blob: 8aa2bae0177da6e2006435fb00b4a2f84c9d773d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:uri";
import "../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/elements/elements.dart";
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/scanner/scannerlib.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/source_file.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/types/types.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/tree/tree.dart';
import "../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/dart2jslib.dart" as leg;
import "parser_helper.dart";
import "compiler_helper.dart";
import "mock_compiler.dart";
* Finds the node corresponding to the last occurence of the substring
* [: identifier; :] in the program represented by the visited AST.
class VariableFinderVisitor extends Visitor {
final String identifier;
Node result;
visitSend(Send node) {
if (node.isPropertyAccess
&& node.selector.asIdentifier().source.slowToString() == identifier) {
result = node;
} else {
visitNode(Node node) {
class AnalysisResult {
MockCompiler compiler;
ConcreteTypesInferrer inferrer;
Node ast;
BaseType int;
BaseType double;
BaseType num;
BaseType bool;
BaseType string;
BaseType list;
BaseType map;
BaseType nullType;
AnalysisResult(MockCompiler compiler) : this.compiler = compiler {
inferrer = compiler.typesTask.typesInferrer;
int = inferrer.baseTypes.intBaseType;
double = inferrer.baseTypes.doubleBaseType;
num = inferrer.baseTypes.numBaseType;
bool = inferrer.baseTypes.boolBaseType;
string = inferrer.baseTypes.stringBaseType;
list = inferrer.baseTypes.listBaseType;
map = inferrer.baseTypes.mapBaseType;
nullType = new NullBaseType();
Element mainElement = compiler.mainApp.find(buildSourceString('main'));
ast = mainElement.parseNode(compiler);
BaseType base(String className) {
final source = buildSourceString(className);
return new ClassBaseType(compiler.mainApp.find(source));
* Finds the [Node] corresponding to the last occurence of the substring
* [: identifier; :] in the program represented by the visited AST. For
* instance, returns the AST node representing [: foo; :] in
* [: main() { foo = 1; foo; } :].
Node findNode(String identifier) {
VariableFinderVisitor finder = new VariableFinderVisitor(identifier);
return finder.result;
* Finds the [Element] corresponding to [: className#fieldName :].
Element findField(String className, String fieldName) {
ClassElement element = compiler.mainApp.find(buildSourceString(className));
return element.lookupLocalMember(buildSourceString(fieldName));
ConcreteType concreteFrom(List<BaseType> baseTypes) {
ConcreteType result = inferrer.emptyConcreteType;
for (final baseType in baseTypes) {
result = result.union(compiler.maxConcreteTypeSize,
// We make sure the concrete types expected by the tests don't default to
// dynamic because of widening.
return result;
* Checks that the inferred type of the node corresponding to the last
* occurence of [: variable; :] in the program is the concrete type
* made of [baseTypes].
void checkNodeHasType(String variable, List<BaseType> baseTypes) {
return Expect.equals(
* Checks that the inferred type of the node corresponding to the last
* occurence of [: variable; :] in the program is the unknown concrete type.
void checkNodeHasUnknownType(String variable) {
return Expect.isTrue(inferrer.inferredTypes[findNode(variable)].isUnkown());
* Checks that [: className#fieldName :]'s inferred type is the concrete type
* made of [baseTypes].
void checkFieldHasType(String className, String fieldName,
List<BaseType> baseTypes) {
return Expect.equals(
inferrer.inferredFieldTypes[findField(className, fieldName)]);
* Checks that [: className#fieldName :]'s inferred type is the unknown
* concrete type.
