGetter) {
positional = const [];
named = const {};
returns = [member.getterType];
} else {
positional = [member.setterType];
named = const {};
returns = const [];
} else {
FunctionNode function = member.function!;
if (target.isTearOffReference) {
positional = const [];
named = const {};
returns = [function.computeFunctionType(Nullability.nonNullable)];
} else {
DartType typeForParam(VariableDeclaration param, int index) {
if (param.isCovariantByClass) {
// The type argument of a static type is not required to conform
// to the bounds of the type variable. Thus, any object can be
// passed to a parameter that is covariant by class.
return translator.coreTypes.objectNullableRawType;
if (param.isCovariantByDeclaration) {
if (hasTearOffUses) {
// The type of a covariant parameter in the runtime function
// type of a tear-off is always `Object?`. Thus, if the method
// has any tear-off uses, any object could be passed into the
// parameter.
return translator.coreTypes.objectNullableRawType;
if (!translator.options.omitImplicitTypeChecks) {
// A runtime type check of the parameter will be generated.
// The value must therefore be boxed.
ensureBoxed[index] = true;
return param.type;
positional = [
for (int i = 0; i < function.positionalParameters.length; i++)
typeForParam(function.positionalParameters[i], 1 + i)
named = {
for (VariableDeclaration param in function.namedParameters)!: typeForParam(param, 1 + nameIndex[!]!)
returns = target.isSetter ? const [] : [function.returnType];
assert(returns.length <= outputSets.length);
ensureBoxed[0] = member.enclosingClass != translator.ffiPointerClass;
for (int i = 0; i < positional.length; i++) {
DartType type = positional[i];
inputSets[1 + i].add(translator.translateType(type));
ensureBoxed[1 + i] |=
paramInfo.positional[i] == ParameterInfo.defaultValueSentinel;
for (String name in named.keys) {
int i = nameIndex[name]!;
DartType type = named[name]!;
inputSets[1 + i].add(translator.translateType(type));
ensureBoxed[1 + i] |=
paramInfo.named[name] == ParameterInfo.defaultValueSentinel;
for (int i = 0; i < returnCount; i++) {
if (i < returns.length) {
DartType type = returns[i];
} else {
List<w.ValueType> typeParameters = List.filled(paramInfo.typeParamCount,
List<w.ValueType> inputs = List.generate(inputSets.length,
(i) => _upperBound(inputSets[i], ensureBoxed: ensureBoxed[i]));
if (name == '==') {
// == can't be called with null
inputs[1] = inputs[1].withNullability(false);
List<w.ValueType> outputs = List.generate(outputSets.length,
(i) => _upperBound(outputSets[i], ensureBoxed: false));
return m.types.defineFunction(
[inputs[0], ...typeParameters, ...inputs.sublist(1)], outputs);
w.ValueType _upperBound(Set<w.ValueType> types, {required bool ensureBoxed}) {
if (!ensureBoxed && types.length == 1 && types.single.isPrimitive) {
// Unboxed primitive.
return types.single;
final bool nullable = types.any((type) => type.nullable);
int minDepth = 999999999;
Set<w.DefType> heapTypes = types
.where((type) => type is! w.RefType || type.heapType is w.DefType)
.map((type) {
w.DefType def = type is w.RefType
? type.heapType as w.DefType
: translator.classInfo[translator.boxedClasses[type]!]!.struct;
minDepth = min(minDepth, def.depth);
return def;
if (heapTypes.isEmpty) {
// Only abstract heap types.
