blob: 2da3cd52561bdd2d79126b8ec55fa2ffe46417aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// If you are adding/removing/modifying fields/classes of the AST, you must
/// also update the following files:
/// - binary/ast_to_binary.dart
/// - binary/ast_from_binary.dart
/// - text/ast_to_text.dart
/// - clone.dart
/// -
/// - type_checker.dart (if relevant)
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// As a rule of thumb, errors that can be detected statically are handled by
/// the frontend, typically by translating the erroneous code into a 'throw' or
/// a call to 'noSuchMethod'.
/// For example, there are no arity mismatches in static invocations, and
/// there are no direct invocations of a constructor on a abstract class.
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// The term `static` includes both static class members and top-level members.
/// "Static class member" is the preferred term for non-top level statics.
/// Static class members are not lifted to the library level because mirrors
/// and stack traces can observe that they are class members.
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// "Procedure" is an umbrella term for method, getter, setter, index-getter,
/// index-setter, operator overloader, and factory constructor.
/// Generative constructors, field initializers, local functions are NOT
/// procedures.
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// AST transformations can be performed using [TreeNode.replaceWith] or the
/// [Transformer] visitor class.
/// Use [Transformer] for bulk transformations that are likely to transform lots
/// of nodes, and [TreeNode.replaceWith] for sparse transformations that mutate
/// relatively few nodes. Or use whichever is more convenient.
/// The AST can also be mutated by direct field manipulation, but the user then
/// has to update parent pointers manually.
library kernel.ast;
import 'dart:convert' show utf8;
import 'visitor.dart';
export 'visitor.dart';
import 'canonical_name.dart' show CanonicalName;
export 'canonical_name.dart' show CanonicalName;
import 'transformations/flags.dart';
import 'text/ast_to_text.dart';
import 'type_algebra.dart';
import 'type_environment.dart';
import 'coq_annot.dart';
/// Any type of node in the IR.
abstract class Node {
const Node();
accept(Visitor v);
void visitChildren(Visitor v);
/// Returns the textual representation of this node for use in debugging.
/// [toString] should only be used for debugging and short-running test tools
/// as it can cause serious memory leaks.
/// Synthetic names are cached globally to retain consistency across different
/// [toString] calls (hence the memory leak).
/// Nodes that are named, such as [Class] and [Member], return their
/// (possibly synthesized) name, whereas other AST nodes return the complete
/// textual representation of their subtree.
String toString() => debugNodeToString(this);
/// A mutable AST node with a parent pointer.
/// This is anything other than [Name] and [DartType] nodes.
abstract class TreeNode extends Node {
static int _hashCounter = 0;
final int hashCode = _hashCounter = (_hashCounter + 1) & 0x3fffffff;
static const int noOffset = -1;
TreeNode parent;
/// Offset in the source file it comes from.
/// Valid values are from 0 and up, or -1 ([noOffset]) if the file offset is
/// not available (this is the default if none is specifically set).
int fileOffset = noOffset;
accept(TreeVisitor v);
visitChildren(Visitor v);
transformChildren(Transformer v);
/// Replaces [child] with [replacement].
/// The caller is responsible for ensuring that the AST remains a tree. In
/// particular, [replacement] should be an orphan or be part of an orphaned
/// subtree.
/// Has no effect if [child] is not actually a child of this node.
/// If [replacement] is `null`, this will [remove] the [child] node.
void replaceChild(TreeNode child, TreeNode replacement) {
transformChildren(new _ChildReplacer(child, replacement));
/// Inserts another node in place of this one.
/// The caller is responsible for ensuring that the AST remains a tree. In
/// particular, [replacement] should be an orphan or be part of an orphaned
/// subtree.
/// If [replacement] is `null`, this will [remove] the node.
void replaceWith(TreeNode replacement) {
parent.replaceChild(this, replacement);
parent = null;
/// Removes this node from the [List] it is currently stored in, or assigns
/// `null` to the field on the parent currently pointing to the node.
/// Has no effect if the node is orphaned or if the parent pointer is stale.
void remove() {
parent?.replaceChild(this, null);
parent = null;
Component get enclosingComponent => parent?.enclosingComponent;
/// Returns the best known source location of the given AST node, or `null` if
/// the node is orphaned.
/// This getter is intended for diagnostics and debugging, and should be
/// avoided in production code.
Location get location {
if (fileOffset == noOffset) return parent?.location;
return _getLocationInEnclosingFile(fileOffset);
Location _getLocationInEnclosingFile(int offset) {
return parent?._getLocationInEnclosingFile(offset);
/// An AST node that can be referenced by other nodes.
/// There is a single [reference] belonging to this node, providing a level of
/// indirection that is needed during serialization.
abstract class NamedNode extends TreeNode {
final Reference reference;
NamedNode(Reference reference)
: this.reference = reference ?? new Reference() {
this.reference.node = this;
CanonicalName get canonicalName => reference?.canonicalName;
abstract class FileUriNode extends TreeNode {
/// The URI of the source file this node was loaded from.
Uri get fileUri;
/// Indirection between a reference and its definition.
/// There is only one reference object per [NamedNode].
class Reference {
CanonicalName canonicalName;
NamedNode node;
String toString() {
if (canonicalName != null) {
return 'Reference to $canonicalName';
if (node != null) {
return 'Reference to $node';
return 'Unbound reference';
Library get asLibrary {
if (node == null) {
throw '$this is not bound to an AST node. A library was expected';
return node as Library;
Class get asClass {
if (node == null) {
throw '$this is not bound to an AST node. A class was expected';
return node as Class;
Member get asMember {
if (node == null) {
throw '$this is not bound to an AST node. A member was expected';
return node as Member;
Field get asField {
if (node == null) {
throw '$this is not bound to an AST node. A field was expected';
return node as Field;
Constructor get asConstructor {
if (node == null) {
throw '$this is not bound to an AST node. A constructor was expected';
return node as Constructor;
Procedure get asProcedure {
if (node == null) {
throw '$this is not bound to an AST node. A procedure was expected';
return node as Procedure;
Typedef get asTypedef {
if (node == null) {
throw '$this is not bound to an AST node. A typedef was expected';
return node as Typedef;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Library extends NamedNode implements Comparable<Library>, FileUriNode {
/// An import path to this library.
/// The [Uri] should have the `dart`, `package`, `app`, or `file` scheme.
/// If the URI has the `app` scheme, it is relative to the application root.
Uri importUri;
/// The URI of the source file this library was loaded from.
Uri fileUri;
static const int ExternalFlag = 1 << 0;
static const int SyntheticFlag = 1 << 1;
int flags = 0;
/// If true, the library is part of another build unit and its contents
/// are only partially loaded.
/// Classes of an external library are loaded at one of the [ClassLevel]s
/// other than [ClassLevel.Body]. Members in an external library have no
/// body, but have their typed interface present.
/// If the library is non-external, then its classes are at [ClassLevel.Body]
/// and all members are loaded.
bool get isExternal => (flags & ExternalFlag) != 0;
void set isExternal(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | ExternalFlag) : (flags & ~ExternalFlag);
/// If true, the library is synthetic, for instance library that doesn't
/// represents an actual file and is created as the result of error recovery.
bool get isSynthetic => flags & SyntheticFlag != 0;
void set isSynthetic(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | SyntheticFlag) : (flags & ~SyntheticFlag);
String name;
/// Problems in this [Library] encoded as json objects.
/// Note that this field can be null, and by convention should be null if the
/// list is empty.
List<String> problemsAsJson;
final List<Expression> annotations;
final List<LibraryDependency> dependencies;
/// References to nodes exported by `export` declarations that:
/// - aren't ambiguous, or
/// - aren't hidden by local declarations.
final List<Reference> additionalExports = <Reference>[];
final List<LibraryPart> parts;
final List<Typedef> typedefs;
final List<Class> classes;
final List<Procedure> procedures;
final List<Field> fields;
bool isExternal: false,
List<Expression> annotations,
List<LibraryDependency> dependencies,
List<LibraryPart> parts,
List<Typedef> typedefs,
List<Class> classes,
List<Procedure> procedures,
List<Field> fields,
Reference reference})
: this.annotations = annotations ?? <Expression>[],
this.dependencies = dependencies ?? <LibraryDependency>[], = parts ?? <LibraryPart>[],
this.typedefs = typedefs ?? <Typedef>[],
this.classes = classes ?? <Class>[],
this.procedures = procedures ?? <Procedure>[],
this.fields = fields ?? <Field>[],
super(reference) {
this.isExternal = isExternal;
setParents(this.dependencies, this);
setParents(, this);
setParents(this.typedefs, this);
setParents(this.classes, this);
setParents(this.procedures, this);
setParents(this.fields, this);
/// Returns the top-level fields and procedures defined in this library.
/// This getter is for convenience, not efficiency. Consider manually
/// iterating the members to speed up code in production.
Iterable<Member> get members =>
<Iterable<Member>>[fields, procedures].expand((x) => x);
void addMember(Member member) {
member.parent = this;
if (member is Procedure) {
} else if (member is Field) {
} else {
throw new ArgumentError(member);
void addAnnotation(Expression node) {
node.parent = this;
void addClass(Class class_) {
class_.parent = this;
void addField(Field field) {
field.parent = this;
void addProcedure(Procedure procedure) {
procedure.parent = this;
void addTypedef(Typedef typedef_) {
typedef_.parent = this;
void computeCanonicalNames() {
assert(canonicalName != null);
for (int i = 0; i < typedefs.length; ++i) {
Typedef typedef_ = typedefs[i];
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
Field field = fields[i];
for (int i = 0; i < procedures.length; ++i) {
Procedure member = procedures[i];
for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; ++i) {
Class class_ = classes[i];
void addDependency(LibraryDependency node) {
dependencies.add(node..parent = this);
void addPart(LibraryPart node) {
parts.add(node..parent = this);
accept(TreeVisitor v) => v.visitLibrary(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(annotations, v);
visitList(dependencies, v);
visitList(parts, v);
visitList(typedefs, v);
visitList(classes, v);
visitList(procedures, v);
visitList(fields, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
transformList(annotations, v, this);
transformList(dependencies, v, this);
transformList(parts, v, this);
transformList(typedefs, v, this);
transformList(classes, v, this);
transformList(procedures, v, this);
transformList(fields, v, this);
static int _libraryIdCounter = 0;
int _libraryId = ++_libraryIdCounter;
int compareTo(Library other) => _libraryId - other._libraryId;
/// Returns a possibly synthesized name for this library, consistent with
/// the names across all [toString] calls.
String toString() => debugLibraryName(this);
Location _getLocationInEnclosingFile(int offset) {
return _getLocationInComponent(enclosingComponent, fileUri, offset);
/// An import or export declaration in a library.
/// It can represent any of the following forms,
/// import <url>;
/// import <url> as <name>;
/// import <url> deferred as <name>;
/// export <url>;
/// optionally with metadata and [Combinators].
class LibraryDependency extends TreeNode {
int flags;
final List<Expression> annotations;
Reference importedLibraryReference;
/// The name of the import prefix, if any, or `null` if this is not an import
/// with a prefix.
/// Must be non-null for deferred imports, and must be null for exports.
String name;
final List<Combinator> combinators;
LibraryDependency(int flags, List<Expression> annotations,
Library importedLibrary, String name, List<Combinator> combinators)
: this.byReference(
flags, annotations, importedLibrary.reference, name, combinators);
LibraryDependency.deferredImport(Library importedLibrary, String name,
{List<Combinator> combinators, List<Expression> annotations})
: this.byReference(DeferredFlag, annotations ?? <Expression>[],
importedLibrary.reference, name, combinators ?? <Combinator>[]);
LibraryDependency.import(Library importedLibrary,
{String name, List<Combinator> combinators, List<Expression> annotations})
: this.byReference(0, annotations ?? <Expression>[],
importedLibrary.reference, name, combinators ?? <Combinator>[]);
LibraryDependency.export(Library importedLibrary,
{List<Combinator> combinators, List<Expression> annotations})
: this.byReference(ExportFlag, annotations ?? <Expression>[],
importedLibrary.reference, null, combinators ?? <Combinator>[]);
LibraryDependency.byReference(this.flags, this.annotations,
this.importedLibraryReference,, this.combinators) {
setParents(annotations, this);
setParents(combinators, this);
Library get enclosingLibrary => parent;
Library get targetLibrary => importedLibraryReference.asLibrary;
static const int ExportFlag = 1 << 0;
static const int DeferredFlag = 1 << 1;
bool get isExport => flags & ExportFlag != 0;
bool get isImport => !isExport;
bool get isDeferred => flags & DeferredFlag != 0;
void addAnnotation(Expression annotation) {
annotations.add(annotation..parent = this);
accept(TreeVisitor v) => v.visitLibraryDependency(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(annotations, v);
visitList(combinators, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
transformList(annotations, v, this);
transformList(combinators, v, this);
/// A part declaration in a library.
/// part <url>;
/// optionally with metadata.
class LibraryPart extends TreeNode {
final List<Expression> annotations;
final String partUri;
LibraryPart(this.annotations, this.partUri) {
setParents(annotations, this);
void addAnnotation(Expression annotation) {
annotations.add(annotation..parent = this);
accept(TreeVisitor v) => v.visitLibraryPart(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(annotations, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
transformList(annotations, v, this);
/// A `show` or `hide` clause for an import or export.
class Combinator extends TreeNode {
bool isShow;
final List<String> names;
LibraryDependency get dependency => parent;
Combinator(this.isShow, this.names); : isShow = true;
Combinator.hide(this.names) : isShow = false;
bool get isHide => !isShow;
accept(TreeVisitor v) => v.visitCombinator(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
/// Declaration of a type alias.
class Typedef extends NamedNode implements FileUriNode {
/// The URI of the source file that contains the declaration of this typedef.
Uri fileUri;
List<Expression> annotations = const <Expression>[];
String name;
final List<TypeParameter> typeParameters;
DartType type;
// The following two fields describe parameters of the underlying function
// type. They are needed to keep such attributes as names and annotations.
final List<TypeParameter> typeParametersOfFunctionType;
final List<VariableDeclaration> positionalParameters;
final List<VariableDeclaration> namedParameters;
Typedef(, this.type,
{Reference reference,
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters,
List<TypeParameter> typeParametersOfFunctionType,
List<VariableDeclaration> positionalParameters,
List<VariableDeclaration> namedParameters})
: this.typeParameters = typeParameters ?? <TypeParameter>[],
this.typeParametersOfFunctionType =
typeParametersOfFunctionType ?? <TypeParameter>[],
this.positionalParameters =
positionalParameters ?? <VariableDeclaration>[],
this.namedParameters = namedParameters ?? <VariableDeclaration>[],
super(reference) {
setParents(this.typeParameters, this);
Library get enclosingLibrary => parent;
TypedefType get thisType {
return new TypedefType(this, _getAsTypeArguments(typeParameters));
accept(TreeVisitor v) {
return v.visitTypedef(this);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
transformList(annotations, v, this);
transformList(typeParameters, v, this);
if (type != null) {
type = v.visitDartType(type);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(annotations, v);
visitList(typeParameters, v);
void addAnnotation(Expression node) {
if (annotations.isEmpty) {
annotations = <Expression>[];
node.parent = this;
/// The degree to which the contents of a class have been loaded into memory.
/// Each level imply the requirements of the previous ones.
enum ClassLevel {
/// Temporary loading level for internal use by IR producers. Consumers of
/// kernel code should not expect to see classes at this level.
/// The class may be used as a type, and it may contain members that are
/// referenced from this build unit.
/// The type parameters and their bounds are present.
/// There is no guarantee that all members are present.
/// All supertypes of this class are at [Type] level or higher.
/// All instance members of the class are present.
/// All supertypes of this class are at [Hierarchy] level or higher.
/// This level exists so supertypes of a fully loaded class contain all the
/// members needed to detect override constraints.
/// All instance members of the class have their body loaded, and their
/// annotations are present.
/// All supertypes of this class are at [Hierarchy] level or higher.
/// If this class is a mixin application, then its mixin is loaded at [Mixin]
/// level or higher.
/// This level exists so the contents of a mixin can be cloned into a
/// mixin application.
