blob: f258917f8fbfb1ccbff938bc6ff26d80417ea165 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of 'serialization.dart';
/// Base implementation of [DataSource] using [DataSourceMixin] to implement
/// convenience methods.
abstract class AbstractDataSource extends DataSourceMixin
implements DataSource {
final bool useDataKinds;
ComponentLookup _componentLookup;
EntityLookup _entityLookup;
LocalLookup _localLookup;
AbstractDataSource({this.useDataKinds: false});
void begin(String tag) {
if (useDataKinds) _begin(tag);
void end(String tag) {
if (useDataKinds) _end(tag);
void registerComponentLookup(ComponentLookup componentLookup) {
assert(_componentLookup == null);
_componentLookup = componentLookup;
ComponentLookup get componentLookup {
assert(_componentLookup != null);
return _componentLookup;
void registerEntityLookup(EntityLookup entityLookup) {
assert(_entityLookup == null);
_entityLookup = entityLookup;
EntityLookup get entityLookup {
assert(_entityLookup != null);
return _entityLookup;
void registerLocalLookup(LocalLookup localLookup) {
assert(_localLookup == null);
_localLookup = localLookup;
LocalLookup get localLookup {
assert(_localLookup != null);
return _localLookup;
IndexedLibrary readLibrary() {
return getIndexedLibrary(readInt());
IndexedClass readClass() {
return getIndexedClass(readInt());
IndexedTypedef readTypedef() {
return getIndexedTypedef(readInt());
IndexedMember readMember() {
return getIndexedMember(readInt());
IndexedLibrary getIndexedLibrary(int libraryIndex) =>
IndexedClass getIndexedClass(int classIndex) =>
IndexedTypedef getIndexedTypedef(int typedefIndex) =>
IndexedMember getIndexedMember(int memberIndex) =>
IndexedTypeVariable getIndexedTypeVariable(int typeVariableIndex) =>
List<DartType> _readDartTypes(
List<FunctionTypeVariable> functionTypeVariables) {
int count = readInt();
List<DartType> types = new List<DartType>(count);
for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) {
types[index] = _readDartType(functionTypeVariables);
return types;
SourceSpan readSourceSpan() {
Uri uri = _readUri();
int begin = _readInt();
int end = _readInt();
return new SourceSpan(uri, begin, end);
DartType readDartType({bool allowNull: false}) {
DartType type = _readDartType([]);
assert(type != null || allowNull);
return type;
DartType _readDartType(List<FunctionTypeVariable> functionTypeVariables) {
DartTypeKind kind = readEnum(DartTypeKind.values);
switch (kind) {
case DartTypeKind.none:
return null;
case DartTypeKind.voidType:
return const VoidType();
case DartTypeKind.typeVariable:
return new TypeVariableType(getIndexedTypeVariable(readInt()));
case DartTypeKind.functionTypeVariable:
int index = readInt();
assert(0 <= index && index < functionTypeVariables.length);
return functionTypeVariables[index];
case DartTypeKind.functionType:
int typeVariableCount = readInt();
List<FunctionTypeVariable> typeVariables =
new List<FunctionTypeVariable>.generate(typeVariableCount,
(int index) => new FunctionTypeVariable(index));
functionTypeVariables =
new List<FunctionTypeVariable>.from(functionTypeVariables)
for (int index = 0; index < typeVariableCount; index++) {
typeVariables[index].bound = _readDartType(functionTypeVariables);
DartType returnType = _readDartType(functionTypeVariables);
List<DartType> parameterTypes = _readDartTypes(functionTypeVariables);
List<DartType> optionalParameterTypes =
List<DartType> namedParameterTypes =
List<String> namedParameters =
new List<String>(namedParameterTypes.length);
for (int i = 0; i < namedParameters.length; i++) {
namedParameters[i] = readString();
return new FunctionType(
case DartTypeKind.interfaceType:
IndexedClass cls = getIndexedClass(readInt());
List<DartType> typeArguments = _readDartTypes(functionTypeVariables);
return new InterfaceType(cls, typeArguments);
case DartTypeKind.typedef:
IndexedTypedef typedef = getIndexedTypedef(readInt());
List<DartType> typeArguments = _readDartTypes(functionTypeVariables);
DartType unaliased = _readDartType(functionTypeVariables);
return new TypedefType(typedef, typeArguments, unaliased);
case DartTypeKind.dynamicType:
return const DynamicType();
case DartTypeKind.futureOr:
DartType typeArgument = _readDartType(functionTypeVariables);
return new FutureOrType(typeArgument);
throw new UnsupportedError("Unexpected DartTypeKind $kind");
_MemberData _readMemberData() {
MemberContextKind kind = _readEnum(MemberContextKind.values);
switch (kind) {
case MemberContextKind.cls:
_ClassData cls = _readClassData();
String name = _readString();
return cls.lookupMember(name);
case MemberContextKind.library:
_LibraryData library = _readLibraryData();
String name = _readString();
return library.lookupMember(name);
throw new UnsupportedError("Unsupported _MemberKind $kind");
ir.Member readMemberNode() {
return _readMemberData().node;
_ClassData _readClassData() {
_LibraryData library = _readLibraryData();
String name = _readString();
return library.lookupClass(name);
ir.Class readClassNode() {
return _readClassData().node;
_LibraryData _readLibraryData() {
Uri canonicalUri = _readUri();
return componentLookup.getLibraryDataByUri(canonicalUri);
ir.Library readLibraryNode() {
return _readLibraryData().node;
E readEnum<E>(List<E> values) {
return _readEnum(values);
Uri readUri() {
return _readUri();
bool readBool() {
int value = _readInt();
assert(value == 0 || value == 1);
return value == 1;
String readString() {
return _readString();
int readInt() {
return _readInt();
ir.TreeNode readTreeNode() {
return _readTreeNode();
ConstantValue readConstant() {
return _readConstant();
ConstantValue _readConstant() {
ConstantValueKind kind = _readEnum(ConstantValueKind.values);
ConstantValue constant;
switch (kind) {
case ConstantValueKind.BOOL:
bool value = readBool();
constant = new BoolConstantValue(value);
case ConstantValueKind.INT:
BigInt value = BigInt.parse(readString());
constant = new IntConstantValue(value);
case ConstantValueKind.DOUBLE:
ByteData data = new ByteData(8);
data.setUint16(0, readInt());
data.setUint16(2, readInt());
data.setUint16(4, readInt());
data.setUint16(6, readInt());
double value = data.getFloat64(0);
constant = new DoubleConstantValue(value);
case ConstantValueKind.STRING:
String value = readString();
constant = new StringConstantValue(value);
case ConstantValueKind.NULL:
constant = const NullConstantValue();
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support remaining constant values.
