blob: 5b87b15b7854b9530c326d914669e032382792f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of js_backend;
typedef jsAst.Expression _ConstantReferenceGenerator(ConstantValue constant);
typedef jsAst.Expression _ConstantListGenerator(jsAst.Expression array);
* Generates the JavaScript expressions for constants.
* It uses a given [constantReferenceGenerator] to reference nested constants
* (if there are some). It is hence up to that function to decide which
* constants should be inlined or not.
class ConstantEmitter
implements ConstantValueVisitor<jsAst.Expression, Null> {
// Matches blank lines, comment lines and trailing comments that can't be part
// of a string.
static final RegExp COMMENT_RE =
new RegExp(r'''^ *(//.*)?\n| *//[^''"\n]*$''' , multiLine: true);
final Compiler compiler;
final Namer namer;
final _ConstantReferenceGenerator constantReferenceGenerator;
final _ConstantListGenerator makeConstantList;
* The given [constantReferenceGenerator] function must, when invoked with a
* constant, either return a reference or return its literal expression if it
* can be inlined.
jsAst.Expression this.constantReferenceGenerator(ConstantValue constant),
DiagnosticReporter get reporter => compiler.reporter;
* Constructs a literal expression that evaluates to the constant. Uses a
* canonical name unless the constant can be emitted multiple times (as for
* numbers and strings).
jsAst.Expression generate(ConstantValue constant) {
return _visit(constant);
jsAst.Expression _visit(ConstantValue constant) {
return constant.accept(this, null);
jsAst.Expression visitFunction(FunctionConstantValue constant, [_]) {
"The function constant does not need specific JS code.");
return null;
jsAst.Expression visitNull(NullConstantValue constant, [_]) {
return new jsAst.LiteralNull();
static final _exponentialRE = new RegExp(
'\([-+]?\)' // 1: sign
'\([0-9]+\)' // 2: leading digit(s)
'\(\.\([0-9]*\)\)?' // 4: fraction digits
'e\([-+]?[0-9]+\)' // 5: exponent with sign
/// Reduces the size of exponential representations when minification is
/// enabled.
/// Removes the "+" after the exponential sign, and removes the "." before the
/// "e". For example `1.23e+5` is changed to `123e3`.
String _shortenExponentialRepresentation(String numberString) {
Match match = _exponentialRE.firstMatch(numberString);
if (match == null) return numberString;
String sign = match[1];
String leadingDigits = match[2];
String fractionDigits = match[4];
int exponent = int.parse(match[5]);
if (fractionDigits == null) fractionDigits = '';
exponent -= fractionDigits.length;
String result = '${sign}${leadingDigits}${fractionDigits}e${exponent}';
assert(double.parse(result) == double.parse(numberString));
return result;
jsAst.Expression visitInt(IntConstantValue constant, [_]) {
int primitiveValue = constant.primitiveValue;
// Since we are in JavaScript we can shorten long integers to their shorter
// exponential representation, for example: "1e4" is shorter than "10000".
// Note that this shortening apparently loses precision for big numbers
// (like 1234567890123456789012345 which becomes 12345678901234568e8).
// However, since JavaScript engines represent all numbers as doubles, these
// digits are lost anyway.
String representation = primitiveValue.toString();
String alternative = null;
int cutoff = compiler.enableMinification ? 10000 : 1e10.toInt();
if (primitiveValue.abs() >= cutoff) {
alternative = _shortenExponentialRepresentation(
if (alternative != null && alternative.length < representation.length) {
representation = alternative;
return new jsAst.LiteralNumber(representation);
jsAst.Expression visitDouble(DoubleConstantValue constant, [_]) {
double value = constant.primitiveValue;
if (value.isNaN) {
return js("0/0");
} else if (value == double.INFINITY) {
return js("1/0");
} else if (value == -double.INFINITY) {
return js("-1/0");
} else {
String shortened = _shortenExponentialRepresentation("$value");
return new jsAst.LiteralNumber(shortened);
jsAst.Expression visitBool(BoolConstantValue constant, [_]) {
if (compiler.enableMinification) {
if (constant.isTrue) {
// Use !0 for true.
return js("!0");
} else {
// Use !1 for false.
return js("!1");
} else {
return constant.isTrue ? js('true') : js('false');
* Write the contents of the quoted string to a [CodeBuffer] in
* a form that is valid as JavaScript string literal content.
