blob: 8b55c23c2bb209d0c75d6c55ca09d3bb9f415f02 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of ssa;
abstract class HType {
const HType();
* Returns an [HType] that represents [type] and all types that have
* [type] as supertype.
factory HType.fromBoundedType(DartType type,
Compiler compiler,
{bool canBeNull: true,
bool isExact: false,
bool isInterfaceType: true}) {
Element element = type.element;
if (element.kind == ElementKind.TYPE_VARIABLE) {
// TODO(ngeoffray): Replace object type with [type].
return new HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveType(
canBeNull: canBeNull,
isInterfaceType: isInterfaceType);
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
if (element == compiler.intClass || element == backend.jsIntClass) {
return canBeNull ? HType.INTEGER_OR_NULL : HType.INTEGER;
} else if (element == compiler.numClass
|| element == backend.jsNumberClass) {
return canBeNull ? HType.NUMBER_OR_NULL : HType.NUMBER;
} else if (element == compiler.doubleClass
|| element == backend.jsDoubleClass) {
return canBeNull ? HType.DOUBLE_OR_NULL : HType.DOUBLE;
} else if (element == compiler.stringClass
|| element == backend.jsStringClass) {
return canBeNull ? HType.STRING_OR_NULL : HType.STRING;
} else if (element == compiler.boolClass
|| element == backend.jsBoolClass) {
return canBeNull ? HType.BOOLEAN_OR_NULL : HType.BOOLEAN;
} else if (element == compiler.nullClass
|| element == backend.jsNullClass) {
return HType.NULL;
} else if (element == backend.jsArrayClass) {
return canBeNull
? HType.READABLE_ARRAY.union(HType.NULL, compiler)
} else if (!isExact) {
if (element == compiler.listClass
|| Elements.isListSupertype(element, compiler)) {
return new HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveArray(
canBeNull: canBeNull,
isInterfaceType: isInterfaceType);
} else if (Elements.isNumberOrStringSupertype(element, compiler)) {
return new HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveNumberOrString(
canBeNull: canBeNull,
isInterfaceType: isInterfaceType);
} else if (Elements.isStringOnlySupertype(element, compiler)) {
return new HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveString(
canBeNull: canBeNull,
isInterfaceType: isInterfaceType);
} else if (element == compiler.objectClass
|| element == compiler.dynamicClass) {
return new HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveType(
canBeNull: canBeNull,
isInterfaceType: isInterfaceType);
return new HBoundedType(
canBeNull: canBeNull,
isExact: isExact,
isInterfaceType: isInterfaceType);
factory HType.nonNullExactClass(DartType type, Compiler compiler) {
return new HType.fromBoundedType(
canBeNull: false,
isExact: true,
isInterfaceType: false);
factory HType.nonNullSubclass(DartType type, Compiler compiler) {
return new HType.fromBoundedType(
canBeNull: false,
isExact: false,
isInterfaceType: false);
factory HType.subtype(DartType type, Compiler compiler) {
return new HType.fromBoundedType(
canBeNull: true,
isExact: false,
isInterfaceType: true);
factory HType.nonNullSubtype(DartType type, Compiler compiler) {
return new HType.fromBoundedType(
canBeNull: false,
isExact: false,
isInterfaceType: true);
static const HType CONFLICTING = const HConflictingType();
static const HType UNKNOWN = const HUnknownType();
static const HType BOOLEAN = const HBooleanType();
static const HType NUMBER = const HNumberType();
static const HType INTEGER = const HIntegerType();
static const HType DOUBLE = const HDoubleType();
static const HType INDEXABLE_PRIMITIVE = const HIndexablePrimitiveType();
static const HType STRING = const HStringType();
static const HType READABLE_ARRAY = const HReadableArrayType();
static const HType MUTABLE_ARRAY = const HMutableArrayType();
static const HType FIXED_ARRAY = const HFixedArrayType();
static const HType EXTENDABLE_ARRAY = const HExtendableArrayType();
static const HType NULL = const HNullType();
static const HType BOOLEAN_OR_NULL = const HBooleanOrNullType();
static const HType NUMBER_OR_NULL = const HNumberOrNullType();
static const HType INTEGER_OR_NULL = const HIntegerOrNullType();
static const HType DOUBLE_OR_NULL = const HDoubleOrNullType();