throw new UnsupportedError("Unexpected constant value kind ${kind}.");
return constant;
ir.TreeNode _readTreeNode() {
_TreeNodeKind kind = _readEnum(_TreeNodeKind.values);
switch (kind) {
case _TreeNodeKind.cls:
return _readClassData().node;
case _TreeNodeKind.member:
return _readMemberData().node;
case _TreeNodeKind.functionDeclarationVariable:
ir.FunctionDeclaration functionDeclaration = _readTreeNode();
return functionDeclaration.variable;
case _TreeNodeKind.functionNode:
return _readFunctionNode();
case _TreeNodeKind.typeParameter:
return _readTypeParameter();
case _TreeNodeKind.node:
_MemberData data = _readMemberData();
int index = _readInt();
ir.TreeNode treeNode = data.getTreeNodeByIndex(index);
assert(treeNode != null,
"No TreeNode found for index $index in ${data.node}.$_errorContext");
return treeNode;
throw new UnsupportedError("Unexpected _TreeNodeKind $kind");
ir.FunctionNode _readFunctionNode() {
_FunctionNodeKind kind = _readEnum(_FunctionNodeKind.values);
switch (kind) {
case _FunctionNodeKind.procedure:
ir.Procedure procedure = _readMemberData().node;
return procedure.function;
case _FunctionNodeKind.constructor:
ir.Constructor constructor = _readMemberData().node;
return constructor.function;
case _FunctionNodeKind.functionExpression:
ir.FunctionExpression functionExpression = _readTreeNode();
return functionExpression.function;
case _FunctionNodeKind.functionDeclaration:
ir.FunctionDeclaration functionDeclaration = _readTreeNode();
return functionDeclaration.function;
throw new UnsupportedError("Unexpected _FunctionNodeKind $kind");
ir.TypeParameter readTypeParameterNode() {
return _readTypeParameter();
ir.TypeParameter _readTypeParameter() {
_TypeParameterKind kind = _readEnum(_TypeParameterKind.values);
switch (kind) {
case _TypeParameterKind.cls:
ir.Class cls = _readClassData().node;
return cls.typeParameters[_readInt()];
case _TypeParameterKind.functionNode:
ir.FunctionNode functionNode = _readFunctionNode();
return functionNode.typeParameters[_readInt()];
throw new UnsupportedError("Unexpected _TypeParameterKind kind $kind");
void _checkDataKind(DataKind expectedKind) {
if (!useDataKinds) return;
DataKind actualKind = _readEnum(DataKind.values);
actualKind == expectedKind,
"Invalid data kind. "
"Expected $expectedKind, found $actualKind.$_errorContext");
Local readLocal() {
LocalKind kind = readEnum(LocalKind.values);
switch (kind) {
case LocalKind.jLocal:
MemberEntity memberContext = readMember();
int localIndex = readInt();
return localLookup.getLocalByIndex(memberContext, localIndex);
case LocalKind.thisLocal:
ClassEntity cls = readClass();
return new ThisLocal(cls);
case LocalKind.boxLocal:
ClassEntity cls = readClass();
return new BoxLocal(cls);
case LocalKind.anonymousClosureLocal:
ClassEntity cls = readClass();
return new AnonymousClosureLocal(cls);
case LocalKind.typeVariableLocal:
TypeVariableType typeVariable = readDartType();
return new TypeVariableLocal(typeVariable);
throw new UnsupportedError("Unexpected local kind $kind");
/// Actual deserialization of a section begin tag, implemented by subclasses.
void _begin(String tag);
/// Actual deserialization of a section end tag, implemented by subclasses.
void _end(String tag);
/// Actual deserialization of a string value, implemented by subclasses.
String _readString();
/// Actual deserialization of a non-negative integer value, implemented by
/// subclasses.
int _readInt();
/// Actual deserialization of a URI value, implemented by subclasses.
Uri _readUri();
/// Actual deserialization of an enum value in [values], implemented by
/// subclasses.
E _readEnum<E>(List<E> values);
/// Returns a string representation of the current state of the data source
/// useful for debugging in consistencies between serialization and
/// deserialization.
String get _errorContext;