* The string is assumed quoted by double quote characters.
jsAst.Expression visitString(StringConstantValue constant, [_]) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
writeJsonEscapedCharsOn(constant.primitiveValue.slowToString(), sb);
return new jsAst.LiteralString('"$sb"');
jsAst.Expression visitList(ListConstantValue constant, [_]) {
List<jsAst.Expression> elements = constant.entries
.toList(growable: false);
jsAst.ArrayInitializer array = new jsAst.ArrayInitializer(elements);
jsAst.Expression value = makeConstantList(array);
return maybeAddTypeArguments(constant.type, value);
jsAst.Expression visitMap(JavaScriptMapConstant constant, [_]) {
jsAst.Expression jsMap() {
List<jsAst.Property> properties = <jsAst.Property>[];
for (int i = 0; i < constant.length; i++) {
StringConstantValue key = constant.keys[i];
if (key.primitiveValue == JavaScriptMapConstant.PROTO_PROPERTY) {
// Keys in literal maps must be emitted in place.
jsAst.Literal keyExpression = _visit(key);
jsAst.Expression valueExpression =
properties.add(new jsAst.Property(keyExpression, valueExpression));
return new jsAst.ObjectInitializer(properties);
jsAst.Expression jsGeneralMap() {
List<jsAst.Expression> data = <jsAst.Expression>[];
for (int i = 0; i < constant.keys.length; i++) {
jsAst.Expression keyExpression = constantReferenceGenerator(constant.keys[i]);
jsAst.Expression valueExpression =
return new jsAst.ArrayInitializer(data);
ClassElement classElement = constant.type.element;
String className =;
List<jsAst.Expression> arguments = <jsAst.Expression>[];
// The arguments of the JavaScript constructor for any given Dart class
// are in the same order as the members of the class element.
int emittedArgumentCount = 0;
(ClassElement enclosing, Element field) {
if ( == JavaScriptMapConstant.LENGTH_NAME) {
new jsAst.LiteralNumber('${constant.keyList.entries.length}'));
} else if ( == JavaScriptMapConstant.JS_OBJECT_NAME) {
} else if ( == JavaScriptMapConstant.KEYS_NAME) {
} else if ( == JavaScriptMapConstant.PROTO_VALUE) {
assert(constant.protoValue != null);
} else if ( == JavaScriptMapConstant.JS_DATA_NAME) {
} else {
"Compiler has unexpected field ${} for "
includeSuperAndInjectedMembers: true);
if ((className == JavaScriptMapConstant.DART_STRING_CLASS &&
emittedArgumentCount != 3) ||
(className == JavaScriptMapConstant.DART_PROTO_CLASS &&
emittedArgumentCount != 4) ||
(className == JavaScriptMapConstant.DART_GENERAL_CLASS &&
emittedArgumentCount != 1)) {
"Compiler and ${className} disagree on number of fields.");
jsAst.Expression constructor =
jsAst.Expression value = new jsAst.New(constructor, arguments);
return maybeAddTypeArguments(constant.type, value);
JavaScriptBackend get backend => compiler.backend;
jsAst.PropertyAccess getHelperProperty(Element helper) {
return backend.emitter.staticFunctionAccess(helper);
jsAst.Expression visitType(TypeConstantValue constant, [_]) {
DartType type = constant.representedType;
jsAst.Name typeName = namer.runtimeTypeName(type.element);
return new jsAst.Call(getHelperProperty(backend.helpers.createRuntimeType),
jsAst.Expression visitInterceptor(InterceptorConstantValue constant, [_]) {
ClassElement interceptorClass = constant.dispatchedType.element;
return backend.emitter.interceptorPrototypeAccess(interceptorClass);
jsAst.Expression visitSynthetic(SyntheticConstantValue constant, [_]) {
switch (constant.kind) {
case SyntheticConstantKind.DUMMY_INTERCEPTOR:
case SyntheticConstantKind.EMPTY_VALUE:
return new jsAst.LiteralNumber('0');
case SyntheticConstantKind.TYPEVARIABLE_REFERENCE:
case SyntheticConstantKind.NAME:
return constant.payload;
"Unexpected DummyConstantKind ${constant.kind}");
return null;
jsAst.Expression visitConstructed(ConstructedConstantValue constant, [_]) {
Element element = constant.type.element;
if (backend.isForeign(element)
&& == 'JS_CONST') {
StringConstantValue str = constant.fields.values.single;
String value = str.primitiveValue.slowToString();
return new jsAst.LiteralExpression(stripComments(value));
jsAst.Expression constructor =
List<jsAst.Expression> fields =
.toList(growable: false);
jsAst.New instantiation = new jsAst.New(constructor, fields);
return maybeAddTypeArguments(constant.type, instantiation);
String stripComments(String rawJavaScript) {
return rawJavaScript.replaceAll(COMMENT_RE, '');
jsAst.Expression maybeAddTypeArguments(InterfaceType type,
jsAst.Expression value) {
if (type is InterfaceType &&
!type.treatAsRaw &&
backend.classNeedsRti(type.element)) {
InterfaceType interface = type;
RuntimeTypesEncoder rtiEncoder = backend.rtiEncoder;
Iterable<jsAst.Expression> arguments = interface.typeArguments
.map((DartType type) =>
rtiEncoder.getTypeRepresentationWithPlaceholders(type, (_){}));
jsAst.Expression argumentList =
new jsAst.ArrayInitializer(arguments.toList());
return new jsAst.Call(
[value, argumentList]);
return value;
jsAst.Expression visitDeferred(DeferredConstantValue constant, [_]) {
return constantReferenceGenerator(constant.referenced);