static const HType STRING_OR_NULL = const HStringOrNullType();
bool isConflicting() => identical(this, CONFLICTING);
bool isUnknown() => identical(this, UNKNOWN);
bool isNull() => false;
bool isBoolean() => false;
bool isNumber() => false;
bool isInteger() => false;
bool isDouble() => false;
bool isString() => false;
bool isBooleanOrNull() => false;
bool isNumberOrNull() => false;
bool isIntegerOrNull() => false;
bool isDoubleOrNull() => false;
bool isStringOrNull() => false;
bool isIndexablePrimitive() => false;
bool isFixedArray() => false;
bool isReadableArray() => false;
bool isMutableArray() => false;
bool isExtendableArray() => false;
bool isPrimitive() => false;
bool isExact() => false;
bool isPrimitiveOrNull() => false;
bool isTop() => false;
bool isInterfaceType() => false;
bool canBePrimitive() => false;
bool canBeNull() => false;
/** A type is useful it is not unknown, not conflicting, and not null. */
bool isUseful() => !isUnknown() && !isConflicting() && !isNull();
/** Alias for isReadableArray. */
bool isArray() => isReadableArray();
Element lookupSingleTarget(Selector selector, Compiler compiler) {
if (isInterfaceType()) return null;
DartType type = computeType(compiler);
if (type == null) return null;
ClassElement cls = type.element;
Element member = cls.lookupSelector(selector);
if (member == null) return null;
// [:ClassElement.lookupSelector:] may return an abstract field,
// and selctors don't work well with them.
// TODO(ngeoffray): Clean up lookupSelector and selectors to know
// if it's a getter or a setter that we're interested in.
if (!member.isFunction()) return null;
if (!selector.applies(member, compiler)) return null;
if (!isExact() && ! {
return null;
return member;
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler);
* The intersection of two types is the intersection of its values. For
* example:
* * INTEGER.intersect(NUMBER) => INTEGER.
* When there is no predefined type to represent the intersection returns
* An intersection with [UNKNOWN] returns the non-UNKNOWN type. An
* intersection with [CONFLICTING] returns [CONFLICTING].
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler);
* The union of two types is the union of its values. For example:
* When there is no predefined type to represent the union returns
* A union with [UNKNOWN] returns [UNKNOWN].
* A union of [CONFLICTING] with any other types returns the other type.
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler);
/** Used to represent [HType.UNKNOWN] and [HType.CONFLICTING]. */
abstract class HAnalysisType extends HType {
final String name;
const HAnalysisType(;
String toString() => name;
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) => null;
class HUnknownType extends HAnalysisType {
const HUnknownType() : super("unknown");
bool canBePrimitive() => true;
bool canBeNull() => true;
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) => this;
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) => other;
class HConflictingType extends HAnalysisType {
const HConflictingType() : super("conflicting");
bool canBePrimitive() => true;
bool canBeNull() => true;
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) => other;
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) => this;
abstract class HPrimitiveType extends HType {
const HPrimitiveType();
bool isPrimitive() => true;
bool canBePrimitive() => true;
bool isPrimitiveOrNull() => true;
bool isExact() => true;
class HNullType extends HPrimitiveType {
const HNullType();
bool canBeNull() => true;
bool isNull() => true;
String toString() => 'null';
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
return backend.jsNullClass.computeType(compiler);
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.NULL;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (other.isString()) return HType.STRING_OR_NULL;
if (other.isInteger()) return HType.INTEGER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isDouble()) return HType.DOUBLE_OR_NULL;
if (other.isNumber()) return HType.NUMBER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isBoolean()) return HType.BOOLEAN_OR_NULL;
// TODO(ngeoffray): Deal with the type of null more generally.
