blob: b6c6a53e197ebbfe42d39d25fed739b4cd99132f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of universe;
// TODO(kasperl): This actually holds getters and setters just fine
// too and stricly they aren't functions. Maybe this needs a better
// name -- something like ElementSet seems a bit too generic.
class FunctionSet {
final Compiler compiler;
final Map<SourceString, FunctionSetNode> nodes =
new Map<SourceString, FunctionSetNode>();
void add(Element element) {
SourceString name =;
FunctionSetNode node = nodes.putIfAbsent(
name, () => new FunctionSetNode(name));
void remove(Element element) {
SourceString name =;
FunctionSetNode node = nodes[name];
if (node != null) {
bool contains(Element element) {
SourceString name =;
FunctionSetNode node = nodes[name];
return (node != null)
? node.contains(element)
: false;
* Returns all elements that may be invoked with the given [selector].
Iterable<Element> filterBySelector(Selector selector) {
SourceString name =;
FunctionSetNode node = nodes[name];
return (node != null)
? node.filter(selector, compiler)
: const <Element>[];
* Returns whether the set has any element matching the given
* [selector].
bool hasAnyElementMatchingSelector(Selector selector) {
return !filterBySelector(selector).isEmpty;
void forEach(Function action) {
nodes.forEach((SourceString name, FunctionSetNode node) {
class FunctionSetNode {
final SourceString name;
final Map<Selector, List<Element>> cache = new Map<Selector, List<Element>>();
// Initially, we keep the elements in a list because it is more
// compact than a hash set. Once we get enough elements, we change
// the representation to be a set to get faster contains checks.
static const int MAX_ELEMENTS_IN_LIST = 8;
Collection<Element> elements = <Element>[];
bool isList = true;
void add(Element element) {
assert( == name);
// We try to avoid clearing the cache unless we have to. For that
// reason we keep the explicit contains check even though the add
// method ends up doing the work again (for sets).
if (!elements.contains(element)) {
if (isList && elements.length >= MAX_ELEMENTS_IN_LIST) {
elements = elements.toSet();
isList = false;
if (!cache.isEmpty) cache.clear();
void remove(Element element) {
assert( == name);
if (isList) {
List list = elements;
int index = list.indexOf(element);
if (index < 0) return;
Element last = list.removeLast();
if (index != list.length) {
list[index] = last;
if (!cache.isEmpty) cache.clear();
} else {
Set set = elements;
if (set.remove(element)) {
// To avoid wobbling between the two representations, we do
// not transition back to the list representation even if we
// end up with few enough elements at this point.
if (!cache.isEmpty) cache.clear();
bool contains(Element element) {
assert( == name);
return elements.contains(element);
void forEach(Function action) {
Iterable<Element> filter(Selector selector, Compiler compiler) {
assert( == name);
List<Element> result = cache[selector];
if (result != null) return result;
for (Element element in elements) {
if (selector.appliesUnnamed(element, compiler)) {
if (result == null) {
// Defer the allocation of the resulting list until we are
// sure we need it. This allows us to return immutable empty
// lists when the filtering produced no results.
result = <Element>[];
if (result == null) result = const <Element>[];
cache[selector] = result;
return result;