/// All members of the class are fully loaded and are in the correct order.
/// Annotations are present on classes and members.
/// All supertypes of this class are at [Hierarchy] level or higher,
/// not necessarily at [Body] level.
/// Declaration of a regular class or a mixin application.
/// Mixin applications may not contain fields or procedures, as they implicitly
/// use those from its mixed-in type. However, the IR does not enforce this
/// rule directly, as doing so can obstruct transformations. It is possible to
/// transform a mixin application to become a regular class, and vice versa.
class Class extends NamedNode implements FileUriNode {
/// Start offset of the class in the source file it comes from.
/// Note that this includes annotations if any.
/// Valid values are from 0 and up, or -1 ([TreeNode.noOffset]) if the file
/// start offset is not available (this is the default if none is specifically
/// set).
int startFileOffset = TreeNode.noOffset;
/// End offset in the source file it comes from. Valid values are from 0 and
/// up, or -1 ([TreeNode.noOffset]) if the file end offset is not available
/// (this is the default if none is specifically set).
int fileEndOffset = TreeNode.noOffset;
/// The degree to which the contents of the class have been loaded.
ClassLevel level = ClassLevel.Body;
/// List of metadata annotations on the class.
/// This defaults to an immutable empty list. Use [addAnnotation] to add
/// annotations if needed.
List<Expression> annotations = const <Expression>[];
/// Name of the class.
/// Must be non-null and must be unique within the library.
/// The name may contain characters that are not valid in a Dart identifier,
/// in particular, the symbol '&' is used in class names generated for mixin
/// applications.
String name;
// Must match serialized bit positions.
static const int LevelMask = 0x3; // Bits 0 and 1.
static const int FlagAbstract = 1 << 2;
static const int FlagEnum = 1 << 3;
static const int FlagAnonymousMixin = 1 << 4;
static const int FlagEliminatedMixin = 1 << 5;
static const int FlagMixinDeclaration = 1 << 6;
int flags = 0;
bool get isAbstract => flags & FlagAbstract != 0;
void set isAbstract(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagAbstract) : (flags & ~FlagAbstract);
/// Whether this class is an enum.
bool get isEnum => flags & FlagEnum != 0;
void set isEnum(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagEnum) : (flags & ~FlagEnum);
/// Whether this class is a synthetic implementation created for each
/// mixed-in class. For example the following code:
/// class Z extends A with B, C, D {}
/// class A {}
/// class B {}
/// class C {}
/// class D {}
/// ...creates:
/// abstract class _Z&A&B extends A mixedIn B {}
/// abstract class _Z&A&B&C extends A&B mixedIn C {}
/// abstract class _Z&A&B&C&D extends A&B&C mixedIn D {}
/// class Z extends _Z&A&B&C&D {}
/// All X&Y classes are marked as synthetic.
bool get isAnonymousMixin => flags & FlagAnonymousMixin != 0;
void set isAnonymousMixin(bool value) {
flags =
value ? (flags | FlagAnonymousMixin) : (flags & ~FlagAnonymousMixin);
/// Whether this class was transformed from a mixin application.
/// In such case, its mixed-in type was pulled into the end of implemented
/// types list.
bool get isEliminatedMixin => flags & FlagEliminatedMixin != 0;
void set isEliminatedMixin(bool value) {
flags =
value ? (flags | FlagEliminatedMixin) : (flags & ~FlagEliminatedMixin);
/// True if this class was a mixin declaration in Dart.
/// Mixins are declared in Dart with the `mixin` keyword. They are compiled
/// to Kernel classes.
bool get isMixinDeclaration => flags & FlagMixinDeclaration != 0;
void set isMixinDeclaration(bool value) {
flags = value
? (flags | FlagMixinDeclaration)
: (flags & ~FlagMixinDeclaration);
List<Supertype> superclassConstraints() {
var constraints = <Supertype>[];
// Not a mixin declaration.
if (!isMixinDeclaration) return constraints;
// Otherwise we have a left-linear binary tree (subtrees are supertype and
// mixedInType) of constraints, where all the interior nodes are anonymous
// mixin applications.
Supertype current = supertype;
while (current != null && current.classNode.isAnonymousMixin) {
Class currentClass = current.classNode;
assert(currentClass.implementedTypes.length == 2);
Substitution substitution = Substitution.fromSupertype(current);
current =
return constraints..add(current);
/// The URI of the source file this class was loaded from.
Uri fileUri;
final List<TypeParameter> typeParameters;
/// The immediate super type, or `null` if this is the root class.
Supertype supertype;
/// The mixed-in type if this is a mixin application, otherwise `null`.
Supertype mixedInType;
/// The types from the `implements` clause.
final List<Supertype> implementedTypes;
/// Fields declared in the class.
/// For mixin applications this should be empty.
final List<Field> fields;
/// Constructors declared in the class.
final List<Constructor> constructors;
/// Procedures declared in the class.
/// For mixin applications this should only contain forwarding stubs.
final List<Procedure> procedures;
/// Redirecting factory constructors declared in the class.
/// For mixin applications this should be empty.
final List<RedirectingFactoryConstructor> redirectingFactoryConstructors;
bool isAbstract: false,
bool isAnonymousMixin: false,
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters,
List<Supertype> implementedTypes,
List<Constructor> constructors,
List<Procedure> procedures,
List<Field> fields,
List<RedirectingFactoryConstructor> redirectingFactoryConstructors,
Reference reference})
: this.typeParameters = typeParameters ?? <TypeParameter>[],
this.implementedTypes = implementedTypes ?? <Supertype>[],
this.fields = fields ?? <Field>[],
this.constructors = constructors ?? <Constructor>[],
this.procedures = procedures ?? <Procedure>[],
this.redirectingFactoryConstructors =
redirectingFactoryConstructors ?? <RedirectingFactoryConstructor>[],
super(reference) {
setParents(this.typeParameters, this);
setParents(this.constructors, this);
setParents(this.procedures, this);
setParents(this.fields, this);
setParents(this.redirectingFactoryConstructors, this);
this.isAbstract = isAbstract;
this.isAnonymousMixin = isAnonymousMixin;
void computeCanonicalNames() {
assert(canonicalName != null);
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
Field member = fields[i];
for (int i = 0; i < procedures.length; ++i) {
Procedure member = procedures[i];
for (int i = 0; i < constructors.length; ++i) {
Constructor member = constructors[i];
for (int i = 0; i < redirectingFactoryConstructors.length; ++i) {
RedirectingFactoryConstructor member = redirectingFactoryConstructors[i];
/// The immediate super class, or `null` if this is the root class.
Class get superclass => supertype?.classNode;
/// The mixed-in class if this is a mixin application, otherwise `null`.
/// Note that this may itself be a mixin application. Use [mixin] to get the
/// class that has the fields and procedures.
Class get mixedInClass => mixedInType?.classNode;
/// The class that declares the field and procedures of this class.
Class get mixin => mixedInClass?.mixin ?? this;
bool get isMixinApplication => mixedInType != null;
String get demangledName {
if (isAnonymousMixin) return nameAsMixinApplication;
return name;
String get nameAsMixinApplication {
return demangleMixinApplicationName(name);
String get nameAsMixinApplicationSubclass {
return demangleMixinApplicationSubclassName(name);
/// Members declared in this class.
/// This getter is for convenience, not efficiency. Consider manually
/// iterating the members to speed up code in production.
Iterable<Member> get members => <Iterable<Member>>[
].expand((x) => x);
/// The immediately extended, mixed-in, and implemented types.
/// This getter is for convenience, not efficiency. Consider manually
/// iterating the super types to speed up code in production.
Iterable<Supertype> get supers => <Iterable<Supertype>>[
supertype == null ? const [] : [supertype],
mixedInType == null ? const [] : [mixedInType],
].expand((x) => x);
/// The library containing this class.
Library get enclosingLibrary => parent;
/// Adds a member to this class.
/// Throws an error if attempting to add a field or procedure to a mixin
/// application.
void addMember(Member member) {
member.parent = this;
if (member is Constructor) {
} else if (member is Procedure) {
} else if (member is Field) {
} else if (member is RedirectingFactoryConstructor) {
} else {
throw new ArgumentError(member);
void addAnnotation(Expression node) {
if (annotations.isEmpty) {
annotations = <Expression>[];
node.parent = this;
accept(TreeVisitor v) => v.visitClass(this);
acceptReference(Visitor v) => v.visitClassReference(this);
/// If true, the class is part of an external library, that is, it is defined
/// in another build unit. Only a subset of its members are present.
/// These classes should be loaded at either [ClassLevel.Type] or
/// [ClassLevel.Hierarchy] level.
bool get isInExternalLibrary => enclosingLibrary.isExternal;
Supertype get asRawSupertype {
return new Supertype(this,
new List<DartType>.filled(typeParameters.length, const DynamicType()));
Supertype get asThisSupertype {
return new Supertype(this, _getAsTypeArguments(typeParameters));
InterfaceType _rawType;
InterfaceType get rawType => _rawType ??= new InterfaceType(this);
InterfaceType _thisType;
InterfaceType get thisType {
return _thisType ??=
new InterfaceType(this, _getAsTypeArguments(typeParameters));
InterfaceType _bottomType;
InterfaceType get bottomType {
return _bottomType ??= new InterfaceType(this,
new List<DartType>.filled(typeParameters.length, const BottomType()));
/// Returns a possibly synthesized name for this class, consistent with
/// the names used across all [toString] calls.
String toString() => debugQualifiedClassName(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(annotations, v);
visitList(typeParameters, v);
visitList(implementedTypes, v);
visitList(constructors, v);
visitList(procedures, v);
visitList(fields, v);
visitList(redirectingFactoryConstructors, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
transformList(annotations, v, this);
transformList(typeParameters, v, this);
if (supertype != null) {
supertype = v.visitSupertype(supertype);
if (mixedInType != null) {
mixedInType = v.visitSupertype(mixedInType);
transformSupertypeList(implementedTypes, v);
transformList(constructors, v, this);
transformList(procedures, v, this);
transformList(fields, v, this);
transformList(redirectingFactoryConstructors, v, this);
Location _getLocationInEnclosingFile(int offset) {
return _getLocationInComponent(enclosingComponent, fileUri, offset);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
abstract class Member extends NamedNode implements FileUriNode {
/// End offset in the source file it comes from.
/// Valid values are from 0 and up, or -1 ([TreeNode.noOffset]) if the file
/// end offset is not available (this is the default if none is specifically
/// set).
int fileEndOffset = TreeNode.noOffset;
/// List of metadata annotations on the member.
/// This defaults to an immutable empty list. Use [addAnnotation] to add
/// annotations if needed.
List<Expression> annotations = const <Expression>[];
Name name;
/// The URI of the source file this member was loaded from.
Uri fileUri;
/// Flags summarizing the kinds of AST nodes contained in this member, for
/// speeding up transformations that only affect certain types of nodes.
/// See [TransformerFlag] for the meaning of each bit.
/// These should not be used for any purpose other than skipping certain
/// members if it can be determined that no work is needed in there.
/// It is valid for these flags to be false positives in rare cases, so
/// transformers must tolerate the case where a flag is spuriously set.
/// This value is not serialized; it is populated by the frontend and the
/// deserializer.
// TODO(asgerf): It might be worthwhile to put this on classes as well.
int transformerFlags = 0;
Member(, this.fileUri, Reference reference) : super(reference);
Class get enclosingClass => parent is Class ? parent : null;
Library get enclosingLibrary => parent is Class ? parent.parent : parent;
accept(MemberVisitor v);
acceptReference(MemberReferenceVisitor v);
/// If true, the member is part of an external library, that is, it is defined
/// in another build unit. Such members have no body or initializer present
/// in the IR.
bool get isInExternalLibrary => enclosingLibrary.isExternal;
/// Returns true if this is an abstract procedure.
bool get isAbstract => false;
/// Returns true if the member has the 'const' modifier.
bool get isConst;
/// True if this is a field or non-setter procedure.
/// Note that operators and factories return `true`, even though there are
/// normally no calls to their getter.
bool get hasGetter;
/// True if this is a setter or a mutable field.
bool get hasSetter;
/// True if this is a non-static field or procedure.
bool get isInstanceMember;
/// True if the member has the `external` modifier, implying that the
/// implementation is provided by the backend, and is not necessarily written
/// in Dart.
/// Members can have this modifier independently of whether the enclosing
/// library is external.
bool get isExternal;
void set isExternal(bool value);
/// The body of the procedure or constructor, or `null` if this is a field.
FunctionNode get function => null;
/// Returns a possibly synthesized name for this member, consistent with
/// the names used across all [toString] calls.
String toString() => debugQualifiedMemberName(this);
void addAnnotation(Expression node) {
if (annotations.isEmpty) {
annotations = <Expression>[];
node.parent = this;
DartType get getterType;
DartType get setterType;
bool get containsSuperCalls {
return transformerFlags & TransformerFlag.superCalls != 0;
/// A field declaration.
/// The implied getter and setter for the field are not represented explicitly,
/// but can be made explicit if needed.
class Field extends Member {
DartType type; // Not null. Defaults to DynamicType.
int flags = 0;
Expression initializer; // May be null.
Field(Name name,
{this.type: const DynamicType(),
bool isCovariant: false,
bool isFinal: false,
bool isConst: false,
bool isStatic: false,
bool hasImplicitGetter,
bool hasImplicitSetter,
int transformerFlags: 0,
Uri fileUri,
Reference reference})
: super(name, fileUri, reference) {
assert(type != null);
initializer?.parent = this;
this.isCovariant = isCovariant;
this.isFinal = isFinal;
this.isConst = isConst;
this.isStatic = isStatic;
this.hasImplicitGetter = hasImplicitGetter ?? !isStatic;
this.hasImplicitSetter = hasImplicitSetter ?? (!isStatic && !isFinal);
this.transformerFlags = transformerFlags;
static const int FlagFinal = 1 << 0; // Must match serialized bit positions.
static const int FlagConst = 1 << 1;
static const int FlagStatic = 1 << 2;
static const int FlagHasImplicitGetter = 1 << 3;
static const int FlagHasImplicitSetter = 1 << 4;
static const int FlagCovariant = 1 << 5;
static const int FlagGenericCovariantImpl = 1 << 6;
/// Whether the field is declared with the `covariant` keyword.
bool get isCovariant => flags & FlagCovariant != 0;
bool get isFinal => flags & FlagFinal != 0;
bool get isConst => flags & FlagConst != 0;
bool get isStatic => flags & FlagStatic != 0;
/// If true, a getter should be generated for this field.
/// If false, there may or may not exist an explicit getter in the same class
/// with the same name as the field.
/// By default, all non-static fields have implicit getters.
bool get hasImplicitGetter => flags & FlagHasImplicitGetter != 0;
/// If true, a setter should be generated for this field.
/// If false, there may or may not exist an explicit setter in the same class
/// with the same name as the field.
/// Final fields never have implicit setters, but a field without an implicit
/// setter is not necessarily final, as it may be mutated by direct field
/// access.
/// By default, all non-static, non-final fields have implicit setters.
bool get hasImplicitSetter => flags & FlagHasImplicitSetter != 0;
/// Indicates whether the implicit setter associated with this field needs to
/// contain a runtime type check to deal with generic covariance.