if (other.isReadableArray()) return other.union(this, compiler);
if (!other.canBeNull()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
return other;
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.NULL;
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (!other.canBeNull()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
return HType.NULL;
abstract class HPrimitiveOrNullType extends HType {
const HPrimitiveOrNullType();
bool canBePrimitive() => true;
bool canBeNull() => true;
bool isPrimitiveOrNull() => true;
class HBooleanOrNullType extends HPrimitiveOrNullType {
const HBooleanOrNullType();
String toString() => "boolean or null";
bool isBooleanOrNull() => true;
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
return backend.jsBoolClass.computeType(compiler);
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.BOOLEAN_OR_NULL;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (other.isBooleanOrNull()) return HType.BOOLEAN_OR_NULL;
if (other.isBoolean()) return HType.BOOLEAN_OR_NULL;
if (other.isNull()) return HType.BOOLEAN_OR_NULL;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.BOOLEAN_OR_NULL;
if (other.isBoolean()) return HType.BOOLEAN;
if (other.isBooleanOrNull()) return HType.BOOLEAN_OR_NULL;
if (other.isTop()) {
return other.canBeNull() ? this : HType.BOOLEAN;
if (other.canBeNull()) return HType.NULL;
class HBooleanType extends HPrimitiveType {
const HBooleanType();
bool isBoolean() => true;
bool isBooleanOrNull() => true;
String toString() => "boolean";
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
return backend.jsBoolClass.computeType(compiler);
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.BOOLEAN;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (other.isBoolean()) return HType.BOOLEAN;
if (other.isBooleanOrNull()) return HType.BOOLEAN_OR_NULL;
if (other.isNull()) return HType.BOOLEAN_OR_NULL;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.BOOLEAN;
if (other.isBooleanOrNull()) return HType.BOOLEAN;
if (other.isBoolean()) return HType.BOOLEAN;
class HNumberOrNullType extends HPrimitiveOrNullType {
const HNumberOrNullType();
bool isNumberOrNull() => true;
String toString() => "number or null";
bool isExact() => false;
bool isInterfaceType() => true;
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
return backend.jsNumberClass.computeType(compiler);
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.NUMBER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (other.isNumberOrNull()) return HType.NUMBER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isNumber()) return HType.NUMBER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isNull()) return HType.NUMBER_OR_NULL;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.NUMBER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isInteger()) return HType.INTEGER;
if (other.isDouble()) return HType.DOUBLE;
if (other.isNumber()) return HType.NUMBER;
if (other.isIntegerOrNull()) return HType.INTEGER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isDoubleOrNull()) return HType.DOUBLE_OR_NULL;
if (other.isNumberOrNull()) return HType.NUMBER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isTop()) {
return other.canBeNull() ? this : HType.NUMBER;
if (other.canBeNull()) return HType.NULL;
class HNumberType extends HPrimitiveType {
const HNumberType();
bool isNumber() => true;
bool isNumberOrNull() => true;
String toString() => "number";
bool isExact() => false;
bool isInterfaceType() => true;
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
return backend.jsNumberClass.computeType(compiler);
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.NUMBER;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (other.isNumber()) return HType.NUMBER;
if (other.isNumberOrNull()) return HType.NUMBER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isNull()) return HType.NUMBER_OR_NULL;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.NUMBER;
if (other.isNumber()) return other;
if (other.isIntegerOrNull()) return HType.INTEGER;
if (other.isDoubleOrNull()) return HType.DOUBLE;
if (other.isNumberOrNull()) return HType.NUMBER;
class HIntegerOrNullType extends HNumberOrNullType {
const HIntegerOrNullType();
bool isIntegerOrNull() => true;
String toString() => "integer or null";
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
return backend.jsIntClass.computeType(compiler);
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.INTEGER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (other.isIntegerOrNull()) return HType.INTEGER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isInteger()) return HType.INTEGER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isNumber()) return HType.NUMBER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isNumberOrNull()) return HType.NUMBER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isNull()) return HType.INTEGER_OR_NULL;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.INTEGER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isInteger()) return HType.INTEGER;
if (other.isIntegerOrNull()) return HType.INTEGER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isDouble()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isDoubleOrNull()) return HType.NULL;