Set<w.HeapType> heapTypes = => (type as w.RefType).heapType).toSet();
return w.RefType(heapTypes.single, nullable: nullable);
int targetDepth = minDepth;
while (heapTypes.length > 1) {
heapTypes = {
while (s.depth > targetDepth) {
s = s.superType!;
return s;
targetDepth -= 1;
return w.RefType.def(heapTypes.single, nullable: nullable);
/// Builds the dispatch table for member calls.
class DispatchTable {
final Translator translator;
final List<TableSelectorInfo> _selectorMetadata;
final Map<TreeNode, ProcedureAttributesMetadata> _procedureAttributeMetadata;
/// Maps selector IDs to selectors.
final Map<int, SelectorInfo> _selectorInfo = {};
/// Maps member names to getter selectors with the same member name.
final Map<String, Set<SelectorInfo>> _dynamicGetters = {};
/// Maps member names to setter selectors with the same member name.
final Map<String, Set<SelectorInfo>> _dynamicSetters = {};
/// Maps member names to method selectors with the same member name.
final Map<String, Set<SelectorInfo>> _dynamicMethods = {};
/// Contents of [wasmTable]. For a selector with ID S and a target class of
/// the selector with ID C, `table[S + C]` gives the reference to the class
/// member for the selector.
late final List<Reference?> _table;
/// The Wasm table for the dispatch table.
late final w.TableBuilder wasmTable;
w.ModuleBuilder get m => translator.m;
: _selectorMetadata =
as TableSelectorMetadataRepository)
_procedureAttributeMetadata =
as ProcedureAttributesMetadataRepository)
SelectorInfo selectorForTarget(Reference target) {
Member member = target.asMember;
bool isGetter = target.isGetter || target.isTearOffReference;
ProcedureAttributesMetadata metadata = _procedureAttributeMetadata[member]!;
int selectorId = isGetter
? metadata.getterSelectorId
: metadata.methodOrSetterSelectorId;
return _selectorInfo[selectorId]!;
SelectorInfo _createSelectorForTarget(Reference target) {
Member member = target.asMember;
bool isGetter = target.isGetter || target.isTearOffReference;
bool isSetter = target.isSetter;
ProcedureAttributesMetadata metadata = _procedureAttributeMetadata[member]!;
int selectorId = isGetter
? metadata.getterSelectorId
: metadata.methodOrSetterSelectorId;
ParameterInfo paramInfo = ParameterInfo.fromMember(target);
// _WasmBase and its subclass methods cannot be called dynamically
final cls = member.enclosingClass;
final isWasmType = cls != null && translator.isWasmType(cls);
final calledDynamically = !isWasmType &&
(metadata.getterCalledDynamically ||
metadata.methodOrSetterCalledDynamically || == "call");
final selector = _selectorInfo.putIfAbsent(
() => SelectorInfo._(translator, selectorId,
_selectorMetadata[selectorId].callCount, paramInfo,
isSetter: isSetter));
assert(selector.isSetter == isSetter);
selector.hasTearOffUses |= metadata.hasTearOffUses;
if (calledDynamically) {
if (isGetter) {
(_dynamicGetters[] ??= {}).add(selector);
} else if (isSetter) {
(_dynamicSetters[] ??= {}).add(selector);
} else {
(_dynamicMethods[] ??= {}).add(selector);
return selector;
/// Get selectors for getters and tear-offs with the given name.
Iterable<SelectorInfo> dynamicGetterSelectors(String memberName) =>
_dynamicGetters[memberName] ?? Iterable.empty();
/// Get selectors for setters with the given name.
Iterable<SelectorInfo> dynamicSetterSelectors(String memberName) =>
_dynamicSetters[memberName] ?? Iterable.empty();
/// Get selectors for methods with the given name.
Iterable<SelectorInfo> dynamicMethodSelectors(String memberName) =>
_dynamicMethods[memberName] ?? Iterable.empty();
void build() {
// Collect class/selector combinations
// Maps class IDs to selector IDs of the class
List<Set<int>> selectorsInClass =
List.filled(translator.classes.length, const {});
// Add classes to selector targets for their members
for (ClassInfo info in translator.classesSupersFirst) {
Set<int> selectorIds = {};
final ClassInfo? superInfo = info.superInfo;
// Add the class to its inherited members' selectors. Skip `_WasmBase`:
// it's defined as a Dart class (in `dart._wasm` library) but it's special
// and does not inherit from `Object`.
if (superInfo != null && info.cls != translator.wasmTypesBaseClass) {
int superId = superInfo.classId;
selectorIds = Set.of(selectorsInClass[superId]);
for (int selectorId in selectorIds) {
SelectorInfo selector = _selectorInfo[selectorId]!;
selector.targets[info.classId] = selector.targets[superId]!;
/// Add a method (or getter, setter) of the current class ([info]) to
/// [reference]'s selector's targets.