void checkFieldHasUknownType(String className, String fieldName) {
return Expect.isTrue(
inferrer.inferredFieldTypes[findField(className, fieldName)]
const String CORELIB = r'''
print(var obj) {}
abstract class num {
operator +(x);
operator *(x);
operator -(x);
operator ==(x);
abstract class int extends num { }
abstract class double extends num { }
class bool {}
class String {}
class Object {}
class Function {}
abstract class List<E> {
factory List([int length]);
E operator [](int index);
void operator []=(int index, E value);
abstract class Map {}
class Closure {}
class Null {}
class Type {}
class Dynamic_ {}
bool identical(Object a, Object b) {}''';
AnalysisResult analyze(String code, {int maxConcreteTypeSize: 1000}) {
Uri uri = new Uri.fromComponents(scheme: 'source');
MockCompiler compiler = new MockCompiler(
coreSource: CORELIB,
enableConcreteTypeInference: true,
maxConcreteTypeSize: maxConcreteTypeSize);
compiler.sourceFiles[uri.toString()] = new SourceFile(uri.toString(), code);
compiler.typesTask.typesInferrer.testMode = true;
return new AnalysisResult(compiler);
testDynamicBackDoor() {
final String source = r"""
main () {
var x = "__dynamic_for_test";
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
testLiterals() {
final String source = r"""
main() {
var v1 = 42;
var v2 = 42.0;
var v3 = 'abc';
var v4 = true;
var v5 = null;
v1; v2; v3; v4; v5;
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('v1', []);
result.checkNodeHasType('v2', [result.double]);
result.checkNodeHasType('v3', [result.string]);
result.checkNodeHasType('v4', [result.bool]);
result.checkNodeHasType('v5', [new NullBaseType()]);
testRedefinition() {
final String source = r"""
main() {
var foo = 42;
foo = 'abc';
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('foo', [result.string]);
testIfThenElse() {
final String source = r"""
main() {
var foo = 42;
if (true) {
foo = 'abc';
} else {
foo = false;
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('foo', [result.string, result.bool]);
testTernaryIf() {
final String source = r"""
main() {
var foo = 42;
foo = true ? 'abc' : false;
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('foo', [result.string, result.bool]);
testWhile() {
final String source = r"""
class A { f() => new B(); }
class B { f() => new C(); }
class C { f() => new A(); }
main() {
var bar = null;
var foo = new A();
while(bar = 42) {
foo = foo.f();
foo; bar;
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
[result.base('A'), result.base('B'), result.base('C')]);
// Check that the condition is evaluated.
result.checkNodeHasType('bar', []);
testFor1() {
final String source = r"""
class A { f() => new B(); }
class B { f() => new C(); }
class C { f() => new A(); }
main() {
var foo = new A();
for(;;) {
foo = foo.f();
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
[result.base('A'), result.base('B'), result.base('C')]);
testFor2() {
final String source = r"""
class A { f() => new B(); test() => true; }
class B { f() => new A(); test() => true; }
main() {
var bar = null;
var foo = new A();
for(var i = new A(); bar = 42; i = i.f()) {
foo = i;
foo; bar;
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('foo', [result.base('A'), result.base('B')]);
// Check that the condition is evaluated.
result.checkNodeHasType('bar', []);
testToplevelVariable() {
final String source = r"""
final top = 'abc';
main() { var foo = top; foo; }
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('foo', [result.string]);
testNonRecusiveFunction() {
final String source = r"""
f(x, y) => true ? x : y;
main() { var foo = f(42, "abc"); foo; }
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('foo', [, result.string]);
testRecusiveFunction() {
final String source = r"""
f(x) {
if (true) return x;
else return f(true ? x : "abc");
main() { var foo = f(42); foo; }
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('foo', [, result.string]);
testMutuallyRecusiveFunction() {
final String source = r"""
f() => true ? 42 : g();
g() => true ? "abc" : f();
main() { var foo = f(); foo; }
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('foo', [, result.string]);
testSimpleSend() {
final String source = r"""
class A {
f(x) => x;
class B {
f(x) => 'abc';
class C {
f(x) => 3.14;
class D {
var f; // we check that this field is ignored in calls to dynamic.f()
main() {
new B(); new D(42); // we instantiate B and D but not C
var foo = new A().f(42);
var bar = "__dynamic_for_test".f(42);
foo; bar;
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('foo', []);
result.checkNodeHasType('bar', [, result.string]);
testSendToClosureField() {
final String source = r"""
f(x) => x;
class A {
var g;
main() {
var foo = new A(f).g(42);
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('foo', []);