/// When `true`, runtime checks may need to be performed; see
/// [DispatchCategory] for details.
bool get isGenericCovariantImpl => flags & FlagGenericCovariantImpl != 0;
void set isCovariant(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagCovariant) : (flags & ~FlagCovariant);
void set isFinal(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagFinal) : (flags & ~FlagFinal);
void set isConst(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagConst) : (flags & ~FlagConst);
void set isStatic(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagStatic) : (flags & ~FlagStatic);
void set hasImplicitGetter(bool value) {
flags = value
? (flags | FlagHasImplicitGetter)
: (flags & ~FlagHasImplicitGetter);
void set hasImplicitSetter(bool value) {
flags = value
? (flags | FlagHasImplicitSetter)
: (flags & ~FlagHasImplicitSetter);
void set isGenericCovariantImpl(bool value) {
flags = value
? (flags | FlagGenericCovariantImpl)
: (flags & ~FlagGenericCovariantImpl);
/// True if the field is neither final nor const.
bool get isMutable => flags & (FlagFinal | FlagConst) == 0;
bool get isInstanceMember => !isStatic;
bool get hasGetter => true;
bool get hasSetter => isMutable;
bool get isExternal => false;
void set isExternal(bool value) {
if (value) throw 'Fields cannot be external';
accept(MemberVisitor v) => v.visitField(this);
acceptReference(MemberReferenceVisitor v) => v.visitFieldReference(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(annotations, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
type = v.visitDartType(type);
transformList(annotations, v, this);
if (initializer != null) {
initializer = initializer.accept(v);
initializer?.parent = this;
DartType get getterType => type;
DartType get setterType => isMutable ? type : const BottomType();
Location _getLocationInEnclosingFile(int offset) {
return _getLocationInComponent(enclosingComponent, fileUri, offset);
/// A generative constructor, possibly redirecting.
/// Note that factory constructors are treated as [Procedure]s.
/// Constructors do not take type parameters. Type arguments from a constructor
/// invocation should be matched with the type parameters declared in the class.
/// For unnamed constructors, the name is an empty string (in a [Name]).
class Constructor extends Member {
/// Start offset of the constructor in the source file it comes from.
/// Note that this includes annotations if any.
/// Valid values are from 0 and up, or -1 ([TreeNode.noOffset]) if the file
/// start offset is not available (this is the default if none is specifically
/// set).
int startFileOffset = TreeNode.noOffset;
int flags = 0;
FunctionNode function;
List<Initializer> initializers;
{Name name,
bool isConst: false,
bool isExternal: false,
bool isSynthetic: false,
List<Initializer> initializers,
int transformerFlags: 0,
Uri fileUri,
Reference reference})
: this.initializers = initializers ?? <Initializer>[],
super(name, fileUri, reference) {
function?.parent = this;
setParents(this.initializers, this);
this.isConst = isConst;
this.isExternal = isExternal;
this.isSynthetic = isSynthetic;
this.transformerFlags = transformerFlags;
static const int FlagConst = 1 << 0; // Must match serialized bit positions.
static const int FlagExternal = 1 << 1;
static const int FlagSynthetic = 1 << 2;
bool get isConst => flags & FlagConst != 0;
bool get isExternal => flags & FlagExternal != 0;
/// True if this is a synthetic constructor inserted in a class that
/// does not otherwise declare any constructors.
bool get isSynthetic => flags & FlagSynthetic != 0;
void set isConst(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagConst) : (flags & ~FlagConst);
void set isExternal(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagExternal) : (flags & ~FlagExternal);
void set isSynthetic(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagSynthetic) : (flags & ~FlagSynthetic);
bool get isInstanceMember => false;
bool get hasGetter => false;
bool get hasSetter => false;
accept(MemberVisitor v) => v.visitConstructor(this);
acceptReference(MemberReferenceVisitor v) =>
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(annotations, v);
visitList(initializers, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
transformList(annotations, v, this);
transformList(initializers, v, this);
if (function != null) {
function = function.accept(v);
function?.parent = this;
DartType get getterType => const BottomType();
DartType get setterType => const BottomType();
Location _getLocationInEnclosingFile(int offset) {
return _getLocationInComponent(enclosingComponent, fileUri, offset);
/// Residue of a redirecting factory constructor for the linking phase.
/// In the following example, `bar` is a redirecting factory constructor.
/// class A {
/// factory =;
/// }
/// An invocation of `new` has the same effect as an invocation of
/// `new`. In Kernel, the invocations of `bar` are replaced with
/// invocations of `foo`, and after it is done, the redirecting constructor can
/// be removed from the class. However, it is needed during the linking phase,
/// because other modules can refer to that constructor.
/// [RedirectingFactoryConstructor]s contain the necessary information for
/// linking and are treated as non-runnable members of classes that merely serve
/// as containers for that information.
/// Redirecting factory constructors can be unnamed. In this case, the name is
/// an empty string (in a [Name]).
class RedirectingFactoryConstructor extends Member {
int flags = 0;
/// [RedirectingFactoryConstructor]s may redirect to constructors or factories
/// of instantiated generic types, that is, generic types with supplied type
/// arguments. The supplied type arguments are stored in this field.
final List<DartType> typeArguments;
/// Reference to the constructor or the factory that this
/// [RedirectingFactoryConstructor] redirects to.
Reference targetReference;
/// [typeParameters] are duplicates of the type parameters of the enclosing
/// class. Because [RedirectingFactoryConstructor]s aren't instance members,
/// references to the type parameters of the enclosing class in the
/// redirection target description are encoded with references to the elements
/// of [typeParameters].
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters;
/// Positional parameters of [RedirectingFactoryConstructor]s should be
/// compatible with that of the target constructor.
List<VariableDeclaration> positionalParameters;
int requiredParameterCount;
/// Named parameters of [RedirectingFactoryConstructor]s should be compatible
/// with that of the target constructor.
List<VariableDeclaration> namedParameters;
{Name name,
bool isConst: false,
bool isExternal: false,
int transformerFlags: 0,
List<DartType> typeArguments,
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters,
List<VariableDeclaration> positionalParameters,
List<VariableDeclaration> namedParameters,
int requiredParameterCount,
Uri fileUri,
Reference reference})
: this.typeArguments = typeArguments ?? <DartType>[],
this.typeParameters = typeParameters ?? <TypeParameter>[],
this.positionalParameters =
positionalParameters ?? <VariableDeclaration>[],
this.namedParameters = namedParameters ?? <VariableDeclaration>[],
this.requiredParameterCount =
requiredParameterCount ?? positionalParameters?.length ?? 0,
super(name, fileUri, reference) {
setParents(this.typeParameters, this);
setParents(this.positionalParameters, this);
setParents(this.namedParameters, this);
this.isConst = isConst;
this.isExternal = isExternal;
this.transformerFlags = transformerFlags;
static const int FlagConst = 1 << 0; // Must match serialized bit positions.
static const int FlagExternal = 1 << 1;
bool get isConst => flags & FlagConst != 0;
bool get isExternal => flags & FlagExternal != 0;
void set isConst(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagConst) : (flags & ~FlagConst);
void set isExternal(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagExternal) : (flags & ~FlagExternal);
bool get isInstanceMember => false;
bool get hasGetter => false;
bool get hasSetter => false;
bool get isUnresolved => targetReference == null;
Member get target => targetReference?.asMember;
void set target(Member member) {
assert(member is Constructor ||
(member is Procedure && member.kind == ProcedureKind.Factory));
targetReference = getMemberReference(member);
accept(MemberVisitor v) => v.visitRedirectingFactoryConstructor(this);
acceptReference(MemberReferenceVisitor v) =>
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(annotations, v);
visitList(typeArguments, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
transformList(annotations, v, this);
transformTypeList(typeArguments, v);
DartType get getterType => const BottomType();
DartType get setterType => const BottomType();
Location _getLocationInEnclosingFile(int offset) {
return _getLocationInComponent(enclosingComponent, fileUri, offset);
/// A method, getter, setter, index-getter, index-setter, operator overloader,
/// or factory.
/// Procedures can have the static, abstract, and/or external modifier, although
/// only the static and external modifiers may be used together.
/// For non-static procedures the name is required for dynamic dispatch.
/// For external procedures the name is required for identifying the external
/// implementation.
/// For methods, getters, and setters the name is just as it was declared.
/// For setters this does not include a trailing `=`.
/// For index-getters/setters, this is `[]` and `[]=`.
/// For operators, this is the token for the operator, e.g. `+` or `==`,
/// except for the unary minus operator, whose name is `unary-`.
class Procedure extends Member {
/// Start offset of the function in the source file it comes from.
/// Note that this includes annotations if any.
/// Valid values are from 0 and up, or -1 ([TreeNode.noOffset]) if the file
/// start offset is not available (this is the default if none is specifically
/// set).
int startFileOffset = TreeNode.noOffset;
ProcedureKind kind;
int flags = 0;
// function is null if and only if abstract, external.
FunctionNode function;
// The function node's body might be lazily loaded, meaning that this value
// might not be set correctly yet. Make sure the body is loaded before
// returning anything.
int get transformerFlags {
return super.transformerFlags;
// The function node's body might be lazily loaded, meaning that this value
// might get overwritten later (when the body is read). To avoid that read the
// body now and only set the value afterwards.
void set transformerFlags(int newValue) {
super.transformerFlags = newValue;
// This function will set the transformer flags without loading the body.
// Used when reading the binary. For other cases one should probably use
// `transformerFlags = value;`.
void setTransformerFlagsWithoutLazyLoading(int newValue) {
super.transformerFlags = newValue;
Reference forwardingStubSuperTargetReference;
Reference forwardingStubInterfaceTargetReference;
Procedure(Name name, ProcedureKind kind, FunctionNode function,
{bool isAbstract: false,
bool isStatic: false,
bool isExternal: false,
bool isConst: false,
bool isForwardingStub: false,
bool isForwardingSemiStub: false,
int transformerFlags: 0,
Uri fileUri,
Reference reference,
Member forwardingStubSuperTarget,
Member forwardingStubInterfaceTarget})
: this.byReference(name, kind, function,
isAbstract: isAbstract,
isStatic: isStatic,
isExternal: isExternal,
isConst: isConst,
isForwardingStub: isForwardingStub,
isForwardingSemiStub: isForwardingSemiStub,
transformerFlags: transformerFlags,
fileUri: fileUri,
reference: reference,
Procedure.byReference(Name name, this.kind, this.function,
{bool isAbstract: false,
bool isStatic: false,
bool isExternal: false,
bool isConst: false,
bool isForwardingStub: false,
bool isForwardingSemiStub: false,
int transformerFlags: 0,
Uri fileUri,
Reference reference,
: super(name, fileUri, reference) {
function?.parent = this;
this.isAbstract = isAbstract;
this.isStatic = isStatic;
this.isExternal = isExternal;
this.isConst = isConst;
this.isForwardingStub = isForwardingStub;
this.isForwardingSemiStub = isForwardingSemiStub;
this.transformerFlags = transformerFlags;
static const int FlagStatic = 1 << 0; // Must match serialized bit positions.
static const int FlagAbstract = 1 << 1;
static const int FlagExternal = 1 << 2;
static const int FlagConst = 1 << 3; // Only for external const factories.
static const int FlagForwardingStub = 1 << 4;
static const int FlagForwardingSemiStub = 1 << 5;
// TODO(29841): Remove this flag after the issue is resolved.
static const int FlagRedirectingFactoryConstructor = 1 << 6;
static const int FlagNoSuchMethodForwarder = 1 << 7;
bool get isStatic => flags & FlagStatic != 0;
bool get isAbstract => flags & FlagAbstract != 0;
bool get isExternal => flags & FlagExternal != 0;
/// True if this has the `const` modifier. This is only possible for external
/// constant factories, such as `String.fromEnvironment`.
bool get isConst => flags & FlagConst != 0;
/// If set, this flag indicates that this function's implementation exists
/// solely for the purpose of type checking arguments and forwarding to
/// [forwardingStubSuperTarget].
/// Note that just because this bit is set doesn't mean that the function was
/// not declared in the source; it's possible that this is a forwarding
/// semi-stub (see isForwardingSemiStub). To determine whether this function
/// was present in the source, consult [isSyntheticForwarder].
bool get isForwardingStub => flags & FlagForwardingStub != 0;
/// If set, this flag indicates that although this function is a forwarding
/// stub, it was present in the original source as an abstract method.
bool get isForwardingSemiStub => flags & FlagForwardingSemiStub != 0;
// Indicates if this [Procedure] represents a redirecting factory constructor
// and doesn't have a runnable body.
bool get isRedirectingFactoryConstructor {
return flags & FlagRedirectingFactoryConstructor != 0;
/// If set, this flag indicates that this function was not present in the
/// source, and it exists solely for the purpose of type checking arguments
/// and forwarding to [forwardingStubSuperTarget].
bool get isSyntheticForwarder => isForwardingStub && !isForwardingSemiStub;
bool get isNoSuchMethodForwarder => flags & FlagNoSuchMethodForwarder != 0;
void set isStatic(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagStatic) : (flags & ~FlagStatic);
void set isAbstract(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagAbstract) : (flags & ~FlagAbstract);
void set isExternal(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagExternal) : (flags & ~FlagExternal);
void set isConst(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagConst) : (flags & ~FlagConst);
void set isForwardingStub(bool value) {
flags =
value ? (flags | FlagForwardingStub) : (flags & ~FlagForwardingStub);
void set isForwardingSemiStub(bool value) {
flags = value
? (flags | FlagForwardingSemiStub)
: (flags & ~FlagForwardingSemiStub);
void set isRedirectingFactoryConstructor(bool value) {
flags = value
? (flags | FlagRedirectingFactoryConstructor)
: (flags & ~FlagRedirectingFactoryConstructor);
void set isNoSuchMethodForwarder(bool value) {
flags = value
? (flags | FlagNoSuchMethodForwarder)
: (flags & ~FlagNoSuchMethodForwarder);
bool get isInstanceMember => !isStatic;
bool get isGetter => kind == ProcedureKind.Getter;
bool get isSetter => kind == ProcedureKind.Setter;
bool get isAccessor => isGetter || isSetter;
bool get hasGetter => kind != ProcedureKind.Setter;
bool get hasSetter => kind == ProcedureKind.Setter;
bool get isFactory => kind == ProcedureKind.Factory;
Member get forwardingStubSuperTarget =>
void set forwardingStubSuperTarget(Member target) {
forwardingStubSuperTargetReference = getMemberReference(target);
Member get forwardingStubInterfaceTarget =>
void set forwardingStubInterfaceTarget(Member target) {
forwardingStubInterfaceTargetReference = getMemberReference(target);
accept(MemberVisitor v) => v.visitProcedure(this);
acceptReference(MemberReferenceVisitor v) => v.visitProcedureReference(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(annotations, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
transformList(annotations, v, this);
if (function != null) {
function = function.accept(v);
function?.parent = this;
DartType get getterType {
return isGetter ? function.returnType : function.functionType;
DartType get setterType {
return isSetter
? function.positionalParameters[0].type
: const BottomType();
Location _getLocationInEnclosingFile(int offset) {
return _getLocationInComponent(enclosingComponent, fileUri, offset);
enum ProcedureKind {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Part of an initializer list in a constructor.
abstract class Initializer extends TreeNode {
/// True if this is a synthetic constructor initializer.
bool isSynthetic = false;
accept(InitializerVisitor v);
/// An initializer with a compile-time error.
/// Should throw an exception at runtime.
// DESIGN TODO: The frontend should use this in a lot more cases to catch
// invalid cases.
class InvalidInitializer extends Initializer {
accept(InitializerVisitor v) => v.visitInvalidInitializer(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
/// A field assignment `field = value` occurring in the initializer list of
/// a constructor.
/// This node has nothing to do with declaration-site field initializers; those
/// are [Expression]s stored in [Field.initializer].
// TODO: The frontend should check that all final fields are initialized
// exactly once, and that no fields are assigned twice in the initializer list.
class FieldInitializer extends Initializer {
/// Reference to the field being initialized. Not null.
Reference fieldReference;
Expression value;
FieldInitializer(Field field, Expression value)
: this.byReference(field?.reference, value);
FieldInitializer.byReference(this.fieldReference, this.value) {
value?.parent = this;
Field get field => fieldReference?.node;
void set field(Field field) {
fieldReference = field?.reference;
accept(InitializerVisitor v) => v.visitFieldInitializer(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (value != null) {
value = value.accept(v);
value?.parent = this;
/// A super call `super(x,y)` occurring in the initializer list of a
/// constructor.
/// There are no type arguments on this call.
// TODO: The frontend should check that there is no more than one super call.
// DESIGN TODO: Consider if the frontend should insert type arguments derived
// from the extends clause.
class SuperInitializer extends Initializer {
/// Reference to the constructor being invoked in the super class. Not null.