/// Because we visit a superclass before its subclasses, if the class
/// inherits [reference], then the selector will already have a target
/// for the class. Override that target if [reference] is a not abstract.
/// If it's abstract, then the superclass's method will be called, so do
/// not update the target.
void addMember(Reference reference) {
SelectorInfo selector = _createSelectorForTarget(reference);
if (reference.asMember.isAbstract) {
// Reference is abstract, do not override inherited concrete member
selector.targets[info.classId] ??= reference;
} else {
// Reference is concrete, override inherited member
selector.targets[info.classId] = reference;
// Add the class to its non-static members' selectors. If `info.cls` is
// `null`, that means [info] represents the `#Top` type, which is not a
// Dart class but has the members of `Object`.
for (Member member
in info.cls?.members ?? translator.coreTypes.objectClass.members) {
// Skip static members
if (!member.isInstanceMember) {
if (member is Field) {
if (member.hasSetter) addMember(member.setterReference!);
} else if (member is Procedure) {
// `hasTearOffUses` can be true for operators as well, even though
// it's not possible to tear-off an operator. (no syntax for it)
if (member.kind == ProcedureKind.Method &&
_procedureAttributeMetadata[member]!.hasTearOffUses) {
selectorsInClass[info.classId] = selectorIds;
// Build lists of class IDs and count targets
for (SelectorInfo selector in _selectorInfo.values) {
selector.classIds = selector.targets.keys
.where((classId) =>
!(translator.classes[classId].cls?.isAbstract ?? true))
Set<Reference> targets =
selector.targets.values.where((t) => !t.asMember.isAbstract).toSet();
selector.targetCount = targets.length;
selector.singularTarget = targets.length == 1 ? targets.single : null;
// Assign selector offsets
/// Whether the selector will be used in an instance invocation.
/// If not, then we don't add the selector to the dispatch table and don't
/// assign it a dispatch table offset.
/// Special case for `objectNoSuchMethod`: we introduce instance
/// invocations of `objectNoSuchMethod` in dynamic calls, so keep it alive
/// even if there was no references to it from the Dart code.
bool needsDispatch(SelectorInfo selector) =>
(selector.callCount > 0 && selector.targetCount > 1) ||
(selector.paramInfo.member! == translator.objectNoSuchMethod);
List<SelectorInfo> selectors =
// Sort the selectors based on number of targets and number of use sites.
// This is a heuristic to keep the table small.
// Place selectors with more targets first as they are less likely to fit
// into the gaps left by selectors placed earlier.
// Among the selectors with approximately same number of targets, place
// more used ones first, as the smaller selector offset will have a smaller
// instruction encoding.
int selectorSortWeight(SelectorInfo selector) =>
selector.classIds.length * 10 + selector.callCount;
selectors.sort((a, b) => selectorSortWeight(b) - selectorSortWeight(a));
int firstAvailable = 0;
_table = [];
bool first = true;
for (SelectorInfo selector in selectors) {
int offset = first ? 0 : firstAvailable - selector.classIds.first;
first = false;
bool fits;
do {
fits = true;
for (int classId in selector.classIds) {
int entry = offset + classId;
if (entry >= _table.length) {
// Fits
if (_table[entry] != null) {
fits = false;
if (!fits) offset++;
} while (!fits);
selector.offset = offset;
for (int classId in selector.classIds) {
int entry = offset + classId;
while (_table.length <= entry) {
assert(_table[entry] == null);
_table[entry] = selector.targets[classId];
while (firstAvailable < _table.length && _table[firstAvailable] != null) {
wasmTable = m.tables.define(w.RefType.func(nullable: true), _table.length);
void output() {
for (int i = 0; i < _table.length; i++) {
Reference? target = _table[i];
if (target != null) {
w.BaseFunction? fun = translator.functions.getExistingFunction(target);
if (fun != null) {
wasmTable.setElement(i, fun);