testSendToThis1() {
final String source = r"""
class A {
f() => g();
g() => 42;
main() {
var foo = new A().f();
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('foo', []);
testSendToThis2() {
final String source = r"""
class A {
foo() => this;
class B extends A {
bar() => foo();
main() {
var x = new B().bar();
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('x', [result.base('B')]);
testConstructor() {
final String source = r"""
class A {
var x, y, z;
A(this.x, a) : y = a { z = 'abc'; }
main() {
new A(42, 'abc');
new A(true, null);
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'x', [, result.bool]);
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'y', [result.string, new NullBaseType()]);
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'z', [result.string]);
testGetters() {
final String source = r"""
class A {
var x;
get y => x;
get z => y;
class B {
var x;
main() {
var a = new A(42);
var b = new B('abc');
var foo = a.x;
var bar = a.y;
var baz = a.z;
var qux = null.x;
var quux = "__dynamic_for_test".x;
foo; bar; baz; qux; quux;
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('foo', []);
result.checkNodeHasType('bar', []);
result.checkNodeHasType('baz', []);
result.checkNodeHasType('qux', []);
result.checkNodeHasType('quux', [, result.string]);
testSetters() {
final String source = r"""
class A {
var x;
var w;
A(this.x, this.w);
set y(a) { x = a; z = a; }
set z(a) { w = a; }
class B {
var x;
main() {
var a = new A(42, 42);
var b = new B(42);
a.x = 'abc';
a.y = true;
null.x = 42; // should be ignored
"__dynamic_for_test".x = null;
"__dynamic_for_test".y = 3.14;
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkFieldHasType('B', 'x',
[, // new B(42)
result.nullType]); // dynamic.x = null
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'x',
[, // new A(42, ...)
result.string, // a.x = 'abc'
result.bool, // a.y = true
result.nullType, // dynamic.x = null
result.double]); // dynamic.y = 3.14
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'w',
[, // new A(..., 42)
result.bool, // a.y = true
result.double]); // dynamic.y = double
testOptionalNamedParameters() {
final String source = r"""
class A {
var x, y, z, w;
A(this.x, {this.y, this.z, this.w});
class B {
var x, y;
B(this.x, {this.y});
class C {
var x, y;
C(this.x, {this.y});
class Test {
var a, b, c, d;
var e, f;
var g, h;
Test(this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d,
this.e, this.f,
this.g, this.h);
f1(x, {y, z, w}) {
a = x;
b = y;
c = z;
d = w;
f2(x, {y}) {
e = x;
f = y;
f3(x, {y}) {
g = x;
h = y;
class Foo {
main() {
// We want to test expiclitely for null later so we initialize all the
// fields of Test with a placeholder type: Foo.
var foo = new Foo();
var test = new Test(foo, foo, foo, foo, foo, foo, foo, foo);
new A(42);
new A('abc', w: true, z: 42.0);
test.f1('abc', w: true, z: 42.0);
new B('abc', y: true);
new B(1, 2); // too many positional arguments
test.f2('abc', y: true);
test.f2(1, 2); // too many positional arguments
new C('abc', y: true);
new C(1, z: 2); // non-existing named parameter
test.f3('abc', y: true);
test.f3(1, z: 2); // non-existing named parameter
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
final foo = result.base('Foo');
final nil = new NullBaseType();
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'x', [, result.string]);
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'y', [nil]);
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'z', [nil, result.double]);
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'w', [nil, result.bool]);
result.checkFieldHasType('Test', 'a', [foo,, result.string]);
result.checkFieldHasType('Test', 'b', [foo, nil]);
result.checkFieldHasType('Test', 'c', [foo, nil, result.double]);
result.checkFieldHasType('Test', 'd', [foo, nil, result.bool]);
result.checkFieldHasType('B', 'x', [result.string]);
result.checkFieldHasType('B', 'y', [result.bool]);
result.checkFieldHasType('Test', 'e', [foo, result.string]);
result.checkFieldHasType('Test', 'f', [foo, result.bool]);
result.checkFieldHasType('C', 'x', [result.string]);
result.checkFieldHasType('C', 'y', [result.bool]);
result.checkFieldHasType('Test', 'g', [foo, result.string]);
result.checkFieldHasType('Test', 'h', [foo, result.bool]);
testOptionalPositionalParameters() {
final String source = r"""
class A {
var x, y, z, w;
A(this.x, [this.y, this.z, this.w]);
class B {
var x, y;
B(this.x, [this.y]);
class Test {
var a, b, c, d;
var e, f;
Test(this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d,
this.e, this.f);
f1(x, [y, z, w]) {
a = x;
b = y;
c = z;
d = w;
f2(x, [y]) {
e = x;
f = y;
class Foo {
main() {
// We want to test expiclitely for null later so we initialize all the
// fields of Test with a placeholder type: Foo.