Reference targetReference;
Arguments arguments;
SuperInitializer(Constructor target, Arguments arguments)
: this.byReference(getMemberReference(target), arguments);
SuperInitializer.byReference(this.targetReference, this.arguments) {
arguments?.parent = this;
Constructor get target => targetReference?.asConstructor;
void set target(Constructor target) {
targetReference = getMemberReference(target);
accept(InitializerVisitor v) => v.visitSuperInitializer(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (arguments != null) {
arguments = arguments.accept(v);
arguments?.parent = this;
/// A redirecting call `this(x,y)` occurring in the initializer list of
/// a constructor.
// TODO: The frontend should check that this is the only initializer and if the
// constructor has a body or if there is a cycle in the initializer calls.
class RedirectingInitializer extends Initializer {
/// Reference to the constructor being invoked in the same class. Not null.
Reference targetReference;
Arguments arguments;
RedirectingInitializer(Constructor target, Arguments arguments)
: this.byReference(getMemberReference(target), arguments);
RedirectingInitializer.byReference(this.targetReference, this.arguments) {
arguments?.parent = this;
Constructor get target => targetReference?.asConstructor;
void set target(Constructor target) {
targetReference = getMemberReference(target);
accept(InitializerVisitor v) => v.visitRedirectingInitializer(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (arguments != null) {
arguments = arguments.accept(v);
arguments?.parent = this;
/// Binding of a temporary variable in the initializer list of a constructor.
/// The variable is in scope for the remainder of the initializer list, but is
/// not in scope in the constructor body.
class LocalInitializer extends Initializer {
VariableDeclaration variable;
LocalInitializer(this.variable) {
variable?.parent = this;
accept(InitializerVisitor v) => v.visitLocalInitializer(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (variable != null) {
variable = variable.accept(v);
variable?.parent = this;
class AssertInitializer extends Initializer {
AssertStatement statement;
AssertInitializer(this.statement) {
statement.parent = this;
accept(InitializerVisitor v) => v.visitAssertInitializer(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
statement = statement.accept(v);
statement.parent = this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// A function declares parameters and has a body.
/// This may occur in a procedure, constructor, function expression, or local
/// function declaration.
class FunctionNode extends TreeNode {
/// End offset in the source file it comes from. Valid values are from 0 and
/// up, or -1 ([TreeNode.noOffset]) if the file end offset is not available
/// (this is the default if none is specifically set).
int fileEndOffset = TreeNode.noOffset;
/// Kernel async marker for the function.
/// See also [dartAsyncMarker].
AsyncMarker asyncMarker;
/// Dart async marker for the function.
/// See also [asyncMarker].
/// A Kernel function can represent a Dart function with a different async
/// marker.
/// For example, when async/await is translated away,
/// a Dart async function might be represented by a Kernel sync function.
AsyncMarker dartAsyncMarker;
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters;
int requiredParameterCount;
List<VariableDeclaration> positionalParameters;
List<VariableDeclaration> namedParameters;
DartType returnType; // Not null.
Statement _body;
void Function() lazyBuilder;
void _buildLazy() {
if (lazyBuilder != null) {
var lazyBuilderLocal = lazyBuilder;
lazyBuilder = null;
Statement get body {
return _body;
void set body(Statement body) {
_body = body;
{List<TypeParameter> typeParameters,
List<VariableDeclaration> positionalParameters,
List<VariableDeclaration> namedParameters,
int requiredParameterCount,
this.returnType: const DynamicType(),
this.asyncMarker: AsyncMarker.Sync,
: this.positionalParameters =
positionalParameters ?? <VariableDeclaration>[],
this.requiredParameterCount =
requiredParameterCount ?? positionalParameters?.length ?? 0,
this.namedParameters = namedParameters ?? <VariableDeclaration>[],
this.typeParameters = typeParameters ?? <TypeParameter>[] {
assert(returnType != null);
setParents(this.typeParameters, this);
setParents(this.positionalParameters, this);
setParents(this.namedParameters, this);
_body?.parent = this;
dartAsyncMarker ??= asyncMarker;
static DartType _getTypeOfVariable(VariableDeclaration node) => node.type;
static NamedType _getNamedTypeOfVariable(VariableDeclaration node) {
return new NamedType(, node.type);
FunctionType get functionType {
TreeNode parent = this.parent;
List<NamedType> named = false);
// We need create a copy of the list of type parameters, otherwise
// transformations like erasure don't work.
var typeParametersCopy = new List<TypeParameter>.from(parent is Constructor
? parent.enclosingClass.typeParameters
: typeParameters);
return new FunctionType( false),
namedParameters: named,
typeParameters: typeParametersCopy,
requiredParameterCount: requiredParameterCount);
accept(TreeVisitor v) => v.visitFunctionNode(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(typeParameters, v);
visitList(positionalParameters, v);
visitList(namedParameters, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
transformList(typeParameters, v, this);
transformList(positionalParameters, v, this);
transformList(namedParameters, v, this);
returnType = v.visitDartType(returnType);
if (body != null) {
body = body.accept(v);
body?.parent = this;
enum AsyncMarker {
// Do not change the order of these, the frontends depend on it.
// `SyncYielding` is a marker that tells Dart VM that this function is an
// artificial closure introduced by an async transformer which desugared all
// async syntax into a combination of native yields and helper method calls.
// Native yields (formatted as `[yield]`) are semantically close to
// `yield x` statement: they denote a yield/resume point within a function
// but are completely decoupled from the notion of iterators. When
// execution of the closure reaches `[yield] x` it stops and return the
// value of `x` to the caller. If closure is called again it continues
// to the next statement after this yield as if it was suspended and resumed.
// Consider this example:
// g() {
// var :await_jump_var = 0;
// var :await_ctx_var;
// f(x) yielding {
// [yield] '${x}:0';
// [yield] '${x}:1';
// [yield] '${x}:2';
// }
// return f;
// }
// print(f('a')); /* prints 'a:0', :await_jump_var = 1 */
// print(f('b')); /* prints 'b:1', :await_jump_var = 2 */
// print(f('c')); /* prints 'c:2', :await_jump_var = 3 */
// Note: currently Dart VM implicitly relies on async transformer to
// inject certain artificial variables into g (like `:await_jump_var`).
// As such SyncYielding and native yield are not intended to be used on their
// own, but are rather an implementation artifact of the async transformer
// itself.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
abstract class Expression extends TreeNode {
/// Returns the static type of the expression.
/// Shouldn't be used on code compiled in legacy mode, as this method assumes
/// the IR is strongly typed.
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types);
/// Returns the static type of the expression as an instantiation of
/// [superclass].
/// Shouldn't be used on code compiled in legacy mode, as this method assumes
/// the IR is strongly typed.
/// This method furthermore assumes that the type of the expression actually
/// is a subtype of (some instantiation of) the given [superclass].
/// If this is not the case, either an exception is thrown or the raw type of
/// [superclass] is returned.
InterfaceType getStaticTypeAsInstanceOf(
Class superclass, TypeEnvironment types) {
// This method assumes the program is correctly typed, so if the superclass
// is not generic, we can just return its raw type without computing the
// type of this expression. It also ensures that all types are considered
// subtypes of Object (not just interface types), and function types are
// considered subtypes of Function.
if (superclass.typeParameters.isEmpty) {
return superclass.rawType;
var type = getStaticType(types);
while (type is TypeParameterType) {
type = (type as TypeParameterType).parameter.bound;
if (type is InterfaceType) {
var upcastType = types.getTypeAsInstanceOf(type, superclass);
if (upcastType != null) return upcastType;
} else if (type is BottomType) {
return superclass.bottomType;
types.typeError(this, '$type is not a subtype of $superclass');
return superclass.rawType;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg);
/// An expression containing compile-time errors.
/// Should throw a runtime error when evaluated.
class InvalidExpression extends Expression {
String message;
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => const BottomType();
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitInvalidExpression(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitInvalidExpression(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
/// Read a local variable, a local function, or a function parameter.
class VariableGet extends Expression {
VariableDeclaration variable;
DartType promotedType; // Null if not promoted.
VariableGet(this.variable, [this.promotedType]);
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) {
return promotedType ?? variable.type;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitVariableGet(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitVariableGet(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (promotedType != null) {
promotedType = v.visitDartType(promotedType);
/// Assign a local variable or function parameter.
/// Evaluates to the value of [value].
class VariableSet extends Expression {
VariableDeclaration variable;
Expression value;
VariableSet(this.variable, this.value) {
value?.parent = this;
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => value.getStaticType(types);
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitVariableSet(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitVariableSet(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (value != null) {
value = value.accept(v);
value?.parent = this;
/// Expression of form `x.field`.
/// This may invoke a getter, read a field, or tear off a method.
class PropertyGet extends Expression {
Expression receiver;
Name name;
Reference interfaceTargetReference;
PropertyGet(Expression receiver, Name name, [Member interfaceTarget])
: this.byReference(receiver, name, getMemberReference(interfaceTarget));
this.receiver,, this.interfaceTargetReference) {
receiver?.parent = this;
Member get interfaceTarget => interfaceTargetReference?.asMember;
void set interfaceTarget(Member member) {
interfaceTargetReference = getMemberReference(member);
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) {
var interfaceTarget = this.interfaceTarget;
if (interfaceTarget != null) {
Class superclass = interfaceTarget.enclosingClass;
var receiverType = receiver.getStaticTypeAsInstanceOf(superclass, types);
return Substitution.fromInterfaceType(receiverType)
// Treat the properties of Object specially.
String nameString =;
if (nameString == 'hashCode') {
return types.intType;
} else if (nameString == 'runtimeType') {
return types.typeType;
return const DynamicType();
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitPropertyGet(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitPropertyGet(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = receiver.accept(v);
receiver?.parent = this;
/// Expression of form `x.field = value`.
/// This may invoke a setter or assign a field.
/// Evaluates to the value of [value].
class PropertySet extends Expression {
Expression receiver;
Name name;
Expression value;
Reference interfaceTargetReference;
PropertySet(Expression receiver, Name name, Expression value,
[Member interfaceTarget])
: this.byReference(
receiver, name, value, getMemberReference(interfaceTarget));
this.receiver,, this.value, this.interfaceTargetReference) {
receiver?.parent = this;
value?.parent = this;
Member get interfaceTarget => interfaceTargetReference?.asMember;
void set interfaceTarget(Member member) {
interfaceTargetReference = getMemberReference(member);
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => value.getStaticType(types);
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitPropertySet(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitPropertySet(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = receiver.accept(v);
receiver?.parent = this;
if (value != null) {
value = value.accept(v);
value?.parent = this;
/// Directly read a field, call a getter, or tear off a method.
class DirectPropertyGet extends Expression {
Expression receiver;
Reference targetReference;
DirectPropertyGet(Expression receiver, Member target)
: this.byReference(receiver, getMemberReference(target));
DirectPropertyGet.byReference(this.receiver, this.targetReference) {
receiver?.parent = this;
Member get target => targetReference?.asMember;
void set target(Member target) {
targetReference = getMemberReference(target);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = receiver.accept(v);
receiver?.parent = this;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitDirectPropertyGet(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitDirectPropertyGet(this, arg);
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) {
Class superclass = target.enclosingClass;
var receiverType = receiver.getStaticTypeAsInstanceOf(superclass, types);
return Substitution.fromInterfaceType(receiverType)
/// Directly assign a field, or call a setter.
/// Evaluates to the value of [value].
class DirectPropertySet extends Expression {
Expression receiver;
Reference targetReference;
Expression value;
DirectPropertySet(Expression receiver, Member target, Expression value)
: this.byReference(receiver, getMemberReference(target), value);
this.receiver, this.targetReference, this.value) {
receiver?.parent = this;
value?.parent = this;
Member get target => targetReference?.asMember;
void set target(Member target) {
targetReference = getMemberReference(target);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = receiver.accept(v);
receiver?.parent = this;
if (value != null) {
value = value.accept(v);
value?.parent = this;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitDirectPropertySet(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitDirectPropertySet(this, arg);
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => value.getStaticType(types);
/// Directly call an instance method, bypassing ordinary dispatch.
class DirectMethodInvocation extends InvocationExpression {
Expression receiver;
Reference targetReference;
Arguments arguments;
Expression receiver, Procedure target, Arguments arguments)
: this.byReference(receiver, getMemberReference(target), arguments);
this.receiver, this.targetReference, this.arguments) {
receiver?.parent = this;
arguments?.parent = this;
Procedure get target => targetReference?.asProcedure;
void set target(Procedure target) {
targetReference = getMemberReference(target);
Name get name => target?.name;
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = receiver.accept(v);
receiver?.parent = this;
if (arguments != null) {
arguments = arguments.accept(v);
arguments?.parent = this;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitDirectMethodInvocation(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) =>
v.visitDirectMethodInvocation(this, arg);
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) {
if (types.isOverloadedArithmeticOperator(target)) {
return types.getTypeOfOverloadedArithmetic(receiver.getStaticType(types),
Class superclass = target.enclosingClass;
var receiverType = receiver.getStaticTypeAsInstanceOf(superclass, types);
var returnType = Substitution.fromInterfaceType(receiverType)
return Substitution.fromPairs(
target.function.typeParameters, arguments.types)
/// Expression of form `super.field`.
/// This may invoke a getter, read a field, or tear off a method.
class SuperPropertyGet extends Expression {
Name name;
Reference interfaceTargetReference;
SuperPropertyGet(Name name, [Member interfaceTarget])
: this.byReference(name, getMemberReference(interfaceTarget));
SuperPropertyGet.byReference(, this.interfaceTargetReference);
Member get interfaceTarget => interfaceTargetReference?.asMember;
void set interfaceTarget(Member member) {
interfaceTargetReference = getMemberReference(member);
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) {
Class declaringClass = interfaceTarget.enclosingClass;
if (declaringClass.typeParameters.isEmpty) {
return interfaceTarget.getterType;
var receiver = types.getTypeAsInstanceOf(types.thisType, declaringClass);
return Substitution.fromInterfaceType(receiver)
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitSuperPropertyGet(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitSuperPropertyGet(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
/// Expression of form `super.field = value`.
/// This may invoke a setter or assign a field.
/// Evaluates to the value of [value].
class SuperPropertySet extends Expression {
Name name;
Expression value;
Reference interfaceTargetReference;
SuperPropertySet(Name name, Expression value, Member interfaceTarget)
: this.byReference(name, value, getMemberReference(interfaceTarget));
SuperPropertySet.byReference(, this.value, this.interfaceTargetReference) {
value?.parent = this;
Member get interfaceTarget => interfaceTargetReference?.asMember;
void set interfaceTarget(Member member) {
interfaceTargetReference = getMemberReference(member);
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => value.getStaticType(types);
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitSuperPropertySet(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitSuperPropertySet(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (value != null) {
value = value.accept(v);
value?.parent = this;
/// Read a static field, call a static getter, or tear off a static method.
class StaticGet extends Expression {
/// A static field, getter, or method (for tear-off).
Reference targetReference;
StaticGet(Member target) : this.byReference(getMemberReference(target));
Member get target => targetReference?.asMember;
void set target(Member target) {
targetReference = getMemberReference(target);
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => target.getterType;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitStaticGet(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitStaticGet(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
/// Assign a static field or call a static setter.
/// Evaluates to the value of [value].
class StaticSet extends Expression {
/// A mutable static field or a static setter.
