blob: 649597a49c8b5dd5a9a106af790c7353e73141e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/accessor.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/parameter_reference.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/transform_set_error_code.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
/// A parser for the textual representation of a code fragment.
class CodeFragmentParser {
/// The error reporter to which diagnostics will be reported.
final ErrorReporter errorReporter;
/// The amount to be added to translate from offsets within the content to
/// offsets within the file.
int delta;
/// The tokens being parsed.
List<_Token> tokens;
/// The accessors that have been parsed.
List<Accessor> accessors = [];
/// Initialize a newly created parser to report errors to the [errorReporter].
/// Parse the [content] into a list of accessors. Add the [delta] to translate
/// from offsets within the content to offsets within the file.
/// <content> ::=
/// <accessor> ('.' <accessor>)*
List<Accessor> parse(String content, int delta) { = delta;
tokens = _CodeFragmentScanner(content, delta, errorReporter).scan();
if (tokens == null) {
// The error has already been reported.
return null;
var index = _parseAccessor(0);
while (index < tokens.length) {
var token = tokens[index];
if (token.kind == _TokenKind.period) {
index = _parseAccessor(index + 1);
} else {
token.offset + delta, token.length, ['.', token.kind.displayName]);
return null;
return accessors;
/// Return the token at the given [index] if it exists and if it has one of
/// the [validKinds]. Report an error and return `null` if those conditions
/// aren't met.
_Token _expect(int index, List<_TokenKind> validKinds) {
String validKindsDisplayString() {
var buffer = StringBuffer();
for (var i = 0; i < validKinds.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
if (i == validKinds.length - 1) {
buffer.write(' or ');
} else {
buffer.write(', ');
return buffer.toString();
if (index >= tokens.length) {
var offset = 0;
var length = 0;
if (tokens.isNotEmpty) {
var last = tokens.last;
offset = last.offset;
length = last.length;
offset + delta, length, [validKindsDisplayString()]);
return null;
var token = tokens[index];
if (!validKinds.contains(token.kind)) {
token.offset + delta,
[validKindsDisplayString(), token.kind.displayName]);
return null;
return token;
/// Parse an accessor.
/// <accessor> ::=
/// <identifier> '[' (<integer> | <identifier>) ']'
int _parseAccessor(int index) {
var token = _expect(index, const [_TokenKind.identifier]);
if (token == null) {
// The error has already been reported.
return tokens.length;
var identifier = token.lexeme;
if (identifier == 'arguments') {
token = _expect(index + 1, const [_TokenKind.openSquareBracket]);
if (token == null) {
// The error has already been reported.
return tokens.length;
token = _expect(index + 2, [_TokenKind.identifier, _TokenKind.integer]);
if (token == null) {
// The error has already been reported.
return tokens.length;
ParameterReference reference;
if (token.kind == _TokenKind.identifier) {
reference = NamedParameterReference(token.lexeme);
} else {
var argumentIndex = int.parse(token.lexeme);
reference = PositionalParameterReference(argumentIndex);
token = _expect(index + 3, [_TokenKind.closeSquareBracket]);
if (token == null) {
// The error has already been reported.
return tokens.length;
return index + 4;
} else if (identifier == 'typeArguments') {
token = _expect(index + 1, const [_TokenKind.openSquareBracket]);
if (token == null) {
// The error has already been reported.
return tokens.length;
token = _expect(index + 2, [_TokenKind.integer]);
if (token == null) {
// The error has already been reported.
return tokens.length;
var argumentIndex = int.parse(token.lexeme);
token = _expect(index + 3, [_TokenKind.closeSquareBracket]);
if (token == null) {
// The error has already been reported.
return tokens.length;
return index + 4;
} else {
token.offset + delta, token.length, [identifier]);
return tokens.length;
/// A scanner for the textual representation of a code fragment.
class _CodeFragmentScanner {
static final int $0 = '0'.codeUnitAt(0);
static final int $9 = '9'.codeUnitAt(0);
static final int $a = 'a'.codeUnitAt(0);
static final int $z = 'z'.codeUnitAt(0);
static final int $A = 'A'.codeUnitAt(0);
static final int $Z = 'Z'.codeUnitAt(0);
static final int closeSquareBracket = ']'.codeUnitAt(0);
static final int carriageReturn = '\r'.codeUnitAt(0);
static final int newline = '\n'.codeUnitAt(0);
static final int openSquareBracket = '['.codeUnitAt(0);
static final int period = '.'.codeUnitAt(0);
static final int space = ' '.codeUnitAt(0);
/// The string being scanned.
final String content;
/// The length of the string being scanned.
final int length;
/// The offset in the file of the first character in the string being scanned.
final int delta;
/// The error reporter to which diagnostics will be reported.
final ErrorReporter errorReporter;
/// Initialize a newly created scanner to scan the given [content].
_CodeFragmentScanner(this.content,, this.errorReporter)
: length = content.length;
/// Return the tokens in the content, or `null` if there is an error in the
/// content that prevents it from being scanned.
List<_Token> scan() {
if (content.isEmpty) {}
var length = content.length;
var offset = _skipWhitespace(0);
var tokens = <_Token>[];
while (offset < length) {
var char = content.codeUnitAt(offset);
if (char == closeSquareBracket) {
tokens.add(_Token(offset, _TokenKind.closeSquareBracket, ']'));
} else if (char == openSquareBracket) {
tokens.add(_Token(offset, _TokenKind.openSquareBracket, '['));
} else if (char == period) {
tokens.add(_Token(offset, _TokenKind.period, '.'));
} else if (_isLetter(char)) {
var start = offset;
while (offset < length && _isLetter(content.codeUnitAt(offset))) {
start, _TokenKind.identifier, content.substring(start, offset)));
} else if (_isDigit(char)) {
var start = offset;
while (offset < length && _isDigit(content.codeUnitAt(offset))) {
start, _TokenKind.integer, content.substring(start, offset)));
} else {
offset + delta,
[content.substring(offset, offset + 1)]);
return null;
offset = _skipWhitespace(offset);
return tokens;
/// Return `true` if the [char] is a digit.
bool _isDigit(int char) => (char >= $0 && char <= $9);
/// Return `true` if the [char] is a letter.
bool _isLetter(int char) =>
(char >= $a && char <= $z) || (char >= $A && char <= $Z);
/// Return `true` if the [char] is a whitespace character.
bool _isWhitespace(int char) =>
char == space || char == newline || char == carriageReturn;
/// Return the index of the first character at or after the given [offset]
/// that isn't a whitespace character.
int _skipWhitespace(int offset) {
while (offset < length) {
var char = content.codeUnitAt(offset);
if (!_isWhitespace(char)) {
return offset;
return offset;
/// A token in a code fragment's string representation.
class _Token {
/// The offset of the token.
final int offset;
/// The kind of the token.
final _TokenKind kind;
/// The lexeme of the token.
final String lexeme;
/// Initialize a newly created token.
_Token(this.offset, this.kind, this.lexeme);
/// Return the length of this token.
int get length => lexeme.length;
/// An indication of the kind of a token.
enum _TokenKind {
extension on _TokenKind {
String get displayName {
switch (this) {
case _TokenKind.closeSquareBracket:
return "']'";
case _TokenKind.identifier:
return 'an identifier';
case _TokenKind.integer:
return 'an integer';
case _TokenKind.openSquareBracket:
return "'['";
case _TokenKind.period:
return "'.'";
return '';