var foo = new Foo();
var test = new Test(foo, foo, foo, foo, foo, foo);
new A(42);
new A('abc', true, 42.0);
test.f1('abc', true, 42.0);
new B('a', true);
new B(1, 2, 3); // too many arguments
test.f2('a', true);
test.f2(1, 2, 3); // too many arguments
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
final foo = result.base('Foo');
final nil = new NullBaseType();
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'x', [, result.string]);
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'y', [nil, result.bool]);
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'z', [nil, result.double]);
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'w', [nil]);
result.checkFieldHasType('Test', 'a', [foo,, result.string]);
result.checkFieldHasType('Test', 'b', [foo, nil, result.bool]);
result.checkFieldHasType('Test', 'c', [foo, nil, result.double]);
result.checkFieldHasType('Test', 'd', [foo, nil]);
result.checkFieldHasType('B', 'x', [result.string]);
result.checkFieldHasType('B', 'y', [result.bool]);
result.checkFieldHasType('Test', 'e', [foo, result.string]);
result.checkFieldHasType('Test', 'f', [foo, result.bool]);
testListLiterals() {
final String source = r"""
class A {
var x;
main() {
var x = [];
var y = [1, "a", null, new A(42)];
x; y;
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('x', [result.list]);
result.checkNodeHasType('y', [result.list]);
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'x', []);
testMapLiterals() {
final String source = r"""
class A {
var x;
main() {
var x = {};
var y = {'a': "foo", 'b': new A(42) };
x; y;
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('x', []);
result.checkNodeHasType('y', []);
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'x', []);
testReturn() {
final String source = r"""
f() { if (true) { return 1; }; return "a"; }
g() { f(); return; }
main() {
var x = f();
var y = g();
x; y;
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('x', [, result.string]);
result.checkNodeHasType('y', [result.nullType]);
testNoReturn() {
final String source = r"""
f() { if (true) { return 1; }; }
g() { f(); }
main() {
var x = f();
var y = g();
x; y;
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('x', [, result.nullType]);
result.checkNodeHasType('y', [result.nullType]);
testArithmeticOperators() {
String source(op) {
return """
main() {
var a = 1 $op 2;
var b = 1 $op 2.0;
var c = 1.0 $op 2;
var d = 1.0 $op 2.0;
var e = (1 $op 2.0) $op 1;
var f = 1 $op (1 $op 2.0);
var g = (1 $op 2.0) $op 1.0;
var h = 1.0 $op (1 $op 2);
var i = (1 $op 2) $op 1;
var j = 1 $op (1 $op 2);
var k = (1.0 $op 2.0) $op 1.0;
var l = 1.0 $op (1.0 $op 2.0);
a; b; c; d; e; f; g; h; i; j; k; l;
for (String op in ['+', '*', '-']) {
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source(op));
result.checkNodeHasType('a', []);
result.checkNodeHasType('b', [result.num]);
result.checkNodeHasType('c', [result.num]);
result.checkNodeHasType('d', [result.double]);
result.checkNodeHasType('e', [result.num]);
result.checkNodeHasType('f', [result.num]);
result.checkNodeHasType('g', [result.num]);
result.checkNodeHasType('h', [result.num]);
result.checkNodeHasType('i', []);
result.checkNodeHasType('j', []);
result.checkNodeHasType('k', [result.double]);
result.checkNodeHasType('l', [result.double]);
testOperators() {
final String source = r"""
class A {
operator <(x) => 42;
operator <<(x) => "a";
main() {
var x = new A() < "foo";
var y = new A() << "foo";
x; y;
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('x', []);
result.checkNodeHasType('y', [result.string]);
testSetIndexOperator() {
final String source = r"""
class A {
var witness1;
var witness2;
operator []=(i, x) { witness1 = i; witness2 = x; }
main() {
var x = new A()[42] = "abc";
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('x', [result.string]);
// TODO(polux): the two following results should be [:[null, string:], see
// testFieldInitialization().