Reference targetReference;
Expression value;
StaticSet(Member target, Expression value)
: this.byReference(getMemberReference(target), value);
StaticSet.byReference(this.targetReference, this.value) {
value?.parent = this;
Member get target => targetReference?.asMember;
void set target(Member target) {
targetReference = getMemberReference(target);
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => value.getStaticType(types);
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitStaticSet(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitStaticSet(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (value != null) {
value = value.accept(v);
value?.parent = this;
/// The arguments to a function call, divided into type arguments,
/// positional arguments, and named arguments.
class Arguments extends TreeNode {
final List<DartType> types;
final List<Expression> positional;
List<NamedExpression> named;
{List<DartType> types, List<NamedExpression> named})
: this.types = types ?? <DartType>[],
this.named = named ?? <NamedExpression>[] {
setParents(this.positional, this);
setParents(this.named, this);
: types = <DartType>[],
positional = <Expression>[],
named = <NamedExpression>[];
factory Arguments.forwarded(FunctionNode function) {
return new Arguments( => new VariableGet(p)).toList(),
named: function.namedParameters
.map((p) => new NamedExpression(, new VariableGet(p)))
types: function.typeParameters
.map((p) => new TypeParameterType(p))
accept(TreeVisitor v) => v.visitArguments(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(types, v);
visitList(positional, v);
visitList(named, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
transformTypeList(types, v);
transformList(positional, v, this);
transformList(named, v, this);
/// A named argument, `name: value`.
class NamedExpression extends TreeNode {
String name;
Expression value;
NamedExpression(, this.value) {
value?.parent = this;
accept(TreeVisitor v) => v.visitNamedExpression(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (value != null) {
value = value.accept(v);
value?.parent = this;
/// Common super class for [DirectMethodInvocation], [MethodInvocation],
/// [SuperMethodInvocation], [StaticInvocation], and [ConstructorInvocation].
abstract class InvocationExpression extends Expression {
Arguments get arguments;
set arguments(Arguments value);
/// Name of the invoked method.
/// May be `null` if the target is a synthetic static member without a name.
Name get name;
/// Expression of form ``.
class MethodInvocation extends InvocationExpression {
Expression receiver;
Name name;
Arguments arguments;
Reference interfaceTargetReference;
MethodInvocation(Expression receiver, Name name, Arguments arguments,
[Member interfaceTarget])
: this.byReference(
receiver, name, arguments, getMemberReference(interfaceTarget));
this.receiver,, this.arguments, this.interfaceTargetReference) {
receiver?.parent = this;
arguments?.parent = this;
Member get interfaceTarget => interfaceTargetReference?.asMember;
void set interfaceTarget(Member target) {
interfaceTargetReference = getMemberReference(target);
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) {
var interfaceTarget = this.interfaceTarget;
if (interfaceTarget != null) {
if (interfaceTarget is Procedure &&
types.isOverloadedArithmeticOperator(interfaceTarget)) {
return types.getTypeOfOverloadedArithmetic(
Class superclass = interfaceTarget.enclosingClass;
var receiverType = receiver.getStaticTypeAsInstanceOf(superclass, types);
var getterType = Substitution.fromInterfaceType(receiverType)
if (getterType is FunctionType) {
return Substitution.fromPairs(
getterType.typeParameters, arguments.types)
} else {
return const DynamicType();
if ( == 'call') {
var receiverType = receiver.getStaticType(types);
if (receiverType is FunctionType) {
if (receiverType.typeParameters.length != arguments.types.length) {
return const BottomType();
return Substitution.fromPairs(
receiverType.typeParameters, arguments.types)
if ( == '==') {
// We use this special case to simplify generation of '==' checks.
return types.boolType;
return const DynamicType();
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitMethodInvocation(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitMethodInvocation(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (receiver != null) {
receiver = receiver.accept(v);
receiver?.parent = this;
if (arguments != null) {
arguments = arguments.accept(v);
arguments?.parent = this;
/// Expression of form ``.
/// The provided arguments might not match the parameters of the target.
class SuperMethodInvocation extends InvocationExpression {
Name name;
Arguments arguments;
Reference interfaceTargetReference;
SuperMethodInvocation(Name name, Arguments arguments,
[Procedure interfaceTarget])
: this.byReference(name, arguments, getMemberReference(interfaceTarget));
SuperMethodInvocation.byReference(, this.arguments, this.interfaceTargetReference) {
arguments?.parent = this;
Procedure get interfaceTarget => interfaceTargetReference?.asProcedure;
void set interfaceTarget(Procedure target) {
interfaceTargetReference = getMemberReference(target);
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) {
if (interfaceTarget == null) return const DynamicType();
Class superclass = interfaceTarget.enclosingClass;
var receiverType = types.getTypeAsInstanceOf(types.thisType, superclass);
var returnType = Substitution.fromInterfaceType(receiverType)
return Substitution.fromPairs(
interfaceTarget.function.typeParameters, arguments.types)
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitSuperMethodInvocation(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitSuperMethodInvocation(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (arguments != null) {
arguments = arguments.accept(v);
arguments?.parent = this;
/// Expression of form `foo(x)`, or `const foo(x)` if the target is an
/// external constant factory.
/// The provided arguments might not match the parameters of the target.
class StaticInvocation extends InvocationExpression {
Reference targetReference;
Arguments arguments;
/// True if this is a constant call to an external constant factory.
bool isConst;
Name get name => target?.name;
StaticInvocation(Procedure target, Arguments arguments, {bool isConst: false})
: this.byReference(getMemberReference(target), arguments,
isConst: isConst);
StaticInvocation.byReference(this.targetReference, this.arguments,
{this.isConst: false}) {
arguments?.parent = this;
Procedure get target => targetReference?.asProcedure;
void set target(Procedure target) {
targetReference = getMemberReference(target);
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) {
return Substitution.fromPairs(
target.function.typeParameters, arguments.types)
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitStaticInvocation(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitStaticInvocation(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (arguments != null) {
arguments = arguments.accept(v);
arguments?.parent = this;
/// Expression of form `new Foo(x)` or `const Foo(x)`.
/// The provided arguments might not match the parameters of the target.
// DESIGN TODO: Should we pass type arguments in a separate field
// `classTypeArguments`? They are quite different from type arguments to
// generic functions.
class ConstructorInvocation extends InvocationExpression {
Reference targetReference;
Arguments arguments;
bool isConst;
Name get name => target?.name;
ConstructorInvocation(Constructor target, Arguments arguments,
{bool isConst: false})
: this.byReference(getMemberReference(target), arguments,
isConst: isConst);
ConstructorInvocation.byReference(this.targetReference, this.arguments,
{this.isConst: false}) {
arguments?.parent = this;
Constructor get target => targetReference?.asConstructor;
void set target(Constructor target) {
targetReference = getMemberReference(target);
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) {
return arguments.types.isEmpty
? target.enclosingClass.rawType
: new InterfaceType(target.enclosingClass, arguments.types);
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitConstructorInvocation(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitConstructorInvocation(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (arguments != null) {
arguments = arguments.accept(v);
arguments?.parent = this;
InterfaceType get constructedType {
return arguments.types.isEmpty
? target.enclosingClass.rawType
: new InterfaceType(target.enclosingClass, arguments.types);
/// An explicit type instantiation of a generic function.
class Instantiation extends Expression {
Expression expression;
final List<DartType> typeArguments;
Instantiation(this.expression, this.typeArguments) {
expression?.parent = this;
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) {
FunctionType type = expression.getStaticType(types);
return Substitution.fromPairs(type.typeParameters, typeArguments)
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitInstantiation(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitInstantiation(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(typeArguments, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (expression != null) {
expression = expression.accept(v);
expression?.parent = this;
transformTypeList(typeArguments, v);
/// Expression of form `!x`.
/// The `is!` and `!=` operators are desugared into [Not] nodes with `is` and
/// `==` expressions inside, respectively.
class Not extends Expression {
Expression operand;
Not(this.operand) {
operand?.parent = this;
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => types.boolType;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitNot(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitNot(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (operand != null) {
operand = operand.accept(v);
operand?.parent = this;
/// Expression of form `x && y` or `x || y`
class LogicalExpression extends Expression {
Expression left;
String operator; // && or || or ??
Expression right;
LogicalExpression(this.left, this.operator, this.right) {
left?.parent = this;
right?.parent = this;
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => types.boolType;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitLogicalExpression(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitLogicalExpression(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (left != null) {
left = left.accept(v);
left?.parent = this;
if (right != null) {
right = right.accept(v);
right?.parent = this;
/// Expression of form `x ? y : z`.
class ConditionalExpression extends Expression {
Expression condition;
Expression then;
Expression otherwise;
/// The static type of the expression. Should not be `null`.
DartType staticType;
this.condition, this.then, this.otherwise, this.staticType) {
condition?.parent = this;
then?.parent = this;
otherwise?.parent = this;
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => staticType;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitConditionalExpression(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitConditionalExpression(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (condition != null) {
condition = condition.accept(v);
condition?.parent = this;
if (then != null) {
then = then.accept(v);
then?.parent = this;
if (otherwise != null) {
otherwise = otherwise.accept(v);
otherwise?.parent = this;
if (staticType != null) {
staticType = v.visitDartType(staticType);
/// Convert expressions to strings and concatenate them. Semantically, calls
/// `toString` on every argument, checks that a string is returned, and returns
/// the concatenation of all the strings.
/// If [expressions] is empty then an empty string is returned.
/// These arise from string interpolations and adjacent string literals.
class StringConcatenation extends Expression {
final List<Expression> expressions;
StringConcatenation(this.expressions) {
setParents(expressions, this);
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => types.stringType;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitStringConcatenation(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitStringConcatenation(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(expressions, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
transformList(expressions, v, this);
/// Expression of form `x is T`.
class IsExpression extends Expression {
Expression operand;
DartType type;
IsExpression(this.operand, this.type) {
operand?.parent = this;
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => types.boolType;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitIsExpression(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitIsExpression(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (operand != null) {
operand = operand.accept(v);
operand?.parent = this;
type = v.visitDartType(type);
/// Expression of form `x as T`.
class AsExpression extends Expression {
int flags = 0;
Expression operand;
DartType type;
AsExpression(this.operand, this.type) {
operand?.parent = this;
// Must match serialized bit positions.
static const int FlagTypeError = 1 << 0;
/// Indicates the type of error that should be thrown if the check fails.
/// `true` means that a TypeError should be thrown. `false` means that a
/// CastError should be thrown.
bool get isTypeError => flags & FlagTypeError != 0;
void set isTypeError(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagTypeError) : (flags & ~FlagTypeError);
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => type;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitAsExpression(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitAsExpression(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (operand != null) {
operand = operand.accept(v);
operand?.parent = this;
type = v.visitDartType(type);
/// An integer, double, boolean, string, or null constant.
abstract class BasicLiteral extends Expression {
Object get value;
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
class StringLiteral extends BasicLiteral {
String value;
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => types.stringType;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitStringLiteral(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitStringLiteral(this, arg);
class IntLiteral extends BasicLiteral {
/// Note that this value holds a uint64 value.
/// E.g. "0x8000000000000000" will be saved as "-9223372036854775808" despite
/// technically (on some platforms, particularly Javascript) being positive.
/// If the number is meant to be negative it will be wrapped in a "unary-".
int value;
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => types.intType;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitIntLiteral(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitIntLiteral(this, arg);
class DoubleLiteral extends BasicLiteral {
double value;
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => types.doubleType;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitDoubleLiteral(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitDoubleLiteral(this, arg);
class BoolLiteral extends BasicLiteral {
bool value;
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => types.boolType;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitBoolLiteral(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitBoolLiteral(this, arg);
class NullLiteral extends BasicLiteral {
Object get value => null;
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => const BottomType();
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitNullLiteral(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitNullLiteral(this, arg);
class SymbolLiteral extends Expression {
String value; // Everything strictly after the '#'.
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => types.symbolType;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitSymbolLiteral(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitSymbolLiteral(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
class TypeLiteral extends Expression {
DartType type;
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => types.typeType;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitTypeLiteral(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitTypeLiteral(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
type = v.visitDartType(type);
class ThisExpression extends Expression {
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => types.thisType;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitThisExpression(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitThisExpression(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
class Rethrow extends Expression {
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => const BottomType();
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitRethrow(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitRethrow(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
class Throw extends Expression {
Expression expression;
Throw(this.expression) {
expression?.parent = this;
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => const BottomType();
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitThrow(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitThrow(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (expression != null) {
expression = expression.accept(v);
expression?.parent = this;
class ListLiteral extends Expression {
bool isConst;
DartType typeArgument; // Not null, defaults to DynamicType.
final List<Expression> expressions;
{this.typeArgument: const DynamicType(), this.isConst: false}) {
assert(typeArgument != null);
setParents(expressions, this);
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) {
return types.literalListType(typeArgument);
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitListLiteral(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitListLiteral(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(expressions, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
typeArgument = v.visitDartType(typeArgument);
transformList(expressions, v, this);
class SetLiteral extends Expression {
bool isConst;
DartType typeArgument; // Not null, defaults to DynamicType.
final List<Expression> expressions;
{this.typeArgument: const DynamicType(), this.isConst: false}) {
assert(typeArgument != null);
setParents(expressions, this);
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) {
return types.literalSetType(typeArgument);
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitSetLiteral(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitSetLiteral(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(expressions, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
typeArgument = v.visitDartType(typeArgument);
transformList(expressions, v, this);
class MapLiteral extends Expression {
bool isConst;
DartType keyType; // Not null, defaults to DynamicType.
DartType valueType; // Not null, defaults to DynamicType.
final List<MapEntry> entries;
{this.keyType: const DynamicType(),
this.valueType: const DynamicType(),
this.isConst: false}) {
assert(keyType != null);
assert(valueType != null);
setParents(entries, this);
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) {
return types.literalMapType(keyType, valueType);
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitMapLiteral(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitMapLiteral(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(entries, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
keyType = v.visitDartType(keyType);
valueType = v.visitDartType(valueType);
transformList(entries, v, this);
class MapEntry extends TreeNode {
Expression key;
Expression value;
MapEntry(this.key, this.value) {
key?.parent = this;
value?.parent = this;
accept(TreeVisitor v) => v.visitMapEntry(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (key != null) {
key = key.accept(v);
key?.parent = this;
if (value != null) {
value = value.accept(v);
value?.parent = this;
/// Expression of form `await x`.
class AwaitExpression extends Expression {
Expression operand;
AwaitExpression(this.operand) {
operand?.parent = this;
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) {
return types.unfutureType(operand.getStaticType(types));
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitAwaitExpression(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitAwaitExpression(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (operand != null) {
operand = operand.accept(v);
operand?.parent = this;
/// Expression of form `(x,y) => ...` or `(x,y) { ... }`
/// The arrow-body form `=> e` is desugared into `return e;`.
class FunctionExpression extends Expression {
FunctionNode function;
FunctionExpression(this.function) {
function?.parent = this;
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => function.functionType;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitFunctionExpression(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitFunctionExpression(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (function != null) {
function = function.accept(v);
function?.parent = this;
class ConstantExpression extends Expression {
Constant constant;
ConstantExpression(this.constant) {
assert(constant != null);
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => constant.getType(types);
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitConstantExpression(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitConstantExpression(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
constant = v.visitConstant(constant);
/// Synthetic expression of form `let v = x in y`
class Let extends Expression {
VariableDeclaration variable; // Must have an initializer.
Expression body;
Let(this.variable, this.body) {
variable?.parent = this;
body?.parent = this;
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) => body.getStaticType(types);
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitLet(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitLet(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (variable != null) {
variable = variable.accept(v);
variable?.parent = this;
if (body != null) {
body = body.accept(v);
body?.parent = this;
/// Attempt to load the library referred to by a deferred import.
/// This instruction is concerned with:
/// - keeping track whether the deferred import is marked as 'loaded'
/// - keeping track of whether the library code has already been downloaded
/// - actually downloading and linking the library
/// Should return a future. The value in this future will be the same value
/// seen by callers of `loadLibrary` functions.
/// On backends that link the entire program eagerly, this instruction needs
/// to mark the deferred import as 'loaded' and return a future.
class LoadLibrary extends Expression {
/// Reference to a deferred import in the enclosing library.
LibraryDependency import;
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) {
return types.futureType(const DynamicType());
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitLoadLibrary(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitLoadLibrary(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
/// Checks that the given deferred import has been marked as 'loaded'.
class CheckLibraryIsLoaded extends Expression {
/// Reference to a deferred import in the enclosing library.
LibraryDependency import;
DartType getStaticType(TypeEnvironment types) {
return types.objectType;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitCheckLibraryIsLoaded(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitCheckLibraryIsLoaded(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
abstract class Statement extends TreeNode {
accept(StatementVisitor v);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg);
class ExpressionStatement extends Statement {
Expression expression;
ExpressionStatement(this.expression) {
expression?.parent = this;
accept(StatementVisitor v) => v.visitExpressionStatement(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitExpressionStatement(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (expression != null) {
expression = expression.accept(v);
expression?.parent = this;
class Block extends Statement {
final List<Statement> statements;
Block(this.statements) {
// Ensure statements is mutable.