if (other.isNumber()) return HType.INTEGER;
if (other.isNumberOrNull()) return HType.INTEGER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isTop()) {
return other.canBeNull() ? this : HType.INTEGER;
if (other.canBeNull()) return HType.NULL;
class HIntegerType extends HNumberType {
const HIntegerType();
bool isInteger() => true;
bool isIntegerOrNull() => true;
String toString() => "integer";
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
return backend.jsIntClass.computeType(compiler);
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.INTEGER;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (other.isInteger()) return HType.INTEGER;
if (other.isIntegerOrNull()) return HType.INTEGER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isNumber()) return HType.NUMBER;
if (other.isNumberOrNull()) return HType.NUMBER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isNull()) return HType.INTEGER_OR_NULL;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.INTEGER;
if (other.isIntegerOrNull()) return HType.INTEGER;
if (other.isInteger()) return HType.INTEGER;
if (other.isDouble()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isDoubleOrNull()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isNumber()) return HType.INTEGER;
if (other.isNumberOrNull()) return HType.INTEGER;
class HDoubleOrNullType extends HNumberOrNullType {
const HDoubleOrNullType();
bool isDoubleOrNull() => true;
String toString() => "double or null";
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
return backend.jsDoubleClass.computeType(compiler);
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.DOUBLE_OR_NULL;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (other.isDoubleOrNull()) return HType.DOUBLE_OR_NULL;
if (other.isDouble()) return HType.DOUBLE_OR_NULL;
if (other.isNumber()) return HType.NUMBER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isNumberOrNull()) return HType.NUMBER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isNull()) return HType.DOUBLE_OR_NULL;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.DOUBLE_OR_NULL;
if (other.isInteger()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isIntegerOrNull()) return HType.NULL;
if (other.isDouble()) return HType.DOUBLE;
if (other.isDoubleOrNull()) return HType.DOUBLE_OR_NULL;
if (other.isNumber()) return HType.DOUBLE;
if (other.isNumberOrNull()) return HType.DOUBLE_OR_NULL;
if (other.isTop()) {
return other.canBeNull() ? this : HType.DOUBLE;
if (other.canBeNull()) return HType.NULL;
class HDoubleType extends HNumberType {
const HDoubleType();
bool isDouble() => true;
bool isDoubleOrNull() => true;
String toString() => "double";
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
return backend.jsDoubleClass.computeType(compiler);
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.DOUBLE;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (other.isDouble()) return HType.DOUBLE;
if (other.isDoubleOrNull()) return HType.DOUBLE_OR_NULL;
if (other.isNumber()) return HType.NUMBER;
if (other.isNumberOrNull()) return HType.NUMBER_OR_NULL;
if (other.isNull()) return HType.DOUBLE_OR_NULL;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.DOUBLE;
if (other.isIntegerOrNull()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isInteger()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isDouble()) return HType.DOUBLE;
if (other.isDoubleOrNull()) return HType.DOUBLE;
if (other.isNumber()) return HType.DOUBLE;
if (other.isNumberOrNull()) return HType.DOUBLE;
class HIndexablePrimitiveType extends HPrimitiveType {
const HIndexablePrimitiveType();
bool isIndexablePrimitive() => true;
String toString() => "indexable";
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
// TODO(ngeoffray): Represent union types.
return null;
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.INDEXABLE_PRIMITIVE;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (other.isIndexablePrimitive()) return HType.INDEXABLE_PRIMITIVE;
if (other is HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveString) {
// TODO(ngeoffray): Represent union types.
return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (other is HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveArray) {
// TODO(ngeoffray): Represent union types.
return HType.UNKNOWN;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.INDEXABLE_PRIMITIVE;
if (other.isIndexablePrimitive()) return other;
if (other is HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveString) return HType.STRING;
if (other is HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveArray) return HType.READABLE_ARRAY;
class HStringOrNullType extends HPrimitiveOrNullType {
const HStringOrNullType();
bool isStringOrNull() => true;
String toString() => "String or null";
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
return backend.jsStringClass.computeType(compiler);
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.STRING_OR_NULL;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (other.isString()) return HType.STRING_OR_NULL;
if (other.isStringOrNull()) return HType.STRING_OR_NULL;
if (other.isIndexablePrimitive()) {
// We don't have a type that represents the nullable indexable
// primitive.