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'witness1', []);
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'witness2', [result.string]);
testCompoundOperators1() {
final String source = r"""
class A {
operator +(x) => "foo";
main() {
var x1 = 1;
var x2 = 1;
var x3 = 1;
x3 += 42;
var x4 = new A();
var x5 = new A();
var x6 = new A();
x6 += true;
x1; x2; x3; x4; x5; x6;
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('x1', []);
result.checkNodeHasType('x2', []);
result.checkNodeHasType('x3', []);
result.checkNodeHasType('x4', [result.string]);
result.checkNodeHasType('x5', [result.string]);
result.checkNodeHasType('x6', [result.string]);
testCompoundOperators2() {
final String source = r"""
class A {
var xx;
var yy;
var witness1;
var witness2;
var witness3;
var witness4;
A(this.xx, this.yy);
get x { witness1 = "foo"; return xx; }
set x(a) { witness2 = "foo"; xx = a; }
get y { witness3 = "foo"; return yy; }
set y(a) { witness4 = "foo"; yy = a; }
main () {
var a = new A(1, 1);
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'xx', []);
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'yy', []);
// TODO(polux): the four following results should be [:[null, string]:], see
// testFieldInitialization().
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'witness1', [result.string]);
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'witness2', [result.string]);
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'witness3', [result.string]);
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'witness4', [result.string]);
testInequality() {
final String source = r"""
class A {
var witness;
operator ==(x) { witness = "foo"; return "abc"; }
class B {
operator ==(x) { throw "error"; }
main() {
var foo = 1 != 2;
var bar = new A() != 2;
var baz = new B() != 2;
foo; bar; baz;
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('foo', [result.bool]);
result.checkNodeHasType('bar', [result.bool]);
result.checkNodeHasType('baz', []);
// TODO(polux): the following result should be [:[null, string]:], see
// testFieldInitialization().
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'witness', [result.string]);
testFieldInitialization() {
final String source = r"""
class A {
var x;
var y = 1;
main () {
new A();
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'x', [result.nullType]);
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'y', []);
testLists() {
final String source = r"""
main() {
new List();
var l1 = [1.2];
var l2 = [];
l1['a'] = 42; // raises an error, so int should not be recorded
l1[1] = 'abc';
"__dynamic_for_test"[1] = true;
var x = l1[1];
var y = l2[1];
var z = l1['foo'];
x; y; z;
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('x', [result.double, result.string, result.bool]);
result.checkNodeHasType('y', [result.double, result.string, result.bool]);
result.checkNodeHasType('z', []);
testListWithCapacity() {
final String source = r"""
main() {
var l = new List(10);
var x = l[0];
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('x', [result.nullType]);
testEmptyList() {
final String source = r"""
main() {
var l = new List();
var x = l[0];
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('x', []);
testSendWithWrongArity() {
final String source = r"""
f(x) { }
class A { g(x) { } }
main () {
var x = f();
var y = f(1, 2);
var z = new A().g();
var w = new A().g(1, 2);
x; y; z; w;
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('x', []);
result.checkNodeHasType('y', []);
result.checkNodeHasType('z', []);
result.checkNodeHasType('w', []);
testBigTypesWidening1() {
final String source = r"""
small() => true ? 1 : 'abc';
big() => true ? 1 : (true ? 'abc' : false);
main () {
var x = small();
var y = big();
x; y;
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source, maxConcreteTypeSize: 2);
result.checkNodeHasType('x', [, result.string]);
testBigTypesWidening2() {
final String source = r"""
class A {
var x, y;
A(this.x, this.y);
main () {
var a = new A(1, 1);
a.x = 'abc';
a.y = 'abc';
a.y = true;
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source, maxConcreteTypeSize: 2);
result.checkFieldHasType('A', 'x', [, result.string]);
result.checkFieldHasUknownType('A', 'y');
testDynamicIsAbsorbing() {
final String source = r"""
main () {
var x = 1;
if (true) {
x = "__dynamic_for_test";
} else {
x = 42;
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
testIsCheck() {
final String source = r"""
main () {
var x = (1 is String);
AnalysisResult result = analyze(source);
result.checkNodeHasType('x', [result.bool]);
void main() {
// testToplevelVariable(); // toplevel variables are not yet supported
// testSendToClosureField(); // closures are not yet supported
// testNoReturn(); // right now we infer the empty type instead of null
// testFieldInitialization(); // TODO(polux)