..removeLast()) !=
setParents(statements, this);
accept(StatementVisitor v) => v.visitBlock(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitBlock(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(statements, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
transformList(statements, v, this);
void addStatement(Statement node) {
node.parent = this;
/// A block that is only executed when asserts are enabled.
/// Sometimes arbitrary statements must be guarded by whether asserts are
/// enabled. For example, when a subexpression of an assert in async code is
/// linearized and named, it can produce such a block of statements.
class AssertBlock extends Statement {
final List<Statement> statements;
AssertBlock(this.statements) {
// Ensure statements is mutable.
..removeLast()) !=
setParents(statements, this);
accept(StatementVisitor v) => v.visitAssertBlock(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitAssertBlock(this, arg);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
transformList(statements, v, this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(statements, v);
void addStatement(Statement node) {
node.parent = this;
class EmptyStatement extends Statement {
accept(StatementVisitor v) => v.visitEmptyStatement(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitEmptyStatement(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
class AssertStatement extends Statement {
Expression condition;
Expression message; // May be null.
int conditionStartOffset;
int conditionEndOffset;
{this.message, this.conditionStartOffset, this.conditionEndOffset}) {
condition?.parent = this;
message?.parent = this;
accept(StatementVisitor v) => v.visitAssertStatement(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitAssertStatement(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (condition != null) {
condition = condition.accept(v);
condition?.parent = this;
if (message != null) {
message = message.accept(v);
message?.parent = this;
/// A target of a [Break] statement.
/// The label itself has no name; breaks reference the statement directly.
/// The frontend does not generate labeled statements without uses.
class LabeledStatement extends Statement {
Statement body;
LabeledStatement(this.body) {
body?.parent = this;
accept(StatementVisitor v) => v.visitLabeledStatement(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitLabeledStatement(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (body != null) {
body = body.accept(v);
body?.parent = this;
/// Breaks out of an enclosing [LabeledStatement].
/// Both `break` and loop `continue` statements are translated into this node.
/// For example, the following loop with a `continue` will be desugared:
/// while(x) {
/// if (y) continue;
/// BODY'
/// }
/// ==>
/// while(x) {
/// L: {
/// if (y) break L;
/// BODY'
/// }
/// }
class BreakStatement extends Statement {
LabeledStatement target;
accept(StatementVisitor v) => v.visitBreakStatement(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitBreakStatement(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
class WhileStatement extends Statement {
Expression condition;
Statement body;
WhileStatement(this.condition, this.body) {
condition?.parent = this;
body?.parent = this;
accept(StatementVisitor v) => v.visitWhileStatement(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitWhileStatement(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (condition != null) {
condition = condition.accept(v);
condition?.parent = this;
if (body != null) {
body = body.accept(v);
body?.parent = this;
class DoStatement extends Statement {
Statement body;
Expression condition;
DoStatement(this.body, this.condition) {
body?.parent = this;
condition?.parent = this;
accept(StatementVisitor v) => v.visitDoStatement(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitDoStatement(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (body != null) {
body = body.accept(v);
body?.parent = this;
if (condition != null) {
condition = condition.accept(v);
condition?.parent = this;
class ForStatement extends Statement {
final List<VariableDeclaration> variables; // May be empty, but not null.
Expression condition; // May be null.
final List<Expression> updates; // May be empty, but not null.
Statement body;
ForStatement(this.variables, this.condition, this.updates, this.body) {
setParents(variables, this);
condition?.parent = this;
setParents(updates, this);
body?.parent = this;
accept(StatementVisitor v) => v.visitForStatement(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitForStatement(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(variables, v);
visitList(updates, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
transformList(variables, v, this);
if (condition != null) {
condition = condition.accept(v);
condition?.parent = this;
transformList(updates, v, this);
if (body != null) {
body = body.accept(v);
body?.parent = this;
class ForInStatement extends Statement {
/// Offset in the source file it comes from.
/// Valid values are from 0 and up, or -1 ([TreeNode.noOffset]) if the file
/// offset is not available (this is the default if none is specifically set).
int bodyOffset = TreeNode.noOffset;
VariableDeclaration variable; // Has no initializer.
Expression iterable;
Statement body;
bool isAsync; // True if this is an 'await for' loop.
ForInStatement(this.variable, this.iterable, this.body,
{this.isAsync: false}) {
variable?.parent = this;
iterable?.parent = this;
body?.parent = this;
accept(StatementVisitor v) => v.visitForInStatement(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitForInStatement(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (variable != null) {
variable = variable.accept(v);
variable?.parent = this;
if (iterable != null) {
iterable = iterable.accept(v);
iterable?.parent = this;
if (body != null) {
body = body.accept(v);
body?.parent = this;
/// Statement of form `switch (e) { case x: ... }`.
/// Adjacent case clauses have been merged into a single [SwitchCase]. A runtime
/// exception must be thrown if one [SwitchCase] falls through to another case.
class SwitchStatement extends Statement {
Expression expression;
final List<SwitchCase> cases;
SwitchStatement(this.expression, this.cases) {
expression?.parent = this;
setParents(cases, this);
accept(StatementVisitor v) => v.visitSwitchStatement(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitSwitchStatement(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(cases, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (expression != null) {
expression = expression.accept(v);
expression?.parent = this;
transformList(cases, v, this);
/// A group of `case` clauses and/or a `default` clause.
/// This is a potential target of [ContinueSwitchStatement].
class SwitchCase extends TreeNode {
final List<Expression> expressions;
final List<int> expressionOffsets;
Statement body;
bool isDefault;
SwitchCase(this.expressions, this.expressionOffsets, this.body,
{this.isDefault: false}) {
setParents(expressions, this);
body?.parent = this;
: isDefault = true,
expressions = <Expression>[],
expressionOffsets = <int>[] {
body?.parent = this;
: expressions = <Expression>[],
expressionOffsets = <int>[],
body = null,
isDefault = false;
accept(TreeVisitor v) => v.visitSwitchCase(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(expressions, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
transformList(expressions, v, this);
if (body != null) {
body = body.accept(v);
body?.parent = this;
/// Jump to a case in an enclosing switch.
class ContinueSwitchStatement extends Statement {
SwitchCase target;
accept(StatementVisitor v) => v.visitContinueSwitchStatement(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg) =>
v.visitContinueSwitchStatement(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
transformChildren(Transformer v) {}
class IfStatement extends Statement {
Expression condition;
Statement then;
Statement otherwise;
IfStatement(this.condition, this.then, this.otherwise) {
condition?.parent = this;
then?.parent = this;
otherwise?.parent = this;
accept(StatementVisitor v) => v.visitIfStatement(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitIfStatement(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (condition != null) {
condition = condition.accept(v);
condition?.parent = this;
if (then != null) {
then = then.accept(v);
then?.parent = this;
if (otherwise != null) {
otherwise = otherwise.accept(v);
otherwise?.parent = this;
class ReturnStatement extends Statement {
Expression expression; // May be null.
ReturnStatement([this.expression]) {
expression?.parent = this;
accept(StatementVisitor v) => v.visitReturnStatement(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitReturnStatement(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (expression != null) {
expression = expression.accept(v);
expression?.parent = this;
class TryCatch extends Statement {
Statement body;
List<Catch> catches;
bool isSynthetic;
TryCatch(this.body, this.catches, {this.isSynthetic: false}) {
body?.parent = this;
setParents(catches, this);
accept(StatementVisitor v) => v.visitTryCatch(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitTryCatch(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(catches, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (body != null) {
body = body.accept(v);
body?.parent = this;
transformList(catches, v, this);
class Catch extends TreeNode {
DartType guard; // Not null, defaults to dynamic.
VariableDeclaration exception; // May be null.
VariableDeclaration stackTrace; // May be null.
Statement body;
Catch(this.exception, this.body,
{this.guard: const DynamicType(), this.stackTrace}) {
assert(guard != null);
exception?.parent = this;
stackTrace?.parent = this;
body?.parent = this;
accept(TreeVisitor v) => v.visitCatch(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
guard = v.visitDartType(guard);
if (exception != null) {
exception = exception.accept(v);
exception?.parent = this;
if (stackTrace != null) {
stackTrace = stackTrace.accept(v);
stackTrace?.parent = this;
if (body != null) {
body = body.accept(v);
body?.parent = this;
class TryFinally extends Statement {
Statement body;
Statement finalizer;
TryFinally(this.body, this.finalizer) {
body?.parent = this;
finalizer?.parent = this;
accept(StatementVisitor v) => v.visitTryFinally(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitTryFinally(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (body != null) {
body = body.accept(v);
body?.parent = this;
if (finalizer != null) {
finalizer = finalizer.accept(v);
finalizer?.parent = this;
/// Statement of form `yield x` or `yield* x`.
/// For native yield semantics see `AsyncMarker.SyncYielding`.
class YieldStatement extends Statement {
Expression expression;
int flags = 0;
{bool isYieldStar: false, bool isNative: false}) {
expression?.parent = this;
this.isYieldStar = isYieldStar;
this.isNative = isNative;
static const int FlagYieldStar = 1 << 0;
static const int FlagNative = 1 << 1;
bool get isYieldStar => flags & FlagYieldStar != 0;
bool get isNative => flags & FlagNative != 0;
void set isYieldStar(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagYieldStar) : (flags & ~FlagYieldStar);
void set isNative(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagNative) : (flags & ~FlagNative);
accept(StatementVisitor v) => v.visitYieldStatement(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitYieldStatement(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (expression != null) {
expression = expression.accept(v);
expression?.parent = this;
/// Declaration of a local variable.
/// This may occur as a statement, but is also used in several non-statement
/// contexts, such as in [ForStatement], [Catch], and [FunctionNode].
/// When this occurs as a statement, it must be a direct child of a [Block].
// DESIGN TODO: Should we remove the 'final' modifier from variables?
class VariableDeclaration extends Statement {
/// Offset of the equals sign in the source file it comes from.
/// Valid values are from 0 and up, or -1 ([TreeNode.noOffset])
/// if the equals sign offset is not available (e.g. if not initialized)
/// (this is the default if none is specifically set).
int fileEqualsOffset = TreeNode.noOffset;
/// List of metadata annotations on the variable declaration.
/// This defaults to an immutable empty list. Use [addAnnotation] to add
/// annotations if needed.
List<Expression> annotations = const <Expression>[];
/// For named parameters, this is the name of the parameter. No two named
/// parameters (in the same parameter list) can have the same name.
/// In all other cases, the name is cosmetic, may be empty or null,
/// and is not necessarily unique.
String name;
int flags = 0;
DartType type; // Not null, defaults to dynamic.
/// Offset of the declaration, set and used when writing the binary.
int binaryOffsetNoTag = -1;
/// For locals, this is the initial value.
/// For parameters, this is the default value.
/// Should be null in other cases.
Expression initializer; // May be null.
this.type: const DynamicType(),
int flags: -1,
bool isFinal: false,
bool isConst: false,
bool isFieldFormal: false,
bool isCovariant: false}) {
assert(type != null);
initializer?.parent = this;
if (flags != -1) {
this.flags = flags;
} else {
this.isFinal = isFinal;
this.isConst = isConst;
this.isFieldFormal = isFieldFormal;
this.isCovariant = isCovariant;
/// Creates a synthetic variable with the given expression as initializer.
{bool isFinal: true,
bool isConst: false,
bool isFieldFormal: false,
this.type: const DynamicType()}) {
assert(type != null);
initializer?.parent = this;
this.isFinal = isFinal;
this.isConst = isConst;
this.isFieldFormal = isFieldFormal;
static const int FlagFinal = 1 << 0; // Must match serialized bit positions.
static const int FlagConst = 1 << 1;
static const int FlagFieldFormal = 1 << 2;
static const int FlagCovariant = 1 << 3;
static const int FlagInScope = 1 << 4; // Temporary flag used by verifier.
static const int FlagGenericCovariantImpl = 1 << 5;
bool get isFinal => flags & FlagFinal != 0;
bool get isConst => flags & FlagConst != 0;
/// Whether the parameter is declared with the `covariant` keyword.
bool get isCovariant => flags & FlagCovariant != 0;
/// Whether the variable is declared as a field formal parameter of
/// a constructor.
bool get isFieldFormal => flags & FlagFieldFormal != 0;
/// If this [VariableDeclaration] is a parameter of a method, indicates
/// whether the method implementation needs to contain a runtime type check to
/// deal with generic covariance.
/// When `true`, runtime checks may need to be performed; see
/// [DispatchCategory] for details.
bool get isGenericCovariantImpl => flags & FlagGenericCovariantImpl != 0;
void set isFinal(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagFinal) : (flags & ~FlagFinal);
void set isConst(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagConst) : (flags & ~FlagConst);
void set isCovariant(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagCovariant) : (flags & ~FlagCovariant);
void set isFieldFormal(bool value) {
flags = value ? (flags | FlagFieldFormal) : (flags & ~FlagFieldFormal);
void set isGenericCovariantImpl(bool value) {
flags = value
? (flags | FlagGenericCovariantImpl)
: (flags & ~FlagGenericCovariantImpl);
void addAnnotation(Expression annotation) {
if (annotations.isEmpty) {
annotations = <Expression>[];
annotations.add(annotation..parent = this);
accept(StatementVisitor v) => v.visitVariableDeclaration(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitVariableDeclaration(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(annotations, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
transformList(annotations, v, this);
type = v.visitDartType(type);
if (initializer != null) {
initializer = initializer.accept(v);
initializer?.parent = this;
/// Returns a possibly synthesized name for this variable, consistent with
/// the names used across all [toString] calls.
String toString() => debugVariableDeclarationName(this);
/// Declaration a local function.
/// The body of the function may use [variable] as its self-reference.
class FunctionDeclaration extends Statement {
VariableDeclaration variable; // Is final and has no initializer.
FunctionNode function;
FunctionDeclaration(this.variable, this.function) {
variable?.parent = this;
function?.parent = this;
accept(StatementVisitor v) => v.visitFunctionDeclaration(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitFunctionDeclaration(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
if (variable != null) {
variable = variable.accept(v);
variable?.parent = this;
if (function != null) {
function = function.accept(v);
function?.parent = this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// A public name, or a private name qualified by a library.
/// Names are only used for expressions with dynamic dispatch, as all
/// statically resolved references are represented in nameless form.
/// [Name]s are immutable and compare based on structural equality, and they
/// are not AST nodes.
/// The [toString] method returns a human-readable string that includes the
/// library name for private names; uniqueness is not guaranteed.
abstract class Name implements Node {
final int hashCode;
final String name;
Reference get libraryName;
Library get library;
bool get isPrivate;
factory Name(String name, [Library library]) =>
new Name.byReference(name, library?.reference);
factory Name.byReference(String name, Reference libraryName) {
/// Use separate subclasses for the public and private case to save memory
/// for public names.
if (name.startsWith('_')) {
assert(libraryName != null);
return new _PrivateName(name, libraryName);
} else {
return new _PublicName(name);
bool operator ==(other) {
return other is Name && name == && library == other.library;
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitName(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
// DESIGN TODO: Should we visit the library as a library reference?
class _PrivateName extends Name {
final Reference libraryName;
bool get isPrivate => true;
_PrivateName(String name, Reference libraryName)
: this.libraryName = libraryName,
super._internal(_computeHashCode(name, libraryName), name);
String toString() => library != null ? '$library::$name' : name;
Library get library => libraryName.asLibrary;
static int _computeHashCode(String name, Reference libraryName) {
// TODO(dmitryas): Factor in [libraryName] in a non-deterministic way into
// the result. Note, the previous code here was the following:
// return 131 * name.hashCode + 17 * libraryName.asLibrary._libraryId;
return name.hashCode;
class _PublicName extends Name {
Reference get libraryName => null;
Library get library => null;
bool get isPrivate => false;
_PublicName(String name) : super._internal(name.hashCode, name);
String toString() => name;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// A syntax-independent notion of a type.
/// [DartType]s are not AST nodes and may be shared between different parents.