return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (other is HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveString) {
if (other.canBeNull()) {
return other;
} else {
HBoundedType boundedType = other;
return new HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveString(
canBeNull: true,
isInterfaceType: other.isInterfaceType());
if (other.isNull()) return HType.STRING_OR_NULL;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.STRING_OR_NULL;
if (other.isString()) return HType.STRING;
if (other.isStringOrNull()) return HType.STRING_OR_NULL;
if (other.isArray()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isIndexablePrimitive()) return HType.STRING;
if (other is HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveString) {
return other.canBeNull() ? HType.STRING_OR_NULL : HType.STRING;
if (other.isTop()) {
return other.canBeNull() ? this : HType.STRING;
if (other.canBeNull()) return HType.NULL;
class HStringType extends HIndexablePrimitiveType {
const HStringType();
bool isString() => true;
bool isStringOrNull() => true;
String toString() => "String";
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
return backend.jsStringClass.computeType(compiler);
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.STRING;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (other.isString()) return HType.STRING;
if (other.isStringOrNull()) return HType.STRING_OR_NULL;
if (other.isIndexablePrimitive()) return HType.INDEXABLE_PRIMITIVE;
if (other is HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveString) return other;
if (other.isNull()) return HType.STRING_OR_NULL;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.STRING;
if (other.isString()) return HType.STRING;
if (other.isArray()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isIndexablePrimitive()) return HType.STRING;
if (other.isStringOrNull()) return HType.STRING;
if (other is HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveString) return HType.STRING;
class HReadableArrayType extends HIndexablePrimitiveType {
const HReadableArrayType();
bool isReadableArray() => true;
String toString() => "readable array";
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
return backend.jsArrayClass.computeType(compiler);
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.READABLE_ARRAY;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (other.isReadableArray()) return HType.READABLE_ARRAY;
if (other.isIndexablePrimitive()) return HType.INDEXABLE_PRIMITIVE;
if (other is HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveArray) return other;
if (other.isNull()) {
// TODO(ngeoffray): This should be readable array or null.
return new HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveArray(
canBeNull: true,
isInterfaceType: true);
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.READABLE_ARRAY;
if (other.isString()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isReadableArray()) return other;
if (other.isIndexablePrimitive()) return HType.READABLE_ARRAY;
if (other is HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveArray) return HType.READABLE_ARRAY;
class HMutableArrayType extends HReadableArrayType {
const HMutableArrayType();
bool isMutableArray() => true;
String toString() => "mutable array";
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.MUTABLE_ARRAY;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (other.isMutableArray()) return HType.MUTABLE_ARRAY;
if (other.isReadableArray()) return HType.READABLE_ARRAY;
if (other.isIndexablePrimitive()) return HType.INDEXABLE_PRIMITIVE;
if (other is HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveArray) return other;
if (other.isNull()) {
// TODO(ngeoffray): This should be mutable array or null.
return new HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveArray(
canBeNull: true,
isInterfaceType: true);
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.MUTABLE_ARRAY;
if (other.isMutableArray()) return other;
if (other.isString()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isIndexablePrimitive()) return HType.MUTABLE_ARRAY;
if (other is HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveArray) return HType.MUTABLE_ARRAY;
class HFixedArrayType extends HMutableArrayType {
const HFixedArrayType();
bool isFixedArray() => true;
String toString() => "fixed array";
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.FIXED_ARRAY;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (other.isFixedArray()) return HType.FIXED_ARRAY;
if (other.isMutableArray()) return HType.MUTABLE_ARRAY;
if (other.isReadableArray()) return HType.READABLE_ARRAY;
if (other.isIndexablePrimitive()) return HType.INDEXABLE_PRIMITIVE;
if (other is HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveArray) return other;
if (other.isNull()) {
// TODO(ngeoffray): This should be fixed array or null.