/// [DartType] objects should be treated as unmodifiable objects, although
/// immutability is not enforced for List fields, and [TypeParameter]s are
/// cyclic structures that are constructed by mutation.
/// The `==` operator on [DartType]s compare based on type equality, not
/// object identity.
abstract class DartType extends Node {
const DartType();
accept(DartTypeVisitor v);
accept1(DartTypeVisitor1 v, arg);
bool operator ==(Object other);
/// If this is a typedef type, repeatedly unfolds its type definition until
/// the root term is not a typedef type, otherwise returns the type itself.
/// Will never return a typedef type.
DartType get unalias => this;
/// If this is a typedef type, unfolds its type definition once, otherwise
/// returns the type itself.
DartType get unaliasOnce => this;
/// The type arising from invalid type annotations.
/// Can usually be treated as 'dynamic', but should occasionally be handled
/// differently, e.g. `x is ERROR` should evaluate to false.
class InvalidType extends DartType {
final int hashCode = 12345;
const InvalidType();
accept(DartTypeVisitor v) => v.visitInvalidType(this);
accept1(DartTypeVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitInvalidType(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
bool operator ==(Object other) => other is InvalidType;
class DynamicType extends DartType {
final int hashCode = 54321;
const DynamicType();
accept(DartTypeVisitor v) => v.visitDynamicType(this);
accept1(DartTypeVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitDynamicType(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
bool operator ==(Object other) => other is DynamicType;
class VoidType extends DartType {
final int hashCode = 123121;
const VoidType();
accept(DartTypeVisitor v) => v.visitVoidType(this);
accept1(DartTypeVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitVoidType(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
bool operator ==(Object other) => other is VoidType;
class BottomType extends DartType {
final int hashCode = 514213;
const BottomType();
accept(DartTypeVisitor v) => v.visitBottomType(this);
accept1(DartTypeVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitBottomType(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
bool operator ==(Object other) => other is BottomType;
class InterfaceType extends DartType {
Reference className;
final List<DartType> typeArguments;
/// The [typeArguments] list must not be modified after this call. If the
/// list is omitted, 'dynamic' type arguments are filled in.
InterfaceType(Class classNode, [List<DartType> typeArguments])
: this.byReference(getClassReference(classNode),
typeArguments ?? _defaultTypeArguments(classNode));
InterfaceType.byReference(this.className, this.typeArguments);
Class get classNode => className.asClass;
static List<DartType> _defaultTypeArguments(Class classNode) {
if (classNode.typeParameters.length == 0) {
// Avoid allocating a list in this very common case.
return const <DartType>[];
} else {
return new List<DartType>.filled(
classNode.typeParameters.length, const DynamicType());
accept(DartTypeVisitor v) => v.visitInterfaceType(this);
accept1(DartTypeVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitInterfaceType(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(typeArguments, v);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is InterfaceType) {
if (className != other.className) return false;
if (typeArguments.length != other.typeArguments.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; ++i) {
if (typeArguments[i] != other.typeArguments[i]) return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
int get hashCode {
int hash = 0x3fffffff & className.hashCode;
for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; ++i) {
hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ typeArguments[i].hashCode));
return hash;
/// A possibly generic function type.
class FunctionType extends DartType {
final List<TypeParameter> typeParameters;
final int requiredParameterCount;
final List<DartType> positionalParameters;
final List<NamedType> namedParameters; // Must be sorted.
/// The [Typedef] this function type is created for.
final TypedefType typedefType;
final DartType returnType;
int _hashCode;
FunctionType(List<DartType> positionalParameters, this.returnType,
{this.namedParameters: const <NamedType>[],
this.typeParameters: const <TypeParameter>[],
int requiredParameterCount,
: this.positionalParameters = positionalParameters,
this.requiredParameterCount =
requiredParameterCount ?? positionalParameters.length;
Reference get typedefReference => typedefType?.typedefReference;
Typedef get typedef => typedefReference?.asTypedef;
accept(DartTypeVisitor v) => v.visitFunctionType(this);
accept1(DartTypeVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitFunctionType(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(typeParameters, v);
visitList(positionalParameters, v);
visitList(namedParameters, v);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is FunctionType) {
if (typeParameters.length != other.typeParameters.length ||
requiredParameterCount != other.requiredParameterCount ||
positionalParameters.length != other.positionalParameters.length ||
namedParameters.length != other.namedParameters.length) {
return false;
if (typeParameters.isEmpty) {
for (int i = 0; i < positionalParameters.length; ++i) {
if (positionalParameters[i] != other.positionalParameters[i]) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < namedParameters.length; ++i) {
if (namedParameters[i] != other.namedParameters[i]) {
return false;
return returnType == other.returnType;
} else {
// Structural equality does not tell us if two generic function types
// are the same type. If they are unifiable without substituting any
// type variables, they are equal.
return unifyTypes(this, other, new Set<TypeParameter>()) != null;
} else {
return false;
/// Returns a variant of this function type that does not declare any type
/// parameters.
/// Any uses of its type parameters become free variables in the returned
/// type.
FunctionType get withoutTypeParameters {
if (typeParameters.isEmpty) return this;
return new FunctionType(positionalParameters, returnType,
requiredParameterCount: requiredParameterCount,
namedParameters: namedParameters,
typedefType: typedefType);
/// Looks up the type of the named parameter with the given name.
/// Returns `null` if there is no named parameter with the given name.
DartType getNamedParameter(String name) {
int lower = 0;
int upper = namedParameters.length - 1;
while (lower <= upper) {
int pivot = (lower + upper) ~/ 2;
var namedParameter = namedParameters[pivot];
int comparison = name.compareTo(;
if (comparison == 0) {
return namedParameter.type;
} else if (comparison < 0) {
upper = pivot - 1;
} else {
lower = pivot + 1;
return null;
int get hashCode => _hashCode ??= _computeHashCode();
int _computeHashCode() {
int hash = 1237;
hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + requiredParameterCount);
for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; ++i) {
TypeParameter parameter = typeParameters[i];
_temporaryHashCodeTable[parameter] = _temporaryHashCodeTable.length;
hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + parameter.bound.hashCode);
for (int i = 0; i < positionalParameters.length; ++i) {
hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + positionalParameters[i].hashCode);
for (int i = 0; i < namedParameters.length; ++i) {
hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + namedParameters[i].hashCode);
hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + returnType.hashCode);
for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; ++i) {
// Remove the type parameters from the scope again.
return hash;
/// A use of a [Typedef] as a type.
/// The underlying type can be extracted using [unalias].
class TypedefType extends DartType {
final Reference typedefReference;
final List<DartType> typeArguments;
TypedefType(Typedef typedefNode, [List<DartType> typeArguments])
: this.byReference(
typedefNode.reference, typeArguments ?? const <DartType>[]);
TypedefType.byReference(this.typedefReference, this.typeArguments);
Typedef get typedefNode => typedefReference.asTypedef;
accept(DartTypeVisitor v) => v.visitTypedefType(this);
accept1(DartTypeVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitTypedefType(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(typeArguments, v);
DartType get unaliasOnce {
return Substitution.fromTypedefType(this).substituteType(typedefNode.type);
DartType get unalias {
return unaliasOnce.unalias;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is TypedefType) {
if (typedefReference != other.typedefReference ||
typeArguments.length != other.typeArguments.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; ++i) {
if (typeArguments[i] != other.typeArguments[i]) return false;
return true;
return false;
int get hashCode {
int hash = 0x3fffffff & typedefNode.hashCode;
for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; ++i) {
hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ typeArguments[i].hashCode));
return hash;
/// A named parameter in [FunctionType].
class NamedType extends Node implements Comparable<NamedType> {
final String name;
final DartType type;
NamedType(, this.type);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is NamedType && name == && type == other.type;
int get hashCode {
return name.hashCode * 31 + type.hashCode * 37;
int compareTo(NamedType other) => name.compareTo(;
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitNamedType(this);
void visitChildren(Visitor v) {
/// Stores the hash code of function type parameters while computing the hash
/// code of a [FunctionType] object.
/// This ensures that distinct [FunctionType] objects get the same hash code
/// if they represent the same type, even though their type parameters are
/// represented by different objects.
final Map<TypeParameter, int> _temporaryHashCodeTable = <TypeParameter, int>{};
/// Reference to a type variable.
/// A type variable has an optional bound because type promotion can change the
/// bound. A bound of `null` indicates that the bound has not been promoted and
/// is the same as the [TypeParameter]'s bound. This allows one to detect
/// whether the bound has been promoted.
class TypeParameterType extends DartType {
TypeParameter parameter;
/// An optional promoted bound on the type parameter.
/// 'null' indicates that the type parameter's bound has not been promoted and
/// is therefore the same as the bound of [parameter].
DartType promotedBound;
TypeParameterType(this.parameter, [this.promotedBound]);
accept(DartTypeVisitor v) => v.visitTypeParameterType(this);
accept1(DartTypeVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitTypeParameterType(this, arg);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is TypeParameterType && parameter == other.parameter;
int get hashCode => _temporaryHashCodeTable[parameter] ?? parameter.hashCode;
/// Returns the bound of the type parameter, accounting for promotions.
DartType get bound => promotedBound ?? parameter.bound;
/// Declaration of a type variable.
/// Type parameters declared in a [Class] or [FunctionNode] are part of the AST,
/// have a parent pointer to its declaring class or function, and will be seen
/// by tree visitors.
/// Type parameters declared by a [FunctionType] are orphans and have a `null`
/// parent pointer. [TypeParameter] objects should not be shared between
/// different [FunctionType] objects.
class TypeParameter extends TreeNode {
int flags = 0;
/// List of metadata annotations on the type parameter.
/// This defaults to an immutable empty list. Use [addAnnotation] to add
/// annotations if needed.
List<Expression> annotations = const <Expression>[];
String name; // Cosmetic name.
/// The bound on the type variable.
/// Should not be null except temporarily during IR construction. Should
/// be set to the root class for type parameters without an explicit bound.
DartType bound;
/// The default value of the type variable. It is used to provide the
/// corresponding missing type argument in type annotations and as the
/// fall-back type value in type inference at compile time. At run time,
/// [defaultType] is used by the backends in place of the missing type
/// argument of a dynamic invocation of a generic function.
DartType defaultType;
TypeParameter([, this.bound, this.defaultType]);
// Must match serialized bit positions.
static const int FlagGenericCovariantImpl = 1 << 0;
/// If this [TypeParameter] is a type parameter of a generic method, indicates
/// whether the method implementation needs to contain a runtime type check to
/// deal with generic covariance.
/// When `true`, runtime checks may need to be performed; see
/// [DispatchCategory] for details.
bool get isGenericCovariantImpl => flags & FlagGenericCovariantImpl != 0;
void set isGenericCovariantImpl(bool value) {
flags = value
? (flags | FlagGenericCovariantImpl)
: (flags & ~FlagGenericCovariantImpl);
void addAnnotation(Expression annotation) {
if (annotations.isEmpty) {
annotations = <Expression>[];
annotations.add(annotation..parent = this);
accept(TreeVisitor v) => v.visitTypeParameter(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(annotations, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
transformList(annotations, v, this);
bound = v.visitDartType(bound);
if (defaultType != null) {
defaultType = v.visitDartType(defaultType);
/// Returns a possibly synthesized name for this type parameter, consistent
/// with the names used across all [toString] calls.
String toString() => debugQualifiedTypeParameterName(this);
bool get isFunctionTypeTypeParameter => parent == null;
class Supertype extends Node {
Reference className;
final List<DartType> typeArguments;
Supertype(Class classNode, List<DartType> typeArguments)
: this.byReference(getClassReference(classNode), typeArguments);
Supertype.byReference(this.className, this.typeArguments);
Class get classNode => className.asClass;
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitSupertype(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(typeArguments, v);
InterfaceType get asInterfaceType {
return new InterfaceType(classNode, typeArguments);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is Supertype) {
if (className != other.className) return false;
if (typeArguments.length != other.typeArguments.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; ++i) {
if (typeArguments[i] != other.typeArguments[i]) return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
int get hashCode {
int hash = 0x3fffffff & className.hashCode;
for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; ++i) {
hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ typeArguments[i].hashCode));
return hash;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
abstract class Constant extends Node {
/// Calls the `visit*ConstantReference()` method on visitor [v] for all
/// constants referenced in this constant.
/// (Note that a constant can be seen as a DAG (directed acyclic graph) and
/// not a tree!)
visitChildren(Visitor v);
/// Calls the `visit*Constant()` method on the visitor [v].
accept(ConstantVisitor v);
/// Calls the `visit*ConstantReference()` method on the visitor [v].
acceptReference(Visitor v);
/// The Kernel AST will reference [Constant]s via [ConstantExpression]s. The
/// constants are not required to be canonicalized, but they have to be deeply
/// comparable via hashCode/==!
int get hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other);
/// Gets the type of this constant.
DartType getType(TypeEnvironment types);
Expression asExpression() {
return new ConstantExpression(this);
abstract class PrimitiveConstant<T> extends Constant {
final T value;
String toString() => '$value';
int get hashCode => value.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
other is PrimitiveConstant<T> && other.value == value;
class NullConstant extends PrimitiveConstant<Null> {
NullConstant() : super(null);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
accept(ConstantVisitor v) => v.visitNullConstant(this);
acceptReference(Visitor v) => v.visitNullConstantReference(this);
DartType getType(TypeEnvironment types) => types.nullType;
class BoolConstant extends PrimitiveConstant<bool> {
BoolConstant(bool value) : super(value);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
accept(ConstantVisitor v) => v.visitBoolConstant(this);
acceptReference(Visitor v) => v.visitBoolConstantReference(this);
DartType getType(TypeEnvironment types) => types.boolType;
class IntConstant extends PrimitiveConstant<int> {
IntConstant(int value) : super(value);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
accept(ConstantVisitor v) => v.visitIntConstant(this);
acceptReference(Visitor v) => v.visitIntConstantReference(this);
DartType getType(TypeEnvironment types) => types.intType;
class DoubleConstant extends PrimitiveConstant<double> {
DoubleConstant(double value) : super(value);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
accept(ConstantVisitor v) => v.visitDoubleConstant(this);
acceptReference(Visitor v) => v.visitDoubleConstantReference(this);
int get hashCode => value.isNaN ? 199 : super.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
other is DoubleConstant && identical(value, other.value);
DartType getType(TypeEnvironment types) => types.doubleType;
class StringConstant extends PrimitiveConstant<String> {
StringConstant(String value) : super(value) {
assert(value != null);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
accept(ConstantVisitor v) => v.visitStringConstant(this);
acceptReference(Visitor v) => v.visitStringConstantReference(this);
DartType getType(TypeEnvironment types) => types.stringType;
class SymbolConstant extends Constant {
final String name;
final Reference libraryReference;
SymbolConstant(, this.libraryReference);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {}
accept(ConstantVisitor v) => v.visitSymbolConstant(this);
acceptReference(Visitor v) => v.visitSymbolConstantReference(this);
String toString() {
return libraryReference != null
? '#${libraryReference.asLibrary.importUri}::$name'
: '#$name';
int get hashCode => name.hashCode ^ libraryReference.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
identical(this, other) ||
(other is SymbolConstant && == name &&
other.libraryReference == libraryReference);
DartType getType(TypeEnvironment types) => types.symbolType;
class MapConstant extends Constant {
final DartType keyType;
final DartType valueType;
final List<ConstantMapEntry> entries;
MapConstant(this.keyType, this.valueType, this.entries);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
for (final ConstantMapEntry entry in entries) {
accept(ConstantVisitor v) => v.visitMapConstant(this);
acceptReference(Visitor v) => v.visitMapConstantReference(this);
String toString() => '${this.runtimeType}<$keyType, $valueType>($entries)';
// TODO(kustermann): Consider combining the hash codes in a better way (also
// below and in [listHashCode]/[mapHashCode].
int _cachedHashCode;
int get hashCode {
return _cachedHashCode ??=
keyType.hashCode ^ valueType.hashCode ^ listHashCode(entries);
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
identical(this, other) ||
(other is MapConstant &&
other.keyType == keyType &&
other.valueType == valueType &&
listEquals(other.entries, entries));
DartType getType(TypeEnvironment types) =>
types.literalMapType(keyType, valueType);
class ConstantMapEntry {
final Constant key;
final Constant value;
ConstantMapEntry(this.key, this.value);
String toString() => '$key: $value';
int get hashCode => key.hashCode ^ value.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
other is ConstantMapEntry && other.key == key && other.value == value;
class ListConstant extends Constant {
final DartType typeArgument;
final List<Constant> entries;
ListConstant(this.typeArgument, this.entries);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
for (final Constant constant in entries) {
accept(ConstantVisitor v) => v.visitListConstant(this);
acceptReference(Visitor v) => v.visitListConstantReference(this);
String toString() => '${this.runtimeType}<$typeArgument>($entries)';
int _cachedHashCode;
int get hashCode {
return _cachedHashCode ??= typeArgument.hashCode ^ listHashCode(entries);
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
identical(this, other) ||
(other is ListConstant &&
other.typeArgument == typeArgument &&
listEquals(other.entries, entries));
DartType getType(TypeEnvironment types) =>
class InstanceConstant extends Constant {
final Reference classReference;
final List<DartType> typeArguments;
final Map<Reference, Constant> fieldValues;
InstanceConstant(this.classReference, this.typeArguments, this.fieldValues);
Class get classNode => classReference.asClass;
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(typeArguments, v);
for (final Reference reference in fieldValues.keys) {
for (final Constant constant in fieldValues.values) {
accept(ConstantVisitor v) => v.visitInstanceConstant(this);
acceptReference(Visitor v) => v.visitInstanceConstantReference(this);
String toString() {
final sb = new StringBuffer();
if (!classReference.asClass.typeParameters.isEmpty) {
sb.write( => type.toString()).join(', '));
sb.write(' {');
fieldValues.forEach((Reference fieldRef, Constant constant) {
sb.write('${}: $constant, ');
return sb.toString();
int _cachedHashCode;
int get hashCode {
return _cachedHashCode ??= classReference.hashCode ^
listHashCode(typeArguments) ^
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
(other is InstanceConstant &&
other.classReference == classReference &&
listEquals(other.typeArguments, typeArguments) &&
mapEquals(other.fieldValues, fieldValues));
DartType getType(TypeEnvironment types) =>
new InterfaceType(classNode, typeArguments);
class PartialInstantiationConstant extends Constant {
final TearOffConstant tearOffConstant;
final List<DartType> types;
PartialInstantiationConstant(this.tearOffConstant, this.types);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(types, v);
accept(ConstantVisitor v) => v.visitPartialInstantiationConstant(this);
acceptReference(Visitor v) =>
String toString() {
return '${runtimeType}(${tearOffConstant.procedure}<${types.join(', ')}>)';
int get hashCode => tearOffConstant.hashCode ^ listHashCode(types);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is PartialInstantiationConstant &&
other.tearOffConstant == tearOffConstant &&
listEquals(other.types, types);
DartType getType(TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment) {
final FunctionType type = tearOffConstant.getType(typeEnvironment);
final mapping = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (final parameter in type.typeParameters) {
mapping[parameter] = types[mapping.length];
return substitute(type.withoutTypeParameters, mapping);
class TearOffConstant extends Constant {
final Reference procedureReference;
TearOffConstant(Procedure procedure)
: procedureReference = procedure.reference {
Procedure get procedure => procedureReference?.asProcedure;
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
accept(ConstantVisitor v) => v.visitTearOffConstant(this);
acceptReference(Visitor v) => v.visitTearOffConstantReference(this);
String toString() {
return '${runtimeType}(${procedure})';
int get hashCode => procedure.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is TearOffConstant && other.procedure == procedure;
FunctionType getType(TypeEnvironment types) =>
class TypeLiteralConstant extends Constant {
final DartType type;
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
accept(ConstantVisitor v) => v.visitTypeLiteralConstant(this);
acceptReference(Visitor v) => v.visitTypeLiteralConstantReference(this);
String toString() => '${runtimeType}(${type})';
int get hashCode => type.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is TypeLiteralConstant && other.type == type;
DartType getType(TypeEnvironment types) => types.typeType;
class UnevaluatedConstant extends Constant {
final Expression expression;
UnevaluatedConstant(this.expression) {
expression?.parent = null;
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
accept(ConstantVisitor v) => v.visitUnevaluatedConstant(this);
acceptReference(Visitor v) => v.visitUnevaluatedConstantReference(this);
DartType getType(TypeEnvironment types) => expression.getStaticType(types);
Expression asExpression() => expression;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// A way to bundle up libraries in a component.
class Component extends TreeNode {
final CanonicalName root;
/// Problems in this [Component] encoded as json objects.
/// Note that this field can be null, and by convention should be null if the
/// list is empty.
List<String> problemsAsJson;
final List<Library> libraries;
/// Map from a source file URI to a line-starts table and source code.
/// Given a source file URI and a offset in that file one can translate
/// it to a line:column position in that file.
final Map<Uri, Source> uriToSource;
/// Mapping between string tags and [MetadataRepository] corresponding to
/// those tags.
final Map<String, MetadataRepository<dynamic>> metadata =
<String, MetadataRepository<dynamic>>{};
/// Reference to the main method in one of the libraries.
Reference mainMethodName;
{CanonicalName nameRoot,
List<Library> libraries,
Map<Uri, Source> uriToSource})
: root = nameRoot ?? new CanonicalName.root(),
libraries = libraries ?? <Library>[],
uriToSource = uriToSource ?? <Uri, Source>{} {
if (libraries != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < libraries.length; ++i) {
// The libraries are owned by this component, and so are their canonical
// names if they exist.
Library library = libraries[i];
library.parent = this;
CanonicalName name = library.reference.canonicalName;
if (name != null && name.parent != root) {
void computeCanonicalNames() {
for (int i = 0; i < libraries.length; ++i) {
void computeCanonicalNamesForLibrary(Library library) {
void unbindCanonicalNames() {
Procedure get mainMethod => mainMethodName?.asProcedure;
void set mainMethod(Procedure main) {
mainMethodName = getMemberReference(main);
accept(TreeVisitor v) => v.visitComponent(this);
visitChildren(Visitor v) {
visitList(libraries, v);
transformChildren(Transformer v) {
transformList(libraries, v, this);
Component get enclosingComponent => this;
/// Translates an offset to line and column numbers in the given file.
Location getLocation(Uri file, int offset) {
return uriToSource[file]?.getLocation(file, offset);
void addMetadataRepository(MetadataRepository repository) {
metadata[repository.tag] = repository;
/// A tuple with file, line, and column number, for displaying human-readable
/// locations.
class Location {
final Uri file;
final int line; // 1-based.
final int column; // 1-based.
Location(this.file, this.line, this.column);
String toString() => '$file:$line:$column';
abstract class MetadataRepository<T> {
/// Unique string tag associated with this repository.
String get tag;
/// Mutable mapping between nodes and their metadata.
Map<TreeNode, T> get mapping;
/// Write [metadata] object corresponding to the given [Node] into
/// the given [BinarySink].
/// Metadata is serialized immediately before serializing [node],
/// so implementation of this method can use serialization context of
/// [node]'s parents (such as declared type parameters and variables).
/// In order to use scope declared by the [node] itself, implementation of
/// this method can use [BinarySink.enterScope] and [BinarySink.leaveScope]
/// methods.
/// [metadata] must be an object owned by this repository.
void writeToBinary(T metadata, Node node, BinarySink sink);
/// Construct a metadata object from its binary payload read from the
/// given [BinarySource].
/// Metadata is deserialized immediately after deserializing [node],
/// so it can use deserialization context of [node]'s parents.
/// In order to use scope declared by the [node] itself, implementation of
/// this method can use [BinarySource.enterScope] and
/// [BinarySource.leaveScope] methods.
T readFromBinary(Node node, BinarySource source);
/// Method to check whether a node can have metadata attached to it
/// or referenced from the metadata payload.
/// Currently due to binary format specifics Catch and MapEntry nodes
/// can't have metadata attached to them.
static bool isSupported(TreeNode node) {
return !(node is MapEntry || node is Catch);
abstract class BinarySink {
int getBufferOffset();
void writeByte(int byte);
void writeBytes(List<int> bytes);
void writeUInt32(int value);
void writeUInt30(int value);
/// Write List<Byte> into the sink.
void writeByteList(List<int> bytes);
void writeNullAllowedCanonicalNameReference(CanonicalName name);
void writeStringReference(String str);
void writeName(Name node);
void writeDartType(DartType type);
void writeNode(Node node);
void enterScope(
{List<TypeParameter> typeParameters,
bool memberScope: false,
bool variableScope: false});
void leaveScope(
{List<TypeParameter> typeParameters,
bool memberScope: false,
bool variableScope: false});
abstract class BinarySource {
int get currentOffset;
List<int> get bytes;
int readByte();
List<int> readBytes(int length);
int readUInt();
int readUint32();
/// Read List<Byte> from the source.
List<int> readByteList();
CanonicalName readCanonicalNameReference();
String readStringReference();
Name readName();
DartType readDartType();
FunctionNode readFunctionNode();
void enterScope({List<TypeParameter> typeParameters});
void leaveScope({List<TypeParameter> typeParameters});
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void setParents(List<TreeNode> nodes, TreeNode parent) {
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
nodes[i].parent = parent;
void visitList(List<Node> nodes, Visitor visitor) {
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
void visitIterable(Iterable<Node> nodes, Visitor visitor) {
for (var node in nodes) {
void transformTypeList(List<DartType> nodes, Transformer visitor) {
int storeIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
var result = visitor.visitDartType(nodes[i]);
if (result != null) {
nodes[storeIndex] = result;
if (storeIndex < nodes.length) {
nodes.length = storeIndex;
void transformSupertypeList(List<Supertype> nodes, Transformer visitor) {
int storeIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
var result = visitor.visitSupertype(nodes[i]);
if (result != null) {
nodes[storeIndex] = result;
if (storeIndex < nodes.length) {
nodes.length = storeIndex;
void transformList(List<TreeNode> nodes, Transformer visitor, TreeNode parent) {
int storeIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
var result = nodes[i].accept(visitor);
if (result != null) {
nodes[storeIndex] = result;
result.parent = parent;
if (storeIndex < nodes.length) {
nodes.length = storeIndex;
List<DartType> _getAsTypeArguments(List<TypeParameter> typeParameters) {
if (typeParameters.isEmpty) return const <DartType>[];
return new List<DartType>.generate(
typeParameters.length, (i) => new TypeParameterType(typeParameters[i]),
growable: false);
class _ChildReplacer extends Transformer {
final TreeNode child;
final TreeNode replacement;
_ChildReplacer(this.child, this.replacement);
defaultTreeNode(TreeNode node) {
if (node == child) {
return replacement;
} else {
return node;
class Source {
final List<int> lineStarts;
final List<int> source;
String cachedText;
Source(this.lineStarts, this.source);
/// Return the text corresponding to [line] which is a 1-based line
/// number. The returned line contains no line separators.
String getTextLine(int line) {
RangeError.checkValueInInterval(line, 1, lineStarts.length, 'line');
if (source == null || source.isEmpty) return null;
cachedText ??= utf8.decode(source, allowMalformed: true);
// -1 as line numbers start at 1.
int index = line - 1;
if (index + 1 == lineStarts.length) {
// Last line.
return cachedText.substring(lineStarts[index]);
} else if (index < lineStarts.length) {
// We subtract 1 from the next line for two reasons:
// 1. If the file isn't terminated by a newline, that index is invalid.
// 2. To remove the newline at the end of the line.
int endOfLine = lineStarts[index + 1] - 1;
if (endOfLine > index && cachedText[endOfLine - 1] == "\r") {
--endOfLine; // Windows line endings.
return cachedText.substring(lineStarts[index], endOfLine);
// This shouldn't happen: should have been caught by the range check above.
throw "Internal error";
/// Translates an offset to line and column numbers in the given file.
Location getLocation(Uri file, int offset) {
RangeError.checkValueInInterval(offset, 0, lineStarts.last, 'offset');
int low = 0, high = lineStarts.length - 1;
while (low < high) {
int mid = high - ((high - low) >> 1); // Get middle, rounding up.
int pivot = lineStarts[mid];
if (pivot <= offset) {
low = mid;
} else {
high = mid - 1;
int lineIndex = low;
int lineStart = lineStarts[lineIndex];
int lineNumber = 1 + lineIndex;
int columnNumber = 1 + offset - lineStart;
return new Location(file, lineNumber, columnNumber);
/// Returns the [Reference] object for the given member.
/// Returns `null` if the member is `null`.
Reference getMemberReference(Member member) {
return member?.reference;
/// Returns the [Reference] object for the given class.
/// Returns `null` if the class is `null`.
Reference getClassReference(Class class_) {
return class_?.reference;
/// Returns the canonical name of [member], or throws an exception if the
/// member has not been assigned a canonical name yet.
/// Returns `null` if the member is `null`.
CanonicalName getCanonicalNameOfMember(Member member) {
if (member == null) return null;
if (member.canonicalName == null) {
throw '$member has no canonical name';
return member.canonicalName;
/// Returns the canonical name of [class_], or throws an exception if the
/// class has not been assigned a canonical name yet.
/// Returns `null` if the class is `null`.
CanonicalName getCanonicalNameOfClass(Class class_) {
if (class_ == null) return null;
if (class_.canonicalName == null) {
throw '$class_ has no canonical name';
return class_.canonicalName;
/// Returns the canonical name of [library], or throws an exception if the
/// library has not been assigned a canonical name yet.
/// Returns `null` if the library is `null`.
CanonicalName getCanonicalNameOfLibrary(Library library) {
if (library == null) return null;
if (library.canonicalName == null) {
throw '$library has no canonical name';
return library.canonicalName;
int listHashCode(List list) {
return list.fold(0, (int value, Object item) => value ^ item.hashCode);
int mapHashCode(Map map) {
int value = 0;
for (final Object x in map.keys) value ^= x.hashCode;
for (final Object x in map.values) value ^= x.hashCode;
return value;
bool listEquals(List a, List b) {
if (a.length != b.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] != b[i]) return false;
return true;
bool mapEquals(Map a, Map b) {
if (a.length != b.length) return false;
for (final Object key in a.keys) {
if (!b.containsKey(key) || a[key] != b[key]) return false;
return true;
/// Returns the canonical name of [typedef_], or throws an exception if the
/// typedef has not been assigned a canonical name yet.
/// Returns `null` if the typedef is `null`.
CanonicalName getCanonicalNameOfTypedef(Typedef typedef_) {
if (typedef_ == null) return null;
if (typedef_.canonicalName == null) {
throw '$typedef_ has no canonical name';
return typedef_.canonicalName;
/// Annotation describing information which is not part of Dart semantics; in
/// other words, if this information (or any information it refers to) changes,
/// static analysis and runtime behavior of the library are unaffected.
const informative = null;
Location _getLocationInComponent(Component component, Uri fileUri, int offset) {
if (component != null) {
return component.getLocation(fileUri, offset);
} else {
return new Location(fileUri, TreeNode.noOffset, TreeNode.noOffset);
/// Convert the synthetic name of an implicit mixin application class
/// into a name suitable for user-faced strings.
/// For example, when compiling "class A extends S with M1, M2", the
/// two synthetic classes will be named "_A&S&M1" and "_A&S&M1&M2".
/// This function will return "S with M1" and "S with M1, M2", respectively.
String demangleMixinApplicationName(String name) {
List<String> nameParts = name.split('&');
if (nameParts.length < 2) return name;
String demangledName = nameParts[1];
for (int i = 2; i < nameParts.length; i++) {
demangledName += (i == 2 ? " with " : ", ") + nameParts[i];
return demangledName;
/// Extract from the synthetic name of an implicit mixin application class
/// the name of the final subclass of the mixin application.
/// For example, when compiling "class A extends S with M1, M2", the
/// two synthetic classes will be named "_A&S&M1" and "_A&S&M1&M2".
/// This function will return "A" for both classes.
String demangleMixinApplicationSubclassName(String name) {
List<String> nameParts = name.split('&');
if (nameParts.length < 2) return name;
return nameParts[0].substring(1);