return new HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveArray(
canBeNull: true,
isInterfaceType: true);
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.FIXED_ARRAY;
if (other.isFixedArray()) return HType.FIXED_ARRAY;
if (other.isExtendableArray()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isString()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isIndexablePrimitive()) return HType.FIXED_ARRAY;
if (other is HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveArray) return HType.FIXED_ARRAY;
class HExtendableArrayType extends HMutableArrayType {
const HExtendableArrayType();
bool isExtendableArray() => true;
String toString() => "extendable array";
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.EXTENDABLE_ARRAY;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (other.isExtendableArray()) return HType.EXTENDABLE_ARRAY;
if (other.isMutableArray()) return HType.MUTABLE_ARRAY;
if (other.isReadableArray()) return HType.READABLE_ARRAY;
if (other.isIndexablePrimitive()) return HType.INDEXABLE_PRIMITIVE;
if (other is HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveArray) return other;
if (other.isNull()) {
// TODO(ngeoffray): This should be extendable array or null.
return new HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveArray(
canBeNull: true,
isInterfaceType: true);
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isUnknown()) return HType.EXTENDABLE_ARRAY;
if (other.isExtendableArray()) return HType.EXTENDABLE_ARRAY;
if (other.isString()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isFixedArray()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isIndexablePrimitive()) return HType.EXTENDABLE_ARRAY;
if (other is HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveArray) return HType.EXTENDABLE_ARRAY;
class HBoundedType extends HType {
final DartType type;
final bool _canBeNull;
final bool _isExact;
final bool _isInterfaceType;
String toString() {
return 'BoundedType($type, canBeNull: $_canBeNull, isExact: $_isExact)';
bool canBeNull() => _canBeNull;
bool isExact() => _isExact;
bool isInterfaceType() => _isInterfaceType;
const HBoundedType(DartType this.type,
{bool canBeNull: true,
bool isExact: false,
bool isInterfaceType: true})
: _canBeNull = canBeNull,
_isExact = isExact,
_isInterfaceType = isInterfaceType;
const HBoundedType.exact(DartType this.type)
: _canBeNull = false, _isExact = true, _isInterfaceType = false;
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) => type;
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (this == other) return this;
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isNull()) return canBeNull() ? HType.NULL : HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other is HBoundedType) {
HBoundedType temp = other;
DartType otherType = temp.type;
if (!type.isMalformed && !otherType.isMalformed) {
DartType intersectionType;
if (type == otherType || compiler.types.isSubtype(type, otherType)) {
intersectionType = type;
} else if (compiler.types.isSubtype(otherType, type)) {
intersectionType = otherType;
if (intersectionType != null) {
return new HType.fromBoundedType(
canBeNull: canBeNull() && temp.canBeNull(),
isExact: isExact() || other.isExact(),
isInterfaceType: isInterfaceType() && other.isInterfaceType());
if (other.isUnknown()) return this;
if (other.canBeNull() && canBeNull()) return HType.NULL;
bool operator ==(HType other) {
if (other is !HBoundedType) return false;
HBoundedType bounded = other;
return type == bounded.type
&& canBeNull() == bounded.canBeNull()
&& isExact() == bounded.isExact()
&& isInterfaceType() == bounded.isInterfaceType();
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (this == other) return this;
if (other.isNull()) {
if (canBeNull()) {
return this;
} else {
return new HBoundedType(
canBeNull: true,
isExact: this.isExact(),
isInterfaceType: this.isInterfaceType());
if (other is HBoundedType) {
HBoundedType temp = other;
if (type != temp.type) return HType.UNKNOWN;
return new HType.fromBoundedType(
canBeNull: canBeNull() || other.canBeNull(),
isInterfaceType: isInterfaceType() || other.isInterfaceType(),
isExact: isExact() && other.isExact());
if (other.isConflicting()) return this;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
class HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveType extends HBoundedType {
final bool _isObject;
const HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveType(DartType type,
{bool canBeNull: true,
bool isInterfaceType: true})
: super(type,
canBeNull: canBeNull,
isExact: false,
isInterfaceType: isInterfaceType);
String toString() {
return 'BoundedPotentialPrimitiveType($type, canBeNull: $_canBeNull)';
bool canBePrimitive() => true;
bool isTop() => _isObject;
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (isTop()) {
// The union of the top type and another type is the top type.
if (!canBeNull() && other.canBeNull()) {
return new HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveType(
type, true, canBeNull: canBeNull(), isInterfaceType: true);
} else {
return this;
} else {
return super.union(other, compiler);
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (isTop()) {
// The intersection of the top type and any other type is the other type.
// TODO(ngeoffray): Also update the canBeNull information.
return other;
} else {
return super.intersection(other, compiler);
class HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveNumberOrString
extends HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveType {
const HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveNumberOrString(DartType type,
{bool canBeNull: true,
bool isInterfaceType: true})
: super(type,
canBeNull: canBeNull,
isInterfaceType: isInterfaceType);
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isNumber()) return this;
if (other.isNumberOrNull()) {
if (canBeNull()) return this;
return new HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveNumberOrString(
type, canBeNull: true, isInterfaceType: this.isInterfaceType());
if (other.isString()) return this;
if (other.isStringOrNull()) {
if (canBeNull()) return this;
return new HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveNumberOrString(
type, canBeNull: true, isInterfaceType: this.isInterfaceType());
if (other.isNull()) {
if (canBeNull()) return this;
return new HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveNumberOrString(
type, canBeNull: true, isInterfaceType: this.isInterfaceType());
return super.union(other, compiler);
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isNumber()) return other;
if (other.isNumberOrNull()) {
if (!canBeNull()) return HType.NUMBER;
return other;
if (other.isString()) return other;
if (other.isStringOrNull()) {
if (!canBeNull()) return HType.STRING;
return other;
return super.intersection(other, compiler);
class HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveArray extends HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveType {
const HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveArray(DartType type,
{bool canBeNull: true,
bool isInterfaceType: true})
: super(type,
canBeNull: canBeNull,
isInterfaceType: isInterfaceType);
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isString()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (other.isReadableArray()) return this;
// TODO(ngeoffray): implement union types.
if (other.isIndexablePrimitive()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
if (other.isNull()) {
if (canBeNull()) {
return this;
} else {
return new HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveArray(
type, canBeNull: true, isInterfaceType: isInterfaceType());
return super.union(other, compiler);
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isString()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isReadableArray()) return other;
if (other.isIndexablePrimitive()) return HType.READABLE_ARRAY;
return super.intersection(other, compiler);
class HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveString extends HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveType {
const HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveString(DartType type,
{bool canBeNull: true,
bool isInterfaceType: true})
: super(type,
canBeNull: canBeNull,
isInterfaceType: isInterfaceType);
bool isPrimitiveOrNull() => true;
HType union(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isString()) return this;
if (other.isStringOrNull()) {
if (canBeNull()) {
return this;
} else {
return new HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveString(
type, canBeNull: true, isInterfaceType: isInterfaceType());
if (other.isNull()) {
if (canBeNull()) {
return this;
} else {
return new HBoundedPotentialPrimitiveString(
type, canBeNull: true, isInterfaceType: isInterfaceType());
// TODO(ngeoffray): implement union types.
if (other.isIndexablePrimitive()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
return super.union(other, compiler);
HType intersection(HType other, Compiler compiler) {
if (other.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isString()) return HType.STRING;
if (other.isStringOrNull()) {
return canBeNull() ? HType.STRING_OR_NULL : HType.STRING;
if (other.isReadableArray()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (other.isIndexablePrimitive()) return HType.STRING;
return super.intersection(other, compiler);
class HTypeMap {
// Approximately 85% of methods in the sample "swarm" have less than
// 32 instructions.
static const int INITIAL_SIZE = 32;
List<HType> _list = new List<HType>()..length = INITIAL_SIZE;
operator [](HInstruction instruction) {
HType result;
if ( < _list.length) result = _list[];
if (result == null) return instruction.guaranteedType;
return result;
operator []=(HInstruction instruction, HType value) {
int length = _list.length;
int id =;
if (length <= id) {
if (id + 1 < length * 2) {
_list.length = length * 2;
} else {
_list.length = id + 1;
_list[id] = value;